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06x05 - (D) The Thrill of Destruction

Posted: 03/28/23 15:18
by bunniefuu

There you are!


I'm not done!



Luna Arc!




[DOCTOR yelps]

[OPERATOR AA] Checking with

Team Endeavor to confirm

the status of Jaku

Hospital evacuations.


the heroes stationed there

are still combatting lower-level

Nomu on the ground floor.


Mirko's encountered multiple

talking-type Nomu underground.

Where Garaki's hiding.


Endeavor, Crust, and a few other

team members are

rushing to support her.

The hospital evacuations

are completed.

The building is cleared.

The pros who've been

aiding in the process

will now join the fight.


We have the upper hand.

The enemies who appeared

at the surface level

are falling rapidly.

So our only concerns

are the ones underground.

The talking Nomu are formidable.

There's a reason they're

referred to as "High Ends."

If they're anything like

the one who appeared in Kyushu,

then their Quirks

and physical ability

will surpass those

of a typical Nomu.

They're likely equipped

with fast-acting

self-regeneration as well.

The top two heroes

were in Kyushu,

and they were barely able

to defeat the monster

that att*cked there.

You better call 'em off if

you know what's good for ya.

Ya hear me?

X-Less! Deal with Shigaraki!



It's over.


Can't you run yourself?

[DOCTOR] So many years.

So much planning.

And now, our dream is dead.


What was that machine?

Looks like those tubes

took the brunt of the attack.

I'll finish the job.

It's cold.

Try my sh**t Shield!

And this is with

its Quirks erased.


What a tough bastard.

[AIZAWA] I can't blink

or look away from these Nomu.

But if Endeavor lures

the other one over here,

I can add it to the group.


I'll feel even more amazing

when you're bleeding

out, Number One!

[ENDEAVOR grunts]


I can't leave Mirko alone!

What's the deal?

You need me to kick her?

No. Stay back.

Hell Spider!


More. C'mon. More!

You're mine!


Sorry to keep you waiting!

Just glad you're here.

You've done well.

How 'bout a hand?

Thanks for the backup!

[AIZAWA] We'll handle them.

Go help Endeavor further inside.


On it.

Locklock. Backdraft.

You're with me!

[gasps] Another one.


[WOMAN grunts]



[WOMAN grunts]

It's able to heal

itself immediately.

[ENDEAVOR] Thanks for your help,

but, this one's mine.

Flashfire Fist. Jetburn!


Is it over?


Eraser! Got the doctor!

There's no way.



Seriously. I'm freezing.

[FATGUM panting]

Is that...? Oh, no.


No, Tsukuyomi! Get back here!

What the heck are you doing?

It's not safe.

Hawks was in that blast!

He's in deep trouble.


You sure?


I'll help him!

It's too dangerous to go alone!


I knew he was strong, but jeez.

Nobody's ever escaped

from my fat before,

much less without a struggle!

Right, that's far enough.

Hurry back to the rear guard.

Tell your classmates

we're doin' fine.

Hey! You forgot to pay

for your Fataxi ride!

See ya, Hawks.

At the end of the day,

your death means nothing!




Got him!

It's bad, Fumikage.


How bad?


His back is a nightmare!

His wings. They're gone!

[HAWKS] Weaknesses? Hm.

Well, that's a tough one.

My Achilles heel is

fire I guess.



Of course.

My wings are tough

but flammable.

[DABI] You're a UA rookie.

You must be joking.

They dragged students out

to fill their ranks?

Well, take a good look.

Your pal here k*lled Twice.

Stabbed him in the back with

one of those big feathers.

Twice was just trying

to save his friends.

Well? What are you here to do?

Come to rescue him?

You still think

that's the right thing?

These pros you admire

play dirtier than me.

Better learn that now

before you waste your life

worshipping them.





I'm only concerned

about my mentor.

You're brainwashed.


No room. I can't dodge much!

Sorry, Fumikage!


The light of the flames

is forcing Dark

Shadow to retreat.

I need to get away quickly and

get Hawks medical attention.

He's still running his mouth.

[DABI] Think about it,

ya barbecued birds.

Who do you think really

needs rescuing.

Because it's not you.


Your orders?

[HAWKS] He couldn't

finish me off before.

'Cause he was too busy talking.

He's doing the

same thing again.

But why?

His powers may have

some drawbacks.

So he's throwing us off

guard to stall for time.

The flames he just shot were a

lot weaker than the last ones.

Which means...

He can't fire in rapid

succession anymore.

We go. Now.


Dark Shadow!


Brace yourself!

No! Too weak.

Hawks! Hey. Are you okay?


He's still breathing.

The impact must have

knocked him out.

My apologies.

[HERO A] Lady, block that

passage to the underground!


This is good. There's

far less light here.

Try Dark Fallen Angel!

I thought it might

go down this way,

so I saved power by making

my last two sh*ts weaker!

Say goodbye!


Dark Shadow!


What is that?



Booty incoming!



[GETEN] You won't get in

Re-Destro's way any longer!

You'll suffer before you die.

You government dogs!


Geten, sir!

We've broken up their line!

Don't fight them on your own.

It's what they're counting on!

