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05x24 - (D) Tomura Shigaraki: Origin

Posted: 03/27/23 11:01
by bunniefuu

I k*lled my family.

[SHIGARAKI] Afterward,

I ran away from my house.

[SHIGARAKI] I didn't know

what was going to happen next.

What was I supposed to do?

"Someone," I thought. Anyone.

Please tell me.

Save me.

[SHIGARAKI] Guilt kept

my voice locked away.

I couldn't say anything.


Hi there. Are you okay?

What's the matter, honey?

[WOMAN A] I'm sure

a hero or a police officer

will be here soon. You'll see.

I-I have to go or else

I'll be late to work.

Bye now!


The denser a population is,

the more crime and

emergencies there are.

Stuff that takes priority over a

lost kid wandering the streets.

[SHIGARAKI] Still. This society

is overflowing with heroes.

One should have helped me.

I figured I was being punished

for k*lling my family.

But, you know, if anyone

had reached out,

anyone at all...

[SHIGARAKI] ...then maybe the

itching would have stopped.



You've such an urge to destroy

that it's impossible

for you to control it or

keep it below the surface.

Hate is spilling out of you,

overflowing from every pore,

manifesting as an itch.

You don't have to endure that.

It's not necessarily

a bad thing.

This is our street, brat.

What the hell do you think

you're doin' out here, huh?

Think we're gonna

let you off easy

'cause you're a little baby?

Not a chance.


Ah, poor thing.

What is it you fear?

Act as your heart desires.

If you don't, then you'll suffer

an agonizing life alone.

Conscience, morals, ethics,

these are concepts

created by humanity.

People who wanted the

world to run smoothly.

Don't be held back by them.

Do not be afraid.

What's inside of you is more

important than anything else.


Now, tell me.

What do you want to do?


Those guys who hit me.

I wanna k*ll them.

I don't know why.

But there are so many bad

feelings inside of me.

No matter what I try,

they won't go away.

And I can't hold

back much longer.

Then go and do your best.

[THUG A] Jeez, how many

more frickin' hero agencies

are gonna pop up

in this neighborhood?

I know, it's such a pain.

[ALL FOR ONE] You will carry

your family close to your flesh,

to ensure that those

feelings never fade.

What the hell do you want?

Yeah, talk about creepy.

You're asking to get beat.


What an odd turn of events.

I thought he lost his memories.

[ALL FOR ONE] They are merely

buried deep down inside him.

Tucked away.

[ALL FOR ONE] The hands

of his family restrain him.

They rebuke him.

Now that his memories are

buried, he's become unstable,

led only by his emotions.

He feels uneasy.


He's subconsciously

keeping his Quirk in check.

I will personally cultivate

his new identity.

He will be the Symbol of Fear

that craves destruction!

Already he has taken the first

grand step toward greatness!

[SHIGARAKI] I feel sick.

I think I might throw up.


But at the same time,

I feel so calm.

Like I'm allowed to do

whatever I want.



You held back your tears

and did what had to be done.

You've been reborn.

Here's a present.

Celebrate your new life with

the hands of those gutter punks.

I'm confused.

Why are there five?

[ALL FOR ONE] A bonus.

Because you destroyed one.

And to ensure you never forget

this momentous day.

You are like a newborn

being introduced to the world.

We'll leave the shell

of your old life behind.

Now. Stand tall.

Show me who you are,

Tomura Shigaraki.


Tomura... Shigaraki?


From " tomurau ."

A verb that means to mourn.

Tenko Shimura is no more.

You are the one who will

cause this world to grieve!


What about "Shigaraki"?

My last name, of course.


I remember everything now.

When I was a child, I k*lled

Father because I wanted to.

[SHIGARAKI] Watching Mother

and the others crumble away

made my heart lighter.

It wasn't a tragedy.

There was beauty

in their destruction.


I don't need a future.

I just want the League

to live however we want to.

These are no longer necessary.


Stress percent!


How is he doing this?





If I destroy your power

before you finish the

punch, it's harmless.

[SHIGARAKI] In the end,

you're just big, that's all.

I understand how fun it is

to destroy something you hate.

But that's not happening here.


My power is a means to an end.

I was called to liberate people!

To carry out Destro's

righteous will at all costs!


What's this?

A pulse washing

over me in waves.

