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Hodge Saves Easter (2020)

Posted: 04/03/23 18:22
by bunniefuu
Just like a movie,

just like a storybook

We are the future, we're

the ones they won't overlook

It's time to be the hero


Like you've never seen

Just like in a dream

- Whoohoo! (laughs)

Lookit, Turk.

We's flippity-flyin' and hippity-hopping,

all over the place. (laughs)

- Yippity-yowza, Hodge!

And to think, I could have been stuck

being the main attraction on

one of them green planets.

- Oh, right.

What's that there holly-day called again?

Uh, Thicksgiving?

- Thanksgivin', Hodge, it's Thanksgivin',

and ain't no turkeys givin'

thanks for that, let me tell ya.

- I bet not.

Sounds like it's good for everybody

but the bird, man. (laughs)

- Ya better believe it!

I escaped by the tip of my feathers

so many times, I done lost count.

- Aw, don't feel bad about that, though.

I can't even count, (laughs) period.

- You can't, and I blasted off with ya?

I must be knee-crazy!

- No, Turk, don't get

down on yourself. (laughs)

You ain't crazy.

You's just a little nutty is all.

- Thanks.

- [Hodge] Don't mention it.

- [Squeak] Hey, hey, goobers,

we thought that was you.

- [Hodge] Squeak!

- In the blue flesh,

and I just picked up my

ship at the Star Mechanic's.

This baby's souped up

and ready to fly high.

- Soup, oh!

I loves me some soup, man.

Can you telebeam a couple

of bowls over here?

- What's that turkey going on about?

- Uh, (laughs) tell you what, Hodge,

if you guys can beat me and the mighty

Commander Ham Sanders, we'll

take you to Space Jack's,

and you can order

whatever you like, on us.

- Wizzity-whoa! (laughs)

I loves me one of them new

double bacon steak shakes.

- Huh, a double bacon steak shake?

- Who doesn't?

Well, what do you say?

Are you guys up for a little space race?

- [Hodge] (moans satisfactorily) Sure!

(laughs) Let's do it.

(mystical whirring)

- What, they got a jump on us!

Warp speed, Ham Sanders, warp speed!

- Patience, rookie, patience.

Where's my lenses?

I can't see a thing without my lenses.

- [Squeak] You don't wear

lenses, Commander Ham Sanders.

You're a robot, remember?

- Robot, schmobot, get me my lenses, boy!

- I'm so excited, Cutie.

I swear I could hop

around in zero gravity.

It's our time of year again, Easter time!

- When you say it's that

time of year again, Bert,

you know different planets measure time

in different ways, right?

What's Easter for us might not be Easter

for the next animal.

- What?

Nonsense, Cutie.

Easter is universally recognized

throughout the cosmos.

Why, the only other holiday

that can give us a run

for our egg dye is Christmas!

And we just celebrated

that not too long ago.

This is our time.

Do we have enough baskets in the hull?

- I think so, I'll double check.

- Right, well, er, um, hello there!

- Whoa, who's that?

How'd he get our private

transmission code?

- It looks like we're about to find out.

Hi, who are you?

- Captain Ganymede at your service.

You might have heard of me.

I lead the universally

famous Space Guardians,

the universally beloved Cosmic Crusaders,

and the top secret, comparatively unseen,

virtually unknown Federal

Universe Rescue Response Team,

also known as FUR!

- Whoa, did you say the Space Guardians?

You mean the cast of

the hit reality TV show,

"Meet the Space Guardians?"

They're real?

- Quite real, young chickadee.

And forgive the intrusion,

but it's Easter time,

and I know the Easter

Bunny would want to be up

on any cosmic conundrums that

might (mumbles) the holidays.

- Ha, see, everybody

knows it's Easter time.

- Touche.

- [Bert] You're absolutely right, Captain.

It's my job to make sure

Easter goes off without a hitch

each and every year, so tell me,

what seems to be the problem?

- Our radar picked up a strange vessel

entering our dimension

from the Vilafuss Nebula.

- The Vilafuss Nebula?

Isn't that the nebula

that Neyolkers launched

their notorious custard

cream pie attack from?

- Aye, one and the same.

I'm still cleaning custard

out of my external blasters.

None of us right-thinking folks

wanna see that happen ever again.

- No, we don't, especially

not during my holiday.

- Right, well, I thought

I'd check with you

forthwith before engaging.

Maybe you've got a long-lost

aunt, or something,

coming in for the weekend.

I know you rabbits got

lots of relatives and all.

- You can say that again!

I have 243 cousins, and counting!

- Whoa, really?

- Thanks for the heads up, Captain.

We'll take it from here.

I'll find that vessel and

see what business they have.

In the meantime, give your Space Guardians

our regards, will you?

- Will do, bunny.


- The Vilafuss Nebula?

What do you think it means, Bert?

- Nothing good, Cutie, nothing good.

We need to find out who's

in that vessel, and fast!

This Sunday's Easter, and we

can't let anything muck it up.

- [TNT] I feel so alive!

- Is that a good thing, sir?

- Is it a good thing?

What do you think, Big B?

As the latest and greatest example

of my groundbreaking asteroid-busting

clone army programming

that will help me conquer the

universe once and for all,

you should already have

downloaded the facts

about why I might feel so alive.

So you tell me, go on, tell me.

- Uh.

- I'll spare you the system strain.

It's because the realization

of all my hopes and dreams

is finally coming to fruition.

From as far back as I can

recall, I've sought eternal life.

I've been dead-set on ruling the galaxy

since I was a wee amoeba

back on the planet Valtrex.

When other little aliens were playing

with their traptilaricon

dolls, I was drafting plans

to conquer time and space.

- You've always been a go-getter, TNT.

- Indeed, General Mort, indeed.

And now, I'm going to go get

that egg-shaped abomination,

Planet Scramble.

- [Big B] Planet Scramble?

You mean the birthplace of

the one and only Easter Bunny?

- That's right, Big B!

We're to utilize your

cutting-edge software

and limitless internal library of facts,

and when I'm finished, a tiny

crate in our ship's galley

will be that smelly

bunny's new forever home.

(General Mort passes gas)

- Ew, talk about smelly!

- (clears throat) Sorry,

my gastritis is acting up.

- Gross!

- It seems to occur when I

leave the Vilafuss Nebula

and travel interdimensionally.

- It's quite all right, General.

- It is?

- No, of course it isn't!

Now, stop being so

easily distracted, Big B.

You were designed and constructed

to focus, concentrate, and execute.

You are a walking, talking

example of the new space alien,

a lifeform created by me to do my bidding,

and to use your superior

intelligence and physicality

to eradicate all those

who might oppose us.

- Uh, eradicate?

- Yeah, you know, enemies

crush, smash, annihilate.

