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04x12 - The More Things Change...

Posted: 04/03/23 05:02
by bunniefuu
The More Things Change Can't believe it.

Moving day is finally here! Wait till you see our new place in action, Cody.

Just press a button, and boom! The old hanger transforms into the new Rescue Bot training center.

It's like architectural origami.

See ya there.

And no button
-pressing until I do my final inspection.

Kade: And we'll be there to inspect your inspection.

- What?
- The whole family's been invited! So this better be good.

And by good, I mean snacks.

And by snacks, I mean lots of them.

- Wait, I didn't invite anybody.

- But I did.

This is gonna be the biggest and best housewarming party ever! No, our focus is the test run and making sure everything's working.

I want to be able to give Optimus a perfect report.

You know what you are? It rhymes with smarty scooper.

I didn't realize you were "moving" moving.

Guess you Bots will be spending most of your time
- over there from now on.

- Nah, don't worry.

With the Ground bridge, the training center's
- just like being in the next room.

- Right.


Hey, Doc, what's with all the tech? These are my biometric sensors for the training center's security system.

They will only allow approved personnel to enter the facility.

Of course, everyone must be scanned and put on the approved list first.

[Babbles, laughs]

When I received my housewarming invite, I thought, "what's a party without a full
-body scan?"
- A regular party?
- Exactly! Come along Cece, time to hold daddy's hand!
[Babbles, laughs]

A routine patrol with four Bots in stasis Years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission Learn from the Humans, serve and protect Live in their world, earn their respect A family of heroes will be your allies To others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue Humans in need, heroes, indeed Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue Rescue Bots With Cody to guide them and show them the way The Rescue Bots will be saving the day Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue Rescue Bots Like I said, just like being in the next room.



Okay, Dani, good to go.

Doc, Cece's the last one on the list.

[Laughs, babbles]


Can we hurry this up? My stomach is empty.

- So it matches your head?
- "So it matches your head," very funny.

Don't you have a test flight or something to get to? Oh, not until later.

And Blades insisted that everybody show up at his party.

So, speaking of, where's dad?

Uh, everything okay, Doc? Cece just won't stay still long enough for the scan to complete.

Maybe I can help.

Cece, want to a game with me? Do you know Simon Says?

You can only do what I say and only when I say it, like this Simon Says touch your nose.

Stop touching your nose.

Ahh, Simon didn't say it! That's why I'm still touching my nose.

Wow, Cece, you learn fast!

That she does! And thanks for your help, Cody.

Now, just keep her still for a few moments.

Cody: Simon Says sit down.

Simon Says hold still.

Got it.

All clear, Cody.

Simon Says you win.

Let's party!

Party! And uploading her profile to the center's personnel list.

Okay! We're all good to go.

Boulder, you're taking Leafy Jr.

? I made a perfect place for him by a window in the training center.

He'll love it.

- Dude, books?
- Chase's detective novels.

He asked me to bring 'em over.

- Does he still read them out loud?
- Unfortunately, yes.

- Hello.

- Aah! Everyone, please wait while I perform a security check.


Elma's hologram? Cool! We figured a smart building should have a smart interface.

She controls and monitors the entire training center, and she can help solve any problems we run into.

- She's a genius.

- Several, actually.

We've programmed her with the combined intellect and personalities of multiple scientists.

She has the mathematical skill of Ada Lovelace, the cybertronian ingenuity of mainframe, and, of course, the innovation of Griffin Rock's Dr.

Elma Hendrickson.

- This visitor is not authorized.

- That's strange.

Cece's scan must've been corrupted somehow.

Sorry, Doc, guess I didn't keep her still enough with our game.


Not to worry.

Cece's overdue for her nap anyway.

I'll take her back and do a re
-scan once she wakes, then we'll return for the festivities.

Welcome to the rescue training center.

How may I direct you? Snacks, shortest route.

Snacks? This is a training facility, not a human pantry.

It's okay.

I think Blades brought some food over.

Let's check.

Dani: Whoa, everything here is ginormous.

Built with Bots in mind.

Ha, nice to see this place finally come together.

And hopefully someday we'll find some recruits worthy of its use.


