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03x04 - A la folie

Posted: 04/04/23 12:20
by bunniefuu
Good morning, Captain.

- Your mail.
- Thank you.

What's going on?

I'm clearing.

What's this?

You told me to remove everything.

On the 1st floor.

We're repainting the 1st floor.

Ah! OK.


Any news of Kader?

Once he's got his MRI scan results,
I'll call him.

This morning, right?

Fingers crossed.
Everything'll be OK.

Meanwhile, I'll ask Baudemont
to help you tidy up.

Thank you.

Les Fauvettes Care Home

- Hi. Alright?
- Yeah, good. You?

The MRI shows no aftereffects
from your haemorrhage.

A full recovery
is only a question of time.

I'm delighted.


I've had enough.
When can I go?

We've covered this.

You narrowly avoided death.

What's happening now is normal.

Be patient!

Patient? For how long? One day?

One week...?

- More?
- Listen.

Staying here is the right choice.

You're a very determined man,

but I can't say
how long you'll be here.

Peace and calm, rest,

suitable rehabilitation.


Be on time
for your cognitive sessions.

That won't be hard.

OK. Rest, peace and calm...

Incident with Élodie Mansard, Wing 4.
Send a team.

- What is it?
- He nearly k*lled me.


He wore a surgical mask.

Tried to strangle me
in the laundry room.

- I screamed, he left.
- You imagined it.

You must believe me.

I'm telling the truth this time.

- Any idea who it was?
- Bournier.

- Bournier.
- Take her.

Come, Élodie. Come.

Where to?

You shouldn't have seen that.

Forget the incident.

Who's Bournier?

Want your memory back?
Just focus on your schedule.

Nothing else.


Baudemont, it's Cherif.

Cherif who?

Only kidding!

OK, Captain?

Send a team.
We've had a m*rder attempt.

Really? OK.
What's the address?

Only joking, I know it.

Captain Cherif's in a care home.

- He's found a k*ller.
- Pardon?

Don't worry.

You sure? Isn't it a bit OTT?

- It's procedure.
- Oh, yes.

Procedure for what?

What are we doing here?

No sign of struggle,

no witness or body.

Last time, you were right.

But this is just stupid.

Was the weekend not enough?
Bored without us?

I found this just next door.

She said her attacker wore one.

It'll have prints.

Where is she now?

They took her to her room.

- D'you have info on Bournier?
- Yes.

I have it here.

Lieutenant Thierry Bournier,
Youth Squad,

suspended for b*ating up a suspect.

To get a confession,
each to his own.

Offering flowers works,
but it takes longer.

Bournier's blood alcohol level:
1.7g/l. He's here to dry out.

His superior is
Chief Supt Valentin Mansard.

I thought I knew that name.

He works for the Lyon DIPJ.

he's your victim's father.

It makes sense:

Bournier got fired by the father
and took it out on Élodie.

- Why is she here?
- She was in the Drug Squad.

She's been off sick for 3 months.

What's going on?! What is this?!

Capt. Briard, judicial police.

May I talk to Ms Mansard?

Come to my office right away.

You can't talk to Élodie Mansard.

- We've given her clorazepate.
- OK.

She'll be out.

I'm Dr Dejax.

- Can I look at her file?
- Certainly not.

We won't go until we talk to her.

She is extremely depressed
and paranoid.

She invented the story.

Wait... The mask,
the marks on her neck...

- I can recognise an as*ault.
- It is one.


Ms Mansard self-harms.

And we've hundreds of masks here.

True enough.

Bournier had good reason
to att*ck Élodie.

I know about Élodie's father.

I don't deny
there was an altercation between them

2 months ago
when they met for the first time.

Carry on.

We moved him to another wing

and ensured
they didn't come into contact.

But Élodie complained twice more

that Bournier att*cked her,
but he was absent.

Where was he?

I don't justify myself to patients.

To the police you do.

He was on therapeutic leave,
escorted by care staff.

There you go.

If you wish
to pursue your investigation,

I suggest
you talk to the prosecutor.

You know the way out.

Do you believe me?

You need the prosecutor
to believe you.

