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03x05 - Control

Posted: 10/29/13 22:37
by bunniefuu
(Emily) My father was an innocent man, destroyed by powerful people.

The Graysons are behind this. They're gonna pay.

I've dedicated my life to avenging his death.

Eventually, someone's gonna find you out.

And I won't stop until they've all paid the price.

You questioned the type of man I am in print and to my face.

I'm gonna stay at the South Fork again.

You tried to humiliate me.

Go out there and tell everyone that this is my gallery now.

Because you intrigue me.

I've been misdiagnosed.

I do not suffer from Huntington's Disease.


Margaux. Are you two...?

Charlotte set us up.

Does Jack know who you really are?

I'm sorry.

Somebody tried to k*ll you by tampering with your brakes.

Jack Porter wants you dead.

(Thunderclap, rainfall)

When on a mission of revenge, one must maintain total control...

(Thunder rumbles)

Over risks, emotions, and one's enemies.



The single greatest threat to success... is losing control of your allies.

(Aiden) What do you think you're doing?

Someone's trying to k*ll Conrad, and I need to figure out who it is.

Brake fluid stains metal. If I could just find--

It's not here, Emily. Don't you think I've looked?

I can't let this go, Aiden.

Whoever's behind this could jeopardize everything.

Or your wedding, you mean.

There won't be one if you're not careful.

Daniel and I had a fight. So what? I'll deal with it.

I think you may be overestimating your influence on him.

Don't tell me how to do my job.

Then stop doing mine.

Let me find out who tried to k*ll Conrad.



But please tell me that Conrad has no idea someone cut the brakes.

I can't have him drawing his own conclusions.

No, he has no idea.


I'll leave you to it.

(Dawes' "Stories Don't End" playing)

Here you go, big guy.

You're all clean...

Well, for the next three minutes anyways.

(Margaux) Jack, are you here?


Oh, I remember those.



Charlotte said it was okay to come up.

Of course. Come on in.

It's good to see you.

And this must be le petit Carl, huh?

Oh, yeah.

He's apparently already the ladies' man.

Can I?

Yeah, please.


How have you been?

Very busy.


My first issue of Voulez comes out tomorrow.

Oh, that's great. Your crew's been in here.

Sounds like you've been working them to the bone.

Yeah, to great result.

We're having a big celebration at the office.

I would love for you to be my guest.

Oh, I don't--
I don't know.

No, you must come.

Even my father is gracing us with his presence.

That's a big deal, right?

And he'd be the first one to tell you.

Which is why I want someone next to me who doesn't care.


Look, it sounds like fun, but I...

I don't really get along with your business partner or his family.

Well, you can stay home and hide from the Graysons, or you can come out and have a marvelous time with me.

It's your choice.

I'll get a sitter.

Then it's a date.

Bye-bye, Carl.
À bientôt.

(Conrad) Well, I have many enemies.

A man does not reach my position without amassing his fair share.

But currently Jack Porter is my primary concern amongst them.

I believe that he is responsible for the sabotage that nearly ended my life.

What's he after?

Misguided as it may be.

I'll do what I can.

But when you demoed the car, you destroyed my best lead.


This won't be easy.

Well, nothing of value ever is.

Do you mind explaining why you've hired an investigator when I was the one who discovered the truth about your "accident"?

'Cause that man is recommended by people I trust.

And the same cannot be said of you, considering our uniquely complicated history.

Besides you seem satisfied to serve as my wife's valet.

If I need someone to hold my handbag, I'll be sure to give you a call.

You know, you may not trust me, but you would be wise to work with me because I can give you what you want.

Oh, and what is that?

Your daughter.

I don't need an investigator to see that Charlotte's visits here have become nonexistent, and that it coincides with her moving in with Porter.

He's... obviously poisoned her against you.

Well, you're observant, Mr. Mathis, I'll give you that.

And you feel that exposing the truth about Porter will give her the dose of perspective to win her back.

You believe you can help me with that?

I can guarantee it.

Ooh, you sound like a man who has skin in the game.

I'm just somebody who wants to prove his worth to the master of the house.

