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08x19 - The Doom in the Gloom

Posted: 03/25/13 13:15
by bunniefuu
(water dripping)



(g*n clicks)


(men grunting)


Oh! This part.

This part is awesome.

He takes out 40 guys because he's guided by the spirit of the frog. Oh! He doesn't even have to read them their rights.

Wushu focuses on chi manipulation, initially developed by the Yellow Emperor Huangdi.

What? Huangdi.

That lady is vicious.


This is not an accurate representation of the Hung Gar discipline.

SWEETS: He's guided by the spirit of the frog.

Yeah, it's the spirit of the frog, just keeps him alive.

That's right. You know, you shouldn't comment when you don't know all the facts.

You said you thought it was childish for Sweets to watch these kinds of movies.

SWEETS: You said that?

You said childish? No.

Thank you. I was wrong. I was very wrong.

I mean, come on, look-it, Qi Jiguang just took out 12 Shaolin monks. Look at that.

That is not childish.

No, that's what I've been saying.

(phone ringing)
Oh, hold on.


What are you doing?


Of course I'm still interested.

Thank you.


The apartment in Georgetown; it looks like I'm moving in.

I'm meeting with the other two tenants today.

Well, I'm going to need you blueberry muffin recipe before you go.

Christine loves them. Blueberry muffins?

That's the first thing you go to? I'm a mother.

I'm gonna miss Christine. I can't believe I'm moving out.

Hate to be a killjoy, but we've been down this road before, and you always end up staying here.

No, no, no.

This place is perfect; there's no way I'm gonna (phone ringing) let it get away.


Yeah? Quack, quack, quack.

No, no, no worries. Okay, on our way.

Well, got to go; we got a body in a shed in Virginia, and it's a crispy one. We will continue this Asian ass-kicking film later.

Indeed. All right, can you watch Christine, Sweets? Yeah.

This might be our last time together.

I'm gonna have to have a bottle with you.

I'm gonna miss the free childcare.

I hope he doesn't take all his DVDs.

SAROYAN: A neighbor spotted smoke about 7:00 a.m., but it was a cold morning so he thought it was just the fireplace.

Then a little while later, he saw flames, called 911, and the fire was out by 10:00 a.m.

BOOTH: Oh, God, I hate the toasted ones.

And I prefer them with heads.

Uh, careful. This guy's pretty brittle.

BRENNAN: Judging by the oval shape of the obturator foramen, the victim is female.

The granular appearance of the pubic face indicates mid-30s. Well, half the stuff in here has been scorched or melted.

Something in here must have been valuable.

Workshop materials mostly.

This is a partially melted wrench, some bolts, screws; this was a drill.

amm*nit*on all over the place.

High expl*sives, b*llet casings-- probably what caused this place to go ablaze.

But there's only one g*n.

The p*stol she was holding.

BOOTH: Maybe the others were stolen.

I think that's a gravity shower.

BOOTH: Maybe she was living here.

Or hiding out.

She was decapitated by the shelf.

What? Yeah, she must have been thrown (groans) against the shelving from a blast of some kind.

I mean, that is the only way there would be this much damage.

Well, her head has to be around here somewhere.

SAROYAN: We're still searching through the debris.

This vest never burned.


Maybe she was expecting this.

What kind of person expects this?

Okay, Bones, cause of death.

Too soon to give a definitive answer.


Decapitation might have played a part.

That would certainly factor in.

Oh, found the head.

In the toilet.

BOOTH: Okay, that's a rough way to be remembered.

♪ Bones 8x19 ♪
The Doom in the Gloom
Original Air Date on March 18, 2013

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

DAISY: Oh, my God, a g*nsh*t wound.

I guess the vest wasn't bulletproof.

BRENNAN: There are two b*ll*ts.

And I think you'll find that they're joined.

By a wire?

These are not legal; it's called a bolo.

Booth will know more.

Dr. Brennan, may I ask a personal question?

Yes. But I may not answer.

Is Lance finally moving out of your house?

He has stated his intention.

He was only supposed to stay with us until he found a place.

He found one.

Apparently, there are two other psychologists living in the building, so they can all pretend to be scientists together.

Well, I'm sure you'll be glad to get your privacy back.


