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05x03 - About Damn Time

Posted: 03/31/23 18:36
by bunniefuu
Davia and I have an
announcement to make.

- We're in love.
- To Denvia!

ALL: To Denvia!

Elliot is really doing
great with his schoolwork,

but the goal should be
getting Elliot back in school.


I'm not going back to school.

- You a dancer?
- I wanna be.

I was wondering if I could
do some work around the studio

in exchange for some classes.

Yeah, man, that's cool.

I think we could work something out.

How would you like to be my
new Deputy Policy Director?

I would love to accept the position

if I could maintain a work-life balance.

I absolutely understand.

Lucia's promoting me.


I adopted a pet turtle.

Turtles are often marketed
as low-maintenance pets,

but the truth is they need special care

and a lot of room to grow.

MARIANA: I'm responsible for
him fighting for his life.

I'm Jerome Martin, Evan's attorney.

As of today, you are the acting
interim CEO of Speckulate.

Mariana, I'm Evan's Chief
Communications Officer.

The company is under
contractual obligation

to give you days as interim CEO.

After that, the Board will
initiate a vote of no confidence.

And if the majority thinks

you're unfit to run the company,

you're out.

Good luck.

Here you go.



I got your delivery.

♪ Pa-pa-paa, pa-pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ Pa-pa-paa, ♪

♪ pa-pa-pa-pa ♪

♪ And then we'll find
our peace of mind ♪

♪ You and me, Bel Ami ♪

♪ Pa-pa-pa, pa-paaa ♪



We just made beautiful,
visceral, steamy love,

and you're gonna be on your phone?

We just cuddled for five full minutes.

- Sorry.
- Mm.

I just needed to check on a place

to park the Toast Truck today.

It's okay. How is business?

It's fine. There's a limit
to how much money you can make

with a food truck.

I am working on another
stream of revenue.

Like what?

This and that.

What's your day like today?

I am actually getting lunch

with an old friend
from my New York days.

You don't sound very excited about it.

Well, you know, we used to be close,

like struggling artists together.


And then he did something
that really let me down.

Uh-huh, what'd he do?

He was always distracted,

half-listening, texting on his phone.


- Sorry.
- Mm-hmm.

So this old friend,

why have lunch with
him if he let you down?

I don't know, we were
best friends, you know?


Maybe he wants to make amends.

Yeah, maybe.


You are a busy bee
with all your "this and that" ventures.

Do you really need to answer that now?


No, I do not. I need to kiss you.

- Nice save.
- Right?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Good morning.

For those of you who don't know me,

I'm Mariana Adams Foster.

I worked with some of you
when I was a team leader here.

And I'm stepping up as
interim CEO at Speckulate

until Evan can get back on his feet

and... takes back the reins.

Hopefully, sooner than later.

So I would love to get
some status updates.

Um, Red Team, where are you with...

Uh, actually, our Blue Team VPs

have got some interesting market
research I think we should start with.

Their new app should be
a big moneymaker for us.

Right, Troy? Vince? Nasser?

- Big payday!
- Beaucoup bucks!


Sounds great. Can't wait
to see the beta test.

Now back to Red Team.

Uh, yes.

Yeah, I wanted to ask about the rumors.

The less you divulge to anyone

regarding the sh**ting
and your involvement,

the better.

About layoffs.

Are those actually coming?

I got it. Uh, hey, guys,

don't listen to rumors.

Remember, rumors are carried by haters,

spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

Do you have any other
questions for Mariana?

TROY: Um, yeah, I have one.

Is it true you were
involved in Evan's sh**ting?

Wasn't the b*llet meant for you?

Why did Evan make you his proxy?

Weren't you sleeping with him?

Did you get him shot so you
could take over Speckulate?

Didn't you and your Bulk
Beauty friends sue him?


What about Bulk Beauty?

Are you just bailing on us?

Who's feeding my turtle?


DYLAN: Remember, rumors
are carried by haters,

spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

Now, does anyone have any
more questions for Mariana?

No? Okay. Back on Blue Team.

♪ Take a look at me now ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm high up walking the clouds ♪

♪ I attained God status
and I ain't coming down ♪

♪ Now I'm seated on the throne
and I'm wearing the crown ♪

♪ I got too much power
to ever lose that now... ♪

Is this your first class?