Observant and ambitious.

Well, I'll tell you what.

I'll call off my man and place you in his stead permanently, if you can ensure that Jack Porter spends the rest of his life rotting in a prison cell.

Nothing would please me more.

Judging by your reaction, I'm guessing you were expecting someone else.

Yeah, actually, our mother.


She just can't stop interfering.

With what?

In this case, us.

She asked me to stop by before work saying she had something for me, but obviously she's attempting to manufacture a détente between us.

I didn't realize I had a problem with you.

Oh, you didn't, but it's no secret I have one with you, which--truth be told-- wasn't fair, not to mention misdirected.

So I'm sorry about that.

Then I was successful.

Puppet master herself.

You know, it really is a compulsion with you.

Oh, who can blame a mother for wanting to put her house in order?

I got a magazine to launch. So are we done, or is there another reason you wanted me to come by?

Good morning.

Wow, right.

Daniel, you've been staying at the South Fork, so you wouldn't know.

Emily is taking Charlotte and myself shopping for wedding clothes today.

Of course, Patrick and I aren't the only peace treaty you've negotiated.

Daniel, I want nothing more than to move past the unfortunate incident at Nolan's party.

Okay, well, I gotta run.

When I get back from the city, can we talk?

I don't know when I'll be done tonight.

But if there's time, then sure.

Patrick, my office is gonna need some new art for the lobby.

I know a guy.


Why don't you walk me to my car?

You ladies have fun.

Emily, I am so sorry.

I'm sure you can understand how it never occurred to me that seeing your intended would cause stress.

I hope the price of the dress doesn't do the same for you.

Remember, they're my treat.

Of course.

But I do hope today's wedding excursion doesn't prove to be an exercise in futility.

It would be such a shame... Again. Hmm.

Hmm. So I think that you'll agree that this is the far more beautiful selection, and this bracelet should go very nicely with it.

Thank you so much for your suggestion, Emily, but I feel as if I've seen the dress you chose a million times.

Well, you know best, Victoria.

Charlotte, is that what you're wearing to the wedding?

Emily said I could choose anything.

We don't have to go the traditional route, seeing as she's the only one in my bridal party.

Oh, how forward-thinking.

I hope Daniel doesn't misinterpret your laissez-faire attitude.

Oh, he knows I'm just as excited as he is.

And we share that enthusiasm.

I simply cannot wait to see the dress you chose for the rehearsal dinner. Would you be a dear and take Ms. Thorne back so that she can model it for us?

With pleasure.

Here. I'll take that.

Right this way.

Charlotte, you look beautiful.

Clearly, you hate the dress.

Oh, I'm not terribly worried about it, as it will be the last time I ever see it.

Your brother needs our protection.

He may be smart and ambitious, but he's far too trusting of women.

You say that about everyone he gets serious with.

Remember Sara?

Well, your brother ensured that I would never forget her, but at least that cocktail waitress is preferable to Emily.

And what has Emily done that's so wrong?

You don't know?

She broke their first engagement and Daniel's heart over a tryst with your current landlord.



Oh, my God.


You're digging to see if she truly loves Daniel.

Well, it's certainly not for her fashion sense.

You know, I did think it was weird she was at the Stowaway last night instead of trying to fix things with him.

What was Jack's attitude toward her?

I'm pretty sure he's into Margaux right now.


I was wondering if I was ever gonna see you again.

Uh, well... I've been meaning to call.

But you forgot what those little numbers on your phone were for, right?

Phones still have numbers?

So is, uh...

Mama bear in the cave?

Why? Are you looking to pick another fight with her?

Not at all.

No, I just, uh...

Wondered if we had some privacy...

To talk...

About what happened the other night.

Well, I don't have any secrets from my mother.

She knows that I'm gay.


The question is how did you know?

Oh, well, let's just say I have, uh...

Well-calibrated gaydar.

And, uh...

Leave it at that.

You're a liar.

Wh-- Excuse me?

Did you really think I wouldn't find out you went to my ex-wife?

You paid her 20 grand to get dirt on me?

