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08x17 - The Fact In The Fiction

Posted: 03/03/13 20:12
by bunniefuu
MAN (over phone): I'm telling you, this company is poised to make a k*lling at only $13 a share.

I don't care if it's 13 cents a share, I'm not buying, Danny.

I'm out of the game.


I've tasted freedom, man.

The city's poison.

The only green I care about now is the kale I'm growing.

(laughter over phone)

Laugh it up, Danny.

You laugh it up from your smog-filled city office.

I'm in God's country, I'm doing God's work.

And he's looking out for me.

I bet he is.

Just visit, dude. That's all I'm saying.

I will, I promise.

I love kale.



Hey, what's wrong? Too much fresh air?

Oh, God, I don't know.

Just smells like a dead animal, that's all.

What the hell is that?

Oh, God. Oh, God!

(gears grinding)
How do you stop this thing?

(engine stops)

What? What? What's going on?

Hey, Chip, what's going on?


I just k*lled a dead guy!

(indistinct chatter)

(camera shutter clicking)

Okay, just think of it as an investment for our future.

For Parker, for Christine. Asteroid mining?

Yeah, asteroid mining.

I did my research, okay?

The head of the Jet Propulsion Lab says it's possible, and the two guys who sent the rover to Mars, they agree.

The microgravity technologies required to do so don't even exist, Booth. You know what?

There was a time when radios and-and railroads, they didn't exist, but people, they got rich.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Like a schoolteacher. Every time I have a good idea...

Anyway, just look at the bones.

Why did the farmer run over the remains?

He was an investment banker trying to get back to nature.

I'm guessing the tractor didn't handle like his Beemer.

Well, according to the shallow grave here, shish kebob, he was definitely m*rder*d.

The presence of Nicrophorus americanus, along with some of its larvae, suggest the m*rder took place five days ago.

Right. You believe in asteroid mining?

Are you kidding me? It's the only way that the species is gonna survive.

Did you hear that? I am a visionary.

You're gonna be an asteroid miner?


I didn't ask that.

Don't want to know. Please explain the difficulty to him of retrieving a 500-ton asteroid.

No. Not my place.

HODGINS: No, no, no. No, you just put it in a lunar orbit and send some guys up there.

I think it's really simple, actually.

Is she looking at me like an angry schoolteacher?

Oh, yeah, yeah. She does that a lot. BRENNAN: We're here to work.

These bones have been heavily scavenged.

The three-cornered puncture marks indicate coyotes.

Oh, do you think they ran off with the head?

We've got techs searching the area for it.

Flattened anterior and posterior sides of the victim's femoral neck indicate a Hispanic male.

Well, it's tough to get an I.D. without the head.

Easier than capturing an asteroid.

Hey. I am on your side, man.

I need all of the remains and the aerator brought back to the lab.

BOOTH: Right.

BOOTH: Look, they just need $2.6 billion in seed money.

I mean, that's like a sports team almost when you think about it. Plus, the platinum alone, it's worth about $50 billion. Why do you care what I think?

Why? Because my platinum is your platinum, and your platinum is my platinum.

$2,500 is a lot for you, and there are no guarantees.

Well, there never are. I mean, look at us.

Huh? No one ever thought that we would pay off.


Bringing back that much platinum could cause the bottom to drop out of the platinum market.

I'm sorry, are you trying to be supportive?

I thought I was.

I was discussing this as if it's reasonable.

Dr. Brennan!


I've got a surprise for you.

Wait till you see this.

FBI. Get your hand out (customers exclaim) of the bag, get on the ground now. Okay.

Now. Now! Okay, okay, okay.

Take it easy. No problems.

Smith & Wesson 1911, right? A man of tradition, I see.

That's a very cool g*n. It's gonna be the last thing you see if you don't shut your mouth.

Booth, what are you doing?

What do you mean what am I doing? He's all bloody.

Do you really think he's got a bouquet of flowers in that bag?

He's right. I-I don't have a bouquet of flowers...

Shut up. Put your head on the ground. Slide the bag very easily across the floor.

Don't do anything stupid.


(customers scream)

It's your victim's skull.

Hi, I'm your new intern.


