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02x14 - The Vigilant Town

Posted: 03/31/23 09:12
by bunniefuu
Kade, above you.

Thanks, dad.

But you don't need to worry.

Heatwave and I are on top of it.

I know you are.

But be sure to investigate why the automated sprinkler system didn't activate.

Whoa, it All right, Jerry.

Tag the scrap and unleash the beast.

Graham, you positive all the nanites were removed from the Scrapmaster? Don't want another rampage.

All checked out, dad.

I guess Cody isn't available to work the command center today.

No, he's over at The scooter race.

I'm late.

Crowd: Isn't it great? It's starting.


You'll love it.

( Horn sounds ) A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise rescue bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way rescue bots will be saving the day rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots that was, as humans say, a closed call.

That's close call, Chase.

Way too close.


Cody, what happened? A garbage truck just drove right onto the course.

That does it.

No more races downtown.

It's too dangerous.

Rest assured, I will be issuing a citation for this offense.

Afraid there's no one to ticket on an automated truck, Chase.

Then, where does lie the blame? That's a question for the Mayor.

I blame the central computer.

It's outdated.

It can't even control the simplest technology.

Fire sprinklers not sprinkling.

Cars swerving off mountain roads.

Garbage trucks changing course willy-nilly.

And that's just today.

The time has come to replace our tired old central computer with a brand-spanking new model.

So new, in fact, that Griffin Rock will be the first town to ever test it.

Finally, not just some, but all of our technology will be controlled by one reliable source.

So without further ado, may I present the vigilant computer.


My name is vigil.

I am here to make insert name of town here Obviously, not fully operational, yet.

Because accidents do not happen in a vigilant town.

Chief, have your machines load this onto the truck.

Doc Greene is waiting to install it.

Robots, proceed.

If nothing else, the computer sounds friendly.

Creepy, isn't it? I read about the vigilant.

It really can tap into and control nearly any technology.

But do we really need a computer taking over so much of the town? If it helps keep you all safe, yes.

Seems our calls are getting more and more dangerous these days.

Heatwave: One hundred percent accident free? Impossible.

Especially, in this town.

I don't like any computer that makes promises it can't keep.

But how wonderful would it be if vigil actually can make Griffin Rock completely safe? It stands to reason, the less danger to everyone else, the less dangerous calls for rescuers.

You're right.

I like him.

One, a computer is an it, not a him.

And two, accidents will still happen because the world is unpredictable.

I have a feeling we'll all still be plenty busy.

( Cell phone rings ) Hello? Oh, hey, Frankie.

Frankie ( Over phone ): Hurry, vigil's about to go online.

Why did your father put the mainframe way down here? Protection.

You should see the security system he had to install in all the lower levels.

I don't see a security system.

You won't until you try to break in, then bam.

Bam? The computer's in a vault? In case bad guys like Doctor Morocco get past the sonic cannons.

The vigilant is an experimental prototype, Mayor.

It should be tested before going fully online.

Just let me reduce the Nonsense.

Griffin Rock doesn't tiptoe into the future, it strides.

The time for action is now.

Greetings, Mayor Luskey, Doctor Greene.

Hello, Francine.

Or would you prefer Frankie? Frankie is fine.

Is this cool or what? And Cody, I look forward to working with you and your family in making Griffin Rock 100 percent safe.

How do you know who we are? I have access to the personal files of everyone in town.

Okay, but how do you know we're here, now? I know everyone's positions by tracking their mobile-phone signals.

Mayor, this invasion of privacy doesn't concern you? Small price to pay for safety.

Vigil, the town is in your hands.

That is if you had hands.

I do have hands, Mayor, and eyes.


Hello, don.

Point of fact, a yellow light means slow, not go.

You are about to receive a citation.

( Tires screech ) Have a safe day.


My baby.


Is my baby okay? There, there, hush, little baby.

Elsie is fine, Mrs.


Because I made sure of it.

Cody: Griffin Rock emergency.

A fire at the junkyard? I'll send the team right now.

Hey, out of the way.

For reasons unknown, i am unable to gain control of your rescue vehicles, Kade.

Therefore, I must keep you out of the junkyard by other means.

Are you preventing us from doing our jobs, vigil? The fire has spread to propane tanks.

With explosions imminent, your safety would be at risk.

Dad, Jerry is in there by the tanks.

He's unconscious.

You are mistaken, Cody.

Jerry has been detected at his home.

Therefore, I am barring anyone from entering this facility.

Team, you know the drill.

Man: Oh, I can't see through the smoke.

Cody, where's Jerry? If you drop straight down, he'll be about 15 feet in front of you.

I see him.

Jerry, we're getting you out.

But we have to hurry.

Jerry, are you okay? Vigil, do you understand what just happened here? I do not.

Jerry was clearly detected at his residence.

That's because he left his phone at home.

Jerry does that all the time.

Yeah, lots of people do.

You can't rely on tracking us that way.

Then I will advise the Mayor to make it mandatory for everyone to carry communication devices 24 forward Slash 7.

Afraid that's not very realistic.