Are you out of your mind?

Who does that?

Uh... Yeah, okay.

I know this looks, uh, bad on the surface, but--

I don't want someone digging through my life.

Patrick, I, uh...

You got a question for me, you can ask me.

Don't go behind my back.

I don't play games, but clearly, you do.

Uh, the second Voulez backdrop should go here.

And I want lights here, here, and over the bar.

Nothing fluorescent.

Of course.

Listen, I don't know how things are done in France, but you do have an assistant to handle this stuff.

Uh, clear this wall, please.

(Woman) I'll get on that.

Only I know what my father likes...

And more importantly, what he does not.

I thought you didn't care what your father thought.

It is better for both of us if he's happy tomorrow night.

He will be when he sees this.

Hot off the press.

Well, I see this and only think of how much more work we have to do--

Like our wedding issue--

Especially since I don't know what to write.

I mean, I have plenty on you and your family.

But Emily? Not so much.

Well, she's had a tough life.

You wouldn't know it by looking at her.

Her parents died when she was very young in a car accident.

She was the only survivor.

I know, but we need more for her profile.

Even just a picture of her family, perhaps, would give me something to go on.

I... I mean, I... I don't have one.

She doesn't keep any around the house.

What, you've never seen her parents?


Well, it would seem then we both have much to learn about your elusive fiancée.

Thank you.

Did, uh, Charlotte come in with you?

No, Conrad, she didn't.

You know, not so long ago she was worshipping at your feet.

Now she wouldn't even come visit you when you were at the hospital.

And I have to wonder what you did to create such a profound rift.

Well, Charlotte believes she's been made fully aware of the truth about the bombing of Grayson Global, and my role in what transpired.

Now she's convinced that I'm solely responsible for Declan Porter's death.

How did that happen?

I'm sure it was Jack.

He turned her against me.

Now she blames me for the loss of her unborn child.

You know, when I believed I was dying, I was fighting the clock to win her back.

Now I'm praying that time will heal those wounds.

Well, when a woman loses the man she loves, who happens to be the father of her child, she feels a pain that is unimaginable--

One she can neither forget, nor forgive.

See it as you must, but I will not lose my daughter to Jack Porter.

And in a happy turn of events, I have your British lackey's guarantee on that.

Sallie, hey, thanks for watching Carl.

I'll, uh, I'll pick him up in a half an hour. Okay?

All right, bye.

Looking for this?

Who are you?

What are you doing in my house?

Conrad Grayson sent me.

Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you.

What do you want?

It's not what I want that matters, is it?

It's what Grayson wants, and that is you gone.

I don't care what he wants.

Well, you need to start...


You know I've heard a lot about you--

Mostly that you're a good man.

But the problem is you've made an enemy with a very bad one.


You think I don't know that?

Calm down.

After everything he's taken from me?

I assure you, I had nothing to do with what happened to your family.

You want a medal? You work for him!

The reason I took this assignment was to give you time.

For what?

To run.

Conrad Grayson is not going to rest until you are taken care of.

So I'm giving you a chance.

And if you want any kind of future with your son, you leave town now. You don't come back, and you don't contact anybody here ever again.

Oh, submersible crate and...

Homing beacon. I think it was Town & Country said, "they were the must-haves for the Hamptons this season.

I need you to hold on to these until the wedding.

After Daniel's launch party tonight, I plan on having him back for good.

Operation "recommit."

Well, that explains the dress shopping with Victoria.

Yeah, your little excursion made the front page of "T.M.I."

Though, honestly, I'm stunned that Vicky agreed to go, especially after you told the world she was more, mm... bargain basement than haute couture.

Well, she's obviously up to something.

Have you figured out who's trying to off her hubby?

Not yet, but Aiden's taken over the investigation.

Oh... Good.

'Cause everything went just pithy last year when he was on the case.

My priority is to keep the wedding on track.

I know things went south before--

Yeah, they didn't just go south, Ems.

They went arctic. And you know what?

Frankly, I'm kinda tired of the way that this stuff is constantly screwing up our lives, especially... stuff you want the most.