♪ Bones 8x17 ♪
The Fact in the Fiction
Original Air Date on February 25, 2013

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

Why wasn't I notified about the new intern?

Have you read all your e-mails, Dr. Brennan?

Well, only the ones with a subject line pertaining to a specific case.

Well, I suggest you read the ones with the subject line "Personnel."

Is there a problem with Dr. Wells?

He brought a skull into the diner in a satchel.

He's enthusiastic.

He tracked the skull to a coyote den six miles from the crime scene. Well, that is enthusiastic, but...

He hasn't learned our protocols yet.

I think you'll find him a quick study though.

Based on what?

Dr. Wells has a PhD in physics, a masters in both astronomy and wildlife ecology, and he's two credits short of a masters in forensic anthropology.

Well, how was I supposed to know that?

Well, perhaps you should read the e-mails with the subject line "Intern Résumés."

He's also passed the bar.

It's like getting five interns for the price of one.

Except that he brought me the skull in a bag made of recycled plastic, which produces condensation, which could have severely compromised crucial evidence.

Which is why I rushed the skull to you at the diner, Dr. Brennan.

You see, condensation starts after three hours.

I got you the skull in an hour and 45 minutes.

That's simple physics.

And the plastic was recycled so... good for the environment. HODGINS: Can we please de-spike this dude so I can start picking through his clothing?

All in good time, Dr. Hodgins.

What should I do now?

Tell Dr. Brennan what you've deduced so far.

Induced, actually. Going from the specific to the general, lack of cut marks on the gonial angle of the mandible, underside of chin and cervical vertebrae leave me no reason to suspect that this skull was removed by anything other than the coyotes.

So... not a zombie?

Zombies have to be beheaded or they eat your brains. BRENNAN: There are no such things as zombies or vampires or ghosts.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is neither created nor destroyed.

So when we die, all that energy has to go somewhere, right?

I believe that if we die with an abundance of this power, it can become forever imprinted on the immediate environment.

And that imprint, that's our ghost? Mm-hmm.

Can we keep him?

I haven't decided yet. There appears to be a strange glow emanating from the victim's inferior nasal conchae.

HODGINS: Ooh, ghosty.

The guy literally fought off coyotes to get the skull back.

Yeah. That's awesome.

Coyotes, they just run away if you yell at them.

I know, but still, to face a pack of wild animals alone...

I'm sure you'd just bore them to death with your shrinky talk.

A-And I'm sure you could just break their hearts with your mean, mean words.

Wow. Yeah, wow.

So, the brother is the victim's only family that you found?

So far. Okay, Hodgins found traces of glow-in-the-dark auto paint in the victim's nose.

It's rare stuff apparently, and he traced it back to the brother's auto body shop.

You know, driving a glow-in-the-dark car seems like an excellent safety feature, doesn't it?

Don't say stuff like that when we get there, okay?

Look, the guy's brother is dead.

I know. I'm just... telling you.

And... I'm not wrong.

Oh, God. Yes.

That's my little brother Benji.


He's dead?

Yes, sir.

We're sorry for your loss.

Who did this? BOOTH: Well, we're not sure yet.

He worked here, right? Yeah.

Why didn't you report him missing? Benji was in college.

Finals coming up, I gave him a week off to hole up and study. First one ever in our family to go to college.

Is there any other family we should notify, Mr. Garcia?


It's just me and Benji. Mom died four years ago, Dad took off when we were little kids.

What happened to my brother?

Well, his remains are still being examined.

Oh, God. That's bad.

You find his truck? BOOTH: Why would the truck be the first thing you bring up?

If somebody k*lled Benji, it had to be for his truck.

Tricked-out '59 El Camino.

SWEETS: You think someone would k*ll for a pickup truck?

I'll tell you who hated that truck. Courtney.

SWEETS: Who's Courtney?

His ex-girlfriend.

They broke up a week ago.

WELLS: Okay, given the choice, would you rather have your brain in a beetle's body or a beetle's brain in your body?

Okay, all right, I'll bite.

If my brain were in a beetle's body, then I would be King of the Beetles, just like I'm King of the Lab.

There, what does that answer tell you?

