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08x06 - The Patriot in Purgatory

Posted: 11/19/12 01:45
by bunniefuu
Dr. Brennan just left me a note saying that you should meet here and wait for her.

And she didn't say why we were all called together?


You're the head of the lab.

Shouldn't you know? Yes.

Yes, I should, but with Dr. Brennan, all the conventional rules of the universe become obsolete.


She should be here soon.

Good luck.

G-Good luck?

We've never all been called in to work together before.

Okay, look, until Dr. Brennan gets here, I think I should be in charge, being the only one with his doctorate.

You're still just an intern like the rest of us.

BRAY: Which actually makes you less qualified.

You should be much further along.

I know what's going on here.

She called us together so she can watch us destroy each other.

The saw ripped through the xiphoid process and sternum.

Oh, my God.

There's fluid on those as well as the left ribs four and five.

What are you doing?

Well, I reckon we were all called here to work.

Okay, now, my granddaddy said, "Idle talk "is like a mama bear whose cubs have long since gone in search of another teat."


What the hell does that mean?

It's some crazy-ass white thing.

I don't care what it is; I'm getting to work.

I need this job.

BRENNAN: Last night's basketball game got me thinking about teams.

Didn't I say you'd like basketball?

Phil Jackson says they're like organisms that can only survive through interdependence.

Wait, Phil Jackson...?

Yes, yes, I've been reading his book.


You got enough Post-its in there, Bones?

I'm an assiduous note taker.

Bones, watching basketball should be fun.

You know, you don't have to memorize Kobe Bryant's, you know, three-point sh**ting percentage in order to enjoy the game.

Career average-- Mr. Bryant sh**t 336, but with a little more arc in his shot, he could be over 450.

It's just basic geometry.

How'd I leave myself open for that?

Poor defense. Poor defense?

Yes, I have the interns coming in today to work on a project.

According to Mr. Jackson, I plan to incorporate numerous "attaboys" while also administering reassuring pats on their hindquarters.

Right. So you're the coach.

Of course. Phil says...

Now it's "Phil."

He says that our real legacy is not what we accomplish individually but what we do for others and how we motivate them to work together for a common goal.

Right, well, I'm thinking paying your players $20 million a year is motivation in itself.

I was hoping buying their lunch might help.


There seems to be some fabric embedded in the cut that transected the xiphoid process.


Huh, this looks like fuzz from a tennis ball.

It is from a tennis ball.

Oh, well, I recognized it first-- the fuzz.

The fuzz was mine.

After I pointed it out.

I think the fluid is oil that seeped out from the chain saw.

Of course it is. Why are you examining these remains?

I didn't direct you to do that.

The kid started it.

I was, I was waiting for you.


Isn't this why you brought us here?

I mean, it's a fascinating set of remains.

This is just a foolish man who tried to juggle a chain saw, a tennis ball, and a Fuji apple after drinking too much.

Your task is far more challenging.

Follow me.

Oh. I wonder how much he drank.

Make sure you get the gloves off.

Excuse me, excuse me.


(door opens)

Over the past four years, the Jeffersonian has digitized all available missing persons data.

You are now able to cross- reference that information in the hope of identifying over a thousand sets of remains that have been unidentifiable up to now.

W-We've been relegated to the Hall of Hopeless Cases?

We did something wrong, didn't we?

I thought I chose my five best interns.

Do you think I made a mistake, Mr. Fisher?

Because I can replace you.


Do you think laughing at Mr. Fisher will enhance your status in my eyes, Mr. Bray?

No, I-- no. EDISON: I tried to take a leadership role earlier, Dr. Brennan, to avoid this kind of childish behavior.

And why couldn't you, Dr. Edison? Perhaps because you don't have their respect?

Do you respect him, Mr. Vaziri?

Is this a trick question?

That depends on how frightened you are of making a mistake.

How can any one of you do your job if what you really want is for one of your other teammates to fail?

