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01x04 - Injustice

Posted: 04/04/23 12:07
by bunniefuu

- Happy birthday.
- Thanks, Dad.

Strange place
to celebrate a birthday.

It's tradition.

It's my only chance! Mum let me
invite two friends to lunch.

No adults!

You have to look at each other.
Or go 7 years without sex...

- Where are you going for lunch?
- "Wallace". Have you been?

Open your present.

Sarah? You haven't opened it!

I think she's leaving.

I'll be right back.

Sarah! Wait a minute.

- What's wrong?
- I told you I wanted a phone,

- and you still get it wrong.
- Don't go on.

We discussed it.

Your view is stupid.
"I have a phone that makes calls

"and that is enough."

Everyone in my class
has a smartphone!

Just a second.

It's crap.


- Baudemont?
- Captain.

Some places have become available
at the Acacias nursing home.

He's on his way.


We're very strict about security.
Rules are followed to the letter.

Do residents usually
meet up in the evenings?

No. It's strictly forbidden
in the rules.

We are very strict about discipline.

I have to have
the families' trust.

Rules are always followed
to protect the residents.

Mathilde Cossart's 85th birthday
was celebrated here,

in our restaurant, by the rules.

It's unheard of
for them to get up...

- She's not very easy-going.
- Reminds me of boarding school.

Here we are.

Can I...

It's not allowed.
We are very strict.


We have four victims.

Mathilde Cossart, 85,

Gisèle Bernier, 80,

Claude Vitali, 79
and Albert Garnier, 76.

The last to arrive at the Acacias.
He'd been here a year.

I've requested their medical files.

Thanks, Stéphanie.

Domaine Saint-Jean Descroix!
These oldies do all right.

It wasn't an overdose.

You never know
with old people these days.

No forced entry.

You should have come with me.

- I was quickest.
- What have we got?

No sign of injury on the bodies.
They all died between 1 and 4 am.

Heart attack?

It would appear so.
Like the other three.

A heart attack isn't contagious.

Poisoning? Mass su1c1de?

I need to check the stomach contents

to find the substance.

Get this bottle checked first.

The stomach contents
will show Giselle

didn't eat any cake.
Only three portions were cut.

Mrs Bernier is diabetic.

A glass of red wine for her,
but no cake.

The wine is the key.

But who brought it?

You don't look happy, Annie.

Was your husband out late again?

Are you the guardian?

Naima. And you're the inspector

- for room 104.
- That's right.

Kader Sharif.
Pleased to meet you.

I saw you earlier.

They're trying
to hide what happened.

But I know everything.

Were you a concierge?

You're clever.

I knew about last night's party,
but I didn't go.

I went to the others, though.


The director is an idiot.

She sees nothing.

Since Albert arrived,
we've played canasta.

I stopped. Albert was fun,
but he was always cheating.

The others didn't see,
they were taken in.

- He was always flirting.
- They kicked you out.

They said I was a bad loser.

Albert was a character.

He organised Mathilde's birthday
in room 104.

He didn't even invite me.

I know everything,
but I have no luck.

Believe me, Naima,
you were lucky yesterday.

Excuse me.

- While you're having tea with...
- Where's the tea?

Is she jealous?

I found this packaging.
It must be from the bottle.

Albert Garnier's room.
I know.


Yes. Good.

Send me the full report
when it's done.

It was the wine.
They found traces of scopolamine.

An antispasmodic,
lethal in high doses.

Odorless and colourless.

Are there traces in the cork?

Yes. Someone must have injected
it with a syringe.

Collective euthanasia? Crime?

Albert wanted to die
and take his friends with him?

He doesn't seem the type
to commit su1c1de.

I think we should check
if there's an inheritance.

I'll check no scopolamine
is missing at the Acacias.

I've been waiting half an hour.

Nobody's forcing you to stay.

Calm down.

Can you hold this?


It's like the job centre here.

Miss? Sharif.

Captain Sharif. Can I help you?

My phone has been stolen.

- I'll see what I can do.
- She has to wait her turn.

Give me the register.

I don't believe it.

You don't go unnoticed.

Thanks, Joël.

- Miss?
- Duval, Chloé.

Pretty name.

There you go.

It's her turn.
He'll take your statement.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

That's why we're here.

