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Quest for Tom Sawyer's Gold, The (2023)

Posted: 03/30/23 18:43
by bunniefuu
[gentle music playing]

"There comes a time in every

rightly-constructed child's life

when they have a fervent

desire to go somewhere

"and dig for hidden treasure."

There it is.

[Woody] Okay, so

what's the plan now?

What does the line at

the end of the book say?

"The Widow Douglas invests in

the gold which Tom and Huck found."

So where'd they find it?

McDougal's Cave. It's

like a mile from the river.

Guys, that was great. That

will make for a perfect intro.

Let's go again. Guys. Guys!

[JJ] "Sometimes the

legend of some riches comes

so heavily wrapped in folklore

that you gotta scrape away the edges

to work out what's honest to goodness

"and what's hogwash."

Many o' folk have gone searchin'

for Tom Sawyer's gold before,

but most all have lacked the wit

to match ol' Tom and Mr. Twain.

Yeah, maybe Woody's right.

We should go away

and think up a plan.

Yeah, like really put a good

week's worth into planning it.

All right.


Please tell me that

was your stomach.

I was hoping it was yours.

[growling continues]

When I get to three, run

into the cave. One, two...

- Three!

- [yelps]

- [Woody exclaims]

- Woody!

This gold ol' Tom Sawyer found,

pirate gold it was.

And which Mr. Twain

scribbled down about.

Well, that treasure's as

real as the day is long.

Now, what fills me with such

earthly confidence in the matter?


Simple, 'cause my

great-grandpa helped him hide it.

[adventurous music playing]

[JJ] These folks

who go searching,

well, the good ones find reward

enough in the journey itself,

but there was one

who came close.


Now, if you can believe it, folks used

to know this one as about the bravest,

most adventurous spirit

this side of... well, anywhere.

[relieved sigh]

Agatha Armstrong,

Aggy to you and me,

came into this world with the single,

most voracious thirst for adventure.

Oh, yeah.

[Aggy] There she is.

Right there.

The reptilian carnivore


better known as

the American alligator.



Couldn't have

bothered you anymore.

[growling continues]

Oh, God. Go away! Go away!

Hey, snappy! How about you

pick on someone your own size?

- [tense music playing]

- [hissing]

- [cat meowing, growling]

- Ow!

[cat exclaiming]

[cat] Get out of here, darling.

- [crocodile growling]

- [cat exclaiming] Ha-ha!

How do you like

that, you scallywag!

Picking on a little girl.

I don't care if this

is your swamp.

- You can talk?

- Hm!

Hi. Eurydice B. Magillicuddy.

However, you can

call me Mrs. Mac.

Thanks for saving me.

I was almost like...

A goner? Oh, all

in a day's work!

Now, where might one find a

hearty bowl of calcium-rich liquid gold?

[JJ] It's funny the companions

you pick up along life's road.

Before long, they were the most

famous feline and biped explorers

in the entire universe.

Well, entire world.

That was until this

young'un came along

and something in Aggy changed.

She went from the most

devil-may-care adrenaline junkie

to, well, a klutz.

You're gonna be late again!


And an overprotective

one at that.

It weren't his

fault. Not really.

If only they didn't make those

little plastic building blocks

so damned tasty

to a two-year-old.


Doctor told her to best keep a

closer eye on him moving forward.

And did she ever.

[gasps, sighs]


Have yourself a day

wherever you are.

- Now, do you have your...

- I'm gonna be late.

Then you should

have gotten up sooner.

- Have you charged your phone in case there's an emergency?

- Mom.

- Yes.

- It's better safe than sorry.

- Yes, Mom. I'm gonna be late.

- Okay. Drink.

- What? What is this?

- Just drink it.

- I gotta go.

- It's good for you.


[Antony] She still thinks I'm three

years old. I'm being suffocated.

Yeah, suffocated by your mom.

Yeah, that'd suck.

Dude, really? I'm

baring my soul here.

I mean, my mom never

crossed the entire Arabian desert

on nothing but

a gallon of water.

Just to get lost at sea for

75 days on an inflatable raft,

fending off pirates at

every turn. I'm just saying.

Yeah, well, don't.

Hey, Ant, come on.

It's gonna be a

boring party anyway.

[indistinct chatter]

Mm, I love you, Miss Armstrong.

Damn, what the...

Good morning, sleeping beauty.

Lay off me, Lennon.

And here we have the rare

beast, the galactus stare-a-sarus.

- [laughs] I'm sorry, I wasn't, um...

- I'm just messing with you.

Okay, you lot. Settle down.

Sorry, I'm late. [sighs]

Traffic was a disaster.

All right. Right, right, right.


Good morning, class.

[students] Good

morning, Miss Armstrong.

Good morning, Antony's mom.

Lennon, as we've previously discussed,

in this room, I am Miss Armstrong.

Perhaps you would like the

hour in detention to reflect on that.

- [class] Ooh!

- [Aggy sighs]

Oh, do you need a

sweater? Are you cold?

- No?

- No. Stop it.

Right, onto the fun stuff.

This semester's book report.

[disappointed mumbling]

No. No, no, I think you'll

really get a kick out of this one.

Now, this particular book is written by a

man who goes by the name of Samuel Clemens.

Nah, Mark Twain wrote that.

That's a pseudonym,

his pen name.

He named his pen?

Like a stage name?

Yeah, like Lennon's

mom has at the zoo.

Bobo, the... Ow!

Do you want more detention?

Yes, Lu, that's exactly right.

And the reason

he chose that name

is because it was the call

to the riverboat captains

to let them know that the water was

deep enough for them to travel through.

"Land ho! Mark Twain, captain!"

Uh, Miss Armstrong, are you sure

we should be learning about this book?

It has antiquated values.

There's validity to that point.

But the book can't

be dismissed outright.

Now, this offers us incredible

insight into America's troubled past.

This is really a parable on developing

moral code through loyalty and friendship,

all while showing kids

how to have some damn fun.

I want all of you to

go treasure hunting.


[Aggy] Through the pages

of this wonderful book,

and you tell me how you think

Tom Sawyer and his friends

would survive in our

modern world. Okay?

Pass that up. I've paired

you off into groups of three.

