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06x21 - (D) The Lovely Lady Nagant

Posted: 03/28/23 15:56
by bunniefuu
[ALL MIGHT] If not for the car,

I would have been a goner!

This isn't a car jacking.

They're out for blood.

If that's the case,

their goal must be

trying to separate

me from him.


They're after Young Midoriya.


Wait. Is that All Might?


Don't back down.

This doesn't change our job.

Look at him.

The number-one hero we knew

and feared died a long time ago.

Huh, yeah. Guess you're right.

Step aside.

I swear to protect your son.

Even if it costs me my life.

[ALL MIGHT] That boy has been

carrying a burden far heavier

than mine, and I gave it to him.

All Might. No matter what

happens to you from now on,

I'll be there

to help fight fate!

Yet despite that,

he continues to idolize me.

If the unthinkable ever

happens to that young man,

it'll be over my dead body.

[IZUKU] I'll zigzag

to avoid the line of fire

and keep her from

guessing my path.

Then get close!

My speeds with One For All

have gotten faster,

and as long as she's

not quicker than me,

I can stay one step ahead

and get the jump on her

before she can react!

I'll make her talk.

She'll tell me where All For One

and Shigaraki are hiding!


A b*llet! No way!

[IZUKU groans]

How'd that happen?

Without a search-type Quirk,

she shouldn't be able

to sneak up behind me.

Does she have help?

No, I don't sense any

other hostility nearby.


Damn it! I see now.

I should've figured

that was a possibility.

She's All For One's hired g*n.

Of course he gave her

extra Quirks!

[ALL FOR ONE] Air Walk.

This power will dramatically

expand the range and

accuracy of your att*cks.

[IZUKU] Right. I know she's

trying to capture me alive.

But since I dodged

her first sh*ts,

she's shortened the

distance between us.

The b*llet that hit me

from the back

was fired from my flank

with a crazy curve.

As she gets closer, it's easier

to lock onto my location,

instead of calculating my path.

And as the distance shrinks,

it's harder for the Fourth to

warn about consecutive sh*ts.

In that case--Sixth, full blast!

[LADY NAGANT] Another Quirk?

He has multiples, too.

What secrets are you hiding?


Hey, Ninth! Keep it together.

Did you already forget

what I told you before?

It's way too risky to

put out that much smoke!

Listen. Your opponent

is basically a high-speed,

long-range r*fle.

You've trapped yourself.

She'll tag you the

second you try to run.

[IZUKU] I'm not going to run.

I just needed to buy some time.


Whoa, wait. You're joking!

Are you doing what

I think you are?


Terrible idea.

I can see what you're

attempting to do right now.

But this plan is beyond

your current abilities.

You said so yourself.

First off, you need to be able

to do two things at once

without concentration.

When you master that,

add something else.

You have no experience

using my Quirk.

Parallel processing

takes practice.


It's a little late for that.

If I can get some good

intel out of Lady Nagant,

I can make sure All For One

and Shigaraki are defeated.

I'll learn how to use

your power on the fly.

Third. Fa Jin!


A decoy! What's he playing at?

Cheeky brat!

Hiding in a puff of smoke

is a waste of time.

I'm still going to capture you.

You might be right,

if that was my plan!


He's somehow faster than before!

This kid powered up

while he was down there!

[IZUKU] The rain doesn't

affect my smokescreen.

So it was easy to send out

decoys and track Nagant's

movements based on the

timing of her sh*ts.

I didn't know her

exact position,

so I couldn't attack head-on.

But she never expected me

to burst out of a building.

With the help of Fa Jin,

I caught her off guard.

A sn*per's skills are

useless at close range!

Give up the fight and start

talking about who hired you!

You think you've won?

Not a chance!


[LADY NAGANT] The safety

commission trained me well.

Why are you helping

a monster like All For One?

He's an evil tyrant hell-bent

on controlling people.

I don't get it.

You used to be a hero!

The just world you've

been sold is a lie.

You've been brainwashed.

You'll never

understand the truth.

[IZUKU] Crap! I had her

there for a second!

The Third was right.

Using multiple Quirks at once is

a whole other difficulty level.


From behind?

[LADY NAGANT] I was exhausted.

I'd k*lled so many.

All to keep our

citizens in the dark.


Say some group was plotting

a t*rror1st attack against pros.

Or a famous hero team worked

with a villainous

organization on the sly.

