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03x07 - Resurgence

Posted: 11/11/13 20:44
by bunniefuu
(Emily) My father was an innocent man, destroyed by powerful people.

The Graysons are behind this. They're gonna pay.

I've dedicated my life to avenging his death.

Eventually, someone's gonna find you out.

And I won't stop until they've all paid the price.

You will always be the clueless frat boy who crashed your car, crushed my spine, and never looked back.

She lost her job.

Helping her get another was the least I could do.

I thought you were set for life, Sara. I'm sorry.

Why are you doing this, Daniel?

To earn your forgiveness.

You're the first person in a long time to be able to make me smile.

Jack went to Conrad and told him that Patrick tampered with his brakes.

He's probably being chased out of town as we speak.

Conrad is a ruthless man. You're not safe.

I can't.


(Emily) Growing up, my father said the ocean was a great escape.

As time passed, I also learned that its expanse holds greater secrets and the ability to hold mine...

And that like love, it is at its heart fluid, powerful, and sometimes violent.

Next time you're here, the authorities will have Victoria in custody.

Soon after, I'll take you away from everything.

And everyone.


But in its harshest reality, the ocean is a barrier separating you from those you love.

When this is done, I'll never see my sister again...

Or Nolan.

I know.

You'll be okay.

Are you writing a letter to Patrick--

Your natural born k*ller?

It's the only means of correspondence I have to keep away from the prying eyes of the minions I'm sure you have looking for him.

Why would I waste the time and effort?

It's that smug smirk I'm going to miss the least after we've converted our money, and I have left you for good.

Now there's an action that may compel me to hire some folks to go looking for your boy.

Excuse my confusion, Conrad, but are you threatening Patrick to keep me by your side?

You know, I believe I am...

Starting with your magnificent presence downstairs for the little Grayson confab you've obviously forgotten about.

I've enlisted a P.R. specialist to help right the course of my trajectory.

So if you value Patrick's freedom, you know, you may want to find some public worth in the family you still have.

I still don't see why we're here.

If my father wants to rehab his image, he can do it himself.

I've already educated him on re-branding and how you're all an extension of his good name.

I'm a Clarke.

Whoever you are.

That whole "slumming it in Montauk" thing...

Gold. People love it when the rich help the poor.

But where's the bang for my wedding buck?

There were no cameras when you went ring shopping.

Has the venue even been announced?

Who's making the cake?

We are not a very showy couple.

Is it we? Or is it you?

I am damn good at doing my research, and you're a mystery.

You need to be more like Daniel.

That publisher's profile is exactly the kind of rebound story I love.

Hurt a girl... Tortured soul...


And I just hired Sara at the Stowaway.


We ran into her. It's a long story.

One I need to hear.

If I am to guide your father back into America's hearts, I run the narrative on this family from here on out.

I see you couldn't even extend the courtesy of waiting, Ms. Preston.

"Bizzy," please.


It's such a pleasure, Victoria.

And I figured I might as well get a jump on the kids so as not to waste your time.

While I applaud your gumption, Bizzy, I feel this Independence Day party I'm throwing, along with Emily's wedding shower, should prove sufficient for the society papers.

That won't help if those rags think that you two are still at odds.

The last event you attended led to a fight worthy of pay-per-view.

And since there is little benefit in positioning Conrad as master of a house divided, I need to rewrite your story... Pronto.

And how do you propose to do that?

First off, I am plugging your 4th of July party as the reintroduction of the happy Grayson clan, followed by a mother/daughter-in-law goodwill tour that I will lay out for you when the three of us have lunch tomorrow.

Right there...

That's all I need--
You two.

And that's what I'm gonna get.

Trying to get some scoop on the wedding?

They've got big things planned.

I'm sure they do.

What brings you by?

I... brought you some macaroons to welcome you back.


That's a nice surprise.

How was L.A.?

Wining and dining photographers for Voulez is not as glamorous as one might think.

Oh, really? Weird.

I've had a totally different experience when doing it.


I don't suppose you're free tonight?

Ooh. He comes bearing gifts, and now he's looking for a date?

I should leave town more often.


But no. I have too much work to catch up on with the wedding approaching.

Ah, it'll still be here tomorrow.


Don't let the Graysons take over your life.


I've lost my touch.