Except it is my impression that Sweets is the only person in the world that Booth, Christine and I like the same amount.

Even though liking is not quantifiable.

Yes, and emotions are unreliable.

The distal phalanges were too burned to be saved.

The radius, ulna, thorax and anterior plane of the lower extremities all calcined from the fire.

The back, shoulders, and buttocks are dark to light gray, indicating less exposure. The vest was flame-retardant, or else we'd have no flesh at all.

The property and the shed belonged to a woman named Deanna Barbieri.

Single, ex-military.

A veteran?

I hate when it's a veteran.

I got a recent set of her chest X-rays from the V.A. from about a year ago.

She came in suffering from shortness of breath and a fever.

Oh, a victim identification from a chest X-ray?

Is that possible?

From the size, shape and position of the transverse processes of the vertebrae, it appears that both X-rays belong to the same person.

But we can't be certain certain, just mostly certain.

Certain is an absolute, Ms. Wick.

You can't be mostly certain.

Mostly certain is good for me.

From the angle of the entry wound, the slugs would have most likely transected the inferior vena cava.

Cause of death. Thank you.

Tied with decapitation.

Uh, Ms. Wick is right, but we can't be sure if the victim was still alive at the moment her head was separated from her body.

SAROYAN: Vena cava's good enough for me!

(phone chirps)

I have to go.

Please clean the bones, Ms. Wick.

BRENNAN: But he said he was going.

Ha, okay, how many times has he told us that he has found a place and then something happens?

Um, three.

Three, exactly. It never happens, which means we have to make him leave.

But I just said that we liked him.

We do. That's why we have to push him out of the nest.

Like Turdus migratorius?

No, like a bird, not a turd.

Don't call him a turd.

Well, Turdus migratorius is the scientific name for the robin, which is a bird. The point is, when he says that it didn't work out, we have to help him leave, you know?

It's for his own sake.


Deanna Barbieri. Yeah.

35, former sergeant in the Marines.

She was given administrative discharge 12 months ago after a fistfight with another marine. All of it's part of a pattern of misconduct, including assaulting an officer.

What? Oh.

Booth and I were just sitting here in the diner, looking at the menu, and, well, we got to wondering, you know, how it went.

How what went?

Your new place.

Oh, great. I'm in.

It's perfect. I'll be out within a day.

Is that okay?

BOOTH: It's great; no complaints here.

Hey, I get my tub back.

So, I think the first thing we should do is talk to this marine that our victim fought with.

They were both kicked out of the Marines.


Her name's Carlene Blayney.

Uh, you know what, I'll talk to her this afternoon.


Well, you're not gonna stay for lunch?


I guess he's really leaving.

Yeah, we'll see.

DAISY: What are we making?

Well, a swab from the victim's chest revealed a mixture of phosphorus and magnesium.

An expl*sive used in a certain kind of shell called dragon's breath.

When fired, it produces a 50-foot flame that lasts for about three seconds.

That would mean that the same shot that k*lled the victim also started the fire.

Yeah, if it works, which is what we are here to find out.

SAROYAN: Oh, no, no, no, no. What...


(g*n clicks)

Fire in the...



The trigger was a little more sensitive than I thought.

What does that prove?

The shot that k*lled the victim also started the fire.

SAROYAN: Okay, now put it out.

CARLENE: Deanna and I were actually friends.

We went through basic training together.

She was a real soldier.

Deanna was the real deal.

Right, so what happened?

She started talking about the end of the world.

Took it real serious.

I didn't. She took offense.

She took a swing at me. So you laid her out.

And then we both got discharged.

Deanna was pretty sure that our whole society was going to fall apart, including the military.

But you don't believe that society then will fall apart? Nope.

People are resilient.

We're gonna be okay.

Right, well, we have phone records showing that you called her eight times in the last few months.

Because I didn't know where she lived anymore.

She disappeared, fell right off the grid.

Now, that's a lot of concern for someone who ruined you career in the military.

You never had a fight with someone?

You don't find a lot of friends in this world.

I was trying to hang on to one of mine.

So she didn't call you back?

Look, I didn't k*ll her.

I'm sorry she's dead.

I wish I had the chance to tell her I'm sorry.

Well, we found a shotgun in your apartment.