When someone is capable of

shaking the foundation

of this society,

they can't be tried.

They have to disappear quietly.

That's where the safety

commission comes in.


[LADY NAGANT] Back in the day,

there were vigilante groups

who were seen as heroes.

They earned the trust

of the public,

and the country approved

of their actions.

That's when our

leaders discovered

that this superhuman

society works best

if people have faith in heroes.

I was a cog in the state-run

machine that upheld that trust.


We haven't done anything yet.

--This was just talk!



To maintain the status quo,

the government needed a

public face and a secret one.

So I obeyed.

And obeyed.

And obeyed.


Lady Nagant!

Oh, wow! Can I shake your hand?

--[BOY B] Me, too!

--[GIRL A] You're the best!

Sure. But only if

you kids have been good.

[LADY NAGANT] The fragility of

our world made me spiral.


It's all a sham.

[COMMISSIONER A] We have two

heroes pushing civilians

to commit crimes.

Afterwards, they turn them

in to the police and collect

rewards for capturing them.

It wouldn't do for us

to bring any

official charges against them.

But they must be dealt with.


You think that by k*lling them,

society will be improved?

If we don't show people

the bad side of things,

that's brainwashing by omission.

Nagant. Wouldn't you agree

that the most important thing

for us to do is

maintain the hope

that public-facing heroes

have brought the world?


If this is the only way,

then what does the

future hold for us?


Your duty is to follow orders.

This is not a job you can quit.

[LADY NAGANT] Chairman.

You were a strong leader.

You m*rder*d the previous

head of the Safety Commission?

But wait. I read about you!

The media reported that

you k*lled fellow heroes.

[LADY NAGANT] That's what

the commission told them

to hide their shame.

They wouldn't say I rebelled.

That could expose the

reason I turned on them.

Here's the sad truth.


The hero world everyone admires

as a force of good is

nothing but an illusion.

And if things go back

to the way they were?

History will repeat itself.

The citizens will see

the infallible public face,

while someone else gets

crushed by the dirty work.

Bright-eyed hopefuls will be

chewed up and spit out.

All For One's future makes

more sense than that.



Fifth! Pinpoint Focus!


The hell?

He's mapping my movements from

the trajectory of the b*ll*ts!

I had no idea.


He's fast!

But now, little by little,

I think I'm starting

to understand.

Nothing is truly

black and white.

Our society exists

in a gray area,

swirling with anxiety and anger.


You cover up the pain you cause.

This world has grown so rotten.

It's infested with maggots.

That's exactly why

I have to keep

reaching my hand out to help!

You're the product

of their indoctrination!

[LADY NAGANT] Even in midair,

he's managing to avoid

major damage to his joints.

He's focused on predicting

and evading my att*cks.

Fine, then.

I'll give him more

to think about!

Is that Chisaki?


Now I have you!


I've met your target before.



[CHISAKI] Kid stopped me

from enacting my plan.

He has a bad case

of hero syndrome.

It's like this was fated.

I knew you might come in handy.

I'll bring you along so you can

confirm it's the same boy.

I've got one condition.


I don't care about your grudge.

It's not that. I'm not

looking for revenge.

I've lost everything.

There's only one thing

that's left for me to do.

I just want to talk

to the old man.

Pops. I'm sorry.

I really am.

I've already fulfilled

my part of the agreement.

Hurry up and take me

to the boss, damn it!

Is that Chisaki?

[LADY NAGANT] I'm increasing

the velocity of my b*ll*ts,

even if I risk

jamming as a result.

I'll make you face the worst

outcome a hero can imagine.

[LADY NAGANT] It doesn't

matter who the person is.

When you can't save somebody,

your conscience is destroyed.

[LADY NAGANT] Give you

too much to think about,

and it'll slow you down.

That's when you're mine!


Quirk. Fa Jin!

By repeating a motion

over and over again,

I can temporarily store kinetic

energy to be released later.

While I was being shot at,

I continuously bent

and stretched my legs

to keep from being hit.


One For All at percent!


Centrifugal force!

There's something everyone

my age has seen.

All Might, the Symbol of Peace,

moving faster than

a speeding b*llet!


Faux percent!

[LADY NAGANT] Impossible.

He caught up to the b*llet?

No, he's even faster!

While I'm over here aiming

the muzzle for another shot,

he's already

shifting directions!



This kid.

I'll come for

you later, Chisaki.