Blurr and Salvage giving you trouble, huh? Let's just say that Salvage has some unusual collecting habits, and Blurr is
[rock music blares]

well, Blurr.



[Rock music continues]

[Music stops]

Hey, what happened to the Hello, Heatwave.

Hey, that's my Earth
-noise you stopped.

I am supposed to study the ways of humans, right captain?
- Study a little more quietly.

- Smarty scooper.

Oh, oh, yes.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Ooh, bacon in the popcorn? Blades, sometimes I think you know me better than anybody.


No, no, no.

Hey, hey, hey! I was gonna eat those!
- It's called the 5
-minute rule.

- Oh.

That's gross.

I set the building's cleaning protocols to detect debris and instantly clean it up.


Hey, Servo.

How you doing, boy?

Now, you go get him, Servo! Serves that thing right, trying to suck up my munchies.

[Speaks indistinctly]

Heatwave, I think we're ready for the big unveiling transformation.

Still have to finish the inspection.

Aw, I'd like to see the building in action before I leave.

Leave? What do you mean? Blades, I told you.

I have test pilot duty today.

I know, but I thought you'd change it.

- It's a party!
- Sorry.

Fine, go.

Bad enough that Professor Baranova and Frankie are out of town.

Now Doc and Cece aren't here.

I guess Chase and Chief aren't bothering to come, either.

They're on their way Blades, I promise.

Hey, Dad, you are on your way, right? Sorry, son, we stopped to help Jerry with a flat tire.

No end to the crises in Griffin Rock.


We'll be over as soon as we can.

[Siren wails]

Chase, what are you doing? Surreptitiously making sure this was not a criminal attempt to waylay this armored vehicle.

Chase, sometimes a flat tire is just a flat tire.

Jerry: I don't know, Chief.

I never let my guard down in case of a m
-my truck!

Nice moves, partner.

Thank you, Chief.

And, Jerry, may I remind you, it is called a parking brake for a reason.

Boulder: Welcome to the rescue arena.

This is where we'll do most of our training exercises.

- No way!
- Dani: Whoa.

- Cody: Shiny.

Kade: Wow, it's an empty room.

- Hey, there's Salvage!
- Hey, everybody.

Just finishing the last adjustments on the simulation generator.

This room can transform into, well, pretty much anything we need to practice a rescue.

- How can a room transform?
- See for yourself.

Elma, run "office building fire" exercise.

Fire simulation activated.


Nice form.

Solid work.

What would you like to see next?
- Bridge rescue, earthquake?
- Blurr: Ooh, ooh, check this.

Say you want to practice a winter rescue, you just say, "Elma, make it snow.

" Snow simulation activated.


It's always pretty until you have to fly in it.

Ow! Hey!

Oh, come on grouchy
-head! Stop pouting and have some fun! Oh! Ha, gotcha! Ha, serves you right.

Hey, paint job!

- Snow crown!
- Hey!

Heatwave: Graham, get a load of this.

Elma, open up the boat dock.

Graham: Whoa, impressive.

But I I don't remember seeing this in the plans from Optimus.

Once we knew there was a river under here, it just made sense.

This whole chamber can be flooded to practice aquatic rescues.

Heatwave: Plus, I can use it.

That inlet goes all the way to the ocean.


Oh, you want to play tough? Elma, crank this snow up to blizzard.

Blizzard conditions activated.

- Whoa!
- Aah! What the? Blurr, turn it off! Aah! Aah! Aah!



Elma, shut down the weather machine! Weather machine deactivated.

- What were you thinking?
- Why am I the one you always

All right, dumb question.

Sorry, Cody, just having fun.

Chase: Chase to Heatwave we have arrived at the training center.

We'll meet you upstairs.

You're staying here to clean up.

Servo, keep an eye on him.

[Barks, growls]


This way.

The zoom
-tube's the fastest way up.

Thought you would've left for your test flight by now, Dani.

Pretty soon.

I'm just glad I got to see this place.

It's amazing! Blades: You know what else is gonna be amazing? My party! Oh, that's right you're going to miss it.

Blades, I'm sorry, really.


There'll be other parties, Blades.

I hope.

