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02x23 - Double Villainy

Posted: 03/31/23 09:18
by bunniefuu
( Soft dramatic theme playing ) Sorry, Mr.


Have a nice lunch.

Hologram's working, Doc.

Game on.

Thanks, Cody.

Chase, you want to review the rules for everyone before we play? Certainly.

The rules of rescue ball are There are no rules.


Try to get the ball through the other team's goal by any means necessary.

Ready? Does a scraplet eat metal? That's a yes.

( Upbeat theme playing )
( Whistle blows )
( Both grunting ) Whoa! Ooh.

Too low, too slow.

And too much ego.

( Grunts ) May the force field be with you, Dani.

( Grunts ) Hunh! Oh Unh! Chief: End of the road, Frankie.

Sorry to disagree, Chief, but I'm going through a phase.

( Beeps ) Whoa.

( Whistle blows ) One point for Heatwave's team.

Nice one, Frankie.

I thought Doc already gave that phasing tech to the company who ordered it.

I got to keep the prototypes.

I own plenty of corporations that can get me anything I want.

So tell me, Dr.

Morocco, why should I do business with you? I believe you were interested in acquiring some specialty robots?
( Ominous theme playing ) And I know how to get them.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue bots roll to the rescue Rescue bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue bots will be saving the day Rescue bots roll to the rescue Rescue bots
( birds chirping )
( Dramatic theme playing ) I think you'll find I'm a worthy business partner, miss Pynch.

I can procure what you need to mine the gold beneath Griffin Rock.

And I'll even get the Mayor to look the other way.

Talk is cheap, Morocco.

Please, call me Thaddeus.

( Dramatic theme playing )
( Gasps ) Oh, dear.

Do excuse me whilst I freshen up.

( Dramatic theme playing ) A bit of anti-aging technology I liberated from a rival.

How much do you want for it? Fifty million? I'll even go a hundred.

Uh, I'm afraid I can't sell the Verne device.

It has so many uses.

This invention can turn back time on the body or the mind.

A blast from this helmet will erase years of someone's memories.

Let's take it for a test drive.

( Doorbell chiming ) Hello? "Dear Mayor Luskey, please accept a free sample "of our newest hair regrowing device.

Best wishes, the hair recovery lab.

" Finally.

Some useful science.

( Chuckles ) -
( Groans ) -
( Gasps ) Do I know you? Thaddeus? You're hired.

Now get me my rescue robots.

( Upbeat theme playing ) Power up and energize.

( Laughs ) You can't steal the ball when you can't touch it.

And you can't score a goal when you can't reach it.


Aw, no fair.

I don't have a third form.

Sure you do.

Helicopter, bot, and whiner.

Not a whiner.

( Phone ringing ) Time out, everyone.

Dad's got an emergency call.

We'll be there right away, Sir.

Mayor Luskey just tried to drive across Franklin bridge.

That bridge was destroyed last year.

I'm betting that's the emergency.

Game's over, team.

Let's move.

Um, who won? If you have to ask, it wasn't you.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Help! Help!
( Sirens wailing )
( Grunts )
( Pants ) Where did you get those robots? They're amazing.

Are you feeling okay, Mr.

Mayor? I'm fine, Graham.

Uh, I'm Graham.

That's Cody.

Cody? The last time I saw you, you were in diapers.

They grow up so fast, don't they, Chief? I think we'd better get you to a Doctor, Mayor Luskey.

Blades: Heatwave may have won rescue ball, but I still b*at him back home.

And that means bragging rights? It means I'm in charge of the TV.

Cupcake hoarders, here I come.

( Upbeat theme playing )
( Upbeat theme playing on TV ) Voice: Help! Can anyone hear me? Heatwave? Voice: Hurry.

I'm in trouble.

Heatwave? What happened? What are you doing in here? Waiting For you.

( Gasps )
( Groans ) One down, three to go.


This show again? Blades, if you're not watching the TV, I'm turning it off.

That is odd.

Usually Blades is quite protective of the remote.

I hope he's not still upset about losing the rescue ball game.

( Dramatic theme playing ) Blades? What were you doing in the tunnels? Patrolling the area.

Oh, a commendable pastime.

