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07x12 - The Suit on the Set

Posted: 05/14/12 19:50
by bunniefuu
(a*t*matic g*nf*re)

ANNOUNCER: Next summer, learn how one tibia can topple an empire.

Blaine Conway and Cherie Redfern are Lister and Reichs.

From the best-selling author, Temperance Brennan, comes...

Bone of Contention Action so intense you can feel it in your bones.

INTERVIEWER: I-I gotta say, that was really some pulse-quickening action right there.

I mean, you guys a-are awesome.

Uh, Blaine, what's it been like playing a role like Special Agent Andy Lister?



N-Now, Cherie, the-the role of Dr. Kathy Reichs must have been quite a departure for you.

Actually, no, not at all.

I feel like, in many ways, I could be Dr. Reichs.

The only difference is maybe she went to college?

But other than that, our essence is very, very similar.


I know you have to get back to filming.

Um, we can't wait to see the movie.

Bone of Contention,
Summer 2013.

(laughing): You-you can feel it in your bones.

Feel it in your bones.

What is this for?


Apparently, the movie is awesome.

Apparently, everything is.

How come they didn't interview the actors playing the other scientists?

I mean, they're just as important.

Don't worry, I'm sure they will, Dr. Hodgins.

Can we see that first part again?

Them blowing up? Yeah.

Because it's awesome?

It actually kind of is, yeah.

None of this was in my script.

They do this all the time, Bones.

Let me tell you, these donuts are amazing.

Look, I have the utmost respect for your work, Dr. Brennan.


You have a fire in an ice palace.

Where did that come from?

The grease fire you had in the diner that you wrote?

I just tweaked it a little bit.

Why did you change the name of the Jeffersonian?

Washington Institute for Science and Knowledge gives us that cool acronym: WISK.

Right? They work at WISK.

The focus group loved it.

What's that big green wall?

That's a, uh, little visual trick.

Here, look at this. Come here.

This is how it's gonna look like in the movie.

Watch this. Ready?

Look at that. Isn't that cool?


Look at that, Bones!

You got a monorail!


What is the holdup here, people?!

You're making me wanna fire someone.

I'm a little shiny, Jocco. Just a minute.

Maybe you shouldn't let so many people polish you.

Oh, back off, Limpy.

WOMAN: Hi, Dr. Brennan.

I'm Mandy Oh, VP of Production.

We are so honored to have you visiting.

Oh. And you must be Agent Booth.

Oh... great donuts.

So if there's anything you need, any questions...

Uh, well, I was wondering about, uh, some of the changes to the script.

Wonderful, aren't they?

Well, actually, there are some mistakes in the science that...

(cell phone ringing)
I'm sorry. I have to take this.

Hello, Brad?

How is the most talented man in the world today?

Okay, places, everyone!

This is for picture!

This is exciting. Whoa, look at this.

Okay! Let's make some magic!

(chuckling): Hey. Give us a bell.

(buzzer sounds)

Oh, wow. I'll take this.


And background.

And... action!

LISTER: What do you think, Bonesy?

This look like an accident to you?

(clears throat) No, this was definitely no accident.

The victim suffered a penetrating trauma to the chest bones, followed by a massive cardiacal eruption.

"Cardiacal" is not word.

It's what? Well, let's just-just roll with it.

I could extract the medial epicondyle and have the WISK team run tests to see if she was a member of Dimitri's t*rror1st group.

The medial epicondyle is not in the chest.

This pollen... our victim was near the olive grove.

He wouldn't be able to tell that with just a magnifying glass.

Oh, let's take a closer look and then we can look at...

Wait! Stop! Cut! Cut! Oh!

BOOTH: Ow! No, no. Oh, God. Oh, no.

What, uh... stop.

Ow! No, Bones.


(groaning): Oh, geez.

What's the problem, Jocco?

Um, I have no idea.

BOOTH: She's just excited. She's very excited.

She's been waiting a long time for this film.

Don't you want it to be accurate?

You can't just rip open a chest cavity like that, and the dialogue...

I... don't care.

Okay? I'm the only one that says "action," and I'm the only one that says "cut."


Right! Reset!

Reset! Back to one.


We're gonna need a fresh corpse.


So Brennan read the new script and the other lab members are still in there.

Yeah, but not in any of the big, new action sequences.

I just think it would be cool if they gave us one, too.

(chuckling): Us?

Well, you know, our fictional us's.