A week later, and all I've dug up is a one-way flight from Philly to Richmond?

I just want to know that Patrick's all right.

Well, you should be happy that he's not here.

He would also be scrutinized by the publicist Conrad hired.

She wants me and Victoria to play nice for the press.

Oh, you and Vicki, besties--

That kind of runs counter to your master plan of framing her for your m*rder, no?


Which is why P.R. maven Bizzy Preston is becoming a problem that I don't have time for.

What, you know her?

And loathe her.

Back in the day, I was, uh, dating this guy.

It was casual... fun.

Then I met his sister--
Up-and-coming pop star, Sage.

And she was more casual, more fun...

And as it turned out, married.

The press got ahold of our one-hit wonder, and Bizzy squashed it...

By claiming I was gay.

I remember when that happened. It was right when we met.

(Computer beeps)
I didn't know that she was behind it.

Neither did my father.

After years of being estranged, Nolcorp's success had finally gotten us back on good terms, even planning a visit to New York to see my R&D facility.

Programmed a robot to open him a beer.

Then... He read the press release, canceled his trip...

Never spoke to me again.

I'm sorry, Nolan.

Bizzy's the one who should be sorry.

And we have to stop you from becoming the next victim of her P.R. machine.

She makes a living covering her clients' secrets.

We just have to expose them.

Yeah, but that's not a simple task.

She would do anything to protect 'em, and the greater the retainer, the bigger her allegiance.

And I know a family who's paying top dollar.

What are you thinking?

She could help us with Victoria before we make her suffer.

It's not that easy.

She's smart, dangerous, lethal with information.

Well, I'm not afraid to give her some.

It's time she found out about my first husband.

Things were slow back there, so, uh...

I whipped up a little something.

Is this another attempt to get desserts put on the menu?

Can you blame a girl for trying?

I'm glad you joined the crew around here.

You're a--
You're a breath of fresh air.


I got some stuff to do in the storeroom.

I was just on my way out to lunch.

I hope you don't mind me stopping by.

Well, it is a bar. That's kinda the point, right?

You settling in?

It's only been a week, but I can't complain.

You obviously miss your job at the bakery.

I know that look.

It means you got something on the brain.

I know this pastry thing has always been a dream of yours.

And this might sound crazy, but...

What if you were to make the cake for my wedding?


'Cause that wouldn't be weird.

Only if we make it weird.

Come on. We haven't hired anybody yet.

You know...

When I saw you the other night after my shift, I thought you were just handing me a bunch of crap about earning my forgiveness.

I told you, that's not who I am anymore.

I want to help.

I don't want your charity, Danny.

Good, 'cause I'm not offering you any.

What I am offering is a chance at a job you want--

One that could be good for you.

Think about it.


Like I said, he'd be perfect for a profile piece in your magazine. Think about it.

Sorry. This thing beats more often than my heart.

Especially now that I'm keeping you all dry under my umbrella.

Conrad did not tell me just how much this family was weighing him down.

I don't understand. Is that why I'm here?

Uh, a blogger called about a piece that I planted about you and Daniel--

How socialite Emily Thorne waited to find her Prince Charming.

It's... good. But...

This weasel claims to have proof that you were hitched before.


I was really young.

It was a mistake. I mean, surely you understand.


I'm one of the lucky few who was right about her high school sweetheart.

Jeff and I have been together for 22 years.

And we are still as in love as I'm sure you and Daniel are.

This can't get out.

I'm a gravedigger, babe.

I bury things bigger than this every day.

Good, 'cause nobody can know, especially Victoria.

We're not really the best of friends.

I just can't win with her.

If she finds this out, she will never forgive me.

Well... I caught the b*llet this time.

But secrets have a way of bleeding out.

So let's cut to the chase.

What else are you hiding?

Nothing, I swear.

(Shower running, faucet turns off)

Can I help you with something?

Conrad's hired a publicist who's determined to put a sheen on everything we do, including promoting this wedding, which if we don't act quickly, it'll be too late to do anything.

I thought you were relying on Jack Porter to break them up.

I've heard that he's courting Ms. Lemarchal.

So clearly that won't be coming to fruition.

Then we'll find another way.

Oh, we won't.

You will.

My son has no shortage of hatred towards you.

So get back in Emily's life...

And more importantly, her bed.