But this one was supposed to be special.

It's the last time we'll have a first chance to have everybody together here.

- And my own partner's not even coming.

- I know what you mean.

I'm going to miss everyone being together, too.

With all you guys hanging out here now, who knows when it'll happen again? Fingers crossed.

Here we go.

Elma, open the training center.



- It works!
- Chief: Optimus would be proud.

- Awesome.

- Kade: Nice.

Boulder: Good job, everybody.

[Phone beeps]

Oh, no, my ride's here early.

- Better change the building back.

- Don't worry, it's covered.


From the road, it looks like the old hanger.

See dad, here's the security feed.

The holograms project from these fake trees to hide the building.

But they won't hide us.

Excellent point.

I suggest vehicle modes for all.

[Horn honks]

See y'all later!

Quite a facility.

Heatwave, I know your team will always be on call, but our morning on Griffin Rock has reminded me how valuable it is to have everybody together.

We'll still be there for important emergencies.

All emergencies are important to the people they're happening to.

And remember, we are sworn to serve and protect, be it raging fire or flattened tire.

[Cellphone rings]

Speaking of
[cellphone beeps]

This is the Chief.


Be right there.

[Cellphone beeps]

Chase, we better head back.

Traffic light out downtown.

Mind if I tag along? I want to check the scrap yard for a few things
- to spruce this place up.

- Oh, I might as well go, too.

It's just not a party without Dani.

Where's everybody going? I didn't get to show them my surprise.

You can show us.

Cool! A slot car track! But where are the cars? Right here.

Elma, open minimizer.

- You installed a shrink
- Yay

What do you say, captain? Up for some laps? Last time we raced, you how do I put it? cheated.

So no.


I'll have a go.

Loser takes mop duty for the next two cycles.

It's on.

Elma, minimize us.

Cody, a little help?
[Computer beeps]

Doc just sent Cece's updated biometric profile.

Let's go load it in the personnel files.

Then they can visit.

I'll come with you.

I'm bridging back to Griffin Rock.

Why, Heatwave? I shouldn't be sitting around here watching races.

Chase was right.

Even if it is just a broken traffic light,
- my place is over there.

- Can I come? Kade:

Aw, sweet track! No way.

- Hey watch it!
- Do you mind? 20 laps, fastest Bot wins.

- This is all about speed.

- And wits.

Kade, if you will.

[Engines revving]

[Tires squeal]


Whoops, sorry.


-ha! Oh, yeah, I did it.

I'm fastest.

Talk to me in 19 laps.

See, every time I try to upload Cece's profile,
- I get an error.

- Let me check something.

- Okay, try it now.

- It it worked.

Thanks, buddy.

Just had to fix the file extension and restart the transfer program.

Cody: Bye, guys.

We'll be on Griffin Rock if you need us.

- What?
- How did we end up back here? Dad, you there? It's me, Graham.

Chief and Chase are still downtown.

Can you try the Ground bridge.

It's not working on our end.

Sure thing.

Nope, back where I started.


Last lap, guys.

Go, go, go!
[Tires squeal]



Way to go, Quickshadow! I always save a bit for the end.

Boulder and Graham need our help.

Ground bridge is acting up again.

Elma, unshrink Blurr and Quickshadow.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

- What is with her?
- Everything's going haywire around here.

Hmm, better run a diagnostic.

Uh, we have another problem.

The building's cloaking is failing.

The holograms are at 90% coverage and dropping.


I don't get it.

It could be the projectors.

I should be able to repair them manually out front.

Elma, can you please unlock the doors.

Sorry, you didn't ask correctly.

She put the building on full lockdown! And the minimizer panel won't open.

There's definitely something wrong with Elma.

Blurr: Gee, you think? Hey, guys, guess what? Today's test flight plan has us passing right over the new training center.

We'll be going back and forth all afternoon! Guys?
- Dani, the hologram is failing.

- And we can't get out to fix it.

So retract the building, go back to hangar mode.

- Elma's shut the retractor down.

- So, that means? The training center will be completely exposed.

People driving by will see it.

And people flying over will see it, report it, investigate And blow our cover.

How do we explain that to Optimus?
[Servo whines]