Well, yeah, honey, but no one would know who we are anyway.

Michael Vincent would.

You're kidding.

You want them to put your character in the movie more because of our son?

Is that too pathetic?

No, honey, that's... you're the sweetest father in the world.

Listen, whatever is going on out there in La-La Land, it's all make-believe, and nobody can do what you do.

Well, that's true.

It is.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


BRENNAN: How did the dialogue get so mangled?

I thought you had a technical consultant.

Oh, we do. We have the best.

Uh, Doug? Dougie?



Hello, Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth.


Have you tried the miniature quiche?

It's delicious.

You know each other?

We worked a previous case together.

This man is a podiatrist. Wow.

(phone ringing) I hope you don't ask for a raise.


Marty! How's my raging bull? I'm sorry.

None of this is my fault.

Jocco doesn't care if the science is accurate.

He just wants everything to look good in film.

Ugh, I find this rather disillusioning.

I did, too, until I got my first paycheck.

JOCCO: Finally, right?

Places! From the top.

Get the corpse ready.

(gasping): Oh, my God!

What now?

This thing smells, Jocco.

Yeah, well, hold your nose.

Let's go.

Wow, that smell is familiar, Bones.

JOCCO: Wait, you two sit down!


Frank, get them the hell outta here!

Put it back! FBI!

JOCCO: Take it out! Director!

FBI! Put it back!

Take it out!

This is not a prop. This is a real dead body.


MAN: Oh, my God, oh!

That's a real body? Are we allowed to use a real body?


♪ Bones 7x12 ♪
The Suit on the Set
Original Air Date on May 7, 2012

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

I hear Dr. Brennan sent pictures.


At first, I thought she was joking.

Looks like a prop, right?

A really good prop.

Do we know who it is? Not yet.

No one's been reported missing on the movie lot.

She wants me to start a facial reconstruction.

Hey, maybe if we solve this case, they'll put us in the movie more.

I think we're getting ahead of ourselves.

This isn't even our jurisdiction.

It could be.

OH: That's it. I'm shutting down the movie.

No, no, you can't shut down the movie.

I'll examine the remains.

It's what I do.

Mike here is the head of security.

He says we need to shut down.

LAPD should be here any minute.

But the FBI is already here.

That should be enough, right, Booth?


Heat from inside the closed body bag sped decomposition.

I agree.

I put time of death between 90 and 100 hours.

The victim appears to be male, mid-40s...

God, stop touching it!

The press on this is going to be a nightmare.

Why does everything happen to me?

Why don't we solve this m*rder?

(whispering): No, no, no, no, no.

We can't do that! No.

Please? You know that we can.

Dr. Filmore can assist me.

It was more cost-effective for production to rent real equipment than to build look-alikes, so this is actually a fully-functioning laboratory.

And you are a federal agent.

You can claim jurisdiction.

You know the department will back you.

Please? Please?

I've been dreaming of making a movie my whole life.

Are you gonna let one little decomposing corpse get in the way of that?


Okay. Let me do this.

Okay, so tell you what: you don't want bad press?

Why don't you have the real Reichs and Lister solve the m*rder for you?

Makes for a great story, doesn't it?

Give him whatever he needs.

If you solve this, remember: it was all my idea.

(phone ringing)


(chuckling): You are such a rascal!


I feel like I'm looking at our lab after a heavy night of drinking.

It's actually state-of-the-art here.

I helped them rent the equipment.

Which would explain the abundance of podiatry equipment.

There's a profusion of perimortem bone damage to the arms and the torso as well as... a skull fracture.

Okay, could you direct the camera closer to the left costal margin?

Based on staining of surrounding tissue, I'd say cause of death was a punctured aorta.

He bled out.

Excuse me. Dr. Brennan?

Oh, Mr. Summers.

Dr. Saroyan, this is Mr. Summers.

He plays Dr. Yagher, the Hodgins character.

Nice to meet you.

You, too.

Um, Dr. Brennan, you... we will be on call if you need anything.


I'm sorry to bother you.

I just... I forgot some stuff up here and they said I could get it if security escorted me.

If you don't touch the remains or the surrounding surfaces.

Seems that the compound fracture to the victim's left seventh rib could be what punctured his aorta.

FILMORE: I'm seeing bits of foliage on the victim's shoes.

That's from a lauraceae family, probably laurus nobilis,

(quietly): if I had to... guess.

I can't believe that this is a real dead body.