The blogger persona was convincing.

Let's just hope Bizzy spreads the news like I want her to.

Oh, trust me.

She knows that sharing information like that keeps her on the Grayson payroll.

And once she does, the two of us will Biz-mantle her with glee.

You sure you're up for it, Grandpa?


I'm not getting older, just... wiser.

But trying to unearth Bizzy's clients' secrets is taking longer than I thought.

Hacking her proton 5 firewall will take time that I don't have.

Why the look?

If this had happened a few years ago, you would have thrown a martini in her face and called it a day. But now...

I'm standing up for myself.

I just...

Buried the pain of what happened with my father, but because of you, I'm not just facing it.

I'm doing something.

I've learned a lot from you, Ems.

We made a great team.

Well, if we're gonna win...

We're gonna need a new game plan.

I don't have the time for this firewall, so we've got to get her password.

Except that phone never leaves her hands.

Maybe it doesn't need to.

(Up-tempo piano playing)



I'm glad I decided to take the evening off.

It's beautiful out here, isn't it?

Yeah, it's like your own little sanctuary.

Where no one can find us.

What? Have I done something wrong?

No. No.


Let's just try to enjoy the movie and have another glass of wine.

Unless... I can go downstairs and make another drink.

No, I don't need anything from the bar.

Wine it is, then.

That's not what I meant.


Okay, I think it's best if I go.


It's okay.

I have an early morning.

Enjoy your beautiful evening.

You're late.

Daniel held me up.

He wants his ex-girlfriend to make our wedding cake.

He set up a tasting at my house tomorrow.

Do you suspect something's amiss?

No. I'm sure he's doing it out of guilt.

Daniel's the reason I needed to meet with you.

Victoria's compelled me to get back into your orbit in order to drive a wedge between the two of you.

Well, that's not an option, not this close to the wedding.

Yeah, but if I don't see it through, I may lose access to the Graysons.


Maybe there's a third way.

And that is?

To be seen together...

This is the last one, I promise.

Are you kidding me?

Each one's been better than the last.

Are these family recipes?

Yeah, passed down from my mom's side.

Well, your mom taught you well.

Well, she raised me and my brother after my dad ditched us, so everything I know I learned from her, including how to make a mess.

I am so sorry about this disaster.

Oh, don't worry about it.

But... I better stop, or I'll be full for my lunch with Victoria.

Well, if it'd help make the lunch shorter, I'd say eat up.

Thanks again...

For giving me a shot.

Of course. Thank you. See ya.


I really appreciate you considering this.

It's just something I... I want to do, you know?

It's a great thing that you're doing.

And I... I think she'll make a wonderful wedding cake.

Me, too.

I'll see you later, okay?

You got the job.

Shut up. Seriously?

I'm serious.

Man, she is way more mature than I am. I mean...

Letting your fiancé's ex make your wedding cake--

If the tables were turned, I would be so jealous and would have canceled the whole thing.

Oh, well, that's Emily.

And you...

Even asking her to let me make the cake--

That took guts. I mean, what if these were awful?

I knew they wouldn't be.

I gotta say that, uh...

Forgiveness thing you were looking for...

This goes a long way toward it.


I should clean up.


Hey, let me help you. I got it.

I can help--

No, Danny, you hired me. It's my job.

Then I'm giving you the rest of the day off.

Go home.

So... How was your date with Margaux?

Things were fine...

Until... they weren't.

Okay. What happened?

I don't know. She just--

She left in the middle of it.

What, for no reason? What's up, Jack?


I just...

I blew it.

I mean, I didn't want to, but I just--

I couldn't handle it.
(Inhales deeply)

You know what this is, right?


I think...

Maybe it's time to face it.


I must admit, I was a bit surprised when I heard from your publicist.

So she tells me you're looking for some press coverage.

Oh, uh, there must be some confusion.

What Ms. Preston offered you was an exclusive.

Conrad Grayson is back. He's a survivor...

A laudatory profile of sorts.

It's out of the question.

We have to maintain journalistic integrity.

And covering Daniel's wedding isn't a conflict of interest?

Touché, Mr. Grayson.

But there is a difference between a society piece and an advertisement for you.

Now, if you were to give me access to all your papers and... archives... Then maybe we could talk.

Ms. Lemarchal, I'm not here to dwell on the past.

