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08x09 - The Ghost in the Machine

Posted: 12/10/12 10:30
by bunniefuu

(muffled voices conversing)

(muffled shouting)

I've got the skull here.

BRENNAN: Can you do something about the wasps?


Sorry, guys.

Well, this skull is congruent with the other bones we've uncovered.

One victim, that's good.

So, he was probably wrapped in that sleeping bag, and covered with a layer of dirt.

How were the remains found?

BOOTH: Real estate agent, estimating this place for a resale, and they heard the wasps.

BRENNAN: I need to take a closer look at the skull if I'm going to determine sex and age.

So, what do you think? Man or woman?

I am uncomfortable defining sex with just a skull, but...

Come on. Take a s*ab.

I won't write anything down, I promise.

It's between me and you.

Oh. Well...


You don't want to take a s*ab in front of me?

I feel inhibited by my desire not to embarrass myself in front of another scientist.

You should take that as a compliment. What about him?

Well, we live together, and thus share the same synergistic lack of inhibition, which allows us to have sex without being self-conscious.

That's very romantic, Bones.

Okay. Take a hike, bug boy.

Just go do some stuff over there.

So, what do you think? Go ahead.

Orbit shape: square.

Orbit size: small.

Placement in the skull: low.

These are extremely telling morphometrics.

Little hint, Bones. Just...

Male. Male.

You said you wouldn't write anything down!

I'm just writing down "morphometric," so I can look it up later on.

I can be more definite about age.


It's a kid?

Partial fusion of the distal radius and the acromion.

A kid.

A kid? Oh, man.

How old?

13 or 14.

Oh, I hate it when it's a kid.

Well, that's because you have a son yourself, and you can't help but draw the connection.

Same with me, though, with Parker.

Well, fortunately for me, Christine is a girl, and so the comparison is not as close to home.

Christine's gonna be fine, all right?

I feel a sudden desire to hold her.

We will.

And you should call Parker.

I will.

All right?

Hodgins, we should take soil samples from beneath the remains.

HODGINS: The sleeping bag might help us, but I doubt it.

It looks pretty common.

Gonna find out what happened to you, kid.

♪ Bones 8x09 ♪
The Ghost in the Machine
Original Air Date on December 3, 2012

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

TECH:What do you got there, Dr. Hodgins?

Skull found in an abandoned greenhouse out near the Triadelphia Reservoir. That's a nice field trip for you.

It's a kid. Uh, sorry.

All right.

Now, I am going to put you here, nice and steady, buddy.

AURORA: Aw, Professor, I think it's a good thing you're talking to him.

Avalon, what are you doing here?

I heard someone callin'.

Oh, please tell me you mean by telephone.

No, honey, no such luck.

I heard him... callin'.

I know you hate that.

Avalon's a psychic, Hodgins.

She's not in control of what she hears.

HODGINS: You can say that again.

If I were, you'd say nicer things to me.

Oh, he's listening.

Yeah, as you can see, he hasn't got any ears.

He doesn't need any ears.

What-What do you think that he wants, exactly?

He's got unfinished business.

Makes sense, since he was probably m*rder*d.

I need five minutes to commune.

Okay, come on, no.

This is a secure forensic platform, all right?

Now, come on.

Anyone asks, you came to read Angie's palms.


I'm sorry, Avalon.

It's just... you know how Brennan feels about psychics.

And how Booth feels.

And also Sweets.

And Cam.

I don't want to seem unfriendly, but this is not a psychic platform.

Okay, we were just leaving.

I came to read Angela's palms.

So I heard.

We're gonna go now.

To do that. Great.


The rest of the remains were X-rayed.

Yep. Kind of small.

Yeah, Brennan says teenage boy, 13 or 14.

Oh... Avalon says he's watching us.

In that case, no cursing.

BRENNAN: Are the X-rays in the system?

You'll find them filed under "John Doe A-07."

There's a fracture to the cervical spine at C2.

Cause of death?

If he was still alive when his neck fractured, it would have been fatal.

There's evidence of older remodelings.

Wrists, elbow, cracked patella, coccyx...

A tough life.

CAM: What is it?

Uh... this... this doesn't look like soil in the skull.

I think...

I think this is a wasp's nest.

Hey. This'll help us dial in time of death.

Well, Avalon says that it's a boy.

I really hate it when it's a kid.

His parents must be in complete hell.

Unless Mom and Dad already know.