I can't believe you identified the foliage.

Oh, I have a doctorate in botany, and one in microbiology, and I dabbled a bit in entomology as an undergrad.

That's how I got this part.

I wasn't intimidated by all the lab speak.

I don't understand.

If you have a useful talent, why are you an actor?

Well, acting's always been my first love, and love always wins out in the end, right?

Kind of like a methicillin- resistant staph infection.


Oh, got to admit, I do miss the science sometimes.

Anyway, uh, good luck with your investigation.

BRENNAN: Dr. Summers, where did you do your graduate work?

UC Berkeley.

My advisor was Dr. Lily Jacobson.

I know Dr. Jacobson.

Have you ever used a GC mass spectrometer?

All your actors have criminal records here.

Mostly dr*gs, drunk driving, domestic disturbances.

They say it's part of their process.

Oh, right, and you say your security's tight here?

Well, it's tough to get on the lot, but once you're here, you can pretty much go anywhere.

What about leaving, huh? You check the vehicles?

Uh, random searches, yeah.


Well, so the k*ller probably hid the body here because it was too risky to move it.


Whoa! Look at that, huh?

Hey-hey, Ox-Bow.

I love that movie.




I know. It's a nice change of pace from the Bureau.

"Bureau"? You were in the Bureau?

Yeah, five years as a special agent in Chicago.

Then I had my daughter, and she's three now.

I make twice as much here, the sun is always shining, and we got a spot opening up if you're interested.



Nah, I don't really think I'm cut out for this place.

That's how I used to feel, but you've got kids too.

You should think about it.

And you can surf before work. I do every day.

All right, before I call the movers, I'd like to check out the alibis of all the people who had records.

Okay, this way.

All right.

I can't believe I'm actually working with The Jeffersonian.

(flat): Neither can I. This is not fair.

His ookey room is ookier than mine.


Do you even have any idea what the first species are to invade a decomposing body?

Um, calliphoridae and sarcophagidae, right?

You pick that up from the movie dialogue?


All right, I've been using a dichotomous key here to identify the samples.

I'm gonna send that to you, see what you think.

Has Agent Booth run a background check on you yet?

Honey, Brennan and Cam spoke with his graduate advisor, so play nice.

He's touching evidence.

How do we know he's not the k*ller?

Cam, is that Dr. Saroyan's first name?

Yeah. Why?

She looks so familiar to me.

Did she ever live in New York?

Yeah, for over ten years.

Maybe we crossed paths there.


Okay, you were right.

The foliage on the victim was laurus nobilis.

Fine. One correct answer does not a scientist make.

Yeah, no, no, of course not.

It was probably a lucky guess.

Okay, the facial reconstruction is done.

Here is our victim.

I'll tell Brennan to run this through missing persons.

You don't have to do that.

I know who that is.

That's Hanson Stevens.

He's the head of the studio.

How could someone as important as a studio president not be reported missing?

Oh, maybe Angela made a mistake.

It's unlikely with such a pristine skull.

That topiary is remarkable!

It looks just like a cello.

This place is like a park, don't you think?

I mean, it's so beautiful out here.

Now, Christine, she loves the beach.

If we lived out here, we could probably go to Disney Land almost every day.

But we don't live here.

Excuse me, I need to find out whether a certain type of foliage can be found on the lot.

Is that something you can help me with?

Oh, uh, I just do what she tells me.

We've got a species map in the office.

Just call my extension, Valerie Rogers, head groundskeeper Thank you.

Did you do all these, uh..?


She is Picasso.

Fernando, when you finish those, you can mow the west lawn, okay, please?

I just did it yesterday.

Well, not that well.

I'll get that map out for you.

Have a good day.

(phones ringing)

I'm sorry, Mr. Stevens is busy.

Really? I want to go in that office.

I'm FBI. You see, this is a real FBI badge.

And Mr. Stevens loves the FBI.

He's got an Al Capone movie in development, but he is busy today.

So you're telling us that Hanson Stevens is inside that office right now?

Of course, but as I said...

I'm sorry, Mr. Stevens is unavailable.

Can I have him return?


Write out all your questions and I'll upload them to his tablet.

"Tablet"? This is ridiculous.

No, you can't go in there!


There's no one here.

So what do you have to say for yourself now, huh, sport?

Can I get you a beverage?

Bottled water?

Wheat grass?

No blood. Doesn't appear as if he was k*lled here.

