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05x25 - (D) The High, Deep Blue Sky

Posted: 03/27/23 11:11
by bunniefuu
[YOTSUBASHI] From this moment,
the Liberation Army

recognizes Tomura Shigaraki
as grand commander.

Now, we'll do what we want.


[HAWKS] I'm too late!
No wonder he let me come in.

[HAWKS] What happened in Deika?
It was you guys, right?

[DABI] If only someone had
been strong enough to stop

the League sooner, those poor
citizens might not've died.

[DABI] I'm not sold
that this is actually him.

But you did k*ll somebody.
How heroic.

[HAWKS] They've got an army of
soldiers united under one cause.

Feel Good Inc. has
near ubiquitous control

over communication networks.

Detnerat is a big player
in the hero industry.

And there are likely other
High End Nomus around

waiting to be unleashed.
There's little they couldn't do.

[HAWKS] This superhuman society
may be overflowing with heroes,

but Shigaraki has
gathered so much power

that it might be
impossible to stop him.

Long live the liberation!

Wow! It's really you!

Hey. You look happy, Number Two.

Up to somethin'?

Naw, man. I was just
waitin' for you.

Can't move yet.

There's still a backer
behind the scenes.

I need to get the full
picture and alert Endeavor

and the others before
things are too far gone.

Come on, Hawks.

If you're too slow,
it'll be the end of Japan.

[DOCTOR] Your Quirk blossomed
in the Deika City fight.

Now, you can obliterate
not only something you touch,

but also whatever
is connected to it.

You have become the
embodiment of destruction.

So I must ask: why do you
still seek more power?

If more strength is available,

why wouldn't I take it?

It's true that I'm no longer

forced to use cheap tricks.
But look, my arm is ravaged.

This is from using
my ability once.

And there's a whole w*r coming.

I won't underestimate
heroes anymore.

I'll use all the power
I can get to destroy

All Might and his legacy.
Our next fight's his last.

[DOCTOR] Hah. Using your talents
to make your enemy miserable.

Like master like
student I suppose.

I was originally
conducting this research

for All For One, but you'll
benefit from it quite nicely.

Over the generations,
Quirks have merged

and formed more complex
and ambiguous abilities.

Many manifestations
are unwieldly.

Though our minds are
adaptable and expansive,

our hardware can't
evolve fast enough

to keep up with such power.

I have observed this
progression and I call it

"The Quirk singularity."

No one took my
research seriously,

except All For One, of course.

If our bodies can't
harness memory and power,

humanity will become unstable.

Signs of this began
showing up as early

as the fourth Quirk generation.

All For One recognized that
the problem with capacity

was a serious one which
needed to be remedied.

How long will this take, Doc?

[DOCTOR] Aww. You're like a kid
waiting for Christmas morning!

Can you blame me?

I'm overflowing with
beautiful dreams.

[DOCTOR chuckles]
For the next four months,

your life will be one
of hellish agony.

When you come out on the
other side, if you survive,

the world will be in
the palm of your hand.

Even One For All.

One For All?

[DOCTOR] Of the many designs
your master had for this world,

that power was the only one that
didn't end up going to plan.


We are the Skynet of this world.

Humans, you are terminated.

Navel Saber!

A new move!
Lucky! I want a sword!

Woohoo! Let's do this, Aoyama!

The beam curved!

Aw, yeah, that's the stuff.

[HAGAKURE] I learned to take
light and bend it to my will!

Tremble before us!

This shall be known
as Judgment Day!

Max viscosity! Acidman!

Humans are scary.

And that's a wrap!

We k*lled it!

Wonderful job!
Your work studies paid off.

It's obvious you learned a lot
from Equipped Hero: Yoroi Musha.

[HAGAKURE] He had lots
of advice for supercharging

our offense and defense,
so we figured out

new att*cks and
combos to keep up.

Wanna know a secret
about "Acidman"?

I got the idea from
your Unbreakable!



They have obviously improved.

Now show me what the
rest of you have learned!

Got it!

We're using a flurry of att*cks.

And predicting enemy moves.

Ojiro and Sato.

Their work study was
with Lion Hero: Shishido!

Number on the chart.

Our search skills improved!

Jiro and Shoji.

Work study with k*ller Whale
Hero: g*ng Orca!

Number on the chart.

Taste this Grape Rush!

[MINETA] That's some quick
and efficient teamwork!

Mineta, Kaminari and Sero.

Work study with
Mineyama Hero: Mt. Lady!

A member of Team Lurkers and
number on the chart.

[TENYA] Recipro Extend!
A looser approach!

[PRESENT MIC] Ida. Work study
with Normal Hero: Manual!

Number on the chart.

Clearer communication!

[PRESENT MIC] Koda. Work study
with Laundry Hero: Wash!

Number eight on the chart.

Overall improvement!

