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08x03 - The Gunk in the Garage

Posted: 10/08/12 19:49
by bunniefuu


(keyless entry chirps)


(glass shattering, car alarms wailing)

(car alarms wailing)

BOOTH: You've got to be kidding me. 800 bucks for a stroller?

I have done extensive research, Booth. This is the best stroller on the market. Plus, the design is beautiful. And it's cerise.

It has a name?

Color. Cerise is a color.

Look, I only paid 500 bucks for my first car.

I can afford it.

No. We've been through this. All our expenses are split right down the line.

You're too sensitive. It's just money.

Rich people always say that.

That's what they say. Mm-hmm.

Well, didn't you say that you might be getting a raise soon?

And until then, Christine will be fine in a cheaper stroller that's a color people have heard of, like...

Don't do that. Not that look, please.

Don't give me the sad eyes.

Please. Ah, come on.

No, I'm not looking. I'm driving.

Come on. Just keep driving.

Oh, you were never able to do this look before the baby.

(phone rings) What did the baby do to you?




All right, I'll be right there.

There was an expl*si*n in the parking garage of the Baird Hotel.
(phone rings)

Let's go. Hold on.


Yeah, hey, Caroline.

What? Wait a second. Why not?

Wait, I always go with Bones.

Okay, okay, I'm...

Wh... Oh, wow.

What is it? She just hangs up on me.

I don't know.

Caroline needs to see me in the office.

I guess I'll just have to meet you at the crime scene later.



I'll pick up one of these on the way.

No, no.

I can stop at the store.

It won't take a second.

BOOTH: No, no, no. Please?

(people talking indistinctly)

WOMAN: I've got another piece over here.

MAN: More bags, please.

When they said, "b*mb," they weren't kidding, right?

Seems that the victim left the hotel to get to his car and kaboom.

Ah, it's a good argument for valet parking.

How many victims?

SAROYAN: Well, no duplication of organs so far.

Looks like just the one.

Lone victim could mean a targeted hit.

Well, we're gonna be here for a while.

The body parts are spread over most of the third floor.

Yeah, his body was blown pretty much everywhere.

Here, found this chunk of mystery muscle wedged in the undercarriage.

It's pharynx, but thank you all the same, Dr. Hodgins.

HODGINS: No cratering under the car, so it wasn't a chassis b*mb.

The stall amplified the blast.

So, since the walls are actually solid concrete, the blast wave bounced off them and shot out like a cannon.

Maybe, you don't sound so happy about it.

It's kind of creepy.

Nah, I've loved combustion variables ever since I blew up the multipurpose room for my middle school science fair project.

(laughs) First time I made it onto a watch list.

Yeah, that's a lot less creepy.

The b*mb techs said that when the gas t*nk blew, it turned the stall into a blast furnace.

So, no VIN number.

No license plates left.

I have to study the victim's bones back at the lab in order to do a proper identification.

Picking up a bouquet of sodium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ooh, just a hint of what?

Sour milk or-- what is that-- rotten eggs?

I know that smell.

It's intestines and stomach.

Stomach and intestines can be useful, so if you can keep an eye out... Found 'em.

Oh, don't move, Dr. Hodgins.

Mm-mm, wouldn't think of it.


Um, could you take the big pieces off first?


SAROYAN: Just a couple more little ones.

♪ Bones 8x03 ♪
The Gunk in the Garage
Original Air Date on October 1, 2012

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

SAROYAN: The body suffered an immediate and complete disruption.

Burns, lacerations, contusions.

Soft tissue was extensively mangled.

BRENNAN: The skull was severed at the atlas and axis.

MONTENEGRO: All right, I'm no coroner, but I'm saying the cause of death was a humongous expl*si*n.

The coroner concurs.

Osteon density of the victim's femur suggests mid-40s.

I'm gonna start a facial reconstruction.

Can I borrow the skull before you pull the gunk off of it?

SAROYAN: Oh, here's some nose to go with.


HODGINS: Check out this plastic.


It's an UltraGulp cup.

The plastic on this one fragmented outward, so the k*ller must have used it to conceal the b*mb.

Which means we can narrow our suspect down to anyone with access to an UltraGulp cup.

