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04x09 - Otages

Posted: 04/04/23 16:45
by bunniefuu
I think my brother was m*rder*d,
and I won't give up till I know.

Is Garnier involved?

Sébastien was leading an inquiry
that could bring down Delmas.

He told you Internal Affairs
were after him

and why,
and an hour later he was dead.

I didn't call Delmas.

Then who did you call?


Commissioner Delmas, who heads
Interpol, and her right-hand man,

Captain Brossault.

He's the weak link
I've been looking for.

I don't know what I'll do,
but believe me,

Sylvie Delmas will pay.

Kader Cherif and Adeline Briard.

I was told they work here.

I need to talk to them.

First of all, hello.


I don't know if they're here yet.
Take a seat.

Joël, can you help me, please?

What would you do without me?

Yes... absolutely.


Mum, I have to go.
I'll call you tonight.

What's with the disappearing act?

Cherif, pick up.

Adeline, you'll like this.

Garnier's in league with Brossault.

Meet me at the south entrance
to the park.

Sorry to let you down,

but we have a situation here.

- A m*rder?
- A double homicide, possibly.


It depends on how fast
you can get here.

I don't get it.




I'm sorry.

I guess you're not here
for breakfast.



Mr Portal, lower your g*n.

We're not armed...

Cherif, Cherif...

Are you Cherif?

That depends.


Yes, that's me.

I didn't k*ll my daughter.
It's not true.

I didn't do it.

Your colleagues went after me.

Bruno Portal, is that it?

You've not been tried.
The jury may not convict you.

I don't care about prison!

I want to find
the bastard who did it.

We're not in charge of the case.

It's not a case!

It's my daughter!

She spent all her time drawing.

And now...
She wanted to join the police.

Like us. A good idea.

It's been weeks.

It's driven me mad.

And the k*ller's out there.

- Do you understand?
- Yes, of course we do.

Give yourself up

and I give you my word

I'll have the case re-opened.

Loads of cops have looked at it.

I want you

and your colleague Briard.

Why us?

A guy in jail told me about you.

He said you're not like other cops.

What's this guy's name?


Pascal Garnier



- What's going on?
- Close the door, please.

I'm sorry.

You see, Captain...

I had no choice.

You wouldn't want to miss this.

Lay down your g*n,


Do it!

Mr Portal was remanded in custody

for his daughter's m*rder
a week ago.

He says he's innocent.
We're going to re-open the case.

How? We don't have the file.

- Sorry, but if you...
- Find my daughter's k*ller,

or we'll all die here.


We'll get right on it.

Coming, Captain?

What are you doing?

You stay here.

We can't find the k*ller
by staying here.

That's obvious.

What's to say
you won't tell your colleagues?


- Hang up that phone!
- Don't worry.

I'm calling my own phone.

You'll see.

You see?

I'll put it in my pocket

so you can listen
to my conversations.

If you really want us
to find the k*ller,

you'll have to trust us, Mr Portal.


But he stays with me.

Any funny business...

He's all yours.

Go on.

I'm taking my g*n.


We have a problem.

This guy escaped this morning.

As strange as it may seem,

he was here looking for you.
Do you know him?


- I don't recognise him.
- Me neither.

- Are you sure it's him?
- Certain.

I'll tell Doucet and call Missing...

We'll take care of it.
Thanks, Baudemont.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

Then be careful.
A fugitive

in a police station
could be dangerous.

That's true.

Stay calm. Everything's fine.

We'll start with the case report.

She's the same age as Sarah.

I've requested access
to the Portal file.

Pascal Garnier

I've pulled up the database.
It's not complete, but it's a start.

- What do we have?
- Bruno is a boatman.

He transports building materials
on the Rhône.

From Tuesday to Thursday April,
he was working.

He came back Thursday
and reported his daughter missing.

No-one had seen Emma
since Bruno left.

Her phone was off,

she made no cash withdrawals
and didn't check her e-mails.

An inquiry was opened

and forensics found a lot
of cleaned-up blood in the garage.

The DNA was Emma's.

That's why the inquiry
focused on Bruno.

Yes, and witnesses stated

they had a tempestuous relationship.

Emma had

behavioural problems.

Last year she was given
community service

for graffiti.

Nothing serious.

She was probably a good kid.

What else?

One second.

What is it?

Captain Cherif?

Captain Briard?


I'm Captain Roudi.

Captain Maillard.

What's he doing here?

Who is it?

What can I do for you?

We're here about Bruno Portal.



- We were going for coffee.
- Coming?


Thanks, Adeline.

You looked up Portal
on the database.

