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03x25 - More Than Meets the Eye

Posted: 04/02/23 12:46
by bunniefuu


Frankie, I can't believe your Aunt is Maura the Magnificent.

- That's so cool.

- I know, right? I just wish she visited more often.

I can't watch.

What's she doing to him? And why aren't we stopping her? Don't worry, it's all an act.

Yeah, it's magic.

Sort of like my hair.

That's more like tragic.

Excuse my tardiness, team.

I was filing a report on the Oh, dear.

Those weapons appear dangerous.

Don't worry, Chase.

You'll see, the man inside is fine.

A human is inside? Move aside, citizens.

Chase, what are you doing? There is a life in danger.

I am here to liberate you, helpless human.

But where did the? Where did the helpless human go? No need to worry.

Look! Where? Did you see that? And thank you, giant robot, for your assistance in my act.

Now, for my next trick Ah! That wasn't it.

A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots Sorry everybody, show's over.

Apparently this temporary performance structure does not conform to building codes.

It does.

I just don't think this trap door was expecting to hold a giant robot.

Trap door? What treachery.


Easy, Chase.

Let me take a look.

Your first time on
-stage and you literally break a leg.

I fail to see the humor in this recap of events.

Sorry, Chase, it's just an expression.

It means never mind.

Our apologies, Maura.

Tech gone wrong.

Right, Doc? Heh.


My sister knows all about that.

You should have seen what happened to my first flock of doves.

That was one of the first illusions you ever built, Ezra.

Doc made tricks for you? Maura and I have always worked together.

Magic is just science dressed up, and science, no more than magic explained.

In fact, one of the reasons I came to town was to pick up the new illusion he's built for me.

I assure you, I am quite capable of Oh.

Sure you are.

Chief, my sincerest regrets for my earlier actions.

I am ready to go on patrol.


Nuts and bolts.

Lets just get you home, partner.

See if we can fix you up.

I'll give you a push, buddy.

How humiliating.

How does it look, Blades? He'll either have to go into healing stasis
- for a few days, or
- Unacceptable.

Option B? Stay off your feet for a week.

Then I choose immobilization.

At least while conscious, I can be of service to the team.

Hey, you can do my job for a few days.

Watch the command center.

Excellent idea.

I have sworn to serve, save and protect.

And a minor injury will not keep me from my duties.

Whoa, cowboy.

You have to sit still, Chase.

Or you'll never get better.

We'll get you all set up.

Chief, I feel as if I have let you down.

Only if you don't rest, partner.

I want you back out there as soon as possible.

Till then, dad, you can ride with me and Blades.

A new passenger.


How about we offer meal service? And in
-flight movies.

I saw this one the other night about a photographer who witnesses a We're needed.

Let's move, team.

Rescue Bots.

Roll to the rescue! Our attendant will be coming through the cabin shortly to assure your seat belts are fastened.

Completely stuck.

Boulder could dig a hole under the rear tires, that would give us the leeway to The driver clearly ignored the posted warnings.

Chase? I recommend citing him, Chief, and confiscating his truck as well.

- Thanks for weighing in, partner, but
- Hey, dad.

If we let a little air out of the tire, it'll make the truck a few inches shorter.

The driver'll be able to pass right through.

Good thinking, Cody.

A clever and acceptable alternative.

Although it does not send the message confiscation would.

Why don't you keep an eye on the rest of the town, Chase.

We've got this under control.

Copy, Chief.

I will follow your orders and report everything that happens on the island.

No, that's not what I Oh, boy.


No, I insist.

A motel is easier for everyone.

Besides, I couldn't possibly bring Blizzard to stay at the lab.

I think he and Trex would get along great.


We just finished rehearsing his part of the act, and he's a little wound up.

Ooh, what does he do? I'll show you.

Wh? But how did you? A magician never reveals her secrets.

Even to her favorite niece.

Here are the devices for the new trick.

I just finished them.

I can't wait to try them.

After that dinner you promised me.

