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04x15 - King Burns

Posted: 04/03/23 05:05
by bunniefuu
Chase: Cody, do you require assistance searching for something? Nope.

Got it right here.

See? Why are you saving that? Those things grow on trees, you know.

It's not just any leaf, Heatwave.

It's a gift Uncle Woodrow gave dad a while ago.

It says "happy brother's day" in beetle spit.

See? Uh, I'll take your word for it.

- Found it, dad.

- Thanks, Cody.

Good thing we have uncle woodrow's satellite number.

Who knows where he's adventuring now? Somewhere they serve bugs for lunch is a good guess.

Didn't his last letter say something about the jungle? Happy brother's day, Woody.

Oh, Charlie! You remembered! Aww.

Is that the leaf I sent you from the Lowlands of Dagobar? I can't believe you kept that! Of course, Woody.

Every time I see beetle spit, I think of you.

[ Chuckles ]

It really means a lot, big brother.

Hey, kids! Did I ever tell you about
[ Animal screeches ]

Hey, get out of here! Shoo! Woody, what's going on?
[ Crash ]

[ Screeches ]

Woodrow! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later, awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now, and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans, serve and protect live in their world, earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others, remain robots in disguise Rescue Bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes, indeed Rescue Bots roll to the rescue Rescue Bots He's not picking up.

What kind of trouble did you get yourself into now, Woody? And how can we help him out of it if we don't know where he is? I might be able to find out.

The call should have a GPS stamp.

Huh? It looks like he's in the middle of a Rwandan gorilla preserve? So Uncle Woodrow was att*cked by a bunch of angry apes? It wouldn't be the first time.

And it won't be the last if I can help it.

Chief, as your partner in all things rescue and table tennis, I will gladly back you up on this mission.

I appreciate it, chase, but to get to Africa, I'll need bots who can travel by sea and air.

- Heatwave?
- No need to even ask.

We'll help you find your brother.

Hope you're caught up on all your TV, Blades, 'cause we have a long flight ahead of us.

Are you kidding? I can't wait to see Africa! Cute lion cubs who sing.

Oh, and really funny hyenas.

Yeah, I wouldn't get my hopes up about the singing.

Now, communication in the jungle will be iffy.

I'm counting on you five to watch over things.

We got it covered, dad.

And by we, I mean me.

- Really?
- Again? Boulder: Soda can.

Cody: Picking up beach litter is still better than doing Kade's laundry.

Poor Graham.

I've never seen the tide this low.

And there's a bottle jammed under that rock.

[ Grunts ]


This looks like it's been here for centuries.

[ Bottle rattles ]

And it sounds like there's something inside.

[ Whirring ]

[ Cork pops ]

A treasure map? I don't think so.

But whatever it is, it's old.

"I, King Charles of England," in light of noble and heroic service "from our loyal subject, Horace Burns" Your ancestor The town founder whose precarious statue stands in the square? I guess so.

And the King of England said he was noble! "do hereby declare by royal charter that the" King Charles: The isle of Griffin Rock shall henceforth be a protectorate of the crown, and, in accordance with England law and tradition, shall be ruled by King Horace the first and his heirs until the end of time.

Whoa! That means Graham! You had one job!
- What's that?
- It's a charter that says Griffin Rock is a royal kingdom! And Chief Burns is its king! Now, wait, wait, wait, wait.


Seriously? Okay, then.

I'm in charge while dad's gone, so that makes me king.

Kade, if Griffin Rock were its own country, we'd have heard about it in history class.

We don't even know if this charter is real.

I'll run some tests on the age of the paper and ink.

In the meantime, we can assume it is a binding legal document.

Therefore, we must inform the mayor and the town.

I'll tell them.

After all, they are my subjects.

[ Siren wails ]

All right, Blades.

Time to pick up the pace! I'm finally in Africa! So when do we see the dancing animals?
[ Laughs ]

I'm not I'm being serious.

We're nearing woodrow's last coordinates.

Blades, set us down in that clearing up ahead.

We'll go the rest of the way on foot.

Keep an eye out, everyone.

The GPS is directing us this way.

[ Branch cracks ]

[ Screeches ]

Luskey: King Kade! Yeah, but but What does that leave me? You need a new job.

Of course, I could use a royal assistant.

How does Prime Minister Luskey sound?
[ Laughs ]

It sounds like I'd better start planning a coronation ceremony for our new king.

[ Electricity crackles ]


It's worse than I thought.

Chief: Well, that explains why he didn't call back.

What could have done this? Those footprints definitely aren't human.

Do you think whatever did this is still here watching us?
- There!
- Ah! Boot prints Woody must have escaped this way.


Maybe he's still nearby.

