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05x03 - L'ombre d'un héros

Posted: 04/04/23 16:50
by bunniefuu
I've loved Adeline
since the day I met her.

What will you do now?

Carry on as a provincial cop?

We're both behind bars.
But I'll be free one day.

You can come back to work
once you've seen the psychiatrist.

You have an appointment

We're leaving this flat.

It's all happening.



Am I on the scrapheap?

Given what you've told me,
I've no choice

but to reinstate you.

Is that all?

Yes, that's all.

- Kader?
- Yes.

Guess who was on the phone.

Your childhood sweetheart.

No. My old mate Berthier.

- Officer Berthier?
- Yes.

Well, he was.
He's left the force.

- I remember him. Nice guy.
- Yeah, and a great cop.

I hadn't spoken to him in ages.

- Excuse me.
- Sure.

Talk of the devil...

Can't live without me, eh?

What's going on?
Are you in the marathon?


Leray, the escaped prisoner.
I'm in pursuit.

Where are you?

I don't know.

- An industrial park. Caluire.
- Stay there. We're on our way.



Call Dejax and Forensics.


2 b*ll*ts to the chest.
d*ed instantly.

I don't know where his g*n is.

That is the question.

- Time of death...
- Are you kidding?

He was on the phone to me.
You want the exact second?

Joël, Philippe's doing his job,
that's all.

Leave it.

- Witnesses will be hard to find.
- Yeah.


See if there are any CCTV cameras
that may have caught what happened.

- What about Leray?
- He escaped 6 days ago.

The irony

is that Berthier arrested him
4 years ago for dr*gs trafficking.

Something's wrong
about this crime scene.

You mean the fact that my friend
is dead at my feet?

You OK?


- How's Baudemont feeling?
- Shattered.

wants to talk to all of us.

I haven't been reinstated yet.

But I will be this afternoon,
after my medical exam.


I'm the treasurer
of the Police Orphans Fund.

I can't take over Berthier's job.

I'm not up to it.

You're wrong.

You have to carry on his work.
It would be stupid to stop.

Don't worry, Joël.
We know who did it.

We'll get Leray.

And if he resists, we'll have him.

I'm here if you need a hand.


We'll need everyone.

I know how upset you all are.
So am I.

Some of you knew Berthier
as a colleague or trainer.

But this is no time to mourn.
We must first arrest Leray.

This is our number-1 suspect.

I want everything on him:
friends, relationships,

where he eats, sleeps, the lot!

All departments are on board.

But beware,
this individual is dangerous.

You are not to take any risks.

Let's get going, everyone.

For Berthier.

So, what do we have?

No witnesses and the CCTV
had been put out of action.

It won't be easy.

Yes, come in.

Sorry to disturb you.

Just to say I'm all done.

Captain Briard can be reinstated,
subject to formalities.

- I'll send you my report.
- Doctor, close the door.

Could you stay for a while?

To help out two of my men

Sergeant Baudemont
and Captain Cherif.

- I'm fine.
- Don't play down what's happened.

I need you 100%, Kader.
We may as well take advantage.

If I can help, of course.
I just need to re-arrange

my appointments.
But I'm free now if you like.


With pleasure.

I'm due to have tea
with Berthier's wife.

We can do it alphabetically.
I'll tell Baudemont.

Kader, you'll be next.

I know, that's the idea.

He's a good patient.

15 years we were married.

Everything was fine.

A good cop,
everyone knows that.

But he trained rookies, too.

People speak well of him.

I was on one of his courses.

He was a real pro.

He did a lot
for the Police Orphans Fund.

He was treasurer for 5 years.

He devoted his life to others.

I had a difficult childhood.

Berthier was a saviour.

Your colleagues are angry.
They'll sh**t Leray.

My husband wouldn't want that.
You have to find him first.

Leray's death mustn't taint
my husband's memory.

- Do you know why you're here?
- Not really, no.

I'm here to help you.

I'm fine.
Can't say the same for Berthier.

Was he a friend?

How did you feel
when you found the body?

Overwhelming joy.

- What do you think?
- That doesn't matter.