Oh, don't... don't say that.

It could have been an accident.

Getting buried in a greenhouse is no accident.

Oh, God...

Excuse me for not going to the worst place first.

Long bones indicate that he was a bit small for a 14-year-old male.

But muscle attachments suggest he was fit.

Active, athletic.

That could explain the pattern of old injuries.

Good. Why good?

It's better he hurt himself dare-deviling for the Internet than getting beat by a drunk foster father.

I'm with you, okay?

Not going to the worst place first.


When can I get him for a facial reconstruction?

After Hodgins removes the wasp's nest from his cranium.

Hey, sorry for the...

It's a kid. No need to apologize.

Are you kidding?

I love when you hang onto you humanity.

Even if it means I get yelled at.

BRENNAN: When Angela first started working here, she had to have drinks and sex just to forget the day.

Yeah. She still does one of those things.

I'll bring him to your office.

You're thinking that he's somebody's baby.

Yeah, I can't help it.

Ange, you gotta make it a skull, not a boy.

Professional detachment.

You know, it's my job to turn this skull into an actual human being.

Give him a face.

So, you try being detached.

Of course. I'm... sorry, Angie.

I'm gonna quit giving you advice.


I'm Angela.

This is weird, but, um...

I believe that if Avalon says you're here, then you're here. So...

What I do is give you a face, and find out who you are.

It's Brennan who gives you a voice, and who finds out what happened.

Symmetrical features, so you were cute.

You took care of your teeth, but it looks like you ground them, so you must've been hiding your nervousness from others.

Maybe came off as a little cocky, huh?

Got kind of a crooked little grin?


Small for your age, too.

Means you might have been putting on a tough face for the world.

But I think there was a bit of an artist in you.

I promise you, we will find out whatever it is that you need finding out, so that you can go home.

The notion of a soul, of a spirit that transcends the body, and time, and the laws of physics, has been integral to every single culture.

It is a myth that transcends race, it is an abiding tenet of humanity.

So it's true. Not in the least.

If you're done, I can remove the excess tissue and take a closer look at the bare bone.

So, these showed up during an evidence sweep.

MONTENEGRO: Shoes? Could be the victim's.

Size eight.

That's congruent with the size of the victim's feet.

Mm. Well, there's blood stains right on the soles, there.

HODGINS: The wasp's nest from the skull is over a year old.

Factor in the time it took for the brain to decompose... time of death is approximately two years ago, in the autumn.

Is... is this our boy?

Yeah. I'll compare that to the Missing Persons reports from that time.

There is absolutely no empirical evidence that ghosts, or spirits, or the human soul exist.

There is no evidence that our consciousness survives our corporeal death in any way.

(computer beeping)

MONTENEGRO: Hey, hey, we have a match here.

BOOTH: Look at that.

Colin Gibson.


Avalon kept saying that she heard someone "Colin."

HODGINS: No, she meant "calling."

But still, wow, yeah, that's got to make you think.

Okay, we are scientists.

Let's concentrate on the facts, and the numbers, and logic.

How about this number? He's 14 years old.

(Brennan whimpers)

MONTENEGRO: Oh, sweetie...

I'm sorry.

It's okay to be sad, Temperance, all right?

It's okay to cry. It's all right.

It is sad.

It is sad.



You know, I have never seen Brennan tear up for a victim before.

So, big ups there, Colin.

Most of us here, we, uh, we separate ourselves emotionally from people like you; dead people.

Is Angie's psychic right, huh?

You watching us?

You haunting us all till we solve your m*rder?

Hey, is it possible that on some level, Brennan could feel your presence?

SAROYAN : Who are you talking to?

Colin, the victim.

Just in case.

Avalon's accuracy is freaky.

Did you get anything off the wasps' nest?

Yeah. Check this out.

(hushed): Colin, if you see my mother on the other side, Barbara... Babs, please tell her that I'm fine and that I'm hap... 87% happy and that I love her very much. Thanks.

Wait a second.

I was just telling Colin that I thought that the wasp was Sphex pensylvanicus, but in fact, this is this is Vespula squamasa.

Which seems to hold great meaning for you.

Squamasa is not a subterranean or burrowing wasp.

Then how did they get in the skull?

The victim was k*lled and left to decompose above ground.

The wasp built his nest in the skull before Colin was buried.

So the body was moved?

Yes. After how long?

Eight months to a year.


HODGINS:Your parents are coming, so let's clean you up.

