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01x15 - Bad Sport

Posted: 04/01/23 16:47
by bunniefuu
(suspenseful music)

- [Babette] Artie!

- Yeah, this is the mayor.

(tire explodes)

(ominous music)

- [Specs] Emergency.

Any available unit in the
vicinity of Nirvana and th.

The mayor's limo has been h*jacked.

Respond immediately.

(suspenseful music)

- Activate auto transform.

- No, please, please, please, please.

I'll get you the money.

I just can't pay you this week.

- That's what you said last week.

- Well, I kept my promise, didn't I?

- No more stalling, Mr. Mayorman.

Mr. Big says it's time that you paid.

- Okay, okay, okay, okay.

I have a big bet at tomorrow's game.

- Yeah, and Artie says it's a sure thing.

- Yeah, it can't miss.

- Oh, yeah?

You got some inside information?

- Well, no.

- What?

- I have this feeling in my bones.

- The only feeling you're gonna have

are your bones breaking.

You hear me?

- Oh.

- Sorry, guys, but this is one
bet you won't be collecting.

- Black Scorpion.

Let's cash in her chips.

Come on, what you got?

(suspenseful music)

- She's going down.

- Wanna bet?

- What are the stakes?

- If she wins, you take me

on a shopping spree at Spiffany's.

- Yeah, okay, but if she doesn't?

- Then I'll do your
filing and your typing.

I'll even get your coffee.

- Aren't you supposed
to be doing that anyway?

(chuckles) You're on.

- Well, it looks like all bets are off.

- Except for yours.

- Oh.

(suspenseful music)

- Fire.

- [Narrator] In the light of
day, Darcy Walker is a cop.

But in the dark of night,
she becomes Black Scorpion,

doing with a mask what
she can't do with a badge.

- We're back in the City of Angels Forum

where the Saints still trail three to one

with just under five minutes left to play.

Saint Star Ricky Blade is still scoreless

for the first time in nine games.

Blade carrying out of his
own end, checked by March.

Moves around through Jack,
takes it into the corner.

Bark trying to slow him up.

- [Darcy] I can't believe
he played with him.

- Are you kidding me?

I taught him everything he knows.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Go, Ricky!

Go, buddy!

Go, buddy!

- [Guy] Bulls and Frock on the shot.

♪ Ricky, Ricky, he's our man ♪

♪ If he can't do it, no body can ♪

- [Cheerleaders] Whoo!

- [Guy] Goes around clark.

Neckenberg wide open on the left,

but Blade takes it himself.

He sh**t, he scores!

(crowd cheers)

Ricky the Rocket just beat
every Blaze player on the ice.

He is putting on a hell
of a show here tonight.


- I was wide open.

- [Announcer] Plays like
that are the difference

between hockey players and superstars.

- So what did yo mean when you said

you taught him everything he knew?

- Between playing hockey
and chasing girls,

Ricky didn't have a lot of time.

So I had to stay up every
night with him and cram

so he'd pass his exams.

- [Announcer] Oh, a hit by Neckenberg.

Blade picks up the puck.

- So basically, you pulled him through.

- Yeah, what are friends for?

- You're a good guy.

- [Announcer] The Saints moving up ice

with just under two minutes left to play.

- Get it, get it!

Yeah, yeah.

- Argyle, can't we watch
something besides hockey?

- Oh, baby, I got money on this game.

And if the Saints win, I
will be rolling in the dough.

- [Guy] Blade picks up the
puck, moves to center ice.

- That's it, get him!

- [Guy] Fires a shot on Hall.

Hall with the save.

- You're not gonna win.

- How do you know?

- Because you bet on
'em and you always lose.

- Yeah, but this time,

I got a new system and it's foolproof.

- Yeah, proof that you're a fool.

(buzzer blares)

- The Saints call timeout
with seconds left to play.

The score, three to two
in favor of the Blades.

But with Ricky Blade on the
ice, this game is far from over.

