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03x03 - First Annual PI2A Symposium

Posted: 04/02/23 11:18
by bunniefuu
[dance music playing

over speakers]

Dude. New car?

Certified pre

Where'd you get the money

for it?

I have a prestigious vlog,

and I'm monetized on YouTube.

Yeah, over the years,

I've built

a loyal audience

of sci
-fi enthusiasts

and intellectual sophisticates.

I admit it lacks the glamour

of dancing in a bathroom.

One million views.

A million people watched that?

And I just secured my first

sponsored content deal.

Soon I'll be buying

my own certified new car.

Chump move.

You lose 10% as soon

as you drive it off the lot.

All right,

then I'll just buy a new one.

The same thing'll happen.

And then I'll get a new one.

[belts squealing]


Oh, hey, when the lights

say "check engine,"

is that serious, or is it

just, like, a reminder,

like "call your mother"?

Jesus, that's sad.

That'll never be me.

Nice, guys, nice.

Make sure it's nice and crisp.

Oh, that goes by the bathrooms,


Evie, hi. Uh, how are you?

Uh, good, just, uh, you know,

working in the Valley.

Um, so

Well, I also had a, uh

a nice time last night.

- I

- Cool, you had sex.

- Oh, Jesus.

- Henry had sex,

everyone, just so you know.

- Oh, whoa.

- Excuse me. Excuse me.

- Nice to meet you.

- Sorry.

I know we've only

gone out a few times,

but I have to ask a favor.

Um, okay.

The kids are supposed

to strike set today,

but I forgot to give them

the theater key,

so one of them's coming by

to pick it up,

but I left my keys at yours,

and yes, it has been

that kind of day.

That would be great.

I am meeting her

across the street at two,

so how about quarter till,

burger place

at Third and Flower?

Thank you. I owe you one.

" 'Tis Pity She's a Whore."

Sepulveda Basin

High School play.

I love Shakespeare.

That is not Shakespeare.

John Ford.

Eh, it's all weird

like Shakespeare.

That was the style back then.

Wait, do you know Shakespeare?

- A little. Why?

- It's just,

I haven't heard

on my Lost Boys callback,

and I need a backup,

so I got this audition

for an edgy

Shakespeare adaptation,

but it's tomorrow,

and I totally don't know


Like, what even language

is this?

What's "exeunt"?

Well, I actually got this,

but you have to give it back.

It's the teacher's edition.


Dude! Yes!

Thank you.

- So what play is it?

- Othello.

What role are you up for?

- Othello.

- Othello?

Yeah. He's, like,

the main guy, right?

Well, yeah,

but blackface

is now considered

a little r*cist.

No, that's the edgy part.

They flipped it.

Everybody else is Black.

Othello is white.

That's why it's not r*cist.



I think it universalizes

a flawed play.

Like, is prejudice

only experienced

by Black people?

I was a victim

of racial prejudice.

Ah! A Black woman

threw his bike into a river.

Now, did William Woke

write a play about that?

Food for thought.

Yeah. Thank you.

The f*ck is this event?

"Restoring national greatness"?

What's "globalists"?

Guys, it's Kyle's old pals.

f*cking Nazis.

They're not my pals.

[upbeat jazzy music plays]

I can't believe you took a job

working for Nazis!

They're not actual Nazis.

Well, they're not not Nazis.

- Do you have no morals?

- Morals?

What does that have to do

with anything, okay?

This is just business.

Okay, okay, bookings

have been dead, all right,

and I'm behind on payments,

and if I don't pay on Monday,

they're gonna repossess my van.

All right?

So can we just do the gig,

get paid, forget about it,

and move on?

Can we do that?

I can't believe you took a job

working for Nazis!

Lucy, you've told me

five times in a row,

so if you wanna go out

and protest,

then feel free, all right?

Otherwise, can we just

hold our noses

and work for the Nazis?

Henry, you're cool with this,


I mean, it's just business,

right, Henry?

No, but now I guess

I have to fix my car, so

Oh, so you're cool

working for Nazis?