We're gonna run some tests on it.

You do what you got to do.

Listen, I can't, I can't tell if you k*lled her or not, but in case you didn't, I'd like to point out that if you called her eight times, she knew you were trying to make up.

Thank you for that.

Thank you.

You found something, Ms. Wick?

I did. Look at this.

When I was cleaning the femur, I found a remodeled injury, less than a year old.

Very good work, Ms. Wick.

This is a nasty injury.

Expertly set.

But the cause, it's not familiar to me.

I thought you might have a theory.

I have seen breaks like this before.

The remodeled splintering indicates that she was hit with something of a relatively high density at a relatively high speed.

A b*llet?

More dense and slower than a b*llet.

A baseball bat. A car bumper.

Faster than both and more localized.

Remodeling shows striations from the splintering.

The Civil w*r.

Hobbyists still use Civil w*r munitions.


A musket ball. Larger.

I believe we're looking at an injury from a cannonball.

We have the medical records from the Veterans Administration.

There's no mention of a wound.

How does someone who lives off the grid get shot by a cannon and get medical attention this good?

I took samples of the victim's remodeled femur.

The injury contained cast iron and lead.

Who makes her own cannonballs?

Well, she had this old Civil w*r cannonball press, which requires cast iron and lead.

No brass, copper or steel that would be used today.

So she did.

So she shot herself in the leg with a cannon?

Are you thinking some terribly complicated su1c1de attempt?

I'm thinking accident, but I like your flair for the dramatic.

I'll be testing my theory later when I find a matching cannon from the Civil w*r exhibit.

You won't have to.

I matched the wound on the victim's femur.

You said the diameter of a two-pounder cannonball was 6.8 centimeters, right?


Guess you heard that Sweets is finally moving out of Mom and Dad's house.

You misjudge Lance. He's not a child.

He's responsible for managing pro bono psychological counseling at the homeless shelter in Penn Quarter, and he helped me make investments in my 401(k) that withstood the crash.

So his only problem is sleeping alone.

Nobody likes that, Dr. Hodgins.

Isn't that why you married Ms. Montenegro?

Oh, snap.

Okay, the diameter of the ball matches the outline of the break on her leg as well as the directionality of the splintering.

Very impressive, Ms. Montenegro.

Thanks, Daisy. Well, I'd like to be sure.

We should definitely check velocity as well as density of the ball...

I know what this is about. You just want to...

Yes, I just want to be thorough.

So if you need me, I'll be next door in the Antietam exhibit.

A cannonball?

BOOTH: Yeah, that's what they think.

It's all very old school, you know?

She makes her own a*mo.

But a cannon?

Yeah, a cannon.

She's probably making, you know, a*mo for other people, as well.

So if we find out who those people are, we might find our k*ller.

It's the only lead that we have.

Plus the tests on Carlene Blayney's shotgun-- that came back negative as well.

(phone ringing)
Oh, sorry. Hold on.

Sweets here. Yes.

Thank you.

I'd like a quote on renter's insurance.

Sure, I'll e-mail you all my information and an itemized list of valuables.

Great. Thanks. Bye.

Sorry. Ah, it's okay.

You all good with the move? You need any help?

No, but thanks.

All right. Make sure you check that building out for asbestos and plumbing leaks, cracks in the foundation.

Yeah. Everything's good?

Yeah. All done. Okay, 'cause I don't want to hear any crazy excuses from you that you got to move back in.

Not gonna happen. I'm set.

You're okay living in a building full of shrinks?

Hey, you know, we have a lot in common, plus we have the skills to work out our disagreements in a healthy and constructive manner.

But I'm gonna miss you, too, Agent Booth.

Right, yeah. Well, I see you all the time here at work.

Plus, I get my tub back and I won't have to look at that stupid pomegranate juice in my refrigerator.

You still haven't tried it yet?

No, I haven't, okay? That's called "shrink juice."

It's just pomegranate juice.

Why don't you gather all your new neighbors together and you can have a shrink juice party?

It's good. Yeah, sure. Enjoy that.

There's pitting in the mandible and maxilla.

I assumed it was from buckshot when she was k*lled, but the damage is too small and not deep enough.

And Dr. Hodgins said there was no buckshot in the shell.

