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08x16 - The Friend In Need

Posted: 02/25/13 08:37
by bunniefuu
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


I got stuff, man.

Good stuff.

I found it by the river.

I don't want it, Reggie.

Ten bucks.

Just give me ten for it.

It's in perfect shape.

It's filthy.

Well, a little soap and water is all you need.

Gorillas can jump on these things Yeah... and they don't break.

Eight bucks and it's yours.

Did you steal it, Reggie?

What do I look like to you?

Don't ask if you don't want an answer.

I asked everyone I saw by the river if it was theirs.

Four bucks.

Come on, man, I need a sandwich.

Sandwiches don't come in bottles, Reggie.

Take it and leave.

One dollar. Come on, man.

There could be treasure in there.

Yeah, waterlogged clothes.

And you need them more than me.

Come on, I'm closing up.

Hey, hey, hey!

Don't get my place all dirty, Reggie.


50 cents?


37 across. "Turnstile."

I know, I haven't gotten there yet.


Yeah, 46 down.

No, 51 across.

Uh, "Charged atom." "Ion."

46 down... oh, it's "ife."

It's a tropical fibrous plant.

Isn't that exciting.
'Kay, you know what?

This is my puzzle.

Well, the paper is billed in my name, so technically...

Okay, so, here you go.

Your puzzle. Have at it.


76 across.


This is "oboe."
Missed that one.

"Hannibal." "Jakarta."

Lucky guess.

Not sure about this one.

Six letters.


"Island!" Gilligan's Island!

Huh, not so smart now, are you?

Where is it located?

Hollywood. It's in Hollywood.

No. There's no body of water large enough in Hollywood.

Yes, there is. Population seven.

And there's one brilliant professor who's not as much of a know-it-all as you, but he can still, okay, make nuclear bombs out of coconuts.

Are you upset? I don't know.

Maybe I am. You know what?

You're not always the smartest, Bones.

But I am.

You didn't know Gilligan's Island, did you?

(cell phone rings)

I will consult an atlas before work. Right.


All right, we'll be right there.

Remains were just delivered to the lab.

I'm sorry if I was a know-it-all.

You were just trying to have some fun even though the puzzle was too difficult for you.

Mm-hmm. It's okay, Bones.

You're not a know-it-all.

Thank you. Yeah.

'Cause you didn't know about Ginger, or Mary Ann, or the Howells, and I bet you didn't know that the Globetrotters were guests on Gilligan's Island.

Better consult your atlas, is what you should do.

I will. Right.

Hollywood? Yep, Hollywood.

The remains look pretty battered.

HODGINS: Suitcase must have gotten knocked out of the shipping channel and come in with the tide this morning.

Is it wrong this reminds me that I need a vacation?

No, that's very logical to me.

I could never pack this good.

And I assume you can't cook as well as Hannibal Lecter, but since you're dating my daughter, I'm fine with that.

90 degree gonion angle where the mandibular body intersects with the ascending ramus says the victim is male.

Krill and phytoplankton could tell us where the body was originally dumped.

Hey, Cam, you must miss Michelle.

She's been away at school for months. I do.

And I imagine Mr. Abernathy does, too.

Dude, you are totally blushing.

Can we please work? BRENNAN: We are.

Perhaps you're anxious because you haven't had sex since Michelle's absence.


I'd rather not talk about this.

It's very understandable.

Young males have an intense sex drive to ensure the survival of the species.

Dr. Brennan, you're talking about my daughter.

I know. Don't.

Puritanical sexual values have been shown to encourage secretive and sometimes deviant behavior.

Most of the fracturing appears to be postmortem.

The still-unfused spheno-occipital synchondrosis on the base of the cranium suggests that our victim was in his mid-teens.

So, the k*ller broke up the body to fit it into the suitcase?

k*ller? We don't even have cause of death yet.

The boy didn't climb into a suitcase and throw himself off a bridge. I don't know.

Could be some kind of Jackass stunt gone wrong.

You're suggesting cause of death is stupidity?

Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

BRENNAN: Mr. Abernathy has a point.