No, but I
-you know,

I'll provide poor service.

Well, Nazis or not, I mean,

I'd like to snag

some referrals.

For the record,

we are not Nazis.

Oh, no. Oh, Mr. Gluberd,

-um, um, no.

Uh, we
-we were saying,

um, uh, uh, uh,


Hi. I'm Stuart.

I am the founder and president

of Policy Ideas 2 Action,

and this is the PI2A Symposium,

not the pizza symposium,

like some people

are misreading

due to a careless font choice.

You may not have heard of us,

but you will.

We're not Fox News

ranting heads.

We're not fascist g*ons

like the Rowdy Boys.

We are a new group building

a conservative politics

based on open

-faith debate

in an open marketplace

of ideas.

Oh, see?

Open marketplace of ideas.

That sounds good to me. Uh

Give us a chance.

What you hear

might surprise you.


universal health care,

ambitious, well

national infrastructure

- Yeah.

- and high civic engagement.

Oh, yeah.

What do you think, liberals?

Sounds pretty good.

- [chuckling] Yeah.

- Welcome

to Hitler's Germany.


[indistinct chatter]

Stuart, can you not see

the absurdity

of what you're asking?

I come to your supposed

marketplace of ideas,

where you then suggest I censor

the very ideas I brought

to said marketplace.

What is
-what is the herb

I'm tasting?

I just hold the tray.

- Okay, look, look.

- Sublime.

A salute to your chef.

Dermott, all I ask

is, if you could, for once,

not bring up Hitler.

He gets a bad rap!

What if we only ever talked

about the worst thing

you ever did?

If we want to grow,

we have to think about optics.

We ignore everything

you've done for Western ideals

and instead just talk

about when you peed in a cup

at a Dodgers game and

spilled it on a little girl?

I didn't say

I won't pay alimony.

- I'm just asking

- My point is,

to grow and achieve

the goal of national influence,

we must project

a positive image.

Constantly bringing up Hitler

doesn't help.

I gotta go.

I'm at the job I took

to pay alimony,

by the wa


Martini with your finest gin.

You know who didn't care

about his image?

- Please don't say Hitler.

- Hitler.

And you're wrong.

He did have

some misguided policies,

but Hitler understood optics

as a key part

of growing an organization.

- Hmm.

- Martini

with our only gin.

Well, as a major donor,

I'm glad to see

you're coming around on Hitler.

Sprite, no ice.

- I said no ice.

- Oh.

Sorry. One of those days.

Your ex


I feel your pain.

As a champion

of the traditional family,

it is not easy shelling out

half my income

so my ex can take a white wine

life drawing class

with her friend Peg.

Oh, well, I appreciate that.

Wish she could see this.

Seaver Hamlin at the symposium

that she said

I could never make happen.

Seaver Hamlin?

Founder of Fresh Start USA?

Fox News correspondent?

Not the deepest

political thinker

but very famous,

with a mass audience.

The key middle step

in my three
-part plan

to platform our agenda:

evolve in the idea space,

spread through the media

to the public sphere,

where it then enters

the lexicon

of the common man,

like yourself,

and voilà, we are a key player

in the national political



Could be a bigger turnout,

but it's a start.

Big things

have small beginnings.


played by Michael Fassbender

in Prometheus.


Mr. Gluberd,

you should see this.

New beginnings.

Wish us luck.

[Henry chuckles dryly]

Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ.

We don't wanna see no Nazis.

Ah, look at these clowns.

Nazis, go home!

Well, I guess the news is out.

There's a new big, bad

conservative group in town.


Have Rhonda grab her phone.

Lucy, you can't do this!

I can't let Nazis

ingest and absorb

into the cells

of their n*zi bodies

something that I created

in a spirit of truth

and compassion.

I can't let you.

No, you can't let me.

You can't let me.

I own the company.

I let me!

I made this! That's ownership.

No, this is ownership!

Kyle, take these

and circulate them.

Sorry, Ron.

My conscience

just won't allow it.

Per your comment earlier,

I will be protesting

this event.