The case practically solves itself.

(laughs weakly)

BOOTH: Look, Caroline, I gotta go.

I can't wait any longer.

If you need me, just call my cell.

All right, start with the, uh, hotel security, you know.

They should have surveillance tapes.

Daisy's gonna be gone for five days, so I have to figure out what to buy her.

Sweets, a guy just blew up.


Why do you have to buy her a gift?

I like buying her things.

Okay, you know what you would say to me?

You'd say you were overcompensating.

Over... why would I be overcompensating?

Wow, you're a little defensive.

No, I'm not. Am I?

Little bit. I don't think so.

Just a little bit, there.

I just left you a message.

Cherie, I need to see you in your office.

Oh, no, no, no, we're going to the Baird Hotel, you know.

We're gonna go look at some surveillance tapes.

CAROLINE: Seeley Booth!

When I drag myself out of the relative comforts of my cramped office, it means that it's urgent.

Sweet Pea will get the tapes.

You been to Blockbuster, right?

Mm-hmm. Same principle.

No, no, no, he can't go alone. That's not protocol.

Fine, fine.

You, are you an agent?

Uh, yes, ma'am, Special Agent Olivia Sparling.

I'm new here.

You'll do.

Someone went boom at the Baird.

Find out who did it and bring 'em to justice.

Easy peasy. Dr. Sweets will fill you in.

BOOTH: Ain't no easy peasy about this, okay?

This is my case.

Don't be possessive, cherie.

Now it's their case, too. What?

And your bosses say you are mine until further notice.

You two are working together.

Ah, but...

CAROLINE: You heard the man. Lovely.

Now let's stroll to your office.

Looks like we're working together.

Why did she call you doctor?

Because I'm a doctor.

I'm a psychologist, a profiler.

You got to be kidding.

I'm working with a shrink.

I'm more than just a shrink.


The bureau gave me a g*n, okay?

I should take the lead on questioning people.

It's kind of my thing.

Just don't sh**t me.

I was having lunch at the commissary, minding my own ham and rye, when my boss came up steaming that he was going to get the DOJ bean counters to look into your budget.

Why? We have the highest conviction rate in the district.

And the highest cost per conviction.

And they're blaming me, too, 'cause I work with you people.

So, you're gonna have to justify your department's expenses at the quarterly budget review.

Me? No, not me.

I work in the field. Here.

That's why you are doing it.

Big burly agent like you will intimidate the pencil necks.

I'd waive your g*n around a little, too, if I were you.

There's got to be someone else here.

I'm sorry, cherie, but there is no one burlier or cuter than you.


The good news is, if you get that budget through, your boss says there's a promotion in it for you.

You won't have to run around getting shot at anymore.

Sorry, did you say promotion?

With a raise.

You do like money, right? Yes.

You just go through all the supplies we used last quarter, cost for extra manpower, techs and such.

Um, then estimate the cost for the coming quarter.

Uh, supplies?

Kevlar vests, uh, a*mo, toner for the printers.


The government doesn't function without toner, cherie.

So, the expl*sive that powered the b*mb had a methylammonium nitratemetha base.

It's commercial grade, but, unfortunately, that means it could have been made by any number of companies.

Maybe this will help you.

I found it embedded in a piece of his liver.

It's inorganic.

It's part of a wire and some metal fragments.

This could be part of the detonator.

That would help narrow down the source of the b*mb.

Well, yeah, but... you should have given this to the FBI b*mb squad.

Yeah, but they're backlogged and you seem to enjoy explosions so much.

You are the best boss ever.

I know, but I also figured this would prevent you from blowing up things in the lab.

It will, right?



MAN: The hotel is very upset and deeply saddened by the tragedy in our parking structure.

It's always sad whenever anyone explodes.

That's why we need to see your security tapes.

And I want to give them to you, but you understand I have to go through the legal department.

We have many important guests.

This is a m*rder investigation, Mr. Franklin.

Of course, but there are procedures.

If you all had a warrant...

You're stalling. I don't have time for stalling.

Uh, Agent Sparling, I think if we just explain to Mr. Franklin...

Who paid you to plant a b*mb?

I don't know what you're talking about.