( Grunting ) Uh, Blades? Don't you want to watch TV with us? Blades: If it is what you wish.

He's definitely still upset.

( Ominous theme playing ) There.

A little antidote, and you're as good as new.

( Whirring )
( Gasps ) Now, now.

No point in pretending.

I know you're an alien.

I am a rescue robot.

And I'm the Duchess of Kent.

Greetings, Duchess.

When I broke into the firehouse, I stole your data files.

They're quite educational.

I learned about Optimus Prime, your missions, and how to capture you with a meteor's virus.

I know all about you, Blade.

It's Blades.

With an s? Guess you don't know everything.

Then please Enlighten me.

( Yelps ) Let go.

Dani's gonna come find me, and she'll be really mad.

I'll risk it.

Besides She doesn't even know you're gone.

( Gasps ) While you Rescue bots serve me, these copies will replace you.

Chief Burns should be grateful.

I even figured out how to make them transform.

( Laughs ) I got you to reveal your evil plan.

Now I'll tell everyone.

Oh, I doubt that.

In fact, you won't even remember this conversation.

( Dramatic theme playing )
( Screams ) Blades: Where am I? Heatwave? What happened to our ship? Oh, thank goodness you're all right, Blades.

Your ship crashed on my planet.

Optimus Prime has given me orders to guide your rescue bot team.

Who are you? You may call me Friend.

Cody: Blades, check it out.

I scored tickets to the pirate movie marathon at the drive in.

Are you in, Matey? I will accompany you if you wish.

Come on, Blades.

Quit pouting about the game already.

This is pirates.

You love pirates.

If you say so.

( Phone ringing ) Chief, Dr.

Mcswain asked me to help her examine the Mayor.

There's nothing wrong with him physically, but mentally Mayor: When did I get this tattoo? And who's Rosebud? It seems he has forgotten the last ten years of his life.

What do you think caused that? I'm not quite certain.

I've been trying memory cues, but Is that Chief? Charlie.

I've had the best idea.

What if we built a library made totally out of recyclables?
( Phone beeping ) I'm gonna have to call you back.

This is Chief, go ahead.

Chase: Sir.

There's been an accident.

Blades was monitoring the police radio and detected a distress call.

Two spelunkers are trapped by a cave-in on Mount Griffin.

Why didn't they call us directly? I am not sure, Sir.

Blades said the radio signal was very faint.

And there's no camera underground to spot them.

We'd better hurry.

( Sirens wailing )
( Dramatic theme playing ) This cave's been closed to people for years.

It's far too unstable.

I wonder how anyone got in.

What matters is getting them out.

( Grunts ) Chief: Look out.

This cavern is too dangerous for humans.

We should go in alone.

Since when do I avoid danger? And since when do you volunteer for it? There's no time to argue.

The people inside could be hurt and running out of air.

Go ahead, but be careful.

( Tense theme playing )
( Grunting ) Morocco? Retreat.

Blades, move.

Rescue bots, report.

What's going on in there? Rescue bots, do you copy? Chase, why didn't you answer me? I was busy.

Where are the spelunkers? Boulder: There were no humans to rescue.

Heatwave: The message was a prank.


And Blades was the only one who heard it.


( Ominous theme playing )
( Grunts ) Morocco.

And Blades.

How could he betray us? I am not certain that was Blades.

While I have enjoyed his recent dedication to procedure, it is quite unlike the Blades we know.

I knew Graham shouldn't have kept that sample of meteor.

Morocco must have stolen it and used its virus to capture us.

Well, I don't intend to stay captured.

( Dramatic theme playing )
( Grunting ) Rescue bots, roll to the exit.

( Grunting ) Ah.

Who's rap-rap-rapping at my door?
( Dramatic theme playing )
( Groans ) Where where are we? Well, that wraps up our shift, Chase.

Let's head home for dinner.

I'm starving.

As you command, Chief Burns.


Chase, take it easy.

Boulder, can you hand me an Allen wrench? That is not a wrench.

Nice joke, bud.

( Tires squealing ) Family meeting, upstairs.

Something strange is going on with the bots.

They're not acting like themselves.

I noticed that too.

They've been weird lately.