I'm sorry. I have no choice.

- [sighs]

Damn it.

Damn it.

Fight! Fight!

Fight the alt

- What's up?

- Fight! Fight!

- Fight the alt

- Yes!

- f*ck is this?

- Hey, I
-I just wanted

to say, uh, we are not down

with what is up in there.

Me especially,

not down with Nazis.

I came to show my support.

Um, yeah, I'll just, like,

yell stuff

or do some hand gestures.

Um, I'll be over there,

and, uh, do your thing.


[protesters booing]


[protesters jeering]

Hello. Hello.

Okay, hello.

I just wanted to come out

and say that we appreciate

you exercising

your freedom of expression,

which we also support


Yeah, we believe that.

I know we have

our disagreements.

More than that, brother.

I support your right

to free speech

and encourage the spirit

of open debate

- Debate this!

- Okay.

We don't care what you think.

f*ck you, and f*ck free speech!

- Okay. Oh.

- f*ck you!

f*ck free speech!

f*ck you!

And if you're going to

f*ck free speech!

f*ck you!

f*ck free speech!

Get out of here!


f*ck you!

f*ck free speech!

f*ck you!

f*ck free speech!

Okay, I need something

that's gonna give me

the ginkgo biloba I crave

and nano

for peak brain speed.

You just shake it up,

and it's ready.


WhamBatChu. Think fast.


[phone chimes]


So they pay you

to video yourself

consuming that.

Right, sponcon,

sponsored content.

- And what is it?

- WhamBatChu.

- Which is?

- I don't know.


Hey, uh, can you grab the bar

for a sec?

Oh, are you quitting?

I wish.

Hey, hey. Excuse me.

I was wondering if you could

help me out a little bit here.

I'm an actor [laughs]

and I have

a big audition tomorrow,

and I really could use

someone's help

to run lines with me,

so I was wondering

Like, a real Hollywood actor?

That's me.

I was wondering maybe

- You guys.

- you could

Check it out.

We've got ourselves

a real Hollywood actor.

How's it going? What's up?

That's hilarious.

No, no, no, seriously.

-I was in Hardier Boys,

OC: The Return.

I was Bohdi.

And now you're in a protest?

- Yep.

- Typical Hollywood liberal.


No, it's a

it's a disparaging term.

How? I'm totally liberal,

and I am definitely Hollywood,


Hollywood like superficial,

like just for show.

Virtue signaling

without actually contributing

anything meaningful.

No, I
-I'm against Nazis.

I put out two anti
-n*zi videos

on Insta.

Oh, but you have an audition?

Yeah, for Othello.

Uh, one of the main parts

in that.

You know what?

Fighting Nazis

is more important.

Let's chant, baby.

Hey, hey!

Ho, ho!

n*zi shit has got to go! Right?


Hey, Evie.

Just checking on an ETA.

The kids'll be here

in ten minutes.

I was hoping to do the keys

before they show up.

Mr. Pollard?

Uh, Cloris. You're early.

And Riley.

So the key?

Well, I
-I don't have it yet.

You're early.

Uh, just sit there.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Thank you for meeting me.

- Sure. But why here?

Aren't you working

across the street?

Well, they don't know

I have this job,

and I barely have any authority

over them anyway,

and they're just vicious.


- Hi.

- Hi.

I wanted to say

I had a really nice time

this weekend.

- Yeah.

- Oh, look. Children.


I thought they were over there.

Didn't I say be over there?

It's not school.

It's real life.

You can't order us around.

Uh, okay.

Evie, this is Riley and Cloris,

and they are here early

for the theater keys.

Oh, so you're in the play.

I'm Annabella, the female lead.

I hook up with my brother,

and he murders me

and rips out my heart.

- Gross.

- And I'm the bad guy.

The brother's not the bad guy?


It's very complicated morally.

Wow, this is the play

you picked.

Uh, it is what I inherited

from the shit

old hippie who I replaced.

You must be learning a lot.

Henry's a terrific actor.


Like a professional actor?

You never told us that.