Wait. Where is this coming from?

Did something happen?


I just--

I just want this to go smoothly, and... for this to end.

It will. I have it all handled.


You say that, Ems, but, uh, the more strings you pull, the easier it is to get strangled.

Then again, I'm just a self-made billionaire with a 170 I.Q., so... What do I know, right?

I understand that Conrad's using you to deal with Jack Porter, which poses a problem, because Jack is vital to achieving my goal.

Why, you need someone to mix you a drink?

I will not give up a scintilla of emotional leverage I have over Emily.

Now much like you, Jack seems to have the ability to unnerve her.

I've learned that her connection to him is still very much alive.

So while you may represent her past, Jack plays a significant role in her present.

Well, your husband has other plans for him.

Oh, well, that's not my concern...

Nor should it be yours.

You moved here because you said you wanted to help me stop this marriage.

I suggest that you determine which master is in your best interest to serve.

So what would you have me do?


Victoria, what a surprise.

Well, I needed to speak to you.

Well, can it wait?

We wouldn't want to be late for Daniel's party.

I'm afraid it can't.

This involves the unfortunate accident that took Father Paul's life.

The tragedy has become even more unsettling in the light of new evidence.

Evidence of what?


Conrad is convinced that Jack Porter is responsible, and I fear that he may be right, given his actions on the night of the election.

Those were extraordinary circumstances. You know that.

I don't disagree. He may well be innocent.

But there is no persuading Conrad.

Why are you telling me this?

Charlotte mentioned that you still frequent his bar.

And I would hate for you to get caught in Conrad's line of fire, especially so close to the wedding.

Well, thank you for your concern.

You're about to be family now.

I'll see you at Daniel's party.

(Franz Ferdinand's "Right Action" playing)

(Camera shutter clicking)

(Camera shutter continues clicking)

♪ Come home practically all... ♪

I know this smile--
It is pride.

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. It feels pretty damn good.

The best part is the words "Grayson" and "Global" aren't anywhere in sight.

I've grown up in publishing, and you're a natural...

Both the good and the bad.

Ah, you're still holding a grudge about the move I pulled with your father?

No. No, but try another one like that, and you will find that I, too, have claws.

Ooh. Okay.


Wow! Look who left his blue blazer in the closet.


You look dashing.



Well, it is a high-fashion party with a European flair.

So I thought I'd dress the part.

Speaking of fashion hounds, where is your father, Pascal?

Alas, he could not come.


He broke his leg, and they would not let him fly.

But he sends his best.

Then I send mine in return.

Congratulations to you both.

I couldn't be happier.

Thank you.

(Woman) Some wine, sir?

Thank you.

Here you go.

(Melody's Echo Chamber's "Bisou Magique" playing)

I got it.

Do you want to sit down?

Ah, good idea.

Look at you. You look fantastic.

The party is awesome. The offices look awesome.

I'm so proud of you, Daniel.

You want to tell me what's going on with you and Dad?

I definitely do not.

Besides, tonight's about you.

Let's just have a good time and forget our troubles.

All right. Let's get you a drink.

(Knock on door)

Why is the bar closed?

'Cause I didn't want anyone coming through this door.

What's going on?

I can't talk right now, Emily.


Conrad knows about the brakes, and he thinks you're responsible.

I don't know how it happened, but I had to tell you right away.

Conrad already sent someone.

He was here waiting for me when I got home.

So until you keep your promise, and you end this, I gotta get Carl the hell out of here.

I gotta take him somewhere safe.

And when you're done, I can go get him.

But I'm coming back.

'Cause I'm not leaving any of this to chance.

And that is the only option that you left me.

Jack, I am so sorry.

Don't waste time being sorry.

Just finish whatever it is you're gonna do.

'Cause the next guy that Conrad sends might not give me the chance to run.

Wait. What guy?

I don't know. I've never seen him before.

He's tall, short hair, British.


You know him?

Aiden Mathis.

He works for me.
Who are you?


No, no, I keep telling myself I don't want to know.

Like, maybe I'm trying to protect myself or you, but the more I see, the more I... I wonder what happened to that little girl that I met on the beach.