♪ Bones 8x18 ♪
The Friend in Need
Original Air Date on February 18, 2013

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

SWEETS: So the way we play this is, I'm the understanding psychologist and you be the flinty FBI agent?

Okay, sure.

Let's be what we are.

Okay, now, you're 100% solid on the I.D., right?

Hey, look, if you're certain, then I'm certain, which means that I am better at ensuring that the family is certain and-and they get a sense of closure.

Dental records confirm that the deceased was Martin Manicone, age 15, reported missing two weeks ago.

All right?

All right.


Special Agent Booth, FBI.

Ms. Manicone, I'm Dr. Sweets.

We spoke on the phone.

Please, please. Come in.

My son's been missing for two weeks.

I'm hoping you're here to tell me you found him.



Would-would you prefer to talk to us alone?


Um, this is my neighbor, Delores, and her daughter, Kat.

More like family.

Is Manny dead?

Oh, please, God, no.

I'm sorry.

Your son Martin's remains were positively identified.


Identified how?

Dental records. Oh, God.

That means he's been dead a while, doesn't it? Oh...

Everybody called him Manny.

Not Martin. He was Manny.

Okay, sure.

I understand that this is a difficult time, but if we could ask you a few questions...

W-What happened to my son?

They think Manny was m*rder*d, right?

That's what we're trying to ascertain, yeah.

Was Manny the kind of kid who would do stunts?

Death defying stuff?

Oh, no.

Manny wasn't that kind of kid.

Can you think of anyone who'd want to hurt Manny?

No. He was a good boy.

He mostly just kept to himself.


Anyone in school?

When was the last time you saw Manny before he went missing?

Um, I work nights, so sometimes days go by and we just pass like ships in the night, so... two weeks ago.


When he went to that party.

What party?

Manny didn't want to go, but I told him he'd never make any friends if he didn't.

(cell phone rings)

Excuse me.


Seeley, preliminary tox results show high levels of ketamine in the boy's tissue.

Yeah. Excuse me, I got to take this outside.


The party drug? Special K.

Well, the information I'm getting from the mom is that he wasn't that kind of a kid.

Well, sounds like maybe mom's got blinders on.

Okay. Thanks, Cam.

(door opens)

Now, a death like this is (door closes) obviously extremely traumatic.

This hotline could be really helpful, you should call it.

I don't need those kind of things.


We help each other.

I understand. Uh, well... here's my card if you think of anything that can help us.

Would you happen to have a recent photo of Manny that we can borrow?



He was all I had.

The hotline number...

...perhaps your daughter, since she was so close with the victim?

Like she said, we're not psychology people.

We're friends and family people.

Can I take a look at Manny's room?

Uh, sure.

(indistinct chatter)

Guess who? Oh.

It's you.

(laughs): Hi.


That wasn't very enthusiastic.

Look, it's just... Cam was talking about how you can't visit this weekend.

Think about it, Finn.

I tell Cam I'm in town, then I have to stay at her place.

We shut up about it, then I get to stay at your place.

On the other hand, lying makes me... Mm.

Come on.

Let's be naughty and selfish for one weekend.

I can make it up to Cam at Christmas.

(Finn sighs)
Or, I can go back to school.

Or I can stay with Cam.

Or I can come spend the night at your place.

(Michelle laughs)

Uh... okay.

Don't you want your money?

Oh, yeah.


Memory cards, hard drives.

What was he doing with all these cell phones?

Why didn't the mom mention any this?

Manny asked her to stay out of his room.

She was cool with it.

So, what was all this for?

He fixed people's computers.

Fixed phones.

Like if people dropped them or got them wet. Or if they wanted to exceed their limit without paying more?

Manny was smart.

Manny drink or take dr*gs?


We really need to know the truth.

Manny mostly liked playing video games.

Whoa, look at this.


Tough to make this much money playing video games.

(computer chirping)

Any luck with the phones?

No. None of them are registered.

They all seem to have been wiped.

Burner phones?

Yeah, looks like it.

Uh, what about the memory cards?

Well, some are clean, and some have code.

I'm-I'm trying to decipher them.

We know that he had ketamine in his system, so, maybe he was using the burner phones for dealing dr*gs.

Our victim didn't seem like a drug dealer.