It tells me you not only feel like you belong here, but that this is your domain and you love it. You're a very happy man.

Ah, I can't argue with any of that.

Contusion on the occipital bone, roughly 20 millimeters in diameter.

Staining suggests that the trauma occurred around the time of death.

Dr. Brennan prefers we use terms like "conked on the noggin."

The beetle question also told me that you're mischievous and disruptive by spirit and willing to lie for humorous effect.

That conk wasn't enough to k*ll.

What else did that beetle question tell you?

You got picked on a lot in high school, didn't you?

I didn't k*ll Benji.

Uh, that man was the love of my life.

So it was Benji who broke up with you?


Look at me.

I am the one who dumped him.

I thought you said he was the love of your life.

Yeah. Too bad it wasn't a reciprocal relationship.

Oh, right. So there was another woman.

Again, please, look at me. You really think that Benji could get a woman hotter than me? I mean...

I couldn't compete with his truck though.

Ever since he saw that old photo of his dad posing with an El Camino, he decided that he needed to restore one just like it.

So, what did he do the rest of the time?

His experiments, which I did not resent.


They were scientific experiments.

Benji was...

(sighs) wicked smart.

Except when it came to the stupid truck.

I know some scientists, and they are specific about their branch of science.

Time travel.

What? SWEETS: Benji was into... time travel? Not time-share, like condos, but traveling... through time?

Yeah. He wanted to be the first to do it.

Okay, so... Benji wanted to be a time traveler, but you were mad at him because of a truck?


One was gonna make us a lot of money, the other was just a stupid truck. And when was the last time you talked to Benji?

Last Saturday night.

We argued.

About the truck?

Courtney, that was the night that he was k*lled.

Did he say anything that could lead to his k*ller?

He said he was too busy.

With his truck. Of course.

His truck.

Would you choose a truck over this?

Okay, seriously, but is she crazy enough to k*ll someone?

SWEETS: She seems to display some of the symptoms of Intermittent expl*sive Disorder.

What does that mean, she gets mad?

I.E.D. is usually characterized by sporadic episodes of extreme aggression, v*olence and destructive behavior.

Sweets, could she k*ll him?

If she was at the mercy of her own anger, yeah.


What are you eating, Dr. Wells?

String cheese.

Do you want some string cheese?

Eating in the lab is strictly prohibited.

Whenever I'm working on a conundrum, I always eat string cheese.

It started when I was in grade school and I was getting ready for the science fair.

Which I won. I don't care.

Thought-controlled prosthetic limbs and the elimination of artifact distraction from E.E.G. signal processing.

I'm pretty sure you care about that.

I was 13 years old.

We are concerned with these bones, now.

Nothing more. Right.

The, uh, cheese made me think of calcium, which is important for bone growth, and that brought my attention to the scoliosis from which the victim suffered.

I also found incomplete perimortem fractures to the right anterolateral tibia and fibula.

You got to admit, I'm pretty impressive.

Until recently on the isle of Vanuatu, you could be cannibalized for disobeying your tribal chief.

And you could have been forced to give your child to my clan to settle this petty conflict.

You're familiar with the Vanuatu?

My knowledge is vast. Which is why I'm here, right?

So, don't try to cherry-pick facts to win an argument.

Then let's deal with our tribe.

You have not yet found cause of death.

Finish rearticulating these bones as ordered or you will be banished.

Double mocha latte.

Oh, God's perfect food.

I thought that was pizza.

Well, you need something to wash it down with.

Did you find anything in Benji's clothes?

Well, a couple of strawberry seeds in his shoe tread.

Were there any strawberries on the farm where he was buried? No, but they are grown pretty much everywhere else.

So it doesn't help much in determining what he was doing on the night of his death.

Well, how about you?

Well, Courtney's alibi checked out.

She was hating on a DJ at a club.

So, I looked into Benji's hard drive.

It's filled with headache-inducing theories on time travel.



Time dilation.

Relativistic velocities.

This kid was pretty smart.

He was trying to go back, not forward.

What difference does that make?

I mean, this is all crazy.

Not really. See, Einstein tells us that traveling into the future is theoretically possible, but visiting the past, now that gets into causality and everything starts falling apart.

