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03x04 - Phantom of the Sea

Posted: 04/02/23 11:57
by bunniefuu
Dramatic theme playing )

( Horn honks )

( Cameras click )
I don't see any trouble spots.

Everyone is just looking.

Not much need for crowd control then.

Let's head home, everyone.

Is Dani here, yet? She's taking me back out with her.

On her way.

Someone wanna tell me why looking for a ship off our coast has this whole town mesmerized? Nobody's told you the legend yet? Oh, we figured Dani was the best one to fill them in.

Right, boys? Oh, yeah.

She's the "shipper" in the family.

Shipper? Someone who gets all "eee!" About seeing a ship that's probably not even real.

I think he means "romantic.

" You know, mushy stuff.

Are we talking about the same Dani who took first place in the recent burping tournament? Girl didn't even train for it.

Dani: Hold the elevator! Forgot my camera.

Coming, Cody? Yeah, but the bots want to ask you about Later.

Up, up, up! Someone please talk sense into Dani.

She's acting very very eee? Yes! She wants to hover over the ocean for hours hoping to spot the ship everyone's looking for.

It'll be fun, Blades.

And we can meet up with Doc and Frankie.

They're out there too.

( Dramatic theme playing )
See anything, Frankie? It's getting too foggy, dad.

The ship's appearance has never been proven scientifically, but this year I'm prepared.


So far nothing on radar, thermal scanners, or the emf meter.


I'm picking up some kind of energy fluctuation.

( Beeping )
Frankie, something very large has suddenly appeared out there.

( Beeping faster )
And it's sending a distress signal! Do you have a visual? Oh! Daddy It's the phantom voyager.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots
( Upbeat theme playing )
Okay, let's get going.

Um, afraid Blades is on strike.

At least until someone explains why seeing this ship is worth frosting up my windows.

Everybody seems to know but us.

We're told you are the authority on the matter.

No ship is worth all this fuss.

It's only the most tragically romantic story of the century.

Okay, real quick.

It's the s.


Phantom voyager.

An ocean liner that was left adrift in 1915 after a lightning strike disabled the engines.

Everyone got off except the Captain, Ansel Ambrose.

He remained on board until help could arrive, but then without warning, the ship mysteriously vanished.

And on this night every 10 years, the phantom reappears somewhere off the West Side of the island.

The only thing worse than waiting in the cold to see that ship would be seeing that ship.

Tell them the Griffin Rock connection.

( Alarm blaring )
You'll have to finish story time later.

Vehicle modes!
( Dramatic theme playing )
Doc and Frankie think they've spotted the phantom.

And they've received an SOS.

( Squeals )

( Ominous theme playing )
The energy it's releasing It seems vaguely familiar.

Ah! Cody, somebody is on board.

Where are you guys? Almost there, Frankie.

I still don't see it.

Relax, Dani.

It's probably just some freighter.

It's probably always just some freighter.

One can only hope.

Who knows? Plenty of witnesses claim they've seen the phantom, but sometimes people only see what they want to see.

So what's this connection to our island you were talking about? Captain Ambrose was supposed to get married to a girl from Griffin Rock.

( Dani sighs )
Lillian waited for him.

Every 10 years, she would see the ship appear.

Just for a few moments.

What a horrible story.

Yet tragically romantic.

Hurry, it could disappear any minute.

That's no freighter.


I knew it.


Nice job, Frankie! I know, right? I've waited my whole life to see this.

And you've never been good at waiting.

Chief, there's still an SOS.

Blades, Dani, do a fly

Okay, seriously.

Can we please get another flying Rescue Bot? Let me in, Blades, or I'll dismantle you here and now.

( Whimpers )
I can be another set of eyes.

Well, all right.

But stay in the air, Dani.

don't take any chances.

Dani: We're hovering over the deck, but no sign of anyone.

Cody: This ship still looks brand new.

Dani: Wait.

There's movement.

Cody: Someone threw a rope at us! Blades: I'm snagged! I can't
( Suspenseful theme playing )
Get up there, fast! Come on, move it! Let's go! Power up and energize! Dani, do you read? Cody! Guys? Cody: Over here! This direction!
( Suspenseful theme playing )
What is happening up there? Doc: Energy is spiking again.

I think the phantom is about to vanish! Get off the ship, now! We have to get out of here.

Almost done.

Where's your attacker? I don't know.

I couldn't really see.

It has to be Captain Ambrose.

Except that would be impossible.

So is standing on the phantom, but here we are.

Oh, how I wish we weren't.

Hurry! Oh, no.

( Suspenseful theme playing )
What happened to the fog? And why is everything so quiet? I don't even hear the ocean.

Dad? Frankie? Doc! Oh, no! Where'd everyone go? Where'd we go? Should I try flying for help? To where, Blades? Who knows where we are.

However, if the pattern remains unchanged, I believe I know when we will return.

You mean in ten years? We can fix this, right? Graham: There must be a logical reason this ship keeps coming and going.

Maybe whoever tried to snag us knows the answer.

Then we search this tub top to bottom.

Then we'll take the top.

You guys will only fit in the service floors below.

Take the freight elevator, it's port side.

Who knows their phantom trivia?
( Squeals )

( Suspenseful theme playing )
You guys see that? Neither did I.

Blades? When you three are running for your lives, you'll need someone holding the elevator.

And if we happen to be chasing the ghost of Captain Ambrose? Right.

Safety in numbers.

( Electricity crackles )
The dining hall should be right Here.

Oh, amazing.

Just like the old pictures.

There's still food in here.

Captain Ambrose and the passengers were preparing for dinner when the lightning struck.

( Both sniffing )
Oh, it smells good.

-ho, it sure does.

( Moaning )
Mmm! What? That's a hundred years old.