It says here you used to work for an agent, then you got fired for assaulting him and trashing his office.

He made me sleep in a kennel with his dog when he went on vacation.

A kennel?

Victim's cell phone is still here.

We should upload the contents to Angela.

I'll have our I.T. guys help.

I didn't k*ll Mr. Stevens.

I was just covering for him. I swear.

He's telling the truth.

Two, three times a year, Hanson would go AWOL..

Nick would deflect calls, I'd cover the meetings...

Where would he go?

Who knows? He'd grab whatever actress he was sleeping with that week and take off on a corporate jet.

Mr. Stevens may have had his failings, but he turned this studio around.

Yeah, he had help, Nick.

No, I-I'm just saying.

I love Hanson.


Gonna need to know where you were last Friday night.

Nick has logs, don't you?

Yeah, you too. I'd like to see your logs, too.

HODGINS: All right, now you gently swab the damaged edge of the bone, and just put that into the solution.

Just... gently.

And there's really enough trace to indicate the makeup of the w*apon?

If we're lucky, and if you're competent.

Well, I have to be. I am playing a genius in the film.

Yeah, that, you are.

That, you are.

Now, once that syringe is ready, I want you to stick that into the injection port on the mass spec.

Good, and now just depress the plunger.


(sighing): Okay.

Mother Suckers!

I beg your pardon?

That's why Dr. Saroyan looks so familiar!

Invasion of the Mother Suckers was this awful, low-budget movie that I did when I first moved to New York.

There was a girl in it, looks just like Dr. Saroyan.

Weird, huh?



Oh, hey, got the results.

Uh, traces of copper and zinc.

That's brass.

Brass, foliage... and Invasion of the Mother Suckers?


The fractures to both patellas suggest the victim was knocked over with substantial force.

Hmm, and the injury to the frontal bone would indicate that he hit his forehead on some sort of brass protuberance during his fall.


And the remaining fractures?

All caused by posterior-to-anterior force.

I'm pleased to see that your foray into another pseudo-profession like film consulting hasn't dulled your scientific acumen.

Thank you?

I'm going to spend some time with my daughter, but I will be reachable by cell phone.

Preeminent scientist, best-selling author, and now, devoted mother.

I sometimes think you appear in my life for the sole purpose of making me feel inadequate.

You give me far too much credit, Dr. Filmore.

You're perfectly capable of recognizing your own inadequacies.

You know, the criminal records are not surprising.

The entertainment industry has its own set of norms.

Not only is bad behavior rarely punished, it's often rewarded.

Wow, why does your office look like the command center in some super villain's submarine?

I don't know.

I guess my bobblehead bobby wasn't flashy enough.

Well, I still think that it's an excellent idea to question people there.

The actors might suddenly see their fictional world as real.

It might work to your advantage.


Let me ask you a question.

Um, do you think Bones would be open to, I don't know, living on the West Coast?

Where did that come from?

I don't know, this, uh, this job opened up...

In Los Angeles? Yeah.

Less risk, more money.

I mean, now that we have a family, that seems right, and the more that I think about it, for me, it's...




I do my own stunts, but you are awesome!

What the hell are you doing? I coulda k*lled you. Get up!

SWEETS: Unbelievable!

No sense of mortality at all.

Completely delusional.

Oh, who's the big head?

It's the FBI shrink.

I was just trying to show him how I'm gonna play Lister.

I mean, this guy's, like, Steve McQueen, man.

I gotta do him justice.


Oh, yeah.

That's funny you say that 'cause...

Agent Booth, you were going to ask some questions?

Right, right.

So, Mr. Conway...

Blaine, dude. Blaine.

We're both FBI, right?


I checked out your alibi for the weekend, and the people at the hotel in Santa Barbara?

They have no record of you.

I can't use my own name. I'd get mobbed.

You don't seriously think I k*lled Hanson?

You have a record here for drug use, as*ault.

Dude, I was just trying to get on TMZ.

So I slugged a few people.

Look, everybody hated Hanson.

Jocco hated him; Cherie used him and then hated him; everybody in publicity hated him; Mandy hated him...

Yeah, everybody hated him.

Okay, great, you know what, I'm gonna check out your alibi.

You stay close.


Can I have my g*n?


(chuckling): Hey, right?


You're good. Look at that.

You see what I gotta deal with?

Drop your w*apon!

His belt buckle says "kooky."

I can see the McQueen thing, though.



