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01x09 - The Fourth Hand

Posted: 08/21/13 04:39
by bunniefuu
JULIA: Chester's Mill is a place like any other.

At least it used to be until we were cut off from the rest of the world by a mysterious dome.

(cows bellowing)

Invisible, indestructible, and completely inescapable.

We're trapped.

JULIA: We don't know where it came from or why it's here, but now that we're all trapped under the dome together, none of our secrets are safe.

Yesterday, Norrie and I, we found this... egg with its own little dome around it.

The monarch will be crowned.



You don't want to make an enemy of me, Barbie.

There's two sides to that coin, Jim.

What do you think of when I say "The monarch will be crowned"?

Uh... what are you talking about?

I wish I knew.

It's not much further.

You said it's an egg?

With its own little mini-dome around it?

Yes, you've only asked me 20 times.

Well, you got to admit, it sounds kind of out there.

Yeah, I guess I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it.

And Joe thinks that this thing could be what's powering the dome?

Yeah, he just didn't know how.

You ever been to a planetarium?

Once in high school.


Maybe... that egg is projecting the dome around us the same way a planetarium projector surrounds you with stars.

Well, you're gonna get to test that theory, 'cause here it is.

I don't see an egg.

I am not crazy.

It was clearly right here.

Where'd it go?

LINDA: Barbie, you around?

Yeah, Linda. Go ahead.

sh*ts fired on Greenway Street.

I need you here now.

I'm on my way.

I should go help.

I have to find this thing.

When you do, come find me.

JOE: Norrie?

There's only one rule when it comes to catching a chicken.

Which is?

It ain't easy.

Yeah, but you have to k*ll it.

I think they're kind of cute.



Okay, so when your apparition told Julia that the monarch will be crowned, what do you think that means?

Guess somebody in here gets to be king.

Or it could have something to do with those monarch butterflies that were outside the dome three days ago.

Well, we should go back out to that mini-dome.

See if we can get your apparition to explain himself.

After we catch dinner.


Good morning.

Very good, judging by that smile.

Well, things are looking up in this town.

Yeah, I heard, uh, Barbie got the water flowing again.

A lot of Chester's Millers made that happen.

And I just, uh, hammered out a food deal with our farmers.

We barter goods and services for vegetables, meat.


'Cause I want to keep this place open.

Really? Yeah.

I know I can't run it as good as Rose did.

Probably can't offer more than one or two items a day.

But I think it's important.

Ah, so, from waitress to manager in a little over a week, huh?

From waitress to owner.

I want the deed, free and clear.

For the first time in my life, I want to be responsible for something.

The only way to do that, sink or swim, is for it to be on me.

Let me give it some thought.

You do that.

(panting): Hey.

What happened?

Is he okay?

By pure luck.

The b*llet only grazed him.

So who fired the shot?

His neighbor, Ted Utley.

And I'd do it again.

BARBIE: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm sorry about Mr. Feldman. I wasn't sh**ting at him.

But I have a right to defend my property. And that freak, he was banging on my door.

What freak? At my house. He's still inside.

Weird-looking guy showed up, ranting that he had to hide from the voices coming from the dome.

I said I had a g*n, but he wouldn't leave, so I fired off a couple sh*ts to scare him off.

Except you hit your neighbor. And that freak didn't even run off.

This thing started off by k*lling people, and now it's just driving the rest of us crazy.

You know, we're all gonna die in here.

Just calm down, Mr. Utley, okay?

We're gonna go get the guy out of your house.

Preferably without anyone else getting shot.

Stop talking to me, Dome!

Get out! I need quiet!

Get down! Get back! Let me see your hands!

Let me see your hands! Get down! Please don't hurt me!

Hands behind your head. I just got to stop the voices!

Larry? You know this guy?

Yeah, I've busted him a million times for dr*gs.

Oh, so it's not the dome talking to you, is it? It's the dr*gs.

Yeah, what is it this time, Larry? Meth? Crack?


Never heard of it.

It's like every kind of high combined.

Coggins promised it'd be like seeing Heaven.

The-the preacher sold you dr*gs?

Yes, right there at his funeral home.

I need more!

Hi, Ange. Get the hell out of here.

Please, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just... wanted something to eat. No, Junior. No.

This is my place now, and I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, especially psychos who chain up their ex-girlfriends.

I only did that because the dome was making you sick.

I'm not sick, Junior.

The dome has nothing to do with me.



The pink stars are falling.

The pink stars are falling in lines.

The pink stars are falling.

(door creaks)

You got one second to tell me why I shouldn't blow your damn head off.

Because you don't want to ruin this beautiful face?

Hi, Jimmy.