Straight "A" student, perfect disciplinary record.

I guess sometimes there's more than meets the eye.

I'd know if Michelle was doing something behind my back.

Kind of flies in the face of thousands of years of teenage behavior, though.

Well, wait until Michael-Vincent gets older. You'll see.

You just... know.

Okay. Uh, one of the phones was Manny's.

And I was able to look at that one.

All of the voice calls were to and from his mom.

What about texts?

Michelle only texts her friends. Yeah.

The bulk were from Kat Martin, who was the girl they met at the victim's apartment.

Were they an item? I don't think so.

Yeah, pretty one-sided.

Yeah, I think he had a crush on her, and seems like she was trying to let him down easy.

Let's hope it was easy. Who was the other person he was texting?

Uh, there's no name. It's just a number.

I'm tracing it now.

Most messages are just about where and when to meet, and then, a series of random numbers.

I guess sometimes there is more than meets the eye.

Hey, I wasn't trying to imply anything about Michelle.

She's great.

Oh, you don't have to say that.

I-I know.

But she is great, so...

Okay. Nick Pavonetti.

I got a hit.

This is the guy who was texting.

Pavonetti and Sons.

It's your dad's company, right, Nick?

Yeah. Yeah. I'm one of the sons.

Um, actually here, um...

It's a coupon, gets you five percent off.

That's my idea. This is about Manny, right?


It's a drag, him being dead and everything.

Yeah. Interesting, a kid like that who didn't have any friends was always texting you.

I felt sorry for him, you know.

I was trying to integrate him into the community?

Do my civic duty. By selling dr*gs?

What?! Vitamin K? Ketamine? K-fog?

No. You-you got the wrong idea, dude.

Really? 'Cause what I have here are a bunch of text messages between you and Manny.

Always a time and place to meet.

I'm assuming these numbers here are prices and codes for different dr*gs? What?

You two get into an argument over money or something?

No. There's no dr*gs, ever, I swear.

Manny was... he was kind of a brainiac, you know?

He was always making smart phones where you wouldn't get billed, chips for computers, free downloads, that sort of thing.

Hmm. So, if Manny did all the work, what'd you do?

Well, I'm a people person.

You know, I handled all the sales.

We were doing pretty good, too. I mean, almost two grand so far. A couple more months like that, and I don't have to work for my dad anymore.

Right. Do you know anyone who'd want to hurt Manny?

No one even knew who he was.

I wasn't lying. I was trying to give this dude a social life.

When was the last time you saw him?

Party about two weekends ago.

This party. Everyone keeps mentioning this party.

It was awesome.

It's the best party I was ever at.

This could be cause of death. I found two depressions bilaterally on the frontal bone, and one on the left parietal.

They're shallow, but I found them while feeling the bones, a technique I learned from you, ma'am.

Very good, Mr. Abernathy.

They're holding points from a halo-traction brace.

The brace is applied to stabilize cervical vertebrae in order to allow time for healing.

Which means, they're the result of his car accident when he was a sprout.

A child. Can you tell me what you see here?

Osteophytes. Precisely.

You see how they've grown here at the transverse foramina?

Yes, they caused cervical nerves three and four to be severed.

We have cause of death-- asphyxiation.

Yes. The injury would have severed the connection to the medulla.

Which caused him to stop breathing, but he wasn't suffocated or strangled.

That's what the evidence suggests.

(phone ringing)
Oh, I... (laughs)

I forgot. This is yours, Mr. Abernathy.

You left it in my office.

Oh, looks like Michelle is calling you.

Thank you. Uh, I can talk to her later.

I don't mind.

You deserve a reward after your excellent work.

Dr. Saroyan.

I'll call her back. It's no-no problem.

She called quite a few times.

She must miss you.

It's Michelle. Oh.

No. I understand.

It's tough, being away from each other so long.

Yeah. Well, fortunately, I have my work right here, so...

Good way to deal with it. I'm impressed, Finn.

Can I borrow you for a moment, Dr. Brennan?

Of course. Are you okay to catalogue our findings in the binder?

Yes. Totally fine.

I've been going through the victim's computer and looking for any online threats or squabbles.