Do you think he really thought that he could do it?

Oh, man, wouldn't you want to?

I would go back to April 19, 2004.

The moment I first met you.

You had a rubber band on your wrist, and a spider on your shoulder.

That's right. What about you?

If you could go back, what moment would you choose?

I would choose that one.

I would choose that...

I would choose that same moment.

You had to take a minute to think about that.

Are you sure?

Yes, I am... I'm sure.

Give me this.

One other thing that I found.

Benji was spending a lot of time on the Collindale University server.

Which is very weird, because he wasn't a student there.

He was logged in as Professor Scott Hunter.

Hunter. He's a theoretical physicist.

You know, a lot of Benji's math was pretty sophisticated.

I wonder if they were working together on that.

On time travel?

Yeah, theoretical physicists can be pretty weird.

I'll tell Booth to look into Hunter.

You sure you didn't want to go back to some other time?


That time.

Yeah, okay.


SWEETS: People become obsessed with time travel either because they're missing something or they're running away from something.

Well, according to his brother, Benji had a pretty rough childhood.

I mean, come on, why would anyone want to revisit that?

Because that's where he felt that he lost a part of himself.

I think he wanted to go back to stop his dad from leaving.

What, he was trying to save his family from falling apart?

Yes. Exactly.

Look, everyone at some point has wanted to go back.

I... I wish I could, to see the Finleys again.

The couple that adopted me.

They saved my life, and I was... a kid, I...

I gave them a rough time, I don't know.

I just wish I could go back and let them know how much I appreciate them.

They know.

Um, you said you found something?


This guy, uh, Professor Hunter, might be someone else who's looking for a do-over.

Taught physics at Collindale till two years ago, when he was fired for electrocuting a student. He was also supposed to meet Benji the night he was k*lled.

Dr. Brennan, given the choice, would you rather be run over by one steamroller or by 1,000 mopeds?

Why would you ask such a preposterous question?

Dr. George did psychological experiments at Cambridge on bias and judgment formation....

I don't like psychology.

And I'm not the one we're studying here.


Would that be one moped 1,000 times, or 1,000 mopeds at once?

It doesn't matter.

You'd choose the steamroller.

By the time it had run over your legs, you'd already be dead from shock.

It fits in with your hyper-rational outlook.

Please don't pretend to know how my mind works.

You shy away from randomness, and that prevents you from casting a wide net.

Are you saying that I'm narrow-minded?

Your words, not mine.

That's interesting. There appears to be microfracturing to the anterior and posterior aspects of right sternal ribs nine and ten.

As well as the anterior aspect of the right vertebral ribs 11 and 12.

So whatever created this damage also created some pretty horrific damage to the liver as well.

Which would have certainly caused his death.

Didn't Agent Booth say that the professor that Benji was working with once electrocuted a student?

If a current passed through the thoracic region with enough voltage, it could certainly have created the fracturing on the bone.

No wide net needed.

Professor Hunter got fired for electrocuting a student.

Losing university resources could drive Hunter to start working with outsiders such as Benji.

Experiment that goes wrong, Benji gets electrocuted.

And knowing that he could be convicted of negligent homicide, Hunter decides to, what, dump the body.

You're casting a wide net.


By positing various motives.

I don't do that, apparently.

Rather be run over by a steamroller.


You want to be run over by a steamroller?


Instead of a thousand mopeds, of course.

I'm-I'm... what am I hearing right now?

Am I having a stroke?

Dr. Wells defined me, with ease.

I don't like that.

Even if he's correct.

I'd love to help you here, Bones, but I really have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

It's fine, Booth.

Maybe Dr. Wells is right.

Maybe I'm narrow-minded.



No. What?

BRENNAN: Odd for a professor of theoretical physics to be working with someone without a degree.

Benjamin read an article I had written.

He knew I was conducting experiments in time travel and wanted to help.

So, what, he just show up at your doorstep one day?

Basically, yes.

It was about a year ago.

We've been working together ever since.

Including the night that he died.

We've pinpointed time of death.

You think I k*lled Benjamin?

Well, I mean, accidents do happen, but you know that all too well, now, don't you, Professor?

