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05x10 - Sur le fil - partie 2

Posted: 04/04/23 16:56
by bunniefuu
What did you come here for,

Know what to say
when questioned?

- Yeah, don't worry.
- OK.

The first time's never easy.

But you'll see,

it gets better over time.

Time's what I don't have.
And thanks to you, I'll go to jail.

You won't.
Everything's under control.

It's a pain that
we couldn't remove the body,

but the g*n's untraceable,

and 4 people will confirm
we were at the restaurant.

Don't worry.

I'd like to believe you.

My first time,
I had nightmares for weeks.

Baptiste Bazin.

He strangled women
in car parks.

He'd already k*lled four.

We'd just let him go
after 48 hours in custody.

He didn't crack.

When we found him, he blubbed
and swore he was innocent.

Yeah, right.

The murders stopped
after we k*lled him.

A coincidence, no doubt.

- Here.
- Thanks.

Don't think
about the life you've taken.

Think about the one you've saved.


you're right.

You can drop me just up here.

I feel like walking.

2 missed calls

4 missed calls

There you go.

- Victim of your own success?
- Yeah.

Two calls from my mother

and four from my ex.

Some success.

See you tomorrow.

You'll have a busy day.

You'll probably spend most of it
in an interview room.

But we'll be there.

Kader, it's Mum.

Déborah called me.

What's going on, son?
You're up to something.

Call me right away.
I'm worried.

Sorry. I woke you up.

I wasn't really asleep.

- Had a hard day?
- Complicated, yes.

Come here.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

Kader's into something dodgy.

I thought he was a straight-up cop,
but now I don't know.

I think I'll leave the team.

They don't know
what they're losing.

Trust your instinct,
it's always worked before.

And it's the reason we're married.

You took your time.
I was worried.

- Why didn't you arrest them?
- You can drop the act now.

You had them red-handed.
What more do you need?

I want the whole g*ng,
and him especially.

I had to improvise.


Creative investigation techniques
are your speciality, aren't they?

Yes, only there's no body.
Tomorrow they're expecting

the police to be called,
with a body and an investigation.

He's right.
I just told him the same thing.

I'll find a solution.

- You will?
- Yes.

- Did you learn anything tonight?
- Yes.

Arthur mentioned a name,
Baptiste Bazin.

Their first victim.

Those two are part of the group.

We need to talk about
Commander Éric Malzieu.

He's in direct contact
with the boss.

- A commander?
- Yes.

A commander's good.

Éric Malzieu...

- Are you all done?
- Yes.

- Safe trip.
- Goodbye.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

This is what we'll do.

When the body's found,
I'll question you.

Arthur and his mates will give you
an alibi and I'll let you go.

Now we need a body.

I know where we can find one.

On the Edge - Part 2


Ah, finally. Hello.

Hello? Where are you?

- Philippe?
- Yes.

I'm just going into... my flat.


About time.
Where've you been?

If this is a birthday surprise,
you've got the date wrong.

Do you know how long
we've been waiting?

Salima had heard nothing,
so I told her everything.

You've been violent.

- That's not like you.
- But Mum...

Don't "But Mum" me.

I can explain.

Shut up and listen to her.

Go ahead.

Right. Our daughter is

halfway across the world,

so stop messing around.

We're here
because we love you.

We know you've had
a hard time recently,

but you can't go on like this.

We're worried.

Don't be.

Right, my turn.

I'm really glad to be here.

Given all the good times
we've had here...


What I mean is...

I preferred the old Kader.
I'd like him back.

We're trying to understand.

We're here for you
as you have been for us.

I'm touched that you're worried
about me, but you mustn't be.

Everything's fine.

You're in denial!

You can't see the harm you're doing.
Tell him, Eddy.

What for? He doesn't care.

That's not true.

I do care.

It's true I've screwed up recently.

I'm sorry.

Don't worry, we're here.

You can even cry if you want.

Sometimes it helps.

No, but...

