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01x06 - How We Change

Posted: 04/10/23 14:11
by bunniefuu
All right, let's do this.

Wait, don't you think we

should look at the instructions?


Is this gonna be like Settlers of Catan?

'Cause no one will

play with you anymore.

Fine, we will use the

instructions. What's the first step?


What does it say?

It's just pictures.

What? How is this in any way helpful?

I think that it's not helpful.

Did they somehow run out of money

while they were doing this? What?

All right, screw it. Let's

put some poles in some holes.

Keep it clean, Gimble.

So, let me

Are these the longest? These are the

- This has a Yeah, there we go.

- That one.

Now, what do we think

this is, a side or a top?

- This is the inside.

- These are just, like, clamps.

- Hey.

- Just do

Well, this goes here.

As far as we know.

And this goes here.

I mean, it fits.

And that hooks into the end here.

I think we're good.

Are you concerned that we

have so many of these left?


No No Yeah, these

are just extra pieces.

We don't need them.

And this goes here.

These go like this.


It's a tent!

If only Marv and

Joanna could see us now.

Okay, let's

- Oh, it's spacious.

- It's nice? Oh.

- I want you to come in here so bad.

- Yeah?

- Come in here, my darling, please.

- Oh, wow.

- Yes. Welcome.

- Thank you. Oh, my God, this is nice.

Mm-hmm. Cue our security system here.

- We've got tons of room.

- Oh, yeah.

- Oh!

- Oh!

I'm sorry I broke the tent.

It's okay. It wasn't your fault.

No, I know sleeping outside

is your worst nightmare.

As long as I'm with you.




Leave me alone.

Hey, buddy.

Go away.

Ow! What the hell?

I said go away!

Ow! Hey! Stop that.

Wait, why are you

only in your underwear?

I'm not gonna wear anything she gave me.

Then who gave you the underwear?

Look, anyway, Carson, you need

to come down from there right now.

No. And I never wanna

see my sister again.

So you're just gonna spend the

rest of your life in that tree?

If I choose to.

Fine, then I'm coming up.

Okay, you need to come down.

And you need to forgive

your sister your mother.

This whole thing is very Chinatown.

- What?

- It's a movie.

- Like Air Bud?

- Not like Air Bud.

Look, I know you're mad at Emma, but

She lied to me.

She was my mom this whole

time and she lied to me!

Yes, she did. And lying is wrong.

But she thought she was

doing the right thing.

People are complicated,

Carson. Even moms make mistakes.

But we can't just run away

from the people we love

because they're not perfect.

We have to forgive them.

- I can't.

- I know it's hard.

Relationships are not

like playing the kazoo.

They take work. But they're worth it.

I mean, think about it.

You really never, ever

wanna see her again? Ever?

I think I'm ready to come down now.

Okay. Do y


Oh, I am so sorry, Carson!

Why did you lie?

Because I was afraid of

what people would say.

But that shouldn't have mattered,

because I am so proud to be your mom.

I'll leave you two alone.

No. Wait.

Thank you for finding Carson tonight

and for everything else that

you've done for him, and for me.

You are a good man.

And I wanna be with

you and live in a place

where I can have a new start.

So if you'll have me

I say tomorrow morning we cross

that bridge out of Schmigadoon

and head to New York together.

Let's do it.



Oh, I'm so glad I found you.

Blerky told me what she did

to you and it's unforgivable.

But I'm here to bring you back home

because you, and only

you, are the one I love.

I knew you'd choose me over her.

And I'm ready to be challenged

and to be molded into

the man you want me to be

and follow you wherever you wanna go.

If you'll have me.

Will you?

Of course I will.

Do you love my son?

Mama, you're only here

because you know how to drive.

Jorge, please. I have

something I need to say.

A week ago my husband of

50 years died in my arms.

When I buried him, it was

like burying a part of me.

So I think I know something of love.

Tell me, do you love my son?

You have one heart.

Is he the one you want to give it to?


Melissa, no. We belong together.

You want to give it to someone else.

Mama, you're ruining this.

I think I do. But

honestly, I I don't know.

I mean, yes, there are times

when it feels like we're the

only two people in the world.

And And we laugh, and our

eyes meet, and it's like magic.

But there are times we

seem so disconnected,

and I don't even know if he

loves me, or if I love him.

And it just feels so lonely.

Mi'jita, what you have

just described is love.

It is not something

you can prove is there.

It is something you choose

to believe in. Every day.

You must go to him.

Tell him how you feel.

Jorge, get in! We are taking

Miss Melissa to her love.

- Mama

- Do it! And stop moping.

You are gorgeous. You'll

find someone else in no time.

