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04x17 - Uninvited Guest

Posted: 04/03/23 05:06
by bunniefuu
Stick close, team.

There's nothing to worry about.

Except maybe that giant ring of fire? Relax, I was made for this.

KADE: You're out of water already? Maybe you should have thought of that when we were power
-washing Hayley's sidewalk.

I knew this wouldn't be easy.

I'm transforming, it's the only way out.

I can go get more water.

Not this time, Blades.

Just try to look at the situation from a different angle.

BLADES: Yeah I'm still seeing a giant ring of fire! Dani means try to think about the problem differently.

And maybe a little faster? These flames are getting close.

If only Heatwave's ladder were longer, then we could at least get our partners to safety.

Good idea, Chase.

Boulder, help him put Blades on your shoulders.

It's kind of high up here, do I really need to
( grunts )

Now hold on!
( grunts )

( heroic theme playing )
Um, he's coming back right?
( whirring, beeping )
Noble, guys! A perfect score.

I still don't see why I couldn't just transform.

The object of the training session was to complete the task without transforming The idea is to be ready for anything.

( beeping )
Great, what's the simulation throwing at us now? I don't think that's part of the simulation.

CHIEF: That thing's coming down fast.

CODY: It's an unidentified spaceship, and it's going to crash right into us!
( dramatic theme playing )
Should we evacuate? No time.

We have to try to soften the landing or it could destroy the whole building.

Not to mention whoever's flying.

( over radio )
: S.



The controls are not responding, requesting help.

That design looks Cybertronian.

- Anybody you know?
- I don't recognize the voice.

The fact that it is Cybertronian does not mean it is Autobot.

- What is
- Someone's in trouble and we're going to rescue them.

We can sort out the rest later.

I'll shut off our cloaking device.

( over radio )
: Ground control to unknown pilot, you should see our landing pad now.

Boulder, Blaze, foam up the ground.

Chase, with me.

Aim for the ship.

ALL: Power up and energize! Take cover!
( sizzling )
BOULDER: The hull seems intact.

And no damage to the landing pad.

Thank Primus.

Hold the victory dance, we still don't know what's inside that thing.

Bumblebee! It's you! Are you okay? But there appears to be no one else onboard.

Somebody was on the distress call.

Who are you flying with, Bee?
( grunts )

It's just me.

( all gasp )
What? Oh, the voice!
( chuckles )

I have tons to catch you guys up on, don't I? Well, I got my voice box fixed, new team, new mission.

Well, that's it, actually.

So maybe not tons.

Gotta say, a little surprising, but, glad to hear it.

Quite literally.

And glad you made it okay.

How you doing, bud? Ah, it is great to see you.


Is your new mission what brought you here? Sort of.

I was up on a job and took some meteor damage, had to land somewhere and remembered you guys had this new facility.

So I owe one to everybody.

Always happy to help.

I haven't seen this model before.

Any chance I could check it out? I was actually hoping you'd help fix it.

Oh, fix it? We'll give it an upgrade! Um, something wrong, Blades? How about a tour while Boulder is working on your ship? Sounds great.

Hold on.

You have to meet our security hologram before you can go through those doors.

( beeping )
This is Bumblebee.

Scan him and approve for clearance please.

Elma runs everything here in the training center.

Okay, you're in the system now.

I'll be right along.

( beeping )
First I want to see how our friends are coping
- on Griffin Rock.

- We're great, Chief.

In the middle of a rescue operation right now.

And don't worry, we got it covered.

How did Mr.

Pettypaws even get up there? Not sure, but here's how he's getting down.

I call it the Cat
-avator 5000.

Made it myself.

Here catty, catty.

Ugh, this is taking way too long.

Oh boy.

See? Good idea.

Right chief?
( sighs )
Chief? Uh, you there? Chief? Whoa, this place is way better than my team's HQ.

Ours is kind of Well, it's, you know, a junkyard.

Sorry to interrupt, but I think it might be best for everybody, especially Griffin Rock's pet population, if we Burnses get back to the island to help out.


Blurr and Salvage not handling things too well, huh? Well, they're doing things their own way.

Enough said.

Let's go, guys.

Dad, is it okay if I stay here and hang out with Bumblebee? Of course, son.

Come back with the bots once the repairs to Bee's ship are done.

BUMBLEBEE: Thanks, Chief.

He says: "Thank you, Ch" Oh.

Sorry, habit.

Still not used to this.

- Bye, Bee.

- Good to see you.

- Love the new voice!
- Travel safe.

Come on, the racetrack's this way.

I think you'll like this one.