These last few weeks,

I haven't felt too good.

I was going to make an appointment
to see my doctor.

I think he means you.

Oh, right. Of course.

- Alone would be better.
- Yes, of course.

Thanks, Joël.

Call me tomorrow. I love you.

I love you too, Mum.
And I'll be fine.

Don't worry.

Just a minute, Grasshopper.

Normally I act like a TV-show hero.
Everything will be OK.

Don't make promises.
I've had enough of my mother's.

So, what is it you need?

Anti-depressants, time off work?

I need a dead body, Philippe.


Hi, Kader.

- All right?
- Yeah, cool.

- Sleep well?
- Yeah.

Last night was weird.
It was like a trial.

Why's that?

I don't know.

All those people, you all alone...

It was like a trial.


You could say that.
Or you could say they were all here

because they were worried
about me.


Look, I wanted to say...

I'm sorry about yesterday.

I don't know, it's this situation.
I was upset.

But I didn't mean what I said.

It's OK.

I'd worked out
my defence speech.

Well, now you don't need one.

Sometimes when Sarah
changed her tune like that,

it was because
she wanted something.

I do have something to ask you.

Go on.

My mother called me.
She's got a three-day pass,

and she's meant to use it
to find a job.

I thought maybe
you could help her.

She called you between last night
and this morning?

Of course I'll help her.


- You will?
- Yes. You know what?

We'll start by writing her a CV.

Thank you!
She's really motivated.

I'm listening.

I followed Cherif yesterday
after work.

I felt he was hiding something
from me.

I needed to be sure.

It's not my usual approach,

but I need to know
I can trust my partner.

I don't want to work with him.

I understand.

I'd like to wait a bit
before making it official.

What have you found out?

He's spending time
with some shady guys, cops...

Excuse me.

It's your wake-up call.

We have an unidentified
corpse in Francheville.


The exact address is...

11, impasse Damien.

I hope you have a strong stomach,

because it's steak tartare...

Is there a problem?

- Eugène Razowsky.
- Is that Captain Cherif's guy?

No. Razowsky
is a common name.

Like Durant, Dupont...

Is it?

No, you idiot!
Of course it's Kader's guy.

What kind of crap
is he into now?

He's the dead guy.

So, training?



OK. Well,
I think I have all I need.

You do?


Excuse me.

Yes, Joël.

It's a pain we can't tell Kader

about the m*rder of Eugène Razowsky
at 11, impasse Damien.

He should know.

He's going to be
in trouble with Dupré again.

- Did you call me?
- No, just thinking aloud.

Good old Joël.

Shot in the face
at point-blank range.

I'm sure it's Razowsky.

Can you determine the k*ller's
height from the trajectory?

Not precisely,
but I'd say around 5ft 3in.

5ft 3in? Are you sure?

It's hard to say, but...


given the angle
and the victim's size,

I'd say the culprit
was more like 6ft.

Who's the pathologist here?

Anyone can make a mistake.
Never mind.

But protecting a m*rder*r
carries 20 years.

Time of the crime?

Also hard to say.

Between 11pm and 1am.

Yeah, right.

I want all the photos
and a full report.

Thanks, Jimmy.
I owe you one.



- Ah. Hi.
- Eugène Razowsky is dead.

Yes, I know. Dejax told me.
We spoke on the phone.

So you've come to question me.
Come in.

No, Kader.

I've come to arrest you.

I have an alibi for last night
between 11 and 1.

- You do?
- Yes.

You don't mean those you were with
in impasse Damien?

I followed you
from the restaurant.

How did you get yourself
into this shit?

I was wrong about you.

But I'll make up for it.
Let's go.

Roxane, this wasn't the plan.

You don't say.

Let's go, Kader.

Are you alone?


You wouldn't sh**t
an unarmed cop.

I just wanted to check

that you were alone.

Step back.


- Come in, I'll explain.
- No.

Everything you've seen is a sham.

Two weeks ago,
Commander Dupré called me.

