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02x21 - Odd Bot Out

Posted: 03/31/23 09:17
by bunniefuu
Blades: I can't believe Bumblebee's coming back to Griffin Rock.

This time, everything's going to be perfect for my BFF.

BFF? Bot friend forever.

Oh, is there room on the banner for that? I think "welcome Bumblebee, hero of the galaxy" is plenty.


Optimus Prime's transmission indicated that Bumblebee will not arrive - for another three days.

- Way too soon.

I haven't even learned to play an instrument for the welcome song yet.

Did it ever occur to you that Bumblebee might be coming here for something important? Visiting me is important.



I wouldn't break out the balloons and party hats just yet.

Here's the helium for the balloons, Blades.

( Chuckles )
( Groans ) Cody.

Can you mail this for me? It has to go out today and I kinda got my hands full here.

Sure, sis.

You spelled "welcome" wrong.

( Gasps ) Kidding.

( Laughs ) You better run.

Whoa, nice kicks, Frankie.

They're dad's newest invention.


Waterski shoes.

We're just going to test 'em.

Wanna come? Heatwave: Absolutely.

As exciting as party-planning is, it's times like this I'm glad I can turn into a boat.

( Upbeat theme playing ) The science of my ski-neakers is simple.

The soles take in surface water, then blast it out behind, creating propulsion.

( Grunts ) You will, in essence, be sea-skating.

Frankie: Whoo! Yeah! Whoo!
( Upbeat theme playing ) Cody: This is so noble.

But that isn't.

( Suspenseful theme playing ) A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue bots, roll to the rescue humans in need, heroes indeed Rescue bots, roll to the rescue Rescue bots Syn and corrections by masaca
( Suspenseful theme playing ) Hurry.

We gotta get back to dad's lab.

( Doc grunting ) Hang on.

Heatwave: Whoo-hoo! Whoa, Heatwave.

When did you learn how to surf? Is that what it's called? That, and saving our lives.

For which we are grateful.

I'm afraid my lab wasn't as lucky.

Where'd that wave come from, Doc? The possible causes of oceanic volatility are myriad.

I'll be able to do more comprehensive research once I get my equipment repaired.


I may need to borrow your Blow-dryer.

B-day is finally here.

And things are Bumblebee-eautiful.

So first I do a welcome speech, then the song, next the surprise.

Remember Cody, don't pull the rope until I yell, "now.

" "Now.

" Got it.

Then we start on my list of things for Bee to see and do.

B is Bumblebee.

Remember, the more fun we make his visit, the longer he'll stay.

Oh, boy.

I have prepared some poetry in honor of Bumblebee's arrival.

( Clears throat ) Code 7, code 7 so unlike a code 11 regulations for the populace allow no calamity to topple us I would continue, but I require a rhyme for "protocol.

" This is my contribution.

I call it "Bumblebee and Optimus.

" Well, I think I can fit you two in after hiking and scrapbooking.


Everyone needs to amp down.

Bumblebee's only visiting because Optimus sent him.

Warrior scouts don't get vacation time.

( Vehicle approaching ) He's here.

He's here.

He's here!
( Majestic theme playing )
( Beeps ) And now, a few words of welcome.

It is with great honor that we
( Beeps ) What do you mean there's no time to visit? I planned our week.

( Beeps ) Oh, you're here on a mission? What are the chances? Greetings, Rescue bots.

My team has detected a newly-activated Cybertronian artifact on or near Griffin Rock.

I am searching the surrounding ocean.

Please assist Bumblebee in scouting the island.

If you find the relic, alert me.

Only the power of a prime can turn off this technology.

An assignment from Optimus himself is truly an honor.

Happy to help, Bumblebee.

Let's go tell chief about our new mission.

But we can't leave now.

( Grunts )
( Whimpers ) Fossil-hunting for an ancient alien artifact? Noble.

Yeah, so what do we get if we win this scavenger hunt? It's not a game, Kade.

Cybertronian technology is extremely fragile and dangerous.


Well, then you guys shoulda kept better track of it, huh? Keep better track of you.

( Beeps ) Bee says his sensor will beep when the artifact's close by.

Okay, then let's start searching.

Not so fast, Dani.

I just got a call from the mainland that your helicopter license expired.

What? No way.

I sent in my renewal three days ago.

Cody mailed it for me.

I was gonna, but then Frankie showed up and we tested Doc's prototype, and the wave hit us, and I forgot.


I'll do your chores for a week?
( Sighs ) It's okay, Cody.

It was my responsibility.

But if you wanna clean my room I'll send your paperwork in.

Until it's processed, you aren't allowed to fly Blades.

But Bumblebee needs our help.