We already know she was making cannonballs.

Maybe there's another form of amm*nit*on we're overlooking.

Look again, Ms. Wick.

This pitting was not caused by external forces.

Caries sicca.

Caused by the gummatous lesions of syphilis.


The victim was in the latent stage of the disease.

I should have caught that.

No, the disease is not as common as it once was, fortunately.

Safe sex, yes.

BRENNAN: I was thinking of penicillin.

I clearly have less faith in the sexual restraint of the masses than you do.

There was no mention of syphilis on the victim's medical records.

She may not have known she had it.

The disease can lie dormant for years before any symptoms appear.

This could explain the victim's hostility.

Her tissue samples showed benzodiazepine in her system.

She'd taken a sedative?

There was no mention of her being on any prescribed medication.

She wouldn't be the first one to take dr*gs illegally.

Hodgins said the cannonballs were made with lead, so I did a search for anyone near the victim who was buying up large quantities of lead from salvage yards.

Dr. Fred Dumaski.

Yeah, it's a family practitioner.

Who gave up his practice.

Maybe he was done with the whole "do no harm" thing.

MONTENEGRO: This is not necessary, Hodgins.

I already double-checked the figures.

A cannonball fractured our victim's leg.

And I am not doubting that, Angie.

Then why exactly are you doing this?

Have we all forgot the concept of the double blind study?

Doesn't apply to a*tillery.

Theories are improved as more evidence is gathered, so that accuracy and prediction improves over time.

For that, we need independent strands of evidence, rather than a single foundational source.

And you cannot argue with that.

So he's never shot a cannon.

Excuse me for loving my work.

Goggles and ear protection, please.

I made the cannonball myself. Very impressive.

Replicated it exactly. They used a lot of lead...

Already on it. Right, okay.


Okay, everyone, stand back!

Fire in the hole!


So, velocity is...

1,400 feet per second.

Okay, right.

Now, range at five degrees would be...

...1,600 yards.

Okay, good, so we have corroboration, which is exactly what we want as scientists.

Of course. Now clean up this mess.

One more? No.

It's all set up. No.

I made another cannonball. No.

I'll send Booth the info about the doctor.

That was actually awesome.

Totally. He must never know.


He's a doctor who makes cannonballs?

Yeah. Fred Dumaski.

But he goes by the name of Dr. Apocalypse.

Oh, all right, he's a survivalist.

Yeah, they call themselves the doomsday preppers.

"The Preppers' Guide to Canning Foods."

"Do-It-Yourself Doctoring." "Weapons for a Wasted World"?

Check out this video on how to make cannonballs.

Global events such as a nuclear attack by t*rrorists, or more likely, an economic collapse, are inevitable.

Preparing to survive such an event is simple logic.

And making your own amm*nit*on for weapons simple to maintain is a basic skill that you must have.

Okay, whack job. There are complex psychological factors that go into a person's life choices.

To dismiss it with an easy moniker like that...


In this case, I'm fine with "whack jobs."

Complete whack job.

Is there any evidence that he knew Deanna Barbieri?

Well, being a survivalist explains why she was living in a shed.

These people, these whack jobs, they're a tight-knit community.

They're fiercely defensive and they're suspicious of the government.

It won't be easy to get Dr. Apocalypse to talk.

Well, a neighbor says that he hasn't been back to his place since Deanna died.

That should be enough to get a warrant.

Oh, it was, yeah.

We searched his house and found out that he bought land last October: ten acres of nothing in Wise County, Virginia.

He spent half a million dollars on ten acres of nothing?

Land itself only cost $50,000, but the rest went to a company called Safe Harbors.

They specialize in survival bunkers.

So you got a*mo, you got survivalists in a military-grade bunker.

No, this is not good.

Time to smoke out the whack jobs.

Stay in teams. Watch out for booby traps.

MAN: Copy that. Looking for an area where you can bury a bunker. Watch your six.
I got it.

20 yards, 11 o'clock.

Move, move. Move out.

Ho! Hold it. Nobody move.

Stand down.

It's connected to an expl*sive device, sir.


Wire's secure.

BOOTH: The suspect, whoever else is down there could be heavily armed.

MAN: Move. Move.

MAN: It has a time lock on it.

Gonna have to blow it.