What happened to her?

She lost everything, Jack. How do you not get that?

I know about loss, Emily. Believe me.

But that doesn't explain what you're doing-- not to me, and it sure as hell doesn't explain why somebody who supposedly works for you broke into my house.

(Carl fusses)

Look, I will handle this.

And how are you gonna do that, Emily?

You can't even trust the people you have on your side.

(Big Black Delta's "Money Rain Down" playing)

Champagne for you.

Club soda for my underage sister.

I miss Europe.

And I'm missing your fiancée, Daniel.

I am aware she's not here.

Well, I wonder where she can be.

You know what? Fine.

Emily and I are having problems.

But I'm going to deal with them myself, okay?

Don't do this on his big night.

I simply want him to understand that the people who support him are right here.

Nothing's ever simple with you.

Aiden, call me the second you get this.

Have you lost your mind?

Have you?

You threatened Jack? Tell him to run?

He's in the way.

Of who?

Of you. Look at you--

Running to him at the first sign of trouble.

Do you love him?

Oh, are you seriously asking me that?

I need to know, Emily.

Because I didn't just come here to take down the Graysons.

I came because of you.

But I will not be made a fool of.

I have cost Jack enough.

I will not let anything happen to him again--

He-- He doesn't belong here, Emily, not now that Conrad knows somebody tried to k*ll him.

And how does he know that, huh?

I had to tell Conrad about the brakes, because he was about to cut me loose.

And you need me inside for your next part of the plan.

Or are you so blinded by emotion, you've forgotten about that, too?

And what about Jack?

Did you lead Conrad to him, too?

We're staying ahead of the investigation.

Don't pretend that you are acting out of anything other than jealousy. You willfully endangered Jack.

That is the truth, Aiden.

The truth?

You want the truth? Okay, well, here's the truth.

You've just played right into Victoria's hands.

Yeah, she had me follow you.

She fed you that information, hoping that you'd run straight to Jack instead of standing by Daniel as you're supposed to.

I prayed it wasn't true, but I had to see it with my own eyes, and I guess now I have my answer.

Then I guess we both failed.

Because Jack isn't going anywhere he's staying behind to make sure I end this like I promised.

Yeah, well, then he's a fool.

He's a man of principle, which is what I thought you were.

I will get Daniel back, Aiden, but you better clear Jack's name.

For the last time, I am trusting you.

Don't make me regret it.

You're in good company.

Da Vinci was obsessed with water, too.

He called it "the driving force of all nature."

He also said it was full of paradox, that it could be anything--

Strong, sweet...


Kind of like people.

Although he forgot about deceitful.


About that...

Patrick, I've always been wired a little differently, you know, which is great when it comes to inventing gadgets and...

Not so great when it comes to dealing with people.

No, I get that.

I've been here for six months. I still feel like an outsider.

What I don't get is why you did what you did.


It's a defense.

People have been... mean, dishonest... Making it hard for me to trust them.

So what, you just thought you'd stay ahead of the curve?


I screwed up...

With you.

I'm sorry.

Look, Nolan, I gotta be honest, you freak me out.

Look, things are complicated enough thanks to the two women in our lives.


Believe me, I know.

But if you want to give me another chance, come find me.

(Muttering in French)

I thought... I recognized the telltale signs of a woman masking disappointment.

Does this have anything to do with your father's absence?

Am I that obvious?

I have known Pascal since before you were born.

And like most men of means, he is charming...

And often cruel.

He did not have an accident.

He refused to come.

He sent me this with all his critiques.

He hated it.

I've done all this work and then he insults me like this?

Pascal has always viewed women as pretty fools.

Chasing his approval would be a fruitless endeavor.

But if it's any consolation, your father couldn't be more wrong.

What you have created here is magnifique.


And as for your father, the only advice I can offer is this--

You can spend your life being controlled by powerful men, or you can learn how to control them.

(Max Frost's "White Lies" playing)

Will you excuse me?

I'm sorry I'm late.

You know what? It doesn't matter.