So far, there's nothing in any e-mails, or social network threats. Is that his girlfriend from when they were younger?

The one he wishes was his girlfriend. Kat.

I also looked at the IP addresses that he visited most often.

There's computer hacking message boards, of course, but the one that he visited e most was this one.

The Hipstashotz site.

So, he was looking at pictures of the party from the night before he was m*rder*d.

The infamous awesome party.

And who took all of these?

Well, it's a photo-sharing Web site, so, over 50 kids uploaded these.

Don't they know, anyone can see these?

Yeah, but, I mean, what parent would want to look at these?


What are you laughing at?

Just reminds me of high school.

This reminds you of high school? Yes.

In high school, I did a report, concerning the effects of alcohol on muscle coordination.

(laughing): It was very amusing.

Can we focus on the case?

Is this behavior anomalous with your teenage experience?

I have a daughter.

I'd rather not think of her doing what I did.

Cam was naughty.

The case?

Okay. It's fine.

So, I took his class photo and applied facial recognition software to single him out.

(computer chirping)

He looks angry.

I stitched the photos together so we could follow him through the night.

Sort of like a photo flipbook.

There's Kat. She's dancing with that guy.

Manny was jealous.

Yeah, it gets worse.

Manny was following her around the party.

Was he stalking her?

Competition for a mate is even more pronounced during the teenage years when they're most fertile.

Which led to a fight between Manny and the boy that was dancing with Kat.

These were some of the last photos taken of Manny at the party.

The last of him alive.


It was a dull party.

Nothing even got out of hand.


What? You don't like my moves?

The girl you're dancing with is 15 years old.

That's not what she said.

Besides, there's no age rules about dancing.

You know this boy?

No. You're gonna say "no" when I got a picture of the two of you arguing right here?

I mean, I don't know his name or anything.

The kid goes to my school. That's all.

What's this about?

I didn't hit him or anything.

I'm starting to feel like you think I did something wrong.

Kid's name is Martin Manicone, all right?

Kids calls him Manny.

I'll keep that in mind next party.

He was m*rder*d. Right now, you're a suspect.

Me? Why?

Oh, I don't know. A photo, fighting.

Should I get a lawyer?

You need a lawyer?

Oh, time out. I'll tell you straight up what I know.

Great, 'cause we like it straight up here at the FBI.

I'm a senior, right?

Dancing girl there-- she's a sophomore.

She asks me to dance.

Happens all the time. She wants an upgrade.

And you like that?

Who wouldn't?

But your boy here-- he comes in and shoves me off and yells at me.

And you didn't do anything?

I went, got myself a drink, and asked a senior to dance.

And before that, what did the girl do?

She yelled at him. Everybody heard.

She said she hated him, and she wished he was dead.


I don't think she meant it, though, right?

I mean, it's just one of those things a girl says.

You know, like, "Drop dead."

Right. You get that a lot, right?

Doesn't stop me, man.

Doesn't even slow me down.

Six avulsion fractures that present symmetrically and nearly parallel to one another.

Here, here and here.

No remodeling. No, ma'am.

Indicating that these injuries were likely sustained after the victim was already dead.

But we knew that, from the suitcase striking boats and rocks. But these...

Spider fracturing like this can only be caused by compression.

But since the injuries aren't spread out over the surrounding bones, it's not just a factor of being put in the case.

Let's catalogue the injuries and get a rough time line of when they might have occurred.

Okay, antemortem, time of death, postmortem? Got it.


What kind of trouble could a kid in high school get into that ends with him stuffed in a suitcase and tossed off a bridge?

As a former juvenile delinquent, I'd assume you have a string of bad decisions behind you.

Yes, ma'am.

I just wish all of them were behind me.
Dr. Sweets?

Kat. Hi. Uh, I can take it from here. Okay.

Thanks. You remember me?

Yeah. Agent Booth and I were meaning to talk to you again.

Please sit down.

This is weird, but you said I could come talk to you, right?

Of course.

The thing is... it's private, and I don't want anyone to know.

Is this about your argument with Manny before he was k*lled?

It's all right. I mean, in a m*rder investigation, everything comes to light.

