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04x08 - Enemy of My Enemy

Posted: 04/03/23 04:59
by bunniefuu
This is Huxley Prescott, reporting live from the zoo, where feline fans are flocking to celebrate the 25th birthday of our beloved cross
-eyed lion.

Found separated from his pride when he was just a cub, our lion was raised by a human family.

When he outgrew their home, he became the first resident of the Griffin Rock Zoo, an institution built to care for animals that could not survive by themselves in the wild.

To celebrate the main event, zookeepers have redesigned our lion's home with new technology.

3D holograms of Kenya.

A flowing river, and extra room to run.

We have to wish Whiskers happy birthday.

I made him a card and everything.

Heh, he'll probably just try to eat it.

But I'm sure he'll appreciate the thought.

Let's go.

It's time to welcome our lion to his new lair.

Ready? ( all yelling )
: Happy birthday! ( door whirs )
Where's Whiskers? Ladies and gentlemen, this can only mean one thing.

If there's no animal down there, he must be up here.

A lion is loose in the zoo.

( crowd clamoring )
Hey, watch it! Wh
-whoa! ( gasps )
This news report has been interrupted by another exciting episode of I Dare Me.

( upbeat theme playing )
Though I wish I hadn't.

No, no, no, no.

A routine patrol With four Bots in stasis Years later awoke In the strangest of places Earth was their home now And in addition Optimus Prime Gave them this mission Learn from the humans Serve and protect Live in their world Earn their respect A family of heroes Will be your allies To others remain Robots in disguise Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Humans in need Heroes indeed Rescue Bots Roll to the rescue Rescue Bots ( dramatic theme playing )
( hissing )
Hang on, Mr.

Prescott! To what? BOULDER: Didn't you read the sign? No feeding the animals.

( triumphant theme playing )
It's no safer up here.

Not with a lion on the loose! Ah.

Has anyone actually seen the lion? Last time Whiskers escaped, everyone knew about it.

Let's check with Chief to see if anyone has reported anything.

Uh Can you drop me off at my van? CODY: Dad and I watched last night's zoo security footage.

And you're not gonna like it.

( buzzing )
( dramatic theme playing )
HEATWAVE: I'd recognize that tech anywhere.

Quint Quarry.

Just one problem.

Quarry's still in jail on the mainland.

I called to check myself.

He's there, and he's not a hologram.

Won't fall for that again.

So who else could it be? Yeah.

Who'd wanna steal an old cross
-eyed lion? CHASE: Ahem.

We were adopting him that time, thank you very much.

Even if Quarry didn't do it, he's gotta know who did.

They're using his tech and everything.

Maybe we can ask him.

I doubt Quarry would talk to us, or that we could trust anything he said.

Please, Chief.

We have to try.

For Whiskers' sake.

I don't know anything about your blooming lion, so just leave me alone.

Where's my Tucker? Pot pie day? Hurrah! Now what? We don't even know where to start looking for Whiskers.

I've contacted the mainland police to help us search.

Doc's examining the video to try to find a way to track that helijet.

We're bound to get a lead soon.

Meantime, we have a job to do.

( all in unison )
: Emergency prep week.

CHASE: Joyous exclamation.

This year, we will finally be able to take part in the community safety drills and emergency gear checks.

Well, when you say it like that.

Yeah, I'm still not excited.

I know changing smoke alarm batteries and updating disaster kits isn't glamorous, but it is important.

The faster we get started, the faster we'll be done.

GRAHAM: Shelter NB37.

This one's right under downtown so it takes a lot of wear.

And tear.

Looks like people would be safer outside this shelter.

GRAHAM: Ugh, termites.

We're gonna have to rebuild all the supports in here.

After we finish checking out the other shelters.


Last one downstairs.


We may now test the fire house sprinkler system.

Good idea, partner.

We can check the pipes outside.

( alarm ringing )
Or That works too.

DANI: And remember, if an earthquake hits, stay away from windows, get low, and cover your head.

( snoring )

Okay, now let's practice.

Ready? Pretend the ground is shaking.

Oh, no! ( indistinct yelling )
Earthquake! It's the big one.

Save my baby! Remind me not to let you help with the tsunami drill.

All right, so we need to replace all the expired emergency rations.

( cans clattering )
You know, I really thought being part of everyday Griffin Rock would be more exciting.

Quit complaining and stack beans.

( tranquil theme playing )

Prescott? Here's your emergency prep week checklist.


Just put it there.

I'll read it when I'm done with my big cat
-napping story.

CODY: Wait.

What was the name of the family that adopted the lion cub? Checking my sources, huh? Q something.


Here it is.


Quint Quarry? He does know something.

Hey! If you get any leads, remember, this is my story! Mine.

I still don't think he'll talk to you, son, but you can try.

( beeps )
( suspenseful theme playing )
Your roo's loose in the top paddock.

I said leave me alone.