He'd found out some cops
had formed a commando unit

to k*ll criminals
who escaped justice.

He needed a reliable cop

who knew Lyon to infiltrate them.

So he called on me.

It sounds like the plot of a film,
but it's true.

Look, I'll...

I'm taking out my phone.

I'll call Dupré
and he'll confirm what I said. OK?

This is Commander Dupré's

Leave a message.

He's on voicemail.

As if by coincidence.

- And he's the only one who knows?
- No, Eugène does.

Sure. Eugène Razowsky is dead.

No, he's alive.

His name's Paul Weber.

He's an undercover cop.

The body you saw this morning
is real,

but Dejax got it for me.

Dejax would do anything
to protect you.

The hotel.

We have to go there.

I don't even know why I'm here.

We made a plan on the wall
worthy of Michael Scofield.

- The magician?
- No,

the hero from Prison Break.

It was here.

- Morning, sir.
- Morning. Thanks.

It was there.

I've seen Prison Break.
It wasn't like this.

I don't get it.

I don't get it.


no one will believe your story.

This is Commander Dupré's

He's still on voicemail.
Something must've happened.

We were meant to arrest them,
but Dupré wanted the boss.

- Really?
- Yes.

- The mysterious boss?
- Yes. Well... Yes.

Do you know his identity?

No, that's the point.

I don't get it.

Lacking inspiration?

You'll think of something
in the car.

- Let's go.
- Roxane, I don't know who it is,

but I know someone who does.

- Éric.
- Éric? My Éric?


I thought your story was mad before,
but now...

I've known him for 9 years.

Captain Cherif,

you're under arrest
for the m*rder of Eugène Razowsky.

Suppose I said Doucet
was the head of a m*rder g*ng?

Would you buy it?

- No.
- You see?

But I'd check.

Our job is closing doors.

A great cop told me that
quite recently.

So I check and let you go,
is that it?

No, you arrest me
for Razowsky's m*rder.

And don't mention the other cops,
at least until you're sure.

That's all I ask. Check it out.

Eugène Razowsky never existed.

Dejax provided the body.

And the guy I respect the most
is a crazed k*ller, right?

Why did you leave
the Juvenile Squad?

I mean the real reason.

You said you wanted
to detach yourself from work,

that it was too intrusive,
that you were protecting your family.

OK. But the real reason?

I think you're too good a cop.

Éric may be close to you,

but you noticed the change in him.

Please, just close the doors.

Hi, Kader.

All right?

I'm on duty today.

Don't worry,
you won't be in here long.

- We'll make sure of it.
- You'd better.

There he is.

Son, I can't believe
what they told me.

- Mum...
- It's your last chance, Kader.

Tell your mother everything.

I couldn't get him to see reason.

Maybe he'll listen to you.

I know you're innocent.

Your partner's making it up.

Fancy putting you in a cage!

I'll give her a piece of my mind!

Mum, in some episodes
you have to play the bad guy.

Like old Bernardo in Zorro,

season 1, episode 38.


OK, son.

If you know what you're doing,
I trust you.

Of course, Mum.

What are you looking at?

Leave me alone, I tell you!

You've become a criminal
like your father!

What is this, a zoo? 40 years
you've been suffocating me!

- Give me some air, Mum!
- You're no son of mine!

Get back to your kitchen!
Go home and leave me alone.

You're no son of mine!
You'll see when you get out!

- You bad boy!
- Clear off and give me some air!

- Farewell.
- Give me some air!

You deserve everything you get.

What an actress!



It's OK. He said "Zorro".

Well, if he said "Zorro"...

I don't get it.
He said midday.

He's not that reliable.

You're wrong.
He wrote your CV.

He must have a problem.

They always have good excuses.

Don't make that face.

As long as we're together,
we don't need anyone else.

I have to go.

- Where?
- To a meeting.

Who with?

Enough questions.
It's like a police interview.

Living with a cop
is not good for you.

Just wait a bit. I'm sure...