Little bit. A little bit.

There was nothing of value on Stevens' cell phone, but I did notice that he subscribed to a remote backup service.

Which means that even if something was erased, you could access it via the backup service?


Here's a call from Friday, 8:47 p.m., which is the night he disappeared.

It was deleted later.

MAN: Hey, it's me.

I'm not gonna get screwed by you again, Hanson.

If you want to apologize, I'll be here all night.

Otherwise, you're dead to me.

Well, that certainly sounds hostile.

Yeah, it came from the studio.

I ran the extension through the studio directory...

"Liam Toynen, Bungalow 314."

Isn't he the guy who rewrote Dr. Brennan's script?

Yes, he is, and the studio I.T. guys flagged him for searching questionable websites, and there's this.

"The Perfect m*rder."


Looks like this one wasn't perfect enough, Liam.

Bart! It's Bart Simpson!

Hey, look at that!

Hey, Bones, come on, take a picture of me and Bart for Parker, huh?

Booth, Bungalow 314.


And look.

What are you doing? The sprinkler head?

The shape could match the victim's head injury.

Made out of brass, right?

Yes, but it's clean.

How about that one over there?



We heard your voice message to Hanson.

Yeah? Yeah.

So... what, you've never been angry with anyone before?

Why are we talking on the set?

Because this is official business. Okay.

And so, this is almost my official office.

Right, Bones? Sure.

On the voice message, you asked Hanson Stevens to come to your bungalow late at night.

It's not a polite invitation.

Yeah. He was trying to get me to do a draft of a script for free.

I don't work for free, so we had a little bit of a disagreement.

Maybe you had that disagreement outside the bungalow, because that is where he died.


Let's take a look at this, huh?

"How To Commit the Perfect m*rder."

Why were you looking at this Web site?

What? Okay, that's research. I'm-I'm doing a thriller.

Don't you do research on the Internet when you write?

Oh, I-I do, actually.

So what happened when Stevens showed up that night?

He didn't show up. That's the thing.

He usually comes by, apologizes, and you know, gives me a few hundred grand to finish the draft.

A few hundred grand?

Yeah. For what?

I'm in demand.

But you were on the lot that night?

Yeah. I was writing your thing.

You didn't hear any fighting outside or anything?

Look, guys, I would be an idiot to k*ll Hanson.

Okay, the guy paid me buckets to write crap.


Crap? You're writing my film.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the only reason that he greenlit your film was to get into Cherie Redfern's pants, so...


The ice palace is stupid.

Yeah, it is dumb.


It is kind of dumb.



This is a still from Invasion of the Mother Suckers.

Oh, my God, that's Cam.

We have to get our hands on a copy of this movie.

Yeah, absolutely, but I thought you said that this was out of print.

You're telling me you have millions of dollars of computer equipment, and you can't rustle up a copy of Invasion of the Mother Suckers?

I'm on it.

(crowd chatter)

I met Hanson at a charity event four months ago.

He was so charming, we just clicked.

BOOTH: Right.

And after you clicked, he offered you the lead in, uh, Bone of Contention.

Yeah, but he respected my talent.

I'm not one of those actresses that just sleeps her way to the top.


Right. I don't think he was treating you right.

I mean, he did offer you a role in his next film, but he gave the lead to Jennifer Garner, right?

Well, I'm not gonna lie.

Hanson could be a real bastard.

But I'm not the only one who felt that way.

That skank Mandy has wanted his job for two years.

She's probably refurnished his office already.

MAN: Mi amor.

(speaking Spanish)

Wait! Wait! No, Nando, please don't.

Wait. BOOTH: Oh.

So, you're sleeping with him, too?


Why do you say it like that? Because I'm a gardener?

And what does he mean by "too?"

Who else can give you what I can do?

I don't know. Can you offer her a lead in a film?

Can we just save this for later, please?

I'll have you know, I'm produced in Mexico.

Two films.

One went to Sundance.

Right, so then, you probably know who Cherie here is sleeping with.

Well, I mean, how am I gonna say no to Hanson?

It is a simple, one-syllable word.

BOOTH: Excuse me. Psst. I'd like to know where you both were last Friday night.

Oh, uh, I was on set filming all night.

You can ask Jocco. Jocco.

How about you, Sundance boy?

I was at a Robert McKee writing seminar.

I have receipts. Great.

Okay, we'll check all that out.

You two, stick close, okay?

Good luck, kid.