Fear? No, it can't be.

[YOTSUBASHI] Fear is an emotion

I can turn into power.

This is altogether different.

Seems like something is

holding you back, Re-Destro.

[YOTSUBASHI] Why are my

stress and power receding?


Rikiya, for many generations,

we have lived in hiding.

But you will carry out

your ancestor's will.

Bring Destro's

dream to fruition.


This is Detnerat's patented

Burden-Amplifying Steel

Pressure Mechanism: Claustro!



... percent!

Oh, yeah? Bet that feels nice.

Don't get too close!

He hasn't noticed us yet!

It's nice that he's been

drawing 'em over there,

but he's still our enemy.

He's way too powerful.

I think it's probably time

we regroup and re-plan.


He woke up early for once.

If we try for a

fight with him now,

the League will be annihilated.

Crappy timing.

I was just about to melt

that ice bastard.

Doctor. You're listening, yes?

Get us out of here!

Machia's too much.

We're gonna die!


Are you trying to k*ll Johnny?




My poor baby gets tonsillitis

every time he warps people!

I don't care about that!

And you're a liar.

You warped people freely before.

[DOCTOR] It's not wise

to get involved with people

who've given away their location

and could be

tracked by an enemy.

Get rid of the Liberation

Army on your tail

and try asking me again.

Are you okay with

Shigaraki dying, then?

I thought he was

All For One's successor!

[DOCTOR] That's why he must

be driven into a corner.


Now we must be careful of Dabi

in a meta ability fight

with the League.

His flame att*cks have

an impressive reach.

Geten, you are the

cornerstone of our army.


I'm so sorry, Re-Destro.

I can't believe

I made you worry.

[GETEN groans]


We must protect our leader!


Giran! Pick up the pace!

Quick! Get to Re-Destro!


So, percent you said?

You going all "Plus Ultra"

on me or what?


Master's successor.


freedom from suppression.

We believe that using

meta abilities at will

is a natural human right.


After suffering and awakening,

it's as though this

man has changed.

[YOTSUBASHI] He's been

liberated from everything.


I see.

That's what this throbbing

in my chest is.


Have to get outside his range.

[ALL FOR ONE] Do not be afraid.

Try thinking of it this way--

People's livelihoods.

Their dreams. Their breath.

All of it rests in

your powerful hands.

You can crush them,

or make them your playthings.

Whatever you wish.

If you can meld

both hate and joy

in your heart,

then you will be free.


Destroy it all.


Did your feet touch the ground?

Too bad.

You must have cut them off

to keep your body

from disintegrating, huh?


Hey. Remind me.

Why were we fighting again?

Oh, right, it's because

you made us come out here.



The grand commander

has been hurt.

It can't be.


Don't just stand there,

go save our glorious leader!

[BOTH gasp]

[HANABATA] Incite was

negated! It can't be!



Any more fighting...

...would be pointless.


Free use of meta abilities.

Not suppression, but liberation.

I understand... Great Destro.

The one who should be at

the forefront of liberation.

The one who will create

the world you dreamed of.

Is a person who

embodies freedom.

This young man

laughed off our history

and bloodline, saying

they were restricting me.


I see it so clearly now.

The figure before me

is a shining beacon.


This army agrees with my--

no, with Destro's principles.

They are prepared to become

martyrs for the cause.

It's as you said.

I picked a fight

and you prevailed.

k*ll me if you like.

I'm ready to sacrifice myself

for Destro's dying wish.


The Meta Liberation Army

is now under your command.

The Successor.

[MR. COMPRESS] If we'd

worked with the Hassaikai,

then maybe we'd be enjoying

a fancy platter of sushi

in a nicer room.

So tell me.

You're the CEO

of Detnerat, right?

Which means that you're rich.


Tragedy struck a peaceful city.

Criminals used a fake

emergency to lure heroes

to a faraway location

so they could attack

without fear of interference.

Facing an unexpected

threat, the residents

of Deika City banded

together in resistance.

The heroes joined the fray

after realizing

they'd been tricked.

By that time, many residents

had lost their lives.

Eventually, all members of

the criminal group were k*lled.

The heroes closed the case.

The news reported that

Detnerat's president and CEO

happened to be present in Deika

City at the time of the attack.

He managed to survive.

Although he had to

amputate both of his legs.