I can't. I'm sorry.

Any news
of Commander Dupré?

No. I tried,

but no one's seen him
since this morning.

I'll call you back. Thanks.

What are you doing here?

Seems you had
your partner arrested.


You OK?


You won't make many friends
by accusing Cherif of m*rder.

- Got any proof?
- Well,

I had enough evidence
to arrest him.

Razowsky accused him
of police v*olence

and he was k*lled
by someone his height.

What's Cherif's version?

He's saying nothing.
That's the problem.

What do you think?

A cop who takes the law
into his own hands after so long?

Is it credible?

We can all lose our way
at some point.

All of us.

But in Cherif's case,
you're wrong.

He was drinking with me
and some colleagues till 3am.

It wasn't him.


- 3am? Are you sure?
- Yes.

And he was with you
all the time?

He never left the restaurant.

Check if you want.
The Bouliste.

I swear on my goddaughter's life,
if that reassures you.

I had to tell you
before it caused you any trouble.

Don't make that face.
You made a mistake, that's all.

Yes, I made a mistake.

I can see that now.

I'll talk to Jean-Paul
and put an end to it.

Sorry, I should have trusted you.

The main thing is, I'm back.

I want to see you both
in my office. Now.

A cop commando unit?

Kader's telling the truth.

Why didn't you tell me?

You had to react naturally.

Not here. I'd have known.

One of them's ours:
Arthur Mandrome.

The others, Malher and Channal,

are from the 8th and 6th.

Éric Malzieu too?


We can't let them carry on.

What now? You can't go
on another mission like last night.

This time the victim will be real.

I know.
But we have to find Dupré.

I never thought I'd say that.

Can I go?

- Yes.
- Thanks.

- Kader.
- Yes?

I'm glad you're back.


That took a long time.
You OK?

Everything went as planned.

I'm still suspended
for the swallow dive

and hitting Dupré,
but otherwise everything's cool.

I told you it'd be OK.

A drink to celebrate?

Wait. I need a minute.


Eddy, wait.

I'm sorry, I couldn't make it.

You promised.
Now let me go.

A restaurateur friend
wants to see your mum.

- Seriously?
- Yes.

He's going to offer her a job.

That's great.


- Where is she?
- With some friends.

- But I can call her right now.
- OK.

Kader, we have to go.


- Call her, then back to school.
- OK, I promise.

By the way, I don't like that guy.

As it happens, neither do I, but...

See you tonight.

In the back.


- Who are we waiting for?
- The boss.

He won't be long.
He's been held up.

Hi, Kader.


Don't make that face.
It's me.

I get it. You have coffee
with your new friends,

and you don't invite your old pal.
How do I join your group?

- We're waiting for someone.
- No problem.

A coffee, please.

I was thinking about Razowsky.

The body looks like
the unknown guy from last week.

- Can I talk to you?
- Yes. Excuse us.

The body Dejax recovered
and which no one claimed.

Same weight, same MO.

I reckon we have a serial k*ller
on our hands.

- I never thought of that.
- Well, I did. A coffee!

I'm sure you're right.
Better take care of it now.

- He may be about to strike again.
- You're right.

- I'm a little busy.
- OK. I'll get on it.


Coffee makes me drowsy

Hello? Yeah.

The boss. Be right back.

Yes. If you like.

No signal

He's sorry,
he can't make it.

Is the boss Mrs Columbo?

He left us a surprise outside.

I was waiting for his say-so
before telling you.

We know
someone's investigating us.

Nothing worse than a bastard
who betrays his mates.

He dug his own grave
thinking he was cleverer than us.

But the problem
will soon be solved.

I'll meet you at the usual place.

Watch the stairs.

Take care of him.

If he moves, zap him.

- With this?
- Yes.

We'll prepare the courtroom.

What for?

His trial.

We have to get out of here.

I'm not letting
those little Nazis k*ll me.

They took my phone.
Call for help right now.

There's no signal here.

Oh, shit!

