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09x02 - The Cheat in the Retreat

Posted: 09/30/13 00:49
by bunniefuu
(truck door opens)

Bobcats, in the city. Seriously.

Habitat's just over those hills.

Who doesn't like to come into town for a nice meal every now and then, hmm?

I thought this job this job was about dogs and cats.

Well, it's just like a cat, named Bob.

Look, bobcats are more scared of us than we are of them.

Oh, my God.

There it is.

Wait till you see the teeth on these suckers.

Come on, come on. Hey, hey.

You can always get laid with a story about catching a bobcat.

Now slowly go behind the Dumpster.




I-I got him!

Okay, now hand him over.


Get a sample of what he was feeding on, in case he gets sick.


Hurry up!

There's a lot of stuff here.

If he craps in this van, you're cleaning it up.

I got it.

He was feeding on this.

Okay... and now you're going to learn about paperwork.

SAROYAN: This is the third letter I've gotten from a collection agency.

They probably just mixed you up with someone else.

No, they all have my Social Security number, correct address...

But I know I didn't buy a portable tool shed for $1,800. (laughs)

It's nice, riding in together.

Easier than going back to separate places.

That was subtle.

And now that you have that tool shed, we'd have plenty of room.

(siren wailing)

Oh, man, now what?

SAROYAN: With this car, it could be anything.

VAZIRI: Hey! I got the taillight fixed, and the exhaust.

Well, you definitely weren't speeding.

I don't think you could in this thing.

(clears throat)

License and registration, sir.

Ma'am. Of course.

Excuse me, Officer, can I ask why you pulled us over?

Doesn't really concern you, ma'am.

Why don't you sit back while your boyfriend does what I asked?

"Boyfriend"? Okay.

I think it's pretty clear why you pulled us over.


He was driving erratically, ma'am.

Uh, no, he was driving while brown.

Let it go, Cam. No.

I'd listen to him, ma'am.

What is it?

Did you do a little time in the Middle East, maybe?

You didn't like the way he looked?

Or maybe me?

I.D., ma'am. Oh, seriously?


I am the Head of the Forensic Division at the Jeffersonian Institution.

And I am on my way to a case, so...

Let it go. It's a stupid ticket.

No. I will not let something like this go, and neither should you.

VAZIRI: You know there's a fine line...

(over radio): Warrants outstanding for check fraud, credit card fraud and grand theft-- arrest on sight. allowed to pull you over for no reason?

Out of the car!

What? Out of the car.

Now. Oh! Oh, my God...

What is going on? What the hell is going on?

Camille Saroyan, step out of the car.


Turn around and step away from the car, please.


You're under arrest for check and credit card fraud, and grand theft.

What? No, there must be some mistake.

I'd stay out of this if I were you, buddy.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, an attorney will be appointed for you...

Look, I can't believe anyone would think she was capable of check fraud.

Of course she's capable.

What are you talking about?

I don't believe she did it.

But she certainly has the intellectual acumen for it.

Okay. You definitely should not be a character witness.

Whoa. No hazardous waste accepted...

What is this?

Wow, bobcat feast.

HODGINS: Judging by the use of debris to cover the remains between feedings, our victim's been here at least six hours.

Hey, is Cam out of the hoosegow yet?

Yeah, I called in a favor, had the bail hearing moved up.

She should be out in a few hours.

Whoa, hello.

Puncture marks on the head of the humerus indicate that the bobcat severed the arms from the body.

What's that smell? HODGINS: Oh, yeah.

Bobcats? They mark their feeding area with urine and, if you're lucky, feces.

Look, was this guy alive when he was ripped apart?

I mean, is this something we should be even involved in?

If Dr. Saroyan wasn't incarcerated, she'd note that the decomposition of this tissue indicates that the victim was dead six to 12 hours before the bobcat started feeding. So it was a body dump.

Have you found the skull, Dr. Hodgins?


Bobcats often carry their food into trees to consume it.

Well, there we go.

Yep. Our animal friends are so predictable.


(wry laugh)
It's your lucky day, Bug Boy.


♪ Bones 9x02 ♪
The Cheat in the Retreat
Original Air Date on September 23, 2013

♪ Main Title Theme ♪ The Crystal Method

VAZIRI: The extensive number of fractures evident on these X-rays indicate blunt force trauma as cause of death.

Yeah, lots of blunt force and lots of trauma, by the looks of it.

And completed ossification of the clavicle indicates the victim was in his early 30s, and...


Yeah, sorry.

