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02x02 - Sky Forest

Posted: 03/31/23 09:05
by bunniefuu
Chief: If the apple is ripe, give it a gentle twist, and it'll drop right into your hand.


Nature's candy.

Allow me to gather from the tallest branches for you, sir.

GentleTwist! Hm.

Your technique appears flawed.

Well, applesauce is delicious too.

Since when are there flying fruit pickers on Griffin Rock, dad? News to me.

Chase, vehicle mode.

[baby crying]

Oh, we're gettin' in on that.

Here you go, Billy.

Aah! Mr.

Alper! Help! Help! Help! Whaa! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way the Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots Aah! Ugh! We'll take Mr.


Go swat down that flying pest! Graham, dani, we're chasing an airborne fruit picker - West on lake.

- Graham: Of course you are.

Dani: Be there in a jiff.

[suspenseful theme playing]

Ugh! Ugh, fertilizer.

Maybe we can get Blades to clean this up.

He is wearing his scoop claw.

Sorry, boys.

The scoop claw is unavailable starting in - Three, two - Blades: One! We've hit a snag! Detach, hurry! Step out calmly with your servos in the air.

Priscilla: Hello! My hover-picker better not be damaged, or you'll be hearing from my mother's attorney.

Priscilla, this thing is yours? Ah, if you're referring to my soon-to-be award-winning contest entry, yes.

What contest? Pickpocket of the year? the new youth invention competition, hosted by our close family friend, the Mayor.

Well, try keeping your little troublemaker on a shorter leash, won't you, Miss Pynch? You're not asking me to stunt the growth of life-changing technology, are you, Chief Burns? Wouldn't dream of it.

See you at the contest, Cody.

Unless you and Frankie couldn't come up with anything.

Ha, ha.

Don't worry about us, we have loads of ideas! Frankie, we need ideas! Now you're in a hurry? I've been trying to brainstorm with you for three weeks.

I've had school.

And chores.

And renegade farm equipment.

And what is that smell? Been wondering the same thing.

You'll never guess what that fertilizer was made of.



To win this competition, we need fresh ideas.

Big ideas.

Anybody? I know.

We can put an end to high-flying rooftop rescues with wait for it retractable buildings.

Thank you.

Wouldn't that flatten all the people inside? Oh.

Hm How about a forest-wide sprinkler system for putting out brush fires? Nice.

Or even better, a completely portable sprinkler system.

A suit that sprays water in all directions so rescuers can safely walk into any blaze.

Hm interesting.

Saving trees is a good starting point.

But why not use trees to save cities? Uh, you lost me.

See? Self-sustaining rainforest towers built in urban areas.

They would clean the air of carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, and sustain an endangered ecosystem.

Needs a sprinkler system.

I fear it might disrupt traffic flow.

But can it retract? It looks like the magic beanstalk in that story you told us, Cody.

What about my idea? The sprinkler suit could save lives too.

Mine might save the planet.

[western theme playing]

They're both good ideas.

So why don't you each enter the contest separately? Well, I guess we could.

May the best innovation win.

The finalists in our new youth invention competition.

Their brains may be small Ugh! Dah! Duh!

but their ideas are big! And the winner of the best innovation is Francine Greene's sky forest!
[crowd clapping]

That's my little wunderkind.

You can forget about any donations to your reelection campaign, Mayor.

Wah-hah! Do you mind? Hey, Frankie, congrat Francine Greene and Cody Burns.

From best friends to bitter enemies.

What? Cody, you've been delivered a crushing defeat by someone you once trusted like a sister.

No, I Mayor, what's next for Francine Greene's sky forest? Why, we're building a full-scale version right here in Griffin Rock.

And little miss Greene will be famous.

Frankie and Cody are enemies? When did this happen? It's tough to lose, especially to a friend.

If they're enemies, we'll have to choose sides.

That's what happens in every buddy movie.

I think it's called the bro code.

I find no reference to this code in the civil statutes.

ButI do value loyalty.

Cody, we stand with you.

Solidarity! Team Cody all the way.

We'll teach her for being smarter than you! What? I just wish there could've been two first-place winners.

Thanks, guys, but Frankie won fair and square.

Then who are we supposed to be mad at? You've reached Frankie's vid-com.

I can't take your call right now because I'm out doing interviews.

Reviewing engineering reports.

Going over blueprints.

The sky forest is being assembled today!

Second level secure.

Graham: Let's bring in the third.


Dad, one of the cables is snapping! Everyone clear the area now! Move it, people! Go! Go! Move aside Women and elected officials first! Rescue Bots, leap to the rescue.


[all gasping]

All: AhWhew.


That's UhTall.


Blends right in.

Uh, what's everybody doing over there? Praising Frankie.

Nice of her to hoist all that steel and concrete.

Oh, wait, that was us.

You guys were amazing.

But Frankie deserves a lot of credit too.

Does no one care that this structure clearly violates local height restrictions? UhHey, Frankie.

Cool medal.

Can I? Hang on, Cody.

Here comes the news we've been waiting for.

The sky forest is structurally sound.

And the irrigation system is fully functional.

Positively splendid! Was there ever any doubt? That's a big relief.

