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06x18 - Genesis

Posted: 04/13/23 06:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on SWAT

I was talking to Luiza Coles.

She's a matchmaker.

I haven't been on a date in 30 years.


I'm so sorry.

How did you get through it with Barb?

I'm here for anything that you need.

Thank you for seeing more in this man

than just a badge.

- We did it.


HONDO: Meet your granddaughter

Vivienne Carmichael Harrelson.


Okay, we got dinner for tonight,

and boiling more water for tea.

Oh, no, no, no, no, don't you get up.

That's why I'm here

so you can rest and recover.

- You're a godsend, Charice.

- Well, how else

am I gonna earn my spot as

the number one grandparent?


- I could hear our little lady

cackling from the bedroom.


- Hey, Vivienne. Oh, I can't wait

till you start talking

for real, baby girl.

Oh, she already has so much to say.


-hmm. Just like her mama.


How you feeling?

Uh, exactly like

the doctor said I would feel

after getting my body cut open.


Do you think she's getting sick?

She's so fussy this morning.

Oh, no fever.

Say "I'm just new to the world."


- Yes, I am.


You ready to go back to work, Hondo?

Mom, it's hard to say I miss my team

when they show up with food every day.

(CHUCKLES) I thought we were gonna have

to kick Street and Chris out last night.

I had no idea Street was

such a baby person.

Well, I can't start spoiling her

till you get out of here.

I already feel guilty leaving.

Oh, no, don't. We'll be fine.

I have done this before, you know.

I mean, you and your sister

y'all turned out okay.


- See?


My mama got jokes.


- All right, I'm out of here. Mwah.

- Mmm.


- I love you both.

- Love you.

So fine.

Look at that little lip.

You're quiet this morning.

How was the date last night?

Told you, I got a cute

niece I could set you up with.

Thanks, but no thanks.

That'd be like dating

the boss's daughter.

I'm just saying,

you could do a lot worse.

Actually, I know for a fact,

you have done a whole lot worse.


- Hold on!


These clowns are lucky I didn't

run 'em over. You believe this?


Wait. Where'd he go?

- (BEEP)

- Wait. What's happening?

I don't like this.


This is the jumper for truck 6



Truck has been disabled by an expl*sive.

We are being held up near

San Pedro and 7th Street.

No, stay put. Help is on the way.

I don't want to die in here.

Open the door, or we'll

blow you up. Choice is yours.

I can't breathe! I got to get out!

Jeff, no! We are safer in here.

No, wait. I'll do whatever you want.

Please, don't k*ll me.

Please, don't k*ll me.

- Open it. Now.

- Okay.

We've only got a few minutes.

You know what we're after!


- It's not here.

- This one, either.

It's not in any of these cases!


- Police are here.


Here! I found it!

We've got it! Let's go. Move!


- Go!

- Cover me!

Let's move! With me! This way!


- 6


-27. sh*ts fired. Officer down.

Covering now at 7th Street.

Suspects fleeing

into homeless encampment.

I appreciate you taking the time, Bob.

I'm so embarrassed, I almost couldn't

bring myself to come to you.

Oh, don't be ridiculous, Maggie.

- I'd do anything for you.


Just tell me what's going on.

Well, you know how Martin always

handled all the home stuff.

- Right?

- Yeah.

Okay, well, I hired a roofer,

paid him a deposit, and now,

he's run off with the money.

Well, that's nothing

to be embarrassed about.

- Did you have a contract?

- I did not.

Uh, he was kind of a friend,

you know, doing it as a favor.

Oh, no. (LAUGHS)

I'm sorry, Maggie.

I'm a little confused.

If this is someone you know

It isn't. It (SIGHS)

Not really.

I met him on a dating site.

- Oh.

- The girls encouraged me

to get back out there, you know?

Time to dip my toes

back in the water, they said.

That's good for you.

- (LAUGHS) No.

- Nah, that that

-that's good.

- We only went out a few times, so

- Mm.

He dropped me off

one night after dinner,

and fed me some line

about how my roof was sagging.

He said he could fix it,

just needed money for materials.

I paid him ten grand,

and he disappeared.

- Yeah.

- Wow.


You were so good to me

last year when Martin was k*lled.


- No.

I wouldn't have gotten

through it without you.