I'm still... it was like Cam was daring the cop to bust her.

Was the cop r*cist?

You could take it that way, yeah.

Racism is racism.

Right, sweetie?

Oh. I have found, as a Caucasian, if I enter into any kind of debate like this, the non-Caucasians, like you and Arastoo, yell at me, as if I represent all white people.

I tend to represent all Muslims.

I tend to represent all hot women.

(beeping) BRENNAN: I don't know if you can classify "hot women" as a race. Excuse me?

I'm about to breach security, so if one of you could...


What's wrong with your card? The same thing that's wrong with my credit cards, my bank card, the reason why my online stock trading account's been frozen...

You trade in the stock market? No.

Apparently, I've been the victim of identity theft.

VAZIRI: You got arrested because someone else broke the law?

SAROYAN: Using my identity, yes.

And it's still happening.

But I really don't want to deal with this at work, so let's drop it, okay?

What do you mean, it's still happening?

Until they catch whoever stole her identity, they can...

This is not dropping it.

The brain seems to be the only organ that the bobcat didn't get at.

MONTENEGRO: Okay, with all this damage, the facial reconstruction is gonna take a while.

The victim has areas of very dense bone around his pelvis and vertebral spine.

Also, calcification of the lateral and medial collateral ligaments.

VAZIRI: Skeletal fluorosis?

How is that possible?

There's no evidence of bone deformation.

BRENNAN: Early stages.

And extremely rare in North America.

Any diagnosed cases would be reported to the Department of Public Health.

Very good, then, Mr. Vaziri.

If our victim sought treatment in the U.S., it means he's registered.

Hey. Sweets.

Got an identity on the victim.

He was single, right? His clothes and his lack of ring...

Married. Blue collar?

Management consultant. Also, Korean.

I got everything wrong? Well, you know what?

Not everything. I mean, you did say that he was a guy.


Come on, you know, everybody has a bad day. You know what you do?

You just gotta walk it off, all right, buddy?

Get back in the game.

Adam Pak.

Is there anything in the missing persons database?


So, then, why didn't his wife report him missing?

Well, that's your department. Come on, let's go! Get into it.

It's time to, you know, regain your self-respect...

Oh, look at that.

Noodle soup.

"Asian Noodle Fun."
That's good.

Wait, those are my noodles.

They're mine now.

Adam's... dead?

Are you sure it's him?

(gasping): God, I can't... oh...

You'll be all right.

Just deep breaths, in and out.

What's wrong with her? Well...

I think we'll find that Mrs. Pak suffers from a panic disorder, am I correct?

No, I'm just trying not to cry.

(Mrs. Pak breathing hard)

Okay, when was the last time you saw your husband?

MRS. PAK: Three days ago.

He left on a business trip to Thailand.

He was a management consultant. Yes.

Um, lots of international clients, so he... he travels a lot.

Did you speak to him while he was away?

Last night. SWEETS: I bet he calls you every night when he's away, doesn't he?

No, I called him.

Any reason why you would call him?

I heard someone downstairs.

I thought it was Adam, so I called to make sure.

He told me I was imagining things, like always.

And then h-he hung up and I called the security company.

SWEETS: I bet they told you that you were right to call, though.

No, they think I'm crazy nervous.

I called them three or more times during the night. Mrs. Pak, you realize that your husband, he wasn't k*lled in Thailand.

He was found here in the United States.

Can you think of any reason, you know, I don't know, why he would lie to you?

I mean, he must have had a good reason.

But you were here all of last night?

Like I told you. If you don't believe me, ask the security company.

(Mrs. Pak sobbing)

What will I do without Adam?

What do you got?

Advice about identity theft.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I found traces of agricultural lime on the victim's clothing.

I'm guessing you're not talking about a fruit.

HODGINS: It's a substance used to make acidic soil more habitable for plants.

How common is it? It's fairly common.

And a recent study in Tennessee showed that the presence of agricultural lime actually increases bobcat visitation rates.

So the lime attracted the bobcat to his remains.

There are warrants out for your arrest.

Your credit score's gonna flat line.

You're not gonna be able to get money out of an ATM, your assets are going to end up being frozen...

I also found Chironomidae from the nematoceran fly family...

And soil.

Soil with a... it's a very high acidic ratio and greater clay subsoil component.

Can you cross-reference?


There's only one place where these both coexist... it's on Native American tribal land in Virginia.

Our Korean victim was k*lled on an Indian reservation?

Your wages will be garnished.