I'm just-- I've been fine.

Daniel, don't be like that.

I'm not doing this here.

Look, I know you're upset about the fight.

This is not about the fight.

I've been busting my ass trying to make this magazine into something for our future.

Because I knew the only way we'd make it this time around is if I stood on my own.

But tonight, when you didn't show up, I realized I'm the only one fighting for us.

That's not true.


Because lately I've been feeling like I'm just playing a role in a story you're writing.

Let's face it. We only set a date because we thought my father was sick.

Now we know he's not.

What are you saying?

Something I didn't want to admit, but I can't ignore it anymore.

I can't marry you, Emily.

I can't let him call off the wedding, Nolan.

The more things you try to control, the more chance for error.

I didn't come here for platitudes.

Well... Sometimes they're true, Ems, whether you want them to be or not.

I mean, can we be honest?

Daniel's changed. He's... evolved.


I don't know what to do.

Yeah, well...

Neither do I.

Because you can't give him the one thing that he needs--


The real you.

All people want is for their partners to be honest with them, and they catch on pretty damn quick when you're not.

Daniel can tell you're faking it with him--

Because I can't stand to be around him.


If you want to pull this off and keep your promise to Jack, you're gonna have to get past that.

Because the only way to win Daniel back, is share a piece of yourself.


That's just right, thank you.

Closed the buyer for the Altman in Germany.

For considerably more than expected.


You're as talented a businessman as you are an artist.

They're your leads. I'm just landing 'em.

We make a hell of a team.

Always so serious.

You should have come to Daniel's event.

Well, that's not really my scene.

I would have enjoyed introducing you to a pool of new people.


You're trying to set me up?

You are. Daniel was right.

You can't help yourself, can you?

I will not allow you to hide behind this gallery or your canvases-- beautiful as they may be.

Well, there's a difference between hiding and not wanting to go.

You know, the truth is I-

I thought maybe I met someone interesting.

But, um...

I think maybe I may have been wrong about that.

It's... It's complicated.


I sacrificed personal happiness for all the wrong reasons.

I hope you don't do the same.

Why are you always so good to me?

I have much to make up for.

You don't.

Like I said, we are a team now, all right?

Nothing's gonna change that.

Now look, I have to get back to work.

I promised Daniel this piece for his office.

So I'll probably be working thought the night.

(Cell phone chimes)
I will see you tomorrow?

Mm. Bye.




(Lock rattles)

So you're alive and well after all.

Well, I'm alive, anyway.



Look... About last night--

Yeah, let's talk about it.

Where I come from, we honor our word, and we deal with things in person.

I will not chase a man who does not know how to treat a woman, and you clearly do not.

Adieu, Jack.

You have every right to be upset.

But please let me just explain what happened.

We had an intruder.

Oh, my God.

Is Carl okay?

I had to take him away, but he's safe now.


To be honest, I...

I was scared.

And I... I come attack you like this.

I'm so sorry, Jack.

No, no. You couldn't have known.

I'm... so sorry that I couldn't be there for you.

You're such a sweet man.

I haven't been that sweet.

And to be honest...

You're the first person in a long time to be able to make me smile.

I assume this is about Jack Porter.

Were my suspicions correct?

Was he the cause of Emily's late arrival to Daniel's party?

No. She never met with him.

She just sat on her porch for a while.

I'd have thought I spurred her to action.

Well, maybe her fidelity to Daniel is stronger than you think.

So why the urgency for this meeting?

Well, as you know, your husband had me investigate the cause of the wreck.

Yes, to see if Jack was indeed responsible.

Well, the sabotage itself was easy enough to pull off.

You just puncture the line.

It's so simple, anyone could do it.

Except there was no forced entry past the garage security.

Which means the access code was used.

Only a few people know that.

And only one of them had the opportunity that night.

Why come to me? Why not go right to Conrad?

Because I have chosen which master to serve.

And I knew that she would want to handle this...


Who was it?

It was one of your children.

What's wrong?

I've learned something terrible.

What is it?

Aiden found out who tried to k*ll you.