I hate to ask for more. I

Oh, don't be silly, Maggie.

- I'm always happy to help you.


You know that.

Ah. I'm so sorry. This is

This requires my attention.

I promise I'll look into this roofer.

Just send me whatever

information you have,

- and I'll get on it.

- Thank you, Bob.

You really are a great friend. Mmm.



You got eyes on any of

our four suspects?

No. We followed them in,

but they kept sh**ting at us.

Too many innocent homeless

in there, so we pulled back.

We've held the perimeter the whole time,

so they should still be in there.

Four male suspects.

Probably Middle Eastern.

One of them is wearing

a green bomber jacket.

Any idea how many innocents

are in there with 'em?

No. We called out for them to evacuate.

A lot of 'em did, but

You got to figure, for some,

last thing they're gonna do

is listen to cops.

Now you keep things locked up.

We'll take it from here.


Hondo, we're going in blind.

And they could be hiding anywhere.

- With any number of hostages.

- All right, we do a split search.

Center out. Deac and Powell,

you're with me.

Tan, Street, you take the south.

Keep sending updates.

- Hell of a first day back, boss.


Don't I know it.

All right, heads on a swivel.

Danger's in the unknown. Let's move.

Hey, hey.

Get back inside. Stay down low.

Back in the tent. Get back in the tent.

Hondo, one o'clock.

Go. 20

-David. We got eyes

on a possible suspect

in a green bomber jacket.

LAPD! Show us your hands!

Don't move!


- Roll over.


They made me do it.

He's not one of the suspects.

Where'd you get the jacket from?

Guy gave it to me. He told me

to put it on, I swear.

Keep moving.

Find some cover. Don't go anywhere

until you hear the all

-clear. Got it?



Hey. Hey, buddy. You with me?

I'm just gonna see

what's going on under here.


- Hey, Street, man,

we can't get medics in

here till the camp's cleared.

- What's your name?

- Cooper.

Cooper, I'm gonna need you

to keep your eyes open, okay?

Focus on me. Cooper,

talk to me. Where you from?

- Long Beach.

- Oh, yeah?

Yeah, me, too.

Where'd you go to school?


Yeah. (COUGHS) Class of '02.

That's a few years ahead of me.

You a skater?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

My whole life.

You weren't one of the

Gravity Wave boys, were you?

Cooper Murphy?

- Yeah.

- I remember you.


-I used to watch you

down at the skate park.

I saw you all do the stairs

at Golden Shore once. That was epic.

We're gonna get you some help, okay?

Just hang in there. We're gonna

have you skating again in no time.

Hey, Cooper,

hey, hey, stay with me. Stay.

Hey, Cooper, stay with me.

Stay with me, buddy. Cooper.


-David. We're at the

back fence. No sign of our suspects.

How did we miss 'em?


Got an opening here.

Leads through to the adjoining building.

They ghosted.

They must have left

before we even got here.

Patrol officer's gonna make it.

Same for the armored car guard,

but the driver didn't stand a chance.

They k*lled one of the residents, too.

Got caught in their crossfire.

Street tried, but couldn't save him.

Street all right?

I don't know.

Deac, we got any idea yet

what these guys were after?

No. But whatever it is,

more than one witness heard them say

- they've still got four more to go.

- Four more what?

Left a whole truck full of valuables.

Well, whatever they're after,

they're willing to k*ll for it.

So as long as they're still out

there looking, no one's safe.

- Commander?

- Yeah.

Armored car company just

finished inventory on the truck.

They confirmed

there was just one item missing.

A necklace.

Diamond encrusted,

one huge, central ruby.

Well, it looks like something

you'd see on the red carpet.

Insured for two million.

Well, normally, I'd say

that's a pretty good haul.

Except they left ten million more

of inventory back on the truck.

So this isn't just about the money.

That necklace must mean

something to 'em.

- Anything on the gunmen yet?

- No.

The only real description we got is

they might've been Middle Eastern.

May have something.

Our friend in the green jacket

turned out to have a surprise

up his sleeve.

There was a valet stub

in the inside pocket.

It's from a restaurant

in West Hollywood.

Well, at least that's a start.

Take Street and get over there

and see if you can find out something

- before these guys strike again.

- DEACON: Too late.

I just got off the phone

with Beverly Hills PD.