You need a lawyer.

I'm pretty sure I can handle this on my own. Cam.

You got blocked from the forensic platform.

You need a lawyer.

And one that's gonna trust you because he trusts me.

Thank you.

Thank you.

If I leave now, you're not gonna come up with another clue, are you?

I'm all out.

I should probably leave before Booth gets home.

Yes, you should.


Angela, you're being very mean to him.

Anger is a reasonable response.

Why aren't you mad at him?

I mean, he forces you to propose to him, he accepts, and then he changes his mind.

He has his reasons.

Yeah? What reasons?

I don't know.

Then why aren't you angry at him?

I don't know why Mars lost its magnetic field.

I'm not angry at Mars.

That's fine, I'll be angry at both Booth and Mars for you.



Bye, sweetie.


Good-bye. That's the best word I've heard all day.

So, part of the Indian tribal land is being leased to a company called New Dawn Retreat.

What's that? It's a marriage retreat.

Get this, okay?

One of the registered couples was under the name of Adam and Kelly Pak.

But the victim's wife was at home and... her name is Emma.

Getting permission for the FBI to go onto tribal land-- that takes months, you know?

And this marriage retreat is over in two days.

By that time, any witnesses will have left the retreat.

And possibly the k*ller.

So, you know what I'm thinking?



Buck and Wanda.

Not Buck and Wanda.

Yeah? This is a job for...

Tony, Roxie.

Tony and Roxie. Yeah!

Okay, you've got it, big boy! How you doin', baby?

Yeah, how you doin'? No, no, no, it's-it's, "How you doin'?"

How ya doin'? No, you're using your nose too much.

(nasal drone)

You'll be joining our introductory group; people like yourselves who are finally brave enough to confront their problems.

Oh, no, no, we got no problems.

Oh, we got problems, Tony.

What are you talking about? Come on...

Slow down.

I think we fit pretty good in all the right places, huh?
(sly laugh)

Without opening your hearts and letting love bathe the pain, you'll never grow to the oneness you need to flourish.

Look at them.

Look how united they are.

BOOTH: Whoa-whoa-whoa! Everybody, slow down!

We don't have to do any of that stuff, huh?

That's an advanced course.

Those couples have already taken both the introductory and intermediate sessions.

They got problems, you know advanced problems.

Well, lots and lots of money for you, I imagine, Mr. Little River.

All right, take it easy on him, okay, Roxie?

Listen, the guy's trying to run a business.

He likes helping people.

BRENNAN: All feeling and no brains, this one.

The majority of the money goes back into the facility and for research into the psycho-structure of interpersonal relations.

Okay, one thing I don't understand is this guy right here.

Then perhaps you use your head too much...

Slow down.

...and your heart not enough.

(quietly, normal voice): You know, he makes a good point.

Seriously? Just saying, Bones.


Okay, stop-- just keep the act up, will ya?

Hemorrhagic staining on the inside of the frontal bone.

Perimortem fractures to the skull, ribs, pelvis and the proximal end of both femurs.

Brittle bones.

That would account for the severity of the fractures.

Making it hard to determine the true force with which he was struck.

Which makes it tough to determine what he was hit with.

(phone chimes)


The manager at my bank can't help.

He's gonna have to freeze all the accounts until this is worked out.

And your credit cards?

All canceled. All of them.

What about Hodgins' lawyer? I didn't think I'd need him.

Why do you always refuse help?

You need him. And I'll give you some money until...

No, thank you.

But I can take care of this myself.




So I guess you won't let me pay for dinner either.

Can I at least suggest a Dumpster that you might enjoy, behind the supermarket?

I never should have brought this up at work.

Of course not. That's for normal people.

I just, I need to focus on the case.

Something I can control.

You understand.

I do.


Okay... so here's what I got so far.

Based on the angles of the segmented fracture in the left femur, I realized there's a dual directionality to the victim's injuries.

Basically, he was smacked from one direction and then smacked from the other direction almost simultaneously.

So, two assailants?

That complicates things.

Yeah. That should take your mind off your problems for a while.

MAN: We're supposed to be doing our exercises even if Shaman Little River isn't here.

He said.

So you're the perfect one, like always.

Word of advice, pet, if you want to live to our age, take a breath.

What, you think we make 72 look good?

Well, maybe you're in your 70s, old man, but I am...

Look, the boys have got marriage problems, Evelyn.

They're not blind.

Everyone, this is Tony and Roxie Scallion.

How you doin'?