- I just need you to talk.
- It's bullshit! I'm busy.

Sit down.

If you don't play along,
it's a waste of time.

Using humour is a means
of self-defence.

But I think
we can go beyond that.


The truth is that...


My mother.

I fancy her.
I fancy my mother.

Is that serious, Doctor?

I fancy my sister too.

And my aunt,
my grandmother, my brother,

my cousin's cat,
my whole family in fact.

Morning, noon and night.

Is that serious, Doctor?

This guy's
like the Great Wall of China.

He's funny, though.

Excuse me. Just one question.

What did you mean by
"I have no choice"?

I'll call you back, darling.

- I'm sorry.
- It doesn't matter.

Your answers
ticked all the boxes.

Reinstatement's a formality.

I think your problem goes deeper.

But given what you told me,
I've no choice.

If you want to take it further,
we can.

We can talk about
what you didn't tell me.

All right?

Yes. Yes.

I have to get
to my doctor's appointment.

She said yes twice.

- And...?
- That means no.

You're a great doctor.


You know
I don't want to be here.

But you also know I'm an investigator
who likes to understand.

You suggest
my partner is unwell,

so obviously I want
to find out more from you.

You really are a great doctor.

And you, Captain,
how are things?


Quite good,
given the circumstances.

I'm trying to do my job.

Finding the k*ller
is the best therapy.

What are you writing?

Oh, I said "therapy". Is that it?

Therapy implies trauma.

But I'm not traumatised.

- It was just...
- A slip.

- A point of view.
- The truth is buried.

"The truth is out there."
X-Files, do you know it?

Fox Mulder.

Look, Adeline is my partner.

If I can do anything to help her,
tell me.

I don't know.

This police station
specialises in avoidance.

Leray's ex-wife
is being questioned upstairs,

if you want to see her.

Thanks, Camille.

See you soon, Doc.

Mrs Leray!

Mrs Leray!

I'm Captain Cherif.

- They gave you a hard time.
- I want to go home.

I'm not here to question you,
but to ask for your help.

You must appreciate the situation.

Your husband
has a target on his head.

As long as he's free,
he risks being sh*t dead.

The only solution
is to let me arrest him first.

Why should I trust you?

- You're a cop too.
- The only one wondering

what really happened.

I've been through your husband's
record and something's wrong.

Why escape
with only 6 months to go?

Mrs Leray, please.

No-one knows this,

but my husband
never knew his father.

The man who came closest
was his first boss Jean Lefèvre,

to whom he was an apprentice.

Mr Lefèvre is very sick.

He has 3 or 4 weeks to live.

With his record,
Hervé would never have got a pass.

So he chose to escape.

I'm begging you,

protect him.


Who the hell are you?

I'm the big, bad wolf.

Before you send me back to jail,

at least let me see Jean.

I don't think you appreciate
the gravity of the situation.

So I escaped from jail.
It happens. Nobody d*ed.

You're not here
about your escape,

but about the m*rder
of a policeman in Caluire.


It's nothing to do with me.

I've never set foot in Caluire.

I was miles away
in a homeless shelter!

I'd been there a week.

Why should I k*ll a cop, exactly?

- You'd have to be stupid.
- You can say that again.

You want to pin a m*rder on me.

You cops are all the same.
Well, forget it.

You villains are all the same too.

You're all innocent.

On the run, no alibi, and there's
Major Berthier, 35 years' service,

with the police medal of honour.

You haven't got a chance.

- I'm meant to have k*lled him?
- Yes.

- Berthier?
- Yes.

I'd like to have k*lled him.
He's the one who put me inside.

- I know.
- I'm not a k*ller,

but he got what he deserved.

Don't insult my colleague.

Your colleague...

When your colleague nabbed me,
I had cash on me.

The photos of the notes
looked good in the papers.

Everyone was happy.
40,000 euros.

Only I didn't have
40,000, I had 60,000.

What are you on about?

So much for the medal.
Where are the 20,000 euros?

- What are you implying?
- Your hero pocketed the 20,000.

- Hey!
- sh*t!

- Bastard!
- We can't let him say that.

I wasn't going to tell them
I had 60,000.