I know my habit of being right
can be annoying.

But yet again,

I am right.

How's your memory doing?

Progressing, but hard sometimes.

I just found out Tony Curtis d*ed:

what a blow!

You can't help
taking things lightly, can you?

Someone tried to k*ll Élodie Mansard.

I'll find out who.

Just get better.
We're waiting.


Don't be shy, Captain.

- You miss me that much?
- What d'you think?

Work on that memory, Cherif.

- Are you Rudy?
- Yes.

- Dr Royer wants you.
- Problem?

- Yeah, I think so.
- Thanks.

I saw you
chatting to your colleagues.

All this fuss over the Mansard girl.

She often accuses you of as*ault.

She's nuts.

The Mansards can go to hell.
Stuff 'em!

I'm here thanks to that old bastard!

Oh yeah?

Forced you to drink, did he?

Who are you to judge me?

D'you know the Youth Squad?

Seeing kids abused by parents!

I boozed a bit to help me cope:

it's better than topping yourself!

You could've moved

to a different squad.

You sound like Mansard.

Bastard fired me,
treated me like sh*t!

Where were you at 11am today?

I know what you're up to!
I'm a cop too.

Don't try to accuse me.

Bournier, stop!

The next time you stop me exercising,
I'll destroy you.

Why not take up yoga?

Don't take the piss!

I was in the gym this morning.
Sorry, pal!

I don't go near that liar.


You OK?

I saw the door open...
I'm sorry.

I'm in a rush.
I came for a book.

Why the long face?

Your dad's in good hands.

I know. I saw him yesterday.

It's Quentin.

I see him less now that I visit Dad.

So he's now seeing Noémie, his ex.

It may be nothing. Just friendly.

It's not.
I saw them yesterday, kissing.

Should've seen his face
when he saw me!

He's sent loads of texts.
I've not replied.

I won't see him.

Speak to your mum?

She's been on my back for 3 weeks.

She wants to fill Dad's shoes.

If I tell her about Quentin...

It's him.


I think
I'll go and sleep at Granny's.

It'll be OK.

Thanks, Adeline. Bye.

Captain Briard.

I just talked
to the deputy prosecutor:

there won't be any investigation.

- You...
- Adeline!

I'm not so sure this will help Kader.

It motivates him.

It'll help him return to work.

He nailed Dr Delpeyrat.

He hasn't lost his cop's instinct.

Captain, what d'you want from me?

I saw Élodie Mansard's file:

a good cop

who suddenly ends up in a care home.

Do you know Supt Mansard?

Yes, he's an old friend.

You could get him over
and question him.

His opinion is important

as a cop and a father.

I promise nothing,
but I'll do my best.

Thank you.


Some characters
you used to follow regularly.



Chefs. Too easy.

By focusing on things
that are important to you,

you get results.

Your short-term memory
is working again.

Doc, about earlier...

I didn't mean

to cause so much fuss.

Let's forget all about it.

Any risk, I'd have called
your colleagues myself.

Next session,
we'll focus on last year.

I'm not too worried.

Heroes always end up
regaining their memory:

The Fugitive, season 2, episode 9.

Hart to Hart, season 2, episode 2.

If you no longer need me, can I go?

Excuse me!

Do you run the gym?

- Jean-Marc, right?
- Yes.

Can I sign up?
I need exercise.

Sure. Pop in.
I'll put you down.

Is it self-service
or group classes with an instructor?

It's open. Come when you want,
leave when you want.

You just need to register.

OK, cool.

Was it busy this morning?

- Was Bournier there?
- Yes.

Till 11am.
After, I went off to do another job.


You think Bournier did att*ck her?


- Mrs Cherif.
- How're you, Adeline?

One second.

Can I have some mayonnaise too?

Thanks a lot.

- Yes?
- Not very healthy!

What about my food?
I'll feed you.

What about this Quentin?

Sarah's sad
and he keeps calling her.

That's harassment!

If Kader was alright...

I'm not sure
Sarah wants me to get involved.

- Deborah...
- Her?

She always has lots
on her mind, work, friends...

You ring Quentin.

OK. Let me call Sarah.