This is ludicrous. You can't be serious.

Sometimes these accidents are just so big, you just try to cover them up, isn't that right?

We need to see your lab, Professor.

HUNTER: At-at least put on a gown.

You're contaminating the entire facility.

Please, Dr. Brennan, from one scientist to another.

That's for my metamaterial experiment.

Please don't touch that.


BOOTH: Oh. Exposed wiring.

You seem to make a habit out of being negligent, Professor.

BRENNAN: This is a 240-volt battery.

If Benji came into contact with these wires, it could have created the fracturing we found on his ribs.

(electricity crackles)

Professor was cooking with some serious fire with these batteries.

240 volts to the chest could definitely be responsible for Benji's death, but was it enough to crack his ribs?

Well, that's what we're here to find out, my brother from another mother.

See, this ordnance gel has been calibrated to absolutely replicate human tissue, so we can see if the ribs crack when they're electrocuted.

You certainly love your job, huh?

See, I always get bored so easily, which is why keep accumulating all these degrees.

Which explains your hope that time travel exists, because that would not be boring.

Yeah, well, I would not go back, though.

I'd keep my past in the past.

Whoa, it's like you're hiding something.

No, it's just, what's done is done.

There's so much more money to be made in the future.

I wouldn't go that far forward.

Just, like, five years.

Vernor Vinge's theory of exponential accelerating change, huh?

Exactly, and that pretty much guarantees some pretty sweet technological advances.

So, you would travel to the future, steal their technology, then bring it back here to the present and make a fortune?

Well, there's no legal precedent for time travel, so I wouldn't exactly say I was stealing.

Well, being that we are evidence-based here, I think you should keep that one to yourself.

Okay. Ready?


Zip up.

Put this on.

Thank you.



Fire in the hole!

Technically, it's not a fire until the amps make sure the...

WELLS: Maybe, uh, next time, protective eyewear, I think?

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe?

Fair enough.

(clears throat)

Wow. We just hit this guy with enough current to take down an elephant.

Still no fracturing of the ribs. Yeah.

Meaning that Benji was not k*lled by electrocution.

WELLS: Thought. Have you considered hydrostatic shock?

You're talking about doing another experiment, aren't you?

Perhaps I am your brother from another mother.


So, the professor said that there was a call made to Benji's cell phone on Saturday night, and there was, but the caller used a disposable cell.

Benji was at the professor's place in Silver Spring when he got the call.

The FBI said the victim borrowed cash from Professor Hunter, and withdrew cash from two ATMs.

One here, and the second here, farther outside the city.

So, Benji was leaving town, and collecting money as he went.

The body was found here in Brookmont.

So, why was Benji at an ATM up in North Bethesda?

Cam, if time travel existed, and you could make one trip, what would it be?

You mean, like, have tea with Jesus, or strangle Hitler in his crib?

Or redo something from your own life when you were happiest.

(laughs): What is it?

I can't.

Oh, come on!

Do you remember your ex-husband?

Oh, my God! Birimbau?

I am sorry.

I would do the same thing.

The same guy, I mean.

Oh, my God.

Would you tell your significant other the truth, or would you...?

Oh, I would tell him that...

I wanted to have tea with Jesus.

Excuse me?


I ran a spectroscopic analysis of the strawberry seeds and soil found in the sole of Benji's shoe. Could you...?

Yes, yes.

Now, the shoe soil is very deficient in calcium.

But his body was found in soil extremely rich in calcium.

So, the body was moved after he was k*lled?

Yeah, he was k*lled in serpentine soil.

It's very rare, but there are some deposits here in Rockville.

That is a strawberry farm near Rockville.

Tell Booth. HODGINS: Cam, I actually came in here to ask you for a g*n.


HODGINS: I wanted to sh**t the g*n.

Well, I am the one authorized to sh**t the g*n.

My only question is, why?

The microfracturing on the victim's ribs did not occur due to electrical shock, but the waves in the gel made me think of hydrostatic shock.

See, the high rate of speed at which a b*llet enters the body causes displacement in the liquids surrounding it.

So we believe that if the victim was shot just below the rib cage, this expansion could have created the microfracturing.