Well, if you're not willing to be totally honest with me, I'm not comfortable moving forward.

But I'm sure there's a story in you no one expects.

You just need the guts to tell it.

You see how easy this is?

With you two on the same page, it won't pull focus as we can ease Conrad back into the spotlight.

Well, this itinerary is too aggressive.

Surely the 200 people I'm hosting this evening means I've done my duty.

You know better than most that changing public opinion takes time.

And I have mere weeks until everyone sees you as the new ideal of a mother and daughter-in-law at the bridal shower.


That should be an interesting challenge.

Not for women of your stature.

If your conflict creates such sparks, imagine what a partnership can do.

Well, I'd certainly marvel to see it.

Aiden, what a coincidence.

Well, in--
In truth, it's not.

I know I'm--
I'm being forward, but I was hoping to steal Ms. Thorne.

I have nothing to say to you.

Why don't you go, Emily?

You clearly have things to resolve.

Thank you for lunch, Bizzy.

Of course.

After you. Thank you.

Sweet girl.

Emily obviously craves your approval.

You know, I would have assumed that paying top dollar for a flat meant that Conrad got someone who is better at reading people.

Yes. Well, on second thought, I--

Which is why I'm loathe to parade around on a goodwill tour with her, not to mention her unresolved feelings for Aiden Mathis.

He's her ex, too?

She is determined to make me earn my keep, isn't she?


Well, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but young Emily was married once before.

I beg your pardon.

Don't worry. It was a mistake.

I'm sure that's all there is to it.

One can never be too certain.

She was young. She was in love.

(Victoria) Did she happen to mention a name?

(Bizzy) Oh, I don't remember. Ronald...

Roger? I'm sure I have it at the office.

(Victoria) Well, perhaps you can do some investigating for me.

And the takedown is all yours, Nolan.

I'm sure the Graysons'
4th of July party will serve as the perfect backdrop, don't you think?


Let the fireworks begin.
(Light jazz music playing)

(Daniel) Nice to see you. Take care.

Hey, Mom.

Quick photo?


Okay. Well, Bizzy's certainly making this an event to remember.

She's documenting every living inch of it.

Well, I'm sure she'll be excluding Aiden, seeing as he dragged your fiancée out of lunch today.

Emily told you, I'm sure.

I think he's trying to rekindle the relationship.

Do you have to read into everything?

Just try and enjoy yourself.

Hello, gentlemen.


The who's who of the Hamptons is out in full force.

I'd say we're a success.

Oh, and I have feelers out for info on husband number one.

Speaking of which, I should probably find mine.


Why don't we keep our little fact finding mission to ourselves, shall we?

(Charlotte) Mother...

You remember Sara?

Of course.

Oh, Ms. Munello, I don't mean to be indelicate, but wouldn't you be far more comfortable watching the fireworks in the field somewhere?

Well, Charlotte was nice enough to let me class it up tonight--

Pretend to be the one percent.

Of what exactly, dear?

Can I get you a refill?

'Cause I could sure use a drink.

Why on earth did you invite that girl back into our house?

Because I care about Daniel too much to see him marry the wrong woman.

And I don't think Emily's the one to make him happy.

You know I concur in spades, but that doesn't explain the need to trot in somebody off the rack.

Wake up, Mother.

I'm sure Daniel still has feelings for Sara, and she still has feelings for him.

They just need help remembering that.

So you think that Sara could be the one who would put a stop to this wedding?


Well, if you weren't so focused on hating Emily and were more focused on worrying about Daniel, you might see it, too.

So okay... proud of me?

I'd expect nothing less.


(Bizzy whispering indistinctly)

Bizzy Preston... In the flesh.


It's been ages.

Darling, you look marvelous.

Likewise, and, uh, who's the arm candy?

This is my husband Jeff. Jeff, this is Nolan Ross.

Mm, of course. Pleasure to meet you, Nolan.

Oh, the pleasure is all mine.

Uh... You dabble in P.R. as well?

Oh, no, no. I let my wife stay in the spotlight.

She's good at it.

She is dedicated to her clients.

You know, come to think of it, the last time we crossed paths, you were a bad girl, outing me like that in the press.

You mean that whole "Sage" thing?

You're welcome.

I took you out of the tech pages, and I made you interesting to real people.