What for? I'm counting on you.

Please help me with Sarah.
Lots of love.



Supt Mansard just arrived.

- Are you hungry?
- Yeah.

Thank you.

We think Élodie is in danger.

I know. Dr Royer rang.

Had you not rung me,
I'd have rung you.

Capt. Cherif
must leave my daughter alone.

Why would she invent it?

Because she's ill.

It's hard for me to admit it, but...

she's lost touch with reality.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

She became depressed,
couldn't sleep, missed work,

cried for no reason.

- I tried to talk.
- Why accuse Bournier?

It's a symptom of her illness.

Dr Royer said that.

What about
moving her to another home?

That's totally unnecessary.

We must avoid bolstering her
in her delirium.

You're a friend.

Please ask your team
to leave Élodie alone.

Count on me.

Thank you.

Forget about Bournier.
That'll soon be resolved.


She's not in the canteen.
They took her meal to her room.

Bournier is being moved
closer to his kids.

Oh yes? When's he leaving?


I'm not sure that's good news.

If he wants to k*ll her,
it'll be tonight.

She never mentioned night att*cks.

We're not even sure
what she's said is true.

Her dad doesn't believe her.

- Cherif?
- Yeah, I know.

Speak tomorrow.

Good night.

Good night.

Yes? Problem?

That depends.
Does cramp count?

I'm back and forth...

Watching Élodie's room.

Anything happens to her,
I couldn't forgive myself.

Hang on.

I can hear someone.

Must be staff doing the rounds.

Nope. Someone's entered her room.


Impossible. It wasn't him.

- It'll be OK. Don't worry.
- It wasn't him.

- Who is he?
- It's impossible. It was Thierry.


But Bournier's only 5 foot 9.

It was Thierry.

Was it a ghost?

It was a ghost, wasn't it?

It'll be OK.

Come with me.

We'll swap rooms.

That way, you'll be safe. OK?

- Yes.
- Come on.


The man who att*cked Élodie
is a big guy.

5 foot 11, I'd say.

He works here at Fauvettes.

I'll send an email

with the files
of the staff here tonight.

Don't ask how I got them.

I'll ring back.

Caught mid-burglary.
Good for my stats.

Cherif, you can come out now.

I swear it wasn't me.


Glad to see you.

Nice hair. Suits you.

You're bleeding?

It's nothing.

Hang on...

Is that OK?

You're so gentle.

- Where's Élodie?
- In my room.

It's not what you're thinking.

We haven't got all night.

The attacker will be
on his guard now.

You're violating a lot of laws.

Yes, but I'm not on duty.

Not funny, Cherif.

Let's talk to Élodie.
Where's your room?

Hooray! At last!

You're recovering.
You couldn't handle it.

She mentioned Thierry.

It can't be him.
Bournier's too small.

but if someone wanted to k*ll her,

she'd be dead by now.

Yes, I know.

He wants something else?

I definitely saw a man.

At this rate, she'll end up nuts.

That may be what he wants.

No, I...

locked it.

Élodie's vanished.

Check the bus stations,
she can't have just vanished.

Check that police stations

in the region have been notified.

I know.

We're not waiting 48 hours.

Because I say so.


About time Granny looked after you.

I won't see dad today.

I won't burden him
with my problems as well.

- Hasn't Quentin calmed down?
- Nope. 8 missed calls.

Loads of texts too.

I delete them right away:
it's easier.

Lucky I have friends to distract me.

How about talking to him?

Why? To hear him say sorry
over and over,

or it's not what I think.

No thanks.

I don't want
to be conned a second time.

Roll on end of year:
I never want to see him again.

I know what you're going through.

Maybe it's a blessing.

Find another boyfriend.

I don't want anyone else.
But I can't forgive him.

I've got lessons now.

Him again.

See you later.

- Hi, Tyson.
- Alright?

- You're back?
- You alright?

Already? I knew
you couldn't handle it.

We've got quite used to it.

What's up? Were you thrown out?

Cherif, my office, right away!

Authorised leave? Rubbish!

Royer's pressing charges.


Unlawful entry, theft,
putting a patient at risk.