- Oh, well, you're eradicating

my breathing right now, General.

You just become gaseous in our cockpit.

My eyes are watering.

- Our bodies are 85% aloe, Big B.

Your eyes are always watering.

- Moist flatulence, no

less, thoroughly offensive.

- Oh, build a bridge

and get over it, Big B.

All eyes on the prize.

And now that my organic body has fused

with this permanent mighty red space suit,

my brain waves and the

latest AI technology

are one and the same.

There's nothing I can't do.

I'm completely indestructible.

The galaxy will be ours. (laughs)

- [Hodge] We did it! (laughs)

We won the space race, Turk.

We won!

- Take that, ya sluggity slowpokes!

Pay up!

Where's the nearest Space Jack's?

- Hold on a second, you two.

I gotta confer with my co-pilot.

- Uh, confer?

What's that mean, man?

- Hmm, don't know, must be, like,

some kinda brain meld, or some such thing.

- Aliens, (chuckles) they so wild.

- Commander Ham Sanders, we lost the race.

Now we can't afford to treat

those two to Space Jack's.

- Space Jack's, what are you

talkin' about, Space Jack's?

- You know, Space Jack's.

We bet those two morons

they couldn't beat us

in a warp speed race,

and they just beat us.

- They did?

Activate the laser cannons, fire!

- What? No!

Commander, they're not enemies.

- Who said anything about enemies?

I thought you said we

had to escape a debt,

so let's blast them into space

dust that erase. (laughs)

- (giggles nervously)

No, no, no, Commander.

There's gotta be a better way.

Hang on, I'll handle this.

Um, (laughs) hey, Hodge?

- Yep, I'd like extra sauce on

my double bacon steak shake,

and two sides of Comet Crunchies.

- Right, so we were thinking that--

- He was?

Oh, how was it, man?

- What?

- Thinkin'. (laughs)

Did it feel funny?

- Funny, not at all, no.

We were thinking about giving you guys

something even better to make

good on our little wager.

- Even better than double

bacon steak shakes?

- Wizzity-whoa!

What could that even be?

- I'm glad you asked 'cause

it's a, (stammering) it's a--

- Why are you giving me

the eye, Private Squeak?

- I'm not giving you the eye,

and I'm not a private anymore.

Do I have to write it down?

I'm a private first class.

- First class, shmirst class,

and my space helmet isn't plastic.

Ha, it's polycarbonate.

- Listen, Commander, we

gotta offer these two

something that we can deliver.

It'll reflect badly on the

whole Space Guardian fleet

if we're out here making

promises we can't keep.

- What's wrong with making

promises we can't keep?

I practically made a

career out of bamboozling

those little Neyolkers

into all kinds of swindles.

- Right, and their problems with you

tipped off the whole

custard cream pie attack

that nearly sent half the

galaxy into sugar shock.

- (scoffs) I remember it differently.

- [Hodge] Hey, (laughs)

whatcha guys doin' over there?

- Yeah, what's up with all

the snickity-sneaky stuff?

- [Squeak] We're not bein' sneaky, Turk.

We were just debating whether or not

to upgrade our bet with you.

- Upgrade our bet?

Oh, you mean like supersize it?

- Exactly!

How about instead of a

run-of-the-mill fast food payment,

we give you a one-of-a-kind artifact

unlike anything you'll find

anywhere in the cosmos?

- Wowza!

That sounds, what's that sound like, Turk?

- Sounds fizzity-fishy to me.

- Right, sounds fishy.

That means good, right?

I mean, I like fish.

- Fish shakes are pretty good.

- [Squeak] Good? (laughs)

It's better than good!

We're talkin' great!

- Yes, epic!

- Ooh, a pick?

A pick of what?

- No, not a pick, silly bunny.

I'm talking about this.

- Whoa!

- Wow!

- What the hickity-heck is this, man?

- That?

Oh, that's a (stammering)--

- That, my friend, is the

universe's incomparable,

unrivaled, one-of-a-kind,

timeless golden Easter egg.

- [Hodge and Turk] The golden Easter egg?

- Wow!

Well, what do we do with it?

- We supposed to eat it?

- [Squeak] That's a good

question, Commander.

Can they eat it?

- Eat it?

Why not?

I'd boil it first, though.

I doubt carbon-based

lifeforms such as them

can chew through that 24-carat shell.

They'll break their teeth.

- [Squeak] (laughs) Ouch!

Well, don't break your teeth, guys.


- Wow, look at that!

It's an egg, all right.

- (scoffs) What good's an

egg if'in we can't eat it?

- Hmm, good point.

We could put it on our shelf,

add it to the rest of these.

Might be worth somethin'.

- Say, this reminds me of the

time we tried to trade a bowl

of rotten Easter eggs

for Dracula's castle.

- So, you say your Easter egg

is worth my castle?

- Um, yeah?

- Premium Easter eggs.

- Organic too.

- If you two don't get out

of my pale blue face at once,

I will be forced to say--

- We're out!

- Yeah, Drac, we're gone.

Sorry to disturb you.

- Hmm, yeah, but those were

rotten old Easter eggs.

This one sure seems valuable, doesn't it?

- Yup, it does look valuable.

How are we gonna know for sure?

- [Hodge] We could sell it, man.

- To who?

- The Space Fleetique?

- Bah, the Fleetique don't pay good money.

If'in it was valuable,

they wouldn't pay near what it's worth.

- Yeah, you're probably right.

Hey, you know who'd know about this egg?

My little bro.

- Bert?

- Yup.

- (scoffs) He'd probably hide it

and make us run around tryin' to find it.

You know him and his Easter games.

- Yeah, (laughs) but

it's worth a shot, man.

He's my little bro, he won't

leave us hangin' or nothin'.

Let's go ask him.

(mystical tinkling)

- The golden Easter egg?

Talk about imagination!

Where in the cosmos did you

come up with that, Commander?

- Oh, it's quite real, Squeak.

You see, the golden

Easter egg's been around

since the dawn of recorded time.

Some say it was even

catalyst for the Big Bang.

- Whoa!

That would make the golden Easter egg

responsible for everything we know!

- That's right, Private,

uh, Private First Class.

- There you go, as you were, Commander.

- Yes, well, the egg just so happens

to be the most powerful

and sought-after device

in the entire universe.

And if the wrong folks

ever got ahold of it,

we'd all be sucked into

a black hole of doom,

from which there'd be no return.

- And you gave it to Hodge the bunny?

Have you lost your mind?

- No!

In fact, I'm as clear-headed as ever.

As you can see right through

my polycarbonate helmet,

I'm just happy to be rid of that thing,

and to let someone else

handle the responsibility

of its powers.

- [Squeak] But Hodge!

Couldn't you find someone

with a little more,

uh, I don't know, common sense?

- Ah, but that's all

part of the idea, Squeak!

