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02x00 - The First Chapter

Posted: 10/01/12 21:49
by bunniefuu
My name is Nolan Ross... self-made billionaire and some would say... not all incorrectly... a genius.

Is it possible to hack a computer tablet to run a PowerPoint presentation?

Possible for you or possible for me?

Can you do it or not?

With both hands tied behind my back.

I've spent the last year in the Hamptons, playing wingman to Emily Thorne, a young woman who came here seeking retribution for her late father's ruin.

(Man) Federal prosecutors wrapped up their case for treason against disgraced hedge fund executive David Clarke.

(Nolan) Her target was one of the Hamptons' most prominent families and the architects of her father's destruction.

As far as the world is concerned, David Clarke is responsible for that crash.

David Clarke was a mentor to me, so I vowed to do whatever it takes to help Emily clear his name.

But "whatever it takes"...

No, no, wait. Wait.

was way more than I or Emily Thorne ever bargained for.



You scare me.


This tale of revenge is chock-full of setups and takedowns...

Secrets and lies, imposters and con men, and enough backstabbing, skull cracking, and gunplay to fill a very heavy book.

And that's just the first chapter.

Our story begins with a little girl named Amanda Clarke, who was raised by her loving father David.

You know how much I love you, Amanda?


Well, infinity times... infinity.

The pair of them moved to a beach house in the Hamptons headed by Conrad Grayson.

Victoria Grayson was the reigning queen of Hamptons society.

Hi, I'm David Clarke. I work with your husband.

Happy new year, Mr. Clarke.

David just moved in to the beach house next door.

Oh, so you're the one.

Well, welcome to the neighborhood.

It's a beautiful property.

Thank you.

If it's not obvious where this is going...

Now it is.

Victoria and David began an affair and were planning to run away together.

This is really happening then?


But everything changed when her husband's ties to a t*rror1st group were in danger of being exposed.

The group that claimed responsibility for the bombing, I was laundering money for them.

The Graysons would've been ruined.


The investigation's gonna tie it back to the company.

I'm gonna go to prison for the rest of my life, if I'm lucky.

They're gonna freeze all of our assets, and you're gonna have to raise Daniel alone under a cloud of disgrace.

Well, Victoria chose to protect her family, and together, she and Conrad framed David for the crime.


Hands up where I can see 'em!

(David) What's going on?

You're making a mistake. You're making a mistake!

Don't! Get your hands off my daughter!





(Man) Grayson's testimony detailed the scheme Clarke used to channel money to the t*rrorists responsible for the downing of Flight 197.

(Nolan) David was convicted and began serving a life sentence, while Amanda spent most of her childhood in dreary institutions and foster homes.

I first met her years ago, the day she was released from juvie.

That's me with the lowlights.

Who are you?

Nolan Ross. Friend of your father's.

You're not exactly the little angel he described.

My father hasn't seen me in ten years.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you.

He passed away, six weeks ago.

He wanted you to have something.

Your father was the first person to believe in me.

He invested in my company when no one else would.

Now that you're 18, you're officially 49% owner of my company.

(David's voice)
"My dear Amanda,"

"if you're reading this, "then two things have come to pass...

"I am finally able to provide you the life "you were unjustly denied, and sadly, I won't be able to share that life with you."

(Nolan) David had spent his time in prison filling journal after journal so that his daughter would know the truth.

(David's voice) "I am not the man they say I am.

And I did not do the things they say I did."

(Nolan) Inside were the names of all the people who conspired against him.

(David's voice) "All I ask is that you promise "to do the one thing that's been so hard for me to do... forgive."

(Nolan) But let's just say forgiveness isn't one of her strong suits.

She began to draft a road map for revenge, first swapping identities with her roommate from reform school.

This is your fake I.D. and passport.

You're not having second thoughts, are you?

Only if that check bounces.

It won't.

She returned to the Hamptons as Emily Thorne and moved in to her childhood home, right next door to the very people who had destroyed her father.

I'll take it.

With the Graysons in her sights, it was time to take them down.

She worked her way into the Hamptons social scene, rubbing elbows with the traitors who put her father away.

With my help, we found the skeletons in everyone's walk-in closets.

And one by one, they fell.

Exhibit "A," Lydia Davis, Hamptons socialite, best friend of Victoria Grayson, and even tighter with Conrad.

Years ago, her false testimony against David Clarke helped to seal his fate.