You didn't get a Breitling watch or Prada shoes on a rent-a-cop's salary.

FRANKLIN: I'm not saying anything.

You come back with a warrant, you'll get your tapes.

Agent Sparling, if we just made it clear to Mr. Franklin it's in his best interest...

I'm not leaving you alone to erase those tapes, got it?

(handcuffs clicking)
I want to speak to my lawyer.

Great, you can call him from the FBI office.

We're taking you into custody.

You had something to say, Doctor?

Oh, no, I was just thinking maybe it be a good idea to keep him from lawyering up, but we're past that now, so let's just...

BOOTH: If I get this promotion, I wouldn't be in the field as much, but, hey, that could be a good thing, you know.

But you'd be behind a desk. You'd hate that.

But I would get a raise, and I would love that.

A desk job?

It's like caging an animal.

You're meant to run free, Booth.

Look, I can't be in the field forever. I mean, come on.

I've got to think of other, you know, important things.

There's Christine, you know, and Parker.

You sure? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure.

I mean, hey, this... this is... this office stuff is really interesting.

Do you know how many dry eraser markers the Bureau goes through in three months?

I... Sweets!

Sweets, hey!

How was the hotel, and the, uh, you know, security tapes?

Oh. Good. Yeah.

Once the hotel found out Franklin was a suspect, they handed over everything.

Yeah. And?

There are 83 cameras and over 1,900 hours of footage.

It's going to take a while to go through them, so I'm gonna...

Booth was about to tell me how many dry erase markers the Bureau goes through in a three-month period.

Why? Tell me about the security guy?

He's still in custody, but we don't have anything on him yet.

Did you know that the Bureau purchased 8,231 thumb drives last quarter?

Bones. What's going on here?

He told me that. Bones, let Sweets focus.

This is a very important case. Sure, sure.

How is the new agent you're working with?

Good. She's fine.

I... she's really green, obviously, but...

(phone ringing)
I'm bringing her along, you know.


Hey, I ran the facial reconstruction through the DMV database and got a hit.

Robert Carlson.

He lives in a suburb of Bethesda with his wife.

Great, awesome.

Wait, wait. What, uh, what's awesome?

I'll text you the address.

Thank, Angela.

Uh, hi.

Uh, Angela got a match on the reconstruction, a man in Bethesda. Right. And?

Anything else? Not yet.

I'm gonna go talk to his wife.

Sorry to run. Booth understands.

Right. Hey, hey. Hey!

I understand.

I totally understand.

I'm cool. He's gonna be... he's gonna be great.

You were very direct with the desk clerk at the hotel, and I was very impressed.

I thought I might have intimidated you. No. No way.

It was good. It was good work.

But notifying a woman that her husband has died is different.

It requires, um, a certain finesse.

(doorbell rings)
A delicate touch.

I... All yours, Doc.

All right.


Mrs. Gina Carlson?


I'm Dr. Lance Sweets with the FBI.

This is my associate, Agent Sparling.

I'm afraid we have some difficult news to share with you.

Is this your husband? Oh, God, no.

Oh, please, no.

I'm so sorry, Mrs. Carlson, but your husband was found dead this morning.

(car door opening)

(car door closing)
This is horrible.

These feelings can be difficult to process. Oh, God.

(Gina gasps)

Wh... What?

Uh, hon?

Is there something the matter?

What in the hell is the matter with you people?

Hang on. That is my husband.

That is my husband, that is Robert!

Why would you put me through this?

Ow! Ah!

Ow! I didn't... Ow!

That is my husband! This is...

I agree, you can take point on this one.

SWEETS: You should be relieved, right?

What is the matter with you people? I mean, this is a good thing!

He's alive, he's alive. Ow!

It's a real simple question.

Okay? I mean, are your bulletproof vests classified as uniform or as equipment?

Why isn't it a simple question?

Yes. You wear it.

What... that's why it's called a vest.

(phone rings)
Hold on for one second.


BOOTH: Sweets, just give me one second.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you put on a bulletproof vest, I'll come down there and I'll sh**t you.

Right? And then you can tell me if it's a uniform or equipment.


All right, this better be good, 'cause I'm really in no mood.