Hey, we're book report mates.

Wow! Uh, I mean,

uh, good. Great.

[JJ] Mr. Twain liked to say,

"Never let your schooling

interfere with your education."

For, after all, the man

who does not read books

has no advantage over the

man who cannot read them.

[school bell ringing]

If you have any questions,

just come up and see me.

Hey, you wanna

hang out after class?

- Yeah.

- Cool.

We can go over who will

do what with the assignment.

Oh, right. Yeah, of course.

Cool. Sweet. See you.

Hey, Ant, I'll be out

in a minute, okay?


Hey, Miss Armstrong.

Oh, Woody, do you have a

question about the assignment?

No. Um, I, uh...

I made you something.


made me something, again.

Um, that's very sweet.

Oh, I-I was inspired

by that story you told us

about the time you were

lost in the jungles of Malaysia.

- [unzips bag]

- Right. Yeah.

- Wow.

- Yeah.

Uh, that's very lovely.

What is it?

It-it lets you hear what

animals are thinking.

I-I figured since Mrs. Mac

never leaves your side,

it'd be cool to hear

what she's thinking.

See, you just press this

button right here, and then...



Maybe she just doesn't have

a whole lot going on upstairs.

But I will try again

tonight when I get home.

So, thank you.

Bye, Miss Armstrong.

[Mrs. Mac] Get this ridiculous

thing off my head right now.

And don't think I won't forget. "Maybe

she doesn't have much going on upstairs."

Some days I really think I should

have just let that gator take you.

Hush, you.

Okay. [sighs] Onto

the matter at hand.

Ah, yes. The interview.

Are you ready?

No. No, I, um, I'm

freaking out about it.

Come on, we did this last night.

- What are you?

- I'm a tiger.

- I can't hear you.

- I'm a tiger.

And what does a tiger do?

They devour their prey.

And what are you going to do?

I'm going to devour my prey.

So let's get to it.

Okay. [sighs] I am a tiger.

I'm a tiger. I'm

perfect for this job.

I'm the only person

for this job. [exhales]

I'm gonna get this job.

[knock at door]

- Aggy.

- Hi.

- Thanks for coming.

- Of course, Jenny.

It's not every day that you get to

interview for your dream job. [laughs]


Oh, I... I've come across

too eager, haven't I?

Oh, no, no, no, no. Um...

Aggy, this is... This

is just awkward. Uh...

The head of the natural history

position has, um, it's been filled.


Oh. Um...

Was it... was it

something I did?

No, no, no, no. I mean, you're

one of our favorite teachers.

It was sudden, you know?

And I mean, honestly, I

didn't even have much say.

I've been practically training my

entire life for this type of position.

Oh, I know. I mean,

we all love hearing

all the stories of your

youthful endeavors.

It's just that, um...

Well, someone applied that has a

more, just slightly more recent rsum.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Who? [nervous laugh]

- Agatha.

- AJ.

Oh, wait. Oh, you two,

you... you know each other.

- We do.

- We do. Yes.

- Agatha used to be my...

- Acquaintance.

What are you doing in town?

Well, the school was in need

of a world-renowned explorer

to head the natural

history department,

and, uh, I was in between gigs

and thought, "What the hell?"

Do you mind if Jenny and I talk?

[clicks tongue] Ooh, no, no, no.

Go right ahead.

Oh, we're gonna sit. Okay.

Oh! Yeah, of course.

[mouthing] Bye.

I am 100 times the scholar

he is. You do realize that.

I know.

Listen, the school board

notified us that due to rezoning,

we now have too many

schools in our district.

And with cuts to funding,

they now have to close one.

And we're at the

top of the list?

- I mean...

- Yes, yes, we are.

I mean, it's been

a rough few years.

First COVID, and now this.

And so we need something

that will set us apart

and elevate us in the

eyes of the school board.

But my rsum would

run circles around his.

But you haven't updated

it in over a decade.

Aggy, we need someone

who is more of a risk-taker

and can reinvigorate

the kids' interest,

and we feel like having AJ leading

the history department will do that.

Really? Him?

Look, I'm sorry.

Oh! I'm just... [mumbling]

Oh, Mr. Harrison.

Oh, you have my full support

if you should even need it.

And, you know, if you find yourself

abandoned on the side of the road,

just go ahead. Give me a call.


- You... [muttering]

- Aggy.

We'll always have Morocco.

[Antony] Everyone thinks

I'm a mommy's boy, even Lu.

I don't think you're

a mommy's boy.

- Gee, thanks.

- [sighs] I gotta go.

[exhales] All right,

I'll see you, man.

Catch you on the flip side.

Looky here. It's Mommy

Armstrong's favorite student.

And there's me,

the least favorite.

You know, you should think

about paying the school rent,

- given how much you're in detention.

- [scoffs]

Talking to me like

that takes some guts.

How about you say we

take a closer look at 'em?

Not today.

You're dead meat, Armstrong!

I'll be comin' for you.

[Aggy sighing] Okay.

No, he's fine. He's

fine. [breathes in]

He's gonna be home. He's

gonna be home. He's gonna be fine.

Oh, my God. Ant.

You're safe. You worried me.

Where were you?

Why didn't you call me?

I'm 30 minutes late. Just chill.

No, I won't chill.

You worried me.

Fine. I'm late because the bozo you

gave detention to took it out on me.

Okay. You don't have to shout.

I do need to shout, Mom,

because you don't listen.

Why can't you just let

me be a normal kid?


I can't do this anymore.

I can't live with her watching

over me all the damn time.


[JJ] Well, if you ask me, no good can

ever come from running away from home.

Just see for yourself how that worked

out for ol' Tom and my Grandpa Joe.

But it sure does make

for one hell of a story.

Stupid books everywhere.

"To whomever should find this...

My father's story lives forever

in the pages of Tom Sawyer."

[tense music playing]

[Angus] Come on,

boys, we're owning them.

[men shouting] Yeah!

He ain't far.

Come on.

- Let's go!

- Yeah!


Dip to the

moonlight Dip, dip

[coughs] Dip

Three for you

And five for me

If flame or flood

Bring harm on me

I'll give you my five

And take from you

[coughing, muttering]

My three...