No news of Kader,
Arthur or the others.

And as if by chance,

none of the suspected cops
is on duty today.

There must be a way to reach Kader
without arousing suspicion.

How did they find out?

The same way
I knew about them.

Éric Malzieu saw that
I'd accessed their victims' files.

So he started to follow me,

and like an idiot,
I led him to the hotel.

Look on the bright side.

What bright side?

In two hours,
we can arrest them.

For what?

The m*rder of
an Internal-Affairs commander.

How long to get a SWAT team?

A reliable one?

45 minutes.

OK. Call them.
Someone knows where Kader is.

- Éric, it's me.
- What do you want?

To see you.
In an hour, place Bellevue.

I'm busy. Can't it wait?

I know about the murders
that you and your mates committed.

- What?
- One hour or I tell all.

Roxane, wait!

Even without Éric,
we can start.


The prisoner we're about to try
is not like any other.

He's a cop,

but not one like us.

A man who has spent
the last five years

tracking down police officers,
men and women who gave their all.

Corrupt cops, you mean.

can you silence the accused?

Men and women

whom he has had dismissed,

some driven to su1c1de.

As though we were the problem,
not the solution.

The boss found out
he was investigating us.

- What's wrong?
- How could you do it?

- Do what?
- Stop it, please.

Vigilantes in the city,

a g*ng of cops
who brainwashed you

into dispensing private justice?

There's only you and me here.

But you'll have to explain.

Since I found out,
I've felt terrible.

I have so many questions.

Had you started
when I left Juvenile?

When I think of you
having dinner with us,

I see you holding Julie
in your arms.

She loves you so much.

I love that kid too.

You four are my only family.

- I swear, I'll...
- No!

No, Éric.

Then explain why
I haven't already been arrested.

Because you're
my daughter's godfather,

and I don't want her to know
you're in prison thanks to me.

I'm giving you an hour
to get out of town.

After that, I'll tell Doucet.

- You won't do it.
- You swore on my daughter's life

that Kader
had nothing to do with it.

On her life!

So look at me.

Look me in the eyes.
Ask yourself if I'll do it.

One hour, not a minute more.

You want me to spend my life
as a fugitive?

- If you've got any sense...
- And drop the others in it?

- You don't know me very well.
- No, I don't know you at all.

59 minutes.

OK. Let's go.

It's not a criminal we have here.

It's something worse.

- The death penalty applies.
- Arthur, wait a minute! Wait.

- What is it?
- Why the rush?

After all, it's Commander Dupré
of Internal Affairs we have here.

The moment should be savoured.

I've dreamed of this moment.

What do you suggest?

You mentioned a trial.

Let's hear what he has to say
in his defence.

Why not get him a lawyer, too?

Good idea.

It seems no one's volunteering.

I just need five minutes

to speak to my client in private.

Like in the cop shows.



A brief adjournment, gentlemen.
Like in the cop shows.

But don't get any ideas.


They're nuts.

Can you take them all on?

What do you think?

There are five of them
and I'm unarmed.

I'm not James West,
I'm Cherif.

So what do we do?

- I hope you can pull it off.
- So do I.

We're listening, Sir.

Thank you.

You all know the famous
Commander Dupré:

the mocking smile,
the face you want to slap...

and the annoying tendency
to think he's cleverer than you.

I've searched for a reason
not to k*ll him,

and I humbly confess
I couldn't find one.

It's a m*rder*r
we're judging here.

What are you playing at?


He just can't help himself.

You can't shut him up.

Gentlemen, I ask you:

what's the legitimate sentence
for k*lling an innocent person?

The death penalty.

That's what I thought.

May I?

By all means, help yourself.

For k*lling Baptiste Bazin,

we sentence you to...

Oh, no.
It wasn't you, it was you.

Don't move!

Leave your g*n in the holster.
Take your hand off it!

Move to the right.

Baptiste Bazin,

your first m*rder.

- Do you remember it?
- Yes, I do.