[THIRD WIELDER] Earlier, he used

One For All at percent,

cycling through Danger Sense,

Smokescreen, Blackwhip,

Fa Jin, and Float

in rapid succession.

But he couldn't process those

powers fast enough and froze up.

After figuring that out,

he narrowed his scope

to One For All, Blackwhip,

and Fa Jin this time.


We're not finished.

[THIRD WIELDER] And, even now,

he still has built up strength

from Fa Jin stored in one leg.


Faux percent.

Manchester Smash!

Your barrel's broken!

It's over, Lady Nagant!


I don't hesitate.

Once I recognize someone

as the enemy,

whatever happens next plays out

like it was inevitable.


When did that start?

Let's use that

right arm of yours

and make this country

a better place.

[LADY NAGANT] When did empty

sentiments start making me sick?

You shot towards Chisaki,

but you didn't aim at him.

And if you really believed

in All For One's future,

your first b*llet would've hit

my spine and paralyzed me.

[IZUKU] You've seen the

darkness in this world.

So you know what needs

to be brought into the light.

It's not too late for you

to fight on our side.

I know the heart of a hero

still beats inside you.

Nothing is truly

black and white.

Our society exists

in a gray area

swirling with anxiety and anger.

That's exactly why

I have to keep reaching

my hand out to help!



Izuku Midoriya.

You are a hero.

[ALL FOR ONE] The heart

is a fickle, unruly beast.

Knowing this fact,

I made a few preparations

in the event of an unfortunate

breach of contract.


Such a pity.

You were used by others

until the very end.

Though perhaps the Quirk you

were blessed with is to blame.

What a pathetic life

you've led, dear Lady Nagant.

Nagant, no!

I won't let you die,

you hear me?

Hawks, you're here?

[ENDEAVOR] Deku! All Might

sent word of an assassin!

I'm sorry we're late.

I'm not good in this weather.

What's going on?

Are there other enemies?

[IZUKU] Chisaki's on the roof

of that building over there!

I've got him.

[HAWKS] Endeavor!

My wings can't handle this!

It's too soon for me to fly!

[IZUKU] I'm all out of strength.

I can't pull him up.

Hold on, Hawks!

I can't be sure, but I don't

think she meant to do that.

She got at least one extra

Quirk from All For One.

He probably added

some kind of trap to it.


This boy.

My name is Hawks.

I sort of replaced you.

We're in this mess because of

All For One's manipulation.

If you fought against that kid,

then you should

understand that now, too.

It's not too late for you, okay?

You don't have to

throw everything away!

Please tell me you realize that!

Help us create a future

you can be proud of!

Take control of your own life!

You're Lady Nagant,

and you are a hero!


My replacement, huh?

They probably made you

do terrible things, too.

For the "greater good."

So how is it you still have

so much hope in your eyes?

[LADY NAGANT] In all this chaos,

with no control over the future,

how can you people

keep fighting?

Here's what I know.

In two months, at a mansion,

in Haibori Woods--

[LADY NAGANT] I was supposed

to bring the boy there.


And it's not just me.

He sent the other hunters

after the target, too.

The same job.

Hey. Replacement.

I fell apart. I just

couldn't take it anymore.

But you? How do you

still keep going?

[HAWKS] Because there was

someone who helped me out.

Also, I'm an optimistic guy.

Oh. Is that so?


Deku! Was he the only one?

No. This isn't what

we agreed on.

Why'd you get caught?

You said you were gonna

take me to him!

I need to visit Pops.

He's all I've got left.

I have to see him.

To tell him I'm sorry!


Please. Please don't go.




Not a word, you sick freak!

I was talking to the woman.

You remember Eri, right?

What you did to her?

Eri? Oh, yeah. Yeah, the girl.

If I had her, she could

Rewind the old man.

[IZUKU] You want forgiveness

from somebody?

Apologize to Eri.

And in return, I'll fulfill

Nagant's promise.

You have my word on that front.

How does that sound to you?

Young man! Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm all right.

We've captured Lady Nagant

and Kai Chisaki!

Contact the police.

Nagant needs medical attention.

Midoriya's been roughed up

pretty bad as well.

You, too, by the looks of it.


All For One.


Here's the preview.

In order for everyone

to live in peace again,

in order to smile again with

the people I care about,

I need to push

myself even harder.

I have to fully unleash

the power of One For All.

That's what has to happen.

No matter what.

Next time, "Friend."

I'm fine. Really, I am.