Same crew just hit a cafe on Rodeo


robbed a woman having lunch.

- Oh, let me guess. Stole her jewelry?

- Yeah.

Yeah. No details yet, but

as soon as they get the report,

- BHPD is gonna send it over.

- All right, good. In the meantime,

Powell, keep looking into that necklace,

see if you can figure out

what's so special

that these guys had to have it.

TAN: Valet stand's busy.

All right, appreciate it.

Thanks for trying.

What's going on?

Everything good?

I can't find any next



for our homeless victim, Cooper.

I mean, he grew up in foster

care, like me, but still,

there has to be someone

who cares that he's dead.

You knew him in high school, right?

- You try any of his old buddies?

- Yeah.

Check it out.

Trying to dig up their contacts.

He was part of a skate group

called The Gravity Wave.

Nate and I used to go

every day after school

and watch them. They were our heroes.

Wow, what are the odds?

Shame to see where his life ended up.

It just doesn't make any sense.

Cooper was next


Got sponsored at, like, 14.

Went pro at 18.

And he still always managed to make time

to help out us newbies.

He taught me how to ollie.


I mean, how does a guy like

that, friends all around,

world at his feet,

how does he end up on the streets?

No one to even claim his body?

Hey, I'm sure someone

out there cares about him.

You'll find them.

Yeah. Hope you're right.

- Hi.

- Hi. Help you with something?

Yeah. We're LAPD.

Can you confirm this ticket

- came from your stand?

- Yeah, that's one of ours.

Any chance you can tell us

who it might've belonged to?

- Get us a license plate or something?

- Afraid not.

Most I can give you is the time the car

was picked up.

Uh, looks like Wednesday afternoon,

- around 3:00 p.m.

- Anything stick out to you from then?

Come on, man.

We park 100 cars a day.

I wouldn't be able to remember

one even if I wanted to.

That camera work?

Yeah, I'd assume so.

Tell us something good, Powell.

Tan and Street just sent this

over from the valet stand.

DEACON: That's a familiar jacket.

It's got to be our crew.

Well, two of the four, anyway.

Let's run this image

- through facial recognition.


And put a BOLO out on that car ASAP.

It's from Beverly Hills PD.

They just uploaded some of the info

on the robbery on Rodeo Drive.

This time, the crew targeted

a yellow sapphire ring.

Thankfully, the owner

had some photos taken

- for insurance purposes.

- Yep. Got 'em here.

DEACON: The victim said

they told her, "It's not

stolen if it never belonged to you."

So we were right.

This isn't about the money.

No. These guys are only

interested in these particular pieces.

But why?

Well, we got to figure out

what they have in common.

We know this crew has two pieces,

but there's still three more out there,

which means more potential victims.

Hang on. Powell, zoom

in a sec, would you?

See that?

First, I thought

it was part of the design,

but look at that insignia.

No, that's a jeweler's mark.

It's the same on both pieces,


means it was made by the same person.

Run it down.

Hey, babe, everything okay?

I'm not sure. I got up

from a nap a while ago

and your mom's not here.

Neither is Vivienne.

All right, well,

I haven't heard from her.

She was probably just letting you sleep.

Well, that's fine. But now I'm awake

and it's time for Vivienne to nurse.

All right, I'll try giving her a call.


Don't bother. She left her phone here.

I thought they went for a walk.

But the stroller is here, too.

Should I be worried?

Hey. Hey. I'm sure she's gonna

be back any minute. Look.

Moms just isn't that good

about her phone.


-you're probably right.


-I'll call you when they get back.


Everything's gonna be fine.

Love you.

And I love you.

Commander, Powell's running down a lead

on the jeweler's mark. She

hopes to have something soon.

- All right, update me when you know.

- Okay.

Is this a new suspect?

Not in our case.

My friend, Maggie, she got ripped off

by this jerk from a dating site.

Maggie. Is that Judge Walker's widow?

Yeah, she's already been through enough

- without this happening, too.

- Yeah.

I've heard of these Romeo scams.

Romance someone, gain their trust,

- take them for all they're worth.

- Yeah.

I can help if you want.

Uh, thanks, but

I want to take this guy down solo.

Anyone who takes advantage

of a woman like Maggie, uh

they deserve some real punishment.


Maggie's dating?


- What?

- Nothing, just

I've heard you say more than once

that you guys have a connection.