- Alright, boys, it's crunch time.

- He doesn't know how right he is.

- What?

- Forget about him.

What's the play?

- Alright, Frank, you
get the puck back to me.

Oxy, set up the screen, alright?

I'll put the biscuit in the basket.

- Don't worry about it, boys.

I've got everything taken care of.

- Alright, let's go get 'em, fellas!

- [Guy] Clark wins the draw.

The puck goes back to the point.

Oh, what a hit by
Neckenberg, a crushing hit!

The puck goes behind the net
to Oxenville, over to Blade.

Blade's skating out of his own zone.

- Yeah, baby!

Yeah, baby!

- [Guy] Wheels around.

Ricky Blade with the Puck.

Look at that hit by Neckenberg.

And oh, my god, Ricky Blade has been hit.

He goes end over end and
crashes to the ice surface.

It looks like his teammates
got their signals crossed.

I hope he's okay.

- Get the doctor over here.

- Steve, is he alright?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm sure he'll be fine.

- Welcome back to Hockey Week.

The hockey world was stunned today

by the official announcement
that City of Angels Saints star

Ricky Blade suffered
a severe spinal injury

in a game against the Windy City Blades.

The injury has left him paralyzed,

but doctors are optimistic
that his condition may improve.

Blade, the Federal League's leading scorer

for the past five seasons,

was on the verge of another
record-breaking year.

We all wish Ricky the best.

In other hockey news--
(knocking on door)

- [Steve] Hey!

- [Ricky] Hey.

- What is this, a hospital
room or a greenhouse?

Look at this!

- Yeah, well, the fans are pretty loyal.

They don't waste much time.

- Speaking of fans, this is my partner,

Darcy Walker, Ricky Blade.

Ricky Blade, Darcy Walker.

- Hi, very nice to meet you.

You were amazing today.

- Were.

Yeah, I got a feeling I'm gonna hear

an awful lot of that from now on.

- Oh, hey, bro.

This is not a hopeless situation here.

- I broke my back, Steve.

I'm paralyzed.

My career is over.

- Yeah, yeah, but your life isn't over.

- Yeah, well, how am I gonna
make a living without hockey?

- Come on, you still got your
endorsement deals, right?

- Yeah, Ricky the Rocket in a wheelchair.

That motorcycle company

is never gonna keep me as their spokesman.

- Yeah, but your fans are loyal.

I mean you even said so yourself.

- Yeah, the fans maybe,
but my teammates aren't.

Did you see that play?

- Uh, yeah, yeah.

For a moment there, I thought
it was my imagination but--

- It wasn't.

Somebody didn't want
me to finish that game.

- But who?

- [Artie] I wanted Blade on
the bench, not the hospital.

- Yeah, you can't go around
breaking people's backs.

You could hurt somebody.

- You told us you wanted
him out of the game.

- Yeah, well, paralyzing him
wasn't part of the agreement.

- If you think we're gonna pay
more for that, you're crazy.

- You're not trying to get
out of paying us, are you?

- Are you?

- [Frank] Are you?

- No, no, no, no, no.

I wouldn't do something like that.

Tell 'em, Babette, go on.

- Not a chance.

Artie has IOUs all over town.

- Are you gonna give us the money?

Or are we gonna put you on ice?

- Hey, Artie's not afraid of you.

- Oh, yes, he is.

Yes, he is.

I'll pay.

I'll pay, gladly.

After all, I wouldn't have
won without you guys, right?

- Without Blade, we were sure to lose.

- Neckenberg, aren't you
gonna take your money?

- I don't want the money.

- What?

What do you want then?

- The fans.

(crowd cheers)

- [Guy] Neckenberg moves down the wing.

He is really flying.

He is just unstoppable tonight.

Skates over the blue line.

He sh**t.

He scores!

The fans here seem to be driving him.

He is out of control tonight.

miles an hour on that (mumbles).

And I think Smith is gonna be
feeling that one for a while.