[tense music playing]

Hand it over, Sawyer.

What's in it for me if I do?

- I'll let you live.

- [mouthing] Yeah.

You can work a double

shift, digging me gold.

That ain't no

deal. I want in on.


What do you want?

Enough to set up my family.

Let us live peaceably.

The rest is yours.

- [g*n fires]

- [groans] Ow.

[yells] You idiot!

[heavy breathing]

Tom Sawyer.

Tell your Aunt Polly,

Angus sent you.

What's so funny?

That ain't the real map.

Being rich isn't what

all its cracked up to me.

But then,

you'll never find out.

No! You idiots!

Damn it!


So, what's this thing that's so important,

it couldn't have waited until tomorrow?

- It was real.

- What?

"Mr. Twain recorded it

most exactly as it occurred.

The only thing

he omitted was..."

[scoffs] Where's the rest of it?

No. It's just signed.

Mary Sawyer, Hannibal, 1923.

"Most of the adventures recorded

in this book really occurred.

One or two were

experiences of my own.

The rest, those of

classmates of mine."

Now, check this.

"The real Tom Sawyer and Twain

were friends in San Francisco."

Twain told Sawyer, 'I'm going

to write a book about a boy.

"Just such a boy as

you must have been.'"

The-the character's

based on a real person.

Plenty are. So what?

So, if it's based

on a real person,

then maybe the events are

based on real events, too.

They discovered pirates' gold.

Okay, $12,000 of it.

- Is that all?

- That was in 1876.

With inflation, that's like two

million dollars, give or take.


But... but do you guys think

that this is actually some real-life

journal of what actually happened?

Listen, this could be, like, our

one time to do something great.

Like historically huge, and

finally have people respect us.

What if people find out?

They'll fall over

themselves laughing at us.

They already laugh at us, Wood.

For two million bucks, they

can do whatever they like.

Think of all the shiny, new inventing

equipment you could snap up with that.

I bet my mom would be mad

impressed with us as well.


But where would we even start?

- Uh, the letter said "Hannibal", right?

- Yeah.

That's the town Twain

based St. Petersburg on.

And it's just one county over.

- [exhales]

- [Antony laughs]

- [sighs deeply]

- [laughs]

- Come on, man. Come on, Woody.

- Come on, Woodster.

[Antony] Come on. I know,

I can see it in your face.

- Let's do it.

- Woodster!

Let's find Tom Sawyer's gold.

- All right!

- Yay!

[JJ] And that's what led to these

young'uns being in this here predicament.

- [panting]

- Oh! Flashlight.

All right. Everybody,

keep your eyes peeled

in case those wolves

follow us in here.

What are we even looking for?

Right. The book said the

treasure is two miles into the cave.

[Woody] Oh, look. There it is.

[all gasping, laughing]


Guys, we're gonna

be billionaires.

This is so much

more than I imagined.

Oh. Ant, what are you

gonna do with your share?

I'm gonna get my own

TV and my own house.

And probably a TV in

each room. Maybe three.

Why not four and five

houses? [chuckles]

Can you guys believe

it was that easy?

- Luxury suits you, Lu.

- Whoa.

Thank you. One does try.

The hell are you

kids doing in here?

Uh, it-it's ours.

Finders keepers.

Okay, you can have this.

- [Woody] Huh?

- [laughs]

Ugh. It's an amusement park?

State park. And

you're trespassing.

I told you guys it wasn't real.

[JJ] Now, as I said,

Tom and Mr. Twain would never have made

it easy as pie for just anyone to find.

Mr. Twain himself was just about as wise

as four folks all smashed together himself.

So it was gonna take

about that many, at least,

if anyone was ever gonna

unravel the mystery of Tom's gold.

[sighs deeply]

Generation after generation

has tried but failed,

searching for

our family fortune.

Tch. Always coming up short.

Until I, AJ Harrison,

discovered [laughs]

that my protg, a woman who

I taught everything that I know,

possesses the letter that's gonna

give me everything that I want.

[smacks lips] Well...

There ain't gonna be

no stopping me this time.


What now, Uncle AJ?

How would you like to

become... [smacks lips]

really rich?


Gotta give you points

for adventurous spirit.

Got a nephew about your age,

can't get him off the computer,

let alone travel in the dead

of the night to hunt treasure.

What's gonna happen to us?

Well, last lot of kids who went looking

for my great-great-grandpa's gold,

ended up doing 20

to life in Leavenworth.

[Thatcher sighs]

Well, I think we can overlook the

criminal charge this one time. Hm?

[relieved sigh]

So, wait, you said, "your

great-great-grandpa's gold"?

Indeed. Tom Sawyer.

That handsome fellow

on the left right there.


He was my granddad's grandpa.

Look, I don't blame you, kids.

Plenty of folks from far and

wide have gone searching for it.

I took a shot at it myself once.

So you think it's real, right?

Hmm. Well, it's a

wonderful tale to excite kids,

but it's just that.

A tale.

Alrighty. Who's drawing the short

straw and have me call their parents first?

[knock at door]


- Can you spare a moment?

- Sure.

Sit tight. You're

gonna be all right.

I told you, guys, we were gonna

get in trouble, and... [sighs deeply]

So you were real, Tom Sawyer.

[chuckles] That's

insane. [exhales]

The three amigos.


I mean, I know it's not the Wi-Fi

password, but, like, what is that?

That's the year, 1865.

They wasted a lot of space

writing it like that, right?

You guys, we've been

going about this all wrong.

Twain wouldn't make it so easy that the

treasure is exactly where it's supposed to be.

"Under the cross." We've been

thinking about the cross like a crucifix.

So what do you think it is?

"Under the cross."

You guys, Chapter X.

It's the one in the tannery.

You guys, this is

our first hot lead.

We can't just sit

here and do nothing.

What do you suggest we

do? Just stroll on out of here?

Uh... Hm.

No. We go out the back door.

Come on, hurry. Go!

- The... But...

- Shh!

Go! Woody, let's go!

Hah. And now we're fugitives.

Be careful, you idiot.

There's nothing but a

bunch of junk up here.

Look harder. It's

gonna be leather-bound.