You were working with that matchmaker

We're just friends, Deacon. That's it.


We should all be lucky enough

to have a friend like you.

I found the jeweler

who made both pieces.

No answer, but he's got

an address downtown.

All right, good work. You two grab Hondo

and see what you can find out.

Seems a little odd to be closed

in the middle of a weekday.

POWELL: Place has been trashed.

No wonder no one answered the phone.


-David to Command.

Making entry at the storefront.

Signs of a possible burglary.

- Left side clear.

- Right side clear.

Case has been broken.

They left the jewelry.

That seems to be their

trademark at this point.

HONDO: Hey, Deacon, look.

It's the designs

for the necklace and the ring.

And those must be the other

three pieces they're after.

Well, at least we know

what to look for now.

Let's check the back.

Got a body.

He's dead.

Looks like somebody

worked him over pretty good.

They were probably looking for info.


Hey, you hear that?

It's coming from the vault.

LAPD! Is somebody in there?

We need you to come on out, hands up.

Please! Don't sh**t!

DEACON: Hey, it's okay, it's okay.

They're gone.

They're gone, come on. Come on.

I ran in here when they att*cked.

They couldn't get in.

Mr. Harris.

Is he okay?

I could hear them hurting him.

I'm sorry. He didn't make it.

Who are you?

What's your name?



Juliet Amato.

I'm Mr. Harris's apprentice.

Juliet, did you hear what those

men wanted from Mr. Harris?

They were demanding

that he turn over some jewels.

He kept saying he didn't have them,

but they didn't believe him.

All I could do was listen.

It was horrible.

We found the designs

of these two pieces up front,

along with three others.

Did Mr. Harris make these?

Yeah, those are the pieces they wanted.

They're part of the Senses Collection.

You know, like the five senses?

Juliet, the men who were here,

they already have these two pieces.

We have to find the other three.

- Do you know where they are?

- They were bought

by Saturn Jewelry in Pasadena.

I handled the pickup.

Deacon, alert Pasadena PD.

We gotta get extra protection

on that jewelry store ASAP.

They could be on their way there now.

We're gonna do the best we can

to track down who did this.

DEACON: Hondo, Powell?

We got eyes on us

from across the street.

POWELL: That's one of the

suspects from the valet stand.

Is there another exit?

All right, give me 30 seconds,

then make your move.

Push him south.

DEACON: Stay out of sight.

Hey! LAPD!

LAPD! Don't move! Stop!

LAPD! Stop!


Don't even think about it!

On your stomach!

Hands behind your back.

HONDO: Adnan Ali.

No stranger to Interpol.

Syrian national.

Slipped into the country a week ago.

Three murders and counting.

That's quite a vacation you're having.

We know what you're after.

Unfortunately for you,

the remaining pieces are

being heavily guarded now.

So you and your little band of thieves

won't be able to get your hands on them.

No, we are not thieves.

Your actions today say different.

Those jewels were stolen from us.

By greedy Americans.

Stolen by Americans?

What are you talking about?

The gems in those pieces were

looted by American soldiers.

America said they were going to help.

Instead, they pillage our homes,

steal our history, one

one of our holiest books.

You're saying they stole a Koran.

An ancient Koran,

passed down for centuries.

Then they have

the audacity to deface it,

ripping the jewels from its cover.

An ancient relic like that,

it's got to be worth millions.


This isn't about money.

This is about the disregard

of our people,

the violation of our culture.

All right, help me out here.

I thought the Koran

teaches love and altruism?

Yet you and your friends

k*lled three people today.

You sound like a hypocrite to me.

Don't talk to me about hypocrisy.

It's disgusting to see Americans

wearing our religious relics

as status symbols,

showing off their jewels

with zero understanding

about any of the pain

that they have caused us.

They deserve to die.

All right.

Where's the Koran now?

He doesn't know, or they'd

have gone after it already.

Doesn't matter what you do to me.

My brothers will not rest

until they restore the Koran

and return it to our homeland

where it belongs.

The remaining three pieces

may be locked up tight,

but if the Koran is still out there

We need to find it before they do.

Oh, come on, not again.

Everything okay?

I'm not sure. Nichelle's

stressed about the baby.

My mom took Vivienne out, but

she doesn't know where she went.