Did you just thr*aten to sh**t someone?

Kind of. What's up?

Sparling and I went to tell Robert Carlson's wife that her husband is dead, only the husband showed up.


The dead husband showed up. Alive.

Bones made a mistake?

I know, it's even starting to sound weird to me.

You know what? Call the lab and see what they have to say.

Will do.

Uh... one other thing.

Make it quick, okay?

I have more people here I have to thr*aten.

Sparling doesn't seem to trust how I, as a psychologist, perform my job.

I don't know, she thinks you're an idiot?

I wouldn't say that, but in layman's terms... yes.

Okay, look. You're the psychologist.

Point your little shrinky brain at her and pull the trigger.

There's a lot of sh**ting talk coming from you today, huh?

Right. So if I were you, I would take cover.


So, I've gone over every bit of this reconstruction, and I'm positive that it's correct.

BRENNAN: Unless the victim has an identical twin.

Well, yeah, but... wouldn't that have come up in the investigation?

Those aspects of the case are being handled by Sweets and a rookie agent.

Oh... (scoffs)

Then I'm totally blaming them.

I'm seeing some minute anomalies between the skull and Carlson's image.

Remodeled fracturing to the right maxilla, the nasal spine, and the mandibular body.


I should've seen that, huh?

No. They wouldn't have been discernible until the bones were cleaned.

You can still blame Sweets. Oh. Thanks, honey.

You're a good friend.

I'll adjust for the injuries.


They're the same guy, but they're not the same.

Identical twins. Yeah.

CARLSON: I didn't even know I had a brother.

I was adopted.

And he's dead now, so now I'll never get a chance to meet him.

We'll need the name of the adoption agency.

I'll get that for you.

Who was he? I mean...

What was his name? Where did he live?

What was his job?

That's something I think you might be able to help us with.

I don't see how.

There have been several convincing studies of identical twins, like yourself, who were separated as infants.

As adults, they tend to be remarkably similar.

Are you serious about this?

This is sort of my area, so...

CARLSON: This would explain these feelings I've always had of not being... complete.


It's strange.

No, not at all.

Separated twins often share the same political views, work in similar occupations, have the same behaviors, needs and compulsions.

You think you can figure out who he was from who I am?

I'm sure that's what Dr. Sweets hopes.

I'll have to ask my wife how much I can tell you.

She likes to have final say.

Which may indicate that your twin also entered into a marriage that was dominated by... a-a deep sense of mutual respect.

I found some more remodeling, aside from that on the face.

Left ribs six and seven, and both first metacarpals, were all fractured at approximately the same time.

Yes, I see.

The w*apon was round, with a diameter of 66 millimeters.

A baseball bat.

Very good, Dr. Saroyan.

But something else caused the fracturing to the metacarpals.

His thumbs were slammed in a drawer.

I think you might be correct.

But how would you know that?

I was a coroner in New York.

Either a loan shark or a bookie did this.

This guy probably was late with a payment.

HODGINS: Guess how we are gonna track down that expl*sive?

A suppository? No.

It's detonator wire.

And on that wire, a cockroach egg.

Aren't those everywhere?

Including our food and water.

I'm sure we've each ingested several dozen cockroach eggs today.

Yeah, it's cool, huh?

But this egg?

This egg is special.

SAROYAN: Ooh, yuck.

BRENNAN: It's profoundly deformed.

It must be an environmental marker.

Yes, this particular deformation is caused by exposure to large amounts of hydroprene.

It's an insecticide.

I'll have the FBI track down all the major suppliers of hydroprene in the region.

Studies of separated twins shows that they share as much as 85% of key behavioral characteristics.

They cut their hair the same way, they eat the same food, they work in the same occupations, they share the same spiritual beliefs, and they've never even met each other.

Are you saying that parenting doesn't really matter?

Because it's a lot of work, if that's true.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

You can't... you can't discredit good nurture.

But as the study shows, nature counts for a lot.

So what do you think?

Oh, I'm just waiting for a hit from the adoption agency.

We got a court order to get their records unsealed.

Yeah, Agent Sparling doesn't see the value in my approach.



Well, I input the key data points that you gave me so I could cross-reference Carlson's specific traits across multiple databases.