Heatwave's been great.

No complaining, no arguing.

( Chuckles ) What's wrong with him? I'm not sure.

Why don't we all talk to our partners? See if we can find out what's bothering them.

Hey, Heatwave.

Can I ask you a question? If you wish to.

Remember when you first got here? I showed you around Griffin Rock? I took you guys to a drive in movie.

What was it about? I do not recall.

Sure you do.

Just think.

Perhaps you should go outside and play now, young Burns.

Heatwave? Why can't I see your eyes?
( Ominous theme playing ) Dad? I don't think anything's bothering the bots.

I don't think they are the bots.

You know who this is, of course.

Optimus Prime, our leader.

Top marks, Heatwave.

Optimus made me your liaison on this planet.

You probably don't remember, but he helped you scan your new forms for the important job you have.

Will it be a rescue mission, Sir? In a sense.

And there are those who would thwart you in it.

These dangerous criminals will stop at nothing to prevent your work.

They are not to be trusted.

Even the little one? Especially the little one.

You are only to follow orders from me or your mission leader, Blades.

( Dramatic theme playing ) With all due respect, Doctor, usually I lead the team.

Well, this time, Optimus chose me.

Unless you're questioning a Prime's direct command?
( Grunts ) Dani: You think this'll work, Cody? There's no way the real bots would go into the EMP zone.

They know it would shut them off.

So if the bots follow our orders, they're fakes? One way to find out.

Rescue bots, enter the fenced area.

As you command.

( Tense theme playing )
( Electricity crackling )
( All powering down ) Graham: Wires and electronics? They're machines, not aliens.

So what happened to our bots? Somebody must have taken them.

Why else build such accurate replacements? Whoever did this didn't want us to find out our partners were gone.

How do we get 'em back, dad? I'm not sure, son.

I'm not sure.

Madeline: I'm tired of waiting.

When can my robots start mining gold? Patience, Madeline.

The bots are ready now, but tunneling to the gold deposits will take weeks.

They're completely landlocked.

Good thing I bought a key.

Doctor Greene's phasing device.

I'm disappointed you didn't trust me to steal it for you.

Trust is earned, Thaddeus.

Bring me that gold, and we'll talk.

I assure you, you won't be disappointed.

I know.

Because if I am, you'll pay for it.

We've tried everything, Frankie.

But the bots' coms are off.

And there's nothing on the island cameras.

I'm worried that the bots are in serious trouble.

My dad can help.

We'll track down the bots, Cody.


Thanks, Frankie.

It's just Like losing part of my family.

You know? Yeah, I do.

It is time.

Rescue bots, prepare for your mission.

This phasing technology will let you travel through rock.

When you reach your target, collect all the gold you find.

Excuse me, Sir, but is there any actual rescue involved? - Heatwave.

- Oh, yes.

The humans of Earth are relying upon your success.

If there are no more questions Just follow my submarine.

( Dramatic theme playing ) According to the map, this is where we start digging.


Don't you think it's a little strange our first mission on a new planet is mining? Perhaps gold is like Energon to the humans, their lifeblood and source of energy.

I analyzed Morocco.

He only has traces of gold in his system.

Look, it doesn't matter why we're doing this.

It's what Optimus Prime ordered.

But how do you know? Did you actually speak to him? Well, no, but I think we can trust Dr.



He's a Doctor.

Now let's get going already.

Power up and energize.

( Beeping ) Wait, Blades.

I'm detecting the presence of methane in this chamber.

One spark could cause an expl*si*n.

Well I guess we can still follow orders carefully.

( Tense theme playing )
( Suspenseful theme playing )
( Dramatic theme playing ) Priscilla, darling? It's mother.

I'll be joining you in Paris a little sooner than expected.

At least my investment won't be a total failure.

Stay back, folks.

This ground is unstable.

Cody: Dad, I think someone's in there.

( Dramatic theme playing )
( Grunting ) Is it really them? Heatwave.

You're back.

It is the small criminal Dr.

Morocco warned us about.

What should we do? I'll take care of this.

( Tense theme playing ) Heatwave, it's me.


Don't you recognize me? Heatwave: Stay back, human.

This is your only warning.