Well, you've always told us to rely on ourselves.

You've created quite a competitive atmosphere here.

And it will remain competitive, Mr. Abernathy.

Phil Jackson wants us to ask what it is we are competing to achieve and how you'll work together to achieve it.

Phil Jackson, like the tall Phil Jackson?


It is our job as forensic anthropologists to give as many of these people as possible their identities back.

If teamwork doesn't help, then we can always go back to having the constant threat of dismissal hang over our heads.


(overlapping chatter)

I can be relegated here, that's fine.






♪ Bones 8x06 ♪
The Patriot in Purgatory
Original Air Date on November 12, 2012

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

Some of these remains have fingers removed, probably to hide fingerprints.

Here's one covered in concrete, gentlemen.


Which is why this is so hard.

Yes, because it could indicate espionage.

Someone clearly wanted to make sure that the secrets died with them.

Really, you had to add some kind of international conspiracy?

This isn't hard enough?

It doesn't have to be international.

Concrete guy could end up being Jimmy Hoffa.

FISHER: Got one.

Based on the vertical head diameter of the humerus, I have a female, mid-20s.

The interarticular fracture on the thumb screams cowboy thumb.

Coupled with the abrasions on the L2 and L3 and the sequins in her effects, I'm calling this one as Miss Lisa Bowery, the mechanical bull-riding stripper that went missing in March of 1980.

Nicely done, Fisher.

Over 30 years.

Very impressive, Mr. Fisher.

Yes, yes, it is.

Gloating really isn't a part of team play.

Every team has a star, my friend.

FINN: Yes, it does, and I have before me a blacksmith who vanished in 1898, 114 years ago.

Hold your praise until the brother talks.

Based on the lateral epicondylitis of the elbow joint as well as the high level of strontium...

Based on the erratic ossification of the pubic symphysis, he's in his 50s.

BRAY: Compression fracture of the cervical body of the C7 with subluxation of the...

Ah, hell, it's milker's neck, and this is Sarah Mahony.

I give you ice fisherman Chad Winacky, suspected m*rder victim who disappeared 18 years ago.

FINN: And... he has all the markers for a woodcutter's lesion, which would confirm his identity as George Lido.

This is a beautiful thing to watch.

All right, now, Arastoo, you're the only one without a...

Yeah, I know, Dr. Hodgins.

I drew a homeless man who was found beaten in his sleeping bag behind a parking garage.

So far, all I have to go on is a chipped tooth and a complex fracture to the sixth left rib.

So come back to him after you've scored a few points.

I mean, we were told to identify as many of these as possible.

Yeah, I guess.

Maybe he was part of a conspiracy and that's why he has no identity.

Found this soot staining his chipped tooth.

God only knows what that could be.

Conspiracy-- you think so?

'Cause, you know, I could run this through the Mass Spec.

SWEETS: Well, I'm impressed that Dr. Brennan sees the value in teamwork.

You've been a good influence on her.

All I did was get her to watch a basketball game instead of watching another rerun of Nova.

That's it?

Yeah, next thing I know, she's reading all about Phil Jackson.

Well, you really didn't do much, then, did you?

Oh, really, I didn't do much?

You try to get her to stop watching Nova.

You're right, good point, sorry.

And because of that, her squint squad has identified 18 sets of remains.

That's impressive. Good, I'm so glad you feel that way because it is your responsibility to notify all the surviving relatives.

What, me? Criminal victims, missing persons all comes under the FBI.

Well, what about you?

Me? Ha, I'm a special agent.

I beat up bad guys and I leap over things.

You're describing Superman.

Exactly-- well, did you ever hear of Superman picking up the telephone?

You wanted to see me?

Yes, Mr. Vaziri.

I would love to give you an attaboy, but you are the only intern who hasn't even identified one set of remains.

I know, I'm still waiting for Mass Spec results from Dr. Hodgins.