So we start big, right?

The two million American men born in 1966.

Okay, see, so those tiny dots represent... and from your look, I can see that you already figured that out, never mind.

June birthdays brings us down to 180,000.

Should I start questioning them?

Not helpful.



SWEETS: What was that?

Taking out non-Caucasian.


Piece of cake.

Girl's got 'tude, huh? Yeah.

Okay, this is where all the specific data that Sweets got from Carlson comes in.

That was really good specific data that you got, by the way.

Oh, well...

We aim to please.

Drivers of four-door sedans.

From there, I picked out people who got married while still in their 20s, belong to a church, excelled at track and field in high school, and who filed an insurance claim for asthma medicine within the last 18 months.

The final 48.


Run a visual comparison...

Jerry Langella.

That's our guy.

Way to go, Sweets.
Are you working some sort of psychological mojo on me?

No. Why do you ask?

Because I'm...

I'm feeling a way I don't want to feel.

I'm feeling apologetic.

For what?

Underestimating you.

Oh. Dismissing you.

Being condescending to you like that.

Oh, yeah.

You didn't really bother hiding that at all.

Look, what you did back there, winnowing down the victim pool, that's kind of incredible.

Oh, Angela helped.

Take the compliment.

I will. Thank you.

(doors opening, closing)

It's got to be her.

Wow, she looks just like Gina Carlson.

Yeah, I thought that might happen, what with your freaky twin thing.

You think she has the same sunny disposition?

You can take this one.

(scoffs): Uh, Mrs. Langella? Yeah?

I'm Agent Sparling from the FBI and this is my associate, Dr. Lance Sweets.

FBI-- that can't be good.

I'm afraid it's not.

Your husband, Jerry Langella... dead.

Uh, uh, who k*lled him?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Langella.

I need to ask, how do you know that your husband was m*rder*d?

'Cause I'm not an idiot. You're the FBI.

It's not like you cover accidents or suicides.

What do you want from me? Do you know anyone that might have had a reason to k*ll your husband?

No, I thought I was the only one.

Why would you want your husband to die?

Clearly, you're not married.

Where were you at 10:35 this morning?

Court-ordered community service.

Court-ordered? Road rage.

I got issues. Okay, you can check with my supervisor.

Who beat up your husband a year ago?

His bookie.

Son of a bitch gambled away everything we had and then some.

Any idea where we can find the bookie?

She's in jail now.

How did you know about the beatings?

Oh, we know a lot, Mrs. Langella.

I wouldn't leave town if I were you.

What was that last little bit about?

Just aiming my big shrinky brain at her.

Thought you'd like to see what I was packing.

HODGINS: The military built this to test b*mb blasts.

(mechanical whirring)

Ready? This should replicate the expl*si*n exactly.

Three, two, one!

That looks good!

I'll have to examine the exemplar bone to make sure.

Oh, wow.

Hey, let's see how something a little more substantial holds up against this bad boy.

Where did you get the clothing?

I never really liked this shirt, so, hey, I'm happy to sacrifice it to science.

You are splattering body parts all over my lab.

They aren't actual body parts, Dr. Saroyan.

They are biofidelic surrogates.

We are utilizing this shock tube to recreate the effects the blast had on the victim's bones. Where did you get that?

Oh, Hodgins requisitioned it from the Hall of Patents.


I left a note.

Dr. Hodgins, you promised.

I am confident that we can use this data to recreate the b*mb.

Come on. If we find the b*mb, we find the bomber.

That thing goes back to the Hall of Patents in the same condition that you found it.

(Hodgins laughs)

Fire in the hole!

(phone ringing)

Hey. Booth.

So the wife's alibi checks out.

Her community service supervisor dropped her off on the side of the expressway for litter removal and picked her up three hours later.

Oh, you know what? She could have made it, you know, to the hotel and back. She on the tapes?

We haven't found her on them.

Wait, wait, wait. You said that these twins married the same kind of woman?

Yeah, twins are often drawn to the same type of people.

They share the same interests.

Okay, so maybe whatever brought one twin to the hotel brought the other one there, too.

Carlson at the hotel?

No, I asked. He said he wasn't there.