You won't get away with that!

You bastard!



Stop it! Get a grip.

Are we cool?


- Yeah, we're cool.
- OK, cool.

Calm down, Joël.
I'll take you on anytime.

Out of the way, Kader!
What did you say?

Let me go!

Don't touch my tea.

- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?

- I'm questioning a suspect.
- He's talking rubbish!

That's enough!

Where do you think you are,

This is a police station.
My police station.

- Get back to work.
- He's talking rubbish!

He k*lled a cop
and won't admit it. sh*t!


That's a serious allegation.

I'm inclined to believe him.
He's provided a motive.

We'll talk to Berthier's ex-partner.
He's bound to know more.

- I'll get him in tomorrow morning.
- No. Afternoon's better.

My appointment took forever.

Sit down.

Why not the morning?

I want to see the crime scene
in the same conditions.

There was shopping
in Berthier's car,

but no receipt.

I want to re-trace his steps
from the supermarket

to the car park
where he was k*lled.

- Tomorrow morning.
- That's when I'm due at HR

for my reinstatement.

Oh. OK.

- Take Le Goff.
- Really?

Take Le Goff.

You're the boss.

No, stay, Adeline.


So, how are you?


You seem a little distant.

No. I had a few things
to sort out.

Maybe that's why.

Talking of which, can I go?

- By all means.
- Thanks.

There was only pepper sauce
and curry sauce left.

- So I got both.
- Good.

- Has it started?
- Yes.

By the way, I was thinking.

Azouri's a strange guy,
don't you think?

He's a shrink.

Did you have much hassle
getting reinstated?

Did you talk to him
about Berthier?

We just got to know each other.

Imagine it: 35 years in the job
without a problem,

then you're gone, just like that.

Makes you think.

You know,

heroes and heroines
never really die.

Life isn't always
like a TV cop show.

- Can I adjust the seat?
- Be my guest.

Where is it?

- Oof! OK.
- It's an a*t*matic.


I didn't ask you
how it was going.

The new job...

It's fine.

- Really?
- Thanks for asking.

Finding your way?

- Settling in?
- Yes.

A new job's never easy,
but it's fine.

- I'm glad to be here.
- We're a good team, you'll see.

I'm sure you are.

I'm getting to know you all.


Hear that noise?

That's a 1981 Peugeot 504 V6.

You wanted to see me, Captain?

Anything wrong?

I can't stop repeating in my head
what Delmas said.

I think I know what to do now.

Have a seat.

Everything I've done up to now

has had to do with my father.

I've always needed
to impress him,

since I was a girl.

To be a good pupil,
to be perfect.

Perfect for whom?

I even became a cop
because of my father.

Going all out
to climb the ladder...

But what have I done for myself?

I realise that...

That I don't know what I want.

Or who I am.

You realise it,
which is important.

The question is,
if you distance yourself,

free yourself
from your father's approval...

what's left?


Since I first came here,
something's bothered me.

In what way?

Berthier's position.

His head was here
and his legs there.

In the middle of the car park,
with no protection.

If he was in pursuit,
he'd have used the walls for cover.

It's basic stuff.

He said it all the time
in his lessons.

Could it have been stress?

Not for a man of his experience.

Protection measures
were second nature,

a virtual reflex.

The shopping must have been
from the DIY store.

- I'll check. OK?
- OK.

We checked.

Leray was in the homeless shelter
at the time of the m*rder.

What do you have?

All the car-park CCTV cameras
were out of action,

but not the supermarket ones.

I saw which till Berthier paid at,

and got a copy of his receipt.
He paid in cash.

- And...?
- There's a problem.

It doesn't match
what was found in the boot.

3 bungees, a rope
and a sledgehammer are missing.

Show me.


There's another problem.

Look at the time, 9:05 am.

That's when
he's meant to have paid.

An hour before the phone call.

He's meant to have seen his k*ller
coming out of the supermarket.

He chases him to the car park,
500 metres away, and is sh*t.

- That doesn't take an hour.
- No. Berthier mentioned Leray,

but we know he's innocent.

So there's a missing hour
which we know nothing about.

I smell a set-up.