You all right, Blades? It's just that, I feel like I don't even know Bumblebee anymore.

A new mission, a new team, a new voice.

Why didn't he tell me? I'm sure he's busy That is not how I expected him to sound at all.

His voice is weird, right? I like it.

He sounds friendly.

And smart.

Kind of like I always imagined him sounding.

You'll get used to it.

( sighs )

( Bumblebee whooping )
Oh, yeah! Oh, you weren't kidding, this is awesome.

( tires screeching )
Elma, maximize Bumblebee.

I gotta get me one of those.

( grunts )
All this damage.

That meteor must have been pretty dense.

( robotic barking )

Never seen anything like this before.

Piece of the meteor, maybe? Better bring it back to Griffin Rock.

I'm sure Doc Green will want to check it out.

( screeching )
We refer to this control center as the Neural Nook.

Everything above it retracts when the building transforms.

Transforms? A building in disguise, huh? That sounds familiar.

Except when the building changes, there aren't any surprises.

Um, what? I'm just I mean, if the building had friends, they'd know and then Never mind.

Um, come on, Bee, we'll show you the underground training facility.

Underground train Wait, there's more? Okay!
( hissing )

( dramatic theme playing )

( dramatic theme playing )

( hissing )
We are rather proud of this area.

It transforms into a variety of rescue or training situations.

Elma, martial arts room, please.

( whirring, beeping )
Oh, impressive.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Elma, activate the floor maze.

( beeping )
Go on inside.

This is the kind of scenario we
( groaning )
: use for Heatwave? He appears to have gone into a stasis coma.

But how? He must be low on Energon.

Why now? What could have happened?
( groans )
CHASE: Answers will wait, we must get him an Energon infusion immediately! Assistance please.

( screeching )

( grunts )
Untooth me, you Chase! Whoa!
( grunts )
He's down too.

What was that thing? Maybe No.

It's too little.

Unless it was a baby one.

Baby one what? Energon eater.

You mean a space vampire? Like the one Chase and Boulder caught that one time? But how did it get to Earth? I think I can answer that.

( grunts )
As soon as we get these two into stasis pods.

I'll tell Boulder to meet us at the medical bay.

( beeping )
There, this'll keep them safe until we deal with the creature.

I still don't understand how an Energon eater got here.

Must have grabbed a ride on my ship, and it got off when I crashed.

And now it could be anywhere Ready to pounce and drain.

In the ceiling, the walls, or hiding in my own canopy! It'll be okay.

We just need to work together and not panic.


Who's panicking? First, we need to lock down this building.

If that thing gets back to my ship and drains the Energon, it'll get even bigger.

And we'll all be stuck in here with it.

Not panicking, not panicking.

We could always get out through the Groundbridge.

Too risky, we open the bridge the creature could get through too.

And reach Blurr and Salvage.

Elma, lock down the center.

Uh, Elma? Hello? Was that Was that her name? Was it Elma? You're not authorized to give commands.

She doesn't recognize your voice patterns.

Her and me both.

( hissing )

( robotic growling )

Lock down the center.

( alarm sounding )
DANI: Road closed, detour this way.

Come on, faster.

Faster! I can't believe you're telling people to speed.

Oh, yeah? Well, I can't believe I'm stuck doing this while Bumblebee, the Bumblebee, is back at the center.

I wanna race with him! You know, I can rig something together to connect these broken parts.

Won't take too long.

Or we could just use this wire, that they actually make for this very purpose.


That's no fun.

Cody, you're trapped in there with that thing? The creature can't hurt me, Dad.

I don't have any Energon.

It's the bots who have to worry.

Uh, yeah, I know it's not ideal, Chief, but it's the only way.

If that thing breaks free, we'll never find it.

( sighs )
Just promise me you'll all stay safe.

Will do, Dad.

What was that? Boulder's using his seismic imaging, probably trying to track the creature.

I can't get a lock.

It must be on the move.

( creature hissing )

- It's in the wall!
- Blades! Power up with the foam cannon and blast that thing when it comes out.

Comes out of where? All right, all right.

Power up and energize! Okay, I definitely gotta get me one of those.

( dramatic theme playing )
I think it's moved to that wall.

No, I think it's Right above us.

( yelling )
Oh, boy, not the maze.

Blades, stay at this exit.

Bee, let's block the other two.

Cody, any way you could get us a bird's eye view? Sure!
( beeping )
Where are you? Bumblebee, he's near your exit, but all the paths lead to the center.

So if everybody moves in, you should be able to trap it.

BLADES: "Should" and "want to" are two different things.