I'm just glad I can help put that monster away.

With a fetching black wig and a bowl of poisoned soup...

(Lydia) Conrad!

(Siren wails)
Emily set the stage perfectly...


(Man) One, two, three.

Emily Thorne. My God, is this your husband?

Do you need a ride to the hospital?

No, I don't. I...

And then stood back to watch the drama unfold.

Lydia, hi.

Emily is renting my house for the summer.

We met briefly on the beach.

And then yesterday at the South Fork Inn.

I hope your husband's feeling better.

When Victoria discovered that her best friend and her husband were having an affair...

Have Ms. Davis escorted off the boat.

Lydia was forced to make a very public exit.


(Victoria) Whoo!

(Conrad) Attaboy, Daniel!

Emily's master plan went far beyond humiliating a handful of one-percenters.

The Graysons were her ultimate target, and their eldest child Daniel would be easy prey.

Would you like to go out sometime?


Yeah. Riding or... just dinner.

Win the match, and it's yes to both.


I was never quite sure what Em's true feelings for Daniel were.

But I know she has a beating heart in there somewhere, because one person from her past, and his dog, still seemed to have a hold on her.


(Jack) Sammy!


Come here, Sammy. I found a stick for you.

Fetch it, Sammy.

Nice throw.



Sammy! What's the matter with you?

Sorry. He's not normally this friendly.


Jack Porter and his brother Declan are true-blue townies and proprietors of my favorite watering hole, The Stowaway, where Declan met little miss Charlotte Grayson.

We'll take three rum and diets.

Uh, gonna need to see I.D.s.

Um, we left our I.D.s at the beach.

But we have plenty of money.

Sorry. I'm not interested in your money.

Are you interested in my phone number?

Ooh, Declan and Charlotte raised an eyebrow or two when they started a summer romance.

And Jack and Emily became friends, but...


There was definitely something more between them.

While Ems managed to keep her emotions in check, Jack... not so much.

Ever since I first saw you, I knew there was something about you.

Look, this feeling comes along once or twice in a lifetime if we're lucky.

I'm seeing Daniel. I thought you knew that.

I know.

Tell me I'm alone in this, and I won't bother you again.

I'm so sorry, Jack.

No matter what Emily really felt for Jack, she couldn't allow herself to be distracted from her larger mission.

No matter what happens between us, or what my mother says or does, if me and you last a week, a year, forever...


I'll always be honest with you.

Even as she moved among the people from her past, Emily managed to keep her real identity under wraps.

But her arrival had caused a stir in this tightly knit town.

(Frank) Yes.

(Victoria) Emily Thorne...

I want you to start following her.

I want to know everywhere she goes, I want to know everyone she sees.

Something's not right here. I can feel it.

Victoria's henchman tracked down the roomie from juvie at a classy little joint, and the jig was up.

Your name's not really Amanda Clarke, is it?

It's Emily Thorne.

Does anyone else know you found me?

Not yet.

My shift's over in an hour.

(Cell phone rings)


Your suspicions were right all along.

Emily Thorne is not who she claims to...


Frank, are you there?


(Frank groans)

(Knocks on door)

Oh, my God. It's really you.

Some guy named Frank figured out we switched names.

Don't worry. I took care of him.

Frank, it's Victoria.

You officially have me worried.

What do you mean, Emily Thorne is not who she claims to be?

I need you to keep an eye on somebody for me.

Cool house.

Thanks. Does miss manners have a name?

The less you know, the better.

Do not let her out of your sight. Do you understand me?

But babysitting isn't exactly my forte.

Hey there.

Enjoying the show?

And that little vixen started stirring up trouble right away.

So that's the famous Jack Porter.

All the stories you told me about him in juvie, I feel like... I already know him.

Get inside. This isn't a game.

I never said it was.

And in case you forgot, I don't like people telling me what to do.

Jack still carried a torch for the Amanda he knew as a boy, and Faux-manda took full advantage.

(Jack) Is there any chance you might stick around a little while longer?

(Amanda) I want to, but, um, it's complicated.


Nolan said as much.

Nolan isn't a friend of mine.

Not really.

He knew my father many years ago.

So did you.



(Doorbell rings)

Another meddlesome blast from the past came in the form of Tyler Barrol...

Daniel's roommate from Harvard days.

Now I see why he comes home for the summer.