There are hundreds of other remains you could be focusing on.

I didn't think you'd want me to give up until I exhausted every avenue.

Unless you're wasting resources.

Why do you feel these remains take precedence over the others?

The police report says that he was beaten... nothing more. They wrote him off because he was homeless.

And this.

A b*llet wound.

There's no mention of him being shot?

Because it happened at least ten years before his death.

Look at the remodeling.

It's a large- caliber b*llet.

Perhaps it could lead us to medical records which could give us a name.

You said our job is to give identities back to these victims.

So how can I walk away and leave this man behind that parking garage, forgotten for a second time?

HODGINS: I got the results back from the Mass Spec.

So the particulates embedded in his tooth consist of kerosene and ethylene glycol-- it's jet fuel.

From the way it seeped into the dentine, there was a lot of it.

Why was he covered in jet fuel?

He was found miles from the airport.

BOOTH: You let Vaziri go out on his own?

That doesn't happen in a team sport.

Kidding me? That's, that's more like swimming.

A good coach recognizes the strength of her players.

He wasn't going for an easy layup like the others.

He's more of a bruiser down low.

I need you to check the police reports again.

He was homeless.

I mean, cops-- they just bury cases like this.

It's clear the coroner did.

H-He didn't even record that the victim had suffered a b*llet wound.

Exactly, which makes it more unlikely th I'll at able to dig up his name.

I'm trying to put you in the game, Booth.

If you'd prefer not to play, just say so.

Bones, all I'm saying is that sometimes during the game you just have to realize that you just can't win.

So you're a quitter?

What? No.

That's what I heard. I'd trade you if I wasn't in the middle of the season.

I can't believe this.

This game isn't over until I say it is.

So are you in or are you out?

I'm in, Bones. Okay, let's go.


What are you...?

So, the police report that Booth dug up lists the time of death as the same time that the body was discovered.

Well, that can't be right.

Not if he looked like this.

HODGINS: They probably thought it didn't matter because he was homeless.

I was hoping you could give me an accurate time of death.

It might help.

What was the weather on the day he was found?

Sunny and mid-70s. Hm.

What about the week before?

It was pretty warm all week, between 70 and 80, rain on the 20th and 21st.

Under conditions like this, based on decomp, death occurred between three to five days before he was discovered?

Can you enlarge and enhance the decomp on the neck?

Calliphoridae in the decomposing tissue?

They're carrion flies, and look-- they laid their eggs, so, that means that he was dead four days when this was taken.

Okay, so he died on September 21.

Does that help you?

Oh, my God.

Jet fuel? Yeah.

Can you check for other evidence of fuel?

We have our remains to work on, you know.


There's slight staining on the acromion. That could be from fuel.

We should do an analysis of the bone to see if there's any other chemicals or environmental markers present.

I'll help you take samples. Me, too.

There seems to be something embedded in the fracture.

What's going on? Why are we all working on this guy?

We're a team.

Yeah, but not really.

Dr. Hodges needs to see this.

There's a metal fragment imbedded in the rib.

This rib fracture fissure-- the remodeling seems to indicate it was fractured more than four days before he died, doesn't it?



Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?

What are you thinking?

What's going on here, guys?

You're the best at estimating bone remodeling, aren't you?

Yes, and it gives me absolutely no satisfaction.

Okay, we need to know exactly when this rib was broken.

Come on.

FISHER: Evidence of osteoblasts and chondroblasts.

I'm falling behind on my remains.

Am I gonna get credit for this?


The soft callus hasn't consolidated yet.

I'd put this break ten days before he died.

Dr. Saroyan and Dr. Hodgins fixed time of death on September 21.

That means this injury occurred September 11, 2001.


My God.


Given the presence of jet fuel and his injuries, this man could have been at the Pentagon when the plane hit.

Yeah, but every victim of that attack has been accounted for and identified.

Maybe not.

Maybe just the victims who had a home.