You weren't hurt
when they stole your phone?

No. It was on the table
on the terrace, at Wallace.

- Where?
- Wallace. Two streets away.

I went to the toilet,
and when I came back it was gone.

Do your statement.

No scopolamine at the Acacias.

Albert Garnier only had one visitor,
his grandson.

Damien Garnier. 28.
His only family.

Perhaps he was tired of visiting?


Apart from a direct debit
to the nursing home,

Albert withdrew 20 euros a week.

So how did he buy the wine?

- Shall we get him in?
- Who?

Damien Garnier!
That girl has turned your head!

My parents died

when I was a teenager.
He took care of me.

You went to the Acacias yesterday.
Did anything particular happen?

No. Nothing.
His leg was bothering him,

but he was on good form.
He made some jokes.

His jokes were stupid,
but they always made me laugh.

Albert wasn't rich,

but he could pay for the Acacias.

He left you life insurance
of 25,000 euros.

He never told me.

You sort the post,
you don't earn much.


Recognise this?

You gave him this bottle.

- Yes, yesterday.
- Your grandfather and 3 others

are dead because of it.

I didn't do anything.

You knew about the life insurance.

Times are hard, you thought
you'd give nature a hand.

- Where did you get the scopolamine?
- I don't even know what it is.

- Albert asked me to bring the wine.
- Where did you get it?

I bought it in a supermarket.

A Domaine Saint-Jean Descroix,
at over 80 euros, sorry...

you can only get that
at wine merchants.


I don't know.

Do you often steal parcels?


No. No.

You're 28.

Minimum wage.

But you're wearing
300-euro trainers.

I don't want to get fired.

Albert asked me to get
a decent bottle and I'd forgotten.

When I saw the parcel, I took it.

Under the recipient's name,

it said "Legal Expert".

I remember that.

Do you remember
the name of the recipient?

Dulot... Hervé Dulot.

- Hervé Dulong?
- That's it.

I'm really sorry.

Since there were two bottles,
I thought it was OK.

There's another bottle?

- Police!
- Mr Dulong!


We need an ambulance
at 23 rue de la République.

There was nothing they could do.

Just like at the Acacias.

Instant heart failure.
Like being shot in the heart.

Are you OK?

We were so close.

Let me through, I live here.

- Mr Dulong?
- Yes.

We're sorry about your wife.

I was in court,
I don't understand.

Your wife

was poisoned.

The bottle containing it
was addressed to you.

Was anyone upset with you?

Enough to k*ll me?

Plaintiffs who are unhappy
and colleagues who are jealous,

but not to that extent.

We found this with the bottle.
"With thanks."

I know this is difficult,

but we'll need a list of anyone
who has threatened you.

I need to call our son in Paris.

Mr Dulong?

Sorry, but it could be relevant.

When did you stop living here?

What do you mean?

Your post has been piling up
for two weeks.

Typical when the husband
no longer lives here.

I've been there myself.

We had a row three weeks ago.

We decided we needed space.

It happens.

Why did she open the bottle?

Sorry, I need to be alone.

The postmark on the box shows
it was posted next to the court.

The couple's problems
may be more serious than he said.

He might have sent it
himself to k*ll her.

We spoke yesterday.

We'd been seeing a lot
of each other.

Any particular reason?

Sylvie Dulong and I
were in the same year.

We kept in touch.
Those parties you never came to.

She asked me to handle her divorce.

- So it wasn't just a row.
- Hervé had a mistress.

A clerk at the court.

Sylvie found out.
It was the last straw.

She came to see me
and said to fleece him.

- Divorce for just cause.
- Yes. Sylvie had money.

He benefited from her connections.

Taking with one hand
what she'd given with the other.

Was Sylvie drinking more than usual?

It wasn't an easy time.

I have to go, I have a hearing.

Sylvie was a good person.
You have to catch

whoever did it.

Don't worry, we will.

He knew she'd open it.

Poisoning is cheaper than alimony.

We need to find out
where it was bought.

They might remember him.

Hello. Can I help you?

Captain Sharif, Captain Briard.
We spoke on the phone.

Ah, yes.
I checked after you called.

I sold two bottles of Domaine

Saint-Jean Descroix
last month.

Do you know this man?

I've never seen him.
He's not one of our regulars.