[ Grunting ]

[ Roars ]

[ Roars ]

[ Sniffing ]

Hold on, Heatwave.

He's not being aggressive.


[ Gasps ]

[ Grunting ]

Ah! Ohh! What's he doing? Giving dad a noogie? Just like I taught him! Uncle Woodrow! The Burns family, I presume?
[ Chuckles ]

- What a nice surprise!
- Woody! Did you, uh, teach him this, too? No, no.

Grooming is natural gorilla behavior.

That means they like you.

You should be flattered, Charlie.


I am.

But maybe you can get him to stop flattering me now?
[ Laughs ]


[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Grunts ]

I told him your my family.

So he wants to show you his.

Come on.

[ Gorillas grunting ]

Aww! I love Africa! I don't get it.

If these gorillas like you, why'd they attack? What Is that why you came? You thought I needed rescuing from these gentle giants? No.

It was baboons who trashed my camp.

They're much more aggressive.

Thanks for coming such a long way, everybody.

I'm touched.

Can we give you a ride back home? It's tempting, Dani, but my work here isn't finished.

I came to study the gorillas, and they sort of adopted me.

Isn't that right, Bingham? I've even started to learn their language, a whole system of grunts and gestures.

[ Grunts ]

Uh, no thanks, Stanley.

I'm full.

But maybe our guests.

- Ew.

- No, thanks.

- Trying to quit.

- I don't eat.

Earthquake? Volcano.

That one's almost ready to erupt, another reason I can't leave.

I have to lead these gorillas to a safer nesting spot.

Chief, can we stay and help? We came this far.

Might as well visit.

If it's all right, Woody.

All right? It's perfect.

My two families together.

Hot dog!
[ Baboons screeching ]

Prescott: Coronation day in Griffin Rock, the world's newest monarchy.

And everyone is in the spirit.

Royal souvenirs? We got 'em! Scones? Clotted cream? And don't forget a traditional "cuppa.

[ Slurps ]

Ugh, I miss my coffee.

[ Trumpets play ]

As prime minister, and in the absence of his father, the king, I hereby crown Prince Kade Burns as regent and royal highness.

Eh, uh, temporaneous.

Miss Maple Syrup? Eh, it's just for now.

A real crown's on its way.

Two business days.

[ Cheering ]

It audibly appears your new subjects wish to greet you.

[ Cheering continues ]

I give you King Kade the first!
[ Trumpets play ]

[ Joints crack ]

Oh! Ow! Ow.

This just can't be legal.

I want to emphasize how sorry I am for finding that charter.

Boulder, you don't have to keep apologizing.

It's not your fault.

I know, but if I can prove that paper's fake, I'll feel better about it.

If you need me, I'll be at the library doing research.

[ English accent ]

Thank you.

Thank you.

I deserve it.

[ Chuckles ]

It's so good to be the Ki Gah! Oh!
[ Coughs ]

Chase, what are you doing? Anointing your head with oil, an ancient English tradition.

[ Sniffs ]

Why do I smell like French fries? The oil is from a local diner.

It was going to be recycled, but I told them the king needed it.


Actually, it's not too bad.


Hope Hayley likes it.

How is she handling all this? Oh, little bro.

Are you kiddin'? I've gone from Prince Charming to King Charming.

Ooh, and I know just where to take her tonight.

Prime minister! Yes, Your Highness? My first act as king is to declare this humungado week at the drive

Make it so.

[ Trumpets play ]

Your Majesty.

According to the book, "monarchy for the uninformed," a king's body must be guarded at all times.

I will happily perform that duty.

Uh, all right.

Just don't marsh my mallow.

I would not think of it.

Even if I knew what that was.

Man, I'm glad I'm not king.

Uh, Prime Minister Luskey, you can stand up now.

No, I can't.

My back went out.

[ Roars ]

[ Horses whinny ]


What's going on? Eh! Oh! Ah! What happened? Who perpetrated this brazen as*ault on your royal self? Hayley! Out of the blue, she just Just dumped me.

You must have done something.

She said she doesn't believe in a ruling class.

So I told her she didn't have to call me King Kade, that "your majesty" would be fine.

And then, boom.

That was it.

I think you're lucky it was just popcorn.

Treasonous! Shall I apprehend her, your majesty? Ah, forget it.

I've had it.

I am done being king.

Here you go, bro.

I hereby blabbity blabbity blah royal successor you.

[ Trumpets play ]

Maybe I can still talk some sense into Hayley.

Hayley! Your most recent majesty, I live to serve.

I got to admit, Woody, it sure is impressive how they follow you.

Well, it takes a long time to build up their trust, but they know I'll keep them safe from
[ Baboons screeching ]

[ Roars ]

[ Screeching continues ]

Stand back! I'll blast them! Wait, Heatwave! It's only a show of territorial dominance.