Who in the universe would

ever think Hodge or Turk

have anything worth stealing?

They're complete and utter nincompoops!

And their dashboard was

littered with bottles and junk

unlike anything I've ever seen.

The golden egg will be safer with them

than it ever was in its

nearly 200 years with me.

- You had the egg for 200 years

and you never said anything?

- On the contrary, I

gave it away many times

at pot luck parties. (laughs)

- What?

How did you keep getting it

back, Commander Ham Sanders?

- Ah, folks didn't know what they had!

They assumed it was some

sort of cheesy tchotchke,

so they'd re-gift it.

(laughs) And those who receive it,

re-gift it again, and again!

Eventually, it always

finds its way back to me.

It came back six times,

for crying out loud!

- (laughs) Whoa!

I can't believe what I'm

hearing, Commander Ham Sanders.

You gambled with the faith

of the entire universe.

- No worries, Squeak, my boy.

It's no longer our problem.

- I never knew it was our

problem in the first place.

- Same difference.

- (sighs) Well, I don't know about you,

but all that talk of Space

Jack's got me starvin'.

- It's just you.

I am titanium alloy, remember?

I don't process organic foods. (laughs)

Not that Space Jack's serves organic food.

- Okay, okay, easy with

the knockin' the Jack.

You know it's my totes fave

spot in all the cosmos.

- I see where this is going.

I'm routing us to the

nearest location now.

- Yes!

Sure you don't want a choco malt

with meteor sprinkles, Ham Sanders?

- Quite sure.

Knock yourself out.

Reactivating warp again

in three, two, one.

By the way, did you see my

lenses anywhere, Squeak?

I can't see a thing.

(bright playful music)

- [TNT] All right, Big B.

The time has come to show off

the myriad intellectual capabilities

General Mort and I have

designed you to have.

- [Mort] Be all you can be, Big B!

- Uh, okay.

- Don't sound so confident.

- I'm not.

- Well, you should be!

Once your bit of clone brain was complete

and endlessly capable of

thoughts and deductions

at 1/1,000,000 the speed

of organic brain power,

you was able to find

this AI suit I now wear,

and I feel so--

- Alive?

- Ah-ha, using your

predictive powers, I see.

Excellent, let's begin.

General Mort, ask Big B

a question, any question!

He's designed to know the answer

faster than any carbon-based expert.

- Very well.

Big B, how many quadrants

are in this galaxy?

And which one are we currently in?

- Good question, Mort.

Big B?

- Uh, is that like mathematics?

- No, it's not math, it's astronomy!

Come on, Big B, you're constructed

to know the difference!

- Oh, right.

- Forget it, I'm taking you back

to the drawing board for tweaks.

It sounds like you'd have difficulty

tapping into our smart refrigerator,

much less navigating a star system.

- We have a smart fridge?

Can I link it to my phone?

- Yes, general, you can

link to it on your phone.

Now, let's keep our

heads in the game here.

- Yes, yes, of course.

- Should I be familiar with this game?

- I'm using figurative

speech, Big B, look it up.

- Oh, okay.

Is it inside my smart fridge?

- [TNT] Now, listen up, you two.

It's high time I completed my collection

of the mystical Magic Seven.

- The mystical Magic Seven?

What's that, TNT?

- The Magic Seven is a

set of 10 iconic objects

that each contain

incredible cosmic powers.

Ancient legend has it that

when they are all together,

they form a set of magical holiday clues

that reveal the secrets of the universe

and grant eternal power to

the one who collects them all.

- Uh, wait a second.

- Let me see if I got this straight.

The Magic Seven is a set of 10 objects?

How's that work?

- It doesn't matter how it works, General.

This is deep space, the

frontier of mystery,

the great unknown.

Some things are beyond the

scope of basic understanding,

and having acquired the power

of one of the 10 objects already,

namely the mighty suit I now

wear, I'm hungry for the rest.

- You're hungry?

Ah-ha, we have a smart refrigerator.

- [TNT] Oh, shut up, Big B, just shut up.

- [Hodge] Hey, little bro, there you are.

We've been looking every

place for ya. (laughs)

- Oh, (laughs) well, I'm kinda

busy at the moment, Hodge.

Something's come up.

- Yeah? Cool! (laughs)

Anything we can help with?

- Who's we?

- Gobble, gobble, just us turkeys, Bert.

It's me, Turk.

- Ah, hey, Turk, long time no see.

- I know, right?

You wanna invite us over?

- Yeah, beam us up, little bro.

- You aren't really gonna

beam them aboard our ship,

are you, Bert?

- Goodness, no.

Remember the last time

my brother was on board?

- Do I?

We still haven't recovered

all our deep space snacks.

- That's because they're

all in Hodge's belly.

It's kind of a bad time now, Hodge.

We're really busy leading into Easter,

and we just found out

about a little problem.

Is there anything Cutie

or I can do for you guys

in the meantime?

- [Hodge] Yes, sir.

We got us a problem too.

- A shiny gold one.

- Uh, couple of them Space Guardians

gave us a gold egg to play with,

but we think it's (stammering),

oh, what's that word, Turk?

- Value bowl.

- [Hodge] Right, yeah,

we think it's value bowl.

- Value bowl?

Oh, they mean valuable.

My heavens!

- You can't be surprised, Cutie.

It's my brother, after all.

Can we see the egg you guys

are talking about, Hodge?

- Yup, it's right here, Bert.

- Feast your eyes.

How much you think we could

fetch for this beauty?

- Oh, my, what a beautiful egg!

- You can say that again!

- What a beautiful egg.

- Hodge, what you have there

is a very rare artifact,

and part of a well-known

galactically important set.

- Whoa, so there's, like, a whole carton

of these eggs some place?

- I hope they keep 'em

refrigerated, man. (laughs)

- Seriously, they'll go bad fast.

- Hodge, do you mean to

tell us the Space Guardians

just gave you guys that egg?

- Kinda, we won a bet.

- Yup, and they paid us off with it.

- Goodness gracious, is that what goes on

in other parts of the galaxy?

- Um, yeah?

We also go to Space Jack's a lot too.

- [Turk] Mm, Space Jack's!

- Listen, you two, I want you to hold on

to that egg at all costs, understand?

Don't let it out of your sight.

Don't play around with

it, and above all else,

no matter what you do, don't break it!

You got me?

- And don't eat it either.

- Totally, bro.

Don't break the egg, man.

You got it, Turk?

- Yuppers, keep the egg

safe, don't break it.

Mm, don't eat it.

- I'm serious, guys!

Bad things can happen if that golden egg

falls into the wrong hands,

and even worse things can happen

if its shell gets cracked.

Do I make myself clear?

- [Hodge] Clear?

You mean, like, can I see through you?

- Oh, he looks the same to me, Hodge.