Take the Domaine
Saint-Jean Descroix.

What's she doing?

We're taking it as a precaution.

- Precaution against what?
- Poisoning.

Did he die?

He was lucky.

His wife wasn't.

You have no right to do that.

We have to get them all analysed.

I don't care about your analysis.

Can't you see I'm in trouble?
You're taking away my livelihood.

Sorry. I've no choice.

No choice?
Take them all, then.

Take this one.
And this one.

You'll be compensated
for the bottles we take,

but not the ones you break.

I'm seriously late.

And starving.
Thanks for the present.

I wasn't nice yesterday.

What's this?

It's Eloïse's phone.
She forgot it yesterday.

Sarah, I'm a cop.

Fine. I'll tell you what it is.

You stole this phone yesterday
from Miss Duval.

I didn't steal it,
she left it on the table.

- I couldn't resist.
- What?

You'd have done the same.

- You're bordeline sometimes.
- Do you think I steal?

Borderline means not crossing
the line, but you crossed it.

- She's reported it.
- Why?

Because a pickpocket

can get three years in prison.

You have to be above reproach.

As the daughter of an Arab cop,
you have to be above reproach.

I've called your mum.
We'll discuss your punishment.

It's always the same.



I've a hearing in 15 minutes.

Your daughter
stole a phone yesterday.

A report has been filed.

Shit. What do we do?

What? I'm a cop.

Did anyone see her?

That's not the point.

Are you going to tell on her?

Do you want her to have a record?
Just because you're a cop?

That's not fair.

It's unfair not to,
just because she's my daughter.

You're the first to bend the rules
when it suits you.

You're cross
because she isn't perfect.

She's 15. She's at the age
when you do stupid things.

Don't panic. It isn't a crime,
she was just stupid.

Think of her, Kader.
Not yourself.

And don't do anything
without speaking to me.


The results are negative
for the other bottles.

It wasn't accidental.

Dulong has arranged
for a friend to do the autopsy

on his wife.

Are you OK?

You forgot to mention you mixed
business and pleasure.

We know you're having
an affair with a clerk.

And your wife
wasn't going to forgive you.

You know that,
and it was going to cost you.

And so I k*lled her.
You're very good.

As a former doctor, you could get
scopolamine without a prescription.

The bottle was sent
from the post office next door.

Look here. Check all you want.
Speak to my family and friends.

The sooner you find out
it wasn't me, the sooner you'll find

who k*lled my wife.

And why get
a friend to do the autopsy?

Would you like just anyone
cutting up your wife?

I wouldn't.
I cheated on my wife,

but I loved her.



We're closing in on Dulong.

Don't bother, he was the target.

Someone tried to run him over
when he left the court.

Your prime suspect
has just become a victim.

Are you all right?

I'll be OK.
Find the bastard.

We're working on it.

No-one saw the driver or the number,
but it was a BMW, a 3-series.


We're doing our best.

But you have to help us.

Who has a grudge?
And "no idea" is not an answer.

You think I haven't thought
about it?

My wife is dead because of me.

Do you want
to watch me tell my son?


We're putting you
under 24-hour protection.

I don't want protection.
I want you to do your job.

We are. Five deaths is enough.

He won't fail next time.

We've got the car.

We found it abandoned,
near the court.

It was stolen 24 hours ago.
There are no prints, he wore gloves.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

The sat nav is still connected.
The GPS tells you everything.

I can get the whole route.

A bottle of wine and a car.

Two unusual weapons.

Right up our street, Hutch.

Starsky and Hutch,
episode 7 season 4.

Given the position of the seat,
I'd say 1.75 m.

Could be a man or woman.

An amateur.

In terms of car theft.

A pro wouldn't have smashed
the window or left the sat nav on.

What was the route?

The car was outside

Dulong's building,
then stopped at the undertakers

and then went on to the court.

Dulong was followed all day.
The k*ller had several chances.

Why wait?

You always amaze me.

We need to get this checked
for prints.

He took his time,
waited for the right moment.

The right moment being the court.
He was after the legal expert.

I know why you're here, Sharif.

Hervé Dulong is the best
legal expert in the region.

Someone has tried to k*ll him twice.

It all leads back to the court.

We wash others' dirty linen,
but ours is clean.

We know your experts.
Dulong won't sully their reputation.