If I tell you, and you're a psychologist, you can't tell anyone else, right?


Uh, not quite.

I mean, I'm not your psychologist.

Why not?

Why don't you just trust my judgment?

I will not tell anyone anything they don't need to know.


I promise.

(crying): I was r*ped.

At that party, I think.

I remember being at the party, and then I woke up at home and...

I knew.

People will wonder... how you knew for sure.

I was a virgin.

There was blood. I'm not a virgin anymore.

I'm sorry.

All I remember is one green eye.

I have nightmares about one green eye.

And you decided not to call the police.

My mom said not to.

She said if I didn't know who did it, then... it was my fault.

No, r*pe is never the victim's fault.

Never. And the fact that you don't remember it, it might suggest that either you were unconscious or on dr*gs.

I didn't take anything.

Maybe someone roofied me.

You know, Special K can have that effect.

I don't know anything about Special K.

We have reason to believe that Manny had access to the drug.

I don't know.

Lately, he got all...

The way he looked at me changed, and...

No. No, Manny would never do anything like that.

Drug me and r*pe me?

We've known each other since we were kids.

Wait right here, okay?

I'll be... I'll be right back.

Cam says that the ketamine wasn't present in the victim's liver.

And this means something to me because...?

Manny didn't ingest the drug.

It means that the pills were on him, not in him.

Hodgins found remnants of a sandwich bag inside the suitcase.

Sounds more and more like a drug deal gone bad.

I have noticed that a disproportionate percentage of drug dealers end up as homicide victims.

Oh, man. Hey, Dr. Brennan.


"Oh, man," what?

Turns out Kat Martin was r*ped at the party.

Well, was she drugged? How did you know?

Well, it looks like Manny was dealing ketamine.

Oh, man.

How do you know that she was r*ped?

She's in my office right now.

Without her mother?

That's correct.

BRENNAN: She said she was r*ped?

Yeah. Her mom told her not to tell anyone.

What?! You are aware that you can't question a juvenile without a parent present?

I... made sure not to ask a single question.

Um, I was very careful, and I recorded the entire conversation.

That's a technicality; you're playing with fire.

BRENNAN: Being r*ped, that could give Kat a motive for m*rder.

Okay, the victim was in possession of date-r*pe dr*gs, Kat was r*ped-- let's do the math here, people; it's kind of simple.

She doesn't know who r*ped her.

Who else has she told? Just me and the mother.

Okay, you know what, I'm gonna call the city cops and the mother.

...then we'll test you for foreign DNA...

Sweets, you had to hand her over to proper jurisdiction.

It's not a federal case.

That doesn't make me feel any better.

I came to you for help.

I trusted you!

You promised.

I'm sorry.

BRENNAN: What you did was for her own good, Sweets.

Come on, let's go home.

Dr. Brennan told me to look for any bone injuries that might've taken place before he died.

Now, I've compared the X-rays to the bone injuries five times now, and I noticed that the fracturing on the remains is random and specific at the same time.

I don't understand.

Neither do I. Now, if the bones were damaged by being smashed against the rocks, why do these injuries form an inorganic pattern?

Now, three lines-- one at the right scapula continuing along T-5 and T-6, here, at the posterior extremity of rib number ten, also favoring the right side, as well as here, at the superior aspect of the right iliac crest.

And those in the center? The damage is postmortem and seems to have occurred after the victim was already curled up in the suitcase.

And one other thing, Michelle's in town visiting me.

Excuse me?

This has been weighing on me. I can't lie to you.

You're my boss. And even if you weren't, I'm very bad at it.

How long has she been in town?

Since yesterday. I'd say you're a very good liar.

She just wanted us to have some time alone.

She loves you, but she thought if you knew she was here, since you haven't seen her in such a long time...

And she'd be right.

You are in big trouble, Finn.

Yes, ma'am, I know.

With Michelle. Why are you telling me this?

Beg your pardon?

If she finds out, you're a dead man.

Not a good thing to say here, I know.

But... you owe her your trust.

I mean, I assume that you didn't tell her you were gonna tell me.

No, it just came out.

I thought honesty was the best policy.