You did bring out my inner Armani.

And besides, who could stay mad at that face?

You just earned a cocktail.


I wore this for one night as a married man, and I've worn it ever since to honor you...


Maybe subconsciously to convince people that I had someone to share my days with, and...

(Voice breaking)
And nights.

But I don't anymore.



It's time for me to try to move on.

I miss you with all my heart.

(Nolan) I'm serious. The orange jumpsuit washed me out.

So I said I preferred the black and white stripes.

They wouldn't budge.

You are too much.

You two seem to be having a good time.

Oh, Emily, you are so lucky to have this one at arm's length.

God, the trouble you two must get into.

Nothing worth publicizing.

Um, I was gonna ask you, what time is that museum fund-raiser on Monday?

Victoria would k*ll me if I'm late.

As will I. Let me check.

(Clears throat)
Where are my readers?

Oh, here, these, uh... These are mine.

Oh, thank you, Nols. My little lifesaver.


And it is very important that you two put on a good show, my dear.

I will behave, I promise.

Enjoy the party.

Thank you.

Now, where were we?

Well, I was just about to get, uh, another cocktail.

What's your poison?

Surprise me.


Oh, hi.



(Bizzy) Thank you, Nols, my little lifesaver.

(Whirring continues)

Thank you, Nols, my little lifesaver.



If it's a surprise you want, I'm more than happy to oblige.

You're looking dashing this evening, Ms. Thorne.

As are you, Mr. Mathis.

Well, I see you two have made peace.

We're trying, Victoria, seeing as you obviously intend on having us both in your life.

Oh, aren't you kind?

But don't do anything on my behalf.

Well, that wasn't part of the plan.

Victoria forced my hand.

I had no choice but to be seen with you.

Mm, don't get used to it.

Getting chummy with Aiden again?

Oh, we're just at the same party, Daniel.

What did he have to say?

Does it matter?

I'm just making the best of a bad situation.

Don't tell me you're jealous.


No, I'm not.


I was gonna go get some food, if you want to join.

In a minute. I, uh, got a couple people I need to talk to.


Word around the party is that Conrad Grayson is writing his memoirs. Is this true?

Indeed it is. Will you excuse us?

So you've decided to discuss your past after all?

Well, you were right. The public deserves it.

I plan to give it to them in my own way.

Well, I would love to talk more about it.

Perhaps tomorrow morning at my office.

I'm afraid that ship has sailed.

I don't want mere excerpts for Voulez, Mr. Grayson.


I want your whole book.

Have you forgotten Lemarchal has a publishing arm?


Well, then tomorrow morning it is.



Look, I'm sorry about the other night.

It's been a rough year.

I can't imagine.

Look, I haven't brought it up because I felt you didn't wanna talk about it.

I didn't. That's... part of the problem.


I hope that you'll give me another chance.

You took off your ring.

(Fireworks whistling)
(Guests gasp)

(Fireworks popping)

(Fireworks continue whistling and popping)


What do you say we go watch the fireworks on your roof?


Hey. I brought you a jacket.

(Fireworks whistling and popping)

Hope you're not hiding from my mother.

She doesn't scare me anymore.

But, man, does she still try.

Yeah, she tends to go all out.


Yeah, I wouldn't miss this show.

I remember my mom taking us kids out every weekend during the season to see them on Coney Island.

Yeah, Friday nights on the boardwalk.

9:30 sharp.

Oh, you've been?

Best seats in the house are between 10th and 15th.

Never missed it as a kid.

No way.

Of course, I was with my nanny, but... Who knows?

Maybe we met once at the hot dog stand.

(Fireworks hiss)

If you had told me I'd ever be back here sitting next to you...

Well... Things change.

Yeah. Guess you're right.

(Fireworks whistle)

(Popping continues)

(Lowered voice)
You're hacking Bizzy's phone here?

What if somebody saw you?

What? I got excited. Plus I waited till she left.

Did you get what you needed?

And so much more.

Check out this string of dirty texts from Ms. Preston herself.

Wait. Trevor?

I thought her husband's name was Jeff.

It is. Seems our dear Bizzy has been getting busy covering up stories of her own.


(Fireworks whistling and popping)

(Ellie Goulding's "Tessellate" playing)

(Lowered voice)
I don't want us to rush anything.