Sweetie, where are you? Can you hear me? Come back! Please! Can anyone help me? Attention! The Mayor is missing and his wife is in trouble.

Code red at the corner of Chaucer and Willow.

You heard him, team.

Let's go.

There you are.

Naughty Poopsie.


Luskey, are you all right? Thank you, Chief.

I asked my husband to walk Poopsie, but he just let her out on her own.

Didn't he? Yes, he did.


This is what Chase called us about? The dog? Chase.

I know you're watching.

Do you see my face right now? Copy that.

But if I may explain My apologies, Chief.

From what I overheard, it appeared that both the Mayor and Mrs.

Luskey were in jeopardy.

Well, mistakes happen, Chase.

Next time just make sure that what you hear is what's actually being said.

Perhaps I can make up for it by giving you a progress report on the rest of Griffin Rock.



Sharma plays the accordion.

" Mrs.

Neederlander knitted a hat for Mr.



Alper and Mr.

Harrison enjoyed "what I believe is called a BBQ.

" And Chase, I told you to keep an eye out for trouble.

Trouble has many forms, Chief.

For example, those knitting needles, in the wrong hands I meant report anything unusual or out of the ordinary.

I suppose I am still unclear what constitutes ordinary when it comes to human behavior.

Well, I can understand that.

Just think twice before declaring an emergency.

Understood, Sir.



Or perhaps ordinary? Definitely odd.

What on Earth? Where did he? Chief, code red.

Chase, we just talked about this.

Please refer to your monitor.


There's a giant cat in there.

- Kade, how could there be a?
- Nice kitty.

There's a giant cat out here! Maura's assistant is still inside.

There's no one there, Chase.

I checked.

Just the tiger.

But I saw him enter.

Ah! My room.

What happened? Somehow a fire started.

Someone may have gone in there.

Chief, I am certain that Thank goodness blizzard is all right.



Your new devices.

Now what will I do for my grand finale? Huh.

I wonder why those two wood barrels didn't burn in the fire? For one thing, those aren't just any old barrels.

They're magic.

Who is that? Your great
-grandmother, Lorraine.

Before she married grandpa Greene, she was a magician too.

Two magicians in the family? Whoa.

Uh, daddy, heh, I may rethink this scientist thing.

I'll be proud no matter what you are, my little wunderkind.

Lorraine planned to go over Griffin Falls in one of these.

But she left magic behind to raise a family.

This could be my chance to do the barrel trick for her.

Maura, you can't.

That's not magic or science.

Just madness.

I know the secret of these barrels, little brother.

-grandma showed me.

Will you tell us? Please? Heh

All right.

There's one barrel to show the crowd, and one barrel that's air
-pressurized inside.

Like riding on a cushion of air.

So you see, it's magic and science.

It still seems awfully dangerous.

Cody? Once we get the cage back inside we'll be taking off.

You'd better stay with us, Maura.

But blizzard should be fine here.

Chief, if I may.

What is it, Chase? I received several calls.

Three stores have been robbed downtown.

Why didn't you tell me sooner? I was not certain you would believe me.

Chase hmph.

Did you see anything on your monitors? Nothing.

That is the curious part.

None of the shop owners noticed any sign of suspects.

The cash was taken in broad daylight.

We'll follow up.

Stay in touch.

Team, split up.

Let's go talk to those shop owners.

An invisible thief? An invisible thief? Let me guess.

Invisible thief? I've been reading about a man named Occam.

He says the simplest explanation is usually the right one.


The thief is a ghost.

Or perhaps the missing assistant could have something to do with these robberies.

He did disappear from the room, before my eyes.

We checked with Maura, Chase.

Her assistant's safe and accounted for.

He's staying with family here on the island.

Thanks for your concern, partner, but we're dealing with reality here.

Not magic.

Curse my aching metal body.

If only I could pursue my own investigation.


Perhaps Hey, Cody.

Francine, this is Chase.

You may remember me from the rescue team.

Uh, yeah, Chase.

Heh, I know who you are.

What's up? If you would be so kind, I require your assistance.

Wanderer to base.

Come in, base.