It's gonna be yellowed,

aged, stitched with a binder.

It's gonna have lots of pages.

[scoffs] I know what a

book looks like, Uncle AJ.

[phone ringing]

[phone ringing]



Miss Armstrong? This

is Detective Thatcher.

Firstly, don't

worry, they're fine.

But you'll have to come to

Hannibal to collect your son.

My son?

No, no, my son's in bed.

No, actually, they

went exploring.

Something about an

assignment you gave them?



How did they even

get that far? Okay.

Okay, I'm coming. I'm coming.

Oh, crap.

I think these suckers

beat us to the punch.

Okay, get out of

there. Abort mission.

Get out of there.

[Thatcher] Okay,

we'll see you soon.

Yes, I will keep an eye on them.



[intense music playing]

- [grunts] It's clear.

- Um...

Oh, the only one I found

is the old Mitchell Tannery.

It says it closed

in 1984, though.

- It's seven blocks away.

- That's where we start.

- Okay.

- Let's go.

[Mrs. Mac] What about a personal security

guard to monitor him 24 hours a day?

You should have taken

that turn back there.

Cat, I remember every single road, alley,

underpass, and freeway I have ever been on.

I know the way.

[sighs] When I get

my hands on him...

Well, for someone with

a photographic memory,

it seems to have slipped your

mind what you were like at his age.

[irritated sigh]

My arms are getting tired.

[tense music playing]



"He picked up a

clean pine shingle

that laid in the moonlight.

"They buried the

shingle close to the wall."


It can't be in here.

It's got to be like an

outside wall then, right?

I saw some shovels coming in.

Grab them quietly.

Now, let's go.

Let's get digging.

[loud bang]

- Ant!

- Sorry.

Detective Thatcher?

I'm looking for

Detective Thatcher.

- Hi.

- [door closes]


Uh, Agatha. Aggy. Antony's mom.


So, uh, did you

have a good drive?

It was fine.

Well, come with me.

- I have a little update on the kids.

- Oh, okay.

[Aggy shouts] What?

[gentle music playing]

I can't find anything.

This is a waste of time.

All night for...

- nothing.

- Wait.

They said they found

the treasure under the X.

Under the X is Chapter Nine.

Okay, so where are

they in that chapter?

It's the one in the graveyard.

Come on.

Guess we're going

to a graveyard.

I hate graveyards.

[Thatcher singing]

Dip, dip, dip

Three for you

And five for me

Is now really the

time for karaoke?

Sorry. Habit.

I always do it when I'm worried.

[man over radio] Thatcher,

we've got a break in at the tannery.

Three minors spotted. Over.

Thatcher's responding.

[Woody] Let's just

do this quick, okay?

Tom said, "Huck, do you reckon

Hoss Williams hears us talking?"

That's who we're looking for.

Okay, then let's split up.

Call out if you find something.

- All right.

- Okay.

[Aggy] Come on out, guys.

You're not in trouble.


Freshly dug right here.

This is his.

Why is it here?

They said something about

an assignment you gave 'em.

On Tom Sawyer.


Tom and Huck buried a pine shingle at an

old tannery after they witnessed a m*rder.

Is there a graveyard nearby?

Hannibal Graveyard.

Oldest around.

Then that's where

they are. Let's go.

Hey, come look.

I mean, it's close.

Do you think they're related?

There must be some clues

around here somewhere.


Wait, the...

That's weird.

- [cracks]

- What... Whoa! Whoa! Woody!

No! Whoa.

- Huh? What the...

- Ah!

[Woody] I think I'm

ready to go home now.

[Antony] Sorry, Mary.

I told you, guys,

this was a dumb idea.

You guys said, "Oh,

we'll find treasure."

All we've done is get

arrested and find a skull.

How am I gonna

explain this to my mom?

At least we tried.

I just wanna go home.


Dude, wait, really?


You too? Come

on, guys, seriously?


Hey, wait.

It-it's a... It's a puzzle.

Guys, we have to give this up.

We're in enough

trouble as it is.

It's not

Hoss Williams.

It's "Who is...


Wait, letter mix.

- Yeah.

- Take the S,

and put it in front of the

A and the M. It's "Sam".

And the other S makes "Sill".

"Sam Sill"?

It is real.

So that's it. "Who is Sam Sill?"

All right, let's go

find Sam Sill then.

- Okay, let's go.

- [bird chirping]

[JJ] Well, what do you know?

They've gone and done what

no one's ever done before.

Solve the first riddle

of ol' Tom's mystery.


Guys, found him. Over here.

- Sam Sill.

- Nice, dude.

- [stone grinding]

- Whoa! What...

No way.

- Is that the...

- The map.


Do you guys know

what this means?

It means you all

are in huge trouble.

- Hi, Miss Armstrong.

- Hey, Mom.

It would take the remainder of

your teenage years to blueprint

just how much

trouble you lot are in.

- But, Mom, we have to...

- Antony Auggie Armstrong.

You are so grounded that your

clothes will be back in fashion

by the time your

punishment is even over.

- Let's go. Now.

- Detective, can you explain it to her?

- Can you help us out?

- Sorry, guys, I'd love to help.

But as you ran out on me,

it's time to face the music.

- But, Mom, we...

- Now, Antony.

Miss Armstrong, we're so close.

- Don't you get that it's real?

- Seriously, we were so close.

I knew it.

Hey. Hey, Buttons.

Yeah, I'm thinking of getting

the band back together.

You think you can pull another

Alabama coat hanger for me?


[Aggy] I cannot believe you

would be so irresponsible, Antony.

But we have proof that the

gold and Tom Sawyer is real.

- [sighs]

- Look, we found this map.

No, that is just a

worthless old scroll.

You never believe me.

Do you have any idea how many

wild goose chases I've been sent on

because of a stupid map? No.

No, none of you have any clue

how dangerous it can really be.

[Antony] How would

I ever get to know?

I mean, you took a job at my school to

watch over me every second of the day.

I did not.

I like teaching.

You hate teaching.

You love adventure.

I mean, at least you used to

before you had me,

before you scared Dad away.

Now I have an overprotective

mother and an absent father,

and neither of us have fun ever.