As he escaped this morning,
there must be a connection.

So we brought you
a copy of the complete file.

It's just that... In fact...

His name came up

in a case of car trafficking.

- There you go.
- But...

we don't think he's involved.

But thank you.

Do you know where he's hiding?

Not yet.

- But an APB's been put out and...
- All officers informed.

guys are scouting the city.
We'll find him.

Doesn't look like an easy case.

It's not complicated.
Bruno's had depression

since his wife d*ed years ago.

He takes antipsychotics
and when he forgets them...

He has mental problems,

- He's been hospitalised times.
- Yes, .


And the proof was overwhelming.

We found Emma's blood
in his garage

and Bruno had a g*n
which is missing.

How did he explain that?

- That's just it.
- He can't.

He doesn't know
where the blood came from

and he lost his g*n, he says.

Butt he never reported it missing.

Did you find his daughter's body?

No, but given his job,

he could have dumped it
in the river,

with little chance of finding it.

Very little.

I don't have to listen
to this bullshit.

They have no choice.

So that was enough for you...

Yes. We even have
a witness statement.

Hold this.

An elderly neighbour

heard them arguing
the night before he left.


- Where'd you put it?
- Where it belongs.

- You didn't.
- I did.

- What, here?
- Yes.

It doesn't belong there.

- It's impossible.
- Forgive us.

No... Be our guests.

There! You see?

No need to get upset.

It's easier to file things

Thank you, my dear.

I'll just give you the whole file.

Take this back.

- And you take this.
- We won't keep you.

Thanks for the briefing, it was...

- Crystal clear.
- You're welcome.

And thanks for the copies.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.


We know it wasn't you, Bruno.
We'll go through it piece by piece.

Don't worry.

Barge problem

A discrepancy...

of kilos between two stops.

Of goods?

Emma Portal

Roudi and Maillard...

- Do you think...
- They're together?

What are they on about?

You sought them out.
Let them work.

Good thing we're not like them.
They're not the ideal team.

Why can't we hear them?


He could've dumped
his daughter's body.

By throwing her overboard?

What's going on?

I don't get it: if he did it,
why get us to re-open the case?


He's on antipsychotics.

He may not remember.
I'll call for a SWAT team.

One second.

I have to know for sure.

If I don't hear them in seconds...

If you fire, you won't get out alive.




Just in time, I see.

What the hell's going on?

You were meant
to keep the line open.

And you,

you were meant to tell the truth.

There's a deficit of kilos in
the weight of goods you transported

in the days after Emma's death.

What were the kilos?

It's nothing to do with Emma.



is the weight of your daughter.

Either you convince me

you didn't throw her overboard,

or we stop this now
and no-one will be able to help you.

It was copper.

When my wife got sick
there were doctors' bills.

I got myself in debt.

The bank foreclosed on me.

So I started stealing from cargoes

and selling stuff on the side.

That's all.

It's true.

The river police say it goes on
on the Rhône.

It's true.

I've hid nothing else from you.

I promise.

You can't let me down.

We'll continue, on one condition:
no listening in.


You've seen what Cherif and Briard
can do!

Bruno, if you don't trust them,

there's no point going on.
- No. Nothing changes.

Handcuff him.

Go on!

Handcuff him

to his chair.

Do it.

Do it!

Don't take it personally,

It's just work.


Bruno has weight deficits
on most of his trips.

Seems he told the truth.
About that, at least.

I don't think he k*lled her.


the guy is a ticking b*mb.

Pascal Garnier


Captain Briard
needs to print something.

It'll make noise
because the machine is old.

It won't take long so don't panic.

OK, but don't take all day.

Now it's just us two, how long
has Garnier been calling you?

I caught him with Brossault
this morning.

When he saw me,
he gave me away.


He told Brossault.

He's lied to me all this time
and he'll go on lying.

When I saw him,
he seemed sincere.


We're still here, OK?

We're working.

Did you see
Marianne Thélin's statement?

The neighbour
who wrote to the judge

saying Bruno was innocent.

I'd like to know
why she was so convinced.

Marianne Thélin

Come in, Mrs Thélin.

Take a seat.

Any news of Bruno?
Is he OK?

We don't really know.
Our colleagues are looking for him.

But no one knows where he is.

How can I help you?

Bruno's not a dangerous guy.

You're wrong about him.

I know you've lived next door
for years, but...

you never really know
your neighbours.

Bruno's more than a neighbour.

He has a heart of gold.

When I lost my job,

he brought me game
so I could still eat meat.

And when moles
destroyed my garden,

he helped me get rid of them.