Besides, I'm the one who does all the flying, - so can't she just? - No.

If someone saw Dani at your controls, her license could be gone for good.

Rules are rules.

Specifically, air safety rule But Dani can still drive, right? Maybe she could ride with Bee.

( Beeps ) Why would I mind sharing my partner with you? It'll be my two best friends riding together.

I'm fine.

( Beeps ) I don't know what you said, but you are one sweet ride, Bumblebee.

Powerful, fast, and smooth.

Oh, excuse me, Bumblebee, see that field ahead? Yeah, one time, Dani and I rescued a cow that got trapped in a barbed wire fence there.

Oh, oh, and on the left is Courtney bluff.

Once Blades, can we cut the chatter and focus on the mission? Ohh.


Chief: Let's take that fire road and search the deep forest, team.

Blades: Oh, yeah, don't worry about me.

I'll I'll catch up.


It seems like we've covered every inch of this island.

( Beeps ) Well, Optimus only said the relic might be on the island.

Perhaps he has already located the artifact somewhere offshore.

We should probably head home to the firehouse and compare notes.

Blades: Hey, finally.

Oh, oh, Bumblebee, once we're back, we can watch my favorite movie.

It's about these two friends who travel around together and have wacky adventures.

Cody: Hey, guys? I just got a call from Captain Shaw.

A right whale is swimming close to the ferry.

Really close.

( Suspenseful theme playing )
( People screaming )
( Alarm blaring )
( People yelling ) Cody: Dad, the whale sunk the ferry.

People are overboard.

We'll take care of it, Cody.

Hold up, team.

This is an air and sea rescue.

Heatwave, head for the ocean.

Blades and I'll meet you there.

But what are Bumblebee and Dani gonna do? They'll wait back at home with Boulder and Chase.

Land-based vehicles aren't much help on the water.

So much for showing off my new rescue moves.

( Suspenseful theme playing ) Dani: So, Bumblebee, how about I give you a tour of the firehouse's upgrades since your last visit?
( Beeps ) Aww.

But I wanted to do that.

Blades? Stop eavesdropping on the com channel.

I didn't know whales swam so close to shore.

They don't, usually.

That's what's weird.

Cody, can you see if Doc's ocean lab picked up any data on the whale's swimming patterns? Sure thing, Graham.

( Whale moans ) All right, nice and easy, everyone.

No shoving, the whale's not a man-eater.

I think.

Down a little.

Left, and Bingo.


Now we can get back to hanging out with Bumblebee.

First we need to tow this ferry into dry dock for repairs.

Will that take a long time? Depends how fast we get started.

Doc: First the rogue wave, now the right whale going the wrong way.

My instincts tell me there must be a connection, but my instruments show what is referred to among scientists as "bupkis".


Have any other emergency calls come in about weird ocean stuff? Funky algae blooms? Crazy rip tides? Nope.

Well, last week my dad said that Madeline Pynch asked for a permit to do some underwater drilling, but the Mayor gave her a big thumbs down.

Doc: And well he should.

It's far too dangerous to use mining equipment so near our island.

Since when has the Pynch family ever taken "no" for an answer? We'll let your father know if we discover anything, Cody.

Come, my little prawn, we're off to the sea lab to fish for answers.

( Mellow theme playing )
( Tires screech ) That was definitely not on our schedule of activities.

( Action theme playing ) Whoo-hoo.


Way to go, Dani.

You set a new training course speed record.

( Majestic theme playing ) Nice job, partner.

Partner? But Enjoy it while you can, sis.

Me and Heatwave are about to crush your time.

How about you, Chase? You want to take a crack at that record? As we determined the Cybertronian artifact is not on the island, I believe I have a new mission.

( Action theme playing )
( Tires screeching ) Lots of luck beating Bee and Dee, the dynamic duo.

Blades: What? But I'm your original "B.

" That rhymes with "me," and it stands for Blades.

( Beeps ) You're not upset, are you, Blades? This is a driving course.

I-I didn't think you'd mind if I teamed up with Bee.

Mind? Why would I mind? I don't mind.

Oh, hey, I have an idea.

You can be our pit crew.

What does that mean? You sit on the sidelines and you just No, no, no.

I think I've had enough of that for one day, thank you.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a buddy movie to watch.

( Mellow theme playing ) Bee and Dani are supposed to be my best friends.

Not each other's.

Now they don't even need me Optimus: But I do.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Aah! Optimus Prime.


How much of that did you hear? Enough.

Where are Bumblebee and your fellow rescue bots? At the training course.

Um, I can show you how to get That is not necessary.

You are the only bot I require.

You want to hang out with me? The fate of this island depends upon it.

I won't let you down, Sir.