I don't think I've seen you here before.

Uh... yeah.

I'm Riley.


WOMAN: All right. Hi, everyone.

For those of you that haven't taken
my class before, my name is Galen.

We're gonna start with a warm-up.
Get into your places.

When we do our center section,

we're gonna brush with our right foot.

Seven, eight, we brush.

One, fondu, extend.

Six, seven, and side.

And extend.

You'll go to the back, back.

One... Keep those arms in front of you.

Five, six... Stay on that leg.

One, three... And then we
would do the other side.

Let's start though with
our hip stabilizers.

Five, six, seven, we go.

One. Three... Really
transfer that weight smoothly.

And sh**t, hop and swing.

Wider stance. Boom! Hop, uh-huh.

♪ And I'll never stop ♪
♪ Never gonna stop, yeah ♪

♪ I'm going straight to the top ♪

- That was that night! Oh, God!

I still can't believe

you got up on the bar with
me and sang Seasons of Love.

Wha... I was gonna let you

- have all the attention.
- Mmm. That part.

Not to mention all those dollar bills

those old ladies were throwing at you.

Which you stole from me.

Okay, I literally needed rent money.

Right? We were so broke,
but we were so cute.

Oh, this is so much fun.

I'm so glad you called.
How long are you in town for?

A few months.

I'm workshopping a new musical I wrote.

Amazing! Congratulations!

I'm really sorry I didn't
make it out to New York

to see your last one,
but the reviews were great.

Sounds like it went really well.

Yeah. For an off-Broadway.

Hoping to get on Broadway with this one.

Well, I'm sure you will.
You are so talented.

- So are you.
- Mmm.

Do you ever wonder what might've been

if you stayed in New York,

toughed it out?

Okay, it was a lot
easier for you than me.

You had the gay mafia.

I admit I had a lot of mentors.

O-kay, if that's what
you wanna call them.

You are still a bad bitch.

Yes. I am.

- And I love it.
- Mmm.

Well, bad bitch,

I have an ulterior
motive for this lunch.

I want you to play
the lead in my musical.

After the workshop, we open
at the Pasadena Playhouse,

and then if we can get enough investors,

taking it to Broadway.

And I wrote the part
specifically for you.

- Get out.
- Swear!

It's about a woman

who spends the night
before her wedding at a bar,

wondering if she's
making the right choice

or the safe choice by
marrying her fiancé,

all while she flirts
with the hot bartender.

And you're the only
actress with the voice

that can... bring it alive,

make this musical a hit.

Uh... Before you say anything,

listen to this.

It's one of your solos.

♪ I'm on this
rollercoaster of emotions ♪

♪ What if you're just
my habit to break? ♪

♪ Why do I make things so hard? ♪

♪ I've been like this from the start ♪

It's a wonderful song.

Like I said...

I wrote it for you.

For your voice.

I don't know what to say.

Just say you'll do it.

- Five seconds left. LeBron brings the ball up.
- More like LeBrick.

VINCE: You better keep
the king's name out of it.


- Hup!
- Oh. Boom!

No easy buckets.


- You got a minute?


What the hell is that?

Oh, Evan's turtle. Donatello.

I had my assistant go over to
Evan's apartment to pick him up.


So I... I could feed him.

Ah. Okay.

Uh, anyway, I white-lied to the troops.

We actually do have to make
cuts to the staff in prep for the IPO.

I emailed you a list of
lower levels we can lay off.


- Dylan, people?
- I'll do the laying off.

All you need to do is approve it as CEO.

Okay, well, I would love
to look over this list.

I'm just trying to help you, Mariana.

Take things off your plate.

Oh, I appreciate your help,

but I am not signing anything
before I review it first.

Okay, if you've got time to waste.

Oh, by the way, I called Evan's lawyer

to ask about his condition,
and he stonewalled me.

What's up with that?

I have no idea.


Five. Six. Hut! Hut!


Good. Don't rush.

Riley, keep your face
strong, to the front.

Good. Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait. Hold on.

- Stop. Pause. Pause.

Uh, my love in the
back, what's your name?

Yep, you?

Uh, Luca.

Luca, when you do ta-ka-dah,

keep that arm really strong,
parallel to the ground.

Don't lose it. All right?

Put way more you into it next time.

All right. Here we go. From the top!


Five, six.