As anyone could tell by his championship-level brownnosing, Tyler was angling for a position at Grayson Global.

My goal is to become indispensible to you.

Well, you're fast approaching it, son.

But Emily sensed his motives were even shadier and asked me to dig up some dirt.

(Nolan) Scotch okay?

Just tell me what the hell you want.

Direct. I like that in my negotiations.

Upon some research, I noticed that all your bills last summer were paid kept-boy style.

Tell me, what's a gay hustler doing posing as a Harvard student?

You got me.

You did say this was a negotiation, so...

Let's make a deal.

What's the dirt?

Suffice it to say, our boy is a bit of a con man.

What he doesn't know is, you can't con a con.

Well, whatever you're doing, keep it up.

Oh... I plan to.

It's dirty work, but nothing says sayonara like a sex tape.

You're fired.

Getting the ax from the Graysons made Tyler go ballistic.

Have a nice life, Danny.

And we all hoped we'd seen the last of him.

Emily was shaken by the recent events with ex-roommates from hell one and two.

I fear I'm losing control.

As you were warned, revenge is a stony path.

She sought counsel from the man who had trained her in the ancient ways of revenge.

If you let your emotions guide you, you will fail.

(Speaks Japanese)

The thing you have to know about Ems is that she will go to any lengths to accomplish her mission.

Emily Thorne, will you marry me?


Even if it means joining the family that destroyed her own.

But Emily would discover she already had some family ties to the Graysons when a sleazy journalist named Mason Treadwell came to hawk his slanderous book about the David Clarke scandal.

What a tool.

Mm. Exactly.

Emily stole Treadwell's archive of interview tapes from that period, which included conversations with her father that had never seen the light of day.

Then, in her typical revenge-y way, she torched his house...


And started stirring suspicions about who was to blame.

You need to leave town. Lay low for a little while.


Because Victoria hates me, and you're pretending to be me.

If she can burn down a house, she can definitely pin it on you or worse...

Someone that you care about.

Babe, we've survived a lot worse than Ms. Moneybags.

And I can take care of myself and Jack.

Mandy just couldn't take a hint.

So Emily was forced to play the truth card... always her last resort.

The Graysons framed my father.

They were responsible for that plane going down.

They set him up to take the fall.

I came back to avenge my father's death and to take everything away from them.

(Voice breaking)
You need to go save yourself...

And Jack.

(Voice breaks)
I can't say good-bye to him.

Then I'll do it for you.

Like a good little imposter, Faux-manda hit the road.

In reviewing the stolen Treadwell tapes, Emily learned some shocking news.

(David) Six months ago, Victoria gave birth to a baby girl.

Her name is Charlotte.

Ask her who the father is.

(Nolan) She sent Conrad a sneak peek of the footage so he'd finally know the truth about the daughter he'd raised as his own.

Not surprisingly, he didn't take it well.

Not another word, Conrad. I am warning you.

Somebody better tell me what's going on right now, or I swear...

Charlotte, sweetheart, you said that you could handle anything as long as you have me.

Well, you have me, always.

And it's time you know the truth.

David Clarke isn't just Amanda's father.

He's your biological father as well.

(Voice breaks) No.


But what's one spoiled dinner party, when Emily and Daniel's engagement bash was shaping up to be the most unforgettable event of the season?

Where's Daniel?

He's walking the beach. We're having a thing.

An unwelcome guest had returned with a vengeance.

She's not worth it.

Let's take a walk down to the shore.

Shall we?

Tyler had learned the truth about Ems and planned to expose her.

You won't get away with this, Tyler.

Sure I will.


(Cocks g*n)

Stay back!

Maybe you should call Emily first.

She's a wolf in sheep's clothing, you idiot!


(Fireworks whistling)

Please help me!

Emily's sensei showed up to finish Tyler off.



But Daniel was the last man standing on the beach, with blood on his hands and all over that pretty white tux.

(Gunther) Daniel Grayson, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Tyler Barrol.

(Voice distorts)
Take your hands off my son!

After the bloody beach party, Daniel met with his attorney to get his story straight.

Where did he hit you?

Right here on the side of the head.

There's a hematoma on the back of your head.

That's a hard spot to reach if you're fighting face-to-face.

We can use it to float the theory there was a third person on the beach that knocked you out, set you up.

The Graysons were in damage-control mode, shoring up Daniel's defense, shaky as it was.