It has been a while now.

Go. We're good here.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

TAN: Whoa!

Fridge make you mad or something?

Sorry, sorry.

I, um

I managed to track down one

of the old Gravity Wave skaters.

He was not exactly heartbroken

when I told him

Cooper was dead.

In fact, he was more upset

he wasn't gonna get back

the money Cooper still owed him.

That sucks.

You find out how Cooper

went from a pro skater

to living on the street?

Yeah, he busted his knee,

couldn't skate for a while.

Lost his sponsorship deal.

All downhill from there.

He must've started

borrowing money from friends.

Last resort, he took to stealing.

- Did a few stints in County.

- What a waste of talent.

Yeah, the guy I spoke to,

he said he doesn't know how to get ahold

of any of the other skaters

in the group.

So no closer to finding

someone to handle the funeral?

Which means he'll end up

in county mass grave.

Not even a marker with his name.

His death's hitting you hard.

Is there, uh, something else

going on with you?

Cooper and I were about the same age.

We both grew up without a family.

But I always envied him

because the Gravity Wave

that seemed like a family.

All it took was one injury and

and that just all went away?

He d*ed alone.

And what, think the same

could happen to you?

Don't worry, Street, you're

not gonna die all alone.

I will be at your funeral.

I'm gonna read the eulogy,

I'll play a little Nirvana

to send you on your way.

Okay, thanks.

I don't know, I

-I figure I

I'll keep trying. Worst case,

I'll organize a memorial myself,

even if it's just me there.

Commander, this is Dr. Dena Rahimi.

She's a professor of

Islamic Studies at UCLA.

Also an antiquities expert.

It's good to meet you, Dr. Rahimi.

Is this the Koran that's

at the center of all this?

Yes, it's one of

the oldest in existence.

Was on display

in the Syrian National Museum,

but went missing four years ago.

A real blow

to the Muslim community to lose

something of such religious

and cultural significance.

You can understand

the outrage if it were pillaged

by American troops.

Well, the outrage, yes.

But the method and v*olence

- used to recover it, no.

- I agree.

Loosely translated, the Koran says,

"If anyone kills an innocent person,

it is like k*lling all of humanity."

If you get this Koran back,

my team will make sure

it's returned to its home.

Well, let's hope that's

a "when" and not an "if."

We'll be in touch. Thank you.

- Inshallah, Commander. Thank you.

- Mm



You still trying to track down

that jerk who scammed Maggie?

Well, so far, there's nothing

in his profile that's legit.

I mean, the thing I don't get is,

even if you buy his line of crap,

what the hell

did Maggie see in this guy?

Look, um,

I may have overstepped earlier.

- Well

- So

- why not go all in, and overstep again?


This seems like more than

just a friendly favor.

What's holding you back

from asking her out?

Or are you not interested?


I won't say I haven't thought about it.

But Maggie's called me

a friend many times.

It seems clear that

that's all I am to her.

Okay, let me, let me tell you something.

When I realized that

I had feelings for Annie,

I thought that I'd show her

that I'd do anything for her.

I'd switch shifts to pick her

up from the airport, anything.

I thought that she'd figure it out.

But when I finally got up

the guts to ask her out,

she was surprised.

She said that she thought

I only saw her as a friend

that whole time.

And even though she had feelings, too,

she didn't act on them.

Because she'd rather have me as a friend

than nothing at all.


She and Martin, they were

there for me when Barb d*ed.

I mean, what if it's weird to her?

I don't think that's

a line I should cross.

No risk, no reward.

I could've missed out

on my whole life with Annie.

POWELL: Have you ever

seen this book before?

I recognize the jewels.

They're the focal pieces for

the Five Senses collection.

But the book no.

What is it?

It's a Syrian Koran,

rare and extremely valuable.

It was stolen from a museum in Syria.

This is what these men are after.

Oh, my God.

They k*lled Mr. Harris for this?

And two other innocent people.

He was the kindest man.

Let me sleep at the shop when I

first moved to L.A. after a breakup.

We need to find this book.

Do you have any idea where it might be?


How would I?

Your boss had the five jewels.

Can you think of how he

might've gotten his hands on them?


Well, he had relationships

with all sorts

of diamond and gem dealers.

I don't know where to begin.

Uh, maybe there are purchase

records at the shop?