No, I tried to protect her.

Result: no one knows
where she is. Perfect!

She was abducted.

You can only blame me
for not stopping it.

I'll decide
what I do and don't blame you for!

This is serious, Kader!

Sarah and your mother:

what will they say
when they find out?

I was right to help a patient

who wasn't listened to.

I have time to sort out my memory.

Come in!

Supt Mansard has just arrived.


- Found Élodie yet?
- No.

I have men searching the home
and on patrol.

Some leader you are!

- Don't be like that.
- I do as I please!

He wasn't to go near Élodie.

Calm down.

It's a troubling case.

There is no case.
Élodie is ill.

Ill! D'you understand?

It's the 3rd time she's run away.

Where to?

I'd hit you if I wasn't...

Scared, maybe?

If something happens to her,

I'll have you fired.

Is that clear?

It's OK:

I'll find her myself.


What do we do?

I'll deal with the consequences.

You find Élodie safe and sound.

Both of you!

Off you go then!

The door!

Thank you.

- Nothing yet.
- It's not normal.

She should've turned up.


Élodie mentioned a Thierry
in her 2nd att*ck.

There are no Thierrys
working at the home.

- I checked.
- I dug a little deeper.

I looked into her history
in Drug Squad.

She never arrested a Thierry, but...

- But?
- One name often appears.

Thierry Legendre.

Élodie's grass,
a junkie involved in trafficking,

reported missing 3 months ago

when Élodie became depressed.
Let's look into that.

Thierry Legendre, 6 foot 1.
Maybe he's our ghost.

He lost 2 fingers on his left hand
in his teens.

I found that in his file too.

Ah yes.

If you're so smart,

then tell me

how he got into the care home.

We'll do our usual:

get the CCTV tapes
and staff swipe card list.

Of course.

And thank Doucet:

he contacted the prosecutor.

The case is now viewed as ominous,

we're authorised
to widen the search.

If she's still out there,
we'll find her.

This is Sarah's answerphone.
Leave a message.

Sarah, it's Dad.

That's it, I'm out.
All's well.

See you tonight.

I miss her.

She misses you too.

Now I have to tell Mum.

There's little chance
of getting her answerphone.

I know. Don't worry, it'll return.

Pity you left the care home.

When I visited you,
you finally had time for me.

You should go back, my boy.

Where? To my childhood?

- You'd like that.
- Please go back.

Mum, I'll call you very soon. OK?

Lots of love.

OK. See ya.

We have the CCTV tapes.

Good news or bad news?

Good news.

- Élodie wasn't abducted.
- Ah!

What's the bad news?

She left all by herself.

I don't get it.

The tapes show Élodie
leaving in the night.

Maybe someone followed.

Someone who knew
where the cameras were.

It's happened before.

It's possible.

Spooks, season 3, episode 3.

Yeah, it's...

It's not impossible...

A swipe card was activated

at 1.11am by Élodie's door.

- And it was Dr Royer's.
- He wasn't on duty last night.

He wasn't the man I saw.

He may have lent his card
to someone.

Surely she ran away
because of last night.

A coffee, the bill?

Or a pay rise:

I have been super-efficient.

Yeah, that's true.

And you'd better keep it up.
Thierry Legendre:

check if he was seen at the home.


Right. I'll summon Dr Royer...

Are you going to wear that all day?

D'you think that...

You're right.
I'll get changed and...

I'll escort you across the road.

- Arm in arm?
- If you want.

I'll have a shower.
Fancy scrubbing my back?

Got an exfoliating glove?

See you in a mo'.

The student surpasses the teacher.

Given the evidence against you,
it was the best thing to do.

Thank you.

What's going on?
I don't understand.

Isn't Sarah here?

Is this an interrogation,
Kader Cherif-style?

Classy, seeing your ex again

while Sarah was away.

Stop calling her!

Did you think
she'd just forget about it?

You've lost a girl who loves you.

She doesn't need you to recover.

I repeat: no phone calls...

- Hey!
- Why's he here?

- Don't know. Ask Sarah.
- No need.

Quentin, we're not judging you.

- I understand what you did.
- Don't!