Hup! Hup! Hup!

Nice! Keep that arm up.

Hey! Hup! Hup!

There we go! Much better. Much better.

Good, good, good. All right.

We're gonna film this today.

Let me see... Denzel.


Let's do Riley. You'll be in the center.


Hey, what's, uh... What's happening?

Oh, once in a while,

Galen chooses three dancers
to record the routine,

and she puts it on her YouTube channel,

which has a ton of subscribers.

Stevie Lyne, she went viral
after Galen's first dance video.

Ashley Everett and Kelli Erdman,
they're big superstars too.

Getting seen in this
class is a big deal.

GALEN: Hut! Hut!

All right. Here we go. Give it up!

Five, six...


Good. So good!

Great job. Great job.

Ethan played a song
for me from the show.

It's really good.

I mean, I have no doubt he's
gonna make it to Broadway.

And he told me that he
wrote the part for me.

So what're you thinking?

I'm thinking that I
don't know if I'm ready

to dive back in again.

What was it about your year in New York

that turned you so off?

Well, the theater world
is just so hard on women.

I was constantly told
to lose weight, you know,

that my point of view didn't matter.

Just to "stand there,
sing this, and shut up."

It sounds pretty harsh.

It just played on
every insecurity I had,

every criticism my mother made of me.

It took the joy out
of something I loved.

I had to leave. Otherwise,
the small sliver of self-esteem I had

would've been eviscerated.

I'm sorry you went through that.

But you're not the same
person you were then.

I know.

I don't know, I wouldn't have
time to homeschool Elliot.

I wouldn't be able to renew my
contract with Teach For America.

Teaching's been really fulfilling.

I don't know if I'm
ready to give that up.

I guess the question is

what you're most passionate about.

Now that you're stronger,

is Broadway still your dream?

You are so talented.

If there's any part of you
that's wondering "what if,"

then I'd say,

don't put off your dream to tomorrow.

Be brave and go for it.


I'm sorry. I gotta take this.



Malika, could you do some
research on tenant numbers

at the new Strand
affordable housing complex?

Yeah, of course.

Uh, but I have plans with my brother.

Can it wait until tomorrow morning?

Sure. That's fine.

Okay. I'll get to it first thing.

See you tomorrow. Thank you.

Taking a millennial half-day?

It's seven o'clock.

I'm teasing. Have a good night.

Could you do research
on the tenant numbers

- at the new Strand affordable housing complex?
- Now?

If... If you don't
mind. Malika had to go.

I'd like it by end of day.

[SOFTLY] I thought it was end of day.


Maybe I should just tell
everyone at Speckulate

the truth about what happened.

That this is all my fault.

I know people are gossiping

and Dylan's sniffing around.

Maybe it's best I just come clean.

If people know you were
involved in my sh**ting,

imagine the gossip then.

It would undermine your authority.

What you need to do is make a bold move

and prove you're the boss.

Get them talking about something else.

Like laying people off?

Yeah, that'll get them
talking, all right.

About how much they hate me.

You'll think of something, Mariana.

You always do.

I'm so afraid to fail you.


Then don't.

But you did really good

for it being your first yoga class.

We just gotta get you stretching more.

- Just... You're kinda tight...
- I looked like a damn fool.

[LAUGHING] Not true.

Then why are you laughing so hard?

I'm not. I'm not.

So tell me about this new promotion.

Sounds like a big deal.


Deputy Policy Director.

DOM: Oooh.

It's basically just
me trying to get Lucia

to do the right thing.

Sounds like you're rising
in the ranks pretty fast.


I'm not sure my coworkers
are happy about it,

but I told Lucia that I've
really been missing out

on time with friends and family.

And while I'm really
grateful for her faith in me,

I need to maintain a work-life balance.

Well, good for you.

So what about you?

You're back at Douro.
What else is going on?

I'm... I'm just picking
up shifts here and there.

Um, so what's the deal
between you and my coworker?

Ah. Angelica?

I didn't know you were... into ladies.

Neither did I.

But it doesn't matter, because
apparently, I work too much.

Not anymore, right?

Look, check it out. So on Thursday,

we are both working the same shift.

Why don't you come through and show her

what this whole work-life balance thing

you got going on is all about.


- Okay, maybe I will.
- Okay.

But not just to see her.

I want more hang time with you.