Let me out! Angie, Angie...

(panting anxiously) Help! Angie, relax.

Calm down, okay? You're safe!
(grunting) Somebody help me!

You're safe.
(shouts, grunts) Until what?

Until you lock me into the fallout shelter again?

You had a seizure.

You kept saying: "pink stars are falling."

I only put you back there to keep you safe.

I had a seizure?

And I took care of you. Like I am now.

See? I brought you home.


(birds chirping)


You're really letting me go?

I think I'll see you again.

The mini-dome's gone?

No mini-dome, no egg.

Just a pile of leaves and a hole in the ground.

You guys didn't move it, did you?

No. Why would we?

I don't know, but we need to find it again.

I just wish my mom was still here to help us.

I can't believe she was alive just two days ago.

How's Carolyn doing?

She's still grieving.

Should you stay with her?

We had a long talk this morning, and... she said she just needs some time alone.

And I need to do this.

(door opens)

JOE: Angie.

You... look like crap.


I just had a seizure at the diner. (anxious laugh)

What do you mean you had a seizure?

ANGIE: I mean I was just standing there and then I...

I went blank and... collapsed.

Did you say, "The pink stars are falling"?

How did you know that?

Because Norrie and I have had the exact same seizure.

What? Why didn't you tell me?

You haven't exactly been here a lot.

Oh, my God.


Junior's right.

I am sick.

JULIA: Honey, why don't you sit down for a minute?


No, I need to get a glass of water first.

Joe... did you know that Angie has a butterfly tattoo?

Yeah. My parents almost k*lled her when she got it.

And now she's having seizures.

Maybe she's the monarch who will be crowned.

My sister? No way.

And monarch butterflies are orange.

Angie's is blue and yellow, so there goes that theory.

Well, the only way we're gonna get answers is if we find the mini-dome.

What about that contraption that Dodee made-- the yagi?

It locates energy sources, right?

Yeah. If the egg's what's powering the dome then the yagi might help us track it down.

Let's ask her to borrow it.

Dodee got a little weird the last time she was around the two of you.

Better let me go talk to her.

Big Jim at a loss for words.

Never thought I'd see the day.

What are you doing here, Max?

I can't just drop in on an old friend?

I mean inside the dome.

Did you get through it somehow?

Like I would try and break in? Please.

No. I don't like being in this crappy town on a good day.

So you got trapped. The one day I decide to leave Westlake to come see you and that thing just... comes down out of nowhere.

You were coming to see me? Yeah, I kept hearing about problems with our little arrangement.

The one you assured me you had under control?

Which I did.

So... Duke Perkins wasn't getting antsy about looking the other way?

And the wacko preacher wasn't making up his own batches of our product?

Rapture... is your product, Max.

Which I never could have gotten off the ground without you and your supply of my secret ingredient.

Duke and Coggins aren't a problem anymore, so you can relax.

And, uh... if you got caught in here like the rest of us... where the hell you been the last eight days?

I found a house. The people who are living there, they got caught outside the dome-- lucky bastards-- and, um...

Been there.

Hoping that someone would free us from this nightmare, and when that didn't happen, I... You... decided to make the best of a bad situation.

(smacks lips)

You know me so well, Jimmy.

What's that expression?

Uh, "Never let a good crisis go to waste"?

(chuckles): Well, I would say Chester's Mill is in more than a crisis, so... you and I need to get to work.

And you're the man to make it happen.

(wood cracking, door clattering)

I'm not sure I've ever seen a town where the preacher was also the mortician.

Reverend Coggins always said he ran a one-stop "body and soul" shop.

So let's see what he left behind.

I really can't believe this.

What, that Coggins was making dr*gs?

I've known him since I was a little kid.

Well, he was probably taking them, too.

Guy seemed high as a kite every time I met him.

This is the recipe he was using.

Denatured alcohol, chemical stabilizers...

Liquid propane.

I've never heard of that being used to make dr*gs.

Well, still, if you need propane, this town seems to have a hell of a lot of it.

This one goes out to WYBS's regular deejay, Phil Bushey, who was dumb enough to try and stop a b*llet with his shoulder yesterday.

Feel better, Philly.

Holding down the fort, huh?

Trying to.

I also send out an all-bandwidth SOS every three hours, but...

Let me guess-- no word from the outside world.

Not even a peep.

So, what are you up to?

I was wondering if I could borrow the yagi for a couple hours.


Dome has to have some kind of power source.

Thought I'd take another shot at wandering around, see if anything makes it ping.

I know, it's a long shot, but it's still better than nothing, right?

The yagi's not gonna help you, 'cause it stopped working after Joe and Norrie touched the dome the other day.