How you doin'?

How's it going, eh? How are ya?

What's your problem, kids? Too beautiful?

Oh, thank you. You flatter.

LITTLE RIVER: We talked about your hostility, Evelyn.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Oh, thank you, Shaman. Kelly and Adam Pak aren't here.

I went to their tent to check, but wanted to start anyway, like you said.

MAN 2: Of course he did.

The world would stop spinning if you weren't a good boy.

His behavior has nothing to do with the rotation of the earth, doll.

I like her.

So, who are the Paks?

Oh, they make all of us look happily married.

Let's not worry about other people, Evelyn.

BOOTH: Whoa, slow down, okay?

Didn't you say that we could learn from each other, okay?

What were their problems?

Kelly thought Adam was holding something back from her.

And I agree. He had secrets. You could tell.

Everyone has something they're afraid to tell their partner.

But if you find the courage to open up, it's always for the best.

Tony has secrets from me.

(coughs) What?

That must be very painful for you.


Ah! What is it, Tony, getting a little something on the side?

Okay, all right, you know what?

We don't have to start with me first.

ALL: Oh, no, no, no.

Out with it, Tony.

Come on, huh?

I have a secret that I'll share.

That's beautiful.

Thank you.

I never told you how much I dislike it when you wear that beer hat in the bath.

You look foolish, and sometimes it makes me think that I married a child.

BOOTH: You're kidding me right?

No, Tony, I ain't.

We'll talk about the hat after you lose that stupid African fertility statue out of the bedroom.

You know what? On top of it, you know, you should cut off his...

LITTLE RIVER: We don't use anger here.

But it's an exquisite carving.

I find it inspirational.

I love this girl.

In my experience... petty issues like this usually mask a larger secret.

Like the money you don't tell me you spend.

Oh, my God. Once!

That was one time.

And you love the canoe!

So don't, don't start.

WOMAN: Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I am so, so, so sorry I'm late.

LITTLE RIVER: That's okay. Where's Adam, Kelly?

I don't know.

We got into a huge fight last night, and he just ran off.

I've been calling and calling, but he's not answering.

Because it's finished.

I'll take her picture so we can I.D. her.

Maybe we should call the cops.

LITTLE RIVER: I've seen this a hundred times.

Working on a relationship is a difficult thing.

And you both have tempers, lovey.

LITTLE RIVER: He'll be back.

Until then...

...let the group soothe you.

One heart.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, one heart. You like that.

Here we go.

Roxie, Tony, It's time to meld.

Bring it in here, big guy.

BRENNAN: I don't think so.

OLDER MAN: A great couple of melders you are.

EVELYN: There we are.

Oh, you, hey!

ALL: One heart.

BRENNAN: We're actually talking eight hearts here.

Most damage was confined to his pelvis and upper femurs, anterior and posterior.

The front of his pants contained tree bark and pine needles.

But there was also a bunch of refuse from the gardeners in the Dumpster, so I'm sorting through it now for genus and species.

As soon as you can.

I'd like to give Cam some good news.

Is it true that the prosecutor is going ahead with the case against her?

To the banks and the credit card companies, she's just an account number.

They're not gonna drop the charges until they get proof it wasn't her.

What did the lawyer say? You know Cam.

She wanted to take care of it herself.

BRENNAN: I like the idea of separating the boys and girls.

It would be fun to have a little girl talk.

EVELYN: Oh, I don't know.

We've been to a lot of these.

I don't like being away from Bill.

After 38 years, that's pretty good.

Whoa! We have our fights, but I can't imagine life without this old bat.

You wrinkled old fart.

So why do you keep coming to these things?

Well, we get to travel, we're together and we get to watch all these crazy bastards.

So, Kelly Pak is probably very entertaining, huh?

Oh, you don't know the half of it.

Wait till we all sweat together.

BOOTH: Sweat? All sweat?

Yeah, we, uh, sweat over here.

Sweat over here?

Sweat over there.

Shaman Little River says we come in here to sweat out the toxins that can cause emotional pain.

Well, he's wrong. You can't sweat out toxins.

A sweat lodge can actually cause your kidneys to retain water, preventing your body from eliminating toxins.

How on earth do you know all that?

Um, reading... you know, the magazines you find at the checkout counter at the grocery store?

That's how I know that whole sweat-toxin thing is whole lot of New Age crapola.

I mean, if that's true, what are we doing in here? I mean, I'm roasting.

Well, traditionally, it's used to call on our ancestors to help and guide us through difficulty.