14 years old.

Man, life was just about to get interesting for you.

Especially love, romance... and sex.

You would have blundered around, making a mess of it like all of us, but in the end, oh, man, it's a glorious mess, and I'm truly sorry you're gonna miss out on it.

BRENNAN: Why are they insisting upon seeing their child's bones?

All skeletons look alike to the untrained eye.

We tell them it's their loved one's remains, they believe us.

They have faith in us.

At first, I thought that we should go full-on scientific.

Full-on scientific?

Bones laid out anatomicalallyn a cold, stainless steel table.

Very antiseptic.

But then I thought, "This is their son," so...

So you decided to use a cloth which is more reminiscent of a shroud.

They should see that we have reverence for their boy.

And him, that we have reverence for his parents.

BRENNAN: Dr. Sweets feels that it is important for you to know that the injury that Colin sustained to his spine would have k*lled him instantly.


TREVOR: We love you, Colin.

We miss you so much!

In the Missing Person's Report, on the day that Colin disappeared, you said that the day started like every other day.

Was there anything different at all?

It was, it was just like every other day.

Colin ate breakfast while we packed up for work.

I just wish we'd taken the time.

I wish we'd all sat down together.

Colin was a good student?

LOUISE: He was a very good student.

TREVOR: He excelled at sports, too.

Junior varsity track, swimming, wrestling.

(chuckles) Not really a team player, our Colin.

No problems with anyone at school or...?


TREVOR: When the Missing Persons police asked questions, they found that Colin had lots of friends.

LOUISE: Yeah, everyone, everyone liked him.

Good-bye, Colin!

We love you! (sobs)

BRENNAN: Perimortem abrasions to both patellas and tibias.

These injuries happened very close to time of death.

Damage to the metacarpals and to the scaphoid and lunate.

Colles' fractures indicate the the victim fell forward at a high speed and attempted to break his fall by extending his arms forward.

Yes, there is a hairline fracture to the left clavicle supporting that scenario.

Note: Angela may be able to estimate the height or speed from which the victim fell.

You were moving fast.

Were you running away from something?

There's a shallow vertical gash to the sternum.

Did you fall on something sharp before or after you snapped your neck?

Or were you att*cked while lying injured on the ground?

Perhaps you turned onto your back and someone slashed down at you.

I lied when I said that I knew you died instantly.

Sweets said that would be kinder for your parents, which is something that Sweets is very good at.

That's interesting.

What is that?

Areas of pale discoloration, disparate in size, but consistent in color.

Dr. Brennan, are you speaking with the victim?

I'm... intrigued by Angela's idea of the victim watching me work.

For example, does it affect my objectivity or focus?

That does not mean that I think it is true.

Dr. Hodgins found this in the filters after the victim's bones were cleaned.

Is that a paint chip?

Yes, Hodgins ran it through the mass spec.

Dr. Saroyan, Dr. Brennan?

This is Miranda Spedding and Shaun Whalen, friends of Colin Gibson's.


(quietly): They shouldn't see Colin.

Uh, Miranda and Shaun have something of Colin's.

They wanted to bring it to the lab themselves.

BRENNAN: Oh. Um... excuse me.

I'm going somewhere else... to do something.

We're sorry for the loss of your friend.

Two years.

You think you're used to it, then they find Colin's body.

Um, this is-- or was-- Colin's skateboard.

He left it at the skate park the day before he disappeared.

Also, I found this slipped in my locker the day he didn't show up at school.

It's a bunch of songs.

Colin was really into music.

To tell you the truth, I, um, I never had the heart to listen to it after he went missing.

BRENNAN: What do you make of this, Dr. Hodgins?

These patches of discoloration?

Yes. Do you think your wasps could have caused it?

Mm, I don't think so.

It could be some kind of chemical staining.

No. That would have left physical evidence on the bone.

Yeah. We'll, take a look at the the cellular level with the SEM.

Ooh! Hey, in other news, check this out.

Paint chip?

Yeah. It's from a 1987 Chevy El Camino.

I'll tell Booth, and the FBI could trace the vehicle.

What are these light areas on your skull, buddy, hmm?
HARMONIA: Dr. Hodgins!

Oh, great...

Get ready for mystic weirdness.

Avalon, what...?

Did Angie sign you in?

Because I doubt that Cam would allow this.

I need to talk to Colin.


He's really sad.

Avalon... (sighs)

I'll tell you what...