It's because I love you, okay?

Then I'd hate to see how

you'd be if you hated me.

You dropped this, by the way.

Why did you even take that?

Because I was...

going to find the gold and then

run away to Utah to find Dad.

[sighs] Ant, your father...

He's a door best left unopened.

Well, he can't be

any worse than you.

He hates me. Ant just hates

me. He just... He hates me.

Your mom's really

talking to herself.

[Lu and Woody laugh]

[Mrs. Mac] He's just

hot under the collar.

But I can't say I blame him.

You know, you'll always catch

more flies with honey than vinegar.

- [sighs]

- Hm.


Damn it.

Ugh, I left the house in such

a hurry, I forgot my purse.

I need to borrow

your debit card.

I will pay you back

when we get home.

Thank you.

He's proud of me.

[JJ] They say once you

have that lust for adventure,

it never... well,

never truly dies.

It lives on inside

of you, dormant,

waiting for that moment to

snatch you back into it. [chuckles]

It's a feeling almost as pervasive as a

mother not wanting to let her son down.


Oh, if... if we do this...

You took me hostage, and

we are back home in 24 hours.

- Okay?

- [cheering]

- Okay. All right, Mom.

- [Lu] Let's go!

[sighs] It's time I took the

road less traveled again.

All right, buckle up. It's

gonna be a wild ride. [laughs]

Okay, seriously though,

buckle up. Safety first.

Everyone, act natural,

pretend like I'm not even here.

- [sighs deeply]

- [chuckles]

Ugh. Just put that away already.

Stupid moths

have eaten half of it.

And half the words are missing.

Nothing here makes sense.

"Dip, dip, dip, if,

nor, bring the..."

The words are so

small, I can't make it out.

I may have just the thing.

Aw, hey, kitty-cat. Do you wanna

learn how to talky-talk like a person?

- Oh, yes, you do.

- Oh...

- I'm gonna give it one more try.

- Woody...

- Let's see.

- I wouldn't do that if I were you.

What the... I-I

didn't put that on yet.

Oh, Mom.

I guess the cat's

out of the bag now.

It would be a

cataclysmic catastrophe

to categorically succumb to

the catalytically catatonic states

of which you currently cater.

- Huh?

- I gotta get this.

Oh, man, this scene

could use a little more light.

That's okay. We'll roll with it.

I just want, like, a relaxed

performance from everyone.

Okay? And action.

No, you're not filming me.

I'm going back to my trailer.


[Mrs. Mac snoring]

Why not?

Hey, all this time and you never

told me Mrs. Mac could talk?


I guess there's one or two things

I haven't quite told you about yet.

And I'm assuming that's

been here my entire life, too.

Where's the spare tire?

I don't know, man.

- Okay. Get the map out.

- Okay.

"In Allister's Cove,

the second shall be...

Solve the puzzles there

laid, and look within to see."

It's only accessible

through the bayou.

It's about five

miles down the road.

Pack up the map. Woody, grab

what you can from the kit. And, Lu?

Keep filming.

You got it.

Okay, let's go.

[police siren wailing]

- Uh...

- Hi.

It's fine.

- Hi.

- Ah, car trouble?

Oh, no. No, we're fine. We...

It's just a pit stop, but we're

moving along now, so...

Yeah, whoa, whoa,

whoa there, Missy, uh...

You can't stop on

the side of the road.

Not in this town.

Oh, okay, I'm...

I'm sorry. I didn't...

I didn't know what the rules in this

district were, but it won't happen again.

Oh, you wouldn't be on a

treasure hunt now, would you?

No. No, we're going home.

- Kids?

- The map.

- Uh-huh. Map?

- [gasps] Uh...

- What map?

- Oh, hmm.

Wise girl, huh?

Hand it over now.

- Mom.

- Give it to him, give it to him.

No, don't.

Pick it up. I

ain't playing, kid.

- Run!

- Go!

- Go, go!

- Go!

[officer] Ugh!

That's not mud!


[Woody] Run!

- [Aggy grunts]

- [Lu] Go! Go.

- [panting]

- Whoa.

Where do we go? Where do we go?

- Is he following us?

- Keep going.

This way. This

way. Don't look back.

- Just keep going.

- [grunts]


Excellent work, my old pal.

You just earned your 20 percent.

- Hey, what about me?

- Shut up, Lennon.

A chance to get that turd

back will sweeten the deal.

Oh, you're gonna

get it. And then some.

It's in Allister's Cove.

Allister's Cove. All right.

That means we're gonna

go up and around the bayou.

Then let's move. Let's move.

Hey, can you carry

some, Uncle AJ?

Lennon, I'm carrying the map.

- Do you wanna be rich?

- Yeah.

You consider

yourself an athlete?

Then let's move.

[tense music playing]

- [panting]

- Okay.

I think we're clear.

- Oh, no.

- Are you okay?

Are you okay, bud? [panting]

Sorry, guys, we...

We lost the map.

That's okay, because we have a

budding filmmaker who got it all on tape.

I was actually just getting

you guys' close-up sh*ts.

I was gonna get a pickup

shot of the map later.

Well, that's that. We're done.

No, no, no, no, no. I'm

not gonna let that happen.

Look, when I was your age, I

was running all over the place

chasing after all

sorts of things.

But you guys have gotten closer

than anyone ever has with this.

We're gonna see this through.

We're gonna keep

doing this, okay?

But how?

Hand me a pen and

paper from the kit.

An elephant never forgets.

So either I'm part elephant

or it's very fortuitous

that you have a chaperone

who has photographic memory.

- No way.

- Whoa. Whoa.

And why didn't you

tell me any of this?

Must have slipped

my mind. [laughs]

That's funny, Mom. Not.

So you remember everything?



Okay. So it looks like we

have to go through the river.

It's a couple of

miles down that way,

so we got to keep going.

- All right?

- Let's go.

Let's do this.

[Aggy] I think we're

going the right way.

At least we're finally

in the clear, right?


Why did you have

to say that out loud?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Get back.

- Get back.

- Get back. Get back. Get behind me.


Shoo! Shoo!

- [growling continues]

- [yelps]

[breathes out]

Why are they

throwing rocks at me?