Coordinate and push

through together.

Ow. That ice bastard

didn't hold anything

back this time.

Oh, well. Maybe

I'll start early.

Your pal here k*lled Twice.

Stabbed him in the back with

one of those big feathers.

Twice was just trying

to save his friends.

These pros you admire

play dirtier than me.

Better learn that now

before you waste your life

worshipping them.

I know that you're

a good person, Hawks.

I believe in you! We all do.

Whatever you did was justified!

So don't you die!

Give me a battle update now!

And hurry up with my spare legs.



What is it?


He stood.

My master's scent. He has...



We're fighting to protect you,

but this whole neighborhood

could become a b*ttlefield.

Please tell us if you know

anyone who has limited mobility.

Or if you haven't been able

to connect with somebody

who might not know

what's going on yet.

Everyone into the police vans.

Move your asses!

Thanks for your help, young man.

Here, have a chocolate bun.

Are you crazy?

I'm working here!

She's being nice.

You should take it.

If you're so

desperate for dessert,

you can eat it yourself!

Can't even be nice

to an old lady, huh?

I've got a printed manuscript

my publisher's waiting on!

Please don't let my

only copy get destroyed.


We'll be certain to protect

your important

literary contribution!

Aw! So cute!


Thank you, friend.

Anima here. The fifth ward

has been cleared.


Hey, hey!

It looks like we'll be done

after this last group heads out.

[TENYA] We should check nursing

homes and apartment buildings

one more time.

It's the best way to be sure no

citizen has been left behind.

Remain calm. There's

no need to panic.

You can wait in the

shelter outside the city

until we know

it's safe to return.

[IZUKU] If anyone is feeling

sick, please don't hesitate to--


He's... coming.


That voice in my head.

Is that?

Midoriya. What's wrong?

Stop slacking off!

You're making us look weak!


Stop him.



I knew it.

This voice is the first

wielder of One For All.

[IZUKU] It's been a long time

since I heard from him.


It will begin soon.

I don't have much time.

Deku, what's up?

[FIRST WIELDER] Freed from

the shackles of humanity,

his power grows.


A transcendent one approaches.


Stop him.


This is Shigaraki's Decay.

But it's spreading

farther than before,

destroying things

he hasn't touched yet.

We'd been warned that

they were trying to improve

his Quirk somehow.

Is this the result?

Get out of here!

Don't touch the cracks!

You'll die!

The hospital.

[HEROES groan]



Climb on!

[RIBBY groans]

[HEROES yelling]



We were defeated.

[DOCTOR] You insufferable heroes

put so much time and effort

into planning this

as*ault on our dream.

But look. A miracle

has occurred.

Something "Plus Ultra"

as you would say.

Tomura Shigaraki is awake.

All of your preparations

turned to dust

the moment he opened his eyes

and flexed his raw power.

We did it. Victory is ours!

Hey, not cool.

[TENYA gasps]


This doesn't look good.

Quick! The civilians!

Make 'em move faster!

Endeavor! Sir. Are you there?

Everyone run!

Wait, Deku!

[IZUKU] One For All,

Full Cowling, percent.


St. Louis Smash.

Air Force!

No effect.

This isn't some

normal shock wave!

The whole town

is falling apart.

[SHIGARAKI] As soon as all five

of my fingers touch your neck.

Your throat'll be the first

thing to disintegrate.

You'll be nothing

more than dust.



Heaven-Piercing Ice Wall!

--It can't be.

--[BURNIN] Get back, everyone!

Hospital team, come in?

Someone respond dammit!




Ryukyu? Mirko!


Whoever's there,

please talk to me!

Crap. Why aren't they answering?


Hello? Can you hear me?

Endeavor! Ryukyu!

Someone! Anyone!

Tell us what's going on!


the feeds disappearing?

[OPERATOR AA] I don't know.

No one's responding to us.

[OPERATOR A] The source of

the disruption appears to be

coming from Jaku Hospital.


Given what we saw,

we're projecting a large

number of casualties.

I want any information

you can get.


Yes, sir!

This is unacceptable.

What in the world is going on?



Most of these look

too damaged to use.

[SHIGARAKI] A strange thing

happened to Compress

after he was shot with this.

He couldn't use his

Quirk for a while.

So I'd like to know

what this is,

and what you're planning

to do with it.

Tell me.

[CHISAKI] I'll break the

natural order of things.

And after all the pain of

getting the Doc to make more.

Overhaul wouldn't be happy

to see this outcome.

What's that?



Hear me.


My head. This pain.

[SHIGARAKI] I'll be fine, small

price for the upgrade to Decay.

Now then.

It seems like the situation's

gotten out of hand.

They were supposed

to wait for me to wake.

To me, Machia.

Bring the others with you.


From this moment on,

I'll destroy everything.



Here's the preview.

Tomura Shigaraki is out

of suspended animation

and obliterating

everything in sight.

And that's not our only problem.

Gigantomachia is on the move.

Endeavor takes

Shigaraki on alone,

knowing he must be defeated.

With the heroes scattered

and at a disadvantage,

is there any hope for success?

Next time: "Encounter, Part ."

I know who Shigaraki is after.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!