That is back to back hat
trick games for Neckenberg.

Listen to those fans!

- I remember when they used
to cheer for me like that.

- [Cairo] They will cheer
for you agan, my friend.

I promise you.

- Who are you?

- I am a facilitator of dreams.

I am the answer to your prayers.

Allow me to introduce myself.

Cairo Praktus is my name,

and mechanized mobility is my game.

- Mechanized mobility?

- Exactly.

What I'm going to do for you

is to get you out of this hospital bed,

allow you to walk, to run, even to skate.

- Well, if this is your idea of a joke--

- Oh, no, I would not do that to you.

This is not a joke.

All you have to do is
ask any of my customers.

They will tell you practice makes perfect.

Look, my old catalog.

Perhaps you are familiar with this person.

- [Ricky] Inferno?

- Yes, of course.

This suit is called the Ricochet ,

completely bulletproof,
fully state of the art.

And how about this one?

- [Ricky] Breathtaker.

- [Cairo] Yes.

- What do you got for me?

- For you, I have my
most brilliant suit ever.

It is called the Dominator.

- Is this for real?

- [Cairo] Excellent.

Your nervous system is now

in perfect phase with
the central processor.

Let me remind you, if
you don't like the color,

I can get this for you in fire engine red.

- [Ricky] Will the league let me back

on the ice in this thing?

- There's no way they
will do such a thing.

This suit gives you the power of men.

You would crush your opponents
like they're eggshells.

- You don't say.

- [Specs] Attention, any
unit in the vicinity.

The alarm just went off
in Bat Out of Hell Bikes.

Please respond.

- Auto transform.

(suspenseful music)

- So you wanna play some more.

I'm trying to get the puck outta here.

- Interference.

- Here he comes.

- Hey, girls, I got your message.

What's up?

- We just wanted to tell you

how great you played in the game.

- Yeah.

- But I didn't even score today.

- Oh, you're gonna score tonight.

- Uh-huh.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yeah!

I see a hat trick in your future.

- Who the hell are you?

- Tell 'em, girls.

♪ Slapshot, Slapshot, he's our man ♪

♪ If he can't do it, no one can ♪

- What? (screams)

- And the fans go wild!
(Bipsy and Mopsy cheer)

- Alright, now I've got you
down for two knee (mumbles)

during tomorrow night's game.

- [Slugger] No, no, no, no.

I said four, four knees.

- Excuse me.

You guys are betting on injuries?

- Yeah, that's what hockey's all about.

You know what, give me a concussion

in the third too, would you?

- You know, aside from
the fact that your pool

is in bad taste, let me
remind you that it is illegal.

(men laugh)

- [Man] Rafferty, can I
interest you in a groin pull?

- No, thank you.

- Good, good.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one

that knows that betting
on sports is illegal.

- Walker, Rafferty, I need you
to get down to Angel Forum.

One of the Saints was just found dead.

- Wait a minute.

First, one of the Saints is
paralyzed, now one's dead?

What are the odds of that happening?

- .

Pay up!

- Goals are made of three-inch steel pipe.

- Man, he must have been hit pretty hard

to break it like that.

- Yeah, hit by a bus.

- Who would do this?

- No, question isn't who.

It's what.

(ominous music)

- What the--

- The puck stops here, Rockland.

- Oh, you want to play rough.

Okay, we can play rough.

- Looks like you will be
spending the rest of your life

in the box, a pine one.

- [Specs] Unit , report
to the scene of a crash

in the corner of rd and Halo Way.

- Specs, let me give you a little tip.

We are not traffic cops.

- [Specs] This crash was no accident.

It was a homicide.

Bud Rockland was pulled
through his windshield.

- Roger that, dispatch.

Unit reporting to the
corner of rd and Halo.

(suspenseful music)

- Which only leaves Neckenberg.

- What are you talking about?

- Oh, come on, Rafferty.

Do the math.