What happened to his daughter
is horrible.

Did you know her?

Not really.

She gave her father a hard time.

But she wasn't a bad girl.

According to her file,

her behaviour changed
a year ago.

Did she keep bad company?

There are kids who sell dr*gs

next to where we live,
but I never saw her with them.


I don't know who wished her harm,
but I know it wasn't Bruno.

The problem, Mrs Thélin,
is that...

one of the neighbours
heard Emma shouting Monday night.

Bruno was at home.

He told the police.

Yvette was talking nonsense.

I was in my garden every evening.

I'd have heard any shouting.

I told your colleagues that,
but they thought I was biased.


You seem to like Bruno a lot.

Am I right?

We had an affair, but it didn't last.

Bruno wouldn't commit.

I like Bruno, it's true.

But there was no shouting.

Yvette's wrong.

Or she's lying.

I absolutely did hear shouting.

It was the Portal girl.

I'm not completely senile.

We realise that, Mrs Complesse.

You seem to be in good health.

You heard the shouting Monday night.
Is that right?


I even missed the end of Castle
to see what was going on.

Why is she lying?

I'll talk to her.

You won't even get
as far as reception.

I'm a big fan of Castle.

Do you remember
that night's episode?

Absolutely. The one
where Richard is an astronaut.

It wasn't great.

Kate wasn't in it.

Astronaut. Er...

- Is that the one with the cowboys?
- Yes.

In the astronomy centre.

I see.

Captain, can I use your phone?


Just checking.
Do you watch many cop shows?

Cherif, this isn't the time.

Just give me seconds.


Here's the TV schedule
for that night.

Castle was on,
but it was another episode.

However, look.

On Tuesday
there was a repeat of Firefly.

A series in which
the actor from Castle

plays a space-ship captain.

You have a good memory,
but for the wrong series.

You heard shouting,

but on Tuesday, not Monday.

So the m*rder took place Tuesday,

when Bruno was km away
on his barge.

- Do you believe me now?
- Of course.

On that basis,

the judge would have to open
a new inquiry.

And that's all you're going to do?

The law must take its course.

Kader, take these off.

No, no, no!

Don't take them off.

You promised to find her k*ller.

If you abandon me...

Bruno, try to calm down.

We promised to help you
and we have.

That's not how it works.

An inquiry like that takes time.

I don't have any time.
And nor do you.

It'll end badly if you don't help me.

I won't go back to prison
for Emma's m*rder.

I won't.



We hear you.

Carry on.

Hang in there.

You're just a big softie after all.

A virile man with a tender heart.

Took you long enough to see.

Right, well, I...

I may have something.

Emma was given community service
in .

She chose to work
at Dardilly hospital,

but it didn't go well.

She was suspected of hacking

files on emergency admissions
from th to th February.

She was looking for someone.

Maybe one of the patients
was linked to her.

She was leading a sort of inquiry,

and someone
didn't like her curiosity.

Are you naked or what?

One second.

It's like getting into a nightclub.

Missing persons just called
about Bruno Portal.

Did you call them?

Didn't you do it?

It wasn't down to me.

- It was.
- You're dreaming, Captain.

- I'm hearing things.
- I didn't say that.

Yes, you are. Look...

You were there when I told Cherif
to call them.

Careful what you say.

You're normally objective.
Let's hear it.

It doesn't matter.
I've already told them everything.

They're concentrating their search
on this area.

- Good job I'm here.
- Yes.


Now stop arguing.

I don't like it.

It's OK, Bruno.
We'll get there.

I'll call Dardilly hospital

to find out
what Emma was looking for.

Bruno, are you still there?

Dardilly hospital?

Captain Briard, police.

I don't know
what Emma was looking for.

You're trying to screw me.


I heard you talking
to the little fat guy.

- What Little fat guy?
- Baudemont.

You gave him a message.

No way.
You heard everything.


You gave me away.

That's it.

He told the...

the SWAT team.

You tried to stall for time
with your list.

You want to get me sh*t.

- Answer me, dammit!
- Stop it, Bruno.

No one told anyone anything.

How long have you been
off your meds?

I'm not crazy, do you hear?

You can't make me take them.


I think we'd better stop there.


You'll carry on.

If you use that g*n,
you'll never get out alive.

Then who'll find out about Emma?

You have to trust us.

It's OK, Captain.

Stop or I'll do it.


Do you want to know the truth
about Emma's death?

I'm getting to know you, Bruno.

You didn't k*ll your daughter.

And you won't k*ll me.

If I'm wrong,
I'll bitterly regret it.