Just stay calm, they'll Look! The baby!
[ Screeching continues ]

Blades, I need a hand.

[ Screeches ]

Yeah, you better run! And maybe sing?
[ Grunting ]

[ Chuckles ]

Well, uh, you're welcome.

You don't understand, Charlie.

Stanley is making you the leader of his band.

What? But I didn't do anything.

I just
[ Grunting ]

He says the big men, he means the bots, follow your command.

And now the gorillas will, too.

Do you know how amazing that is? It took me months to gain their trust.

But I don't I mean, I I can't.

Woody, you're the one who's
[ Grunting ]

Wait! You're going the wrong way.

That's where the lava's heading.

we have to get the gorillas up to high ground before the lava reaches them.

Wait, Woody.

You'll be able to find them faster from the air.

Go with Dani and Blades.

Heatwave and I'll do what we can to buy you more time.

Dani, you and Woody get a visual on the gorillas yet? Dani: Still looking, dad.

The smoke's making it hard to see.

Down there! Something's moving! Woody: Charlie, the gorillas are right next to you.

Tell Stanley to move the band to safety.

Will do, Woody.

I hope this works.

[ Grunts ]

Don't go that way.

This way.

Whoa! Chief!
- Woody: Charlie, did you find them?
- Yes.

Now there's a new problem.

Next on your schedule, sire, eh, your subjects and their petitions.


All these people are here because they have problems? And they want you to solve them.

Isn't being king wonderful?
[ Laughs ]

Your Majesty, Milo's incessant drumming is ruining my baking.

Oh! Oh, I see how it is! You blame your bad cooking on my art?
[ Drums rapidly ]

Boom, boom, boom is not art! Would you put down your mixing spoon and listen to this, huh?
- Ahem.

- Listen! This is art! Hey! My, uh, royal decree is that you take turns drumming and and baking.

- You call yourself a king?
- That's a terrible idea! I beg a boon, my Liege! Will thou knight me? Back off, Huxley! We were here first! It's Sir Huxley, peasant! You interrupted my drumming!
- Oh, really?
- I don't think
[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Trumpets play ]

Sorry, Cody.

I can't do this.

You mind being king for a while? Chase, let me use your P.


Hear me, people of Griffin Rock!
[ Chicken clucks ]

Kingdom or not, we all still have to follow the law and get along.

Milo, can't you play your drums somewhere besides the bakery? Oh, well, sure.

I just thought Mr.

Pfeiffer liked it, you know? Oh, and I do.

But not while I'm baking.

Maybe just during lunch? Mm.

Hey! This is actually good stuff.


Prescott, how would you like to be official royal newscaster? This just in big yes! Maybe that charter was right, Cody.

You were born for this.

[ Gorillas grunting ]

Woody, I need your help.

Your gorillas don't understand me.

It's a tricky dialect.

Blades, can you land us down there? No.

The jungle's too dense.

I have an idea.

First thing we have to do is calm these guys down, or they won't listen.

Now, let's pick some nits.

At a time like this? Especially at a time like this.

[ Rocks whooshing ]

Hurry! I don't know how long I can hold back the flames.

Hope they're calm enough now.

Everyone, go this way.

[ Grunting ]

[ Gorillas grunting ]

[ Lava sizzling ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Helicopter Blade whirring ]

Even in the middle of Africa, you outdo me, Charlie.

Got to admit, I'm a little jealous.

Oh, they only like me 'cause I have more silver in my hair than you.

No, Charlie.

Some leaders are born, others are made.

You're a natural.

And they know it.

I may be Chief back in Griffin Rock, but this job is not for me.

See? He's the one you should be listening to My little brother.

He's the smart one.

[ Both grunting ]

Aw, thanks, Stanley.

And you too, Charlie.

Best brother's day ever.

Can I please move now? My back really itches.

Poor kid.

He looks ridiculous.

[ Laughs ]

I can hear you, you know?
[ Sighs ]

What does all this have to do with being a Leader, anyway?
[ Thud ]

Stop painting! Stop everything! Cody isn't king! Police Bot, remove him! He's interrupting a royal occasion! Actually, I'm not.

I found this in the Maine archives.

It's the royal resignation of King Horace the First and last.

Horace was offered kingship, but he turned it down.

He wanted the people of Griffin Rock to rule themselves.

Cody: Why didn't he just burn the charter? Guess keeping gifts in jars is a family tradition.

- You're back!
- Missed you guys!
- Welcome home!
- Did you find Woodrow? What happened? Hey, guys.

Uncle Woodrow is fine.

He sends his love.

Did we miss anything here? Man: Delivery for King Burns.

Who wants to sign? Not much happened here, dad.

I mean Your Majesty.