- So rude.

- [gasps]

It switched on. [laughs]

First, you come

to steal my babies.

Then you go throw rocks at me.

Um, Miss Alligator, we're

not trying to steal your babies.

Good. You'd be in

a lot more trouble.

What brings you out this far?

Um, we were looking for

Allister's Cove, but we got lost.

Allister's Cove is

just down the river.

Tell you what, as an apology

for trying to eat you 25 years ago,

why don't you take

that rowboat over there?

Look, I'm sorry about your eye.

I wish I would have known all

those years ago that you were...

just trying to

protect your family.

Aw, don't mention it.

Well, so long now.

Y'all have a pleasant trip.

[water splashing]

My invention works.

I knew it. I knew it.

- [Aggy] Oh, yes.

- Good job, Woody.

[Woody] Yeah, man.

- All right, we gotta keep a move on.

- That's great.

Let's go. This way.


[adventurous music playing]

Let's go.


Now I feel like I'm in

a Mark Twain novel.

- Nah, we're in a movie.

- Wow.

Okay, the location of the next

map is right over that ridge.

Okay, let's go.


This way.

That's my idea.

I think it could work,

but I'll think it out.

"What's done on a dare

yet comes in two pairs?

How I'll spend mine, I know, but

what will you get with your share?"


I got it. Okay.

Huck asked Tom what would

he do with his share of the loot.

Chapter 25.

Yeah, it's right here. Okay.

"Tom said he'll buy

these four things.

A drum."

Uh... Okay, the drum.

"A sure-'nough sword."

- Oh, over there.

- Oh, there it is.

"A red necktie."

Uh, necktie. Got it.

"And a bull!"

- Whoa!

- Whoa! Whoa! Wait!

Wait, bull pup!

- [shouting]

- Bull pup!

- Bull pup!

- Bull pup!


Everyone okay? You okay?

- Yeah.

- I'm so sorry.

[stone grinding]

Dude, will this riddle ever end?

Oh. [exhales]

Woody, this looks

like a task for you.



You know what we're

gonna do at first light?


- We're gonna track down

those wannabes, - Mm-hmm.

Those imposter treasure hunters,

and then...

it's all gonna be

about fame and glory.

Oh, and don't forget the gold.


I almost... I almost

forgot about the gold.

Let's not forget the gold.

Hey, Lennon. [clears throat]

Are you having trouble

pitching that tent?

"Let's go treasure

hunting," you said.

"It'll be fun," you

said. What is this?

Are you not having fun?

I just thought we could spend

some uncle-nephew time.

Maybe he don't want his share?

Oh, yeah.

I gotta get this.

Yeah, it's a steamboat.

How's a steamboat gonna

help us find the next map?

Um, maybe it'll

float to where it is.

Well, the map said,

"Look within and you'll see."

[Woody] Whoa, I think

these are coordinates.


- Okay.

- Um, longitude,

27.7676 degrees north.

- Got it.

- Latitude, uh,

82.6403 degrees west.



Oh, that's... That's

just right over here.

- Oh!

- Okay, come on. Let's go.

- Come on.

- Check it out.

[Antony laughs]

This is the spot.

Yeah, it's supposed

to be right here, but...

Does it say anything

else in there?




Found it. Uh, "Twain 0.12"?

That cheeky bugger.

- A twain...

- Is a measurement of depth.

You were paying attention.

And 0.12 percent of a twain

is about a foot and a half.

Get the shovel

out of my backpack.

[Woody] Hold this.

Almost there. Come on, Woody.


[Woody exhales]


Oh. The moths must have

eaten it away like the other map.

No, it needs to be

aligned with the first map.


Oh, that-that's why the rhyme

was so weird in the other one.

Well, do you remember

the other words?

I do, but without it being perfectly

lined up, it-it wouldn't make any sense.

We need that first map back.

I might have a

stroke of luck for you.

It appears you have some

scallywags following you.

They set up camp right

outside my hidey-hole.


Operation Treasure

Map Rescue commence.


I'll come up with something

snappier on the way.

- [Lu] That's true.

- That was terrible.


[AJ] So she was

about five-foot-ten.

She said her name was Margaret.

There's the map, right next

to the water cooler. [exhales]

Told you guys, bringing

this would come in handy.

Those filmmaking skills

may have just saved the day.

Okay, so here's

what we're gonna do.


Ant, what do you

think we should do?

Okay. Um...

Lu, you're gonna

sneak in to get the map.

Copy that.

Woody, you hide behind the tree

and be ready to protect her, okay?

Sir, yes, sir.

Mom, you circle

around that exit.

- Roger that.

- And I'm gonna distract them.

- Everyone got it?

- Got it.

Right, then.

[AJ] Well, we're surrounded,

and, uh, the whole tribe...

- [Ant howling]

- Huh?

- What was that?

- [Ant howls, coughs]

Lennon, go check it out.

You're dead, mama's boy!


Nothing but net, Lennon.

[Lennon grunts]

I'm gonna get you!

The map is gone.

The girl's got the

map. Come here, you...

I'm gonna get you! [grunts]

- [thuds]

- [Woody] Ha-ha!

Now you know why

they call me Wood-y.


Ugh, head of natural history.

I should have known

that you were behind this.

[clicks tongue] Well, I am

a treasure hunter, Agatha,

and you should know not to

get between a treasure hunter...

- and his gold.

- [exhales]

What are you gonna

do, AJ, hurt me?

[scoffs] Yeah, I am.

You wouldn't dare.

What makes you so sure?

Well, let's face it. You've

always been in love with me.

Me, in love with you!?

Wow, that is a big alligator!

[growls loudly]

That is an alligator.

And, uh, we're gonna put a

pin in this for now. Buttons!

- [alligator growling]

- Buttons!

Thanks, Marielle.

[soft growling]

[Antony] So how do you know him?

I was his, uh, research

assistant in college.

Yeah, we explored the world

together, and on our last exploration,

he scammed me.

So, um, we haven't

seen each other since.

- [Lu and Woody laughing]

- Did you see him?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Okay, let's take out the maps.

[Woody] Oh.

- Line them up.

- Here.