I'll count to .




Am I going back to prison?

No idea.

What counts

is that we'll do all we can
to find whoever k*lled Emma.

I won't let you down.

Mr Portal,

I have your medication.

- OK?
- Yes.


Come on.

You'll feel better.

You can trust him.

He won't let you down.
I know what I'm talking about.

All right?

I am now.

I know what you want to do,
but I must tell the authorities.

But why?

If Missing Persons arrest him now,

the press will interfere.
The k*ller will know we're after him.

He's in a cell,
he can't do any harm.


All right.

- I'll take care of Missing Persons.
- OK.

I'll give you till noon tomorrow.

Then I'll take Bruno Portal myself

to the detention centre.


Look what I've brought.

Food's all you think about!

I think it suits me.


Actually I thought...

you might need to recover.


You were scared for me.
Admit it.


I was afraid of hurting your ego
if I intervened.

I think I know
what Emma was looking for.

When she went missing, the police
listed everywhere she went.

The Limonest cemetery is one.


None of her family is buried there.

But a certain Théo Rossi, ,

who was rushed to Dardilly hospital
on February ,

d*ed overnight
and is buried there.

- Did she know him?
- Théo's mother says no.

And there's nothing
on social media.

How did he die?

g*nsh*t wound.
He was left at the ER anonymously.

But too late.

He was m*rder*d, Cherif.

And the k*ller was never caught.

What if Emma was investigating
Théo Rossi's death,

she found out who the k*ller was

and he wanted to shut her up
for good?

Oh, no!

Pascal is here
and wants to talk to me.

No, stay here.

We only have hours
to solve the case.

I'll deal with it.

- OK, I'll keep it warm.
- Yes.

Hi, Marcel.

Sit down.

Please, sit down.

It's about this morning.
I did it to help you.

Now Brossault thinks
I'm on his side.

We can get them, Adeline.

Why should I trust you?

You've spent all this time
lying to me.

All these weeks I wanted to know
what happened and you...

Even in Paris,
you told me you knew nothing.

You swore to it.

You didn't tell me you'd called
Brossault after you saw Sébastien.

I tried to.

I swear I tried dozens of times.

- I hadn't the courage.
- Courage?

You talk about courage?

You needed courage

to call Brossault
and put Sébastien's life in danger.

You know what?

I think you did it on purpose.

Maybe you had him taken out.

Don't talk nonsense.

You know Sébastien
was my best friend.

You lied to me.

You weren't
a model of honesty either.

You let me believe you loved me
when you didn't.

You just wanted to investigate
Sébastien's death.

Adeline, listen to me.

Tonight Brossault
is meeting a guy I don't know.

All I know is,

it's linked to the case.


He says he wants us
to trap Brossault.

So I'm trailing Brossault.

- Let me come with you.
- No. No need.

You can take over.

- How's Portal?
- OK for now.

But time's getting on,
so be careful.

Are you worried about me,

Well, no.
I was just being polite.

That's a relief.

Put the meal you brought me
in the fridge.

I never brought you a meal.

It's all in your head.


Well... see you later.

Thank you.

You should be more careful.

A woman out here alone's not safe.

Neither is a man.

Especially if the woman
pleads self-defence.

Stop harassing me,

or I guarantee
there will be consequences.

Brossault will watch his back now.

There is one solution.

Using Garnier?


I'm not his greatest fan, but...

he seemed to want to help us.

We have no choice.

There's always a choice.

- I promise I'll think it over.
- OK.

Shall we get back to it?


I got hold of the report
on Théo Rossi's death.

Seems he's a small-time dealer.

The police assumed
it was a reprisal k*lling.

A dealer...

Do you know where he operated?

Not sure. Why?

Bruno's neighbour said
there were dealers nearby.

Maybe Emma
witnessed the m*rder.

Why didn't she tell the police?

- What calibre g*n k*lled Théo?
- They never found the b*llet.

But forensics said a -bore.

Like Bruno's g*n,

which he said he'd lost
after his daughter d*ed.


Do you know something?

Bruno, do you know this boy?


His face is familiar.

Do you think he att*cked Emma?


He d*ed months ago.
His name was Théo Rossi.

He was sh*t with a bore.

I checked his texts and...

I saw he often arranged to meet
his clients near your house,

in the woods

where you went hunting.

What are you accusing me of?

Your daughter knew things
about his death.

You think I k*lled him?

Do you?

This is a nightmare!


did you tell the police

that you went hunting in that wood?

- Shall I repeat the question?
- It's true!

But I didn't k*ll anyone.

With my medication...

I get memory blackouts.