I can't believe it's real! You should be very proud, Frankie.

I'd say that's a good day's work, my dear.

Time to turn in.

Daddy, with the seeds already planted, How long before we have a rainforest? Oh, I'd say 10 years or so.

Ten years? What do we show the tourists in the meantime? Sorry, Mayor.

Mother nature won't be rushed.

Whoa! Apparently, someone rushed mother nature.

I hope there's no giant at the top.

Come one, come all To Griffin Rock's very own fully mature sky forest, the eighth wonder of the world.

[all gasp]

Amazing! That's incredible! Mayor, you're responsible for this? Ah, no kudos necessary, chief.

Amazing what a little rapid growth formula in the irrigation system can do, huh?

Where did you find that much formula? In the hall of inspiration.

Turns out we had barrels of it.

These barrels came from the best left forgotten section! Didn't you read the warning labels? The labels said aggressive growth.

Precisely what we needed.

What we needed was time and patience.

Plants aren't meant to grow that fast, Mayor.


This sky forest is perfectly safe.

Go explore, have fun.

And tomorrow we open to the public! It's not how I intended it to happen, but it's kinda cool! Uh, Frankie.

I I never had the chance to congratulate you.


Thanks, Cody.

Everything's been happening so fast.

Um, you're not mad that I won, are you? You kiddin'? Even I know a leaky sprinkler suit can't stack up to this.


Race you to the top!
[both laughing]

Wait, no! I'm gonna beat you! It appears Cody is still distraught.

He is now trying to tackle Frankie.

I think they're just having fun.

So the rivalry is over? What a relief.

I missed being able to like Frankie.

Heatwave: Something just doesn't feel right.

[both giggling]

Both: Whoa
[birds chirping]

[both laughing]

[playful theme playing]

Cody: Noble!

Ah, I could live here.

[magical theme playing]

[pleasant theme playing]

[kids panting]

Ugh! Awesome! Ugh!

Aah! Frankie? Frankie! Frankie! Aah!


Hey, yah! Aah! Run!

[gasps, grunts]

How can vines even come after us? They cling to everything as they grow.

These are just growing too fast! Dad! The rainforest is attacking! Frankie and I are trapped on the top level! Dani, get your chopper up there.

On it.

Kade and Graham, we need to evacuate the other levels.

Smooth move, Mayor! Rescue Bots, doors open! Don't worry, doc.

We'll take care of the kids.

Just keep any newcomers out of the forest.

That aggressive growth warning mean anything to you now, Mayor? No time for pointing fingers.

Back, people!
[bird clucking]


Ha, ha, ha.

[boys yelping]

I want all of them.

Those too.



[grunts, gasps]

Cody, Frankie, hurry! Get in! Blades: Before these vines make us part of the scenery!
[all grunting]


Heads up, everybody.

Keep moving or you'll never make it out.


Harrison, fly away, quickly! Run, Boulder!
[grunts, gasps]


I love trees but not this much.

The vines are spreading all over town.

How do we stop them? By cutting off their supply of growth formula.

That should stop them in their tracks.

We just need to get to the shut-off valve on level 5.

I-I could try to fly us in there, but I don't think we'd get very far.

Look! The plants are recoiling from the ocean.

Salt water! I have an idea.

Take us to the firehouse.

Heatwave, how about we break out the tools.

You heard him.

Let's move, team.

Both: Power up and energize! Get 'em inside.

Into the truck!
[Kade grunting]

Aah! Aah! All right, don't worry, you're safe in here.

Takes more than some overgrown spinach to stop a trained Aah! Aah! Aah!

Ugh, it's about time! Priscilla, follow me to the stairs.


This vegetation appears to have entangled us, sir.

Chase and I are trapped on level 2.

Status? - Kade: Same here, level 3.

- Graham: Level 4! Cody: Don't panic, everybody.

We have a plan.

[dramatic theme playing]

Thirsty? How about a refreshing taste of the ocean? It's working! These plants do not like salt water.

Ah! Creepy! Creepy! Ooh! Aah! No, Cody, keep going! Cody, look for a big, red shut-off valve! Ugh! Get in!
[both grunting]

Blades: Aah! Oh, no my t*nk's empty.


Aah! Aah! Noble! Both: Yay! Woo-hoo! Oh, that was close.


[boys giggling]

yeah! Longest 20 minutes of my life.

Yeah, next time, dr.

Greene, you might want to lock that best left forgotten section.

[knock on window]

Um, excuse me, my hover-picker was swallowed by your venus flytrap, Mayor.

Here's the cost of replacing it.

Just send the check to my mother's accountant.

Oh! And so Griffin Rock bids adieu to its urban tower of trees.

The sky forest is being relocated to wayward island, the nearly inaccessible atoll off our coast.

Sorry it didn't work out quite the way you planned, Frankie.

Daddy always says, "big ideas are like seeds.

They need time to grow.

" At least now the sky forest will get that time.

Here, I wanted to give you this.

Uh, what happened to your medal? I had my father cut it in half so you and I could share it.

My idea might've won the contest, but, like you said, yours saved lives.

[adventurous theme playing]