Two of the three players

that caused Ricky's injuries are dead.

- Well, we better find
Neckenberg, and fast.

- Two down, one to go.

- You want a piece of me, tuna can?

(Neckenberg grunts)

- Actually, I want you in pieces.

You really shouldn't lift
that much without a spotter.

- Alright, you take the front.

I'll see if I can find a back way in.

- Alright.

- Here, let me help you.

You always did choke under pressure.

Here's some more.

- I know that hockey's for
boys, but can I play too?

- Black Scorpion!

- That's right.

And you are?

- Slapshot.

And you can play as long
as it's by my rules.

- Really?

And what are those?

- There aren't any.

- Consider yourself benched.

- Penalty for high kicking.

Guess that means I get a penalty shot.

- Alright, see how you like my power play.

- Girls should stick to cheerleading.

- I'm calling you on a personal foul.

- There's nothing personal
about it, Black Scorpion.

I'll take out anyone who tries to stop me.

- Stop you from what?

- Evening the score.

- Police!

Put her down.

- This has nothing to do with you.

- Last time I checked, m*rder
was still against the law.

Now I'm not gonna say it again.

Put her down!

- Anything you say.

- I'd love to finish our game,

but it's time for a breakaway.

- Freeze or I'll sh**t.

(g*nshots blast)

- Oh, and he goes hard into the boards.

(Steve grunts)

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Scorpion, come on.

Give me a hand here, will you?

- I have to catch this guy

because this game goes into sudden death.

(suspenseful music)

Access vehicular tracking system.

Search a -block radius.

- Unit in pursuit of Black Scorpion.

Black Scorpion, pull over.

You leave us no choice, Black Scorpion.

(g*nshots blast)

- [Black Scorpion] Slapshot,
I'm calling a timeout.

- [Officer] Pull over now.

(g*nshots blast)

- Fire.

- [Stingray] Tracking status update.

Suspect vehicle out of tracking range.

- Blue!

Hey, you down here, girl?

Can't you hear me?


You act like you don't hear a brother.

Hey, what up?

- Hey, what can I do for you?

- You can loan me
bucks for today's game.

- You got it.

- Oh, in that case, make it two.

- Sure, whatever you need.

- Oh, we're gonna roll.

How about three?

Blue, you aren't paying
any attention to me.

Blue, are you listening?

- I'm sorry.

I'm running a background
check on Ricky Blade.

- Ricky the Rocket?


- I think he might be Slapshot.

- Blue, have you been
keeping up with the news?

The man is paralyzed, which
makes riding a motorcycle

and k*lling a hockey player
kind of impossible, duh.

- I know it doesn't make
a whole lot of sense,

but he's the only one with the motive.

Not only that, it would explain the fact

why he didn't k*ll Steve last
night when he had the chance.

- So has the computer
come up with anything?

- Zip.

The only thing remotely negative
is a sporting goods store

he opened called Angel Athletics.

Closed down about a year ago.

- And speaking of the Rocket's
bank account, what's that?

- It looks like a cashier's check

for over $, made out
to a Dr. Cairo Praktus.

Cairo Praktus.

Why does that name sound so familiar?

- I don't know, Blue,

but maybe he's the one you
should be checking out.

- Steve!

- Darcy, what are you doing here?

- Well, I came by to ask
Ricky a few questions.

Where is he at?

- The nurse told me that
his physical therapist

took him to a private hospital.

- His therapist wouldn't be a
Dr. Cairo Praktus, would it?

- Yeah, it is.

How'd you know?

- I ran a background check on him.

- You what?

- Just hear me out.

He authorized $,
to this Dr. Praktus.

- And your point is?

- I think Ricky's Slapshot.

- Oh, Darcy, come on.

The guy can't even get out of his bed.

- I'm not so sure.

The good doctor specializes
in mechanized mobility.

Not only that, but his
financial records indicate

that his previous patients were
Adam Burns and Noah Goddard.