Get ten yards back.

Ten-yard perimeter around the bunker.

Let's keep your weapons trained.

We don't know what the hell's gonna come out of there.

Yes, sir.

Clear. Clear.

Smoke 'em!

(goat bleats)

(chickens clucking)

I'm unarmed. (coughing)

BOOTH: Hands on your head.

On the ground now. I've got a bad back.

Hands on your head. Let's go. On your knees!

Move. Get on the ground. Over!

(man continues coughing)

Move! Hold your fire!

On the ground!

I'm Dr. Apocalypse!

On your knees!

I can explain everything!

I can explain everything.

Get down!

I met Deanna online. I could tell right away that she'd be a huge asset to the group.

You mean weaponry?

Weapons, defensive tactics, amm*nit*on, her military training.

But also just her character.

Okay, when you say "our group"?

We're preppers, Agent Booth.

We're ready for the impending collapse of society.

What's gonna cause the collapse of society?

The economy, race wars, ecological disasters, global climate change, t*rror1st attack, viral pandemic-- take your pick.

It's inevitable.

Right, okay. How did Deanna break her leg?

I'm guessing that showed up in her autopsy report.

It's odd that there's no mention of it in her medical records.

It was an accident.

I was practicing loading the cannon, and it went off.

Deanna and I saw it as a perfect opportunity to show that we could be self-sufficient in terms of trauma care.

Her accident actually pulled our group together.

What were you hiding from when we found you?

Nothing. It was a practice drill.

We knew we were going in for a week.

What happened to your arm?


I gave myself a shot.

Trauma care.

For what? Venereal disease.

Our victim had syphilis.

You have a venereal disease.

Self-treated, maybe you can get away without your wife finding out.

The world as you know it is about to end.

Delores knew everything about me and Deanna.

It's a new world.

Not yet, Dr. Apocalypse, all right?

You're still practicing, okay?

This is still the same old world.

HODGINS: I got this list of items in the bunker from the FBI.

Well, the preppers were very well-equipped.

I suspect they could've survived down there for months quite successfully.

Thank God I am a conspiracy theorist and not a doomsday hysteric.

Well, it's not hysteria.

In the long run, human beings are scheduled for extinction.

Yeah, when the sun expands into a red giant in three billion years.

No, not necessarily. We already have enough weapons to annihilate all life on the planet.

You have tremendous faith in a violent species such as ours to think that we will have the self-control not to use them.

Man, I came to you with good news.

Now I'm just depressed.

I want good news. Well, phosphorus and magnesium were on the FBI list.


So I found both of them on the victim.

And they were the source of the fire.

Which means one of the preppers is probably the k*ller.

Delores Dumaski, Mrs. Apocalypse.

BOOTH: The one he cheated on.

Yeah, she specializes in nutrition, food prep and storage.

Now, Dennis Bukovac is a retired minister.

He's in charge of the group's emotional and spiritual health.

Right-- I wonder what the minister thinks of free sex?


SWEETS: Milo Mills, 28.

He's got a degree in mechanical engineering.

The one who fixes everything. Yeah.

Generators, ventilation, lighting.

Maybe he worked weapons with the victim.

Any of these people crazy enough to k*ll?

Whack jobs-- all of them.


MONTENEGRO: So, I was able to identify a few of the objects from the fire.

Awesome, Angie. You literally recovered evidence from the ashes.

So this pile of debris here is a cot.

Okay, what's that lump there?

That is a screwdriver.

This is like a treasure hunt.

What's that?

That used to be a tool box. Okay.

I recognize this. This is a shell casing.

But what's that? It's a jar of nails.

Now, under this plate here, there's this singed paper, which I think is a letter.

I'm gonna try to get it from evidence and see if we can figure out what it is.

Hey, are you listening to your lovely and very clever wife over here?

Yeah, no, sorry.

It's just this-this screwdriver would've been made out of beryllium, which has a melting point of 865 degrees Celsius.

Okay. But... the shell casing is made of yellow brass.

Well, why didn't it melt?

Yellow brass has a melting point of 905 degrees Celsius.

So the temperature was greater than 865 degrees, but less than 905 degrees.

So... what?

Angie, at these temperatures, a human body would've been completely reduced to ash in three hours.