CODY: Sorry, Mr.


I just wanted to ask you to help us get our lion back.

He means so much to the town.

We want him to be safe and happy.

I bet you want that too.

Since you grew up with him.

( gulps )
Well, well.

You got the spirit of the hunter in you, kiddie

And since you're hot on the scent, I'll help you out.

But tell dear old Daddy I'll need a little something in return.

SHERIFF: Now don't try any funny stuff.

We're just as tough as the mainland jail here.

Eh, you want pudding with dinner, or pie? We'll take it from here, Barney.

Well, Mr.


We made good on our part of the deal.

My turn.


Well, the fellow you're looking for is Lord Thurston Chumley.

My archrival.

Stole most of my game, and all of my tech.

So that's why it looked familiar.

Is Lord Chumley a hunter too? Not like me.

Keeps his animals in stasis, like a stamp collection.

The rarer, the better.

That must be why he took Whiskers.

His eyes are special.

If you got another critter Chumley wants, you might be able to set a trap for him.

I'll do whatever I can to help.

Hunter's honor.

I don't like Quarry's plan.

Why would he help us? Because he doesn't like Chumley.

For once, I agree with him.

Well there's still the problem of finding an animal special enough to get Chumley's attention.

( clanks )
( roars )
Problem solved.

Nothing rarer than a Dinobot.

BURNS: I'm not sure.

Quarry managed to take you bots prisoner.

Who's to say Chumley won't do the same? Me.

Because this time, we'll be ready for him.

And on the remote chance we are captured, you can track our location to Lord Thurston.

And Whiskers.

All right.

If you're sure.

I'll have Quarry get a message to Chumley.

See if he takes our bait.

All right, Dad.

The bots' tracers are online.

( squawking )
Everyone's in place, Cody.

Got 'em, Dad.

You sure those EMP cannons will work? I tested them yesterday.

One pulse should freeze a Q drone, but won't stop a bot.

Kade, you guys see anything yet? Nothing yet.

Let me translate.


And apparently I can't go 10 seconds without eating.

We're missing my midnight snack.

( suspenseful theme playing )
HEATWAVE: Get ready.

( engine buzzing )
Now! Wait Where are they going? ( electronic whirring )
( chittering )
( dramatic theme playing )
Uh Hey! Hey! Bring those back! ( grunts )
( trumpets )
( suspenseful theme playing )
( grunts )
Her! Follow her! What do you want from me? Your peanut butter sandwich! Get rid of it! But that's my snack.

Would you rather be his snack? ( grunts )
( mellow theme playing )

Report in, team.

What's going on? ( growling )
Uh I'll get back to you.

( dramatic theme playing )
Cody, what's happening? Have the drones been taken out yet? We've been tricked.

The drones released some of the zoo animals.

And they're after my family.

We'll take care of it.

Rescue Bots Roar to the rescue! ( roaring )
Heatwave, be careful.

Chumley's helijet's moving in.

( roars )
( roars )
( growling )
( trumpets )
What does he want now? Peanuts! Get your fresh roasted peanuts! ( mellow theme playing )
( suspenseful theme playing )
( squawks )
( roars )
GRAHAM: What happened? DANI: The bots are gone.

Cody, do you have a visual? The helijet took off to the northeast, Dad.

It's too dark to tell anything else.

Graham, can you track the bots' signal? Um Let's see I can't really Is that a dot? Or Ah ( lemurs chittering )
Dude, were those your glasses? ( suspenseful theme playing )
Some plan.

I have a feeling we were set up.


Our tracking devices aren't working.

The scoundrel is no doubt blocking their transmission.


I've studied those Earth animals.

A white gorilla, a hairy
-nosed wombat.

They're extremely rare.

Chumley's private zoo.

He must be holding Whiskers elsewhere.

A Dodo bird! But Those are extinct.

You'd need a time machine to get one.

That's what they'll be saying about us in a little while.

Not if I can help it.

We get out, split up, and find Whiskers.

( grunting )
Stop! Someone's coming.

( suspenseful theme playing )
Oh, good show! Quite impressive.

You might not be real animals, but you open up a whole new category of collectables.

Oh, I shall call it robotic wonders! Oh, drones? Prepare them for display.

New plan.

Follow my lead.

( dramatic theme playing )
Ah! ( shatters )
Jolly good.

Well done.

A rare find, indeed.

Ho, ho! Quarry will be so jealous.

Something go wrong? You know it did.

You warned Chumley about our plan.


Why would I do that, boy
-o? I told you.

We're enemies.

Where are his headquarters, Quarry? Where'd he take the Dinos? I was hoping you'd be able to tell me.

( gasps )
You know If you let me out of the clink, I might be able to help you find him.

That'll never happen.

Well, they're your Dinos.

I just figured you might like to see them again's all.

Come on, Cody.

We'll see if Graham found anything out.

There's no signal.