Fire in the hole!

That's my...

That's my line.


It worked.

SAROYAN: The victim was shot.

Wow. It is good to have a physicist in the house.


I... It's...

(crickets chirping)

BRENNAN: The house is completely boarded up.

Doesn't look like anyone's lived here for quite some time.

Really? Then why is there a light on in the barn?

All right, enough. Can you keep that down?

Oh, easy. Easy, easy.

Yeah. Looks like someone broke in.

Well, looks like Benji's truck.

I think it's more of a car, to be honest with you.

Booth? Yeah.

BOOTH: That's a lot of blood for one person.

Benji may have also been k*lled here.

Rugged nuchal area on the cranium, as well as the convoluted sutures, suggest the victim was an Hispanic male.

Like Benji.

Victim appears to have suffered projectile trauma to the inferior right thoracic region.

Like Benji.

Texturing of the sternal rib ends indicates an age of mid-to-late 40s Bones, I mean, you're describing Benji, but 20 years older.

The victim suffered a single g*nsh*t wound to the inferior right thoracic region.


And judging by the marbling and skin slippage, I'd say he's been dead about six days?

Double huh.

I'm sorry. Why the double huh, Dr. Wells?

Because I believe that our two victims may be the same person.

Excuse me? WELLS: Quantum physics tells us that out there somewhere is a world 20 years ahead of this one, right?


Now, assuming that Benji is a time traveler from the future...

Big assumption.

Big assumption.

When he transports himself back here, he changes the course of his destiny in this time.

So, when younger Benji gets shot, future Benji must then take a b*llet to satisfy the variable of causality.

Is this necessary?

You said that you believe time travel is impossible.

Just because something is theoretically impossible doesn't mean that it's not possible.

I believe that is exactly what it means.

Well, of course you do, because your mind stops working when it hears the word impossible, where mine just keeps going and exploring.

If you believe that the two victims are the same person, you don't belong in this lab.

Of course I don't believe that. That's absurd.

Excellent. Moving on.

But I do embrace the impossible probability as a reality.

I mean, what serious scientist wouldn't?

I found a contusion on the frontal bone, roughly 20 millimeters in diameter.

Which suggests this man was struck on the head around time of death.

Just like... our first victim.

I believe that warrants a triple huh.

This guy-- he is a jackass.

Okay? He's gonna be gone when this case is over.

Maybe Dr. Wells has a point, though.

Just because we can't travel through time right now doesn't mean that we can't do it in the future.

Okay, well, then, why aren't these future-seeing people here, and they're not rewriting the past, or betting on football games then?

Okay, I don't have all the answers.

I'm just trying to cast a wider net.

Okay, well, here's where I'm casting mine.

So, these guys-- they met at a remote place.

There were burner cells that were involved.

There was cash that we never found.

Suggesting an illegal transaction that ends in death.

But the only thing I don't understand is, why the k*ller took Benji's body and buried it in another farm.

Well, clearly, we need a wider net.

Hmm. This guy Wells-- did he mention anything about the asteroid mining?


What? Booth.

I'm just curious.
(phone ringing)

Really? Yeah.


Sorry to interrupt your lunch, but I found something on the second victim's right patella.

Oh, a comminuted fracture.

Right. I placed the bone under a microscope, and at 40 times magnification, I found evidence of slight remodeling.

So, he was probably walking or limping on this injury for several few days.

That is a severe break.

The man must have been in immense pain.

Right. Yet, instead of going to a hospital, he was hanging out in a barn?

See, I'm thinking, he didn't go to the hospital because he couldn't.

He couldn't jeopardize anybody knowing that he was from the future.

Or perhaps there is a more logical explanation.

The victim suffered from a minor case of scoliosis.

Just like Benji.

Right. And Scoliosis is a hereditary disease, which suggests that both victims might be related.

Sorry to disappoint you, Dr. Wells.

DNA results confirm that our second victim is Benji's father.

Sounds reasonable.

GARCIA: First you tell me my little brother's dead.

Now you're telling me my father's dead, too?

I'm sorry for your loss.



I can't believe this.

You told Agent Booth that your father left when you and Benji were young.