Falling for an old flame again

isn't that serious.

No need to throw it all away.

I was with my ex for barely 2 weeks.
Stuff her!

She wants to make Sarah jealous.

I let her kiss me to show her
I no longer felt anything.

She got the message.
I'm rid of her. But Sarah saw us.

Sarah's my girl, no one else!

If only I could tell her.

Can you put a word in for me?

We'll see.

If she cares for you,

you'll get back together.

Thank you.

- Hello, Mr Cherif.
- Hello.

- Is that Quentin?
- Yes.

He came to report a stolen mobile.

- Remind me, do we like him?
- We like him.

See you later.

Dr Royer's waiting.

- Still up for it?
- Yes.

If you're trying to change my mind,
think again.

I will press charges.

Where is Élodie Mansard?

She ran away!
We all saw the images.

It's your fault.
How should I know?

Because you lent your swipe card
to her attacker.

No one att*cked her.

Without you,
she'd still be at the home.

Lost it? Happens all the time.

Remember this?
It's your turn this time.

D'you recognise this man?

Never seen him.

I thought memory was his thing.

Let me help you, Doctor.

You've only run Fauvettes for 1 year.

You were in occupational medicine:

the Department
of Occupational Medicine,

elected director for 6 years.

It's no secret.


Élodie was one of your patients.

Look at the photo again, Doctor.

Alright, I met him.

He was with Ms Mansard.
He brought her to my surgery,

asked me to prescribe Subutex
to get her off heroin.

He seemed sincere, so I agreed.

- Never saw him again.
- But you did.

He had your swipe card last night.

We know he was Élodie's grass.

We don't know
what he wanted from her.

Why did you give him your card?

I don't know who stole my card!

There's been a new development.

No hard feelings.

Élodie's been seen in Caluire.

She hitched a ride with a trucker.

- Where to?
- Collonges.

Mansard has land there.

A wood with a hunting cabin.

Private property

The door's locked.

- We'll have to force it.
- We may not need to.

Look, footprints.

2 people.

Élodie and Legendre.

Look over there.

- 2 fingers gone.
- Legendre.

Élodie's supposed terroriser is dead.

He's been there a while.

Dejax reckons Legendre
has been dead 10 to 15 weeks.

No sign of trauma,
but he found needle marks.

It looks like
our victim had an overdose.

And the footprints?


We can't identify her companion.

It is a man.
Given his shoe size.

Why dig up the body?

Élodie wanted to check
it was still there.

- Doesn't make sense.
- It does.

A ghost harassed Élodie.
She was checking if it was real.

Think she k*lled Legendre?

She's involved somehow.

She knew where he was:
on her father's land.

Hence him warding off Cherif.

If you want us to help Élodie,
answer our questions.

You had her sectioned 3 months ago

just when Legendre vanished.


You were scared
she regretted k*lling her grass?


We found a body on your land.

Your girl vanished
with someone we know nothing about.

Tell us what was going on
between them.

It was an accident, not m*rder.

Élodie fell in love...

with the little sh*t.

He had her totally under his thumb.

She started stealing dope for him

that the Drug Squad had seized.

I didn't suspect a thing,
never saw it coming.

She never talked about
her job, her life.

One night, she rang me.

In a total panic.

During their weekend at the cabin.

Legendre had an overdose.

He was dead when I arrived.

To protect your daughter

and your reputation,
you decided to bury the body.

And you forced Élodie to keep quiet.

It weighed on her.

I wanted to help her.

She's my daughter.
I'd do anything for her.

To get her out of that.

I hoped that...

she'd recover, forget it in the end.

Someone wanted to know
what happened to Legendre.

Someone who knew about them,

who harassed Élodie:

she thought Legendre's ghost
was haunting her.

It drove her to his grave.

Who could that be, Mr Mansard?

I haven't a clue.

Legendre is...

just a little grass

with no friends or family
apart from his mother.

Find Élodie, I beg you.

What will you do with Mansard?

Place him in custody.

We must find out
who had it in for Élodie.

It's our only chance
to find her alive.

- Mrs Legendre is here.
- Thank you.

I'll do this.