- [Steve] Inferno and Breathtaker?

- That's right.

Look, Steve, I know he's your
good friend, but I don't think

you're gonna be able to
pull him out of this one.

The evidence is piling up.

- The evidence is circumstantial at best,

and you can't prove any of it.

- Not yet.

- Welcome back to Channel Sports Scene.

I'm Guy Manley reporting
from the City of Angels Forum

where the score is tied at two.

Cane at the point, Owen to Smith,

back to Cane, fires on net.

Saved, Robinson.

- Oh, so close and yet so far.

- How much did you bet with, Artie?

- Not much, just the city's
waste management budget.

- That means if you win,
you could really clean up.

- Yeah.

And if I lose, the city'll just
have to clean up for itself.

- [Guy] Clark, checked by Oxidrew.

Gets tripped up on the play.

Neckenberg digging in the corner.

- Come on, Neckenberg.

Argyle needs a brand new pair of shoes.

Come on, baby!

- If anybody needs new
shoes, it's the Bruisers.

Don't they know black is out this year?

- The Saints have better pray
for a miracle with two men

in the box and only a minute
five left in regulation.

Fires a shot at Hall.

Hall with the save.

Picked up by (mumbles)

Over to Lombard.

Neckenberg pokes it away.

He's got a break.

He's all alone.

He moves in on Borgeux.

Neckenberg, he sh**t, he scores!

- Baby, we won, we won, we won!

- [Guy] Frank Neckenberg does it again!

(crowd cheers)

Who would have thought that
Neckenberg can pull it off?

- Not me, that's for sure.

Oh, well, I'll just have
to go double or nothing

on tomorrow night's game.

- But where are you gonna
get the money to bet with?

- There's always the
highway fund. (chuckles)

- How much did we get?

How much money did we win?

How much money?

- I bet on the Bruisers.

- You bet on the Bruisers?

- I didn't think the
Saints were gonna win.

- How could you bet on the Bruisers?

Look at their uniforms!

What's wrong with you?

- [Guy] That goal puts
him just two goals shy

of the single season scoring record.

If he could pull out
another hat trick tomorrow,

he'll shatter the record held

by former Saints star Ricky Blade.

- If he does that, he
won't be the only one

who'll need to be carried off the ice.

(radio rings)

- [Specs] Attention all units.

Slapshot has been spotted in
Fort Angel a*tillery Storage.

(suspenseful music)

- [Slapshot] Way to
show team spirit, girls.

- Oh, to heck with team spirit.

This is hard work.

- [Mopsy] Yeah, plastic expl*sives

shouldn't be this heavy.

- Cheer up.

You're almost through.

- Oh, you're through alright.

- Girls, why don't you show Black Scorpion

one of your routines?

- Number seven?

♪ Ready, okay ♪

♪ Two, four, six, eight,
who do we obliterate ♪

♪ Black Scorpion, Black Scorpion ♪

♪ Black Scorpion ♪

- You're gonna have to show
a little more pep than that

if you wanna make the squad.

- Yeah.

Why don't we just show her how it's done.

- I've always hated cheerleaders.

- Why do you think she
wears that mask, Bipsy?

- You know why, Mopsy.

- Cheer number ?

- That's right, exactly.

♪ U-G-L-Y ♪

♪ You ain't got no alibi ♪

♪ You're ugly ♪

♪ Yeah, you're ugly ♪

- Come on, girls, shake your pompoms.

- Walker, Rafferty, you
guys want in this pool

for all the good injuries they're taken?

- [Darcy] Don't you guys
have anything better to do

with your time?

- Like what?

- Oh, gee, I don't know, like
maybe trying to figure out

what Slapshot's gonna do
with all those expl*sives.

- I got the answers right here.

- What a videotape?

- Yeah, a couple of cheerleaders
just dropped this off.

- Cap, did you figure
out how to work that yet?

- Hey there, hockey fans.

This is Slapshot with
(mumbles) sports threat.