Were you aware that, um, Benji's been in contact with your dad?

No. Benji would have told me.

It must have been a one-time thing.

How can you be so sure of that?

'Cause Benji thought our dad was dead.

Why would he think that?

Benji was little when Felix left.

Rather than tell him his dad was a deadbeat junkie, Mom and I decided to tell him that Felix was dead.

When was the last time you saw your father?

Years ago.

And that was fine with me.

Now, if your father was still an addict, do you think that could explain why he reached out to Benji last Saturday night?

Had to be.

That son of a bitch was probably in trouble with one of his dealers.

He needed Benji to bail him out.

The b*llet that entered Felix nicked the sternal end of the inferior tenth, and then, went on to lodge itself into the superior margin of the 11th rib.

There could be two sh**t.

Or the victims were on the ground, and the k*ller just stood over them and shot.

Which would also explain the damage to both of their skulls.

This is a pretty easy explanation. Sorry.

I realize that you might think that I'm crazy like Yoshiro Nakamatsu or Tycho Brahe, but without them, we wouldn't have the laws of planetary motion or the simple taxi meter.

(sighs) It's not crazy that I'm worried about, actually.

It's arrogance.

We're a team here, and you can be traded.

Wherever I go I'm always the smartest person, and it always creates problems.

Well, maybe you should try being less of a douche.

Could you please rotate both sets of remains 90 degrees to the left? Yes.

But you can't.

Hmm. Well, you were wrong about the skull damage.

They were both hit with the other's head.

Oh, my God.

I really hate to say this, but you are actually right.

In this position, the trajectory of both b*llet wounds now... lines up.

It does. Perfect.

Do I look humble?

I'm trying to be less of a douche.

Ford's Theatre, 1865. Yep.

But you said that time travel was impossible.

It is impossible. I'm saying if it isn't, okay?

Then, like, a movie or something.

You'd... stop Lincoln from being shot?

Yeah, I would. I mean, he deserved to... know that everything turned out pretty well. I mean, I could do it. Even if it meant that, you know, I had to put a b*llet in, uh, Booth's head.

But then you might not have been...

Yeah, I know, Bones, but it's impossible.

Al right, what about you? If you could travel through time, where would you go?

I'm already there.


What? Here? Here.

The difference between past and future is nowhere to be found in the laws of physics.

Everything I want or need is here.

Right now.

Wow. Right here?

Mm-hmm. Right now?

(phone rings)



Yeah, okay, and you're sure?

Yeah, I-I'll be right down.

Looks like we got Felix Garcia's drug dealer.

According to Alex, the father had been using for years.

He must've had multiple dealers.

Yeah, but here's the kicker, okay?

The dealer also works at Alex's body shop.

So he has a connection to both victims.

Must not be a very good dealer if he has to work a second job.

Yeah, well, k*lling your customer?

That's bad for business, too.

BOOTH: So, how long have you been dealing heroin, Sidney?

I don't do that.

I got busted in 2009 and got off with probation.

I took it as a sign and I retired.

Right. You know what this is? Looks like a tactical baton.

Found it in the trunk of your car. I don't know, man.

I go to some pretty sketchy neighborhoods.

You use it recently?


Maybe on the kneecap of a Felix Garcia?


Do you even know a Felix Garcia?


No, okay. Let me fill you in, okay?

He owed you money for heroin.

He didn't pay you, so what do you do?

You whacked him in the kneecap with this.

He ran and he hid, and he got his son Benji to pay you off, but you shot them both.


Which part? No.

You have an alibi for last Saturday night?

Mm... no.

You're gonna need a lawyer, pal.

Why do I need a lawyer?

I think I'm doing pretty great on my own.

The two striations on Felix's knee are one millimeter apart, and they correspond precisely with the millimeter-sized divot at the end of Jouron's baton. But if we hope to convict him, we need to tie his baton to perimortem damage.

Benji Garcia sustained this other injury at or very near time of death.

Can you tie this to his baton as well?

What are your thoughts on asteroid mining, Dr. Wells?

Well, uh, it'll definitely happen.

Robotic technologies have advanced to the point where they can be self-repairing, and... near-Earth asteroids like 4660 Nereus are practical candidates for strip and magnetic extraction.

