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04x07 - Caul's Folly

Posted: 04/13/23 18:11
by bunniefuu
Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos.

Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos.

Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos.

Come, my son.

Your transformation is now complete.

We pledge to you
eternal devotion.

I feel...


What have I become?

You are everything.

Your power will have no equal.

Your followers will do anything you ask.


Come. We must prepare for the journey ahead.

What's next?

Next, we bring back your father.

They're gone. They're all gone.

But we're still here.

Where were we?

I don't know. All I could see was darkness.

It was a death realm.

Her powers sent us there.

How are we still here?

Gar saved us somehow.

I heard his voice in the darkness.

Yeah, I think I heard him too.

I did too.

So where is he?

I don't know. He's alive
though. I'd feel it if he wasn't.

You're going to k*ll me, aren't you?

I'm not gonna hurt you.

Oh, thank you.

I should've k*lled him
when I had the chance.

Don't do it to yourself. We all made
the decision to save him, together.

Did we, though?

I thought you wanted to save him.

I wanted to stop him.

Maybe if you worked with us
instead of going off on your own.

We had to change the plan to save your ass.

And look where your plan got us.

In a big, empty B-movie Batcave.

And all the bad guys
scattered into the wind.

Take a bow, boss man.

Stop it.

Jinx died for us.

Fighting with each other is
not going to change anything.

What are you doing?

Releasing her spirit
from this place of evil.

How'd you do that?

I don't know.

My powers are back,
but they're different somehow.

Let's get out of here.

Hold on.

There's something down here.

It's from Lex.

He must have planted it here to help us.

Yeah, that sounds like Lex.

Why would Lex leave something
here, of all places?

"If you're reading this, my plan
failed and May is as evil as I feared."

You must stop her.

The book contains
information only known by me.

Give it to Richard.

"He claims to be a master
detective, so let him detect."

What else does it say?

The rest is just for me.

Hey. Lex knew?

Can you read that?

No. It's an ancient
Tamaranean dialect, I think.

Well, I definitely know someone who can.

Then what are we waiting for?

Hey. Where's Conner?

Do you think Conner will come back?

I don't think he'd leave
Krypto behind forever.

You okay?

I don't know.

I mean, you got your powers back.

That has to be good, right?

When I first lost my powers, I felt like

there was something missing.

And now they're back,

but the weight is different.

Like, the darkness is gone.

Sounds like a good thing.


Sometimes I think that part
of me... fed off the darkness.

And I-I don't really know
who I am without it.

Your parents?


Are you gonna respond?

And say what?

He told me he didn't think
I was ready for combat.

And he was right.

What happened in that temple,
how do I explain that?

I'm not gonna lie to him.

I mean, we're not dead, but we're not okay.

We are now, though, right?
You have to tell them that at least.

We're still chasing down May and Sebastian,

and all we have to go on is a
book from a dead Lex Luthor.

How's he gonna handle that?

I-I don't even know how I'm handling it.

You can't just ignore him 'cause
you think he can't deal with it.

You're right.

Maybe I should respond to my mom, too, then.

- Oh, my God!
- I know.

Listen, Roberta
is a little eccentric.

But I trust her. She's an expert
in extraterrestrial languages.

Knows everything from Klingon to Tamaranean.

You know Klingon's not
a real language, right?

Try telling her that.

Actually, don't.

Come in. EMF hats by the door.

We're actually good on
the, uh, hats, Roberta.

Suit yourselves.


No devices on us, just like you asked.

No scent of sulphur. Must be a myth.

I'm Kory. It's a pleasure to meet you.

I was expecting orange light.
Why is yours blue?

Well, I guess I'm full of surprises.

Now that show and tell is finished,
we need your help, reading this.


You know about that?

The end of the world? Yeah. I know about it.

We think the Blood Moon ritual has happened.

So there is a fulsome son of Trigon

manifested in the Well of Blood
here on our Earth?

And he has the Horn?

What horn?

The one Trigon lost in his early
battles with the first Tamaranean.

It's protected by his followers.

Only one with Trigonic blood can use it.

Use it for what?

"To usher forth and welcome Trigon,

here in our earthly realm

for his final...

"dominion, over humanity."

Basically, he's gonna eat the world.

And how do we stop him?

You don't.

She does.

Your light, when used to
its full power, can end this.


But what?

It will end you.

You as you are now.

What do you think?

- Another day, another prophecy.
- d*ck, she said...

Yeah, I heard what she said.

She's an expert in foreign
languages, she's not a psychic.

We're really not gonna talk about it?

About what?

The little part about me dying
to save the universe.

We're gonna go find the Horn and
stop this before it goes any further.