I'm mighty confused right now.

Here's what we're gonna do.

You will meet with Michelle, and tell me where.

I will happen upon you.

That way you get to save your relationship, I get to be angry at my daughter, and she gets to think it's a coincidence, and everyone's happy. Understood?


Y-Yes, ma'am.

And this... isn't lying?

Oh, Finn, you have so much to learn.

Why don't you just concentrate on the m*rder for now.

Yes... ma'am, I'd like that very much.

I told Manny to stay away from Kat.

I thought they were best friends.

Like family, you said.

They weren't little kids having sleepovers anymore.

I saw the way that Manny was looking at her.

Once those hormones get flowing...

I needed to protect her.

He was getting creepy. So you think that the boy who grew up with your daughter drugged and r*ped her?

But you didn't think it was important enough to do anything about?

I did something. When Kat told me what she thought happened, I confronted Manny.

Okay, what did he say?

Nothing. The blood drained from his face, and he ran off-- what do you think that means? But you didn't go to the cops?

And say what? And say, "My daughter thinks she was r*ped but she doesn't know who did it or when it happened"?

Yes. And they examine her, medically, so your daughter knows it's true, so she knows that someone cares.

Weren't you ever in high school?

Word of this gets out, people call her a slut, say she's asking for it.

I saw the pictures from that party.

I have a daughter, too, and I would do anything it took to make sure she knew that I would fight for her.

Maybe she did fight, Bones, you know? Maybe she got rid of the boy she thought r*ped her daughter and then she told her daughter not to say anything.

I used to be married to a cop.

You want to charge me, fine.

Otherwise we're done here.

FINN: I guess I can understand a mother getting so mad that she takes the law into her own hands.

And encouraging her daughter to lie?

Then the girl is involved in another crime, victimized twice.

Well, did she look strong enough to inflict these injuries?

No. But the patterns indicate some kind of localized force. Like a machine?

Three sets of evenly spaced linear breaks.

And that's just on the back.

See here, on the shins?

Now, Dr. Hodgins found three dents on the suitcase, evenly spaced, that are different from the dents caused by the rocks.

Is there any particulate evidence associated with them?

Yeah, some fibers that he's running through the Mass Spec.

Good. Let's see if Angela can make any sense of the patterns.

KAT: I trusted you!

Kat, I'm sorry. You have to understand, I had no choice.

I had to report this. I just want all this to go away.

Then why'd you tell me?

I don't know.

After talking to my mom, I just got so confused.

You knew you had to tell someone who would listen, and you were right.

You can't just will something like this away.

You have to deal with it, or it'll stay with you forever.

What do you know!

Were you r*ped?

(sighs): No.



Um... when I was a boy...

I was in a bad foster home.

I was beaten.

The foster dad, he... he did it for sport.

I thought it was me, you know?

I thought... if I just... if I behaved better...

So that's what I tried to do.

Until... someone helped me see it wasn't my fault.

It wasn't.

And no matter how hard or painful it is... it was... it was better to face what happened.

But you can't help me.

You said you weren't allowed.

But I can find someone who can.

Like the person who helped me, who got my... foster dad arrested.

But even the police say there's no evidence.

So there's nothing they can do.

No, there's always something.

I'll do everything I can... to catch the person that did this to you.


I wish we were always in the same town.


Sometimes I get so lonely at school.

I'm glad-- if you weren't lonely, I'd be a mite jealous.


But I don't like sneaking around, Michelle.

Ooh, do you know how cute you are when you're scared?

(Michelle laughs)


Cam. Hi.

I... just got to town.

Without telling me?

I was gonna call.

You are a terrible liar, Michelle. And, Finn, do you feel no loyalty at all?

He does, to me.

Th-This was all my idea.

I-I didn't want to have to explain myself to you all the time. Well, that didn't work out so well, did it? And perhaps if you feel such a loyalty to Michelle, you should work for her.

This is all just a mountain of mistakes.

Oh, you got that right, Jethro. And I'm sorry I'm so difficult, Michelle.

She loves you, Dr. Saroyan.

I can attest. And now he's talking for you, too?

Don't blame Finn. You both went behind my back, you both lied-- how would you feel if I did that to you?