He was going to give my role to Jennifer Garner.

What was I supposed to do, mi amor?

Please? Mmm.

Oh, Dr. Brennan, good.

I noticed a roughness on two of the victim's left metacarpals.

And upon magnification, it became clear that there were minute shards of debris imbedded in the bone, and it looks like glass.

When Barry returns from filming, see that he and Dr. Hodgins analyze the shards.


Oh, what's that?

It's a map of the studios.

I just got it from the groundskeeper.

I've shaded the areas with the laurus nobilis foliage, which we found on the victim, but none is near the m*rder site.

The m*rder took place on a surface covered with grass, a scenario every forensic podiatrist dreams of.

I can make sonographic representations of all the impressions made in the underlying dirt, then reconstruct exactly what happened in the attack.

But the crime scene is five days old.

People have been walking on it. No problem.

Are you afraid that I, humble podiatrist and overpaid film consultant, might uncover information that you couldn't?

This is not a competition, Dr. Filmore.

Oh, yes, it is, Dr. Brennan.

So, uh,

Mike-- he, uh, offered me a job.

What, here?

We live 3,000 miles away.

That doesn't make any sense.

Double the pay, oh, less danger.

Except for the killings.

One every now and then will keep us fresh.

Besides, the other night, you said you loved looking at the ocean from the hotel.

I do, as long as I don't think about the fecal contamination from improperly handled run-off.

Right. It's true. It's a bad idea.

What did you find?

Oh, oh, so, I tracked down the director.

He's now a high school teacher in Pittsburgh.

But he just sent me an e-mail that he has a copy of Invasion of the Mother Suckers in his garage.


FILMORE: Excuse me?


Sorry. Are you ready?

Oh, my God.

What are you wearing?!

It's called the Gait Replicator.

MONTENEGRO: Yeah, he's going to recreate what happened at the m*rder site.

We're linking up his Robo Cop suit into the Angelatron.

And the Replicator can mimic exactly the height, bone structure and the weight distribution of the victim.

When I walk on the pressure-sensitive, computerized mat, every step I take shows up on the grid on the Angelatron.

We cross-reference it against the topographical map of what happened at the m*rder site.

Then we factor in soil density.

And then we extrapolate which ones came from the assailant.

That is... that is... brilliant.

I know!

Dr. Brennan will be green with envy.

We'll be able to reconstruct the entire m*rder scenario.

I'm gloating.

I apologize.

Canadians shouldn't gloat.

Angela took Dr. Filmore's data and discovered that Stevens was running from someone.

Well, some thing, actually.

They found partial tire tracks.

So, you're saying that Stevens got run over.

That would certainly be consistent with the nature of his injuries.

The car knocked him into the sprinkler head, causing the skull fracture, breaking his rib, which punctured his aorta and k*lled him.

Okay, so, why are we here?

(bicycle bell tinkles)

Based on bone density and fracture depth... Yeah. was a small, light vehicle.

Bones, look at the leaves.

Right under the front fender, huh?

Looks like Mandy Oh really wanted that job.


Oh, that's funny.

Do you get it? Mandy Oh. Right.

MANDY: You cannot seriously be accusing me of k*lling Hanson.

The tire width and the bumper height (phone ringing) are consistent with the injuries.

Turn that off.

It's the Board of Directors. I am next in line for...

I know. And Hanson Stevens stood in your way.

Who did you talk to? Nick?

That little brown-nose who thinks he knows everything 'cause he went to Harvard.

Ever think he k*lled Hanson because he wants my job?

A circuitous, but creative motive for m*rder.

I could use that in my next book.

Look, I don't see why you don't just arrest the Mexican gardener.

On what charge?

He and Stevens were both shtupping Cherie, right?

And he's probably illegal anyway.

You are being incredibly r*cist.

Not incredibly.

Fernando's alibi checked out. It was strong.

How do you explain the damage to your car and the foliage in your undercarriage?

That probably happened last week.

Hey, you! Bush lady!

Remember last week when I swerved into the giraffe 'cause I was texting, and you got all hysterical and said that I hurt its leg?

Yes. I'm sorry about that.

I apologized.

Could we get a cutting of the foliage from that giraffe, please?


Is she in trouble?

That's what we're trying to find out.

HODGINS: These leaves from Mandy Oh's car-- they don't match the leaves found on the victim.

SUMMERS: So, I guess she was telling the truth.