Wherever the bots are, something's jamming their trackers.

And comms.

I'll research this Chumley guy.

Maybe it'll give us a clue where to look for him.

I'll fly reconnaissance with Taylor.

See if there's any sign of the helijet.

And I'll give up doughnuts till Heatwave comes back.

I know.

We all have to make sacrifices.

Besides, I know Heatwave.

He'll get out of this.

I hope you're right.

I'm sure he is, son.

While you three look for the bots, Kade can help me with emergency prep week.

( sighs )
Report in.

Any sign of Whiskers?
- BLADES: Nothing.

- BOULDER: Not yet.

- CHASE: Negative.

- Keep looking.

And let's meet in Whoa! Heatwave? Hello? Oh! Silence.

That's never a good sign.

Whiskers! Do you know how long we've been looking for you? Good kitty.

Two new pets caged, two to go.

Here, Whiskers, Whiskers.

Here, large feline, come in.

( grunts )
Ah! Carolina parakeets? Where does he find these things? Hmm.

Hello, little fella.

How'd you like to do me a favor? ( whirring )
You don't have to go too far.

Just out of range of the jamming device.

There you go.

Fly free.

( growls )
( beeps )
Dad, one of the bots' tracking chips just became active! That's great news, son.

Everyone, meet me at the firehouse.

Be there in a few, Dad.

Just finishing up an evacuation drill in the underground shelter.

Wait Which underground shelter? KADE: The tunnel under downtown.

What's the big deal? It's unstable.

Boulder and I slated it to be reinforced.


Looks fine to me.

( wood creaking )
Ah! ( dramatic theme playing )
( grunts )
Get under there! Hurry! ( crowd clamors )
KADE: Guys, the shelter collapsed.

We'll be there as fast as we can, son.

( grunts )
This is when I miss Heatwave.

That's off the record.

GRAHAM: They'll take days to dig through that.

And I'm worried Kade's shelter won't last that long.

I wish I hadn't waited for Boulder to do those repairs.

Don't b*at yourself up.

We're all used to relying on the bots.

Too bad they're stuck somewhere acting like animals.

CODY: Hey.

What if we had some animals here who could act like bots? You think lemurs are gonna help us out of this mess? CODY: Not exactly.

Do you happen to have a peanut butter sandwich? ( boom )
( trumpets )
That's the last time I follow you for a "safety drill.

" Uh, oh yeah.

Good job everybody, you passed.

That was a great idea, Cody.

Now let's get this elephant back to the zoo and roll to the rescue.

In what? DANI: Being a test pilot has it perks.

( beeps )
GRAHAM: Eyes peeled, guys.

We're right on top of the tracking signal.

All I see is a bird.

Get out of the way! No, that's the source of the signal.

It must have picked up one of the bot's trackers.


I know that bird from Boulder's extinct animal book.

That's a Carolina parakeet.

BURNS: I've heard of those.

They never travel far from their flock.

Boulder must have known that, which means they're close.

CODY: You think that's Lord Chumley's? What was your first guess? ( suspenseful theme playing )
The bots must be somewhere below decks.

Let's split up and search.


Is that you? HEATWAVE: What, you were expecting Starscream? ( beeping )
I found Whiskers! And Blades.

I have Chase.


Guess a little birdie told you where I was, huh? We found Boulder.

No one is allowed in my menagerie except me.

Then again I don't have any humans in my collection, do I? Silver lining and all that.

( growls )
Ah! ( dramatic theme playing )
( roars )
( squeals )
( squawks )
Mind your manners! Why, you'd be extinct if it weren't for me.

( gasps )
( grunts )
( grunting )
I'd say that's fitting.

Now let's take our lion and go home.

But what about the other animals? They helped us.

The least we can do is help them.

They deserve homes.

Like Whiskers.

Stately creatures should not be frozen.

I speak from experience.

You bots have more humanity than some people.

These creatures won't all fit in our zoo.

What about a nature preserve? Quarry can't use his island in jail.

We could put them there.

I think the mainland authorities would cooperate, especially once we hand over Chumley.

( indistinct chatter )
I think he likes his present.

( beeps )
Griffin Rock emergency.

Whoa, Barney, slow down.

What do you mean, Quarry's gone? It's those Q drones again.

They flew in and let Quarry out! Boulder, I need a lift.

Cody, check the jail camera and let me know what you find.

( beeps )

Quarry? Where are you? QUARRY: Don't bother trying to find me.

You can have my island for your pets.

I got no plans to chase your Dinos again.

I reckon it'd be best if ya did the same for me.

Did you set us up all along? Just so you could escape? I figured it was a fair trade.

I get my tech back, and you get my brother.

Your Yeah.

He was always ashamed of our family.

That's why I changed his name.

You see, we catch and release.

He keeps what he finds.

You can understand why we're not best mates.

So thanks for your help.

G'day, Cody.