I saw someone in a dark hoodie hiding behind the saw grass.

(Declan) I don't know. It could've been a hoodie.

It could've been anything, like a guest from the party.

It's hard to say.

I need you to think hard about that person you saw on the beach.

Your brother's life may depend on it.

The hunt was on for the mysterious man in the hooded sweatshirt.

This looks like Jack Porter.

Look familiar?

The Graysons claim to have two eyewitnesses who can place you on the beach shortly after Tyler Barrol was m*rder*d.

Hey, stop.

With his brother under suspicion, Declan was forced to reveal what he knew about Charlotte.

There was no hooded man.

Charlotte came up with that to save Daniel, and I... went along with it for her.

Convenient switch in the narrative now that your brother's the one at risk.

Why should anybody believe you?

Because it's the truth.

Charlotte was on painkillers that night.

And she'd had at least three glasses of champagne.

She doesn't know what she saw.

But you, of course, were stone sober?

You want to hear my story or not?

There's been a setback.

Declan gave Mason Treadwell an exclusive, said Charlotte fabricated the entire story.

I can't risk putting her on the stand.

Our hooded-man theory... has been shredded.

And with it, Daniel's entire defense.

You sold me out to Mason Treadwell.

Charlotte, I... I know this is hard for you to hear right now, but I promise you that when all of this is over, you're gonna understand.

You're just another puppet in the Grayson family play...

And it's time for your exit.

(Cell phone beeps)

In the courtroom, Declan didn't waver.

Was there someone else on that beach that night?


The prosecution rests, your honor.

Daniel's fate now rested in the hands of the jury... one woman in particular.

Based on her physical reactions to the prosecution's evidence, it's likely she'll vote to convict.

Victoria hired a goon to influence the woman's decision.

(Victoria) Ms. Woodbury is the single mother of a young son herself.

If she felt her child were in mortal danger, hanging a jury would be a small price to pay to ensure his safety.

(Nolan) It gave Ems an idea...

(Lee) Got it.

(Line disconnects)

Who's she talking to?

Of how to take the heat off Jack.

His name is Lee Moran.

He's been acting as Victoria's pawn for months.

He's about to become mine.

Hands over your head!

On your sweatshirt, is that blood?

That's not mine. That's not mine.

Lee Moran, you're under arrest.

Come on. It's not my sweatshirt.

I'm being set up!

We have a problem. They found a bloody sweatshirt in my car.

They're saying it matches the blood of the kid your son shot.


Get me out of this or get ready, lady, because if I'm going down, I'm taking you down with me.

But threats against the Graysons shouldn't be made lightly.

(Conrad) We have another David Clarke-style situation.

(White-haired man)

That's very troubling news.

He's in a holding cell at Rikers.

And if he starts talking, I don't see how we keep a lid on our association.

Open 277.

Holy hell.

(Buzzer sounds)


(Shouts indistinctly)

(Alarm blaring)
(Man) Get him down.

(Daniel) What's happening out there?

They're saying someone hanged himself.

And confessed to k*lling Tyler in a su1c1de note.


I'll get started getting your charges dropped.

(Nolan) To Emily, the circumstances of the goon's prison death were all too familiar.

All of the research that I did...

Everybody that I talked to, they said that it was just a prison fight...

(Men shouting indistinctly)
Inmates on the ground!

(Emily) That my dad was knifed to death by an inmate.

How did I not know this?

The Graysons m*rder*d my father.

There was no doubt that the Graysons had brought down David Clarke.

But Emily had underestimated the lengths they were willing to go for self-preservation.

These are the names of the prisoners from my father's cell block.

I've identified everyone who was involved in the riots the day that my father was m*rder*d.

Now what?

Cross-reference it with the Grayson Christmas card list?

Conrad said on the phone, "I'm sorry to put us in this position again."

If they k*lled Lee to silence him, it's a very strong possibility that they did the same to my father.

Charlotte was in a bit of a funk... self-medicating and digging up everything she could about the father she never knew.

I found this hidden in the lining of my mother's jewelry box.

Look at the date.

The day he died.

I wonder where she got this.

He doesn't look like a monster, does he?


He looks scared.

The dead goon's confession led to Daniel's release, but the angry mob outside wasn't buying it.

You sure you're all right?

You've barely said two words.

Oh. Thank God it's finally over.

This is a long way from over.