Really? Yeah. It's another freaky thing that happened because of them.

Wait, this wasn't their idea, was it?

No, this one's all me. Good, 'cause I still don't trust those two.

Have you told anyone else that? No.

Like I promised I wouldn't. Look, are we done here?

'Cause I've got a lot of work to do. Yeah, sure.

Thanks, anyway.

Heard you had a sh**ting.

A junkie broke in to Ted Utley's house and he shot at him.

Luckily no one was seriously hurt.

Hope we can say that next time.

Next time?

Someone opens fire.

You know it's gonna happen.

I've been thinking-- a lot of folks have g*ns in our town.

The only reason Ollie was able to cut us off from his well was because he and his crew were armed to the teeth.

So what are you saying, we collect all the g*ns?

We might want to think about it.

Jim, people have a Constitutional right to bear arms.

If we're still a part of America.

Of course we are. Really?

With that dome cutting us off, I'd say we're looking more like our own country every day.

I mean, resources are only gonna get scarcer, tensions aren't going down anytime soon...

That's only gonna raise it more.

Look, I know it's gonna be controversial, but what's the harm in proposing the idea?

I mean, come on, Barbie, you saw neighbor turn against neighbor in Iraq-- how'd that go?

It's never pretty. So let's not have that happen here.

I go on the radio, I float the idea-- it's a totally voluntary program.

I mean, hell, mine... mine's the first on the stack.

All right.

As long as it's voluntary and temporary.

But the moment this dome comes down...

People get their g*ns back. Course.

You're gonna need help making that happen, so... that should be me.

Only if I can count on you.

You made the sale, Jim, so... let's go.

You really on board with this?

Hell, no, but I'm gonna stay close to him; I want to see what he's up to.

Attention, people of Chester's Mill, this is Councilman Jim Rennie with a very important public message.

(over radio): Folks, I need your help to make our streets safer and our citizens more secure.

I'm starting a firearm turn-in program.

This program is completely voluntary.

None's coming to your home.

This is just a way for all of us to show each other that no one means anybody else any harm.

And of course... as soon as this crisis is over, you all get your g*ns back.

And as a reward, anyone who participates will get extra food, extra propane.

So come on down to the Sweetbriar Diner, and bring your r*fles, your handguns, your a*mo, whatever you got.

And remember, as always... we'll get through this... just as long as we all pull together.

And this is me on my first birthday.

Cute. Dressed up for my cousin's wedding.

Aw, sweet. Oh, I didn't mean to put that one in there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, go back to that one. You're shirtless.

Let's see those abs of yours.

Moving on.
(door opens)

Hey, guys.

Where's the yagi?

Broken... if Dodee is to be believed.

Either way, we need another way to find the mini-dome.

We could go door-to-door.

(chuckles): Ask anyone if they went out for a walk and happened to bring back a mysterious orb the size of a beach ball.

Or we could use his nose.

He sensed the mini-dome before we could even see it, and started growling.

Maybe he'll do it again.

Come on, we're taking a drive.

Where to, boss? Propane warehouse.

Reverend Coggins was using that stuff to make dr*gs.


Uh... sorry, but do you mind if I don't go with you on this one?

You can't just bug out on the job whenever you feel like it. I know, but this is important.


...needs my help.

Keep your radio on.

Thanks, Linda.

I knew you'd come find me.

Why have you always said that the dome is making me sick?

Because it's true.

So you've locked me up? In the b*mb shelter, to keep you safe.

But now you're out and you're even sicker.

But there's more, isn't there?


But I didn't realize it until this morning, when you had a seizure and started talking about pink stars.

What about them?

Come on. I want to show you something.

(quiet sigh)


Okay, I'm coming.

Much appreciated, Mr. Danbury.

Come down for some extra propane.

Thank you, sir.

BIG JIM: I can't believe how many of our g*n owners showed up already, and on such short notice.

Big Jim talks, and people listen. They do when it's the right idea.

Here you go, Jim.


Hey, listen, if you see Ted Utley, tell him I was hoping to see him down here today. Well, I saw him earlier.

He said you'll have to k*ll him before he gives up his g*ns.

(quietly): Damn it.

(racks slide)

Hey, a guy like Utley, you knew he was never gonna comply.

Ted has always been a g*n collector.

He hasn't always been wound so tight.

Until the dome came down.

His wife was driving their kid to camp.

Smashed right into it; both of them died.

Been worried about him ever since.

The man's clearly troubled, Barbie.

Whatever happened to "we're not coming into your homes, this is a voluntary program"?

(sighs): Yeah.

Ted's gone cuckoo.

It might be necessary.

Hey, Jim...