Black Abyss: Sabbath!


Work study with
Wing Hero: Hawks!

Number two on the chart.

Currently absent
from his agency.

Make my opponent lose

the will to fight super quick!

[PRESENT MIC] Kirishima. Work
study with BMI Hero: Fatgum!

Number on the chart.


And decisiveness!


Uraraka and Asui.

Work study with
Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu!

Number ten on the chart.

Calculation and efficiency!


Work study with
Magic Hero: Majestic!

Pushing myself to the max.


Increasing my speed.


Work study with
Flame Hero: Endeavor!

Number one on the chart!

One For All. Full Cowling!

If you two wanna be top heroes,
this is a solid next step!

This gift.

You earned it with your
own valiant efforts.

[IZUKU grunts]

[ALL MIGHT] It feels like
that was so long ago.

You don't look back at me

for approval anymore, do you?

I got tons of experience.

That's good. You don't need to.

Keep going, young man!


Hey, Bakugo.

Are you good with fighting
when it's cold out now?

I used condensed sh*ts.
Winter's crap!

Wow, Todoroki.

You're hotter,
cooler, and faster.

I don't know.

I'm still not able to catch up
to Endeavor, though.

Looks like you can use
that dark energy stuff now.

Yeah. I'm sorry
it was a pain earlier.

It's all good.

For real, man.

Get any better and you're
gonna make my Quirk obsolete.



I was able to gain
control of Blackwhip.

You helped me so much.
Thank you!

[giggles] Oh, please,
that's ancient history. 'Kay?

Plus, look.
Seeing you inspired me

to have these wires
put in my costume.

They're nothing compared
to something like

Sero and his tape.

Still, I made that experience
something useful.

And I think both of us are
better because of it!

[OCHACO] True, I didn't think
twice about butting in.

Maybe that means I need
to be calmer when fighting?

Yeah, I agree.

What are you thinking?

[PRESENT MIC] I could go for
something easy to digest.


I've been thinking.

Given the work studies,

the safety commission
must know something.


If we find out who's
manufacturing Nomu...

Then what?

I'll have a surprise
karaoke contest with them.

Then boil their guts
while their eardrums bleed.

And you?

--[AIZAWA] Well...
--[TOGATA] Mr. Aizawa!

Sorry to bother ya
during your break.

Eraserhead, it's about Eri.

What's going on?

[door clicks]

Thank goodness!

It's my horn. Why's it itch?

[AIZAWA] Don't worry.
You're in excellent hands at UA.

Congrats on Blackwhip.

Thank you very much.

[ALL MIGHT] And excellent work
from you, too, Young Bakugo.

There seems to be no
limit to your potential.


I'm sorry.

I couldn't figure
everything out.

But you have to
keep moving forward.

The next step is yours.

[ALL MIGHT] Read closely.
I collected as many details

about One For All's
successors as possible.

Unfortunately, I couldn't
find so much as a whisper

about the second or third users.

Given the times that
they lived through

and the nature of the ability,

the official records aren't
going to be helpful to us.

I'm also not sure what
they knew about the power.

If they realized how it worked,

I assumed they'd want
to help out future wielders?

Who cares about a bunch
of dead old heroes?

I'm tired of wasting my time

waiting for you guys
to figure stuff out.

When it comes to Blackwhip,

I can only maintain the power
for about one second so far.

I haven't mastered
any capture moves

like Sero or Mr. Aizawa.

But as a support ability,

I think it's already a useful
addition to my move set.

And you haven't had any contact

with the past users
since last time?


The fifth user
was called Lariat.

Guess that makes sense.

Real name: Daigoro Banjo.
Quirk: Blackwhip.

Thanks to the threads of energy
he shot from his body,

he excelled at capture
and midair maneuvers.

One thing is obvious.

None of these people
started with Quirks

that were even worth mentioning.

So it's no wonder I haven't
heard of these nobodies.

Huh? What are you talking about?
Their powers are amazing!

Yeah 'cause from the
perspective of a loser like you,

any Quirk is amazing.

That's mean.

You know how to hit me
where it hurts.

[ALL MIGHT] What Young Bakugo
said isn't technically wrong.

From what we know,

All For One was obsessed
with this Quirk.

During a time when
evil had more power

than you could possibly
comprehend now.

All For One crushed anybody
who could be considered strong.

That was made possible
by his perseverance

and wide-ranging influence.

[ALL MIGHT] As they died,
struggling, in terrible pain,

the past users entrusted
this power to the future,

adding to its legacy.

They weren't "chosen ones."

They were just "the people
who received the power"

and "the people who
passed it on" in a fight

that kept repeating itself.

Yeah, that tracks. No wonder
they all died young.


Yes. True.

So? What Quirk
are you gonna make

the damn nerd learn to use next?

The next power you should
manifest is Float.

My master's ability.