So, if anybody with
Trigonic blood can get the Horn,

then I'm just as qualified as Sebastian.

We just need to get there first, right?

Theoretically, yes.

But we need to know where
the horn is in order to do that.

And we don't.

Roberta was able to translate this text.

It appears relevant, obviously, but
at the same time, it makes no sense.

"Fire star explodes. Blood portal opens.

Horn of Power sounds."

Nice three-step process.

Do a cross-reference, see if anything pops.

What if it's not about the words?

What do you mean?

It's called Gematria,

and it's basically like,
semantic numerology.

In most ancient languages,
each letter has a numeric value.

Like Scrabble.

N-No. But... Sure, basically.

Gematria is all over
Biblical interpretation.

That's how we ended up with

being the mark of the beast
from Revelations,

even though technically, it's
about Emperor Nero, but still...

So this might be an alphanumeric cypher.


But how do we know the values?

Standard code breaking.

Start with the word you know
in Tamaranean like, "fire."


Across most ancient languages,
the numeric value of that

is , so if that's true for Tamaranean...

Enter the known values and let
the computer look for a pattern.

Okay, so we have a bunch
of numbers instead of letters.

The numbers could mean anything.

Unless it's both numbers and letters.

So, if "blood portal " means "temple..."

- Then...
- Yes.

This line here...

Holy shit.

Lex just gave us the location of the Horn.

You could've knocked.

So, you found Lex's box and
decided to listen to your father for once.

I didn't know you would be a part of this.

Is that going to be a problem?

People died because of you.

What you did to me, to Gar,

you never paid for that.

Would you like to k*ll me?

Have at it, there's nothing
I can do to stop you.

I must say,

I love the new look.

Your father would've been pleased.

Was that your job? Pleasing my father?

Working for Lex Luthor was
the greatest honor of my life.

He was an extraordinary human being.

He valued intelligence, hard
work, and loyalty, above all things.

He gave me opportunities
in fields that women

and women of color don't often get.

And he always treated me with respect.

So, why are you here?

May Bennett sent her acolytes
to take over LexCorp.

They were messy, but effective.

Lex excelled at many things.

One of the most remarkable was
his ability to see people's potential

and harness it for his own gain.

May was one of his rare missteps.

You were not.

And now, May and her son
are your problem to solve.

Maybe the Titans will stop them.

If you believed that, you wouldn't be here.

Lex saw your potential,

and he saw how you were
wasting it with the Titans.

What would he have me do?

Avenge him, for starters.

Take back LexCorp.

That is your legacy.

Your responsibility.

And then?

After that, be everything
he created you to be.

What's that?

Information your friends don't have.

Lex was preparing countermeasures
against what May had planned.

I took this when I left the building.

You have a choice, Conner.

Take this and run back to the Titans.

Or keep it for yourself

and step into your true power.

You are smarter, stronger, and
more powerful than all of them.

You know you are.

You don't need them, Conner.

You can stop May and Sebastian
all on your own.

If you want to.

We are literally in
the middle of nowhere.

You told d*ck and Kory only one
with Trigonic blood can use the horn.

Shouldn't I be able to feel it or something?

Not necessarily.

The Horn has been dormant for years.

Hidden and protected. It could be
your power that brings it back to life.

I'll keep digging for any
other mentions that might help.

Oh, hang on.


I think the GPS might be messed up.

This can't be right.

The temple was feet underground.

The Horn could be, too.

Bernard? What are you doing here?

I've been trying to get a hold of you

since you went off to storm that temple.

And, um, I hadn't been
having any luck, so I activated

the tracking devices in the RV.

You tracked us?

Sorry. But you're here.

And that's great.

Well, since you're here,
we could use your help.

Anything. Just, um,
no outdoor survival tips.

We're looking for an artifact. The
coordinates we have led us here,

but, I mean, it could be anywhere.

All right. I'll contact the lab,

have them send over
satellite images of the area.

Good. We'll establish a grid
and narrow it down from there.

Uh, I'll go with Bernard.

In case he has some questions.


Mind if I ride with you?

- Um...
- If there's room?

Of course. Uh, I just...


I didn't really know what I was
gonna need, and I feel better

when I have my equipment with me.

No kiddin'.

Listen, Bernard, I'm sorry,
I haven't answered your texts,

it's just... It's been so busy...

Not responding was a response.

And it's fine.


This is a lot to juggle, and I get that.

So, um, we should just be colleagues.


Friends, then.

But I think that we should
keep it at that. Right?

Just, um, focus on the mission.


We should go.

Caul's Folly?

That place isn't on the map.

I hope there's something decent
around here to eat.

Doesn't need to be fancy, but
something not double fried would be nice.