BRENNAN: The interns are working hard to get as much new information as possible.

If we can reconstruct what happened to him from September 11 until ten days later when he died, we might be able to find out who he is.

Do you ever wonder if perhaps he wanted to remain anonymous for a reason?

You know, you're really starting to sound like Hodgins.

I'm a profiler.

I have to approach this from that perspective.

Okay, the people who mounted the attack were anonymous members of the community.

Now, there could have been other anonymous people on the ground to give them support.

We'll just run DNA.

Cam already did. There were no matches.

SWEETS: Perfect. And he had a previous b*llet wound.

Didn't he? I mean, that could have been from training.

BRENNAN: The wound occurred approximately 20 years ago.

We also found evidence of exposure to high levels of uranium.

Looks pretty damning.

BOOTH: The first Gulf w*r was about 22 years ago.

Most of the U.S. shells were made of depleted uranium.

Depleted uranium has been linked to neurological damage, which could explain his homelessness.

Uh-uh. He was one of ours.

He took that b*llet during the w*r. Now you're reaching, Agent Booth.

There would have been a DNA match in the military database.

There was no military database until the late 1990s.

I'm telling you, this guy fought in Desert Storm.

MONTENEGRO: So, Booth didn't want to use the crime scene photo, 'cause he wanted something easier to look at.

Sweets thought he might be a t*rror1st.

Now is not the time for conspiracy theories, Dr. Hodgins.

I agree.

I have looked into every 9/11 conspiracy. All of them.

None of 'em hold up.

Or I-I should say, only one of 'em does.

We were att*cked by extremists who hated everything we represent.

We might not be angels, but no one deserved to die that day.

No one.


(computer chirping)

I was in New York.

Working as a coroner.

I signed 900 death certificates.

I had to talk to wives, husbands, (voice breaking): children.

Sometimes all that was left...


I'm so sorry, Cam.

Oh, don't be. I'm...

(clears throat)

I'm still here.

When's this gonna be done?

(computer chirping)

MONTENEGRO: There he is.

Look, he was there on that day when the plane hit.

36,000 people pass through the Pentagon on an average day, Seeley.

I was a grunt in a file room on the other side of the building.

How do you expect me to recognize him?

All right, okay, there's got to be some kind of surveillance video, some logs we can check out here, Ben.

Are you serious?

Everything from that day is classified. You know that.

He was wounded in the first Gulf w*r. He's one of us.

Everyone who lost their life or who was injured that day is accounted for.

Right. Maybe he slipped through the cracks.

I mean, security wasn't as tight back then.

That just makes it harder.

What are you saying?

You're not gonna help?

All right, look...

I'll take this picture, I'll show it around.

Beyond that, I don't know what else I can do for you.

Look, we went to Afghanistan because of those att*cks.

No matter how bad it ever got, we would never leave anyone behind-- you know that.

We got to do something.


Here's what we've got so far.

He was close by when the plane hit, and somehow he got his rib broken.

He took off and went back to the parking garage where he got beaten ten days later.

Who would beat someone to death so soon after 9/11?

People were angry.

It's always the weak ones who get the brunt of that.

They're easy targets.

It's the way the world works.

Not everyone looks at the world like you do, Fisher.

Okay, the ends of the humerus are also abraded with no remodeling, so, he could have been dragged by his arms.

Or hung by them.

FINN: Oh, there's also damage to the L4 and the L5.

So, if someone used a club on his knees, it looks like they took a whack at his back, too.

Is this too difficult for you, Arastoo?

Because I'd be more than happy to do as much as needed to ease your load.

Why would it be more difficult for me than anyone else?

Because of...

Because you share the same religion as those men.

Is it too difficult for you to work with Dr. Edison?

Um... excuse me?

You share the same religion with men who cherry-picked the Bible to justify sl*very.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean nothing.

But still your words have meaning, don't they, Mr. Abernathy?