Peyote is sometimes used to facilitate this.

Oh, I would never take dr*gs.

You sure could use something to chill out that temper of yours, sweetie, if you want to keep a man.

Adam will be back.

Are those tears or sweat, doll?

(voice breaking): I don't want to talk about it.

(chanting in Latin)

You having a seizure, love?

I'm calling on Kelly's ancestors to help her talk.

(chanting in Latin resumes)

Oh, not... not my mother.

Oh, please, not my mother.

Ali-Frazier was the best fight of all time Oh, you're on crack.

Excuse me. We're in here for a reason.

I agree with Tony. Yeah.

Two undefeated champs slugging it out for the belt-- oh!

Winner take all.

Best fight ever!

You're comparing this to Rumble in the Jungle?

Ali hired Larry Holmes to pound on him so he could take punches from Foreman.

It was a slugfest. you know? There was no artistry.

We're supposed to be talking about our relationships.

Yeah, we are, son.

Talking about our relationship with boxing.

Fine. You're all wrong!

Hagler-Hearns, 1985, is the greatest fight ever.

Hagler throws 42 punches to Hearns's 56 in the first round alone!

Only three rounds total, and in the end, Hagler, bleeding, knocks out Hearns to secure his legacy as the greatest middleweight ever.

Eight minutes of toe-to-toe bloody magic-- no contest!

(sighs wearily)
Now... if we could apply to our relationships a fraction of the focus that we do to boxing, we wouldn't need to be sweating in here, now, would we?

Fair enough. Yeah, all right.

You know what relationship I'm really interested in?

Is that, uh, who is that, Kelly and, uh...

Adam. Adam.

Oh, bad.

Bad, huh? How bad?

Yeah, they had secrets. BOOTH: Secrets?

You don't know that. I know.

They said they'd just gotten married, right?

But there was no newlywed vibe.

Even we had a newlywed vibe.

Well, you still do.

But we're talking about Kelly now, so...

I agree, we still do.

Well, you're just saying that because we're sweating.

Uh, no, I'm not.

I love you.

Oh, guys... oh...

JEFFREY: I think Adam was having an affair.

Kelly was crazy jealous.

Real Housewives jealous.

KELLY: Adam kept telling me how much he loved me.

All the time.

Your ancestors want me to ask you if Adam ever showed you how much he loved you?



Yeah, they-they want you to talk... um... oh!

Yeah, especially your mother.

KELLY: I thought he loved me.

But he wouldn't leave his damn wife.

The things I said to him.

And did.

I hurt him so bad.

I-I didn't mean to.

I swear, I love Adam.
You look nowhere near ready to leave.

Oh, what time is it?

I got lost researching Kelly Pak, who, of course, is not Kelly Pak, but in actuality is really Kelly Goodman.

Wow, that takes commitment-- bringing your mistress to a couples retreat?

Yeah, Booth said they were working out their anger issues.

What are these?

Oh. Shh. Quiet.


I saw Cam's name.

And bank statements.


Well, I'm looking for the fake Cam.

Well, great. Why the secrecy?


You know how Cam is.

Do you know how fabulous you are?

Well, I had to do something.

Unfortunately, it's easier to find the Higgs boson than it is to recover a stolen identity.

Mmm, nice Higgs reference.

Hey, you noticed.

I'm gonna keep trying.

So, what's all this money? Is that fake, too?


This is real and it has nothing to do with Cam.

These are Kelly Goodman's bank statements over the last year. Oh.

And that is a wire transfer for over 900 grand she received five months ago from the estate of her last boyfriend.


Yeah, he died.

But not before he changed his will.

Two dead boyfriends back to back.

Looks like Kelly Goodman never worked on those anger issues.

I found fracturing around the bony wall socket of the victim's two upper front teeth.

Well, I'm not an expert on everything, but doesn't that happen when your teeth knocked out?

They weren't knocked out, they were yanked out.

No roots.

Maybe his mistress tortured him for his financial passwords before k*lling him.

No, you don't need to t*rture to get passwords. Ask Cam.

Thanks for the lawyer. Cam's all cheered up.

It's still gonna take months.

You know? Maybe even years.


She doesn't even have money for dinner.

Trust me, man, okay?

Thanks to Pelant, I know what it's like to lose everything.


I asked you here because, uh, I found this lodged in the teeth.

Well, I'll check it out.

She's gonna be okay, Arastoo, okay?

Just maybe not in the next few days.

Or... weeks.