- Yup, me too. (laughs)

Is this supposed to be some

kind of magic trick, or--

- Just keep the egg safe till Cutie and I

can catch up with you later, okay, Hodge?

Right now, we have some

important business to attend to.

I gotta run.

- Run?

Oh, where do you work out, little bro?

Turk and me have been thinkin'

about gettin' into shape

for the new year. (laughs)

- Oh, brother.

- Forget it, I'll catch you later, Hodge.

- Unless I catch you first! (laughs)

- Your brother's a real

dingbat, you know that, Bert?

- I know, I know.

I swear it baffles me that we're related.

- Oh, look at the time!

"What's Hippo" is coming on.

Didn't you sh**t a special

Happy Easter message

for today's episode?

- I sure did, Cutie.

Let's tune in!

- [Cutie] Okay.

(bright pensive music)

- Hello again, everyone, and

welcome to another edition

of your favorite hit gossip

show, and mine, "What's Hippo!"

- That's right, Mandy, and have

we got a show for 'em today.

There's lots going on.

Let's get to the news.

- Yes, let's!

Now, put down those boiled eggs

and stop stirrin' up

those flashy dye colors

because, as you all know,

it's Easter time again!

- Well, for 80% of the galaxy anyway.

The other 20 haven't even heard of Easter!

- I know, right?

What's wrong with them?

- I don't know, I really don't.

All those overflowing baskets,

all those yummy treats,

and the egg hunts!

Hooey, girl, they don't

know what they're missing.

- They really don't!

Come on, y'all, get with the 21st century!

- And the 300th.

- And for some of our

brand new viewers out there

on Planet Bordulon, the 55,000th.

- Whoa, the 55,000th century?

Talk about ancient civilizations!

I'll bet their social media

pages are off the hook!

- (laughs) No doubt, Holly, no doubt!

And speakin' of long-standin' traditions,

here's a special exclusive

Easter message from us to you.

Take it away, Easter Bunny!

- Hi, everybody, it's

me, the Easter Bunny,

here to wish you and

yours a very hoppy Easter!

See ya Sunday!

- Wow, there you are!

You looked great on TV, Bert.

- Thanks, Cutie, you ought to

book an appearance some time.

The intergalactic airwaves

are great promotion

for the holidays, or

anything you're trying to do.

- Hmm, I've been thinking

about starting a singing show,

"Space Got Talent."

What do you think?

- [Bert] Oh, I'd watch it.

- Oh, my gosh, Mandy,

that was the Easter Bunny?

- The one and only, Holly!

We all grew up with him.

- Wow, what would Easter day

be without that guy, right?

- Just another Sunday, if you ask me.

Holly, next, we have a

trusty weatherman, Mr. Gutsy,

with a live report on

the devastating winds

that have been rocking the Wappula Galaxy!

Over to you, Gutsy!

- Thanks, Mandy.

Well, Wappula's gettin' rocked harder

than Neptune Neyolkers did

against the Pluto Proletariats

in the Planetary Series of 2024.

It's mayhem out there, but fear not,

good people of the galaxy!

As we say in sports, it

ain't over till it's over!

- You've got that right, Gusty.

I understand we have Hub

of the Space Guardian

deep space weather control

division standing by!

Hub, are you there?

- I am here, Holly.

- What's the word out there

in the Wappula Galaxy?

- The first word is weather.

The second word is modification.

- Weather modification?


- On behalf of the Space Guardians,

I am now controlling the weather

to dissipate the storm systems

and return safety and calm

to the Wappula region.

- Wow, just wow!

- Incredible news there from Hub.

Those Space Guardians really

are somethin', aren't they?

- They sure are, Mandy, and you know,

I'm not even sure who's in

the Guardians these days.

- Mm, me neither!

Their turnover rate is pretty rapid.

- So long, Colonel Smiggens.

He was cute, sad to see him retire.

- Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, totally, mm.

At any rate, good news out

of the Wappula Galaxy, yeah?

- Absolutely!

And now, do we have a

treat for you viewers!

Welcome back the legend himself, Tony,

with a very special Easter interview!

Tony, are you there?

- Thanks, Holly, you gals are

my favorites, let me tell ya,

and Easter is my favorite holiday.

So you can probably imagine,

I'm as happy as a

camouflaged traptilaricon

about to pounce on an

unsuspecting fuzzimump.

- Whoa, now, that's a mental picture!

- Right, star chat that one, why don't ya?

- I thought you gals would enjoy that.

So, tell me, what would you

like to talk about today?

My upcoming signing at

Billy Bob's Balls and Boards

this Saturday, two p.m. to four p.m.,

Eastern Standard Earth

time, maybe, huh, hmm, huh?

- Hmm, nice plug, Tony, but no!

We'd like you to tell our viewers

about your record-setting deep

sea dive on Easter Sunday,

way back when, all those years ago.

- Back when you were just a young,

inexperienced, unaccomplished giraffe.

- And nobody expected

anything of you at all!

- Zero!

You had loser all over ya!

- With a capital L.

- Loo-hoo-hoo-hoo-ser!

- I had no idea you gals felt that way.

And if you must know,

I never did a deep sea

dive on Easter Sunday.

- [Mandy and Holly] Oh.

- The athlete you're thinking of

is Tommy Rightfield Zambini.

- [Mandy and Holly] Oh!

- Yeah, so, uh--

- Well, thank you for

joining us today, Timmy.

- Tony!

- Right, Tony, our

viewers love what you do,

whatever that is.

- Thanks a bunch, Mary.

- Uh, it's Mandy, Man-dy.

- Yes, and we look forward

to having you back on

this fall, Tony, for our

annual Thanksgiving special.

- Don't hold your breath, Molly.

- It's Holly!

- Don't worry, we won't, bye-bye now.

Well, wasn't that fun?

After the break, we'll be back

with a special live performance

from Vera Mays and the Mysterious Ways,

all the way from the

dark side of the moon!

- Wow, you don't wanna miss that.

- [Turk] Me thinks this

is a great idea, Hodge.

What better place to get the

scoop on this here golden egg

than you and your bro's

birthplace, Planet Scramble?

- No doubt, Turk. (laughs)

Our home planet's always had our backs,

and our cottontails.

Maybe we can even hawk the

egg for somethin' cool,

you know, like a head of cabbage.

- Yeah, or a neck warmer, or somethin'.

- Ooh-whee! (laughs)

Now, that'd be sweet.

Whoa, did them there cretins

just fire on us, Turk?

- Sho enough, Hodge.

We just took a direct hit!

That's an act of w*r!

- w*r? (laughs)

Hot dang! (laughs)

I've never been in one of them.

- Me neither, whoa!

Here comes another volley!

- [Hodge] A volley?

What's that?