Um, "Dip to the

moonlight, dip, dip, dip.

Three for you and five for me."

A riddle?

No, it's a song.

And I know just

where I've heard it.

- Detective!

- Detective Thatcher!

- Is the detective in?

- No, no, no, he's very busy.

- He can't talk right now.

- But we need to speak to him!

[door clanking]

What's the commotion about?

You after Huck

Finn's gold now, too?

We made the decision

to keep looking.

[Woody] Yeah,

and we found these.

When you line them up

correctly, they spell out this rhyme.

- That's the family song.

- Mm-hmm.

I remember you

humming it in the car.

- You do?

- Mm-hmm.

You'd make quite the

detective, Miss Armstrong.

Oh, you made

quite the impression.

Uh, you're singing.

Uh, you're singing made

quite the impression,

- and that's why...

- Mom.

- The maps. Come on.

- Right.

It-it was an old family song.

My grandmother sang it to

my father, who sang it to me.

Our family were coal miners,

and our great-great-grandpa

came up with it to get his spirits up

when he was trapped

down in a mine for four days

- in the 1800s.

- [Aggy] Mm.

So it's hinting at being hidden

somewhere deep underground.

The nearest place is McDougal's

Caves where we found you guys.

Ugh. But we

already looked there!

Yeah, to no avail.

Not with a Sawyer, you didn't.

You're coming?

- Yes!

- Let's go!

- [Lu laughs]

- Let's find that gold!

[Lu] Whoo!


Legend has it that more have

entered than have returned.

So, stay close, guys.

Does that mean

someone has died in here?

- [breathes in]

- [gasps] No. Oh!

[ominous music playing]

Are you sure we

should be doing this?

Just... just stay together.

[Antony] It's okay, man.

"Dip to the moonlight."

Guys, uh, find a place in the

roof where light can beam through.

Right there.


Now, if we can "dip, dip, dip"

- underneath these rocks...

- [Aggy] Mm-hmm.

We should be close, right here.

And then it says, "Three

for you and five for me."

Paces, right?

But where do we start?

Um, we can...

Oh. Maybe out that cross.

Yeah. That's gotta be it, right?

Okay, so, paces, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

Three and five.

One, two, three.

One, two, three,

four, five.

Look above you.


[grunts] I don't know.

- [clinking]

- [gasping]

- You got something?

- Yeah, yeah, I think so.


- [Woody] Whoa!

- [laughs] Good.

[laughs] We found the map.


- This is so cool.

- Yeah.

"If flood or fire

should harm me..."

"I take from you five

and give you my three."

"Take from you..."

- No.

- [gasping]

Take it all from you.

I would like to thank the

inventor of this, uh, [laughs]

ridiculous contraption.

The GPS within helped us

track you all the way here.


All right, phones

out. Give them up.

- [Lu] No.

- Just do it.

- Out, out. Now.

- It's not worth it.

Give me. Ooh, XR-17. Nice.

Thank you. And, of course...

- You.

- No.

Oh. This is gonna take

me all the way to the gold.

You won't get far.

Just watch me.

Agatha, you've spent your

whole life chasing history.

Allow me

to add you to it.

Bye-bye now.

[evil laughs]

- Back. Go. Go. Now!

- Go to the back!

[Aggy] Run!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa! [pants]

I think we owe 'em

a moment of respect.

Agatha, you were a worthy foe,

but, uh, you know, we all meet

our makers someday, right?

And, uh, furthermore,

that's good.

Let's go get rich.


[groaning, coughing]


[Woody] Oh, no.

This is all my fault.

What? No, Woody, you are

not to blame for his greed.


[JJ] "And what does it amount

to?" said Satan with his evil chuckle.

Nothing at all.

You always come

out where you went in.

Oh, for them to get this far to only

have it snatched at their final hurdle,

life sure is a kick in

the guts sometimes.

[insects chirping]


Someone will be here eventually.

No, they won't.

This is hopeless.

And to think this is

how it's all gonna end.

And... and I never even got the chance to

change the world with one of my inventions.

I never got to win an Oscar.

I never made the

news catching criminals.

Not even once.

[sighs] And I never...

Oh, no, I've...

I've really gotten to do pretty

much everything there is to do,

so, never mind.

What about you, Ant?

Uh, I...

It's dumb.

- Mm, come on.

- It doesn't matter.

Well... Listen, we just have to

look on the bright side, okay?

They're not gonna get very far

without that torn piece from the letter.

Wait. How do you know

that the letter was torn?

You told me that it was.

Uh, no.

I didn't tell you.


Well, maybe this

isn't my first time

looking for Tom

Sawyer's treasure.

Oh, wait.

Do you know what this means?


[breathes out]

[drone humming]

- [tapping on car window]

- Oh!

What in the name

of all that's holy?

Hmm. You don't

see that every... Oh!

Come back here, you wee scully.

That was a good

burger, my friend.


- What?

- That's ten types of illegal right there.

We've been going

in circles for hours.

Do you not know

how to read this map?

Mm, no.

Each map seems to

point in a different direction.

One goes here, one goes

there, one goes nowhere.

Wait a minute.

There is a reason why the

world's most renowned explorer,

an anthropological...

You're an

anthropologist, Uncle AJ.


The secret hiding place

to Tom Sawyer's gold is...

- The Temperance Tavern.

- The Temperance Tavern.

T-this way!


[drone humming]

Oh, what in the dickens?

Oh, no. The battery died.

- Um...

- Oh.

That's Detective Thatcher's car.

Meow. Meow. Meow...

Okay, fine, I'm a talking cat.


Now, will you please

go into those caves,

follow their scent,

and rescue my friends,

who heavens to Betsy I fear

may well be trapped down there?

Let's go.

And don't you dillydally.

[Thatcher] Thanks, guys.

Call more reinforcements

to secure the perimeter

- at the final site.

- Got it.

- We'll meet you guys there.

- Okay.

Do we need to

draw the map again?

No, I know exactly where it is.

Hey, um, you did a

really good job in there.

Oh, thank you.

[car door closes]

As a student of history,

I have to ask myself what stories

would these walls tell if they could speak.

If you bothered to read the book,

you'd already know the answer.


how did you...

