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02x08 - Blame the Gremlins

Posted: 03/31/23 09:08
by bunniefuu
( Pleasant theme playing ) A wind-powered work of art.

Heh, I always thought those things.

Were power line decorations.

Watch how high I can make it go.

Too much string, blades.

Look out for that tree.

If it had an engine, propeller, or even rudimentary steering, that could have been avoided.

But then it wouldn't be a kite.

( Plane approaching ) Cody: That's Taylor's plane.

Heatwave: Rescue bots, roll to the rescue.

( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Sirens blaring ) Dani ( Over radio ): Taylor, steer the plane away from the island and bail out.

( Suspenseful theme playing ) ( All screaming ) Blades: I already crashed a kite today, so be careful.

Just maintain your speed.

( Grunts ) I'm in.

( Coughing ) ( Grunting ) Ugh, nice save.

Unh, not over yet.

( Grunting ) Somebody tell doc to evacuate the lab.

The steering's gone.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise rescue bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way rescue bots will be saving the day rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots ( Suspenseful theme playing ) ( Grunting ) ( Doc panting ) ( Helicopter approaching and siren wailing ) Doc, are you hurt? I'm fine.

Thanks to the new collision foam cannon.

That Boulder and I collaborated on.

Quick thinking, doc.

That foam put the fire out too.

Not a benefit we intended.

We're smarter than we thought.

You can release the plane now, doc.

I wonder what caused the engine to catch fire.

The way the controls froze, I'd say it was an electrical short.

Real question is, what made the plane turn back.

Toward the island after Taylor ditched it? Suppose it could've been gremlins? ( Gasps ) Oh, right.


( Both laughing ) ( Laughs ) What are gremlins? Here.

"A gremlin is a mischievous creature.

That disables machinery and electronics.

" The very nerve.

What does a gremlin look like? ( Blades gasps ) Those things get into machines? Well That would explain the many mechanical maladies.

That seem to plague this island.

Runaway lawn mowers, for instance.

I don't think And Mr.

Harrison's malfunctioning heli-pack.

And how about my problems flying at high altitudes.

That would be your fear of heights, blades.



Says here, "gremlins are just myths.

Made up by people looking for something to blame.

When things go wrong.

" Now that I believe.

You know what else is considered a myth? Aliens.

And yet ( Snores ) ( Rumbling then gasps ) ( Dramatic theme playing ) Aah! I can't fly this thing.

( Thunder ) ( Gasps ) Aah! Gremlin! Huh? Gremlin? Everything okay? Just covering Dani's night shift, buddy.

Didn't you just work the night shift? Nice of you to keep track.

I heard you call out.

Like you were having a nightmare.

Cody, just go back to bed.

Maybe you should talk to doc Greene.

He used to have nightmares too, until he came up with a way to get rid of them.

Well, good for him.

But I can handle a bad dream.

Why don't you just go back ( Phone rings ) Griffin rock emergency.

I'll take care of it.

( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Alarm blaring ) A wind turbine tower is coming loose.

We have to secure it.

Okay, but isn't this two night shifts in a row? I'm a night person.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Uh, thought you might need some help.


All right.

Buckle up.

( Siren blaring ) Looks like it might fall over.

Maybe we should call the team.

Nah, the anchor bolts just need tightening.

Heatwave, brace the tower, I'll check the other side.

( Grunts ) ( Grunting ) ( Yawns ) ( Gasps ) ( Laughs ) ( Screams ) ( Gibbering ) ( Screams ) What is taking Kade so long? Kade: Get back! Get back, all of you! I'm warning you.


Kade, wake up.

Aah! Cody, watch out.

Gremlins are are, uh Where are the gremlins? There are no gremlins.

You were dreaming.

( Grunting ) Heads up.

( Tense theme playing ) ( Suspenseful theme playing ) ( Grunts ) Anybody hurt? I think I'm okay.

Kade? I can't believe I dozed off.

That's not all you did.

You put Cody in danger.

But I'm fine, heatwave.

Rescuers have to be on top of their game.

Kade, get some sleep.

I want to.

I'll go see doc in the morning.

Morning, Cody.

Where are you off to so early? Oh, uh, over to Frankie's.

Kade mentioned he and heatwave were going to the lab too.

Father's intuition is telling me something is up.

Sibling intuition too.

And rescue bots' intuition.

I think.

Remind me to look up "intuition.

" Uh, Kade didn't want me saying anything, especially to Graham and Dani.

Let's hear it.

( Sighs ) He's been having bad dreams about gremlins.

Doc's gonna help him.


This is probably our fault.

Probably? What happened? When we were little, Dani and I.

Would tell Kade scary gremlin stories.

Because he was always bossing us around.

It kind of gave him nightmares.

But if gremlins aren't real, why would Kade be afraid of them? Because everything feels real in a nightmare.

It's like having your worst fears come to life.

Then my nightmare would undoubtedly contain.

A town where no one broke the law, rendering me useless.

Mine would be cumulous clouds.

Seriously, they're nature's shape-shifters.

Dani, Graham? For your sakes, doc better be able to help Kade.

Well, Kade, in most cases, nightmares abate over time.

But I've invented a way to speed up the process.

The nightmare imaging device.

You lie inside this soundproofed sleep chamber, wear the neural impulse helmet, then fall asleep.

Once you begin dreaming about gremlins, they will be recreated inside this energy chamber.

Exactly how you imagine them.

What do you mean, like for real? They'll look real, but they'll only be made of energy and crystal particles.