If there were, they're gone now.

Then I'm, I'm sorry.

I wish I could help, but I don't

know what else to tell you.



- Hondo.

- Hey. Is everything okay?

I'm worried. What if she fell?

What if Vivienne got sick and

she took her to the hospital?

Okay, listen. I'm gonna go

look for them right now.

Momma's car is still here, so

she couldn't have gone too far.

- Will you just try to stay calm?

- Okay.

Hondo, what you doing home?

Oh, thank God!

Momma, where you been?

She's sleeping.

It's time for her to nurse.

What is going on here?

Do you know how worried you had us?


We weren't gone that long.

Nichelle was terrified something

happened to you, to Vivienne.

You left your phone here.

No note, nothing.

I know I didn't raise you

to talk to me like that.

You better take that bass

out of your voice.

You said you came here to help us.

But all you did was cause us grief,

- disappearing like that.

- Hondo.

It is my job to keep Vivienne safe.

That's what I was doing,

keeping her safe.

Well, you can't tell

by how you acted today.

It was my first day back at work.

Momma, just go home.

Go home.



Commander, we got a problem.

One of the three remaining

jewels isn't where

- it's supposed to be.

- What are you talking about?

I thought they were all locked

up tight in a jewelry store

- in Pasadena.

- They were, until the store's

assistant manager loaned

one of them out to a rapper

- for a music video.

- Oh, you got to be kidding me!

Where is it now?

Yo, how sick is this bling

they got me wearing today?

Saturn Jewelry hooked it up!

This is Slim K

-O, baby.

We out here sh**ting my video.

Damn it. He's showing the

whole world his location.

And he geo

-tagged the jewelry store.

If our suspects see this

Yeah, I'll try to get

ahold of the music label.

You get over there now.

Lot of civilians if this went sideways.

We need to get eyes

on Slim K

-O and that necklace.

I'll evacuate people to the other side

of the street, just in case.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Whatever the issue is, we have permits.

We're LAPD SWAT. Where's Slim K


He's taking a break.

He's in his trailer.

I'm his manager. What's going on?

Well, your client could be a target.

Which trailer?

Oh. Um

Hey, man.

Yeah, I'm not doing

autographs today, all right?


LAPD! Drop the w*apon!


- He took my chain, man.

LAPD! Drop your w*apon!

Hey, get down!

Suspect's headed back into the set.

Out of the way!


Stay down! You're done.

Give me your hands.


- It's nice work, right?

Think they can use that

in the music video?

Wasn't as pretty as you think.

DEACON: Hey, laugh it up for now,

but the Koran's still out there.

And as long as they're still

hunting it, so are we.

The gunman we apprehended

used some colorful language

to tell us we could go to hell.

There is no way he's telling us

where his buddies are,

but you can bet they aren't

giving up without the Koran.

I'm going through jewelry

invoices from the workshop,

trying to figure out

where Harris got the jewels.

So far, nothing.

The Koran has to be somewhere.

Just got ballistics back from the g*n

Adnan was carrying in the jewelry store.

Same w*apon was used in a m*rder

three days ago in Phoenix.


So L.A. wasn't this

crew's first stop in the U.S.?

No, apparently not.

The victim's this guy

Calvin Davis.

m*llitary, Army Reserves.

He served in Syria in 2019.

Adnan said that the Koran

was looted by U.S. soldiers.

Maybe they found their culprit?

Well, that's exactly

what I was thinking.

Calvin Davis here does a tour

in Syria, he comes back

with a souvenir Koran worth millions.

He probably thought, after four years,

- he was safe to unload it.

- But he doesn't realize

four years isn't near long enough

that the Syrians would forget.

They've probably been monitoring

every black

-market auction site,

waiting for it to show up.

So if they're still hunting,

then Calvin got rid of it

before they got him.

Somehow, it ended up in L.A.

Wait. Hold up a sec.

Got Calvin's social media here.

Guess who he celebrated

an anniversary with last year?

Juliet Amato.

She swore to me and Tan

she'd never seen the Koran.

But she did say she went through

a breakup before moving here.

This guy Calvin must've been her ex.

So Juliet steals the book from him,

then pulls the jewels off the cover,

thinking that she can impress her boss,

and no one will be the wiser.

She probably doesn't realize

how valuable the book is,

but we just told her.