If he's so cuckoo, you're gonna need some backup.

Come on, Truman, where is it?

Where's the mini-dome?

He's too busy showing us the best places to pee.

What if it didn't move, and it just disappeared?

Maybe we hallucinated it.

No. I saw it and you saw it.

Things don't just disappear into thin air.

NORRIE: Really?

Just like things don't just appear out of thin air and swallow towns whole.

There is a rational explanation for this.

Okay? For all of this.

There has to be; we just have to find it.

(Truman growls)

(barking, panting)

Good boy, Truman. That's it, that's it.

(birds chirping)

(Joe grunts)
(Truman barking)

Great. Birds.

Come on. Let's keep going.


About time the cops decided to see what's going on with this place.

I saw you drive up from my porch over there.

I seen a lot of suspicious things from that porch.

Like? Boomer's truck blow up the other day.

Oh, but that was an accident. He was smoking.

Lot of other trucks coming and going, too, the past couple of months. People here day and night.

And why's our town stockpiling all this propane in the first place?

Seems awfully convenient once that dome came down.

Why didn't you come and tell me?

I told our former sheriff, God rest his soul. Duke knew about this?

Maybe it just slipped his mind.

Or he didn't want you to know.

When I called him, he just about hung up on me.

Never heard the man sound so nervous.

Go talk to Julia Shumway.

She'll tell you I said something here was fishy.



You didn't have to come.

I'm going in to talk to Ted Utley.

Make your way around the side, see if you can find a window and get a bead on him.

But do not fire unless things go sideways.



That sideways enough for you?

Don't worry, Angie, I promised you and my dad I'd never hold you against your will again.

But where are you taking me?

Right over here.

Your mom's studio?

Seems like yesterday she was in here.

Not nine years ago.

She loved making art.

I remember.

I took her pottery class in junior high.

But what does any of this have to do with my seizure?

A couple months before she died, she had this dream about me, and she... woke up, she came out here and she just started painting this as fast as she could.

(panting quietly)

Now, in her dream, I was on this hill...

...looking up at these.

Pink stars.


It is Jim Rennie.

I'm coming in, so you're gonna put that g*n down.

Got that?

TED: Yeah.

BIG JIM: I'm guessing that shot at my car... was a misfire 'cause I know you, Ted.

You're no k*ller.

Expecting that g*n to be down.


Now I'm gonna put my g*n away...

...and you and I are gonna talk.


What's going on, Ted?

I can't do it, Jim.

Turn in your firearms, you mean?

That dome's already taken enough from me.

I know.

Janice and Scott.

I'm not giving up one more thing.


Ted, listen to me.

I know how you're feeling.

Okay? I lost Pauline out of the blue, nine years ago.

There's not a day that goes by where she isn't on my mind.

It'll get better, I promise you.

I'm sorry, Jim.

But there's nothing here for me anymore.




Take my friend here to the clinic, see if they can sedate him for the night.

Let's go back there and pack up those firearms, get 'em ready to go.

Will do.

Listen, Barbie, I could practically feel that red dot on the back of my head so... glad you kept your cool and didn't accidentally ice me.

(door scraping over glass shards)



What the hell were you up to?

But I don't understand why your mom would paint these.

I don't know either.

Maybe way back then, she knew the dome was coming.

Or... the stars are something that will happen now that the dome is here.

You think she could see the future?

If she did, then you can, too, because you started talking about the pink stars during your seizure.

I-I was just babbling.

Unless you weren't. Junior...

Do you really think her painting it and you saying it was a coincidence?

I don't know what to think.

Yes, you do.

You know I've been right about this all along.

I'm not crazy.

And my mom wasn't either. She knew something was coming.

And... I must be part of it because I'm in this painting.

And now obviously you're part of it, too.

Don't you see how great that is?


How is any of this great?

It's great because we're in this together.

I always loved you, Angie.

And now we're connected through something even bigger and better than that.

So... now what?

Go back to your pal Linda and tell her everything was on the up-and-up after all.

(door opens, shuts)
MAX: Good job with the g*ns.

Now, that is what I call a success.

Uh, you didn't have to come by here.

And miss the chance to congratulate you in person?

Since when did you turn down a pat on the back?

This is, uh, Dale Barbara. He...

Oh, Barbie and I know each other.

NORRIE: That was a whole day wasted.

Maybe we'll come up with a way to find the mini-dome tomorrow.

Hey, Truman. Where's your bowl?

Let's get you fed.

I'm gonna go check on Carolyn. All right.


NORRIE: (sighs)
What is it this time?

A squirrel? Probably a barn rat.

(Truman barking)

(Truman growling, snarling)

You're not gonna say anything to me, Barbie?