I miss you.

- I miss you too, sis.
- Mmm, my brother.

Oh, ow! Oh, God!
Oh, my God! Comon, girl.

See, that's why you need to stretch.



Hey. How're you doing?

I'm okay.

How's Evan?

The same.

Hey, when you were in
the corporate world,

did you ever have to fire anyone?

Like anyones?

[EXHALES] Layoffs?


Not personally, but I...

I did see it happen.

Biggest problem with layoffs

is that they always hurt
low-level people the most,

when the upper levels
are making the big money,

whether they're doing their jobs or not.

You know?


I do know.


What's this?

The research Lucia asked you to do.

How is it that you get a promotion

and I end up staying until :

to do your work for you?

I'm sorry, Tracey. I had no idea.

I told Lucia I would
do it in the morning.

She said it was fine.

Well, I guess it wasn't.

This place is really cool.

Kinda looks like the
wizard's castle level

in Solace of Empires.

Thanks, I think.

Uh, but speaking of wizards,

why don't we abracadabra this lesson?

So I've been thinking about
maybe going back to school.

Oh, yeah?

What's, um... What brought about this?

Oh, I've been gaming with some
friends from school online,

and it seems like I've been missing out

on some pretty cool stuff
that's going on there.

Yeah, well, that's the downside

of learning from home, for sure.

I mean, some of the
bullies are still there,

but you told me one time,

that it doesn't really
matter if they change,

only if I have.

And do you think you have changed?

Yeah. Because of you.

I'm a lot more confident,
and I'm doing good in all my subjects.

Well, I think most of
that is all because of you.

You worked really hard.

If I go back, would I
still get to see you?

Yeah, of course! We can still hang.


Because you're the
best teacher I ever had.

You're laying off
Troy, Vince, and Nasser?

- Yes.
- They're VPs!

Who aren't pulling their weight.

And with the savings from
their salaries and bonuses,

we can save a lot of low-level people

who are actually doing their job.


TROY: Yes! Whoo!

Okay, this is not a smart move

with the vote on your
tenure just a few weeks away.

It's a move I wanna make.

And I'm in charge of this company,

so please have them clear out
their desks by the end of the day.


That's a bold move that'll get
'em talking about something else.

Right, Donatello?


GALEN: Yes! So much better.

Great job, everyone.

That's it for today. Have a good night.

Hey, um, you were... You
were really great today.

I mean, you're always,
like, really great,

uh, from, uh, at least
from what I've seen.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.

Can I offer a little advice?

Oh, yes, please.

I couldn't help but notice that
you've been struggling a bit.

They offer beginner classes here.

Maybe you should look into one of those?


Yeah. Yeah. Uh, thanks.

I will look into that.

You didn't have to bribe me with boba.

It's not a bribe. It's a peace offering.

I'm sorry that Lucia asked
you to do my work but...

I'm not sorry she gave me a promotion.

And it seems like you're
kinda mad about it.

I'm not mad.

It's just, I've been here
a lot longer than you.

But you told me on my first day

that you weren't that invested

and didn't want more responsibility.

Maybe I just say that

so I won't be disappointed
when I get passed over,

which has happened a lot.

Tracey, if people don't
know you want more,

they won't give it to you.

Look, I can use all the help I can get.

Why don't we work on
some proposals together?

Show them what you've got.

- Really?
- Yeah.

And I'll make sure you don't end up

getting stuck with my work ever again.

Thank you.

And thank you for the boba.

But for future peace offerings,

I prefer jewelry.

Hmm. Mm. Okay. Noted.

Guys, I promise to bring you back

as soon as we get rid of Mariana.

She won't last.

You think Evan would approve?

I hope so.

Good night, Donatello. See you tomorrow.

♪ Today's looking like
a good day, good vibes ♪

♪ Yeah, feel like it's my birthday ♪

♪ Oh, my! Got the sun shining up above ♪

♪ My heart's spinning up with love ♪

♪ Gonna be a good day ♪

♪ It'll be all right ♪

♪ It's gonna be a good day... ♪

- Nice moves today, boss.
- ♪ It's gonna be all right ♪

♪ It's gonna be a good day... ♪

So what are we doing here?

I'm showing you my new restaurant.

You're opening a restaurant?

That's the plan.

I didn't want to say
anything until I had a deal.