Oh, I forgot-- you'd have to want to see me in order for that to matter.

Cam... Cam!

Cam, come on!


I hate it when she's right.

I'm sorry I got you into the middle of this mess.

You're the best.

SWEETS: I told Kat I'd find who r*ped her.

You can't possibly promise something like that.

Well, I did and I will--
we will.

You're the best in your fields, right?

Of course.

Plus, I've studied the case.

I don't believe that Manny r*ped Kat.

His behavior at the party was protective, and he had a crush on her.

r*pe is about power, not love.

So, how is looking through the pictures again going to help?

This time, instead of focusing on the m*rder victim, we follow Kat's movements, see who she interacts with.

You've been reading my psychology books again.

You leave them in the bathroom.

They're good reading in the tub.

That's actually a really good idea-- not the tub thing but following Kat.

Uh, using the metadata embedded in the pictures-- the time and GPS coordinates--

I can animate the whole evening again and virtually walk us through the party.

Here's Kat in the living room dancing with the Saunders boy.

BRENNAN: Manny is watching.

Manny's not important right now.

But he confronted them, and Saunders threw Manny out the front door.

Okay, this is where we left Manny the last time.

Okay, this time let's see where Kat goes.

Saunders rejects Kat, dances with a new girl.

Next she left Saunders and ran off crying.

Maybe he followed her.

I'll go through the other photos from the back of the house.

How about there? She's going into the backyard.

She's upset, she wants to be alone.

Someone is offering her a drink.

That's not Manny; he's too big.

That's got to be the spiked drink.

How long would it take for a drug like that to take effect?

Depending on stomach contents, between five and 15 minutes.

The time stamp on this photograph is eight minutes later. She's slumped over.

She can barely walk.

The drug has clearly taken effect.

That has to be who r*ped her.

I believe you kept your promise, Sweets.

(footfalls approach)

Is it safe to come in?

I don't know, there's been more m*rder*d people in here than I can count.

Please don't take it personally.

I'd really like not to, but you're personally avoiding me personally, so it's very hard not to take it personally.

Why didn't you just tell me you wanted to spend the weekend in with Finn?

Because I thought it would hurt your feelings.

Well, it would, but I'd recover.

You know I love you.

I know you do.

That's not the point.

Loving someone does not give you carte blanche to treat them badly.

Loving someone is not an excuse.

Okay, now I'm hiding the truth.

What? Finn couldn't keep your secret.

He blurted it out.

So when you caught us outside the club...

Set up.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

No, Finn's a good guy, Michelle.

I think we should both just let him off the hook.

By keeping this a secret?

Oh, God, this is all so confusing.

Maybe we should just tell each other everything from now on.

Okay, yes, we really, really should.

You have another secret?

I'm seeing someone.

Who? I'd rather not...

He's a poet.

It's Arastoo Vaziri.

What, the intern who works for you?

With me-- he works with me in that I administrate his work environment, yes.

Is there anything else I should know?

Wait, how did I get on the defensive here?


I suppose you want me to keep this a secret from Finn?

Oh, God, I didn't even think of that.

Hmm, I'll try.

I saw where Finn found the spider fracturing, so I swabbed the corresponding damage to the suitcase and I found some fibers caught in the latch-- a polyfiber weave used in strapping.

Like webbing or belting.

The victim was crushed with some kind of strap?

Yeah, something approximately two inches in width.

So, if the victim was placed into the suitcase in the manner we thought...

Like this.

Right, knees to chest.

Like he was bowing before the king.

Three ratcheting straps lined up with the patterns Finn discovered.


How much force would be required?

Well, the measurable unit is called breakout strength.

MONTENEGRO: How much force the strap can take before it snaps.

So a ratcheting strap such as this-- the breakout strength is roughly 500 pounds.

Multiplied by three straps.

That should be more than enough to crush the resistance from the ligaments and intervertebral fibrocartilage and cause the avulsion fractures.

When the ligaments at the fold points were stretched beyond their limits, they ripped bone from bone.

Pop, pop, pop.

The kid fits in the suitcase.

One of the suspects works for a moving company.