Still tastes better than Dani's cooking.

( Distant thud )

( Suspenseful theme playing )
Captain Ambrose? Is that you? Let me guess, protecting the rear? Yes.

It's the least we could do.

We're here for you, Dani.

This way, my brave bodyguards.

Chase: This search may take a while.

Split up.

We hit every aisle.

Split up? Have you learned nothing from scary movies?
( Suspenseful theme playing )
Nothing here.

Can't see anything.


Done! What's taking you guys so
( Screams )
-ghost! Was it Ambrose? Please provide a full description.

I don't see anything.

It I there not.

Aah! This way! Dead end! Apparently because it is a trap.

( Rumbling )

( Waltz music playing )
Is that music from beyond? If we find ghosts waltzing, I'm jumping overboard.

( Gasps )

Kade: It's him.

( Both gasp )
I've waylaid your giant iron men in the hold.

Therefore your attempt to take over my ship has failed.

What? We don't want your stinkin' ghost ship.

Captain Ambrose, we're rescuers.

-we heard a distress call, and What country sent you? Who builds machines that talk like people and aircraft that fly without wings? We're from Griffin Rock.


My beloved lives there.

Nothing like this exists on that island.

Dani: A lot has changed.

You and this ship have been lost at sea for a century.

Evacuations were completed a day ago.

I await the towing barges.

Cody: The barges came.

The s.


Phantom was nowhere to be found.


No, I've seen Griffin Rock in the distance yonder.

It appears through the fog, every hour.

But each time we see the phantom from the island, ten whole years have gone by.

I hear the ocean.

We're back!
( All grunting )

( Dramatic theme playing )

Griffin Rock.

No, wait! This guy locked us up in the cargo hold.

It's Captain Ambrose.

He's just confused.

Ambrose? He doesn't look like a ghost.

He isn't.

Then shouldn't he be, like, really old? Somehow ten years out there is only an hour on this ship.

But we have been here an hour.

Then that would mean No way.

It can't be.

( Crashing )

( Alarm blaring )

( Suspenseful theme playing )
Man: Help! Help us! Please! Woman: Help me! Man: Please! Throw me a line! Oh, my I don't believe it.

( Dramatic theme playing )
Dad? Kids, it's really you.


They haven't aged a day.

We have to save the reunion for later.

That ferry's going down.

You heard the chief.

Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue! This really is the future? Yes.

And this is what we do.

Hop in.

( Grunts )

( Dramatic theme playing )

( Beeping )

( Soft dramatic theme playing )
If it helps at all, Lillian never forgot you.

It's been a long ten years.

Oh, dad.

Five more minutes before the ship disappears again.


You got big.

It just happened.

You were right, Cody.

I've never been good at waiting.

I missed you.

I had to grow up without my best friend.

Sorry we weren't there for you, chief.

Feels like we abandoned our post.

I trust you found Suitable replacement vehicles.

There's no replacing you guys.

Dad? This is Captain Ambrose.

And good news, he's not a ghost.



I wish I had some answers.

Fortunately, we do, from the data Doc collected 10 years ago.

The energy pattern emitted by this ship is the same found in the old time machine that used to be under my lab.

Time machine.

That could be what I saw down in the hold.

Somebody must've been transporting one on the phantom.

( Beeping )
One minute left.

We need to go.

Come home.

It'll be an adjustment, but at least we'll all be together.

Dad, if a time machine did this, then we can reverse it.

And return to where we started.

Where we all started.

Let us try, dad.

Please? All right.

I'll be back.

( Soft dramatic theme playing )
That's a time machine, all right.

It belonged to a passenger named Dr.

thaddeus Morocco.

Now this makes sense.

You know of him? Dani: Too well.

For one, he built the time machine on Griffin Rock.

Okay, but what made this one malfunction? Perhaps it was the lightning strike that hit the phantom? I think you're right.

And the jolt froze up the controls too.

So the machine is stuck on a setting that makes it skip ahead But why does it feel like only an hour to us? Because of the damage to the machine.

On this ship, we're zipping through time, stopping briefly every 10 years But outside, time is passing normally.

Uh, yeah, has there been a solution mentioned anywhere? Or should I go back to not listening? A power boost.

That's how we got the old time machine in the lab to work.

Using Energon.

Still have an emergency supply? Not very much.

I knew I should've restocked.

Let's hope it's enough.

More purple.

That's good, right? Boulder: That means the power's stabilized.

And the controls are working.

Now we turn the dial back to the previous 10
-year mark.

Ready everyone? Here we go.

( Suspenseful theme playing )
The ocean.

We're back! Yeah, but back when? Oh! I see it! Another energy Spike.

The ship has returned! Kids? Are you there? We made it! We made it! Captain, turn the dial I can't promise anything, but that should take you home.

My Lillian is waiting for me.

And that's worth any risk.

Uh, Captain? Might not want to tell anybody what really happened.

Not sure they'd believe you, anyway.

Agreed, young man.

But it is nice to know that the future is in such good hands.

Now go, and thank you.

Here they come!
( Soft dramatic theme playing )
Hey, Frankie.

"Hey, Frankie"? What happened? Yeah, we lost track of you for a moment or two.

What did you find? We found Captain Ambrose.

And hopefully we rescued him.

( Alarm blaring )
Captain: What's the emergency? Kade: Who rang the alarm? We're ready! Where are we going? Allow me the pleasure of announcing the wedding of Ansel and Lillian Ambrose in 1915.

He made it.

( All cheering )
( Clears throat )
Oh, I was you know, just practicing for the next burping tournament.


( Belches )
Oh, yeah? Bring it on.

( Inhales )

( Belches loudly )
Kade: How do you do that?
( Waltz theme playing )