Financially speaking, the key is to invest early.

If my minor in economics is worth anything, yes.

No striations. The baton was not used to inflict this damage.

So we're looking for another w*apon.

WELLS: Look at the compression and the bending around the breaks.

What kind of w*apon could come down with this kind of force at a 45-degree angle?

So, Jouron busted

Felix's kneecap.

Yeah, I mean, days before either m*rder.

Okay, so, tell me again why you want to talk to Alex Garcia.

When I asked him when he last saw his father, he stood up.

That means something.

Yeah, it means he's got a cramp in his leg.

Or it means he was fleeing the question. Symbolically.

If so, he's hiding something.

Mr. Garcia, we got a warrant here to look through Sidney Jouron's locker.

Were you aware that he deals dr*gs?

He used to.

I gave him a job here as part of his early release.

I'll open his locker for you. SWEETS: Uh, so, I've been thinking about you and your father...

(cries out)

Okay, that cannot be a coincidence.

There's something going on with his dad.

I haven't seen my dad in years.

These doors here, what angle do they-they come down on?

45 degrees. Why?
45 degrees.

45 degrees.

What's that got to do with my dad?

You slammed your brother's leg in the car door, didn't you?

After he was dead. You're saying I k*lled him?

I loved my brother. Why would I do that?

We're gonna find traces of blood in the seat, aren't we, Alex?

SWEETS: I can see it all happen.

Your dad got his dr*gs from Sidney.

He didn't pay his debts.

Sid busts up his leg, so he comes to you two guys for help.

Now, Benji thought your dad was dead so, unlike you, he was thrilled to see him.

Benji was gonna give your dad the money, so you followed him to the barn.

You didn't want to sh**t Benji, but he stepped in the way.

To protect his father.

He was gonna give the old man his college money.

I couldn't let him do that.

I never meant for...

All he ever wanted was to go back in time and to meet his old man.

He got his wish.

And look what happened.

BRENNAN (over computer): The extensive amount of fracture lines are indicative of a w*apon with a circular cross-section.

Hey. Usually when we catch a bad guy, we go home.

Oh, yeah, I'm just trying to commit to memory everything that I learned from Dr. Brennan.

Uh, take my advice-- get a notebook.

Oh, it's okay. I have a photographic memory.

Okay. (chuckles)
Good night.

See you.

We caught the m*rder*r, Dr. Wells. You can go home.

Yeah, see, I'm just a little concerned that we may have caught him because of good luck.

There's no such thing as good luck. Well, as I understand it, if Agent Booth hadn't brought Dr. Sweets along and they hadn't seen Alex Garcia get clunked on the head, then we never would've caught the guy.

That's not luck; that's teamwork. It's the fact that you don't believe in luck that doesn't let you see the role that it played in this investigation.

Nonsense. We've been working together a long time.

And since you have a degree in complicated systems and imaginary numbers, you know that what appears to be synchronicity-- luck-- is nothing more than a sophisticated array of cause and effect.

I, uh...

I don't have a degree in complicated systems.

Oh, well, we all have our areas of weakness.

Good night, Dr. Wells.

Are you saying that I'm lacking?

BOOTH (laughing):
That's funny.

Well, I didn't tell you that to make you laugh.

Well... (chuckles)

I confess that in a moment of weakness, I took the opportunity to make...

Dr. Wells feel bad about himself.

He deserves it. Trust me.

It's probably the first time he's met someone that's smarter than him.

You're referring to me? Yes.

I have another confession. Mm-hmm?

It's possible that...

I'm not smarter than he is.

(clears throat)

He saw the merit in your get rich scheme before I did.

Ah, the asteroid mining. Yes! Yes.

I invested $10,000.

Yeah, but wait a second.

I didn't put any money into that at all.

Why not?

Because you're the smarter one. I'm going to point out that if I'd trusted you from the beginning, I would've invested in the asteroids and I would've been ahead of Dr. Wells.

Right, so... (clears throat) logically speaking, that makes me the smarter one.

No argument there?

I'm thinking. Ah, I hear nothing but asteroids.

What that mean?