I would find out if he had access to two-inch ratcheting straps.

Whoa, hey, you can't, you can't come nose around in here like this.

Actually we can; here's a search warrant.

You actually thought you could get away with k*lling someone?

Manny and me were friends.

You got the wrong guy.

As the body was crushed inside the suitcase, blood and tissue would have spurted out.

There should be residue on the straps.

Well, those straps are clean.

You can go ahead and have a look.

BOOTH: You can't wash it all away, Nick, especially when she's looking.

I didn't k*ll anybody, I didn't k*ll him.

Oh... we got them.

There's enough proof for an arrest, Booth.

(handcuffs clicking)

NICK: This is all a big misunderstanding, a mistake.

So let's just start from the top, huh?


So, Manny comes over to collect on some phones that I sold.

Only thing is, the guy paid me in Special K.

So you were going to pay Manny in ketamine?

I mean, I didn't want the stuff, but the pills are worth three times what the guy owed us, and that's all we were going to get.

I'm sorry, so paying Manny in Special K-- was this before or after the party?

After. Yeah, but why didn't you just give Manny his payment at the party?

Because you don't do something like that in the open.

Besides, Manny got into some shouting match over a girl, and the girl yelled at him and he left.

And she ran out back crying.

I guess. Good thing you had the Special K on you.

Yeah, 'cause you used it to drug Kat Martin and then r*pe her.

Are, are you crazy?

You can see from the photo, she's all over me.

She's 15.

That's not what she told me.

Listen, Sweets, this is my...


The only thing Kat remembers from the r*pe is a green eye.

You r*ped her.

Manny heard about it and figured it was you because of the ketamine.

So you k*lled Manny so he wouldn't tell.

No, this is, this is all his fault.

H-He flipped out.

Because you r*ped her.

No, he was throwing things at me, he was hitting me.

I-I-I punched him once and I didn't even hit him hard.

That punch caused him to stop breathing.

I didn't want him to die.

It was an accident.

BRENNAN: Was it an accident when you stuffed him in a suitcase with the ketamine and threw him in the river?

All right, look, you know what, Sweets?

You come barging in here.

I can't charge him with both r*pe and m*rder.

I don't understand. If he admits to r*pe, he's gonna get away with m*rder, and because she lied about her age and she was stoned on ketamine...

You don't think we'll get a conviction?

Even if he confessed?

That's right.

I did it.

I'm sorry, what?

I said I did it, I r*ped her.


Her-- Kat Martin.

I slipped her the Special K and I took her behind the garage.

Great, I'll tell metro cops that we got a full confession on her r*pe.

You are very stupid.

You just confessed to r*pe and m*rder.

Y-You just said you couldn't charge me with both.

You lied. I didn't lie.

No, he can only charge you with m*rder.

The r*pe is a whole other jurisdiction.

DC cops will charge you with that.



We caught him, Kat.

Caught who?

The boy who k*lled Manny.

He's the same boy that r*ped Kat.

His name is Nick, and he gave you a spiked drink at the party.

He doesn't have green eyes?

No, but he has a necklace with a green eye pendant.

That's what you remember.

She needs professional help, Mrs. Martin, and she needs you, she needs your help, too.

I'm sorry.

(crying softly)

That was pretty smart and tricky of you today.

Well, like I said, Bones, the interrogation room is my domain.

You'd already figured it out, right?

But you let Sweets have his moment and think that he broke the case.

Well, you know, he's a good kid and, you know, he was right.

Booth. Hmm?

Do you ever let me think that I'm the smart one when you've figured it out already?


(laughing): Because that would be ridiculous.

(chuckles) Crazy. My IQ is quantifiably higher than yours.

You know what?

You're the brains of the outfit.

You have your strengths, Booth.

Well, I try.

Trying is one of your strengths.

(toy squeaking)

By the way, Gilligan's Island was created by Sherwood Schwartz in 1964.

Oh, you did your research. Always.

Gilligan was the first mate of the SS Minnow.

Right, okay, I think we got it.

I find it hard to believe that no one could rescue them.

They were only gone for three hours.

Watch the series.

Doesn't make any sense. It makes a lot of sense.