I'll go get a cup of coffee.

You have two minutes. Do not touch.


You were booked for a good life.

I see... falling in love twice... a son, two daughters.

Don't worry about those souls.

They'll find another way into this world, You know, not exactly who they were gonna be.

Up, down... triumphs, heartbreak.

No Nobel Prize, but... but your death is a tragedy because you were gonna make the world a better place.

And that's how it should be.

You're still here after my beautiful speech.


I don't understand... but I will.

I'll help you make the journey.

BOOTH:So, it's a 1987 Chevy El Camino in this paint color.

There's three of them, but I got the warrant for this one, all right?

So what do you think?

Well, no visible damage to the bumper, but you wouldn't expect there to be.

Yeah, but he got hit by a car, right?

Well, the-the fracture to Colin's pelvis is congruent with being struck by an automobile, but cause of death was the fracture on his neck vertebra.

So he get hit by a car, he falls down and he breaks his neck.

This could very well explain the gash on Colin's sternum, if he were struck and then fell across the hood.

So is this the car?

Yes, maybe, no?

You said there were three vehicles matching this description?

Mm-hmm. But what's special about this one?

The car's registered to Dr. Trevor Gibson.

Colin's dad?

We follow the facts, Booth.

We don't invest them with emotions.

Look, I don't want Colin's dad to be the bad guy, but...

But now you have to bring him in for questioning.


And online mirrors a physical personality, but the mirror's foggy and cracked.

That's a pretty poetic way of saying that we might find a clue in Colin's social network.

A father doesn't suddenly k*ll his son for no reason, right?

We might be able to find the seeds of their conflict here.

Yeah, well, here are Colin's photo albums.

(music playing)

Okay, that's a song from Colin's mix tape to Miranda.

Yeah, and he looks pretty happy with his parents here.

Even more telling is the fact that he didn't remove them from his online life.


Yeah, he likes them, then.

Maybe even proud of them.

Colin was a daredevil.

Interests, friends, I mean, there's nothing suspicious here.

Colin made a mix tape for Miranda, right?


Well, a boy makes a mix tape for a girl.

Yeah, it was a very eclectic mix of songs from a number of times and genres.

Sweets, Colin had the hots for an older girl.

Oh. Yeah.

All of Colin's friends were older.

You think Miranda knew how he felt?

Well, she was 17 and he was 14, so she probably thought of him as a kid.


And then what if her boyfriend found out?

I mean, if high school boyfriends k*lled every kid that had a crush on their hot girlfriend, then the species would be dead in half a generation.

So what's your story?

You have some kind of secret life away from your friends and family?

HODGINS: So, the discoloration on the skull is not chemical in origin.

SAROYAN: What is it?

A congenital aberration?

Some kind of condition or syndrome?

I don't know, but we did catch a break on the wasps' nest.

It is made of paper, wood fiber, cellulose, very common in indigenous plant life.

What's the break?

Betula uber, more commonly known as the round-leaf birch.


It's rare enough that there aren't any trees near the greenhouse where Colin was found.

Now a wasp will forage approximately four times per day, venturing a distance of maybe two miles from the nest.

Closest concentration of the round-leaf birch is a population of 40 trees here.

So Colin's body was dumped for the first time within two miles of those trees?


Hey, where are you going?


Oh, what do you got there?


Why are you taking Colin home?

Booth doesn't like it when I stay here all night.

Oh, well, what can't wait until tomorrow?

You're the one that said, "Pretend that Colin is watching."

It's incredibly motivating.

Yeah, well, maybe you should just pretend during the day.

Unfortunately, no.

I have an extremely vivid imagination.

(jazz music playing)

BOOTH: (groans)
Oh, Bones, what are you doing?

Something is bugging me.

Yeah, me, too. There's a human skull in our living room.

(baby crying)
Oh, I'll get her.

I'll get her, just...

I'm listening to your mix tape because, well, because Angela said that no one had listened to it all the way through.

I find your musical taste eclectic.

Perhaps you would've grown up to be an ethnomusicologist.

Or been a normal kid who played in a band.

What woke you up?

I don't believe it was me or Christine.


Colin's dad.

You know, when I was questioning him, I think he realized I suspected him as the k*ller, and he just... he fell apart.

What, emotionally?

Well, his arms and legs didn't fall off.

Yes, emotionally.

He just lost it, Bones.

He-he loved his son.

He didn't do it. He didn't k*ll him.