Like a hologram that's solid.

The gremlin could be made of pudding and I'd have nightmares.

But once you wake up and face your fears in the light of day, you'll see they're not nearly as frightening as you imagined.

Then we shut the machine off and the gremlins disappear.

And chances are, so will your nightmares.

Okay, doc, if this gadget will get rid of my gremlins, I'm in.

Neural impulse helmet secured, power on.

Now, Kade, simply let yourself fall asleep and ( Doc snores ) All right, then.

Doc, I want your word this isn't gonna hurt him.

He won't feel a thing, heatwave, I promise.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Whoa, Kade dreams of those? No wonder he can't sleep.

( Growling ) ( All shout ) ( Grunts ) Feisty little figments, aren't they? ( Gremlins laughing ) Is this supposed to happen? I don't think so.

Dad? Uh, no need to panic.

( Growling ) Doc: The crystal particles these gremlins are made of.

Contain only a limited amount of energy.

( Gremlins laughing and chattering ) Once that energy is used up, the gremlins will vanish.

I'm waking Kade before he dreams up any more of those things.

Nap-time's over.

( Gasps ): Gremlins! I was dreaming about lots and lots of We know.

Aah! ( Gremlins laughing and chattering ) ( Electricity crackling ) Aah! Why aren't the gremlins disappearing? Yeah.

Shouldn't they be running out of energy by now? ( Electricity crackling ) Intriguing.

The gremlins are recharging themselves.

By siphoning electricity through anything that's plugged in.

( Gremlins laughing and chattering ) Cured yet? I think I wanna go back to sleep.


The little scamps have blown the breaker box.

Now they'll be vanishing any minute.

( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gremlins laughing and chattering ) Take cover.

Unh! The gremlins are now drawing power.

Out of anything with a battery.

Resourceful little creatures.

( Gremlins gibbering ) ( Electricity crackling ) ( Gasps ) ( Dramatic theme playing ) Where'd they go? So maybe I am cured.

They fried everything.

At least it's over.

Doc: Is it? We have gremlins who crave energy.

On an island full of technology.

I'm afraid this is far from over.

( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gremlins gibbering ) ( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gibbers ) ( Laptop beeps ) Graham, Dani.

The whole town is being invaded by gremlins.


Oh, really? Did Kade put you up to this? No.

Just look outside.

Heh, right.

Heh, I'm sure.

( Screams ) ( Both gasp ) ( People screaming ) ( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gremlins laughing and chattering ) ( All scream ) For mythical creatures, these gremlins sure are lively.

And kind of cute.

They are real.

I knew it.

They're manifestations of Kade's nightmares.

Made up of crystal particles.

They only look real.

So they're basically walking cartoons.

( Gasps ) Cartoons aren't real? Authentic or not, these dream scape delinquents.

Appear to be stealing electrical energy.

( Electricity crackling ) Apparently that energy is what's keeping them going.

( Gremlins gibbering ) Uh-oh.

Everyone remain behind us.

This is worse than cumulous clouds.

Unh! Get off! If you little tykes are looking for electrical energy, you won't find any on us.

Only Energon here.

Step away, mischievous superstitions.

( Gremlins gibbering ) ( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Coughing ) The gremlins are barbecuing the electrical systems.

Of everything they pull energy from.

( Gremlin growls and all gasp ) How are we supposed to stop them.

From wrecking every last piece of tech in town? With bait.

( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gremlins gibbering ) Power up and energize.

( Dramatic theme playing ) If what doc says is accurate, these things will vanish.

Once we cut off their source of electricity.

( Gremlins gibbering ) Well, well.

Looks like you guys had all the fun.

Too bad.

I was ready to tangle with those little rascals.

Heh, yeah.

Look! ( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gremlins gibbering ) We have to go after them.

But they're heading northwest.

There's not much out there for them to oh.

The power plant.

If those things fry the power grid.

Like they've done to everything else Griffin rock will be crippled.

What if we shut down the power plant first? That would save the grid, right? As well as vanquish those cackling energy thieves.

It would.

Vehicle modes, now.

Looks like you'll have your chance.

To tangle after all, hotshot.

Rescue bots, roll to the rescue.

Kade: Shouldn't we let Graham take the lead at the power plant? I mean, the guy lives for this kind of thing.

You forget something, Kade? Like maybe the firefighter's code? "First through the door.

" Or sometimes the wall.

( Suspenseful theme playing ) ( Gremlins gibbering ) ( Electricity crackling ) I I don't think the Maybe you should I can't poss no.


If you don't face these things down, you'll live with them forever.

Now, are you getting out, or do you need a push? ( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gremlins laughing and chattering ) ( Sighs ) ( Grunts ) ( Grunts ) ( Electricity powers down ) ( Dramatic theme playing ) ( Gremlins gibbering ) Told you, you could do it.


Ever any doubt? ( Sighs ) ( Dramatic theme playing ) Gremlins are gone, all is good.

Not to brag, but I so rocked it.

What a relief.

Now feel like tackling some shape-shifting clouds next? I'll have to run a diagnostic, but it looks like the power grid didn't sustain any damage.

Hey, squirt, tell doc to deliver his nightmare imaging debacle.

Straight to the best left forgotten section.


Take a few days off, son.

Get some rest.

Kade, Dani and I We're really sorry for teasing you.

Don't worry about it, sis.

They're gone now.

Every drooling, big-eyed, disgusting, slimy, scary one of them.

Pleasant dreams.

( Snoring lightly ) Both (In unison): Gremlins! ( Dramatic theme playing )