(Ashley) The Times are questioning the veracity of the confession.

This story isn't dying down any time soon.

Well, then we'll starve the beast.

Daniel has nothing to hide.

I think the best thing for him to do would be to get in front of the cameras, tell his story.

She's right. Best way to hit this is head on.

Charlotte was hitting her pills head on.

What are you doing?

And her recklessness finally caught up with her.

You just violated the honor code, not to mention state law.

Whatever answers you're looking for, you are not going to find them in a bottle of pills.

And you're certainly not going to find them reading this trash.

Where'd you get this?

I begged you to tell me about my father, and you refused.

I had to go searching on my own.

Her daughter's downward spiral was another sign of the family's unraveling.

Victoria was ready to make a move, right to the feds.

I want full immunity in exchange for the information I'm about to give you.

Now if you can't offer me protection, I'm more than happy to go to your superiors at the S.E.C., or to the director at the FBI or any other agency who would like to lay claim to the conviction of a domestic t*rror1st.

A t*rror1st?

I thought you had information about your husband's corporate malfeasance.

In this case, Mr. McGowen, they're one and the same.

Now do we have a deal or not?

(Cell phone rings)


This is Agent McGowen of the S.E.C., Mr. Grayson.

I suggest you set aside tomorrow morning to come down to the federal building and answer some questions.

You're gonna want to bring your lawyer.

Danny boy was still pretty shaken up after his release and wouldn't be satisfied until he'd heard the truth from his old man.

Lee Moran... the confession he wrote wasn't real, was it?


Tell me you didn't have him k*lled.

No, the kid was in too deep.

Dad, come on.

If he'd started talking...

Come on.

He would've destroyed us all.

I couldn't let that happen.

I do what I need to do to protect the family.

I always have.

In order for any of this to make sense, I need to start at the beginning, with David Clarke and what we did to him and his innocent baby girl.

(Nolan) When the interview cameras rolled the next morning, Emily hoped that Daniel would use the opportunity to set the record straight on what really happened to David Clarke.

My father is the victim of a witch hunt.

Instead, he toed the family line.

My father, who I stand behind as a son, and beside as a partner in business.

(Emily) So that's your plan, to go back to Grayson Global?

Well, no one said I can't be my own man and be my father's son.

That you are.

(Man) Daniel, we need you to sign this.

Daniel's decision to keep mum left Ems back at square one with her research.

Sorry, Mr. Grayson, but that man's here again, and he won't take no for an answer.

That will be all for today, Mr. Treadwell.

(Nolan) In a tape from the Treadwell archives, she saw a familiar face.

(Jack) Emily, you okay?

I could use a drink.

Rough day at the office?

I'm gonna track down the man who k*lled my father, and what are you gonna do when you find him?

I'm gonna k*ll him.

Emily was on the hunt for her father's k*ller, and the white-haired man in David Clarke's prison pic was her prime suspect.

What the hell are you doing here?

The feds are all over me.

Precisely the reason for my visit.

You've become, as they say in your profession, a bad asset.

Handsome family.

My God, Ems.

It's him.

Ems put me on surveillance duty keeping whitey on close watch.

I couldn't let Emily take on the silver psycho without knowing more about him.

I'm here about the, uh, cable outages in the neighborhood.

So I managed to disguise a camera inside a cable box.

But the white-haired man was suspicious.

What's your last name?

Uh, Simmons.

You have a good evening.

You, too, Burt.

Meanwhile, Victoria was getting frustrated with the feds.

Agent McGowen, why isn't my ex-husband in prison?

Because we haven't found any physical evidence of a conspiracy to frame David Clarke.

Well, then you haven't looked hard enough.

You and your team are obviously incapable of finding the proof that you need, but I assure you that I'm more than capable.

I'm determined.

(Elevator bell dings)

Conrad's Manhattan love nest was the obvious place to start.

What are you doing here, Victoria?

I couldn't help but notice the de Kooning the last time I was here.

Victoria was acting on a hunch.

It's a forgery.

I know because I had it commissioned, and I passed it off on him.

That's how we met.

Surprise, surprise.


Good old Sammy turned up on Em's porch in rough shape.

Sammy's here. Jack, I think you better hurry.

I was starting to think he was gonna live forever.


Thank you for being such a good friend.

(Amanda laughs)


Oh, are you licking daddy? He loves you.


(High-pitched voice)
Come here.