You got, like,

an agent and a manager?

- Were you in anything?

- Not really.

Well, obviously

not a ton of stuff,

or he wouldn't be teaching

at Basin.


Evie, do you have those keys?

- Uh

- Yeah.


[phone chimes]

So not really anything.

Well, some films, TV,

and, you know,

"Are we having fun yet?"

[both chuckle]

- [gasps] That's you?

- Okay.

This here's the key.

You are good to go.

And I need to get back

to my errands, okay?

- Actually, Mr. Pollard

- No. Guys, I gotta go.

Really gotta go.

All right? Thank you. Bye.

- See you soon.

- Break legs.

I'm so sorry.

I don't know what to do

with kids that age.

- What are they?

- No one knows.

-they're animals.

Did they not know

you used to act?

Was I not supposed to say?

No, whatever. It's fine.

Now they know, right?


Uh, look,

I wish I didn't have to,

but I really gotta run.

It's just a crap day.

Oh, it's fine.

-I just wanted to

Never mind. Call me later.


- f*ck you!

- No.

f*ck free speech!

f*ck you!


God. This is so annoying!

What is?

Oh, um [sniffles]

did you see the protesters


Yeah. It's all over Twitter.

It's just painful

when people I agree with

look stupid.

Yeah, you know you're not

doing it right

when the Nazis look reasonable

and everybody's rooting

for the Rowdy Boys.

- The what?

- The right
-wing guys

who like to fight

with left

They have

the most
-liked comment,

"Bash those commie worms."

Oh, my God.

What is that?

It's, uh, WhamBatChu.

I was supposed to sh**t

sponcon videos,

but it blew out

my entire digestive system,

top and bottom, both times.

You did it more than once?

I really do want a new car.

You're the chef?

I am.

I just wanted to offer

my sincere compliments.

The food is sublime.

Biting into your

raclette pissaladière,

I had a sensation

of tumbling pell

down the slope of the Jungfrau,

bracingly whipped as I went

by fresh spring stems

of marigold, Alpine garlic,

wild marjoram.


it's the Eiger, actually,

- but I

- Of course.

can't believe you got that.

His opposite

is the twink subset,

whose weakling persona

is a deliberate affront

to the traditional

Western ideal

- of robust masculinity

- Mr. Gluberd.

radiating both

prepubescent helplessness

It's Seaver Hamlin.

He can't make it.

a deliberate attack


on the traditional family!

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!


You fascist scum

have got to go!

Hey, hey! Ho, ho!


And this is swine butter

on rugbrod

with shaved granite and grass.


Oh. Oh. Oh.


It's like falling

from a great height

into a fjord.

[Lucy sighs]

I mean

Another thing my boss

would never let me serve.

How do you stand

this situation?

I mean, you must feel

like an eagle

stuck riding a Greyhound bus.

It can be frustrating.

Your employer is clearly

a subhuman imbecile


devoid of fine sentiment.

In the society we're building,

the extraordinary,

like yourself,

will be elevated,

and a lumpen oaf like him

will be cast down

to his natural station

as a toilet wiper.


[Dermott laughs]

[clears throat]

I have work to do.

I see.

The appreciation of a n*zi

is not welcome.

- It's not that.

- No, don't apologize.

I loathe your politics,

but I can still appreciate

your art.

So point, Dermott.

- Oh, my God.

- They got a guy out there

doing full

skull shape stuff.

Oh, fun. Invite him back here

for a bite.

Right? f*ck it.

Let's get 'em all in here.

You could open your own

n*zi restaurant.




Look, Nazis enjoy your work.

Embrace it.

- You're one to talk.

- What?

Who do you think

watches your vlog?

-fi enthusiasts.

Intellectual sophisticates.

Do you ever

go through your comments,

see who's linking to you

or where they're linking from?


'Cause the vast majority of 'em

are the anti
-PC crowd,

see, Gamergaters,

and men's rights activists.

- In other words

- Nazis.

And incels.

But, you know,

you got a used car.

Certified pre


I had no idea. I swear.