So either the temperature of the fire wasn't that hot or it burned for a much shorter period of time.

Yeah, about half the time.

Listen, I'm not gonna be insulted if you run a simulation and check my math, but...

Oh, I will.

But if you're right, then the fire started somewhere closer to 8:30 and not 7:00.

Yeah, meaning no one in that bunker could've m*rder*d Deanna Barbieri.

So you're absolutely sure that nobody in that bunker could've k*lled Deanna Barbieri?

Why do you keep asking me to qualify my conclusions?

You know that I, as well as the others on my team are brilliant.

It's just that survivalists are a close-knit group.

They're like the military.

Deanna was outspoken.

She challenged authority; somebody like that would challenge the very essence of the group dynamic.

And k*lling her would be a logical extension of the needs of the group.


It doesn't seem to be anyone from that group.

But Deanna lived off the grid.

Even Carlene Blayney didn't know how to find her.

She wasn't in contact with anyone except that group.

I'm sorry, Lance; you're gonna have to come up with another theory.

The condition of the burned bones combined with the temperature of the fire tells us that the body burned for a maximum of 90 minutes.

Okay, well, that proves... that Deanna was k*lled at around 8:30 a.m., not 7:00.

But all the preppers were already locked in the bunker by then.

You're wonderful, Lance.

Excuse me?

You're so... thoughtful and committed to the truth.

It's a rare quality.

Even in the way you approached getting your own place.

Okay, okay, I get it.


You think that I was acting like a child by living with Booth and Dr. Brennan.

Not at all.

I thought it showed great maturity and strength.

Everyone was gonna judge you for being weak, but you knew that you needed time and a safe place to collect yourself, reflect on what happened.

Where better to do that than with people who love you?

Any person who can't accept that, that's the weak person.

Well... I think you're pretty wonderful yourself, Daisy.

I know.

Makes no sense that we couldn't make a go of it.


Maybe somebody tampered with the time lock.

Hodgins says that's impossible.

Any tampering with mechanisms sets off an alarm and makes it impossible to reset the lock.

It was locked when they arrived.

(groans) Well, there's got to be some other way in and out of that bunker.

The k*ller could've snuck out, k*lled Deanna, snuck back in.

You know what? Agent Booth needs to reexamine that bunker.

Ooh, my, another mark.

Oh, wait.

Daisy just found this on Deanna Barbieri's clavicle.

At first, she thought it was just more pitting from the victim's venereal disease.

It appears to be some kind of puncture wound.

From the angle, one might posit that she was stabbed from behind with a sharp pointed object.

I think it's a syringe of some kind.

Well, that would explain how the dr*gs got into her system.

But the puncture--
I don't recognize that gauge needle-- it's very large.

Hodgins is swabbing the clavicle to see if he can determine what the metal was.

Injected with benzodiazepine.

Clearly someone didn't want Deanna to make it to the bunker that day.

Or any day.

I got the plans for the bunker from Safe Harbors, the company that built it.

Oh, good, that should indicate an escape hatch that would override the time lock.

Yeah, you'd think so, but they said the emergency routes and hatches were proprietary designs and giving them out would compromise security.

Well, there's got to be some kind of exit in case of a fire or other disaster.

I mean, surviving is kind of the point of the bunker.

Yeah, well, that's why I'm doing a structural analysis of the plans.

I made a model of the bunker, which we can walk though.

Wow, very cool, Angie.

Hey, did they provide you with a list of materials used to, uh, construct this bunker?

Yeah, it's over there.

Most of the casing is reinforced category 1 steel manufactured for pressure lines and ships.

Well, the bunker was buried, so they'd need the strongest.

Well, that means all the riveting would be the same.

There are tempered rivets listed here in the supplies that wouldn't be used with that grade of steel.

Which means there's a section of the frame which isn't category 1.

Yeah, if we can find it, we can find the escape hatch the k*ller used to sneak out and then sneak back in after k*lling Deanna.

I figured out why we'd never used a syringe like this before.

12-gauge syringe?

They're used by vets.

On farm animals, large dogs.

Well, Dr. Apocalypse's preppers raise animals for food.

Yes, and I reanalyzed the benzodiazepine.

It's not medical grade.