(loud rumbling)

(lasers zapping)

- I fired upon the interlopers, TNT,

but they not return fire!

Shall I incinerate them with

my ship's proton death ray?

- Hey, that pilot looks just like me!

- Duh, he's a clone, Big B!

There's thousands of them out there

that look exactly like you.

- Hold your fire, Clone 45361.

What kind of crew would

absorb an unprovoked attack

without fighting back, General?

- A scared one, or a dumb one. (laughs)

- Hmm, either way is good news for us.

My red suit apparatus detects

one of the Magic Seven objects

aboard that vessel.

It's the golden egg of Easter.

We must retrieve it at any cost.

Clone 45361, I want you

to disable that ship,

but don't annihilate it, understand?

I repeat, do not destroy it.

- Understood, TNT!

Downgrading my lasers to stun now.

- [Turk] Return fire, Hodge.

We can't just float here.

- Yeah, I'm tryin', man.

Where's the laser cannon button?

- (groans) Heck, I don't know!

I never had to use it!

- Well, let's hurry up and find it,

elsen we're sittin' ducks, man.

- More like sittin' turkeys.

- I know, we'll outrun 'em!

That worked on the Space Guardians,

it can work again! (laughs)

We're fast!

- Good idea, let's go before

we're blasted to bits.

(lasers zapping)

- [Tony] I can't believe

those "What's Hippo" gals.

They actually mistook

me for Tommy Zambini!

I'm never goin' on that

silly show again, never!

- Well, it's part of our cover, Leftfield,

you as the famous sports legend,

and me as the hottest weatherman around.

Makes it much easier for us to operate

as top secret double agents

for the Federal Universal

Rescue Response Team!

- I know that, Gusty,

but just because we work for FUR

doesn't mean we deserve to be subjected

to the public indignity

of those two televised

fashion victims belittling

us at every turn.

They do it on purpose, you know?

- They do not do it on purpose, Leftfield.

They just can't keep their

pop culture straight.

When the cameras go on,

those ladies have to remember

a lot of stuff off the top

of their bobbing heads.

- Oh, yes, I could.

Pull some strings, finagle

me a co-hosting gig

and I'll show you.

- Ah, I'll see what I can do.

- Tony, Gusty, we ourselves

a right big problem!

- Captain Ganymede, what is it?

- Our radar recently

picked up a strange vessel

entering this dimension

from the Vilafuss Nebula!

- The Vilafuss Nebula?

Nothin' good comes out

of that nebula, ever!

Not a single one of their

teams has ever won a thing

in nearly a century!

They haven't even ever stepped

foot on a play-off field.

- No, they haven't,

but that's the least of our problems now.

Our infrared space ID matcher

has identified the vessel

as belonging to none other than TNT.

- [Tony and Gusty] TNT?

- The one and only!

Now, you two are the best

undercover agents we've ever had,

no one's gone deeper.

You're as deep as deep double agents get!

I need you two to find out

everything you can on TNT,

'cause I got a right

terrible feeling about this.

- We'll get right on it, Captain!

- Yeah, we're your Huckleberrys.

And hey, do you think you

could call in some favors

at the network and get

"What's Hippo" canceled?

- Leftfield, stop it!

- "What's Hippo?"

Oh, I love that show!

Them girls are so funny!

- (groans) You know what?

Never mind, just forget it.

- [Turk] Here comes more lasers!

Left, Hodge, left!

- Uh, left?

Which way is that? (laughs)

- [Turk] That way!

- [Hodge] Oh, okay!

- [Turk] No, no, the other way!

- That's it, I'm callin' my little bro.

- [Turk] To find out which way's left?

- [Hodge] Bert, man, help us!

- Help you with what, Hodge?

Did you forget to fuel up again?

- No!

We're under attack.

- Attack?

By who?

- We don't know, but

they mean to do us in.

And as a Thanksgiving turkey

with a new lease on life,

I knew what impeding doom feels like.

- Whoa, (laughs) look at you

with the big words, Turk.

- Funny, the stuff that happens

when your neck's on the line.

I've become verbose.

- Verbose?

Is that like incontinent?

- Listen to me, Hodge, that

golden egg you guys are carrying

has magical powers!

- Wha?

No kiddin'?

- You must protect it at

all costs, do you hear me?

Do not let that egg fall

into the wrong hands.

- How do we know if the

hands are wrong, man?

- If they're not yours, they're wrong!

- No!

- Oh!

(tense music)

(lasers zapping)

(groans) Bert, we're hit, Bert!

- [Turk] This is it, we're goners!

- There they are, TNT.

Our clone saucer is about to finish off

their pathetic tin can of a spaceship!

- Not before I get my hands

on that egg, General Mort.

Tell our clone to stand down.

We're moving in.

- Clone, uh, what's your number again?

- 45361.

- Right, Clone 45361, I have

a direct order from TNT.

Back off, we'll take it from here.

- But this ambush stuff is fun!

- Let me repeat, 45361, back off!

- Okay, okay, geez, backing off.

- [TNT] Attention, you in the vessel!

This is TNT, come out with your hands up.

- Did you hear that, Turk?

- I did.

Did he say he was TNT?

As in, the TNT?

The meanest, nastiest, ugliest,

most brutal criminal

mastermind in outer space TNT?

- Right, man, this is so bad.

How's we supposed to come

out with our hands up?

We're in outer space.

- I don't even have hands!

- You have until the count

of three, do you understand?

We're not going to give

you a second chance.

- Well, this is it, good buddy.

It sure was nice flyin' with ya.

- You too, Turk.

- One, two!

- Hey, did you hear that?

Two, that's what comes after one.

- Oh, right, I can never remember that.

- Three, time's up!

- Ooh, I know, the egg!

- This is no time to be hungry, Turk.

We're about to go to the big

field in the great beyond, man.

- No, Hodge, I don't mean eat the egg.

I mean ask it for help.

- Help, you think?

- What do we got to lose?

Oh, magic golden egg of Easter--

- [TNT] Stay where you are, dolts,

or you'll be incinerated from the toes up.

We are coming aboard.

- [Hodge and Turk] Help us!

(bright music)

- (laughs) Look at that!

What an awesome show this "Funny Pets" is!

I never knew sloths were so ridiculous.

- Yeah, that one kinda

reminds me of Alvin,

just hangin' there like a (mumbles).

- (laughs) Spoken like a true quadruped.

So funny, I forgot to laugh.

(bright music)

(beam whirring)

- (gasps) Whoa!

Look at that!

I didn't know "Funny Pets" was in 3D now!

- How cool!

It's like having the animals right here

in the condo with us.

- Uh, hey, guys?

- (yells) They even look

like they're talkin' to us!

So wild!

- That's 'cause we are talkin' to ya.

- (gasps) Ooh, wow!