[IZUKU] A new ability?
And from Nana Shimura.

All Might's master!

I win!


I use my explosions to fly.

You're gonna waste time
learning something

I've basically been
able to do forever!

While you're crashing
and burning,

I'll hone my skills even
more at the work study!

In other words,
I'll rocket ahead of you!

Choke on my smoke!

Um. Nuh-uh.

I'll learn it fast and
catch back up to you.

[KATSUKI] You'll probably panic,
go out of control, and die!

[IZUKU] No, I got the
hang of Blackwhip quickly,

--so I should able to--
--[KATSUKI] Die!

Please stop saying that.

What were you guys doing?

The House Arrest Boys
are late again!

Better hurry up and lend a hand.
Otherwise, it's no meat for you.

Right! I'm on it!

Really? You think you can take
meat away from me, Sparky?

I'll m*rder you.


He's a total villain.

The more you help,
the sooner you eat!

We can put whatever
we like in the pot?

What a delightful dish!

You might wanna think
twice about tea leaves.

What fool cut the chives?

I did.

You've shamed your sister!

Damn it!

You're good.

No, you're just really
bad at it, you idiot.

[ASHIDO] Who wants orange juice
and who wants oolong tea?

[STUDENTS chattering]

Now, friends!

The long-awaited
Work Study Exchange

and Starting the Term Off
with a Bang Hot Pot Party

is ready to begin! Let's eat up!

[STUDENTS cheer]

[HAGAKURE] No, no, not so fast,
that's a little raw.

Hiding the best bites, huh?

Nothing like a hot pot
when it's cold outside!

By the time it warms up again,

we'll be starting off
our second year.

Time sure does fly.

What a crazy buncha months.

Just think, we'll
be upperclassmen!

[SATO] We won't see much
of the newbies, though.

Hero students can't join clubs.

[HAGAKURE] We'll get some
promising heroes-to-be!

Cutie first-years!

Calm down!

We still have about
three months to go!

And don't forget that finals
are just over the horizon.

Stop talking, Iida!
You're ruining the food!

Words can't change the taste.

You! How is someone so dense
so popular with the ladies?

Oh, man, Mineta.

Sounds to me like you're
concerned you won't pass.

Ugh, shut up!

[KAMINARI] Don't sweat it,
I'm kinda worried, too, Mineta.

[IZUKU] Sometimes, I'm suddenly
overwhelmed with reality.

And I can't believe
how my life has changed.

I never imagined All Might
would one day be my teacher.

Or that I'd be able to talk, um,

I guess sorta normally
with Kacchan?


Midoriya. Pass
the ponzu , please.

I can't believe I'm so lucky.

Midoriya? The ponzu .

Oh, sorry! Here!

My thanks.

There you are.

What are you doing?
It's freezing out here.

Oh, not much.
You need me? What's up?

Yes. I have a message
from Tsukauchi.

He wants to postpone your
meeting with Stain for now.

Got it. By the way...

How's Young Eri?

Sleeping like a baby.

My plan is to start her
formal training this week.

I'll help you.

That'd be nice.

Something wrong?

I decided to keep on living.


Thing is... How do I put this?

I feel so powerless.

Like nothing I try
really matters.

Every time I see
our students improve,

I'm tortured by the fact
that I can't do more

to prepare them for the future.

[AIZAWA] It would seem that
you're still a workaholic.


You defended us almost
on your own for decades.

So, yeah.

I'm sure it's hard to
come down from that high.

That's a little harsh.

But you are still
able to help them.


By being at their side.

Your presence is enough
to inspire greatness.

That's the truth.

[AIZAWA] You should sit back
and put your feet up.

Don't apologize for being alive.


The Paranormal Liberation Front.

And Shigaraki still has
a backer behind the scenes.

Something to do with...
a hospital.

My, this is unusual.

A pleasure to see
you here, doctor.

Heh. Good morning.

I hope your research
is proving fruitful.

Yes. All that's left

is to wait for the
finishing touches.

[HAWKS] I must be sure
of when they'll attack.

Hopefully the young heroes
will have time to mature.

Until then, I'll gather intel.

And learn everything
about the Liberation w*r.

X-Day will be here soon!

Ugh. It's spring break,

but we can't even enjoy it
because our work studies

are still going. Boo!

[KAMINARI] So much for
having time to relax.

It says we have an
expeditionary operation.

So like a work field trip?

Hold on, for real?
That's weird. Same for us.

Our agency, too. I wonder why.

Huh. What could that mean?

Whoa, ditto here.


[DAI'S MOTHER] Dai, you ready
to do your best in first grade?

[BURNIN] There are heroes
at the foot of the mountain!

But we'll be
evacuating residents

from our position in the back.

The League of Villains--

No. The Paranormal Liberation
Front was plotting.

And the harrowing incident

that would shake
superhuman society

was about to begin.