Did they make it themselves?

Probably. It was loaded with impurities.

Wait. No, look.

This is a log of all the items the FBI took from the bunker.


The standards are relaxed for veterinary use.

That's why it's impure.

That explains why Dr. Apocalypse's arm was so swollen.

Well, and whoever had access to this loaded that syringe with a lot of benzodiazepine.

They wanted to make sure Deanna was knocked out.

So it had to be one of the preppers.

So this section of ceiling paneling.

It's reinforced, which means the metal is lighter.

So this is where they put the hatch.

(laughs): Hey.

You made me. Yeah, who better to solve the riddle?


So, you just have to remove the paneling, open the hatch and crawl out.

All right, hold on. Not so fast.

What? You crawled out. But how do I get back in?

The same way. No, no.

See, the bunker-- it was... it was covered in soil.

Six feet of soil, untouched.

Right, the soil would fall in when the hatch was opened.

Yeah, which is exactly what's supposed to happen in an emergency, but it would take heavy construction equipment to cover it up again.

Right. So the k*ller couldn't have gotten in and out that way.

Hey, you found the hatch.

I mean, that's impressive enough.



Booth, what's up?

Is that bug boy?

Exactly the person I was looking for. Look, do you still have all the evidence from the shed?

Yeah, why?

Because I think I know how Deanna was k*lled.

HODGINS: I cannot believe you are here.

You hate the lab. Right.

So, uh, let's make this snappy, okay?

Check these things out here.

Take a look at this, huh?

What do you think?

I don't... I don't know what you're doing.

You're supposed to be the genius.

Come on. Look at it.


It's a latch, a spring-loaded hinge, a nail and a piece of pipe.

It's a booby trap.

It's a booby trap?

It's a booby trap!

Of course!

Oh, hey, we make a good team.

Well, I sort of thought of this all on my own.

Even still, if you ever need anyone in the field...

That's never gonna happen.

So, uh, whoever k*lled Deanna made sure to give themselves an alibi.

So they drug her, set up a booby trap, then took off, locked themselves in the bunker, knowing she'd get k*lled when she opened the door.

It's definitely one of the preppers.

Hey, wait, whoa, where are you going?

We got to prove this works. It works.

Yeah, why? Is your say-so good enough for a court?

We have to prove it works.

You're gonna need a trigger.

Well, that is what the door is for, since that's what was used in the shed.

Now, who wants the honor of opening the door?

Be incinerated? No, thank you.

I'll do it.

I replaced the dragon's breath shell with a gelatin load fired by CO2, so it's completely safe.

Well, it's your experiment, okay?

You're the one who's gonna get shot.

Uh, Agent Booth, I wouldn't stand right there.

Don't worry about it, bug boy, okay?

I'm just checking the traj...


Hey, I, uh, thought you didn't like the lab.

Well, I just, uh, came to see how everything was going. I'm good.


We're fine. Mm-hmm.


I think we have enough proof now.

You know what, you say anything, and I will s*ab you with my pen.

(coughing, chuckling)

BOOTH: So you would have the skill to design a booby trap like this?

Most definitely.

So would Deanna.

Well, she's dead, so that leaves you.

Number three would be Delores.

The food prepper girl? Why?

We all teamed up to train someone to take over if we're incapacitated.

Delores taught me about animal husbandry, I taught her about engineering.

Animal husbandry? That's why there were vet needles and dr*gs. Yes.

She kept animals healthy so that when we ate them, we wouldn't get sick.

So you taught her how to make booby traps, and in return, she taught you how to administer dr*gs to animals.

It's got to be one of you.

I see your predicament.

You should choose Delores.

Why? Because Deanna slept with her husband?

Because I didn't do it.

You have to give me something more than just your statement.

Give me a minute to think. Okay.

You know, part of the whole prepper practice is you can't wash as much because of the water shortages.


Delores is the only one that doesn't have to practice for that.

She lives it.

So she's a dirty girl.

That doesn't help me.

She'd have residue from making the booby traps.

If I did it, I would have cleaned my hands off.

Okay, you do realize you're saying things that make you sound more guilty.

Which means I'm probably innocent.

This is a well-designed booby trap.

I'm very impressed.

DELORES: Is this radioactive?