Those assumptions you made, those quick generalizations.

What about the vengeance and the bloodshed in the Old Testament?

Okay. He's just a kid, Arastoo.

If he's not old enough to know, he's certainly old enough to learn.

The Crusades, the Inquisition-- are these events guided by a religion of peace?

No, they were guided by self-important men who think they know more than the God they claim to worship.

This was not the work of religion.

It was arrogance. It was hypocrisy.

It was hate.

Those horrible men who h*jacked those planes h*jacked my religion that day, too.

They insulted my God.

So, no, this isn't too difficult.

It's a privilege to be able to serve this victim, to show him the care and love that was so absent that day.

Thank you.


I'm sorry.

Thank you for taking the time to set me straight.

Yeah, that was awesome, dude.

Make sure to catalog every injury, no matter how small.

The end of the metacarpals on the right hand are also abraded. No remodeling.

BRAY (sighs): Let's take it from the top.
(crickets chirping)


(door opens)


Hi, Booth.

The interns are cataloging all the injuries now.

We should be able to put together a scenario soon that might give us an idea of what happened to him.

His name's Tim Murphy.

He had a wife and a son.

Your friend at the Pentagon identified him?

No. I spent the day going to homeless shelters.

Turns out a lot of guys from Desert Storm ended up going to the one on Carlton Street.

They kept his effects for over ten years?

No. The woman who runs the place-- she believes that, uh, these guys would come back and have a normal life.

Have you contacted his wife?

I'm gonna see her tomorrow morning.

She hasn't seen him in over 15 years.

I need to know what happened to him, Bones.

You will, Booth.


I promise.

Tim wasn't the same after he came back from the Gulf.

He was afraid to stay indoors because of what happened to him over there.

What happened?

He was in a munitions dump that got hit.

We tried to pick up where we left off, but he just couldn't do it.

He'd disappear, and then, I'd go searching for him, and find him sleeping in a park somewhere.

Did he try and get any help?

I mean, the VA has got great programs for homeless vets.

Tim didn't trust anyone to help.

I think he lost faith.

There's no Purple Heart for PTSDs.

There's no recognition for what he sacrificed.

Anyhow, one day, he-he just vanished.

That was 17 years ago.

So, you didn't know who Tim knew, or anyone who wanted to harm him?

Like I said, I-I don't know anything.

Has your son had any contact with Tim?

The last time Sean saw his father, he was four years old.

Look, I'm sorry, but I cannot go through all of this again.

Tim was dead long before that parking garage, and the only way we could move on was to accept that.

And maybe we were dead to him, and that's why he could leave.

No, you weren't-- we found this in his personal effects, one of the few things that he had.

(laughs softly)

I remember this day.

He loved Sean so much.

And I loved him.


I always loved him.


Hodgins... you have to eat something.

You're gonna faint. I'm almost done.

Are you still working on that fragment they found in the rib? I think it could tell us where the victim was standing when the plane hit the Pentagon.

Well, how? I-I thought it was just debris from the plane.

Yeah, I did, too, at first, but it's indium tin oxide, and that wasn't used in the plane.

It's used in the lampposts which are near the west side of the Pentagon.

Where the plane hit.

Yeah. Yeah, look at this.

Sheared off the tops of the lampposts as it slammed into the building.

He was hit by fragments from the lampposts.

I mean, it cracked his rib and left this behind.

How close was he to the plane?

Close. Maybe 500 feet from the plane as it passed.

Oh, my God.

I can't imagine that.

If he was standing that close to the building when the plane passed, then maybe these other injuries are somehow from the debris when the Pentagon was hit.

Then we'd see scattered fractures and bruising.

These are all localized-- patellas, acromion, metacarpals.

BRAY: I don't get it, we can figure out if someone was a blacksmith a hundred years ago, but we can't find out what happened to this guy.

Are you okay? No! Are you?

This guy was there on 9/11.