Come on! Hurry!

I can't believe we're actually

going to New York City!

That's right, the

greatest city in the world.

What's it like there, Dr. Skinner?

It's amazing, buddy,

you're gonna love it.

Tallest skyscrapers you've ever

seen, so many people, so many lights,

so many drugstores.

Will there be snow?

Yes, there'll be snow.

Will there be candy?

Yep. There'll be candy.

Then it sounds like New

York will have everything.

All right, ready to cross

and start our new lives?

On three. One, two, three.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah, fine. I'm just, uh

It's just a big deal

heading back home, I guess.

Of course. Take your time.


New York won't have everything, will it?

It's extraordinary, really.

One can be convinced they are

the smartest person in town

and yet still miss the

most important detail.

I am so sorry, Emma.

What's happening?

He's getting cold feet. Kiss him!

I really care about you.

Both of you.

You changed me.

You made me a better person.

I am so sorry.

I I didn't

- I did I didn't

- I know.


Vote for Layton. Mildred.

That's Mildred to you.

Vote for Layton. Mildred.

Vote for Layton. Thank you.

Morning, Aloysius. Morning, Florence.

Oh, I keep forgetting

she's still too embarrassed

to appear in public.

Anyhoo, good luck today.

You're gonna need it.

Ladies, can I get a cackle?

Well, since, uh, Carson isn't here,

I've been asked to yell stuff out.

So, hear ye, hear ye,

it is now exactly nine on the o'clock,

and according to the town charter,

time to hold the vote for mayor.

The two candidates

are Aloysius Menlove

and Mildred Layton.

Vote for Layton!

Layton for mayor!

We will vote according to Schmigadoon

tradition, by the show of hands.

- All in favor of Mildred

- Josh!

Where's Josh? Dr. Skinner?

Has anyone seen him?

I need to talk to him.

Do you mind? We are about to

begin the mayoral election!

Strife and tribulation,

people. Strife and tribulation!

Wait, what?

Did I miss something? Was there a song?

- Shall we proceed with the vote, Howard?

- Yes, dearest.

We shall now vote by the show of hands.

- All in favor of Mildred

- Melissa!

Oh, for the love of Pete!


- I'm sorry.

- Mel.

No. I am.

I'm sorry for acting like everything

that wasn't perfect was a failure.

For treating you like a

burden that I had to carry

on my way to some ridiculous fantasy.

For pushing you to change

without ever considering

maybe I needed to change too.

And I just want you to know

that I'm in it for the long haul.

That I choose to believe in us.

Whether in Schmigadoon,

in New York, wherever.

Because I love you, Josh Skinner.

And you are, and always

have been, enough.

I am not a man of many words ♪

Never been romantic ♪

Like all the lovesick herds ♪

I laughed at every sentimental thing ♪

But you make me wanna sing ♪


Seems my heart was

always like a stone ♪

Even when you're with me ♪

You kind of feel alone ♪

And so I bounced ♪

From fling to fling to fling ♪

But you make me wanna sing ♪

I wanna hold you ♪

And spin you around ♪

So fast that we'll never part ♪

I wanna hold you ♪

And spin you around ♪

'Cause that's what you've done ♪

To my heart ♪

Now I'm here and offering my hand ♪

And asking you to take it ♪

So we can make a stand ♪

For love and all the joy ♪

That it can bring ♪

'Cause you make me wanna sing ♪

Now I'm here and offering my hand ♪

And I will gladly take it ♪

So we can make a stand ♪

For love and all the joy ♪

That it can bring ♪

'Cause you make me wanna sing ♪


No! Boo! No!

Why are you cheering for

these sinful city folk?

Have you forgotten what

they've done to this town?

No. I haven't forgotten,

and I hope I never will.

I hope none of us ever will.

Because they've made

Schmigadoon better. For everyone.

I know I should hate

her, but I kinda love her.

How can you even dare to suggest

they've made Schmigadoon better?

That's a load of fiddle-faddle!

First off, the mayor

The mayor? Let me tell

you about the mayor.

The mayor is finally being

honest about who he really is.

And I love him for it.


Thank you, Florence.

And I love you for that.

Just not, you know, bedroom love.

Oh, believe me, I know. I'm not stupid.

Maybe it's time we all start

following the mayor's example

and were more honest

about who we really are.

For instance, I'm not Carson's sister.

I'm his mother.

I knew it! I knew that

child was a bastard!

You're a bastard!

You can call him any

nasty name you want.

But the circumstances

around my son's birth

have nothing to do with who he is.

I love you, Carson.

I love you too, Mom.

What's wrong?

I just hadn't realized how much

I really wanted to

hear you call me that.