Or... I get it.

Leave? You can't leave.

You think about leaving every day.

No, I don't.

I'm not at the top of my game right now, so please don't lie to me.

All right, fine. I think about leaving.

There you go.

But I'm a wild, free spirit artist-type with wanderlust, and you're a tight-assed geek boy who doesn't really fit in anywhere but here.

No offense.

I got into psychology to help people.

And you are.

No, I'm... (sighs)

I mean individuals.

Not just law enforcement.

I'm supposed to be a healer.

You remember last year, that young girl who was r*ped?

She came to me for help.

What did I do?

I referred her to someone else.

(phone ringing) That's helping. No!

It's delegating.

Sweets. BOOTH: Sweets, please tell me that Kelly k*lled her last boyfriend.

Actually, he died in a car accident.

She was nowhere near the scene.

Hey, look, what about Shaman Touchy Feely?

Uh, oh, get this.

Shaman Little River is actually named Jeremy Brewster.

He changed his name ten years ago.

Good work, Sweets.

Don't patronize me. I'm relaying a message.

There's no psychological insight involved here.

Sweets, relax. I'm just record-keeping.

Okay, why'd he change his name? Maybe he was unhappy with the non-integration of his childhood personae.


Just check his file.

There's got to be a reason. Okay, well...

He had priors.

DUIs, as*ault, money fraud.

Thank you. as*ault.

All right? He has a temper.

Listen, you're just freaking out because Pelant hacked into all your research on all of us and then used it against us.

You feel guilty.

Thank you, Dr. Montenegro.

Where'd you get your degree in psychology again?

The same place you got that degree in sarcasm.

Listen, we all feel responsible.

But we're not running away.

I'm not running away, okay?

I'm trying to get back to the real world.

Start helping people.

Be a psychologist again.

Get my hands dirty.

This is an exercise of trust and communication.

One of each couple will don this protective suit, which includes the blindfold.

The other will talk his or her spouse through the course.

But first, choose who's gonna do what.

Suit 'em.

Right... over here. One suit over here for him.

No, I'll-I'll wear that one. Right here.

Ease up. Step over that log. That's it, honey.

Right over there... oh!

Ooh! Oh, wow...

♪ I can't believe

♪ That he found something so broken... ♪

Oh, sweetheart.

Come on. Are you okay, honey?

You okay?

You can do it. We can do it.

♪ Mississippi was gray that Thursday from ♪
♪ January to May, I must have found... ♪


♪ A different way to go, I found... ♪

Get up!

(both laughing)

Stop, Mark! Come back!


♪ To go back home...

Keep walking, doll, okay?

Yeah. And go!

Great, great!

Yeah, yeah, Tony!

Oh, perfect, yay!

Jump and jump!

Go, Tony! Good!

Yay, Tony!


BRENNAN: They're swinging poles.

Okay? On my count.

One, two, three!


Tony! Tony!

Are you okay?

Oh, my God! (groans)

Tony, are you okay?

I said, you know, with a slight hesitation, not the full body blow.

Booth, the victim was hit from both directions at the same time.

I think this could be the m*rder scene.

Great. A little help here, Roxie, huh?

Get me up! (groans)

Come on, this is... I got it.

Geez, just roll it over.

I'm trying, Tony.

Just roll it over like a manicotti.

Feel the stuffed shell, baby.

That's it.


That's right. Mm-hmm, FBI.

And I am also a very well-respected forensic anthropologist who convinced you I was Roxie because of my superb acting skills.

That's enough, Bones.

You have no jurisdiction here.


Okay, was that your big plan, huh, pal?

Huh? k*ll anyone you want because we have no jurisdiction?

k*ll? What are you talking about?

Adam Pak was k*lled here.

I didn't do it.

I'm a healer, not a k*ller.

A healer? You're Jeremy Brewster.

And you have a record.

Okay, I'm sort of a fraud.

But I've read all the self-help books.

I give them what they need.

My clients, they get their money's worth.

Well, maybe Adam found out who you really were.

That gives you great motive to keep him quiet.

The evidence suggests he was k*lled on your obstacle course.

You know, I don't have to talk to you.

No, you don't have to say a word.

As long as you don't leave this land.

But the second you step off, you're all ours.

Okay, okay.

Adam and Kelly, they were both insane.

He confessed to me that he was married.

Made me promise not to tell anyone.

Then Kelly started coming on to me to make Adam jealous.

They need real help.

I could only imagine what would happen if his wife found out.

