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01x04 - More Than Meets the Eye

Posted: 03/30/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
[upbeat theme playing]

RUSSELL: My old friends.

Fun, excitement.

So close and yet so far.

FIXIT: You know what I did for fun when I was the only conscious Bot on the prison ship?

Heh, nothing.

And lots of it.



That really didn't help, did it?

I have a cure for boredom.

There's a football field down the road where the neighborhood kids play.

Why don't you check it out?

Uh, sorry, Dad, uh, no helmet.



This thing's a hundred years old.

I know, right?

It belonged to Bronko Kowalski,

- the Poughkeepsie Pile Driver.

- Wow.


It has a very, uh, interesting odor, heh.

You are going to rule the turf.

Rule it or eat it?

[mysterious theme playing]


Nitrate levels perfect.

A masterpiece! No, no, no, no.

A grass




[upbeat theme playing]

Yes! Three bodies of water crossed in twelve nano


This planet's no match for

[engines rev]


[dramatic theme playing]




Uhh! Whoo

-hoo! Four more Autobot take

-downs, and I will own the record! Hate to ruin your day, Bisk, but that one you just threw is actually a Dinobot.


I can still tie the record.




[title theme]

Robots in disguise Robots in disguise


# Robots in disguise # Robots in disguise

[dramatic theme playing]




-defense mode! I am a master at this.


I helped save the universe from Starscream, Megatron and Dark Energon.

I refuse to become the laughing stock of some bug

-eyed Bot's gaming club.

Sideswipe! Cascade with Strongarm and me! Grimlock, splash down maneuver! Go!

[suspenseful theme playing]

You think I don't know how to b*at this att*ck?

It's just up, up, left, down, claw, claw!

[Grimlock roars]



- You are so under arrest.

- Score one more for us.

Let's get him into a stasis cell.

[all grunt]

[mysterious theme playing]


My grass


[upbeat theme playing]


[boys grunting]

Hey, kid.

We're a player short and hey, don't you live in the junkyard?

RUSSELL: Uh, actually it's more of

- a vintage depot for the, uh

- What's with the hat?

Looks like it could have belonged to Bronko Kowalski.

- Uh, actually, it did.

- That's retro


- I'm Hank.

- I'm Russell.

- Her real name's Henrietta.


- This is Butch.

His real name is Cynthia.

Listen up.

Ruby Chicken Nasty Fungus on hut.

Break! Uhh! Uh, what exactly does that Beagle! Cheeseburger Nine! Hut!


[boys cheering]


HANK: Good block, Rusty.


I knew this was a mistake.

[dramatic theme playing]

Whoo, and Bisk is tossing us around with his giant claws.

I mean, Whoosh! Whoosh!


So I nailed him with the Dino Demolisher.

Pow! It was


It was epic.

Sounds exciting.

I think hearing about what all of you do is the most filling billing thrilling part of what I do.

Gosh, I'd love to get out in the field.

In a strictly non

-confrontational capacity, of course.

Rule 669



-Cons must remain at their duty stations at all times.

" Doesn't seem like you were built for the tough stuff anyway.

Uh, look, that's not to say you don't play a key role on our team.

Just not as key as lead tailpipe kicker.

Am I right?

Am I right?

Well, e

-excuse me.


How'd it go?

They've all been playing together a really long time.

[bicycle bell rings]

HANK: Rusty, where are you?

- Rusty?

- Oh, no.


[dramatic theme playing]


[soft theme playing]


Griffin Motors'

- Actually, that's

- You ran off after one play.

I ate five pounds of grass! So?

Practice in the morning, game in the afternoon.

See you tomorrow.

- So can I call you Rusty, now?

- No!

[footsteps approach]

[dramatic theme playing]


Decepticon, a few miles away.

Let's roll and recapture.

Yep, yep, not feeling that one, either.

Come on.

[suspenseful theme playing]

Sideswipe, Strongarm, let's move in for a closer look.

Vehicle mode.

What about me?

SIDESWIPE: You're a little too dinosaur

-y for sneaking around, big guy.

BUMBLEBEE: Hang back, secure the perimeter.

[engines rev]

Will do.

What's a perimeter?

BUMBLEBEE: Split up.

If you spot the fugitive, comm the rest of the team immediately.

[object clatters]

Where are you, you stinking There you are, you little beauty.

[dramatic theme playing]

Playtime's over.

Do you really think you can take us all on, Copper?

I know I can take you, Decepticon.

Wait, did you say "us"?

[tense theme playing]

[grunts then screams]


Stop! Come on!

[Decepticon laughs]

Having a little trouble, boss?


See how funny it is after they sting you.


[dramatic theme playing]


Oh, yeah!



Oy, bring it in!

[Transformers grunt]

[grunts then gasps]

[tense theme playing]

Down the hatch.


Scrap! Who is this Bot?

[dramatic theme playing]


FIXIT: He's a Combiner named Chop Shop.

A one

-man heist crew with a list of crimes as long as Alpha Trion's beard.

Have you seen that beard?

It's more like a steel carpet, actually, the way he just So Chop Shop's a thief, up to his old tricks on Earth.

I smacked whacked hacked into the local law enforcement database and found a list of property stolen within an appropriate radius.