We can go up and watch the fireworks.

♪ Wild green stones alone, my lover. ♪
♪ And keep us on my heart... ♪

What's this?

It's the 4th of July, the day we Americans celebrate ridding ourselves of the British.

But I'm making progress. I have Emily in good graces.

Well, your sad attempts at wooing her have failed to have their desired effect.

Daniel's unconcerned with your renewed relationship.

Well, then I'll change his mind.

Oh, but you don't seem to understand.

I'm declaring my independence.

Victoria, you can't deny that we've made a good team thus far, and... besides...

You can't do this alone.

Oh, you underestimate me, Mr. Mathis.

Yet another reason why your time here is over.

So if you don't mind...

Get the hell out of my house.

What happened?

I don't know. Victoria's gone crazy.

She just kicked me out on a whim.

Means she's got something else up her sleeve.

And I'll be damned if I don't find out what it is.

Just don't overreact.

I don't want her to get suspicious.

Well, then what can I do to help?

Just go make sure everything's ready for when this is done.

Come back when the dust settles.

Well, at least I get to say good-bye this time.


Here you go.

If you want something fancier, I can run downstairs.

Oh, do you have an espresso machine?

No, no, I just meant I can put it in a nicer mug.


Oh, I'm afraid I need to get to the office.

Stay for breakfast.

I make a mean pancake.

Rain check, please.

No, I'm hearing a book proposal this morning, and I imagine Conrad Grayson waits for no one.



What's he pitching, a book of lies?

Probably, but that doesn't mean I can't get the real story.

I have a feeling it's much more interesting than any of us know.

Hi! Great party last night, huh?

Can you believe the Graysons are trending?

Oh, I can.

You do anything for your clients, don't you?

Even if it hurts someone else.

Are you still on about that story I planted in the press years ago?

Oh. You mean the one that nearly destroyed me?

That left me feeling completely alone, that cost me the last ten years of my father's life?

Yeah. You did that.

So why are you here?

For payback.

Well... See, at first, I was just going to out all of your clients' secrets, but then I thought, well, it's not their fault they have drug and anger issues.

Oh, and that, uh, guy with the thing for the diapers...

How do you know about that?

That is totally secure information.

Little birdie told me.

And then... Sent e-mails to all your clients, explaining how sloppy you are at guarding their sins.

You'll destroy my career.

Ah, well, Bizzy, I already did.

And... Now that you're officially out of business, you're mine.

Now if and when I need you, I'll call.

Otherwise, that phone stays silent.

And that includes sexting Trevor Vance.

I don't know who that is.

Huh. Then why do you visit his house in Westport three nights a week?


Jeff's... He's a good man.

And it would k*ll him if he found out.

All right.

Then I'll give you a choice--

One that you never had the courtesy to extend to me all of those years ago.

End the affair... Today.

Go back to the man that clearly loves you.


I tell him the truth.

I am sorry...

About what happened with your father.

I've waited ten years to hear that.

It's just too bad he never will.

I wanted to apologize for my coldness toward you last night.

It's a long way to hike for two words you can say on the phone.

Well, then would you indulge me for a few more?

I know that Daniel once fancied you and that I wasn't the most receptive to your presence.

You think?

That's because I didn't fully understand how important his happiness was to me...

Exclusive of my own.

What are you saying?

That I think that you may be the one for Daniel.

Daniel's getting married in a month.

But you must have stopped to wonder if that was only because he lost you three years ago.

I know that you and I didn't get along in the past, but perhaps we could work together towards a common goal.


My museum fund-raiser's canceled.

I imagine I have you to thank for that.

Bizzy will be anything but for a while.


Though when it was time to go in for the k*ll, I couldn't pull the trigger. I actually saved her marriage.

Guess my takedowns have a silver lining, huh?


It's kind of fun being your wingman.


I taught you well, grasshopper.

You know, actually, you did, Nolan.

Two years ago, I never would've thought I'd have a partner in all this...

Or a real friend.

Well, you, uh...

Might wanna wait on our freeze-frame high five.

My glasses accidentally pocket-recorded portions of last night's party.

Allow me to jump to the lowlight.


Wait for it...

That's why Daniel wasn't upset about Aiden.

Looks like they're about to rekindle their past.

Then I have to make sure they have no future.