When a colleague is accused,
they clam up.

Not to mention those
courted by insurance companies.

Listen to me carefully.

Despite what you might think,

I appoint all the experts.
There is a long list of candidates.

I do it with the greatest integrity
and do not cede to pressure.

Why? Is there stiff competition?

It's a prestigious role.
Experts want to keep their position.

The atmosphere had deteriorated.
I won't deny it.

Had your white knight
become a bugbear?

He's never been very conciliatory
with colleagues.

He came to me a month ago
about a problem with Benoît Laborde,

another expert on neurosurgery.

He found some hesitation
in his expert opinions.

According to him,
Laborde had problems with cocaine.

I started an enquiry. I don't know
how Dulong found out about it.

- Did Laborde know who told you?
- No idea. But if he wanted revenge,

he would have tried to k*ll me.

And no dirty tricks.

- Your Honour.
- I'll find out more

about Laborde. As a neurosurgeon
he has access to scopolamine.

I'm starting to like Dulong.

No special favours.

Without integrity,
there's no justice.

There's a huge difference between
integrity and informing on someone.

You and your fancy words.

What do you call it?
Informing on your friends

and being convinced
you're doing the right thing.

It's like me reporting you
when you overstep the mark.

It's not the same.

Anyway, you like me.



Shall we go to my place?
It's just opposite.


I won't be long.

20 minutes.

I don't believe it.

Thank you.

I have some good news.

- We found your phone.
- Great. How?

It was a bit of luck.

I even found the thief.

A pretty little thief.

Since it was reported,

the penalty is three years in prison
and a 45,000-euro fine,

halved if the thief is a minor.

- I wanted you to know.
- For a phone? That's crazy.

It's partly my fault,

I did leave it on the table.
Prison? No.

I don't want that.
The main thing is you found it.

You don't have to press charges,
if you don't want to.

I can't influence you.

I won't press charges.
You're my hero!


Chloé, this is Sarah, my daughter.

She stole your phone.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why I did it.

Thank you.

So I won't be seeing you again?

I know people do stupid things
at your age.

But you can ruin your life,
just like that.

I'm sorry, Dad.
I was stupid.

I protected you
because I'm your father. I had to.

If you do something stupid again,
I might not be there.

We all do stupid things,
especially me.

The main thing is
to learn from them.

Come here.

It's OK, darling.

It's OK.

Benoît Laborde was investigated
for possession and using cocaine.

He lost his job as a legal expert
and a neurosurgeon.

He knew it was Dulong
who informed on him.

His name was written down
by mistake.

Laborde had every reason
to hate him. I've made progress.

You seem stressed.
What's the matter?

When you're on duty,
you don't drink, smoke or shag.

You're jealous! I love it.

Jealous? No. I'm professional.

"Danny, don't confuse your dreams
with reality."

The Persuaders, episode 2.

It wasn't that episode.

Benoît Laborde, 45. Neurosurgeon
and legal expert. Is that correct?

That's correct.

Looks like your career is over.

A legal expert using cocaine,
they won't go easy.

Dulong, with many thanks.

I don't understand.

I do.

Your career is over.
He informed on you.

It appears he's more ethical
than you.

Dulong? Ethical?

That bastard.

A social climber.

Ready to get rid of anyone
who overshadowed him.

He just has to tell Judge Caron.

Sounds like a motive.

I'd have hit him,

but I didn't even do that.

Someone was braver than me.

I'm not the only one on his list.

Who else is on it?

You should ask him.
He's seriously sick.

He's got it in for everyone.

Where were you at 10 am?

Let me think. I have so much
going on at the moment.

I was seeing my psychiatrist.

I have addiction problems.

Sorry to disturb you.

We know about your list.

Experts to bring down.
Benoît Laborde told us.

You didn't think to mention it?

Bit collaborationist.

You need to tell us about the list
and the people on it.

Pierre Caseneuve. He works
at Edouard Herriot like me.

He's taking backhanders

from the insurers.

I'm on it.

You no longer practise not only

because your job as an expert
takes up so much time.

Don't judge me, Sharif.

A slight paralysis.
I stopped operating two years ago.

I wouldn't put my patients
at risk, you understand.

I apply the same standards.

Hence the list.

Being a legal expert means
you have to be beyond reproach.