Aw. Good mom.

Oh, give me a break!

I suppose you and the

mayor expect to be admired

for airing your dirty laundry in public.

Well, wake up, sister, because the

two of you are all alone in this!

The rest of us are good, decent people.

God-fearing Schmigadoonians who

are exactly whom we purport to be!

Actually, I hate being an innkeeper.

I wanna be an actor.

I've been working on a one-man show

about my father's death

for the last two years.

Yes! You go, Harvey!

Remember the old mill fire

last year? I set that myself.

- Yikes.

- I like getting injured.

I do it for the attention.

You be you, Pete.


Actually, I'm a veterinarian.

I'm pretty sure I'm a socialist.

I'm tired of being a rapscallion.

I wanna be better.

It's time everyone knew,

there's really no way

to win the ring toss.


Okay, time to vote. So let's

I got pregnant out of wedlock

with a seaman. And yes, I heard it.

Nancy! What are you doing?

It's time everyone knew, Mother.

I'm tired of hiding just

because you're ashamed of me.


Yee honk.

So I guess you do have secrets, Mildred.

Are you going to let him talk

to me like that, Howard? Are you?

He's only telling the truth,

Mildred. And I'm glad it's out.

I'm sorry, Nancy. We never should

have kept you hidden away like that.

And speaking of the truth,

it's time I let all of you know

that I am a h*m* too.

And I have feelings for Aloysius.

You do?


Oh, no. No. This can't be happening.

- Mildred

- No! I don't want your pity.

Because I am stronger than you.

I am stronger than all of you!

So go ahead, let it all

out, be "true" to yourselves.

Because here is the real

TRUTH: you are toilet people!

I hope you all die

and go straight to hell

because that's exactly

where you idiots belong!

I hate you!

All right. Time for the vote.

I'd like to explain exactly

what I meant by that.

All in favor of Mildred Layton

for mayor, raise your hands.

Howard raise your hand.

No, Mildred.

All right, that's one

vote for Mildred Layton.

And now, all in favor of Aloysius

Menlove for mayor, raise your hands.

Looks like it's Mayor

Menlove by a landslide.

Thank you! Thank you for your support.

I am honored to be Schmigadoon's

first openly gay anything.

What are you doing?

I know what it's like to

wanna fix everyone around you

and think that's the

only way to be happy.

But it's not.

You have to learn to let go.

But I'm a good person.

Not really.

You're kind of a controlling,

judgmental assh*le.


But you don't have to stay that way.

That's what's so great about change.

There's always the hope we can

be something better than we are.

It's not too late. I promise.

This is how we change ♪

Reimagine, rearrange ♪

See ourselves through others' eyes ♪

Reexamine, realize ♪

This is how we grow ♪

Blossom burst, melting snow ♪

Find another way to learn ♪

Let the soaring phoenix burn ♪

A hurt ♪

A lie ♪

A kiss ♪

A goodbye ♪

We stretch ♪

We hope ♪

We reach ♪

We try ♪

The miracle of intersection ♪

Two hearts meet ♪

Both change direction ♪

- This is how we change ♪

- This is how we change ♪

This is how ♪

We change ♪

- This is how we change ♪

- This is how we change ♪

Reimagine, rearrange ♪

See ourselves through others' eyes ♪

- Reexamine, realize ♪

- Reexamine, realize ♪

- This is how we grow ♪

- This is how we grow ♪

Blossom burst, melting snow ♪

Find another way to learn ♪

This is how we ♪

This is how we change ♪

We change ♪

Schmigadoon ♪

Where the sun shines bright ♪

From July to June ♪

And the air's as sweet as a macaroon ♪

Schmigadoon ♪

Where we learned to change ♪

And we learned to grow ♪

What the future holds ♪

Well, we just don't know ♪

But there's hope for all ♪

And we call it ♪

Yes, there's hope for all ♪

And we call it ♪

Oh, there's hope for all ♪

And we call it ♪

Schmiga ♪

This is how we change ♪

Reimagine, rearrange ♪

See ourselves through others' eyes ♪

Reexamine, realize ♪

This is how we grow ♪

Blossom burst, melting snow ♪

Find another way to learn ♪

This is how we change ♪

We change ♪

Schmigadoon ♪

Where the sun shines bright ♪

From July to June ♪

And the air's as sweet as a macaroon ♪

Schmigadoon ♪

Where we learned to change ♪

And we learned to grow ♪

What the future holds ♪

Well, we just don't know ♪

But there's hope for all ♪

And we call it ♪

Yes, there's hope for all ♪

And we call it ♪

Oh, there's hope for all ♪

And we call it ♪

Schmiga ♪