Hey, how's it coming with the fragments that were embedded in the victim's hand?

Still waiting on the results from the mass spec.

I got to tell you, Barry, you're doing a great job.


You know, you should have a much bigger part in the film.

I mean, seriously, where would they be without the bug and slime guy, right?

Tell me about it.

You know, they don't even understand my dialogue.

It was really interesting.

Dr. Reichs, the Papilionoidea pupa pertains to particulates presented primarily postmortem.


That is a beautiful line.


We're so unappreciated.

You know, I've been pushing to get you guys a cameo.

How cool would that be?

I don't know. I mean...

I'm not an actor, but if you really need us.

I mean, it's not set in, um...

Hey, results!

Hey, it wasn't glass.

It's aluminosilicate.

What's that?

Aluminosilicate is used to make the screens for smart phones.

Thanks, Cam. I'll tell Booth.

Here you go. Mmm.

You are eating an excessive amount of donuts on this trip.

Right here. These are amazing donuts.

They're from this place called Huckleberry's.

Never had 'em before.

It's probably one of the best donuts I've ever had ever.

Oh, are you done? Yeah.

Cam says it seems like the victim's hand slammed into a cell phone when he was run over.

But we already have the victim's cell phone.

Maybe he's got two phones.

The back-up server.

If Stevens used it for one phone, maybe he used it for both.

Just make sure Angela has all the accounts to all the cell phones, okay?


Now you really should have a bite of this donut.

So, they were right.

Stevens did have a personal phone, as well as a business phone.

Now, I'm still downloading the backup from last Friday night, and all I've got are some texts, but look.

"I'm aching for you, need it soon."

No wonder movie dialogue is so bad.

Yeah, he sent that to Cherie Redfern.

Look at her reply.

"Sorry, baby, not tonight-- filming late."

HODGINS: It came.

Invasion of the Mother Suckers is ours.

Now, it's on actual film stock, so we need to get a projector.

No. What did you just say?

Cam, nothing, hi.

Oh, my God, I was hoping that Barry wouldn't remember.

You have to destroy that.

No, no, no, no, this is the only copy.

I was about to start med school and I needed the money, and I'm...

Oh, my God, I have never been this mortified in my life.

Cam, you might want to look at this.


Stevens took some video with his phone on the same night he died, apparently.

That's Cherie Redfern's trailer.

Yeah, and that's Jocco Kent-- the director.

So Stevens was spying on them.

Apparently he had good reason to.

Tell you what, she is open to it.

Good. Yeah.

And just so you know, the job has its perks.

Nobody asks us any questions if you catch my meaning.


So this is the first m*rder you've ever had?

Let's make it your last.

Hey, Jocco, pal, let's talk.

I'm sh**ting.

No, we're not sh**ting.

We're gonna cut.

Stop, cut, stop.

Just, whatever it is you say, stop.

All I'm trying to do is make some magic, a little bit of magic in an otherwise sad and cruel world.

Why is that so difficult?

Why? Because someone has been m*rder*d.

And now my film is being m*rder*d.

How is that fair?

You know what?

Reset, from the top.

Mr. Kent... No, no "Mr. Kent."

I said I want to talk to you now.

That means stop.

What are you going to do, arrest a man that's grossed a billion dollars in the last five years?

Great idea-- stand up, put your hands behind your back.

Let's go.


Back off.

(gasping) Geez. Are you okay?

What are you doing?

I'm in character.

I figure it's what you'd do.


BOOTH: Ho, ho. Wow.

What happened next, huh?

Stevens, did he confront you?

No. I didn't even know he was there.

Oh, I heard something, and then...

Are you telling me, Cherie was sleeping with him.

Huh, you really thought you were the only one?

You drive and MG, don't you Mr. Kent?



Because it's a small car and Stevens was run over by a small car.

Were gonna have to examine your car.

Are you sure, she was sleeping with Stevens?

Throughout history, creative people, have commonly indulged in a highly sensual livestyle.

It's called the artistic temperament.

Yeah, but I really liked her.

Empathy. Now.

I'm a selfish bastard, I know that.

But it's all I have.

People only like me, cause I'm rich, and famous.

Yes. You don't seem to have any other attractive qualities.

There was something else about that night.

Shouting. By the bungalows.

And you're just telling us that now?

Yeah. I mean I thought it was a film sh**ting.

I'm not use to real things.


Thanks, another crazy Brit in Hollywood.

I'm telling you.