I've been negotiating
the lease with the owners

since I walked by this
place a couple of weeks ago

and thought, "What a great space

to open a restaurant someday."

And then I thought, "Why
someday? Why not now?

What am I waiting for?"

Uh, money, experience.

Well, I can hire people with experience.
And as far as money goes,

I have a friend from business school

who made a shitload

investing in entrepreneurial ventures.

I bet I can get him to invest.

Don't most restaurants
fail in the first year?

Yes. And if I fail, then so be it.

At least I tried. But
like I said to you,

don't put your dreams off to tomorrow.

Let me show you around.

I wanna make this
place like the Coterie.

Somewhere that people can hang out,

and eat, drink, listen to live music.

Look at this stage. It's huge.


And over here, a cozy lounge.

- All right?
- Okay.

- And come look at the kitchen.
- Oh, all right.

Ha! [CLAPS] Bar.

Check out this kitchen.

It's completely built
out. In perfect condition.

Check this out.

Meat locker. And wait till you see this.

This patio is stunning!

I'm gonna string up lights,
make it super romantic.

I'm never gonna find another
place like this again downtown.

Yeah, you're right. This
space is really great.

And I love how excited you are.

I think you should go for it.

- Oh, my God!

[SOFTLY]: One, two, three, four.

One, two. One, two.

Looking good.

How are classes going?


I did not realize

how advanced this class was gonna be.

I mean, they are all professionals.

And there's this one dancer,
she's... she's amazing.

She, uh, suggested that
I take a beginner's class.

Oh, screw her. Did the
teacher tell you that?

No, but I mean, she did correct me.

Which is what she's supposed to do.

Look, you're self-taught.

It's gonna be hard at first,

but you're way too good
to take a beginner class.


And don't be humiliated

that others are better than you.

Be inspired.

That's what I did when
I first saw you dance.

- Come on.
- No, it's true.

I was very intimidated.

But don't let this girl,
whoever she is, intimidate you.

Yeah, I will.

I will try.

Wait. Do you think she's
cute? Is that the issue?

- What do you mean?

Are you crushing?

Just like... Just a little
bit. I mean, I... I can tell.

All right, get out of here.

Oh, that's so cute.

You know, I think
she's flirting with you.

You've got game, you
should give it back to her.

All right. I need to practice.

All right. Go have more sex with Dennis.


I want you to play
the lead in my musical.

Listen to this.

It's one of your solos.


♪ I've never felt so
uncertain and so insecure ♪

♪ Love is tricky in my head ♪

♪ I want it but I'm full of dread ♪

♪ Is this " Take what you can get"? ♪

♪ Don't I deserve much more? ♪

♪ So I'm running away ♪

♪ It's what I do when it's hard ♪

♪ I'm so uncertain ♪

♪ I've got to do what it takes ♪

♪ To turn these feelings around ♪

♪ I'm on this
rollercoaster of emotions ♪

♪ What if you're just
my habit to break? ♪

♪ Why do I make things so hard? ♪

♪ I've been like this from the start ♪

You sure you want to do this?
I got the getaway car running.

I'm sure.

I don't wanna be scared
of school anymore.

And I wanna stand up to those bullies.


Well, that's your cue.



Proud of you.

Hey, Luca, glad to see you back.

Thank you.

You got something special. Keep at it.

I see I didn't scare you off.

I'm gonna get better.

Gotta learn from the best, right?

Well, then...

keep your eyes on me.

They are.

GALEN: All right, let's get started.

We are stepping to the right.

Having one. Two, we shiver.

Three, four, ball change.

Five, cross,

and passe, step, smash, flick.

- You got a sec?
- I actually do for once. Come on in.

I wanted to ask

why you gave the tenant
research to Tracey

to do the other night?

You said it could wait until morning.

Yeah, well, I like to
get things off my plate.

- Wasn't a big deal.
- Okay.

But... I'm a team player.

So when you give my
work to someone else,

then it makes me feel
like I'm not doing my job.

I don't... know that I'm
responsible for your feelings,

Malika. I'm your boss.

And I am respecting the
boundaries that you asked me for.

Finding balance in my life

doesn't mean I want my work to suffer.

So moving forward, if you
need something right away,

you can just tell me.

The boundaries are there for me,

and sometimes it may be necessary

for me to cross them.