Report your location, Wanderer.

I do not have visual.


Excellent disguise.

And there is the suspect now.

He's the one you want me to follow? What exactly did he do again? So far, all we know for certain is that he disappeared.

But he's a magician's assistant.

That's kind of his job.

He vanished from your Aunt's room.

Then, so did her magic trick.

And then, elsewhere, so did thousands of dollars.

Ah! And you think it could all be linked.


And you must be my hands and feet and find the proof.


I lost him.

Perhaps he spotted you? No way.

I'm in stealth mode.

There he is.

Exactly where crooks always return to.

Jail? The scene of the crime.

Although there is no hard data to support that theory.

He's gone.

Ah! Chase, I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Francine, no.

You dropped your comm link.

Hello? Ah! Who's there? Oh dear, oh dear.

Francine, what's happening? Uh

Uh Nice Blizzard.

Chief, do you see Francine? Not yet, Chase.

Sit tight.

We have it from here.

Frankie? Frankie?
- Locked.


- On it.

Good boy.

Let me down.

You're okay? Of course.


Watch this.

Blizzard, sit.


Roll over.

He's like a big friendly dog.

That could tear you limb from limb.

Thank you for calling, Chief.

Is everyone okay? Frankie? Why are you dressed like that? Um, there were these robberies and nobody saw any suspects,
- and Chase saw the assistant disa
- Chase put you up to this? Okay, now he's gone too far.

Chase, are you there? Do you realize the danger you put Frankie in? I apologize.

My fervor for catching the offender clouded my judgment.

My apologies to you as well, Dr.


Accepted, Chase.

Although your suspicions about Maura's assistant may be correct.

What? Keeping Griffin Rock safe is more important than keeping a secret.

What secret? The new trick I devised for Maura was a set of invisibility cloaks.

Well, they're more like ponchos, really, but her assistant is the only other person who knows about them.

And he could be using one to rob places all over town.

Dad, two more stores robbed, two more invisible thieves.


These are all the places where cash was stolen.

They form a circle.

And look what's in the middle.

The bank.

The other robberies were just a dress rehearsal for the big show.

I know I don't wear clothes, but why would you need to practice getting dressed? No, Blades, it's just an exp Oh, never mind.

If the bank is our thief's next target, this is our chance to catch him red

Once the robber hits this trip wire, it'll trigger the hologram ray and expose him, invisible or not.

- And how long do we wait?
- Well, until That happens.

It's him.

Two? Of course.

It's classic magician strategy.

Hire twins for a vanishing act.

That's how he was able to reappear in the tree.

I think there may be another trick going on.

Evan and Myles.

I had no idea.

I'd better let Maura know what her assistants really are.

And here's their stash! Looks like you were right, Chase.

Sorry we doubted you.

Great work.

All in the line of duty, Sir.

Though I must say, vindication is a not unpleasant sensation.

Maura, we were right about your assistant.

Or should I say assistants.

That explains why they didn't show up today to help with my big trick.

You're still going through with it? As advertised.

I'm going to make grandma proud.

Have to run.

Hey, dad.

Isn't this Aunt Maura's magic barrel? You're right.

But what is she about to go down the falls in? Chase, can you see what's going on at the falls? I can.

But is it not another magic act? This time, I'm afraid Maura's in real danger.

Blades and Dani are on their way, but it's going to take the rest of us a while to get all the way to Chase? Are you there? Griffin Falls souvenirs, get 'em here!
- Hurry!
- Hold on.

I don't believe it.

-Da! Thank you.

Thank you very Whoa! I don't believe it.

Thank goodness you're safe.

And also thanks to my loyal assistant.

happy to be of service, ma'am.

Next time, please watch where you step and avoid waterfalls.

But I don't understand.

How did you do the trick without great
-grandma's barrel? With an updated and improved one based on her design.

I just wanted it to go perfectly, and make her proud.

And I'm sure she's very proud.

I'd say you're ready to get back to work.


But there are a few things I'd like to check on first.


As mysterious and inexplicable as any magic trick.