I hate Nazis.

As do I.

- What is this?

- WhamBatChu.

We are gonna f*ck 'em up.

Yeah. Okay.

God damn it, Seaver.

The f*cking champion

of the common man

gets his foot run over

by a truck

driven by a f*cking common man?

What are the odds?

Seaver was supposed to be

the first part of the plan.

This always happens.

I'm so close, and then just

nope. [chuckles]

To always be so close,

but you just can't get there,

- it's just

- I hear ya.

I've been there.

I feel your pain.

You were in politics?

Uh showbiz.

Sure. You know what it's like

pushing through

despite the odds.

Until the odds won

and I became a teacher.

And you're okay with that?

Well, ups and downs,

but I do not miss

rolling the rock up the hill.

[chuckles] I get it.

Greatness is not for everyone.

This is why I keep pushing on

and why I'll never stop.

So I can put my agenda to work

for guys like you.

Right, the common man.

We'll get there,

Seaver or no Seaver.

I still have a few tricks

up my sleeve.


[items rustling]

- Jesus!

- Oh! Dude, hey.

Sorry for calling you

a fascist earlier.

Heat of the moment.

We threw everything we had

at the Nazis,

so we got some hungry

justice warriors out there.

Come on, baby!

I'm coming, comrades!

Oh, hey.

Sorry to barge in at work.

What event is this?

Oh, it's just some n*zi thing.

You should check it out

if you wanna see

how f*cked up this scene

can get.

So yeah, that's actually

why I wanted to talk to you.

Ah, Henry.

You gonna do it again?

- Roman, for f*ck's sake

- Do what?

Uh, where did

these appetizers go?

Uh, Kyle took them out

to the protesters.

- No.

- f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

- f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

- Have fun!

Shit! Kyle!


What was all that?

Just how it is, uh

most of the time.

Why don't I call you

- Call me later.

- later?

- Yeah.

- Right.

- Is, uh

- This is the thing.

I came to bring you

the keys earlier,

but it felt weird.

Yeah, uh, sorry about that.

There's, you know, the kids

- That was unexpected.

- and work,

and, I
-you know,

this thing with my car.

It is a lot. I get that.

Yeah, and tending bar

for Nazis.

- Actual Nazis?

- n*zi

- Right.

- so still, uh, pretty bad,

Maybe I'll just

give you a call

So we are keeping our distance.

-no. No, we're

No, it's fine if we are.

We're hooking up.

That's a thing people do.

-I just wanna be honest

this time

so I know what to expect.

Right, sure.

Because I think

there's something here

- Really?

- but maybe it isn't

the best day to have

that discussion.

No, look, I'm sorry.

It's, uh
-it's not today.

It's, uh


My car is falling apart.

I'm stuck doing this play.

My divorce is messy.

- You're tending bar for Nazis.

- Yeah.

I mean, this is not

how I envisioned my 40s, okay?

Maybe I just

don't want you to

see the mess.

Like, it's

uh, it's too real

-or something.

Jesus Christ!

[Evie gasps]

What are you doing here?

Well, Riley wanted

to talk to you,

so we followed her.

Okay. Can it wait?

What are you wearing?

Uh, this is for work.

- For teaching?

- Other work.

Are you a magician?

Mr. Pollard, I think

I wanna quit the play.


Okay, uh

-can you guys

just go there for a sec?

Come here. Sorry. Um

Uh, Evie, I'm sorry.

No, I get it.

This is very real.

Yeah. Uh, is that a bad thing?

It's different.

You did say you didn't want

-tale shit.

It's not fairy
-tale shit.


But it's something?

'Cause I feel like it's

it's at least something.

It's definitely something.


Mm. I have a, um,

- new draft of Human Tree

- Sure.

waiting for me at home.

- Mm

- I'll see you


Yeah, I'll see you tonight.

- All right.

- Mm

[both] Ooh!


[Evie clears throat]

Uh, okay.

So you guys have the key,

so you're good to go.

I was gonna quit the play.


Uh, why?

We don't wanna see no Nazis!