Someone intercepted him
coming out of the supermarket,

forced him to go to the car park,
at gunpoint I imagine,

and made him call the police.
- And mention Leray.

And someone destroyed
all the CCTV cameras.

Someone who knew
Berthier's routine.

Right on time.
Cardéal, Berthier's ex-partner.

- I didn't expect to see you here.
- Same here.

I had a terrible night
thanks to you.

I'm sorry.

The truth is that...

I've no one else to talk to.

I think I made a mistake.

Why am I here?
Don't mess me around.

I'm a cop too.

You and Berthier
weren't that close, were you?

Is that your Audi?
You don't have an orphans' sticker.

All the other cops have one.

Berthier's dead.

I'm not going to diss him.

- I'm not about to...
- Speak ill of a hero?

Berthier the hero.

You know what?

It's exactly how he wanted to go.


We're checking,

but in theory,

Leray has an alibi

and I've learned that Berthier
was less than perfect...

I wonder
if I was wrong about him.

Did you know him well?

Well, yes.

We were partners for 5 years.

I know his wife as well.

Then again, I only had dinner
at his place twice.

I don't know much about him.

His favourite beer, yes,
but his childhood dreams...

I've no idea.

Berthier was my mate.

And a good cop, for sure.

But just being a good cop

wasn't enough for him.

He wanted to be admired.

He wanted people to say:

"That guy's a hero."

And yet...

And yet, it was a myth.

The reality wasn't so simple.

Like in the Leray case.

40,000 euros were recovered
but 20,000 disappeared.

I can't stand people attacking him.
I was going to hit Cherif.

I don't know enough
about you or Berthier,

but I think you admired him

and valued your friendship greatly.

If Berthier was corrupt,

it's like he betrayed you.

That hurts, it's normal.

You mustn't blame yourself.
He was at fault.

Not you.

- Well?
- Cardéal's in the clear.

He was guarding 3 suspects
at the time of the m*rder.

He thinks Berthier
took the 20,000 euros,

and he no longer wanted
to partner him.

We're getting nowhere.

I'm sorry but I have to go.

Go ahead.

- Bye.
- See you tomorrow.

Kader, wait a second.

What's she like?

Precise, professional.

Nothing more to say.

She's rather nice.


I thought of something.
If Berthier took that money,

what's the betting he stole
from the Orphans' fund too?

Smart kid.

Wait. You want me to help you
to work out Berthier.

But I never met him.
I know nothing about him.

Too bad. At least I tried.

Is there something else
you want to talk about?

Captain Briard, for example?

Well, now that you mention her.

You know I can't discuss
my patients.

you can make an exception.

Why do you want to talk about her?

I'm worried.

She's lost in her thoughts.

I don't recognise her.

We talk,

but she says nothing.

I know something's on her mind,

something that's upsetting her.

It's like a gulf has opened up
between us.

You feel powerless,
something like

a cop-show hero
who fails at the end?

Yes, a little.

You are suffering
from what I call a hero complex.

It's what makes you a good cop.

You have an overwhelming need
to help and to save people.

You can't help yourself.

You never doubt you'll succeed.
You're an idealist.

The problem is when the world
doesn't match your expectations

and you don't succeed.

You know,

sometimes the disconnect between
the image we have of ourselves

and the reality of our actions

is hard to bear.

Mine's an advanced case.

Is Adeline the person
you're closest to?


And yet you ask an intermediary
to find out how she is.

- Dad?
- Hi, Sarah.

Ah, Adeline. Is Dad there?
We were meant to Skype.

- He won't be long, then.
- You seem a bit down.

- I've been better.
- Work?

Hold on.

If it's sex,
I don't want to know.

It's hard to explain.

Have you talked to Dad?

You think he's out of it,
but he gives good advice sometimes.

Yes. Sometimes.

It's something I have to resolve
on my own.

- Hey!
- Dad.

The two loves of my life.

- All right?
- Yes.

I'll leave you to it.

Dad, I don't have much time.

- Are you with me?
- How, Kimosabe.

Long r*fle here.

So, what's new?

I've finished my exams,
which is cool.