- Um, did you guys just hear what I heard?

- Oh, no, no, no, no, leave

me out of this nuttiness.

My name's Saul, and that's between y'all.

- Say, I know this might

sound a little crazy and all,

but what planet is this?

- I think somebody spiked

the kibble with catnip!

(upbeat pensive music)

- [Gusty] Marla, we need you

to help us locate a spaceship.

- [Marla] At last, I was

beginning to think you two

were never going to call on me.

- We apologize, Marla.

We're just not used to dealing

with such advanced

artificial intelligence.

- Or, in the case of the

"What's Hippo" hosts,

any intelligence at all.

- [Marla] "What's Hippo," I

rather enjoy that program.

- Oh, I don't believe this.

I give up.

- Marla, can we track a specific ship

to a specific location in our galaxy?

- [Marla] Not a problem.

I'm quite capable of tracking a vessel

to its exact location, not

only in its current galaxy,

but across multiple dimensions.

- Really?

Hey, that's pretty cool!

- [Marla] You're welcome.

Whose vessel would you like me to find?

- TNT's.

- [Marla] TNT, as in the

notorious alien fugitive

Thomaso Nicola Tempesta, the

number one most wanted criminal

in the universe?

- That's him!

His card just got punched.

His reign of mayhem's coming to an end!

- If we can find him.

- [Marla] Give me one moment.

- [Gusty] Certainly!

- Do your thing, baby cakes.

- [Marla] Excuse me?

- Uh, what he means is go

about your business, Marla.

- [Marla] Oh, I see.


- Say, Gust, let's swing by home

and pick up my new glasses.

These are fallin' off my nose.

I can't get into any action

with the glasses flyin' off my nose.

- [Gusty] 10-4.

- What, where did they go?

They were right in front

of us a moment ago!

Clone 45631, find that ship and--

- I'm Clone 45361, sir!

- Whatever, find that spaceship at once.

Subdue the crew and drive them before me

so that I may crush them.

- Right away, sir!

- (laughs) That's vicious, TNT.

- I want that golden

egg, and I will not stop

until I have it!

- TNT, there's a call

waiting for you on line two.

- A call, from who?

- I'm not sure.

They refuse to identify themselves.

- Is it my dad?

I bet it's my dad.

He's devious like that.

- Sounds like we can use him.

Sure you don't wanna sign him up?

- Positive, he's a real curmudgeon.

Besides, I haven't seen

or spoken to Pops in eons.

Why start now?

Patch him through on loudspeaker, Big B.

This ought to be good.

- Yes, sir.

- Hello?

- Hello, who might this be?

- Let's just say I'm a

bird with some information

you might be interested in.

- Is that so?

Go on.

- [Alvin] I just seen your mug

on "Planetary's Most Wanted,"

and you look like the kinda guy

I'd wanna do business with, TNT.

- You hear that, men?

I'm infamous.

- Yeah, I'm stuck in front of a TV all day

with an annoying dog and a pompous cat.

- Hmm, sounds like a good t*rture tactic.

- [Alvin] And I just met

a big bunny and a turkey

who've been talkin' smack.

They really run their mouths,

and they ain't too bright either.

- Really, a bunny and a turkey?

Sounds like just the pair I'm looking for.

Where are they?

- I'll tell ya, in exchange for a favor.

- A favor, eh?

Name your price, birdie.

(upbeat music)

- Wow, talk about a nail-biter!

"Planetary's Most Wanted" always

has some scary dudes on it.

- It sure does!

I really hope they catch all those creeps!

- Ah, they ain't so bad.

Lot of them fugitives

are just misunderstood.

- Not that TNT, though.

Oh, he's bad to the bone.

- Yeah, definitely the worst.

- Aw, shucks, I thought

I could live with this,

but I can't.

Sometimes, I'm a sl*ve

to my impulses, you know?

- Huh, what are you on

about this time, Alvin?

- I have a confession to make.

I ratted you guys out.

- Ratted us out?

To who, the dog catcher again?

- No, Bagel, no, no, nothin' like that.

I ratted them out.

- [Hodge and Turk] Us?

- Yeah, yous.

- Oh, (laughs) phew!

You had me worried there for a sec.

- Who'd you rat us out to, bird?

- Them guys that are chasin' ya,

the ones we just saw on TV.

- You mean TNT?

- Yeah, him, my bad.

- What did they give you

to make you squawk, parrot?

- Saltine crackers!

- Your bad, that's all

you gotta say is your bad?

- Well, whatcha want, an apology?

- [Hodge and Turk] Yes!

- Ha, good luck with that!

- Alvin doesn't do sorry, boys.

He does mealy mouth, but not sorry.

- We gotta get outta here, Turk.

I mean, right now, man.

- Yes, we shoulda known

nothing good would happen

to us on Earth.

Thanks for nothin', ya filthy animals.

- (mumbles) Now I don't feel so bad.

- Golden egg, beam us up.

- Yeah, to any place else.

(pensive music)

(beam whirring)

- (gasps) Whoa!

Who's that?

- Where are they?

- You just missed 'em.

- Yeah, you criss-crossed in the cosmos.

If ya hurry, you might catch 'em.

- (gasps) I hate this job!

(beam whirring)

(bright music)

- Uh, what?


You got moves.

Who are you, turkey?

Where'd you come from?

- My name's Turk and I came

from, uh, I'm not sure.

- Well, you know what they say.

You don't rise to the top of

pro sports on your brain power.

Hey, Gusty, come here and check this out!

- So Ham Sanders gave us this golden egg,

and I'm tellin' ya, everything's

gone downhill since.

- You still have the egg?

- My buddy does.

- Who's your buddy?

- Hodge!

- Hodge?

I know 10 Hodges.

How do we narrow that down?

- Oh, easy, he's the

Easter Bunny's big brother.

- Oh, the Easter Bunny's big brother!

Well, thanks for the info, Turk.

We'll take it from here,

and you can stay here at our house.

No one will ever find you on this planet.

(soft pensive music)

- Ah, enough is enough.

I'm off duty, don't you know

what personal time means?

Even us robots need to decompress.

What are you supposed to

be, a sugar-rushing yeti?

- Commander Ham Sanders, (laughs)

boy, am I glad to see you.

- How do you know my name?

Are you one of the AWOL

grunts from my old platoon?

If so, drop and give me 20.

Make it 25, and don't ever

abandon your post again!

- No, Commander, it's me, Hodge!

- Hodge? Hodge who?

- You know, me and my buddy, Turk,

just won a bet against you

and your boy there, Squeak?

- My boy?

I don't have a son, yeti.

Your lies won't work here.

- Listen Commander, you

lost a bet on a race

and paid us with this

priceless golden egg.

- Egg, what golden egg?

- This one, remember?