If Neckenberg breaks the single season

scoring record in tonight's game,

the fans are gonna
scream louder than ever.

But not because they'll be cheering.

Because they'll be dying.

- What?

- Here's my game plan, so
get your play books out.

On Neckenberg's fourth goal,

I'm gonna blow the City of Angels Forum

and everyone in it sky high. (laughs)

- Too late to put
bucks down on a fatality?

- So remember, it's not
whether you win or lose.

It's how you play the game.

And if Neckenberg plays to win,

the fans will be the ones to lose.

Kaboom. (laughs)

- Well, I just got off the phone

with the owners of both teams.

- [Steve] So they canceled the game?

- Negative.

And Neckenberg refuses
to stay on the bench.

Everybody things that
Slapshot is bluffing.

- Yes!

All bets are still on.


- Well, Captain, what
if he's not bluffing?

- Well, the b*mb squad
searched the stadium

from top to bottom.

They didn't find anything.

- Well, just because there's
not a b*mb there right now

doesn't mean there won't be tonight.

- Well, I really don't think

Slapshot can get it past security.

And they've tripled the number of guards

at all the entrances.

I'm gonna send you and Rafferty down there

just to keep an eye on things.

- Well, I think we'd be better off

keeping an eye on Ricky Blade.

That is if we can find out

what his so-called private hospital is.

- Darcy, Ricky would never
commit the atrocities

that Slapshot is threatening.

He loves his fans.

- Well, they're not his fans anymore.

(crowd cheers)

You see anything?

- No, no.

I don't even think Slapshot's here.

- Well, maybe not, but
you can bet his b*mb is.

- Yeah, but the question is where.

- [Guy] And it's rolled
around and heads up ice.

Look at Neckenberg go.

No one can get near him.

He's skating past the
other players on the ice

like they're standing still.

Neckenberg into the Mustang zone.

He sh**t, he scores!

(mumbles) my butter on toast.

That's what they all got.

Frank Neckenberg has done it again.

Even with that goal, the
Motor City Mustangs still lead

the City of Angels stage by
a score of five to three.

- Come on, Mustangs.

You can do it!

- Since when did you care about the score?

- Since I put bucks down on this game.

- You did what?

Are you crazy?

You don't even know a thing about hockey.

- That never stopped you from betting.

- Yeah, but I have a system.

- I've got a system of my own.

- I'm almost afraid to ask.

- I bet on the team that's
got the most coordination.

- You mean skating or
passing ability, right?

- No, no, color coordination.

See, that's why I picked the Mustangs.

Their helmets match the cute little stripe

that runs down the side of their pants.

- [Guy] Neckenberg is having
just that, a big season.

And if he scores just three more goals,

Ricky Blade's scoring
record will be history.

- Along with everybody at Angel Forum.

(Bipsy and Mopsy sheer)

- [Guy] For those of you at home,

you're missing puck night
here at the Angel Forum.

Free pucks to call ,
of these rabid fans.

- Hey, what was the name of
Ricky's sporting goods store?

- Angel Athletics.

- Right.

Didn't that go out of business?

- Yeah, about a year ago.


- I'll be right back.

- [Guy] Neckenberg behind the neck.

He's got the puck on top of it.

And he splits it into the net.

(mumbles) didn't even see it coming.

Another goal for Frank Neckenberg

who continues to find every
possible way to score a goal.

- Oh, my god.

(suspenseful music)

Computer, get me the
address of Angel Athletics.

- [Guy] Frank Neckenberg moving around

his defender with ease.

He sh**t, he scores!

Frank Neckenberg putting on

an incredible individual
effort here tonight.

Neckenberg has just tied
Ricky Blade's high score.

One more and he'll set a new record.

- And I'll set the record

for the greatest act of
terrorism in sport history.

- Well, you see, Ricky,
that's where you're wrong

because I think you're gonna
set the record of the longest

penalty in history, years
for unsportsmanlike conduct.