( Platform whirring and beeping ) Whoa, Optimus.

I didn't know you were here.

Should I get my dad? That will not be necessary, Cody.

Blades can provide the assistance I need.

Please inform Chief that we are on a mission.

He said "we.

" Me and Optimus.

We're a "we.

" Ready for our mission, Sir.

( Upbeat theme playing ) Sir, I must admit, legally permitted unfettered speed is rather enjoyable.

Give it all you got, Chase.

We can catch Bumblebee on this straightaway.

( Dramatic theme playing ) -
( Screams ) -
( Screams ) Hey!
( Beeps ) I believe this is what humans call, "hanging in there.

" Grab on.

I'll pull you out.

I apologize, Chief.

Boulder assured me our racetrack was built "to code.

" We'll investigate that later.

Assuming there is a later.

( Suspenseful theme playing )
( Suspenseful theme playing )
( Grunting )
( Both grunt ) Guess fishing does have a practical use.

Please do not throw us back.

( Beeps ) We're not sure.

Graham? Any idea what caused the sinkhole? Yes, but it doesn't make much sense.

The ground's soggy.

Super-saturated with seawater.

Not what you want to hear when you live on an island.

We'd better call Doc.

Um, Optimus.

What is our mission, exactly? Retrieval of the Cybertronian artifact.

Some form of Earth technology has activated the relic.

The relic turns everything in its path to liquid.

Rock, organic matter, metal.

If we do not shut it down soon, this entire island will become water.

But then everyone on it would Yes.

That is why I need you to fly to the relic quickly and help me retrieve it from the ocean.

Wait until I tell Dani and Bee.

So where to, Sir? I am not entirely certain.

The water's depth is interfering with my detection device.

Cody: Sorry to interrupt, but I think I know someone in the neighborhood who can help.

Cody: So we're looking for a liquidator.


I think you mean "liquefier.

" That would explain the message we got from Chief about a sinkhole.

Triangulating the firehouse chasm with the rogue wave and the lost whale I may be able to pinpoint the artifact.

Cody, please inform Optimus I will forward the data as soon as possible.

Cody: Sooner than possible would be better, Doc.

Dad? Griffin Rock's in deep trouble, and it's getting deeper.

Geysers, flooding, and sinkholes, right? The Mayor just called.

Forward us the 411 on the 911s, Cody.

We'll split up and take each emergency as it arises.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Rescue bots
( Beeps ) Heh.

And honorary Rescue bots.

Roll to the rescue.

Blades, the signal's source should be three degrees southeast of your current location.

Blades: Thanks, Doc.

We're on our way.

I am grateful that you were willing to temporarily leave your team to assist me.

Optimus, helping you is I mean, you're bigger than Elvis.

I have not met this "Elvis" and am unaware of his size, but have you no concern that your partner will feel left out of this mission? No.

Dani can't fly right now.

But she wouldn't mind anyway, because what we're doing is for everyone.


For a team to reach its full potential, there is no room for jealousy among peers.

Okay, this isn't about Dani anymore, is it? I believe we have reached our destination.

This mechanism likely activated the Cybertronian relic.

Lower me.

Blades: Cody, are you seeing this? That's Madeline Pynch's drilling platform.

But the Mayor told her she couldn't use it.

Blades: Oh.

Someone's gonna be in trouble.

Yeah, the whole island.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Please be advised that all lanes are temporarily carpools.

( Rumbling )
( Grunts ) - Problem solved.

- Not even close.

Guys? Terra Firma is getting less firm by the minute.

Tell me about it.

Drive to high-and-dry ground.

You'll be okay.

( Screams ) Oh, yuck.

( Groaning ) Hey!
( Screams )
( Beeps ) No, stay back.

This is quicksand.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Chief, with the liquefying artifact no longer operational, your island should regain its former solidity by tomorrow.

That's too long to wait, guys.

They call it quicksand for a reason.

( Beeps ) Try to stay still, Dani.

We're on our way.

( Siren wailing ) Blades? I'm flying as fast as I can.

I am slowing you down.

Good luck.

Thank you, Optimus.

Ooh, I wish Bumblebee knew how to do an air rescue.

( Dramatic theme playing )
( Beeps )
( Grunts )
( Beeps )
( Beeps )
( Sirens wailing ) - Dani.

- Way to go, Bee.

You guys make great partners.

Thanks for being there for Dani when I couldn't, Bumblebee.

( Beeps ) Oh.

From your reaction, I'm guessing he didn't actually say "beep bloop beep," huh? He said, "that's what it means to be on a team.

We're all partners".

When did you learn Bumblebee? I didn't.

I just know it's the truth.

( Mellow theme playing )