It's pretty awesome. (laughs)

It beamed us out of trouble,

but it looks like me and

Turk got separated somehow.

I'd sure like to find

him again, man, you know?

- Say hello to the realities of w*r, yeti.

You care about something?

Kiss it goodbye!

- [TNT] This is an unmitigated

disaster, General Mort!

Our clone army has utterly failed us!

We don't have the egg, our

enemies have eluded us,

and we're flying in circles!

- What do we do, TNT?

- The only thing we can do.

We'll force the golden Easter

egg to come to us instead.

(TNT laughs)

(Big B laughing awkwardly)

Why are you laughing, Big B?

- [Big B] Uh, not sure,

smart refrigerator?

(upbeat pensive music)

- Hello, viewers, it's truly rare

that we don't enjoy being live on the air,

but we regret to inform

you that we're here today

to broadcast a terrible degree of w*r

unleashed on the multiverse by none other

than the famous intergalactic

monster known as TNT.

- That's right, Holly, and you know

I've never been unhappy

to do a live interview,

but (clearing throat)

let's go live now to TNfrom his secured starship

in an undisclosed nebula.

(clearing throat) TNT, are you there?

- You know I am, you talking head!

Your assistant just gave me the countdown.

Now, shut up while I tell the

cosmos what's going to happen

if it doesn't comply

with my every command.

- Well, buh!

- Zip it, hippo, or I'll rebrand

this show "What's Cooking,"

starting with you!

(Mandy and Holly gasp)

I'm in search of the heralded

mystical Magic Seven,

the 10 objects of the galaxy

that, when gathered together,

grant the answers to the many

mysteries of the universe

to their owner, and I will not

stop until I have them all.

Nor will I let any

creature stand in my way.

Do I make myself clear?

The first of these objects

is a golden egg of Easter.

- Hey, I just came back

from the Relaxaprox Galaxy,

and guess what I saw?

- I know the egg's out there

because my incompetent crew

and imperfect clone army

have let it slip through

their fingers more than once.

- Incompetent? (sputtering)

Big B, maybe. (passes gas)

Oops, excuse me.

- Oh, come on, Mort!

I'm in the middle of something here!

- (laughs) That's a big one, Mort.

- Anyway, believe me when I say

the golden egg shall be mine,

along with the other nine objects.

If I don't have this egg

by our next sun rotation,

I'll detonate a megabomb in the cosmos

and destroy every egg on

every planet everywhere,

including the magical golden egg.

If I can't have it, no one will.

- Whoa!

These reality TV shows

really raise the stakes, huh?

- Totally!

So Alvin, was this worth

your saltine crackers?

- Uh..

- These demands are non-negotiable.

I will get what I want, or

you can kiss this galaxy

goodbye for Easter.

I will now appeal directLy

to the ones who possess the golden egg.

Listen up and listen close.

There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Come to my ship for a nice friendly chat,

and no one will be hurt.

You know who you are and

you know how to find me.

The clock's ticking! (laughs)

- Well, that was frightening!

- Terrifyin'!

Whoever has that egg, I hope

they were watchin' this.

(playful pensive music)

- [Hodge] Oh, I can't believe it.

Everything's goin' straight down the tubes

all 'cause of one little egg.

- Listen you two, you'll be

safe right where you are.

Just stay put and Cutie

and I will handle this.

- That's right!

We're not about to let

some intergalactic bully

ruin Easter for the whole universe.

- He's a real meanie, little bro.

You gotta watch your backs.

- We know how to deal with TNT.

His kind are all the same.

- You mean big, dumb, and ugly?

(laughs) You're right.

I'm just glad we

accidentally beamed ourselves

right to these two

awesome undercover agents,

Tony and Gusty.

They got themselves a real

cool safe house on the beach,

(laughs) out here in the middle of, uh,

I don't know where we are, man.

- Good, that means no one can use

a telepathic mind meld on you (laughs)

to extract your location.

- You two are super-duper safe, Hodge.

- Have fun, big brother.

Stay safe and I'll see you soon.

- Peace out, little bro.

I mean, Mr. Easter Bunny.

Go get 'em!

- [Cutie] Well, Mr. Easter

Bunny, you heard your brother.

Let's go get 'em!

- Squeak, Commander Ham Sanders!

The galaxy needs your help.

- Sweet!

That's why we're here, Bert.

Space Guardians at your service.

- (groans) I was expecting this call.

- Hub, Scrap, the galaxy needs you.

- This is about that

jerk on the TV, isn't it?

What's his name, H2O?

- TNT, count us in.

We were built to save galaxies.

- [Mort] TNT, we have some news.

- It better be good news, General.

- Oh, it is! (laughs)

I think you'll find it

quite pleasing indeed.

(laughs) Big B, tell him.

- We uncovered the

identity of a secret agent

who's holding the bunny and the turkey

at a remote safe house on a remote island

of a remote planet.

- Oh, who is it?

- Tony Leftfield Stromboli.

- Leftfield, the sportscasting legend?

- The one and only!

He's been a double agent for FUR,

the Federal Universe Rescue

Response Unit the whole time,

along with his partner, Gusty O'Connell.

- Gusty O'Connell, that

cheeseball weatherman?

- That's correct, but that's not all!

The bunny rabbit, Hodge, he's none other

than the Easter Bunny's brother!

- Well, well, well,

that's very helpful information, General.


Now, let's go root out these imbeciles

and get that golden egg!

- Cast the radar net, Cutie.

I wanna triangulate the

galaxy for TNT's ship.

If he plans to make good

on his televised threats,

he'll be trolling the stars

for my brother and that egg.

- Way ahead of you, Bert.

We're already surveilling.

- Ha, lotta good it did.

- (gasps) It's him!

It's TNT!

- That's right, chickadee,

and you egg suckers

won't lay a laser point on

me or my vessel, understand?

- What's stopping us?

Give it up, TNT.

Your plan's finished before it's begun.

- Oh, contrare, bucky.

See, I know your dirty secrets.

- Dirty secrets?

What dirty secrets?

- The one about your dear brother

hiding out in a safe house

on the ocean with my egg.

- Oh, no, Bert, he knows everything!

- Preach on, sister, you

mean the one about Gusty

and Leftfield being secret double agents?

Yeah, I know that one too.

- (laughs) It doesn't matter.

The whole universe is high

on alert for you, TNT.

You won't be able to lift your tail

without being run off like

the coward that you are.

- Oh, no, just like I wasn't gonna be able

to sneak up on you?

Well, voila, here I am,

and this isn't the only

surprise I have in store

for you Easter heroes either.

- Don't flatter yourself, TNT.

You're a run-of-the-mill crook,

a predictable ne'er-do-well,

a basic snake.

- Uh-huh, okay, then let's

see what you think of this!

(beam whirring)

- [Hodge] Huh?