No-one's seen Caseneuve
for three days.

He's just disappeared.

- A blacklist?
- Dulong took it upon himself

to make decisions.
Slandering people. The works.

Getting rid of troublesome
individuals and the competition.

- Have you found Caseneuve?
- Not yet.

But according to his pass,

he was at court
when the bottles were posted.

We'll need more proof than that.

There's something else I noticed
which may be relevant.

When checking the times
on Caseneuve's pass,

I saw he went to the court
at times when

he wasn't giving evidence.

What was he doing?

He was going to the archives.

I've asked for all the files
he looked at.

See where it leads.

Remember that
behind Caseneuve you have

- Judge Caron.
- So?

I know him.
I've worked with him.

You're either with him
or against him.

And if you're against him,
watch out.

- Kader?
- Looking for Caseneuve at court.

It will get serious tomorrow.

Excuse me a moment.

What are you doing?

Maître, how can I help you?

Very funny.
Let's see if I can help you.

The case of Granger:

the office of an agent of the court
is considered his home.

Article 56 and 57
of the criminal code.

To open it, you need a letter
rogatory and two witnesses.

That's the law!

You can't tell your daughter
to respect the rules

- and break them when it suits you.
- You're quite right.

You're witnesses.

Letter rogatory?

I'll see the judge afterwards,
I promise.

It's double standards with you.

I saw reason.
The complaint has been dropped.

You don't have to worry.

That's odd.

He cancelled all his operations.

The day Sylvie died.

It's all crossed out
except for today.

3 C.

3rd correctional chamber.

If an expert misses a hearing,
he's struck off.

Where would I be without you!

Excuse me.


My ex-husband.

Any luck?

They're for Captain Briard.

I had a look at Caseneuve's diary.
Do you still play tennis

with Judge Rivière?

Yes. Do you need

a letter rogatory? Backdated?

Be careful, a game of tennis
won't always do it.


Is it worth it?

She died in my arms.

They gave me these for you.

Me? Us.

No. You.
The files Caseneuve consulted.

A pile each.

Find anything?

Dulong was an expert on every case.

What happened between those two?

I have to go and get Caseneuve.

I'm better in the field.

You know where he is?

And you couldn't have told me?

Come on.



The respiratory failure
of which Mr Durieux was a victim

was due to a haemorrhage from
the bone after the laminectomy.

An accident which the surgeon
could not foresee.

Tell them that's not true!

You're all in on it!
Shut him up!

Don't worry, I will.

Hello, Dr Caseneuve.

- What are you doing?
- I'm arresting you.

Captain Sharif, come here.

I thought I warned you,

no dirty tricks.

You think you can just
come in here?

This is my court!

It's my investigation.

- I know what I'm doing.
- So do I.

You can kiss goodbye
to any hearings.

I am going to study
all your paperwork very closely.

I won't tolerate any mistakes.

I look forward to you
giving evidence in my court.

See you soon, then, Your Honour.

Off we go.

Take him away.

I'm going
to sue for wrongful arrest.

Like the backhanders you received?

Dulong was going to inform on you.

- You wanted to get rid of him.
- No.

You disappeared
on the day Sylvie Dulong died.

You k*lled the wife,
not the husband.

I didn't disappear.
I needed a break.

I didn't k*ll anyone!

Five people have died.

Four elderly people
and Dulong's wife.

- What are you talking about?
- Why did you go?

What were you looking for
in Dulong's cases?

I looked at them too.
It's odd.

File 2007/B/29 has disappeared!

I didn't k*ll anyone.

But I might be responsible.

It's gone too far.

I wanted to bring Dulong down
before he brought me down.

I found a serious error

in one of his cases.

The white knight screwed up?

Stopping being a surgeon,
his mistress, he was distracted.

He had made some mistakes

in the last 2 years:
incomplete files, sketchy reports.

But this was different.

Telling the judge
wasn't enough for you.

What did you do?

I sent an anonymous letter
to the family

about his incompetence.
I hoped they would

talk to the press.

The family took revenge?

I wanted to make Dulong pay.

His wife and the four old people...

Which case was it?

Maubert family versus Arexo.

Maubert? The wine merchant?

The Mauberts' son, Julien,
became quadriplegic,

- and they didn't get compensation.
- Why not?