That's your intuition? Yes.

Why didn't the victim's father notice the missing hood ornament?

Well, that was project that he and his son had been working on.

He hasn't removed the car cover since his son went missing.

The keys are in the tailpipe.

Anyone could've taken that car.

Look at the light.

(baby chatters)
Look it.

Ooh, it's a pretty light, huh?

It's a lot prettier than that scary skull that Mommy's carrying around.

Look at the light.


It's a pretty light.

The discolored areas on the skull could've been caused by exposure to light over time.

Okay, that's great.

Can we go to bed now?


Yay. Come on.

Here we go.

Back to bed.

(music stops)


"Come to his assistance, all ye saint of God.

"Meet him, all the angels of the Lord, "receiving his soul, "presenting it in the sight of God Almighty.


That's a b*ttlefield prayer, but I'm mostly a soldier.

So it seems to fit.

(tribal drums playing)

This is more of Colin's music?

BRENNAN: Yes, I believe it is Senegalese in origin.

(tires thump)
Oh, man.

Uh, Hodgins marked off all the areas where the wasps and the round-leaf birch intersect.

And then Angela compiled a list of man-made structures in the area.

You're pretty sure we're looking for a man-made structure.

There's no sign of scavenging on Colin's remains.

He was protected from animals and the elements.

A location where Colin's remains were placed after he was k*lled but which allowed three rays of light to hit his skull for several hours every day.

Probably on a south-facing slope.

Just up here there's some kind of abandoned pump house.

(punk rock song begins) Hodgins thought it matched all the criteria.



I loved the Ramones when I was a kid.

I'll tell you what, I remember putting "Blitzkrieg Bop" on a mix tape for this girl that I liked.

How come you've never made me a mix tape?

Well, it's romantic, Bones.

That's right, I'm not very romantic.

But you are.

(digital static)

I doubt even Colin thought that that was music.


This is us.

The pump house, right? Yep.

Okay. Check it out.

(doors close)

I don't know what we're gonna find inside.

I'll bring the skull to compare to any markers we might find in there.



(door closes)

Should we get a warrant?



Be careful coming in, all right?

What is all this stuff?

It's probably a place where homeless people and kids hang out.

Oh, it's a match, Booth.

Yeah, look at this, huh?

It's the hood ornament from Colin's father's car?

Colin's body was dumped here after he was m*rder*d.

I've been working on the sequence in which Colin sustained his injuries.

Why is Colin here?

He's not.

I mean his skull.

I was seeing whether his teeth had been loosened, but they haven't.

His pelvis was fractured, neck was broken when striking the ground, the hood ornament gashes the chest, damage to the hands and clavicle and injuries to the knees and shins.

BRENNAN: Hmm, this scenario doesn't explain the pelvis.

Or the gash to the chest.

What if he was struck while kneeling?

That explains the knees.

MONTENEGRO: But not the sternum.

From behind?

Pubic bone, hands, and knees, but no sternum or shins.

Yeah, but his teeth would've been loosened, so not from behind.

Sweets said that you were brave, that you were trying to impress the older kids.

By stealing his dad's car?

Angela, can you put Colin standing on the hood of the car?

MONTENEGRO: What, like he's surfing?

BRENNAN: Mm-hmm.

And the car will hit a bump.

Colin loses his balance.

SAROYAN: Oh, the driver hit the brakes.

BRENNAN: The car decelerates.

It was an accident.

The driver probably panicked and hid the body.


I'll go tell Booth.

Adolescents suffer diminished judgment because their frontal lobes are under-developed.

You made a foolish decision.

I just wish it hadn't k*lled you.

Thanks for coming in.

I'm FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth.

You're all over 18, right?

All right, this here is Dr. Temperance Brennan.

She figured out how Colin Gibson died.

Colin was thrown from the hood of his father's car.

His neck snapped as he hit the ground.

Is that Colin's skull?

It feels like he's looking at you, huh?

MIRANDA: So, um...

Colin died in an accident?


A hidden body, definitely m*rder.

SWEETS: His body was hidden twice.

First in this pump house , and then... in this greenhouse.

So it's gotta be m*rder... unless somebody else here has a theory.

Great! m*rder it is.

SWEETS: Booth, I have a theory.

BOOTH: What's that?

Colin dies in a stupid stunt.

You panic, hide the body... then one of you sees his parents somewhere.

BOOTH: At church?

You can't live with the guilt.