I'd remember k*lling someone.

Wouldn't I?

Oh, sh*t!

You tell me.

If Bruno k*lled Théo,
Emma couldn't turn him in.

OK, but I doubt he'd forget,
even with the meds.

Yesterday he was on the edge,
and he didn't sh**t me.

So k*lling a kid and then forgetting?

- Unlikely.
- That's not all.

Théo Rossi's autopsy report.

The b*llet went in here,

and came out there.

Hence the execution theory.

He was sh*t on his knees.

Doesn't look like a hunting accident.

Then again, without the b*llet,
it's hard to say.

How about visiting Marianne Thélin?

I don't mind.

But Doucet has to call
Missing Persons in hours.

Yes, I know.

Shall we go?

Remember, when she came
to speak up for Bruno,

she said it was impossible

that he and his daughter
argued on the Monday

because she'd have heard them.

She was right.
Yvette got the day wrong.

We agree about that.

Only now we know the m*rder
took place on Tuesday,

one question remains.

Why didn't she hear them
on Tuesday?

She should have.


Mrs Thélin?

- Mrs Thélin?
- Cherif, she's out. No car.

I've got her number at work.

I'll call Doucet.

Yes, Commissioner.

No, everything's fine.

Can you find Marianne Thélin's number
in our office?

Yes. It's in the Portal file,
at the back.


Where's he gone now?

By text, great.

Thank you, Commissioner.

What do you want?

- How did you get in?
- You really want to know?

- I'm telling you...
- We'll touch nothing. Come on.

I thought she lived alone.

That's what she said.

We're police.
Don't worry.


Emma Portal?

We'll get you out of here.

It's OK. It's over, my lovely.

You'll be OK.

Come on.

Lean on me.

Marianne Thélin.
, rue de l'Église, Sarcey.

We're at the scene.


You can't let her go free!

You can't!



- OK?
- Yes.

Let her go!

Let her go! No!

You're under arrest
for abduction and imprisonment.

I warned Théo.

I didn't want him selling that filth
behind my garden.

I went to see him with the g*n.

I wanted to scare him.

He made fun of me.

And you fired?

I panicked.

And Emma saw you?


I took the kid to the hospital.

I left him at the ER.

But when I came back,

she saw me cleaning the blood
off the g*n.

Emma could never stand
her father and me being together.

You knew she'd turn you in.

And you convinced her
that her father sh*t him.

I said he wasn't his normal self,

that he wouldn't remember
what he'd done.

Given his health,
she believed you.

And suddenly...

she changed her mind about you.

You became the attentive neighbour,

willing to do anything
to help her father.

Only she realised

it wasn't her father who fired.

I didn't know what to do.

She was going to talk.

We argued in their garage.
She hurt her head as she fell.

All that blood.
I panicked.

I took her home to fix her up...

And you knew
you couldn't let her go.

Because if you did,
you'd lose Bruno forever.

I couldn't k*ll her.

I couldn't.

When Bruno was accused,
I tried to say it wasn't him.

I tried.

But to admit what I'd done...

I couldn't do it.


There's someone here
who wants to see you.




- Cherif?
- I'm doing the paperwork.

Garnier's meeting Brossault
in minutes.

I couldn't change his mind.

Let's go.

Why'd you want to see me?

I've got information for you.

About Captain Briard.

Your warnings didn't work.

- She's still probing.
- What can she find?

You know very well.

You should watch out.

She's out to get you.

And you will be the problem.

There's nothing to find.

Stick to the official version
and everything will be fine.

Look at yourself.

Your mate d*ed because of you.

- I didn't push him.
- But you called me.

"Briard's after you."
Isn't that right?

You were freaking out
in case you got the blame.

Without your call,
it wouldn't have happened.

You're crazy.

I never thought you'd k*ll him.

Captain Brossault...

Let's go.

Where was the microphone?

Good question.

May I?


I can't wait to see you behind bars.

We're listening, Maître Ruffo.

My client has a proposal to make.

Nothing to negotiate.

There's always
something to negotiate.

You won't get far
with your recording.

So you say.

Let's say my client is convicted.

Take a step back.

Then I'll punch you in the face!

What do you want from us?

I had to leave a meeting.
What is it?

You reduce my client's sentence

and provide witness protection

for him and his wife, and...

Does he want a spa treatment too?

Brossault's been trapped.

Briard and Cherif
are interviewing him.


Her again.

We have to put an end to this.

If you agree to our offer,

come to my office tomorrow

and we'll arrange it.

What are you giving in return?

The person who told me
to k*ll your brother.