You go on now.



I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Life was getting brighter for Miss Charlotte.

She was seeking help for her addiction.

So what game are we playing?

We're playing I like, but I need.

It's fun. You'll see.

Just sit...

That's all right, doc. I've got this from here.

Charlotte, I like that you've taken control of this problem, and I need you to promise me that you'll stay on this track.

Victoria, you know, believe it or not, I actually like your spirit of self-preservation.

And I thoroughly appreciate how much you have challenged me at every turn throughout the course of our spectacular failure of a marriage...

Oh, Mr. Grayson, that's not... because it has taught me how to see right through you.

And as for what I need from you, well, by gosh, all I really need is for you to come to your anemic senses and return everything you just stole from me.

Oh, this is hopeless.

Nothing in this house is ever gonna change.

The only way out of it is to leave.

Bravo, Conrad.

That display of yours should go miles towards helping Charlotte's recovery.

After a round of family feud, Victoria had to answer to Daniel.

I know the whole story, so you can quit playing innocent.

Dad told me everything.

I don't know what lies he told you, but you would do well to remember that there are three sides to every story.

Which one did you sell to the feds?

You go through with destroying Dad, and you're dead to me.

Vicky's a tough cookie, but not tough enough to risk losing her only son.

I'm going to agree to your ultimatum.

This is the evidence I was planning on turning over.

Now your father had it stashed away for years as insurance because he's not the only one it incriminates.

What you choose to do with it is entirely up to you.

(Package rustles)

(Conrad) Yes, Daniel?

Mom buckled. She gave me the evidence.

Good work, son.



Setting aside her moment with Jack, Emily continued to play the good fiancee...

Come on. Let's go to bed.

Because in that briefcase was everything she needed to sink the Graysons and clear her father's name for good.

My surveillance of the white-haired man was going swimmingly, or so I thought.


Wait. That's not right.


Shh. Shh.



Emily! You okay?

There was a man in the kitchen. He...

He rushed right by me. I was just going for a run.

It's okay. It's all right. You're safe. You're safe.

It looks like he got in through here.

He was holding something when he left, but I couldn't see what it was.

Oh, God.


Emily came to my house to stash the evidence she'd swiped from Daniel.

But I was sort of indisposed.

(Keypad beeps)



He's not the one you want. I am.

And who are you?

Amanda Clarke.

You m*rder*d my father.

No wire, no phone, no w*apon.

This is a very dangerous game you're playing.

And for what, payback for your father?

I have in my possession evidence compiled by Conrad Grayson implicating you and all of your friends at the Initiative in a conspiracy to fund and carry out acts of terrorism on American soil.

Now take me to Nolan Ross.

As you wish.

One snort of chloroform later...

Good morning, sunshine.

I trust you had a pleasant nap, Ms. Clarke?

The evidence that you want is in locker 428 at the Port Authority bus terminal.

The orange key from my keychain will open it.

If that's true, what's to stop me from k*lling you right now?

I could be lying.

She's really quite good at it.

Or I could've programmed an e-mail to alert the authorities.

I would tell you how much time you have left, but you stole my watch.

It's 2:30.

Then you have exactly one hour.

(Buzzer sounds, door opens)

(Door closes)

The second snowcap was out the door, the ever-resourceful Ems got us both free...

I am not worthy.

And started giving orders again.

Get up, Nolan.

You have to deliver Grayson's box of evidence to the feds.

Everything you need is in the bottom drawer of your desk, including instructions on how to get it to Agent McGowen.

(Buzzer sounds)

Got it?

Then get going.

Kick his ass.

As instructed, I delivered the evidence to the feds.

Lydia, it's Victoria.

I have nothing to say to you.

What exactly is your plan, hmm, to live your life on the lam with an international fugitive?

Who do you think will be the first person he sells out when the money runs dry?

And believe me, that day is coming faster than either one of you realizes.

The plane boards at 8:00 P.M.

The destination would be Washington, D.C.

The evidence that your husband squirreled away is encyclopedic, and we're only halfway through.

We already have enough to bring charges of m*rder for hire.



It appears your husband didn't just frame David Clarke.

He also contracted to have him k*lled.

That was news to Vicky.

I know that you ordered David Clarke's m*rder.

Do not deny it.

David Clarke's death was decided by people far above me... the very same people who will stop at nothing to destroy the both of us if you decide to testify!