Oh, right, right. People-- they never lie.

I-I forgot. You know what? Well...

Just, now that you know what they look like, check the security tapes.


Hello? Yeah, he usually hangs up without saying good-bye.


It's our thing. It's 'cause we're close.



Hey, so you said the parking garage b*mb was made from the expl*sive Propatrex, right?

Yeah, that I did.

Well, your brilliant wife found a demolition company that stocks Propatrex, but that is not the best thing.

The demolition company is next to a hydroprene production faculty.

You found out where the expl*sives came from?

That I did.

MAN: Yeah, we had a break-in at the warehouse two weeks ago.

I filed a report. It's the regs.

What was stolen?

A few Propatrex sausages and a detonator pack.


Here, I'll show you one.

(buzzer sounds, gate opens)

It's okay.

Propatrex is stable stuff. No worries.

So how many of these were taken?


The b*mb that k*lled our victim used approximately 40 ounces.

That would be three sausages.

Great. That leaves one sausage we can't account for.

We need a list of everyone who had access to that warehouse.

I gave that list to the investigators already.

I was able to track Langella's movements through the hotel.

I used a frame analysis algorithm to search for men with a similar body type.

I got him in six different locations.

It could be either one of 'em.

Yeah, well, that's what I thought, but look.

Here he is at the elevators and here he is at reception.

Now look at the time codes.

"8:23." Two places at the same time.

One is Carlson and the other is Langella.

Both men were there, but they must have arrived at different times and not seen each other.

So Carlson lied. This is textbook.

Look, they're even dressed alike.

There must have been something that brought them both together, you know?

A shared interest.

Wait. Is he wearing a name tag?

Back that up a little.

Can you zoom into that?

"Self-Actualization Synergy."

Yeah, I know that group.

They use new-agey self-help techniques and charge a bunch of money for it.

Sounds like a cult.

All right, so they both have hardnosed wives, very domineering.

This promises personal freedom.

Zoom in on Langella.

Look, he's wearing the same kind of name tag.

I'll tell Agent Sparling.

I'm sure you will.


Oh, nothing.

You know, it's possible to work with a woman without becoming romantically involved.


I am with Daisy.

I wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

I notice you say, "I'm with Daisy" and not "I love Daisy."

Oh, come on. Can you please not use linguistic indicators that I taught you against me?

(phone ringing)

Oh, it's her, isn't it?

It doesn't... You should get it.

Look, you're all red and blotchy and horny.

Go ahead, answer it.

You said you had to talk to her.

Hello, Agent Sparling.

Yes, Carlson was at the hotel. He lied.

Great. You bring him in, and I'll meet you there.

Uh, do you want me to pick up something like coffee or...?

I know a place that makes a great latte.


To keep us alert during the questioning, okay?

Great, great.

I'll see you then. All right, bye.

Please don't look at me like that.

You're very blotchy. You're very red.

It's hot in here.

I got to get the lattes.

You said you weren't at the hotel, Mr. Carlson.

You lied. Can I say "lie," or is there some other term I should use?

"Pseudologia fantastica" is the technical term in this case, but whatever we call it, it's a federal crime to deceive the FBI in the course of a criminal investigation.

Okay, okay, I lied.

You lied about knowing your brother, too, didn't you?

No. No, I swear. Look...

I lied because my wife hates me going to those symposiums.

I didn't want her to find out.

The one for the Self-Actualization Synergy?

Yes. Yes, it's very important to me. It's changed my life.

By making you broke?

Ethan, he's the actualized master who started Synergy, he says that life's greatest gifts can never be free.

Now I see why your wife was pissed.

Your bother was also a seeker.

He was at the symposium, too.

He was?

Twins share much more than we think.

Both of your wives are also very similar.

Too bad for him then.

How much did you give this self-actualization group, Robert?

You can't put a price on living a fully actualized life.

Ballpark, so we don't have to arrest you.

I was gonna give 'em... everything.

And move to their community in Colorado.

If Carlson's wife found out he was about to give everything away, I mean, that can certainly be a motive for m*rder.

If that was my husband, I'd sure as hell want him dead.

I'll remember that.

Oh, are we getting married now?