The vehicle was executing a turn, when it ran over the victim.


I guess the k*ller would have had to turn, so he didn't run into the bungalow.

You know, if I highlight the bone damage, I can estimate a turning radius.

Could either, the mini or the MG, have done this?

I'll pull up the specs.

No. Whatever ran him over had an even smaller turning radius.

I'll have studio security run a list of the vehicles that came on the lot on Friday.

Okay, and I'll do some more calculations and see if I can come up with a precise width of the vehicle's wheel track.

The trunk of the elephant has been grafted back on.

Stevens must have ripped the elephant trunk off so he could look into... Cherie's trailer there, huh?

Uh... these leaves are the laurus nobilis.

That would explain the leaves that were found on his suit.

Since the cambium layers look like they never dried, I would estimate that these branches were sealed together within an hour of being severed.

Same night Stevens was k*lled.

ROGERS: Get away from that.

You'll ruin it.

She's just been grafted.

Yes, the night that Hanson Stevens was k*lled.

I don't know anything about that, but it's taken me seven years to get her to look like this.

Booth. Yeah.

This cart is exactly the right size.

Get away from that.

The turning radius-- i-it's small enough to cause the fracturing I saw.

Looks like Picasso is upset that someone's messing with her artwork.

I'm a little lost here.

You saw Stevens tearing the trunk off this elephant, huh, didn't you?

Seven years of hard work down the drain.

Whoa, blood beneath the front bumper.

BOOTH: So you go after him, he takes off, you get in the cart, and you run him down.

BRENNAN: The blood and the cart tie you to the m*rder.

Well, Stevens wouldn't even apologize.


He said he was going to fire me for yelling at him.

(handcuffs click)

But I couldn't leave her and all the others.

They're my life.

We just caught a m*rder*r.

We just caught a m*rder...

This is awesome.

I mean, not for you, but these are awesome.


BOOTH: So the film is back on schedule.

BRENNAN: And Mandy got the publicity she wanted.

I tell you, this could be a big hit for you.

Like what, a dream come true, right?

I'm being silly, aren't I?

It's just a foolish film.

It's not-- come on, you know what?

You can make millions of people happy.

There's nothing foolish about that.

Booth, you know, I've been thinking, it is nice here.

I already turned down the job.

What, why?

'Cause working out here, I wouldn't be working with you, and you're my partner, always.

Okay, this is just wrong.

BOOTH: Come on, relax.

Have a donut-- I got 'em from Los Angeles.

Here, come on.

What I need is a beer-- like, maybe a whole case.


Oh, thank you. HODGINS: Oh, my God, these donuts are amazing.

BOOTH: Right? They're amazing, aren't they? I think it's because it's always sunny there. HODGINS: Okay.

Ready? MONTENEGRO: Okay, okay.

HODGINS: Sit, Sweets, sit.

Okay. Okay.

HODGINS: Everyone ready?


Here we go, it's showtime.

BOOTH: Let's go.


(overlapping chatter and laughter)

(funk playing)

MONTENEGRO: Everybody, shh.

Oh, there she is.

That's you?

Oh, my God, there she is, there she is.

No, no, turn it off.

ALL: No!

Hey, Rocky.

Glad you could meet me here.

Not as glad as I am, Cindy.

Cindy-- I love it.


SWEETS: I love it.

I hope I can make it worth your while.

Oh, yeah, baby.


ALL: Oh! SAROYAN: Okay, that's enough.

HODGINS: Yeah, nice fangs.




Die, mother sucker!


ALL: Oh!






HODGINS: What was that?


I loved you.


Okay, that's it, that's enough.

"Die, mother sucker."

Yeah. Wow.

"Die, mother sucker."


I love the movies, I love the movies.


Since you all seem to love film, the studio has made you an offer.

Us? BOOTH: Yeah, they were really grateful that we solved the m*rder, so they wanted you guys to be in the film.

Are you serious, really?


No, th-that once is enough for me.

Oh, come on. Come on.

We have to.

A-Are you kidding me? This is amazing.

I'm gonna be immortalized for my son.

Have a donut, huh?

That's it.

Die, mother sucker.

Let's watch some more. Callback.

(Booth and Sweets beatboxing)

NARRATOR: When everything they loved was about to vanish, they went in search of justice and found each other.

What's stronger-- their courage or their bones?

You be the judge.

Conway and Redfern are Lister and Reichs, and next summer they're going to save the world.