Where am I?

- In my clutches at last, little bunny.

- Little?

- Give up the golden egg

or give up your health!

- So, uh, wait.

Is that like a multiple choice, or?

- Give me the egg or--

- Yippee-ki-yay, bad guys!

- Here we come to save the day!

We are the future, we're

the ones they won't overlook

It's time to be the hero

- Give up and you won't be hurt, TNT.

- That's a fair wager, isn't it, slimey?

Just like in a dream

- You're surrounded, TNT!

- Surrender and turn off

your engines, or else!

(lasers blasting)

- You think the lot of

you can intimidate me,

the mighty TNT?

- (laughs) Yeah.

- You tell him, little bro.

- Shut up, hairball.

None of you can stop me!

You're a pack of clowns, ya hear me?


- And we outnumber you four to one.

Give it up, TNT, it's over.

- Over, eh?

I'll show you over, Easter Bunny.

Take this!

(laser blasting)

Pay attention to this, Hodge.

With the red AI armor I

wear on my skin alone,

I am the most powerful

being in all the universe.

Even with the magical golden egg,

you and your friends are no match for TNT.

Give up the egg and hand it over.

If you do, I just might spare some of you.

- No, don't listen to him!

- Don't do it, Hodge!

He's a liar!

- Listen, everybody,

I'm awfully sorry for

any trouble I caused.

I know sometimes, I'm

just a big old doofus

and I don't know what I'm doin'.

Okay, most of the times. (laughs)

But I mean well and I never, ever intended

to hurt anybody, man.

I'm not the best at nothin'.

In fact, I can't think of nothin'

I'm particularly good at, you know?

I just kinda squeak by on favors and luck.

You know what they say about

these rabbit's feet. (laughs)

(clears throat) Well, so no,

I don't know lots of things,

and I ain't even good at even more things,

and I ain't too purdy to look at,

and everybody knows I

ain't exactly in shape.

But Easter's my favorite

holiday, man, always has been,

and always gonna be.

And that ain't 'cause my little bro's

the Easter Bunny neither.

Can you believe that? (laughs)

My little brother's the

doggone Easter Bunny.

I still pinch myself

over that one. (laughs)

I remember one Easter

morning, when we was little,

and I got all upset over somethin' stupid,

like who got more candy,

or who found more eggs.

I can't even remember now,

but I was hoppin' mad.

And Bert, he sat me down on the tree trunk

and he told me what

Easter was all about, man.

He said Easter Sunday wasn't about candy,

or eggs, or toys, or none of 'em.

It was about celebratin'

our friends and loved ones,

about puttin' the past in the past, man,

and strivin' to be better

today for tomorrow, you know,

about appreciatin' what we have

and not bein' jealous of what we want.

It was about love and friendship,

and most important of

all, Bert said Easter

was about kickin' alien butt!

- What?

- So Happy Easter, TNT!

This one's for you!

- [TNT] Why, you!

(loud rumbling)

(bright music)

- Hodge, I don't really

know where to begin,

so (laughs) I just wanna say thank you.

- Thank you for what, little bro?

- For being the best big

brother a bunny could ask for,

and for using the golden

egg's magic powers

to protect all our friends,

while knocking TNT and his

cronies clear out of our galaxy,

and for single-handedly saving Easter.

- Aw, shucks.

I didn't do nothing y'all

wouldn't have done, Bert. (laughs)

I didn't do nothin' single-handed neither.

I had lots of help from

you, from Cutie, from Turk,

and from them there

Space Guardians. (laughs)

Heck, I don't even know 'em all.

Every time I turn around,

seemed like there's another

couple of Space Guardians

guardin' space. (laughs)

Hey, what do you think

about me maybe signin' up?

I could see myself guardin' some spaces.

- Uh, why don't we start slow, Hodge?

Try guarding some storage

spaces, or something, first.

- Good idea.

I'll get to applyin' in the morning.

Hey, little bro, you

think I can put you down

as a residents?

- Put me down as a residents?

- Yeah, you know, someone who knows me,

can add a good word, like, yeah, you know,

"He's one honest hard-workin'

bunny rabbit, man."

- Oh! (laughs)

Reference, you mean reference!

- Refnerence, yeah, that's

what I meant. (laughs)

Do you mind?

- Sure, big brother, feel free to use me

for a reference any time you like.

- Whoo-hoo! (laughs)

Rad, man.

- I'm gonna get back to work now.

There's still lots to do.

Easter and the big Easter

egg hunt is tomorrow morning!

Cutie and I are still hiding eggs!

- Oh, cool!

Oh, hey, think you can tip me off

to some of them hiding places, little bro?

- Not a chance, Hodge, not a chance.

- No worries, no worries.

Hunting's half the fun, after all.

- [Bert] That's the idea.

I'll see you tomorrow! (laughs)

I love you, big bro!

Happy Easter!

- [Hodge] Ha, love you too, little bro!

Happy Easter back at ya, man.

Just like a movie,

just like a storybook

We are the future, we're

the ones they won't overlook

We'll take it all the

way and live another day

And make a statement to the

world that we're here to stay

Whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

It's time to be the hero


Like you've never seen

Like you've never seen

We're looking for a hero


Just like in a dream

Just like in a dream, dream, dream

Are we the champions or

just the sh**ting stars

We'll put our courage to

the test in the final hour

And do we stand tall

and rise above it all

You know we're comin' at

ya hard like a cannon ball

Whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

It's time to be the hero


Like you've never seen

Like you've never seen

We're looking for a hero


Just like in a dream

Just like in a dream, dream, dream

And we won't give up,

no, we won't back down

This is where we'll save the day

When the lights go out,

yeah, we'll stand our grand

You know where there's a

will, there's a way, yeah

Just like a movie,

just like a storybook

We are the future, we're

the ones they won't overlook

We'll take it all the

way and live another day

And make a statement to the

world that we're here to stay

Whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

It's time to be the hero


Like you've never seen

Like you've never seen

We're looking for a hero


Just like in a dream

Just like in a dream, dream, dream

Are we the champions or

just the sh**ting stars

We'll put our courage to

the test in the final hour

And do we stand tall

and rise above it all

You know we're comin' at

ya hard like a cannon ball

Whoa, whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

It's time to be the hero


Like you've never seen

Like you've never seen

We're looking for a hero


Just like in a dream

Just like in a dream, dream, dream

And we won't give up,

no, we won't back down

This is where we'll save the day

When the lights go out,

yeah, we'll stand our ground

You know where there's a

will, there's a way, yeah

Just like a movie,

just like a storybook

We are the future, we're

the ones they won't overlook

It's time to be the hero


Like you've never seen

Like you've never seen

We're looking for a hero


Just like in a dream

Just like in a dream

In a dream, yeah

In a dream

In a dream