- We don't wanna see

- Hey.

Yeah! Welcome to the right side

of history, comrades!

What did you do

with the tiny tarts you took?

Oh, I gave 'em to the crew.

They loved 'em.

Oh, shit, uh, the Rowdy Boys.


[all clamoring]

Bring it, you n*zi bastards!

Uh, uh, dude, dude,

actually, can you just


I got you, brother!

f*ck you!


Wait a second.

He's not a protester.

Wait, Ky

they're not protesters.

They're Nazis pretending

to be protesters.

I bumped into that guy inside.

This is all to get attention.

You socialist scum

have ten seconds

to get the f*ck out of here!

- f*ck you, you fascist bastard.

- No, no!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

- Oh, uh!

- Same team! Same team!


Same team!

We're National Greatness


[stomach growling]


Get 'em, boys!


Roman! Roman!

Oh, thank you. Look

The Rowdy Boys rolled up,

and they're just shellacking

those protesters.

- What?

- Yeah, they're just

- Oh, shit.

- stomping on this one

blond guy.

Those are our people.

- What?

- What?

Fake protest,

get on social media,

part of the visibility plan.

Ah, the classic false flag.

-dimensional chess, huh.

[glass shatters, people yelp]


Thing is, Mr. Pollard,

I only tried out

so I could skip PE.

Sure, but you had

a really good audition.

You got a big part.

Vasques kinda sucks.


I mean, some people suck.

But they're still people.

Look, that's what was always

interesting to me,

like, as an actor, just

good or, uh, bad or whatever,

just, you know,

finding that

piece of humanity

in a
-a character

that the audience

connects with.

For me, it's less about acting

and more about reacting.

Cloris, not now.

It's just a bunch

of pretending.

Like, what's it good for?

Well, pretend things

can mean something too.

[door clicks open]

What do you mean,

not paying?

I said, due to damage

to the venue,

I will pay next month.

But n
-I don't need

the money next month.

I need the money now.

Well, talk to the Rowdy Boys.

[Ron sighs]

Look, I have expenses.

I gotta pay my people.

I have van payments.

And I'm in the same boat.

Wanna have

your lawyer call mine?

My lawyer?

Ugh. Jesus Christ.

So sorry, we're not

getting paid this week?

Party Down

will be reimbursed

- down the road.

- Down the road is

I'm f*cked.

You f
-you're f*cked? M
-my van.

Yeah, and you know

I have to get my car fixed.

You know my ex

-is gonna k*ll me.

- I know, but

- Okay, well,

what happened to, "Been there"?

What happened to,

"I feel your pain"?

I do, but

But you're trying

to reach the common man,

but you know nothing

about the common man.

You don't give a shit about

the common man, seriously.

You're looking a common man

right in the eyes right now

and totally f*cking him over.

I mean, Jesus Christ,

I'm 46 years old.

My ex
-wife is going

to k*ll me in court.

They're going to take away

my f*cking car

my car!

They're gonna take my home.

I don't know what else.

I have nothing.

I have nothing.


- [sobs]

[door bangs open]

[Henry crying] I have nothing.

Stuart, the manager

of the venue

would like to speak with you.

Dermott, can you, um,

cover the invoice

for these people?


And tip's included.

[Dermott clears throat]

I assume this means

Hitler's Germany remains

the key example

in my presentation?



for now.

f*cking Nazis.



I'm 42, by the way.

[upbeat jazzy music plays]

Just, like, fists everywhere.

It was actually amazing.

You know,

when they were whaling on me,

it was, like,

the most alive I've ever felt.

Don't you have

a big audition tomorrow?

Oh, yeah. Why?

I can't believe that's you.

That's my favorite meme.

What the hell is this? No.

This is

"Are we having fun yet?"

See, talking

about a beer commercial.

Wait, you were in a commercial?

Like, a national campaign?

Yup. Helped pay

for a brand
-new car.

[rock music playing,

people laughing]


Are we having fun yet?


[Cloris laughs]

[upbeat jazzy music plays]