'Cause I didn't even know we were partners.

No! Oh, that was a joke. I didn't mean...

Didn't Freud say there are no meaningless statements?

Freud, Freud, he's largely discredited now.

He's a known cocaine addict.

He's not...

I'm gonna go in and call Carlson's wife for questioning.

I suppose I could do a lot worse than you.

We... we should just, we should drop it.

I was sorting through the tissue samples.

These were scraped off the junction box in the garage.

That's not surprising. The blast propelled body parts over a hundred feet in some directions.

But I found hair embedded in the tissue from a male.

Not the victim?

No. The amount of hair and the height at which the tissue was found indicate that it struck someone in the head before it hit the junction box.

Someone witnessed the blast.

(phone ringing)

Since they didn't come forward, I'm thinking it's someone who caused the blast.

Dr. Saroyan.

I'm in the middle of something now.

Sure, o-okay.

I'll be right there.

Booth needs me.

Some bureaucratic emergency.

That's sounds exciting. I'll check the junction box.

BRENNAN: The steel has been stressed from the blast.

That's to be expected based on the force of the expl*si*n.

But there's a warp to it.

Oh, run your beam over it again.

He was standing here when the shock wave hit him.

These dents were most likely caused by an impact with his skull.

Probably with the lateral aspect of the super orbital margin and the zygomatic arch.

Yeah. Can you hold that?

Midpoint is at 160 centimeters, which means our k*ller is between five-foot-nine and five-foot-11 inches tall.

Average height. That's no help.

Well, he had to have sustained further injuries from this blast.

But still managed to get away.

BOOTH: Look, you got to help me.

You do these budget presentations all the time.

What happened to Caroline?

She just came in here and she dumped all this stuff on me.


Well, she's not gonna like it if I do your presentation for you, Seeley.

And I can't; I'm not even FBI.

I'll deputize you.

How's that? All right?

Why did that not feel official?

Look, please, you got to help me out here.

Okay. I can give you a tutorial on the software.

No, no. I got to do it now, now.

They're-they're right there in the other room.

Waiting for me. In there, right now.

Okay. Well, I can run the software for you, but this is your show.

Okay, just help me get the raise, you know?

I'll be able to handle this when you're in the room.

14 days ago, you withdrew $20,000 from your brokerage account.

Mrs. Carlson, we analyzed your computer's hard drive.

65 search engine hits for contract K*llers.

$20,000 is about the going rate.

We're gonna be able to tie you to this m*rder.

Now, it's not too late for you to do the right thing.

The right thing?

Robert wanted to give that stupid cult everything.

How is that the right thing?

What was gonna happen to me?

He just kept saying he wanted to experience freedom and that he didn't care how much it cost.

You wound up k*lling an innocent man.

That wasn't my fault.

The guy I hired got the wrong man.

How is that my fault?


Who did you hire?

I don't know his name.

We know he's medium height, brown hair.

What else did you notice about him?

No, I-I never met him.

This was all set up online.

I left cash in a bag; half up front and half when the job was done.

Did you give him the second half?

No! I'm no sucker.

My husband isn't dead yet.


The guy said he would take care of Robert today.

Mrs. Carlson, where's your husband?

SAROYAN: Just remember, Booth, if you lose your place, just read what you see on the screen.

Okay. Gina Carlson hired a hit man, but he hit the wrong twin by mistake, so he's trying again.

Oh... When?

Now. Where's her husband?

She thinks Dupont Plaza.

Yeah, okay, uh, get a team and bring them in.

Sparling's calling them right now. Call her husband.

I already tried. It went straight to voice mail.

The team's coming in from Edgewood. They're still 20 minutes out.

20 minutes? That's too long. We're closer than they are.

No, no, no.

Sparling and I could get there in five.

No, no, you guys aren't ready for this.

I'm coming with you. No, Booth.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Oh, yeah, my g*n. Thanks.

You know what, I'll tell you what.

You are gonna do great.

If you lose your spot, just read up on the screen.

Let's go.

BOOTH: Okay, how am I supposed to find him?

There are tons of people here.

Let's narrow this down.

We know that the k*ller is between five-nine and five-11.

Okay, so he's not a giant or a small person.