No matter.

So, bringing your encyclopedic knowledge

of literature to a gunfight, I see.

It has perfect aim.

Well, I will tell you this.

I'm gonna fill you all full of

new holes to breathe from

if you don't tell us

where that treasure is.

The gold was never

hidden in just one place.

[exhales] See, it was...

always that last line in the

riddle that really stumped me.

"Take from you five

and give you my three."

Ant, what does Twain's

opening passage in his book say?

"Tom Sawyer is a combination of the

characteristics of three boys whom I knew,

and therefore belongs to the

composite order of architecture."

[chuckles] So, what are you

saying? Tom Sawyer wasn't real?

Oh, no, he was real.

But three made up this story.

- [waves crashing]

- [knock at door]

Miss Armstrong, yes,

I've been expecting you.

That gold belonged

to just three men.

Thomas Sawyer, Ben Rogers...

And Joe Harper.

My great-grandpappy.

That ol' Tom Sawyer

made a promise

to not let that gold

fall into Angus' hands.

[Aggy] Just as I promised

to never let it fall into yours.

You were obsessive from the day

we met about your family's fortune.

So after you double-crossed me,

I made it my goal to

seek out every last detail

to ensure you never found it.

So I destroyed its final secret

to always keep you at bay,

and I've been carrying

the remainder of that letter

and the location of the gold

in my head all of these years.

Wait a minute, if you

had all this information,

why didn't you come

for the treasure yourself?

I tried.

But not every stone

needs to be turned,

not every treasure pocketed.

Well, Aggy... [clicks tongue]

That's where we differ.

See, the only thing

that matters to me...


You're gonna tell

me where the gold is.

The safety is on, you moron.

Moron? [groans]



[both grunting]

- [sword clinks]

- [yells] Ah!

[AJ panting]

I'll tell you this.

[sword clinks]

I was the captain

of my fencing team

at college! [grunts]

Impressive. But so was I.

- Get him, Miss Armstrong.

- Come on!

- Come on, Uncle AJ.

- Let's go, Miss Armstrong.

- [yells]

- [grunts]

- [grunting]

- Come on, Uncle AJ!

- Come on!

- Come on, Miss Armstrong!

- Ah!

- [sword clinks]

- Miss Armstrong!

- Be careful!

It's too bad, Agatha.

We could have been

partners. It's a shame, isn't it?

Don't hurt my mom!

Do what you want. I might

do something like this.


What are you gonna

say now, punk? Huh?


- [grunts]

- [thuds, groans]

- Mrs. Mac!

- Enough.

Don't! He's your son.

He's my what?


- Oh.

- [sighs]

And then you left me

abandoned on the side of a cliff.

I never wanted to

speak to you again.

Aggy, why didn't you tell me?

- [door opens]

- Freeze!

Aggy, why didn't you tell me?

- Cuff him.

- This is my son?

Now I can see it.

You're almost as

good-looking as I am.

- [handcuff clinking]

- You're under arrest.

Kidnapping, attempted m*rder,

assaulting a police officer,

theft, destruction

of public property.

And I think you have a

case with animal welfare.

- Let's go.

- Whatever, cop.

I'll be out by morning.

I love you, son!

Aggy! We'll always have Morocco!

[door closes]

Ant, are you okay?

I don't even know, man.

[sad music playing]

Goodbye, my old friend.

Excuse me, who

are you calling old?

[relieved sigh]

Don't play like that.

- Mrs. Mac...

- You're alive.

Yes, well, I guess that's,

hmm, five down, four to go.

Well, you go rest.

We'll be right back.

Ah, time for a wee catnap.

So long.

I now know why you

never told me about him.

But what about this?


just a dime store novelty.

I'm sorry, I just...

I thought that

the mystery of who he was

being wrapped up in a trinket

felt fitting for us.

No, yeah, I-I get it.


I'm sorry.


there's no gold?

Oh, no, there's definitely gold.

I just had to wait for the

detective to bring his backup.

Wait, so then where is it?

Somewhere out in that

yard are the final clues

that the three men who

inspired this very book left.

Joe Harper, Ben Rogers,

and Tom Sawyer himself.

And if we find his three,

then we'll find what "take

from you five" means.

So, let's go.

- We're gonna find that gold.

- Yeah.

[watch ticking]

Hey, I found a "TS Loves MD".

[Aggy] Okay, that's one.

Where are you?

Oh, I found the second.


I found Ben Rogers.

"Take from you five

and give you my three."

Okay. Take five paces

towards the center.

So we're standing on it?

We're about to find out. Shovel.

- Lu, can you grab mine?

- Yeah.

[JJ] Now, if that don't prove the

true meaning of teamwork, huh?

Everyone giving their own special

little part of themselves to help find it.

Then they surely went and

changed the meaning on me.

- Oh!

- [gasps]

- You hear that?

- Hear that?

- [gasping]

- [laughing]

[grunts, pants]


- [gasping]

- Oh!

- [all exclaiming]

- We did it!

- All right!

- Wow!

So much of it.

This is so pretty.

It's real.


It's a shame we can't keep it.

Wait, what?

No, we found it, it's ours.

No, he's right. It belongs to the

Sawyers and the Harpers and the Rogers.

I think there will be a

generous finder's fee though.

- [gasps] Seriously?

- [chuckles]

Wait, what are we

talking, like fifty-fifty?

- We'll work something out.

- Hm.

[JJ] After the shares

were divvied out,

they did what anyone with the

right constitution would have done.

Went right ahead

and put it back .

Most of it, anyway.

All so the next generation

of you thrill-seekers

could track down the secret of

that pirate gold for yourselves.

I think great-great-grandpa

Sawyer would be very proud.


[JJ] And, you know,

I think Mr. Twain would

have approved too.

Hm. At the end of the day,

that's all he ever wanted.

"A little more kindness,

a little less speed."

A little more giving,

a little less greed.

A little more smile,

a little less frown.

A little less kicking a

man while he's down.

A little more

'We', a little less 'I'.

A little more laugh,

a little less cry.

A little more flowers

on the pathway of life.

"And fewer on graves

at the end of the strife."

[adventurous music playing]

[music fades]