- Tea in your lounge?
- No.

On the patio.

Off we go then.

I could feel it.

I knew
something serious had happened.

I hadn't heard from him for ages.

I told myself
he'd gone abroad with his girlfriend.


He never introduced her to me.

He wanted to dry out for her.

Maybe he said that
to make me happy for him.

Children do lie
to shield their parents.

He didn't deserve to die like that.

As a teenager,
he hung around with older folk.

He got into dr*gs and fell apart.

What could I do?
I raised him

and his brother on my own.

His brother?

He's not in our files.

- They had the same name?
- No.

After husband No.1 left,
I had another kid

with a second man who ditched me

when he was born.

What's your 2nd son called?


Jean-Marc Dacier.

He's not involved in this.

He was in prison
when Thierry vanished.

Jean-Marc managed to get a job
at Fauvettes.

He harassed Élodie
to find out about Thierry.

He succeeded.

He followed her from the home.

Arrest him!
What are you waiting for?

Put out an APB.

We have.

Élodie was telling the truth.

Switch it on.

Élodie may have tried to contact you.


"Élodie's life for yours.

"You have 30 minutes to reply."

Only 3 minutes left.


And when?

He took the bait.
He's at the cabin.

No, Mr Mansard.
You're staying here.



may be of use.

20 minutes.
It'll be tight, but we can do it.

- Boss.
- Stall for time.

I'll send a backup team for safety.

Not a good idea.

If he sees us deceive him,
he'll harm Élodie.

OK. They'll keep their distance,
but I don't want you alone.

D'you know what you're doing?

Have you seen Sur le Fil?

Season 2, episode 6:

how to make an exchange
with nothing to give.

I'll go up to the cabin.
You go round the back.

Get there before he recognises me.

I'll hold his attention.

You're crazy. You'll get sh*t.

No way, Captain.

I've seen your sh**ting medal.

I know you'll deliver.

No unnecessary risks.

Dad! Stay away or he'll k*ll us!

Get a move on!

Oh, f*ck!

Don't move!

Drop your g*n.

Drop it!

OK, Élodie?

It's over. It'll be OK.

- Come on...
- Thank you.

- Thank you, Cherif.
- Any time, Captain.

Dacier would have fired.

I wasn't going to let you
get sh*t a second time.

A second time?

You having me on?
D'you really remember?


We need to talk. Eh?

I did think your memory was back.

- We have talked already.
- Really?


I have no regrets.

Thierry was my only visitor in jail.

I promised my mother I'd find him.
And I did.

Before he d*ed,
he said he loved a cop.

Élodie Mansard.

When he didn't return,
I looked for her first.

She was in Fauvettes when I got out.

So I wangled a job there.

And you att*cked her
to make her talk.

She was too shocked to say anything.

When she ran away,
how did you find her?

I followed.

At a distance.

I made sure

the cameras didn't see me.

Élodie told me everything.

Her love for Thierry.

The overdose.

And her bastard father
buried Thierry like a dog.

Did the guy hope

my mum would look for him
until she dropped?

A guy like that deserves to die.

Why bother telling you this?

You cops will cover it up.

No. We arrested him
for obstruction of justice

and concealing a body.

You shouldn't have been worried.
Heroes never die.

Except of hunger.

Your mum wasn't able
to get food to you at Fauvettes.

That's mean, that is. Mean.

Although I was weak,
starving and amnesic,

I managed to solve 2 murders.


You sure
you've got your memory back?

Er... yes. Yes.

Something's going on.

- What have you been up to?!
- Nothing.



Pierre's left court.
He'll be here in 10 minutes.

- Any more?
- No. We're fine.

I'll warm this up for Pierre.

- Give me a hand, Captain?
- Sure.

He might be a bit hungry.



Losing my memory made me aware of...

how important you were to me.

There's chemistry between us.

I also know that I hurt you.

This isn't
the moment to discuss it, Kader.

And your life is quite full as it is.

We must each live our own lives,
it's better that way.

Very well.

But for the record,

I am the man of your life, Adeline.

Even if you need
some time to realise it.


If you say so.

To be continued, Captain.