How do we know which way to go? BOULDER: Pick a wall, either side of you, Left or right, it doesn't matter, put your hand against it and just follow that wall.

But stick with the one you picked.


The one I picked hit a dead end.

BOULDER: Only temporary.

Keep following your wall.

Following, following, following.

( beeping )
I've lost visual.

( yelling )

- Don't eat me!
- Energon eater!
- This never happened.

- I won't tell.

( over radio )
: Guys, I'm not hearing anything from Boulder.

Can you see the creature anywhere? It must've gotten out of the maze somehow.

Maybe through the Ah!
( screams )
Guys I scared it off before it could drain all my Energon.

Stop talking, Boulder, we'll get you to stasis.

Another one down, and that creature could be anywhere! We could be next! Either one of us! I'm sure it's me.

And, without Boulder, we don't have a way to track him.

Wait, the Neural Nook.

From there I can check the building for noises and heat signatures.

Good thinking.

And we'll hunt it the old
-fashioned way.

- We?
- No better team for this than the two of us.

Stay in touch on the coms.

( dramatic theme playing )
You know, I'm glad you think we're still a good team.

Well, sure, we'll always be a
( rustling )

- Uh

- Aw.

- And uh
-oh what?
- Shh! It must've gone this way.

Cody, you pick up anything yet?
( beeping )
Okay, I'm getting an unidentified heat signature from inside the wall near you, but it's moving away.

Go to your right, looks like it's picking up speed.

So Blades, did you think we wouldn't be a good team anymore? It's just that I haven't seen you in so long.

Your new mission, new team, and now that you can talk, well you sound so different.

( over radio )
: Turn left at the corner.


I know, big change, right? You're not the only bot who had trouble with it.

But it's still me.

I'm the same bot inside and so are you.

A real friendship can handle anything you throw at it.

( creature hissing )
( over radio )
: Uh, guys.

I think he's been following you! He smells our Energon! He's trying to get at us! Let him try.

We'll teach him to mess with Team Bumble
-Blades! Huh.

Well, I guess you scared him off.

( beeping )
I think it's looking for another way out.

It's in a different duct.

I'm tired of chasing this thing, maybe this is one of those times we have to look at things from a new angle.

A new angle.

Great idea, Blades! Instead of chasing it, why not let it find you? You mean use ourselves as bait? Okay, that was so not my idea.

Cody, you saw how fast that thing is.

If it gets one, or both of us, you're left here on your own.

And we promised Chief we'd take care of you.

What about your ship? You said yourself, Bee, that Creature would love to get his tentacles on it.

It's the biggest store of Energon around.

The perfect bait.

We have to be ready for it.

Then let's gear up and take it down! See, that's a nice catch phrase.

I gotta get me one of those too.

CODY: Elma, end the lock down.

Servo, over here.

( robotic barking )
Stay with me, boy.

Okay, guys, in to position.

I'll keep tracking the vampire on the thermal scanner.

( beeping )
It's heading up the lift shaft! Man your stations! I mean, bot your stations!
( dramatic theme playing )

( hissing )

( heroic theme playing )
All wrapped up.

Go Team Bumble
-Blades! Aww.

( hissing )

(screams )

( chuckles )
I leave you alone for one day and you lose all your Energon.

( sighs )
Just glad you're back to normal, bud.

Oh, wait, so Blades actually captured this thing? I am never gonna hear the end of it.

Wish I could have been here, I missed all the fun.

But I'm glad that thing's secure.

( laughs )
And I'm just glad everyone's safe.

I concur.

Having one's Energon sucked out is an experience I would not like to repeat.

Oh, oh, oh, and have I ever told you about the time Optimus and I sang karaoke? Ha! Ship's good as new, Bee.

But if we had more time, we could make it even better.

Thanks, but I gotta get this guy into custody.

Great to see you, Blades.

I hope we can hang out again soon.

Send me a voice message once in awhile, okay? Sure.

And you should come on a mission with my team some time.

Telling you, we'll have a blast and a half.

Bye for now, everybody! Did you hear that? He wants me to go on a mission with him.

I guess he was impressed by how I handled the Energon eater.

We're all impressed, but you do realize that his missions involve capturing things like that every day? Maybe we'll just stick to the voice messages.

KADE: So long, Bee! Still digging that voice!
- CHASE: Fly responsibly!
- CODY: Watch out for meteors! DANI: Bye, Bee.

See you next time! HEATWAVE: Great seeing you, Bee.

- SALVAGE: Farewell, Bumblebee.

- BOULDER: See ya, Bee.