Where the hell is she?

She got a ride

-share 30 minutes ago,

said she was going home to rest,

but if she knows she can

make money off the Koran,


-she's probably on her way

to sell it right now.

That's a bet I'm willing to take.

Let's get the route of that car.

We need to track her down now.


Welcome to Haddaway's.

Can I help you find something?

Actually, I found this book

cleaning out my mom's

attic and was wondering

if it's worth anything.

You guys buy books, right?

We sure do. Let's take a peek.

Oh, my goodness.

This is interesting.

I don't think I've ever seen

anything quite like it.


-do you happen to know

where your mother got this?

Uh no.

She goes to a lot of thrift

stores and garage sales.

Is it valuable?

Based on its antiquity,

I should think so.

But I'd have to do some research

before I could give you a number.

Would you be willing

to leave this with me?

I was really hoping to sell it quickly.

For my mom. She could use the cash.

I'd even take a rough estimate.

Oh, I wouldn't recommend that.

No, no. Something this special,

you're gonna want

to get proper authentication.

Is it okay if I take a closer look?


I'm sort of in a rush, so

if you could be quick about it.

I keep trying Juliet's cell,

but it's going straight to voice mail.

She's a little busy right now.

Her ride

-share just dropped her

at Haddaway's Bookshop

in North Hollywood, after

stopping at her apartment,

probably to pick up the Koran.

Haddaway's has a rare book section.

It looks like

she's trying to sell the Koran

before they track her down.

BOLO just came back on the suspects' car

from the valet security footage.

The vehicle was spotted on a

traffic camera just off Vineland.

That's only a few miles

from the bookstore.

They got to be onto her.


just hope they haven't found her yet.

All right, tac up.


-Squad's rolling out now.

And there you go.

How can I help you?


Help! They're after me!

Come on! Move!


There's two men. They have g*ns.

HONDO: LAPD. Get outside

where you're safe.

Street, Tan, let's move it.

It's okay. Shh. Go, go, go.

Let's go. Go, go, go.

- He ran that way.

- Get out of here. Go! Get out of here.


-David to Command.

I got eyes on one suspect,

deep northwest side of the store.

Deacon, Powell search the

front for the other gunman.


- Kid, come to me.

- What the hell is going on?

- Get down! Cover!


We lost sight of the suspect.

We're in pursuit.

Going right.


Hey, it's okay.

- We're here to help.

- I was en route to the stock room

- when I heard g*nf*re.

- Listen to me.

You're gonna head that way.

Stay low, stay very quiet.

There's officers outside.

You'll be safe.

- Go. Go. Go.

- Okay.

Hold it.

- Cover!


HONDO: Move in!

STREET: Hondo, next aisle on your left.


Drop the w*apon, hands over your head.

- Get down!

- STREET: On your stomach.


-David. One suspect in custody.


- Give me the Koran,

and I might not k*ll you.


Tan, you're Code 4?

- Yeah, go.

- Street, move.


- No.

- LAPD! Let her go.



-David. Got eyes

on the remaining suspect.

- Drop that w*apon!


Deacon. Saleh's got

the Koran, headed your way.



-David to Command.

We're Code 4.


STREET: If you'd told us

about the Koran, we could

have helped protect you.

I swear I didn't know what it was

when I first took it from my ex.

Just thought

he'd be mad it went missing.

I didn't think this would happen.

Your ex is dead, your boss is dead.

Your choices matter. Remember that.

Let's go. Move.

It's ironic, huh?

How do you mean?

Well, in the end, these guys got

exactly what they wanted.

We'll deliver this to Dr. Rahimi.

She'll see it restored

and returned back home.

That's where it belongs.

That's the one thing they got right.

We can understand a suspect's

motives, but we can still hate

the evil things they're willing

to do because of it.

All we can do is fight to help people,

keep 'em safe.

Hey, yo.

- Hey, I've been looking for you.

- Hey.

- You headed somewhere?

- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm gonna hit the

skate park down in Long Beach.

See if I can still land some

of the tricks

- Cooper taught me.

- Yeah?

Maybe find a kid I

can give his board to.

- Nice.

- Yeah.

You know, it's

it's not much of a memorial,

but it's something.

You didn't manage to get ahold

of anyone from the skate group?


Well, guess that makes me

a better detective than you.