At first, there didn't seem to be a pattern, you know, copper wire, kerosene, space heater, insulation, storage tanks, computer chips, and now an aircraf gyroscope.

But taken together, there's really only one thing Chop Shop would need all those parts for.

- A spaceship.

- He wants off


Can't say I blame him.

Chop Shop appears to have everything he needs except fuel.

A manufacturing plant in the next county synthesizes liquid oxygen.

Security's tight though.

Too tight for oversize aliens to just walk up to.

So we don't send in the aliens.

- Denny, would you be up for?

- Yes! Fixit, we might need your tech expertise too.

- Me?

- You said you wanted to get out in the field.

- Though it is against regulations.

- How dangerous are we talking about, say, from, I don't know, one to forty?

If Chop Shop makes it off

-planet, who knows what trouble he could cause?

He needs to be brought to justice.

I'll do it.

[dramatic theme playing]

Boo! Let's go bug hunting! Throttle down, Grimlock.

You're staying here.

Without an Earth

-based vehicle mode, you'd stick out like a sore cyber


But But Fixit doesn't have a vehicle mode.

He's not gonna need one.

[dramatic theme playing]

Fill her up, boys.

Get that liquid oxygen pumping.

[Russell sighs]


- Where is everyone?

- Off on a mission.

How was football practice?

Well, today, I played a position called way


Ugh, I'm gonna quit.

- Rusty!

- It's Hank! Hide!


[bicycle approaches]

Whoa! Good practice this morning.

Hank, I know the team was making fun of me.

Aw, everyone plays way

-back once.

It's a rule.

Don't worry, you just gotta find your place on the team.

Hey, nice dinosaur statue.

See you at the game later.

We need you! I like her.


[tense theme playing]

BUMBLEBEE: Sideswipe and I are in low profile spots outside the plant, Strongarm.

We'll move in for the collar as soon as you flush out Chop Shop.

Copy that.

I will not forget to flush.

We're with the Hazardous Utility Bureau.

Question One, do you always take this long to open the gate during surprise inspections?

- Aren't you gonna be late?

- What's the point?

I stink, like Bronko Kowalski's helmet.

You heard what Hank said.

- The team needs you.

- No, they don't.

Hank wants you there.

She said so.

There must be something you can do to help.

There's nothing! Aah! BOTH: Whoa.

Fieldwork is fun.

Let's find more humans we can fool.


[both grunt]

FIXIT: Contact.

We've been made.

Bug out!

[tense theme playing]

[both grunt]

Chop Shop is making a run for it! BUMBLEBEE: On our way!

[Strongarm grunting]

[tense theme playing]


Righty, you no

-good widget.

What am I supposed to do now?

[both gasp]



- Fixit!

- FIXIT: No, no, no!


Oh, scrud.

No! I'm not even supposed to be here! Hang on, Fixit!


- That's gonna leave a mark.

- Righty, take the wheel!

[dramatic theme playing]

[evil laugh]

The suspect has Fixit! Uh, make that, Fixit is now partly the suspect.

They're coming your way, Lieutenant.

[tires screeching]


BUMBLEBEE: Sideswipe, Strongarm, get on Chop Shop's left flank! We'll try a pincer maneuver.

I wasn't built for this! Oh! No.



[tires screech]

[concrete collapsing]


[Sideswipe grunting]

- Can't win 'em all.

- STRONGARM: We haven't lost yet.

First rule of perp identification, memorize your suspect's tire tread.

[suspenseful theme playing]

- Trail leads inside, sir.

- Denny, stay back.

- If you say so.

- Keep your optics open.

We're on Chop Shop's turf now.

[suspenseful theme playing]

Sweet ride.

Okay, not so much his turf as his mission control.

You don't want us on this rock, and we don't wanna be here.

- So what's the glitch, coppers?

- Whoa! Mayday!


[all grunting]

Don't sh**t! You could ignite the rocket fuel! And you might hit me!

[suspenseful theme playing]



Sorry, Sideswipe!

[footsteps approach]


Ah! Ah! I'm sure that'll heal, Strongarm!


Fixit, fight back! Aah! I I can't!

[dramatic theme playing]









[grunts then groans]

- We ain't never going back in no cage!

- Fixit, the team needs you.

[suspenseful theme playing]




Oh! Whoa!

[both grunting]

You work for me, pally! I work

- for my team.

- CHOP SHOP: What?

Why are you hitting yourself?


Why are you hitting yourself?

[dramatic theme playing]

Unh! Get off, you mangy skid!


You can handle the fieldwork from here, right?

We'll manage.

Thanks, Fixit.



[dramatic theme playing]

Wait, wait, wait.

You did what?

FIXIT: Yeah, that's right.

Punched Chop Shop.


A couple times, you know.








It was epic.

I mean, it doesn't need to be repeated, but it was epic.

If it wasn't for Fixit, we never would have captured Chop Shop.

Guess you can't spell team without an F.

And, uh, um is it one X or two?

Oh, that reminds me.

There's someplace we have to be.

[theme playing]

Give it! Come on, it's my turn!

- Is not.

- Uh, crunch time.

Last play of the game.

Down by two.

Any ideas?

I have one.


[mimics chicken clucking]

[Russell grunts]

Yeah! Whoo!

[all cheering]

Hey, are you any good at basketball?

- Whoo!

- Rusty! That's my boy!