You're going to go to the Gibsons, tell them where to find him.

BOOTH: So which one of you human beings has a conscience?

Hmm? Which one of you tough guys decided to move Mr. Gibson's remains to the greenhouse?

Shaun, did you have anything to do with this?

Please tell me you were the one that decided to tell Mr. and Mrs. Gibson the truth.

CARL: Don't tell nobody nothing.

You shut up, Carl!

I am done listening to you.

It happened like she said.


I was driving.

You dared Colin, didn't you?

You knew that he would do anything you said.

SHAUN: For a while I was okay, I thought, "It was an accident, forget about it." But...

SWEETS: You started having nightmares?

Colin just came and stared at me.

His head broken, flopping to one side, saying he was cold where we left him.

The greenhouse was better. It was warm.

So all three boys confessed, but the girl, Miranda, she didn't know anything about it.

Colin is still here.

But we just solved the mystery of his death.

Dying isn't what made him sad.

Okay. Um...

Just... could you just wait here one sec?

Where are you going?

MONTENEGRO: Around here, when there are impossible questions, there's only one place to go for the answers.

All right, sounds good.

Hey. Where you going with Colin?

MONTENEGRO: He's going to be cremated first thing in the morning, and I thought he should be gone before that happens.


What do you mean, "gone?"

MONTENEGRO: Avalon says he's still here.

Oh, Angela, you're not going to talk to Dr. Brennan on the word of a psychic, are you?

MONTENEGRO: Brennan comes through.

Given the opportunity, she always rises to the occasion.

I don't understand.


Avalon says that Colin's spirit is still here.


I don't know what that means.

It means that it was never about finding his k*ller.

What is "it?"

Honey, do you think you could just trust me here and help?

Angela... finding K*llers is all that I do.

I know.

I know you don't believe in ghosts or spirits or souls.

But Colin needs our help, and I could use yours.

We've uncovered everything there is to uncover, except...

Except what?

What was that noise at the end of Colin's mix tape?

Oh, the loud... yeah.

It was a webpage design, ready to be uploaded to the Internet.

When you played it on an MP3 player, it just made a loud noise.

This is it, here.

COLIN: ...and I know I must seem like a little kid, but this is for you anyway.

If I believed what you believe, I might believe this is the answer.

(strumming guitar)

Good luck, kid.

MONTENEGRO: Okay, everybody ready?

Hey, Miranda...

Um, I have something to tell you.

I know you're with Shaun, and Shaun is totally sick.


And I know I must seem like a little kid, but... this is for you anyway.

(strumming guitar)

♪ Look at me, I'm a speck of sand ♪
♪ I'm building dreams in a stranger's land ♪
♪ Tell me why do I care

♪ Tell me why...

♪ Do I care?

♪ Every time that I'm feeling down ♪
♪ They build me up and they spin me 'round ♪
♪ Where do we go

♪ Tell me, where do we go from here? ♪
♪ What are we gonna find out?

♪ What are we gonna find out? ♪
♪ What the universe is just waiting to hear ♪
♪ Just as long as it's two of us ♪
♪ Just as long as it's two of us ♪
♪ I'll carry on.

Okay. That's all.

I just... felt like I was gonna die if I didn't tell you how I really feel.

Now you know.

Colin loved me?

I had no idea. He never said anything.

SWEETS: He said it in that song.

MONTENEGRO: Boys and their mix tapes, right?

BOOTH: You know, Colin skipped school that day because he was afraid how you'd react.

I would have never seen this if it wasn't for you people.

I just wish I could tell him that I got his message.

He knows.

(Christine cooing)

Dancing phalanges!

Dancing phalanges!

Do you think it's too soon to learn the periodic table of elements?

What, for you or for Christine?

Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium!

(whistles softly)
What is that?

This is your mix tape.

What? You made me a mix tape?

Mm-hmm. You know what? You're right.

I am the romantic one.

I find I think that is very sweet.

Well, it starts with our song. What? We have a song?

Every couple has a song.

Wait for it...

("Hot Blooded" by Foreigner begins)

Hey, huh?

♪ Well, I'm hot blooded, check it and see ♪
♪ I've got a fever of 103
(Christine gurgles)

Okay, okay, come to Daddy, here.

♪ Come on baby, do you do more than dance? ♪

I think I'll take you, I don't want you to get whiplash from Mom.

♪ I'm hot blooded, I'm hot blooded... ♪

What's that mean?