- You k*lled an innocent man.
- Bullshit.

- Really?
- Spit it all out.

Vivien David,

you've all heard of him.

He was questioned by police
about the att*cks and released.

He was just arrested in Portugal
for a series of murders.

Exactly the same MO.

You know what that means.

The murders stopped

not because you k*lled Bazin,

but because Vivien David
left the country.

- What's he talking about?
- He's lying.

It's all on the Interpol website.

I didn't sign up for that.

Are you all stupid?

He's trying to divide us.

We'll talk later.
Give me your g*n.

What are you doing, guys?

There's no going back.
You know that.

We knew there'd be
collateral damage.

What's the acceptable level?

Your wife?

Or your son?

He's taken us for a ride!

Are you gonna k*ll us all?

- What's going on?
- Not before time.

Police! Get down!

- Get down!
- Hands on your head! Kneel down!

- Don't move!
- On your knees!


Hands on your head!

Spread your legs!

Legs together.

On the ground.

Take him away.

Get up.


Proud of yourself?

This changes nothing.
You'll never get the boss.

Only Éric knows who he is.

Don't you get it?
He is the boss.

The choice of victim,
phone calls with no signal...

Shut your mouth, Kader.

What's he saying, Éric?

Come on!

You play hard-to-get.

Aren't you forgetting something?

Are you still here?

The interviews are over.

You'll all appear
before Judge Caron

for organised m*rder.

You really took me for a ride,

How will you explain to Julie

that her godfather is in prison
because of you?

I'll find the words.

It'll be hard. We'll both cry.

But it'd be harder to explain

if I'd let a k*ller go free
because of her.

Goodbye, Éric.

Eddy will be disappointed.

No, I don't know
why she didn't come.

She should've called
to reschedule or cancel.

Thanks anyway.
I owe you one.


Hey, Kader,
there's a lot of people.

They're family.

So are you a secret agent now?

Everyone dreams
of being James Bond.

- But I've resigned.
- You have?

thanks for finding Mum a job.

It'll mean
she can make a new start.

Now I owe you one.

Aperitifs, everyone!


Here we go!

It smells good.

Everyone tuck in, don't be shy.

I made them for you.

Make yourselves at home.

Make room for a large one.

So, Kader,
where's your evil twin?

I shut him in his den.

But he's there if we need him.
You never know.

I for one hope we never do.

I'm glad you're innocent.
We'd have defended you, though.

I had my speech all ready.

You'd have got 15 years at most.

I'm touched.

You're a good actor,
but I always knew you were faking it.

I knew you'd worked it all out.

you promised me a speech.


Speech! Speech!

She's your mother...

I just want to thank you all
for being there for me.

Thanks for your loyalty,
your faith.

That's all.

I know that this season,

some of you thought
I'd lost my way.

No, that's not true.

But I haven't.

There've been some departures
that were unforeseen,

some early returns
and some new arrivals.

But I've stayed on course
thanks to you.

- Eh, Joël?
- In many ways, we're a compass.

You're more like a buoy.

Thanks for being here.

You're welcome. Bravo!


No need for long speeches.

You have to listen to your instinct
and find the animal within you.

- What's yours?
- A leopard.

- And yours?
- A badger.

I thought it was a polecat.

OK, let's eat.

Can you fetch the houmous,

Bring some pâté too.
Don't be long, darling!

Roxane, that's the houmous.

Did your mother make it?

It's normally very good.

Eddy's lucky to have
someone like you in his life.

I hope so.

By the way, I heard tell

that you wanted
to change partners.

- I've thought it over.
- Ah.

As I'm an indulgent
kind of person,

I'm willing
to give you another chance.

You're too generous.

Think nothing of it.

When it ends,
it's always a little sad.

You want another episode or two.

Or a season.

What if we started over?

Captain Cherif.
Glad to be working with you.

Captain Le Goff.

Glad to be working with you.

All right?


For once I get to have
a happy end.

Are you coming?