You don't feel the pressure to solve this one?

Okay, if I can gather the team here quickly.

I feel having spent some time in a loony bin, I have a leg up here.

Not now, Fisher.

All right, there is an elephant in this room, and it's standing between us and the remains.

And until we move the pachyderm out of the way, we're not gonna be able to think clearly. I'm sorry, were you locked in a loony bin or a zoo?

(wry laugh)

9/11 was a trauma to us all.

Not like this guy or the people who died that day, but it still changed us, right? A-And we act like it doesn't matter.

Clearly, Wendell is freaking out here, and you, you went nuts earlier.

(sighs) The first rule at the loony bin is to get it all out in the open.

So that's what we're gonna do, right here, all right?

I'll go.

I was in high school.

It was my senior year.

I was...

(chuckles) breaking into my history teacher's desk to steal a test that I hadn't studied for.

And he walked in, and he was crying-- he couldn't care less what I was doing.

And... that's when I found out.

So I...

I talked to him, that... that stolen test in my hand...

...and we both just sat and...

...we cried.


Oh, come on.

I was working.

It was, uh... before school.

Coffee shop.

Everyone was just staring at the TV.

No one said a word.

The cook came out to watch with the rest of us.

I still remember the smell of food burning on that grill.

FINN: I was nine.

I'd gotten in the way of my stepfather... hitting my mama.

Then he stuck me with some scissors.

My mama wanted to take me to the hospital.

But my hurt didn't seem like nothin'... after we heard what happened.

I was at morning prayers.

I didn't believe that day.

I didn't believe in anything that day.


I was out with my aunt.

From that morning for the next few days...

My uncle was a firefighter in New York.

He never came home.

So, is your team any closer?

BRENNAN: Much further away, actually.

The bone clues are becoming more difficult to decipher.

But that might be good.

How could that possibly be good, Bones?

They're assuming too much. I'm having them look at the evidence as if they'd never seen it before.

See how the injuries are connected.

Phil says that everything is connected. That's it, no more basketball for you, okay?




Come on in.

This is my partner, uh, Temperance Brennan.

And she's also my...

I'm also his mate.

We have a daughter together.

BEN: Congratulations.

I, uh... have some information about Murphy.

When I heard he was on the west side of the building that day, I talked to some people who worked there.

A few remembered him.

Apparently, he was outside every day, for over a year, yelling at everyone in uniform who came in.


Yeah. "Walk in Moore Park."

He yelled it to everyone.

"Walk in Moore Park"?

I have no idea what that means.

Where's Moore Park?

There is no Moore Park.

That's why it didn't make any sense.

People complained about him all the time.

He was clearly disturbed.

Security detail would have to remove him at least once a week, and, uh... from what I heard, it sometimes got ugly.

How so?

He'd fight them.

One time he tried to disarm an officer.

Well, maybe Murphy struck one of the security detail, and the officer went after him to settle the score.

Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

I tried to get you the logs for the security team for those two weeks, but, um... they said it would take months of legal maneuvering to unseal them.


I can't believe what a sloppy job the damn coroner did.

There's no record of his fingernails being swabbed.

Because it probably wasn't done. But that's the first thing you do with the victim of an as*ault, to see if you can find the assailant's DNA.

Now the bones are clean, and we have no trace evidence to examine.

Oh, God. Yes, we do.

We do?
'Cause I don't think we do.

Not if we're focused on the bones. We're fools!

Excuse me? We've been focusing on the bones-- that's the problem!

But we're forensic anthropologists-- that's why Dr. Brennan planted us here.

No. She planted us here to get answers.

Scraps of his T-shirt... and some of his pants.

Coroner probably cut them off when he examined the remains.

You're right, Fisher, I am a fool.

We are. I said "we."

There's strength in numbers.

The five us were fools to trust the coroner's report.

EDISON: We should reanalyze his blood.

Maybe it's not all his.