I think I did well.

Anything wrong?

Can I help?

It's the flat.

We get viewings but no offers.

It must be the police station
that's putting them off.

On the contrary, it's reassuring.

Don't worry, we'll get there.
It only needs one person.

Other than that,

that shrink's not so bad.


Where's the Adeline I know?

Stubborn, hard-working.

Who would've rushed
to get back to work.

I don't really know
who the Adeline you know is.

It'll be OK.

I'm here.

Thanks, great.

Kader, it's Dejax.

The report's on your desk.

It confirms

death by sh**ting.

There's something not quite right.
I'll tell you tomorrow.

It's not like
the body's going anywhere.

I'll let you go.

It's a long way down.

Careful, if you jump
I'll be doing the autopsy.

I'm not sure your organs
will be much use.

Come on.

You'll be OK.

Cherif was right.

Berthier was bent.

We don't know that yet.
And he was still a mate.

Easy to say.

You see...

What I can't get my head around is:
why me?

Why did...

Why did he call me?

He felt he was in danger.

He called the first guy he trusted.


I think I'll have to see
the shrink again.

My third wife was right.

So was the fourth.

They called me

put-upon Baudemont".

What a mess.

What do you have, Philippe?

Given the angle of the b*llet,

it's very likely
the k*ller was facing him.

- Thanks, Dejax.
- You're welcome.

Wait. He was in pursuit.

The k*ller
can't have magically appeared

in the middle of the car park.
- True.

And we'd have heard Berthier say:
"Drop your w*apon!"

He'd have had to stop running.

Which confirms the set-up.

- Margin of error?
- 5%. I'm a little off-colour.

- Marriage problems.
- Thanks, Dejax.

Oh, sorry. Bye.

What about the cases
Berthier worked on?

None that justifies a m*rder.

His bank accounts are clean.

However, those of the Orphans' Fund
are more interesting.

Berthier was elected
to the board in 2006.

2 years later
he was made permanent.

He was both treasurer
and general secretary.

He started renovation works
on the premises,

all undertaken by
Noiret Constructions.

- No bids?
- No. The boss, Samuel Noiret,

is known for insurance fraud,
embezzlement, the lot.

Revenue have been after him
for years.

- A real crook.
- Find out where the money went.

If they were in it together,
we're talking big bucks,

enough to make Noiret
silence Berthier.

Grill him.

Grilling's my speciality.



- No, it's for Kader.
- Yes, a cop show.

I was lost at first, too.
You'll find everything there.

Oh, yes. Thanks.

- Does he do that every time?
- Yeah.

You're coming back soon, right?

A series created
by John McNamara

about a private-detective agency.

And that's meant to help us
solve the Berthier case?

He really does this every time?

I don't believe it.

He does his own thing.

He's a kid stuck in childhood.

But that's good.
That way he stays young.

I mean, not that he's old.

Is no sugar OK?
You can have mine.


Why do I speak?

- I tried to call you last night.
- I turn my work phone off.

I try to separate work
and my private life.

So do I.

We know Noiret
hides his real income,

either with a relative
or a phantom employee.

Fingers crossed he goes there.

"Fingers crossed"?
That's your technique?

No, but you have to think
like they do in Eyes.

Only 12 episodes made.

7 of which
were not shown in the US.

Be discreet, OK?

We've reason to believe

you stole money
from the Police Orphans' Fund.

We strongly advise
you accompany us to the station.

Failing that, my colleague,
a black belt in tai-chi-chuan,

will take you there
against your will.

And once there,

you can confess
to murdering Hervé Berthier.

I don't know what you're
talking about. Do you mind?

Just a minute.

We're not the Fraud Squad.
Our colleague was m*rder*d.

You have just entered the wonderful
world of Captain Cherif.

You're out of your depth.

I know nothing.
Leave me alone.



It's Cherif.
Noiret just made a phone call.

I need to know to whom.

Yes, Jean-Paul.

You were right.

Noiret called a firm of tax lawyers.

- Same reputation as him.
- Not quite legit.

It won't be easy
to get a search warrant.

We won't need one.
Thanks anyway.


Won't need one? Why?