Julien was 16

and was hit by a car
when he was on his scooter.

Dulong stated he had
a brain tumour

prior to the accident.

I see.

There's no proof the driver was
at fault, so the insurers won't pay.

Dulong made a mistake with the date.
The tumour

appeared after the accident.

Dulong's mistake ruined them.

And I told him
that Dulong is still alive.

Mr Maubert?


Who are you?

Leave me alone.
Don't touch me.

We won't hurt you.
We're police.

What's going on?
Why are you here?

Look at my badge.
We're here to do a search.

He can't breathe.
He's having an attack.

Do you have any dr*gs?

The syringe on the table.


What's your name, son?

Julien Maubert.

Julien Maubert?

In my hip. In my hip.

You'll be OK.

Is that better?

Where are your parents?

My mother died when I was five.

I don't know where my father is.

I need to speak to him urgently.
Do you know where he is?


Who's with Dulong?



We know who's trying
to k*ll Dulong. It's Maubert.


Maubert's in the court room.

François? Look after him.

It'll be OK.

Get out!

You stay there!

He took Baudemont's g*n
and made everyone leave.

It's just him, Judge Caron
and the legal expert.

He'll sh**t anyone coming in.

A response team is on its way.

Maubert isn't crazy,
but if he's cornered...

Where are you going?

To stop this getting worse.

We have to wait for the specialists.

See you later, then.

I'm not going in without a g*n.

I know. You're the crack shot.
Cover me?

You don't have a choice.

Mr Maubert? It's not loaded.

- Stay out or I'll k*ll them all!
- We've been

to the shop.
We've seen Julien.

We need to talk calmly.



You've nothing to fear.

Your Honour.

Mr Maubert, this is my colleague.
She spoke to your son.

Drop your g*n! Hurry up!

I'm not armed.

Mr Maubert,

please listen to me.

There are trained men

taking up position outside.

They don't mess around.

- I'll k*ll them.
- You won't k*ll anyone.

You could have k*lled Dulong
when you got the g*n

- from my colleague.
- What he did was disgraceful.

That's why you're here.
That's why we're here.

Here's the deal.
Stay calm

and it'll be OK.
I promise.

We can talk about it.

Mr Maubert, look at me.

Look at me!

I want the judge to hear.

Read it.

It's an anonymous letter.

Read it!
Read out how you screwed up.

Hervé Dulong
made a beginner's error.

His negligence misled the court

by using an incorrect scan.

Your child did not have a tumour
at the time of the accident.

We were right. You see?
It wasn't my son's fault.

I didn't handle your case.
Holding a g*n

- doesn't give you any rights here.
- Really?

You call this justice?
You disgust me!

Mr Maubert, your son trusts you.

He needs you.

What can I give him?
I'm all on my own.

I sold everything
to pay for the work on the house.

I wanted him to live there.

But I didn't have enough.
The bank took it.

Justice, insurance,
it's all shit.

To sh**t, you have
to take off the safety catch.

The safety catch.

Get up.

You couldn't tell him
what he needed to hear?

I saw his son.
He's a quadriplegic.

That's not how it works, Sharif.

It's time you learnt that.

We follow the rules.

It's the only way
to make the system work.

Where did this letter come from?

How could I make such a mistake?

Justice is human,
and must remain so.

Or there would be more
Pascal Mauberts.


Hervé Dulong deserves prison
as much as Pascal Maubert.

Don't worry,
with all the publicity,

I doubt Dulong
will work as an expert again.

You didn't know Mathilde

isn't going out with Nathan?

I can't get Facebook

on my phone.

Your father's a pain.
Your phone is rubbish.

You can't do anything.

It doesn't matter.

Hi, girls.

- You're home!
- Hello, Mr Sharif.

- Are you staying for dinner?
- I'd love to. I'll call my mum.

Thanks, Dad.



He's left us in peace.

Chloé Duval not free?

You're jealous!

It's driving me crazy.

Shall we eat?

Did Sarah steal her phone?

I see you've read the files.

I had to choose between
my integrity and my family.

Have you heard

of generation Y?
Using the Internet

since they were born.
Move with the times,

Since we were

caught out for Sarah's birthday,
I've organised

a collection
to get her a smartphone.

Do I have a choice?

That's better.