We're gonna keep an eye on you, Jeremy.

Please don't tell them about me.

I've got a good business going here-- honest.

It's stuck, Booth.

All right, you got to get me out of this.

I'm a ball of sweat in here.

Oh, you didn't have to do this, Arastoo.

It's nothing-- I stole it.

That way if you go to prison, we can share a cell.

(quiet laugh)

Hodgins' lawyer said I have to hire a forensic accountant to dig through all the fraudulent records.

This could take months.

My salary's gonna have to go into an escrow account.

What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"?

I feel like I'm back in Iran.


So, based on the data and the photos from Brennan and Booth, there is no way that the gauntlet is the m*rder w*apon.

There isn't enough speed behind the pendulum swing and the fracture patterns don't match.

Of course, why did I expect good news?

Good news!

Okay, don't play with me, Dr. Hodgins.

The results on the wood splinter from the victim's teeth are in.

SAROYAN: It's oak.

Same splinters they found on his clothes.

Yes, but there are traces of sap still present in these.

Is that important?

Well, it means that the sliver's from a living tree.

Now, check this out.

These are oak trees in the southeast corner of the reservation.

Right at the edge of the New Dawn Retreat property.

Yeah, now that whitish gray substance on the overgrown grass, that is agricultural lime.

Adam Pak died in this part of the reservation.

BRENNAN: This is the m*rder scene.

This tree has sustained significant damage to its bark.

Look, Booth, these are teeth.

This is the m*rder w*apon. Oh, ho, ho, ho, wait a second here.

Look at this, huh?

Keys, yeah, these could be the victim's or the k*ller's.

Even with skeletal fluorosis, Adam's injuries are not consistent with just running into a tree.

Something propelled him into the tree with great force.

Yeah, like a car?

I mean, come on, look at these.

Huh? Is it a coincidence that these tire tracks go right up to the m*rder tree?

Oh, look at this, huh?

Driveway gravel.

You seem awfully sure. Yeah, and it's red, too, okay?

It's the same red driveway gravel that I saw at Emma Pak's house.

I'm bringing her in.

The tree is a match and so are the teeth.

Yeah, I heard.

Are you okay?

I just got another letter from a collection agency.

This one says I owe $36,000.

Whoever's using my name has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars.

You knew there'd be more.

Cam... She's ruined my good name.

No, not... not here.

Let's make an exception.

I grew up in the South Bronx.

I've been working since I was 11 years old.

I know.

Valedictorian in my high school, full academic scholarship through med school, I interned at two of the best hospitals in the country.

I know your story.

I was the youngest coroner in New York City.

And now...

You're here.

Running the most respected lab in the country.

And somebody has stolen that from me.

No. Yes!

Stolen everything I have worked my whole life for.

Not even close. I am this far away from debtor's prison.

They don't have that anymore.

I might lose my house.

All of that is true... but none of it is really you.

You're just saying that because you love me.

I do.

I don't know what else you want me to say.

Look, I-I didn't know he was cheating on me, I swear.

We got a dead body, okay?

And your driveway gravel puts you at the scene of the crime.

That's impossible. I never left my house.

Look, ask the security company. My guess is you called security to give yourself an alibi that night.

Who thinks like that? BOOTH: Murderers.

That's who thinks like that. Murderers.

You didn't learn anything about your relationship with Booth?

I wasn't there with Booth.

Roxie was there with Tony.

(sighing): Okay.

Did Roxie learn anything about her relationship with Tony?

Shaman Little River is a fraud, Angela.

He has no wisdom to impart.

You, a trained anthropologist, immersed yourself in a specific culture and you learned nothing?

I did realize that, compared to others, Booth and I have a very good relationship.

So you learned nothing.

There's something embedded...

MONTENEGRO: What is that?

BRENNAN: Inorganic.

Given the location, it could be from the car that hit Adam Pak from behind and propelled him into the tree.

You manipulated me into answering that question by exploiting my professional ego.

God, the old Brennan never would've seen that.

(phone rings)

Oh, gotta run.

MONTENEGRO: Okay, here you go.


Uh, digital and hard copies.

What's this? Well, I figure why pay a forensic accountant when you've got me?

I don't believe it.

MONTENEGRO: And I don't bill by the hour, so I won't waste your time.

Wh... Angela, you're too busy.

I didn't want you to do this.

Yeah, I know.

Because you're insane.

You've got friends here, Cam.

People who love you.


It's not a burden for any of us to help you.

It's time you start accepting that.