BOOTH: There's a Moore Park in Toronto, there's one in L.A., Miami, New Zealand.

There's a Moorpark College. There's millions of them.

I mean, what's the connection here?

I wouldn't read too much into it, Agent Booth.

What do you mean? He was out there screaming, every day, "Walk in Moore Park."

I mean, it's got to mean something, Sweets.

He was ill, he was paranoid, probably delusional.

He... could've heard the name Moore Park and created a fantasy around it.

It might have meant something to him, but it would have no meaning to anyone else.

I think we should just, you know, focus on these police reports.

We've already been through them already.

Yeah, well, these just came in.

Complaints filed against the city by a homeless activist in 2001.

They accuse the police of not responding to att*cks on homeless camps.

Look at this-- 12 incidents in September.


Theft, as*ault, r*pe-- did the city investigate?

Yeah, and they found no wrongdoing by the police.

'Cause the witnesses were unreliable.

Apparently, "unreliable" is just another word for "homeless."

Okay, maybe we're going about this all wrong.

I mean, maybe there is no Moore Park now.

Maybe there was a Moore Park back in 2001 when he was alive. I think our time is better spent tracking down this homeless activist.

Oh, my God.


What? What?

"Walk in Moore Park."

"Walk in Moore Park."

That's it. That's it. Look.

I don't understand. The... Their names!

Look at their names.

Walken, Moore and Park.

Walken, Moore, Park.

He was out there every day yelling the names of his friends.

He was completely making sense, but no one took the time to notice.

Walken, Moore, Park.

The soldiers.


We've been through these injuries dozens of times, Dr. Brennan.

And Phil Jackson put his team through drills hundreds of times.

Again, please. Both the fractured rib and vertebrae show signs of remodeling, indicating they occurred on September 11.

And the other damage, the abraded fracturing of the humeri...

And the acromial processes and metacarpals...

None of these show remodeling, indicating the injuries took place around time of death.

We're missing something.

You're certain that all the fractures are traumatic? Well, how else would bones break if not from external trauma?

Wait. Look at the humeri and the acromions.

Could he possibly have suffered a subluxation?

You're right.

The dislocation would have caused continuous rubbing.

That would prevent remodeling.

But it doesn't explain the fractures to the patellas.

Or the fractured vertebrae.

FINN: I'm not so sure.

Look at the back of the patellas.

These are internal stress fractures.

All of these injuries are commonly suffered by weightlifters.

FISHER: He was too slight to be a weightlifter.

Military records indicate that Walken, Moore and Park were all k*lled in an a*mo dump in Abdali, Kuwait.

Wait. Didn't Murphy's wife say he was trapped in an a*mo dump?

Yeah, they rescued Murphy, but these three-- they were k*lled when the dump blew.

Survivor's guilt.

His friends died for him, and he couldn't get past that.

Ben got me these.

You see, Tim Murphy petitioned the army to award his friends the Silver Star.

How many times did he write to them?

56 times.

(phone rings) So, when that didn't work, he just planted himself in front of the Pentagon and kept trying.

Somehow that doesn't sound crazy to me.


Okay. Right. I'm on my way.

That was Bones.

I was able to separate the stains.

There was blood on his shirt from three other people.

All right, so we got a hit on their DNA?

Yes, all three of them.

So then, we know who att*cked Murphy.

We have their names, but they weren't the ones who att*cked him.

Okay, wait. I don't understand.

How did their blood get on him?

The blood was from three people who were working at the Pentagon that day.

Where the plane hit.

And they lived?


Well, how did Murphy die?

We're not sure yet.

Maybe one of the survivors can help.

I never thought I'd see my family again.

None of us in there did.

Your left lateral epicondyle and femur were crushed, weren't they?


I was pinned under a concrete beam.

Couldn't move. Smoke was filling the room.

I can't believe I made it.

Do you recognize this man?

That's him.

I'd never forget that face.

That's the man who rescued me.