(Voice breaking)
Conrad, I--

I don't know what to do.

Oh, my God. Who was it?

Who did this?

(Stammers and sighs)


Oh, no.

(Voice breaking)
Oh, God.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

No, it can't be. You couldn't have done this.

I did.

I went crazy when I learned the truth about Declan, and I hated you for it.

And that's when I found this.

It was Declan's, and it brought back all the feelings about how you took him away from me, and I wanted you to suffer.


And then I felt so guilty, I couldn't even look at you.

That's why I've been so distant.

And then Mom told me you found out and blamed Jack.

And I couldn't stay quiet.

He had nothing to do with it. It was me, I swear.

I'll confess everything--

No, no, no, no. Oh, God.


This ends here.

You're my girl, and that's all that matters.

And I will protect you because that is what parents do.

You can really forgive me?

Of course I can.

Charlotte, all I've ever wanted was for us to be family again.

I mean, if this is what it took for us to have an honest exchange, to heal our wounds, well, then, uh...

Charlotte, I am grateful for what you've done.

I love you, Daddy.

So it was Patrick.


I found the knife in his room.


The blade was corroded with the brake fluid.

There's no question of his guilt.

You told Victoria?


I assume she'll deal with Patrick for you?

No. I know her. She'll cover it up.

She's obsessed with him.

And since you gave her the chance to protect him, she'll be in your debt, which not only clears Jack's name, but... puts you right where I need you for the final step.

Well played... as always.

Emily, uh...

I'm sorry for the way I handled Jack.

You were right.

My motives were not pure. I...

I wanted him gone.


I'm sorry...

For how I've treated you.

You came back here to help me, and I've made you feel used.

But the truth is...

You mean so much more to me than that.

You're everything to me.

I knew you would understand the severity of the situation when I called you.

Thank you for coming, Charlotte.

I didn't do this for you.

Dad is clearly so paranoid, he's willing to blame a random car accident on an innocent man.

Your father has difficulty believing that anything is accidental when it comes to him.

Well, if taking the blame protects Jack, I'm fine with that.

Just needed to grab a few things.

I'll crash somewhere else tonight.

I wish you wouldn't.

What do you want me to say, Em?


I'm the one who needs to talk.

What's this?

These are your parents.

I've never seen them before.


That's you, oh, my God.

I never would have recognized you.

It doesn't even feel like my life.


The truth is, Daniel...

I grew up in a house just like this.

I remember one night a summer storm rolled in.

It was so strong, it shook the walls.

I was so scared.

My father found me.

And I remember in that moment, he... didn't treat me like a child.

He explained to me what thunder really was--

Just a change in temperature and pressure.

He took the fear away...

Like he always did.

He sounds like a great dad.

(Voice breaking)
He was the best.

It's hard for me to share memories from my past, Daniel.

It's even harder for me to trust.

You know, people...

Think that because I lost my family, I never knew what real love was.

But I did.

(Voice breaking)
And it was ripped away from me.

And I still feel that pain like it was yesterday.

That's why I push people away.


I had no idea.

I want nothing more than to stand beside you on our wedding day.

Then I want that, too.


(Silversun Pickups'
"Ribbons & Detours" playing)

♪ I can't believe it... ♪

In order to regain control, we must sometimes relinquish it.

♪ It's been a while... ♪
♪ Memories deem... ♪

By doing so, we believe we are protecting the ones we love...

♪ Lingering... ♪
♪ Images settle... ♪

The ones we cannot live without.

♪ Internally... ♪
♪ Ribbons and detours... ♪


♪ Swaying our sentiments... ♪

But the most dangerous truth of all...

Is that control is merely an illusion.

♪ You said it's over, ♪
♪ but maybe... ♪
♪ It's the same old thing. ♪

I found you.

♪ Ribbons and detours ♪
♪ meant nothing to me. ♪
♪ Swaying our sentiments, ♪
♪ pulling our strings. ♪
♪ Tempting me softly, ♪
♪ but k*lling our dream. ♪
♪ You said it's over, ♪
♪ but maybe... ♪
♪ It's the same old thing. ♪