You said Cooper had been

arrested a couple times,

so I checked the court docs.

Turns out, both times, his bail

was posted by an ex


And his lawyer, um,

was an old buddy of his

that he met on the skate

circuit, handled it pro bono.

When I told them both what happened,

they were pretty upset.

Offered to take care of

all the arrangements.

- For real?

- Yeah.

- Dude, that's awesome.

- Thank you.

You've been there for me

through everything, lately.

Bonnie, the suspension.

I wanted to be there

for my SWAT brother,

'cause that's what we are.

We're brothers.

We're real family, Street.

What you said earlier

about ending up like Cooper.

You don't have to worry, all right?

'Cause if you ever found

yourself in a dark hole like that,

somebody on this team

would throw you a lifeline,

and you'd take it.

And if you didn't,

one of us would drop down

and tie it around

your damn waist, and the rest

of us would haul your ass out.

- Trust that.

- Yeah.

Thanks, man. That means a lot.

Yeah. Cool if I roll with you

to the skate park?

- Sure, yeah, if you want to.

- Yeah. You kidding?

Get to see some of these,

uh, skate tricks, too.

Yeah. Yeah.

That is, if you still got the moves.

Oh, I got 'em.

- I got 'em.

- All right.


HICKS: Good.

All right, thanks for the update.

Got your call. Any news?

Found your roofer.

Bad news is,

there isn't much legal recourse

for someone like this.

Without a contract,

it's easy for him to claim

that the money was a gift.

But the good news is,

we had a little chat.

And there's this.


- You got my money back.

- Mm.

Thank you. I just feel so stupid, Bob.

- Uh

- I'm sorry you had to deal with this,

- with me.

- Maggie, don't do that.

This could have happened to anybody.

You're a good, kind person

and I'm here for you,

anything you need.

Thank you.


I guess I'm really bad

at this dating thing, huh?

(SCOFFS) Dating's awful.

I mean, it's so awkward.

- So much small talk.

- Right?


-I never thought

I'd be doing that part again.

You know, Martin and I talked

about sailing the world together

when he retired, even though neither one

of us really know how.


I guess I miss feeling that safe

with someone.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

And, um, you know, for what it's worth,

- you always have me.

- Yeah.

I know. You are a great friend.

Uh, well, um


Maggie, if, um

if you're open to it, I'd like

to take you to dinner

as more than friends.

I have to say, I'm


I'm surprised

- Mm.

- I

I didn't think you saw me that way.

Uh, you

-you know,

if you're uncomfortable

Yes, I'd love to.


An actual date, except

without all the awful




-you bits.

Exactly. All right, well, perfect.

I just have to say up front

no sailing. I never was one

for the open water.

Oh, I remember the Catalina trip.

Oh, geez.


-it it's seared into my memory.

Walk me to my car?

Yeah, I'd love to.



Momma. You're here?

Yes, I I came back.

Hondo, your mom and I talked,

and I think you should hear her out.

- Okay, Mom, listen.

- Me first, Hondo, please. Please.

I owe you both an apology.

I heard what you said,

and though I know I taught you

better than to use that tone

there was some truth in it.

I've been thinking

all day about what I said,

and you did not deserve any of that.

No, I didn't.

But I'm so sorry that I scared you.

I remember how worried

I was as a new mom,

holding that tiny human

in my arms who I loved so much,

it hurt. I was completely overwhelmed.

Momma, I really am sorry

about how I acted.

It's just this love it


It's intense, and I just

want to be a good father.

I don't want to mess that up.

I would do anything for her.

You know, we both want

to be the best for her.

But we're gonna make mistakes,

as hard as it might be,

for us to accept.

And we are lucky that Charice is

here to help show us the ropes.

- Yes, we are.

- Mm.

Mom, I know that.

I am so happy that she gets

to grow up with you, too.

Thank you for being here.

- I love you, baby.


- I love you, too.

- Mm.

Do you know, Charice figured out

how to calm Vivienne down?

Well, I just tried a swaddle,

something I used on you as a baby.

Like Daddy, like daughter.

Nah, nah, nah,

that's Grandma's special touch.


- Oh, casserole is ready.


Now you all go get started,

and I will get her.

- Okay.

- Thank you.


Yes, you're my baby.

Hello, little baby.