Do you know where he is?

Can I thank him? BOOTH: I wish you could.

He died about a week after the att*cks.

What happened to him?

We don't know yet. We suspect he was m*rder*d.

That's why we wanted to talk to you.

He lifted the concrete beam off of you, didn't he?

All alone?

I-I-I didn't think it was possible.

He wasn't a big man.

And after he freed me, he went over to two other people who were pinned.

James Donzig and Warren Kirk.

That's right.

I don't think he was m*rder*d, Booth.

Because of our preconceptions about his circumstances, we all believed that Mr. Murphy was the victim of an as*ault.

Without the exceptional work of this team, we still wouldn't know the truth.

MONTENEGRO: So I've reconstructed what they discovered.

BRENNAN: When his rib was fractured by the debris, it wasn't a clean break.

That happened when he went into the building to rescue those people.

BOOTH: Wait a second.

You're saying that Murphy died because he rescued those three people in the Pentagon?

Exactly. Finn gave us our first clue.

The injuries to the patellas weren't from being kneecapped in an as*ault.

They were acute transverse fractures.

That's the same damage that weightlifters suffer when they lift too much.

MONTENEGRO: The witnesses descriptions of Mr. Murphy's actions confirmed that he probably was lifting in excess of 400 pounds of concrete and debris at the time.

That's a miracle considering his size.

At first, we had no explanation for the spinal fracturing until we realized that the compression fractures were caused by the extreme weight he was carrying. Next.

And the damage to his shoulders wasn't from him being dragged or hung.

They dislocated because his arms weren't capable of lifting so much.

We thought the lack of remodeling meant the injuries took place ten days later.

SWEETS: So why did it take him ten days to die?

It all comes back to that plane.

He died because of the rib fracture.

It was only cracked at first, but it snapped while he was lifting the debris and bowed inward, puncturing his lung.

It took him ten days to bleed out.

I can't imagine the pain he must have been in.

I can't believe he died with no one knowing what he did.

BOOTH: For years, Tim Murphy was homeless, and he was forgotten.

He was one of those people on the streets that we try not to look at, because the sight of them is just too painful.

But we're all cut from the same cloth.

Tim knew that.

He knew how connected all of us are.

He knew that if it wasn't for his buddies, that Tim wouldn't be alive on September 11 to save the lives of Diane, Warren... and James.

And we wouldn't be able to tell Tim's son that his dad didn't die a broken man living on the streets, Sean.

But he was as brave and noble as the best of us.

We lay him to rest today... a hero.

♪ I am holding your torch

♪ I won't hold it no more

♪ You can have it, take it, use it ♪
♪ I am holding your torch

♪ I won't hold it no more

♪ You can have it, take it, use it ♪
♪ I'll need both my hands to hold my own ♪
♪ I need only one light

♪ The light from one

♪ I'll need both my hands

♪ I'll need both my hands

Both my hands
♪ I'll need both my hands

♪ I'll need both my hands

Both my hands
♪ I need only one light

♪ The light from one...

Basketball game on tonight.

I thought you said no more basketball for me.

All right.

It's my bad, okay? Look... after your coaching, Phil Jackson has nothing on you.

(Brennan laughs)

Do you think they'll get their Silver Stars?

I do. Ben and I are on it.

Tim never gave up, and neither will we.


What's wrong, Bones?


I've spent so much time trying... to control my life.

I thought it meant that I was strong, but...

...I was... just afraid.

Afraid of what?

I dug out remains from the rubble of the Towers.

For two weeks, I was methodical.

A scientist.

I did what was asked of me.

I did my job.

I never shed a tear.

I was proud of that.



All these years, I never let myself feel it.


Bones, we all deal with things in our own way, okay?


I could avoid it all before I met you.

I had no one in my life.


And now I think of those people...


And I think of you.

Any one of them.

It could have been you.

All right. I know.

It's all right.

(Brennan cries)