I just didn't want people to...

Yeah, we don't need to hear the reasons.

Okay, so... these are all the fraudulent accounts that have been opened or used in your name within the last 90 days.

I mean, it's just a start, but it's something.

How did you...? Well...

I looked in a few places I wasn't supposed to be looking.

I won't get into the details.

I just thought, since you were the good guy...

Oh, don't cry.

(crying): No, I won't.


(clears throat)


Thank you.

The particulate you found was a chrome alloy.

From a car?

I can be even more specific.

You see, over the last 50 years, right, the auto industry has changed the chrome alloy composition it uses on cars.

The composition of the particulate from the victim proves that the car that hit Adam Pak was manufactured prior to the 1970s.

So, a vintage car. Give me some time, I can track down the make.

You can have all the time you want, but I think I might know.

BOOTH: The Schumachers drive a 1965 van.

The Schumachers?

I did not see that coming. Should've known.


Why? Because they're like the world's greatest couple.

I mean, what were they doing at that couples' retreat?

I'm the shrink! I should have thought of that.

Okay, what did you find out?


Well, the Schumachers went to four different couples' retreats where one of the other guests said that their place was broken into.

See? That's good information.

Come on, it's not psychological insight.

It's just... checking records.

It's not my job. Look, the Schumachers... you know what? They know their victims, okay?

They steal their keys and they break into their houses.

So it was the Schumachers that Emma Pak heard at the house that night.

They got the key, they showed up at the house to rob it 'cause they thought Kelly was the wife, right?



I left a letter on your desk.

No, no.

I have some leave I haven't taken.

What do you mean, leave?

It'll be like a vacation.

I... (sighs) some time.

Just to clear my head.

No, I don't like this.

I need time.

Okay. Time.

Thank you. Yeah.


BOOTH: We found blood in the back of your van.

Well, yeah, that's from his head, where Evelyn smacked him.

EVELYN: Yeah, after he att*cked Bill.

Yeah, after he had slapped Evelyn when he caught her returning his house key to the tent.

And Bill karate-chopped him in the throat.


(wry laugh) Right... What... what did you smack him with?

(thuds heavily)

Okay, you carry this around with you?

An old lady alone in the world?

I call that my equalizer.


BILL: You know, we thought Pak was dead.

Bundled him into the van and looked to dump him somewhere.

Yeah, but he woke up and tried to make a run for it.

So you ran him over.

(laughing): God, this... this guy knows everything, doesn't he?

Your mother must be so proud.

Okay, a little word of advice: When you go to the courts, you know, try to look... sorry, you know?

It helps.

Well, that's gonna be hard.

I mean, the man brought his mistress to a married couples' retreat.

No one's gonna cry for him.

Marriage means something.

Now... are you really married to that sweetheart you brought to the retreat, huh?

Okay, what if I say "no"? You gonna hit me over the head and run me over?


It's obvious you love her.

Yeah, the way she looked at you... you can't fake that. No, no.

Marry her, big boy. BOOTH: Oh, come on, look...

I am not gonna take some advice from a couple of house-robbing murderers.

Then take advice from a couple who've loved each other for 38 years.

BILL: Oh, hey... we're gonna be able to bunk together in prison, right?

EVELYN: Oh, of course, pet.

They can't break us up.

You know that.

BRENNAN: You didn't tell the Schumachers that they'd be separated in prison?

Well, you know, I didn't have the heart to do that, I just...

All right, Bones, why are we doing this? The guy was a fraud.

Although I don't believe in the shaman's "fluctuating fields of force" exercise, I do believe in biological electrical impulses. Okay, come on, let's hurry up, let's get this done, I got a game to watch.

Booth... What?

Come on. All right.

Only our palms touch, nothing else.

Just let your mind drift.

Sweets is, um, taking a leave of absence.

To do what?

Well, he said that he, uh, lost touch with his original motivation for being a psychologist.

Well, I thought he was a psychologist because he had substandard math skills.

Okay, are we done here or...?

No! No. Booth, come on.

All right. I'm right here.

I'm right here.

Did Bill and Evelyn remind you of us?

Um... well, if somebody was choking me, would you hit them over the head with a billiard ball?


If someone slapped me, would you karate chop them in the throat?

Yeah, I would.


Booth! Mm-hmm?

Booth, we are only supposed to touch the palms of our hands.... Oh...

I can't help it. I...

...nothing else.

I'm just drifting.


I'm drifting with the whole... electronical device thing.

Electrical impulses.