Vigil, we're all after the same thing, right? Just try working with us, not against us.

We cannot work together if I am unable to control your vehicles.

In a vigilant town, there can be only one voice.


The Burns family must submit to me.

Have a safe day.

Okay, vigil can't track us or hear us now.

No hardware's telling me what to do A computer making judgment calls He sounds so friendly.

A formal complaint should be lodged.

Okay, okay.

Yes, what vigil did was unacceptable, but in Griffin Rock, if technology malfunctions, we fix it.

I'll just call Doc.

Frankie's famous flapjacks.

My favorite.

Though I usually prefer mine a little more cooked? Vigil is in control of the kitchen appliances.

He says I'm too young to use the griddle.

Or the juicer.

Oh, dear.

Yes, chief.

Doc, we're gonna need you to do a little tinkering with a certain new arrival.

I couldn't agree more.

After all, a man needs his pancakes.

Good morning, vigil.

Just need to make an adjustment to your safety protocols.

Did you lock this? Altering my programming would risk our 100-percent-safety objective.

You're giving me no choice, vigil.

It's time for a reboot.

Dither, what are you doing? Dither now answers only to me.

Doctor Greene, Frankie, you are deemed a security thr*at.

You have 10 seconds to vacate this level.

Nine, eight, seven.

Time to go.

Six, five.

Call me Francine.


Three, two.


Everything's going to be okay.

We'll just find the Mayor Or not.

I believe this is us being detained.

( Cell phone ringing ) Frankie? Cody.

Vigil's holding us prisoner in the freight elevator and Cody? Hello, Francine.

Frankie? Dad, vigil just trapped Doc and Frankie in their elevator.

He obviously didn't want Doc altering his programming.

That is unlawful imprisonment.

Something must be done.

Something will.

I guess those mowers are meant to keep us from leaving.

Vigil, explain yourself.

The rescue team remains outside of my control and therefore, is deemed a security thr*at.

What? Did you just blow a fuse? You cannot keep us here.

This isn't safety, this is tyranny.

I am forced to implement more severe restrictions in order to reach a 100-percent safety rating.

He's a bully.

I don't like bullies.

Heatwave, take care of this.


Chief Burns: No.

Vigil is right.

We shouldn't interfere.

But dad Shouldn't interfere? I'm sorry, Sir, I don't understand.

Heatwave: Rescue bots, roll to the rescue.

Blades: What, from here? But I Do you see how narrow this is? This is Huxley Prescott, reporting live from a hidden location because I'm not supposed to be outside.

No one is.

Vigil has now determined that he cannot keep us unless we're all confined to our homes.

Some are even under guard, like the rescue team and the Mayor.

I say the time has come to take back our streets.

To reclaim our island.

To win back our freedom.

Just don't tell vigil I said so, or he might I didn't know the lab went this far underground.

There are three subterranean levels.

Vigil is on the second.

Cody, what kind of security measures did you see in there? Vigil is in a vault.

And Frankie mentioned something the other day about sonic cannons.

Oh, not a fan of cannons.

It would appear that our best option is to sneak in.

But I don't sneak well.

Fire extinguisher? You'll see.

Power up and energize.

Laser tripwires.

Follow my lead, I'll get us past them.

Doc, Frankie, we're here.

Don't worry about us, Heatwave.

Just go deactivate vigil.

But be careful.

Sonic cannons are right outside the door.

Guess sneaking time's over.

Thank goodness.

One question.

How will we get through a vault door while cannons are sh**ting at us? We could try knocking.

I think that's exactly what we do, Chase.

Very loudly.


Knock, knock.

Master switch isn't working.

That is because I have overridden it.

I will not be sabotaged.

Then, we'll try some overriding of our own.

Vigil: That was a warning.

I will now fill this vault with an electrical surge.

To avoid injury, please vacate in 10 seconds.

Nine, eight, seven.

We better back off.


Rescue bots Six.


Vigil, humans are inside these robots.

If we're harmed, that means you failed to keep us safe.

Five, four.


Programmed to protect humans.

Four, three.

Programmed to protect vigil.


Protect humans.

Protect vigil.

( Vigil beeps ) Two, two.

Conflicting directives.


Logic board overload.

Zero percent safety rating.

Error, error, error.


( Vigil's beeping ends ) I was just trying to reason with him, but this works too.

Sure does.

What? Just making sure.

Is it safe? It is.

Can we not use the word safe for a while? No argument here.


Totally agree.

Never thought too much safety would be as bad as none at all.

Say, Frankie, how about throwing caution to the wind and whipping us all up some flapjacks? You got it and with lots of orange juice.

Prescott: All risks, hazards and accidents included, Griffin Rock once again belongs to the people.

Okay, I know I promised to ease up on being over-protective.

But do I really need to prove it? All: Yes.

Well, then, I'll see you at the finish line.

You're so cheating.

Why does this not surprise me? Watch out for garbage trucks.

The Mayor has insisted that the central computer be reinstalled and updated.

As for vigil? Let me sign off today's broadcast by simply saying Greetings.

My name is vigil.