That doesn't help me out at all. What else?

Brown hair, Caucasian.

Brown hair, Caucasian?

Come on, guys, narrow it down for me, will you?

Oh, uh, he was hurt.

He hit a steel junction box.

MONTENEGRO: Where he was standing, the overpressure of the blast was at least 40 psi.

BRENNAN: He probably fractured the neck of the malleus and dislocated the stapes.

Booth his inner ear is messed up.

You're looking for a man with brown hair who's shaky and off-balance.

Shaky and off-balance and he has a b*mb?

Um, I know who it is.

I know who it is, Booth!

It's Steve Keneally.

The foreman of the demolition company.

That's why the garage expl*si*n was so perfect.

Look, I think I spotted our guy.

Hey, listen, his expl*sives will be armed, so don't startle him.

Tac team's six minutes out.

Call Carlson.

(phone ringing)


Mr. Carlson, it's Dr. Brennan.

Hey, Booth, Brennan has him.

Tell him once he gets inside the ATM to keep the door shut.

Mr. Carlson, you have to get inside the ATM and hold the door shut.

Someone is trying to k*ll you.

What are you talking about?

The man who k*lled your brother is there with a b*mb.

Move now!

Keneally, FBI! Freeze!

(crowd clamoring)

Let's get out of here.

(crowd clamoring)

Stand back.

All of you.

You know what's in here.

You know what'll happen.

Sir. Sir!

Hmm? What?

You're in a dangerous situation.

Please leave the area.

What? What did he say?

Step back, sir.

Oh, my God!

Is someone in trouble?

They have g*ns!

What's happening?

(crowd exclaiming)

I got it.

It's only a flesh wound, Lance.

Don't worry.


It's okay. You're gonna be fine.

Don't look at me, you're the one who shot him.

(siren wailing)

Booth's with Keneally.

He's taking his statement now.

How bad is it?

Bad. I have to face an internal review for sh**ting a civilian.

No, I meant me.

Oh. You'll be fine.

They're saying the wound is mostly psychological.


Uh, Agent Sparling-- Olivia...

...I like you.

You're smart, you're really good at your job, you shot me and I don't--
I'm not even mad.


But I'm seeing someone.

It's serious.

Doesn't take a psychologist to tell when a guy is taken.

That's why I'd never dream of doing this.

I heard it went well.

Yeah, dumb-ass hit man taken out with only minor casualties on our side, so you know what, we ended up ahead.

I was talking about the budget presentation.

The bean counters are actually increasing the budget.

My boss is thrilled with me.

See that? Glad it worked out.

I bet you are.

Too bad it wasn't you.

Me? Well, we sent in a specialist. Only the best.

You know you're not getting that promotion now, right?

Wait a second, why? I caught the bad guy.

That's got to count for something.

Well, it makes me all tingly, that's for sure, but that's it.

You're gonna have to settle with running around, sh**ting people until you grow up.

Well, you wouldn't love me any other way, right?


Oh. You said there was a casualty; who was it?

Sweets. He'll be fine.


That boy's got the goods.


But you better not tell him I said that.

No problem. As far as the world's concerned, you're a horrible person, cherie.

I knew I could count on you, cherie.

I'm sorry you're not getting the promotion.

Ah, thank you.

You're welcome.

You know, for lying to me, thank you.

I mean, I know it's a white lie, but, I mean, look at you.

Being all sweet and lying to me. (chuckles)

I didn't want you to get the promotion.

Why? Because I'm a man of action and not someone who's gonna rot behind a desk?

No, because who else would take me out into the field?

That's a good point, Bones.

But truthfully, I'm sorry that you're disappointed.

I'm not disappointed.

Because you're a man of action who would rot behind a desk?

That's right.

Man of action.


Can I start buying you things now?

No, you can't.

But, hey, I'll tell you what, you can buy Christine stuff.

I know you'd like a new grill.

Christine would love a new grill.

She would love it.

Baby girls need grills. They need grills and a new tool set.

What? What is this?

It's a quinoa.

Quinoa. What is that?

It's a grain.

There's a lot of protein. Interesting.

When I get the new grill, we can cook steaks.

What's that mean?