[IZUKU] Some said the untrained

civilians did more harm

than good by using their Quirks

to fight against the threats.

But the world at large

couldn't stop talking about

the heroism of the residents.

Unfortunately, the incident

left behind many mysteries.


Huzzah. We live to fight on.

What doesn't k*ll us

makes us stronger.

You didn't actually do

that much to help.

Oh, come off it.

Running away has its merits.

[SPINNER] Dabi, if you don't

eat, there'll be nothing left.

Meh. Eat all you

want, I hate fish.


Toga, please forgive me!

But if you hadn't shared

your blood with Toga,

then right now,

other Toga would be...

[TOGA] Please stop

babbling at that pic.

I'm still alive and

you're creeping me out.

[TWICE] Yeah, let's stop doing

what other people don't like!

My leg's moving on its own!

Don't kick without

my permission!

I was a bad boy. Don't hit me.

Wait, what? What did

you just say, me?

I thought your broken psyche

got stitched back together.

But you seem worse.

Yeah, sounds like there

are more of you now.

Guess trauma

doesn't just vanish.


It's time. Come.


Bite me!

We're still eating our

sushi in here, ya jerk!

[CHIKAZOKU] Sushi that was

purchased using our funds.

The medical treatment,

video editing,

and Toga's new coat

were also benefits

of our financial sponsorship.

[TWICE] Yeah, well don't forget,

if it weren't for us,

baldy would be in the hospital

instead of in a swanky hideout.

You must put a stop

to this, Skeptic.

These are who the grand--I mean,

Re-Destro chose to lead

our people into the future.

Re-Destro's words

are Destro's words.

That makes them absolute.


and thank you for coming.

Liberation warriors!

I am Re-Destro.

It's a pleasure to see you.

Today, the Metahuman

Liberation Army

will be reborn!

[TOGA] I thought all of

Tomura's hands got busted

while he was fighting.


Nah. One was still intact.

It's a miracle the thing made it

off that b*ttlefield unscathed.

[TOGA] At least he doesn't have

to come up with a new trademark.

[YOTSUBASHI] I believed without

a doubt that the League

was an obstacle

until I faced them!

I had blinders on!

But now I have seen the light!

A new dawn is ahead of us.

I was a prisoner of my blood.

Unable to break free from

what I'd been taught!

But then I witnessed

real liberation!

This is not me

surrendering, my friends!

It's me doing what's

best for our cause.

Tomura Shigaraki is truly free!

He filled me with awe, which

necessitated my abdication!

From this moment,

the Liberation Army recognizes

Tomura Shigaraki

as grand commander.

As we move toward

freedom and strive

for Destro's world,

the Metahuman Liberation Army

and the League of Villains

unite under a new name!


Ooh, here we go, here we go!

[YOTSUBASHI] The idea came

from myself and Spinner

from the League!

Now, the name please,

Tomura Shigaraki!

[SHIGARAKI] "The Paranormal

Liberation Front"!

[SHIGARAKI] We got rid of the

term "villain" and expanded

on the whole "meta" angle

to be a little more inclusive.

The nine people on stage

are my lieutenants.

Teams will be assigned

to them based on our needs.

Anyway, the name's the same

as this hand a decoration.

We'll do what we want.



Excellent work today,

grand commander!

Can I interest you

in something to drink?




With pleasure!

Trumpet! We're leaving.

[HANABATA] How painful.

I hate seeing him like this.

--[SHIGARAKI grunts]

--[SPINNER] Whoa.


He took so much damage,

it's a miracle he's still alive.

[DOCTOR] "The Paranormal

Liberation Front."

That's what I call

a flashy name.

Well, I guess it's better

than something tacky

like "the League of Villains."

Machia listened to me.

I played your damn game.

And I think I reached

that minimum level

you were talking about.

Yes. Your memory is back,

and you've returned to your

original self, Quirk included.

So, as I promised,

I will grant you power.

If you're sure

that's what you want.


Here's the preview!

Tomura Shigaraki

is now in control

of the entire Liberation Army.

When the heroes

get this information,

they begin preparations to go

up against a horde of villains.

A terrible fight approaches.

And we UA High

students get caught up

in the whirlwind of

turmoil and confusion.

Next time,

"The High, Deep Blue Sky."

The signal fire for

total w*r has been lit.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!