No, it's UV light that will indicate the presence of benzene and toluene.

BOOTH: Nothing.

Well, it's been a few days.

Those could have been washed off.

I didn't k*ll Deanna.

I want you to trim your fingernails.

No. We have a warrant.

Well, that warrant doesn't cover removing parts of her body.

That includes hair and nails.

Am I allowed to take a scraping?

No, that's removing cells.

Am I allowed to use a flash of light to look at her fingernails? No.

Actually, yes, she can.

BRENNAN: Hold out your fingers.

BOOTH: Hold them out.


That's your bright light?

The spark is brighter than anything incandescent.


BOOTH: Whoa, what was that?

Phosphorus has a very low ignition point.

We can use that result to get a warrant to scrape this hand.

There will be expl*sive residue that will match what we found at the m*rder scene.

You did it; you loaded the dragon's breath.

Either you were mad that she slept with your husband...

Or that she gave him syphilis.

Or maybe even gave it to you.

The object was to survive.

My husband and I devoted our lives to that.

Deanna was aggressive, overbearing, dishonest.

Is that someone you want with you when you build a new world?

Well, I'm not sure about that, but I certainly wouldn't want someone like you deciding that for me.

The world is going to end because of people like her.

CARLENE: Dr. Sweets says you found a message to me from Deanna?

So I-I found a letter to you.

Uh, it was very charred and burned, but I was able to reconstruct most of it.

It is, um, very personal.

We were friends, but we had a terrible falling out.

So I understand.

I'm sorry, I-I can't help but read what I reconstruct.

I'm trying to decide if I should read this or not.

Well, I will tell you that it will probably make you very sad from grief, but I also think it will make you very happy, because she loved you.


Thank you.

I'll leave you alone.

♪ Grief is a freight train

♪ Oh, what's a little pain

♪ When you've got so much to lose? ♪
♪ Grief is a freight train

♪ Oh, what's a little pain

♪ When you've got so much to lose? ♪
♪ Close your eyes


♪ Take to the sky

♪ Like a big blue kite

♪ Leave your woes behind

♪ Close my eyes


♪ Try to remember what you said to me ♪
♪ Before you said good-bye.

I'm not a prepper or anything.

I just think that we should be prepared.

Like a prepper.

Like a person who cares about his family, you know, if an asteroid's gonna hit us.

We'd be incinerated. What if someone unplugs the grid, you know?

I mean, there's the Internet, electricity, the TV, the washer and dryer could go...

We have clean water, canned food in the basement.

That should be sufficient for an emergency.

All right.

That's it.

Thanks for having me over.

I have a toast.

Oh, that's not necessary.

All right, let her rip.

Booth, come on. Yeah, yeah, I'm here. I'm here.

I was not happy when Booth told me that you were coming to stay with us, and I'm not happy that you are leaving.

BOOTH: You left out the middle part, which kind of sounds like you were never happy.

Right, the part where you came and stayed with us and helped us care for Christine...

I'm feeling emotional.

BOOTH: Okay. Good luck, Sweets, in your new place.

I cannot thank you enough for taking me in in a time when I was the most...

Bottoms up. Cheers.

Yeah, all right.

New beginnings. That's it.

Hope you won't get lonely at your new place.

No, I'll be fine.
(doorbell rings)

And those must be the other tenants to help me move.

Come back any time. You can come for Sunday dinners.

Hey. Hi.

I'm so excited.

You're going to love living with us.

SWEETS: I bet.

Hi, I'm Janet. This is Chrissie.

Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Sweets.

Uh, we're not the...

Whoa. No.

So I guess this is good-bye.

Good-bye, Sweets.

See you at work.

See you.

Your dad is hot.


(door closes)

Apparently you're hot, Dad.

Wow, really?

Did you just see that?

I did not expect that, did you?


Geez, I hope Sweets is, uh, prepared if there's an emergency.

It's not our concern anymore, Booth.

I mean, what if he shows up back here and we only have enough rations for two weeks? That's...

I'm not having this conversation. I'm gonna buy a generator.

So the generator has a generator? Now you get it.

I'm gonna get a generator and an extra generator, and I'm gonna buy beef jerky. You know what?

That stuff lasts forever, plus it's delicious.

What's that mean?