"Long time no see"?

"Hey, you look great"?

Hello, Max.

Anything to say to me?

After claiming all this time to be just a guy passing through, never been to Chester's Mill or anywhere around here?

Oh, kind of how you claimed that collecting all these was your idea?

Because she put you up to it.

No, I did what's best for this town. Oh, yeah.

Lying through your teeth every step of the way.

Girls, girls, girls, you're both pretty.

Which is why I'm cutting you in on our plan for Chester's Mill.

Step one: disarm the opposition.

Hard times mean desperate people.

Especially in this pressure cooker. And... everything that Big Jim said, that was true.

We only want people to be safe and... happy.

Let me guess, next, you're gonna give 'em a little black market to occupy their time, am I right?

Huh? Some booze? dr*gs?

A little gambling?

See? You have nothing to worry about.

He gets it.

Who the hell said that I'm gonna help you?

Who says you have a choice?

You have quite a few secrets buried in your past, Barbie.

I would hate for those secrets to get dug up for everyone to see.

BIG JIM: Oh, please, please, dig 'em up.

Careful what you wish for, Jimmy, because while I'm digging, I might accidentally reveal a few of the pies you've got your fingers stuck in around town.

You both have been working for me, even if you didn't know about each other, and now is not the time to grow a conscience unless you want to face a jail cell.

Or a lynch mob or... whatever it is that passes for justice around here these days.

You're not bulletproof, Max.

Which is why I have an insurance policy in place.

Anything bad happens to me, your secrets still come out.

All right.

Like I said, great job today. Jimmy, make sure these get loaded up and delivered to the cement factory.

Truck's waiting out back.

Give her a kiss good-bye for me, will you?

Look at us.

Back in business.

And to think, it all started... (sighs) with you buying me that drink, oh, so many months ago.

No, you bought me the drink.

And then two days later, we came up for air.

Look, whatever you and Jim are up to here, you are making a huge mistake.

And you're right there with us.

No, I don't think so.

So... you don't care if Julia Shumway hears you m*rder*d her husband?

E-Excuse me? Oh, please.

You called me from your car afterwards.

You were frantic because he fought back.

And then I start hearing rumors that Dr. Shumway has vanished.

The pillow talk between you and Julia is gonna be done when she finds out you're the reason why.


Oh. (laughs)

You're surprised that I know you're screwing the widow, too?

For the past eight days, I've been watching you, and Big Jim, and everyone in this hellhole.

So keep that in mind before you even think about opening your big mouth.

I can't believe it's here.

Yeah, and still... doing whatever the hell it does.

(panting quietly)

That's what you found in the woods, isn't it?

What you started to mention earlier?

Yeah. Two days ago.

And you're not freaking out about it?

Believe me, I want to.

But I can't deny that I'm a part of this now.


And besides... it's kind of cool.

NORRIE: It was in the woods.

How did it get here?

Joe brought it.

What are you talking about? Did you lie to me?

No, I did not bring that thing here.

Joe, you don't remember last night?

What's there to remember?

I was in the kitchen at, like, 3:00

getting something to drink, and then you... came down the stairs and half scared me to death.

I asked you what you were doing, and you said that you were going out on a walk all... zombie-like.

And then you just walked out.

And you didn't stop me?

I mean, didn't you think that that was weird?

Of course!

But what isn't these days?

Can't argue that.


So I... guess I was sleep-walking.

But why did I bring this thing here?

JULIA: But we couldn't find the mini-dome anywhere.

I told them there has to be a logical explanation for why it disappeared.

I mean, this whole time I have been holding on to the belief that there is some... explanation for why this is happening.

After today, I don't know.

Maybe we'll never understand.

(chuckles): Maybe it's better to just say screw it, and stop looking for answers we're never gonna get.

Be grateful for what we do have.

Right, yeah.

You want to tell me about your day?

Nah, it can wait till morning.

Is that right?


Well, do you want to take me to bed?

Actually, I'm gonna stay up for a while.

Yeah? Yeah.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, it's fine.


(footsteps in distance)

(clacking, rustling nearby)

Well, maybe you brought it here 'cause no one else is allowed to see it.

You think? I don't know.

But that time you shushed the camera, we thought the dome was telling us not to talk about our seizures.

Okay, so maybe only people who've had them are supposed to interact with it.

Which means we probably shouldn't tell Julia that we found this again.

Okay, but... even if it's only for us to know about, what do we do with it?


(electronic crackling)

(electronic crackling)

(electronic crackling)

Did it do this before?


It's almost like... these are locks... and our hands are the keys.

I think we need a fourth hand.

I guess we need to find them.