Well, then so be it!

I cannot live these lies anymore, and neither will our children.



If you board that plane, it's gonna be the last thing that you do.

Then I guess I'll see you in hell.

For Emily, years of preparation and a lifetime of bitterness were about to be redeemed.

You and I may have more in common than you realize.

My employers and I planned to make Grayson take the fall for Flight 197, not your father.

I'm not here because of how my father was framed.

I'm here because of how he died.

You're a hell of a fighter.

You must have gotten that from your mother.


Look at me.

I want to be the last thing you see before you die.

You know what I love about you most?

It's the way you love absolutely everything and absolutely everyone.

You promise me that you're never gonna lose that.

I thought you came here to honor your father.

I just did.

When Emily got home, yet another situation awaited her.

Jack came by here yesterday, didn't he?


Did you kiss him?

Just give me a straight answer, please.


We kissed.

The truth is, I'm not...

Really the person that you fell in love with.

And you're changing, too. I mean...

I'm watching you become everything you said you never wanted to be.

And what's that?

A Grayson.

I'm sorry.

Bye, Emily.

I made a mistake telling you, didn't I?

Well, it's better to find out that my fiancee is cheating on me before she's my wife.

Good to know you've got my back.

Always have.



With the Graysons on the verge of ruin, Emily was ready to tell Jack everything about who she really was and what she felt for him.



Slow night, huh?

I closed up early.

I think this belongs to you.


It belongs to Amanda.

Sammy was my dog, after all.


Jack and I are gonna have a baby.

Even after all her masterful schemes and carefully laid plans, there were still so many elements that were out of Emily's control.

Lydia and Victoria were on their way to testify against Conrad.

But they weren't the only ones with a vested interest.

And forces conspired to ensure they'd never make it.

(Man) We have late breaking news of a plane crash coming out of East Hampton this evening.

Sarah Juarez is live at the scene.

The government-chartered twin-engine jet exploded shortly after takeoff.

There appear to be no survivors.

On that flight was Victoria Grayson, matriarch of the embattled billionaire Grayson family.



All of Conrad's evidence, everything...

That could've exonerated my father was on that plane.

Not exactly.

I, uh, unencrypted and backed up that mysterious hard drive before I gave it to McGowen.

After the Graysons framed your father, Americon Initiative handled the cover-up.

This goes so far past the Graysons and so far past what they did to your father.

If we've learned anything, it's that the road to revenge is unpredictable and filled with treacherous detours.

Nothing ever goes as planned.

Every action carries consequences, intended and otherwise.

And at any moment, a new revelation could change everything.

Hold on to your hat.

(Key clicks)
It'll work because he trusts me.

(White-haired man)
How can you be so sure?

Because I know David's deepest secret.

The wife he had before we met... the one who died in 1990?


If you look a little deeper, you'll find there's much more to the story.

What is she saying, that they k*lled my mother, too?


What she's saying is that...

Your mother's alive.

Today, Emily starts her next chapter, eager for answers about the Graysons' connection to her supposedly dead mother.

It begins as we pay tribute to Victoria Grayson at a posh soiree of which she would most certainly approve.

You think she's somewhere looking up at us?

One year after Emily's arrival, nobody here is the same.

Things have certainly changed in a year, haven't they?

Emily, I am s...

Hello, Emily. You look well.

Lunch sometime?

Of course.

That was... awkward.

Darling, you look radiant.

Uh, you're still on track for release this week, I take it.

I'm just waiting for her blood panel to come back, yeah.

Don't worry. I'm clean.

I know.

I can't let this day go on without someone pointing out that Victoria Grayson was more than just art auctions and fancy parties.

To me, she was simply Mom.

I've made a lot of positive change in my life.

I want you to know that I intend to keep it that way...

(Cell phone rings)
In honor of Mom.


What would you bet this isn't good news?

Charlotte, I've just received some upsetting news.

Your blood work came back. It's positive for hydrocodone.

That's impossible.


It's okay, Charlotte. We can do another blood test.

But first, we need to get you back to the center.


No, there's been a mistake.


No, stop it.

Charlotte. Charlotte.

Let go of me.

Dad, you did this.

Charlotte, calm yourself.

You blew up that plane, and now you're trying to keep me locked up.

For God sake!

Emily! We'll talk.

Maybe everything has changed around here.

But... don't count on it.

What did I miss?