- They were wrong.

One false move, and I'll
blow Angel Forum sky high.

- But Neckenberg hasn't
broken your record.

- Well, there's something you
should know about the new me.

I play dirty.

(device beeps)

♪ Hit him with a left ♪

♪ Hit him with a right ♪

- It's time for a little batting practice.

- That's why I switched to aluminum.

Ooh, icing on the blade.

♪ Rah rah rih ♪

♪ Kick 'em in the knee ♪

♪ Rah rah rah ♪

♪ Kick him in the other knee ♪

(Bipsy and Mopsy giggle)

- Quit cheering and get the detonator.

- Frank Neckenberg from behind the net,

coming out of his own zone.

A full house here tonight
waiting to see if he can break

that single season scoring
record and make it in his own.

Skating up over the (mumbles) zone now,

Neckenberg with the puck.

Everybody waiting to see
what's gonna happen here.

Here comes Neckenberg.

Neckenberg with the puck.

Spinorama, look at that!

Frank Neckenberg heading for the net.

He's got the puck all to himself.

He's heading in on that
single season scoring record.

He sh**t, he scores!

He's done it!

Frank Neckenberg now
owns the single season

scoring record formerly
held by Ricky Blade.


- This game is over.

- Hey, pal.

- Buddy.

When did you figure it out?

- I didn't.

Darcy did.

And you're damn lucky I
got here before she did.

- Why?

So you can have the victory of
arresting me all to yourself?

- No, so I can convince
you to surrender, Rick.

- And why would I do that?

- Rick, come on.

The game is over.

If you give yourself up,

the judge is gonna go a
hell of a lot easier on you.

- After all these years,

you're still trying to pull me through.

- Hey, hey, come on.

what are friends for, huh?

(Steve grunts)

Ricky, what are you doing?

- You left me no choice, Stevie boy.

- Remember what I used to warn
you about during practice?

- Yeah, always wear my
helmet when I'm on the ice.

What does that got to do with anything?

(Steve coughs)

- Thanks for the assist.

- So you're not gonna arrest me?

- What, you're not gonna kiss me?

Go on, get outta here.

I'll take care of my buddy.

- Look, don't worry about it, baby.

I will have your money when
I win next week's game.

How do i know I'm gonna win?

'Cause I got a new system, that's how.

Well, never mind what it is.

You just put me down for
on next week's game.

On which team?

The red one.

- [Slugger] I lost again.

- [Man] Yes, we did.

- I am so over gambling.

I'm finished.

- Me too, especially now that
my winning streak is over.

- There you go, Rafferty.

Don't spend it all in one place.

- Wait a minute, you won the injury pool?

- Yeah, I bet Black Scorpion

would take Slapshot out in third.

- Oh, god, how long
before baseball season?

- Well, here it is
gentlemen, paid in full.

- I guess that means we're not
gonna get to break his leg.

- Yeah.

I was looking forward to that too.

- Yeah.

- What do you say we
go roll a b*mb instead?

- Yeah, I think that might cheer us up.

- Sure.

- [Babette] Artie.

- What?

- What's gonna happen when
the city council finds out

you paid off your gambling
debt with taxpayer money?

- I did not.

I used my reelection fund.

- Well, then how are we gonna pay

for those slanderous TV commercials

that completely humiliate
the other candidate?

- Oh, I don't know.

Maybe I'll let the
chemical companies bribe me

into letting 'em throw
toxic waste into Angel Bay.

- You already did that.

- Well, I don't know.

I'll think of something.

It doesn't matter.

- Speaking of something, you
owe me a trip to Spiffany.

- And in a tragic turn of
events, Frank Neckenberg,

the Saints' all-time leading scorer,

was trampled by a mob of celebrating fans

following last night's Saints
game at the Angel Forum.

Doctors say he's been paralyzed.

- Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Dr. Cairo Praktus,

and have I got a deal for you, my friend.

(suspenseful music)