Under pressure, the suspect
destroys the incriminating items.

We retrieve the documents
from the shredder.

- The shredder?
- Yeah.

You mean people still use paper?

Amazing what you find
in a tax lawyer's bin.

I told you.

No one uses paper any more.

They're hopeless.

It's nigh on impossible
to destroy the data on a hard disk.

- Don't strain a finger.
- Leave it to the pro, Joël.

I had no idea you had a talent
for hacking.

I've got a basic knowledge.

It's all here.
Double invoicing.

There in black and white.

- That's quite a lot of money.
- As you say.

The money passed through
several accounts in tax havens,

ending up in a Virgin-Islands
account in the name of...


Ruiz, that's Florence Berthier's
maiden name.

Mrs Berthier, you must admit
it's a little suspicious

leaving so suddenly,
on the quiet.

I told you,
I didn't k*ll my husband.

We have all the evidence,

including a financial trail
leading directly to your account.

How did you know
Leray was out of prison?

Your husband told you,
so you lured him to the car park.

- Is that it?
- I don't know how he d*ed.

All I know is, he told me
to leave with the money.


After I spoke to you,
I went home.

I didn't know what to do.

I was lost.

My husband was my whole life.

So I went into his office.

It's where he spent all his time.

I sat in his chair.

I could still smell his cologne.


I found that letter
to be opened only if...

"The money,
all the money is yours.

"Take it and live the life
I wanted to give you.

"I love you."

All those years
slaving for other people,

risking his life,

and for what?

A medal or a lousy pension?

As far as I'm concerned,
my husband stole nothing.

He took what he deserved.

- Right, where are you at?
- To sum up:

Florence didn't k*ll Berthier.

We checked her alibi.

Noiret wasn't in Lyon
when the m*rder took place.

Back to square one.

Do you know where Azouri is?

Poking around, I expect.

You can never find a shrink
when you need one.

Berthier should have gone to Azouri.
The guy was nuts.

Almost like a split personality.



What did you just say?

Almost like a split personality.

You're a genius, Baudemont.

You are.

Azouri says: "the disconnect between
the image we have of ourselves

"and the reality of our actions
is hard to bear."

I know who k*lled Berthier.

What image did everyone have
of Berthier before he d*ed?

A saviour, a hero, an altruist.

But we found out
it wasn't quite that simple.

He felt that life had not
sufficiently compensated him.

So he went on the take.

And the gulf that emerged

between the image he had of himself,
the one he presented

and reality.

When it became unbearable,
he ended his life.

You're nuts.

But how? We'd have found
the g*n at his feet.

As our dear Azouri says:
"The truth is buried."

First he took out
all the CCTV cameras in his path.

Next he went to the DIY store

where he bought lots of things.

What was missing?

Three bungees
and a sledgehammer.

Three bungees
and a sledgehammer.

He reaches the car park

and calls you, Joël,

pretending to be out of breath
in pursuit of Leray.

Actors Studio.

Then he comes over here.

He takes the sledgehammer
and attaches it with the 3 bungees.

He attaches the 3 bungees
to his g*n.

He slips the sledgehammer
into a drain.

Then he pulls the 3 bungees
to their maximum tension,

which brings him to about here.

He aims the g*n at himself
and fires two sh*ts.

One in the shoulder,
one in the chest.

He collapses.

And the g*n...

Sucked into the drain.

"The truth is out there",
and it's not far away.

X-Files, seasons 1 to 10.

I'm an idiot.

Berthier didn't call me
because I was his best mate,

but because he thought
I'd fall for it.

That I was too thick to realise
it was a set-up.

You could look at it
another way.

He called you

because you're loyal and honest.

You could never have imagined
that he was quite the opposite.

You admired Berthier.

He was a hero to you.

And I think he admired you.

You're what he never could be:


Now we'll never know.

But I'd be willing to bet

that you were his hero.

Right, well, I have to go
and tell all that to the shrink.

Thanks, Kader.


Have you finished?

Yes. Off to pastures new.

Do you have
a few minutes to spare?

Have a seat.

That sounds serious.


I think...

I no longer want to be a cop.