Thank you.

I really appreciate it.

Hey! There's our leading lady.

- DAVIA: Hi.
- ETHAN: Oh, you look amazing.

Thank you.

Davia, this is the dashing
and charming Brayden Harris.

Tony Award nominee and resident bad boy.

He plays the red-hot bartender

who's warming up Darla's cold feet.

- Hi.
- Hi.

And thank you, Ethan,

for that embarrassing introduction.

In the real world, I'm
more like the boy next door.

Yeah, right.

And Tyler Banks, equally
dashing and endearing.

He plays your earnest
and dependable fiancé.

Earnest and endearing.

sound like a good time.

Oh, you are.

It's nice to meet you.


Heather, our composer.

We're thrilled to have you.

I am so thrilled to be here.

Everyone else you'll meet later.

So let's sit down and
read this thing through.


So, you think you're gonna break
my heart and leave me at the altar?

Or run away with me on
the back of my Harley?

I figure he drives a Harley, right?

- [LAUGHING] Drives?

Rides. See? Boy next door.

Ethan still hasn't said?

I don't think he's decided
on who you end up with.

I'm just happy that Mia
Colfax passed on your role.

I hear she's a nightmare.

BRAYDEN: I can confirm.
I did a show with her.

You did? Wow.

Well, good for you for surviving.

And I wrote the part
specifically for you.

I wanna hear all the
behind-the-scenes dirt.

Like, does she really require
a specific brand of water

in her dressing room?

DENNIS: And I am telling you, Ranjit,

the Downtown LA
restaurant scene is on fire.

People are craving community again.

Spaces to eat and drink and connect
with old friends and make new ones.

And this space is
extraordinarily unique.

There is nothing else
like this around here.

Community and craving?

You've gotten a little soft

since business school there, Cooper.

This is a solid concept.

I already have a spec menu,
and if you'll turn to page ,

you can see the business plan.

It's all there.

You wanna know what I invest in?

People. And passion.

You have clearly got that.
And I believe in you. I always have.

Now, life threw you a
curveball when you lost Jacob.

It turned your life upside down.

But you were always great at business.

And you are gonna be great with this.

It's a no-brainer. Yeah, let's do it.

- Really?
- Yeah, man.

What are your startup costs? Hit me.

For K, I could have it up and
running through the first quarter.

All right. And I would expect
a % return on my money

- by the end of the second quarter.
- That sounds fair.

And I'd want % ownership
of the restaurant.

Twenty-five is a bit high. How about ?

Okay. Okay. See? Mr.
Cooper, the businessman.

- Done.

Email me your bank info,
I'll transfer the funds today.

- I'll have my office draw up the contract.

- I got your delivery.
- Hmm.

Thanks. That's, uh... That's for me.

Just some paperwork for another deal.

- Had them drop it off here.
- No problem.

- You parked out back?
- Yeah.

All right. Let me walk you out.

Ranjit, this is amazing. Thank you.

And I won't let you down.

I know you won't.



♪ You wish you could
look out through my eyes ♪

♪ See the things I see ♪



♪ You wish you could look into my mind ♪

♪ Think the things I think ♪

- ♪ You wish you could be me ♪

- ♪ You wanna hold me in your hands ♪
- _


♪ Wrap your fingertips around my body ♪


- ♪ I know you feel me struggling ♪
- _

♪ Biting at the skin to break free ♪


♪ I am always fighting... ♪

I hope you weren't too
fond of those three losers.

You trusted your
judgment. That was good.

You should've seen the
look on Dylan's face.

You would've loved it.

I think.

Hi, I'm Dr. Park.

- Are you Mariana?
- Yes.

Um, how much longer

does he have to be in this coma?

Well, there's still swelling
in his brain and spine.

His spine?

The b*llet nicked it. He needs surgery.

The longer we wait, the greater chance

he'll be paralyzed from the waist down.

Well, then you should do it, right?

No surgery is without risk.

And in his condition,
the risks are much higher.

We can't guarantee
he'll come through it.

So... who decides what to do?

His sister said she
didn't wanna make the call.

So according to his advanced
health care directive,

the decision falls to his
second choice, which is you.



Uh, excuse me.

Hey, it's me.

Is Mom there too?

[TEARFULLY] No, I'm...

I'm not okay.

Can you come see me?

I need your help.