What the hell?

Where did they go?

I gotta say, I like their taste in music.

So, where do we start?


'Cause it looks busy?

Because they have hot coffee.

Sit anywhere you like.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Uh, be right back to get your order.

- What was that?
- She's afraid.

- Of us?
- I think so.

So, uh, Megan, what's good here?

Well, Caul's Folly is known for two
things, date shakes and defunct salt mines.

I'm guessing only one
of those is on the menu.

Three date shakes comin' up.

And a coffee. Big one.

Huh. Defunct salt mines could be a
promising place to hide an ancient relic.

It should show up on the satellite
images Bernard is getting us.

Speaking of, I thought
they were following us.

Oh, they had an issue to resolve.


I'll text them,
tell 'em we're getting a bite.

A sip. One bite's a solid.
One sip's a liquid.

She's right.

Thanks for that.

You're welcome.

No service. Great.

- Oh. Sorry about that.
- Oh.

- It's okay.
- Don't worry about it.

- Enjoy.
- Hmm, thank you.

That's a legal parking spot. I checked.

That's the guy we need to talk to. Come on.

Okay, hold on.

Hey, d*ck, I might, um, stay here and see

if I can figure out
what's up with the waitress.


This monster yours?

Yes, I'm so sorry.

I was under the impression
this was a legal parking spot.

Oh, it is. For a vehicle under feet long.

There's a clear sign
right when you hit town,

it says big dogs like this, not allowed.

Rules are rules.

I was a detective in Detroit.
Totally get it.

Well, laws separate us from
the animals, don't they?

d*ck Grayson.

Dave. Dave Carter.

Hey, why don't you move this thing out
of here and check on Tim and Bernard.

Yeah, I'll, um, I'll be right back.

Uh, you know, you can, uh,
pay for this right now, if you want.

That'd be great.

I'd love to see your setup here.

Ah, it's a far cry from Detroit, I'm sure.

But, um, yeah, it's got its charms.

One hundred and fifty bucks?
That's very Detroit.

You're with Captain
Calm Seas, a.k.a Vinny Peruzzi,

spinning the smoothest
pop classics from A to Z.

Sure you don't want a receipt, huh?

Home Office don't sweat the small stuff.

Yeah, we don't get a lot of visitors here.

I'm not surprised.
You're not exactly on the map.

Takes a special someone
to find us, for sure.

So, what brings you through?

Oh, antique hunting.

Sometimes, little towns like
this have hidden treasures.

What kind of treasures?

Family heirlooms, things like that.

Well, we do have a few
knickknack shops and the like.

You're welcome to poke around,

but I think I have an idea
what you're really looking for.

We should talk.

Well, I'm all ears.

- You a whiskey drinker?
- You a mind reader?

Look, I'm off duty in an hour. Come by then.

Sounds good.


You okay?

Not really. Um...
I have to show you something.

Try it yourself.

What the hell?

I know.

There's gotta be another way out.

I tried every road.

It's the same thing.

We're trapped here.

It's impossible, we can see the other side.

Yeah, I mean, we
can see it, but we can't get to it.

They don't want us to leave.

Roberta said the Horn of Trigon
is protected by his followers.

Maybe we need to get the Horn
in order to get out.

So, then, let's go get it.
Sheriff Carter invited me

for drinks tonight. I think he has the Horn.

That's our shot.

- Hey, what's going on?
- I don't know.

Something's happening to me. I feel strange.

Come on, let's get you inside the RV.

Did she take it?

We have one chance at this.

Let her go!

Are you okay?

You didn't have to do that.

He shouldn't be grabbing you
like that. Do you even know him?

Yeah. That's my dad.

He's a lot sometimes.

Are you okay?


Where are your friends?

Um, they... They went...

I don't know.

Don't get up.

Don't even move.

What did you do to me?

I drugged you and your friends.

Artemwood root.

The prophecy says it only works
on someone with alien blood.

None of your powers work here.

Your friend from the diner.
The Son of Trigon, where is he?

How would I know? I have been unconscious.

And he's not the Son of Trigon.

You better start tellin' us the truth.

Okay. I know you're scared,
and you should be,

but not of me.

My friends and I, we're the good guys.

We'll see.

Okay, so you know about the prophecy.

You know about the Son of Trigon.

My friend's obviously not his son.

I mean, the drug didn't work on him, did it?

How'd you get into town then?

I'm the daughter of Trigon.

Prophecy doesn't say
anything about a daughter.

But here we are.

And the man your looking for,
the son of Trigon,

he is on his way, and he wants the Horn.

Look, I promise I'm here to help,

but I need to know what I'm up against.

And I need to find my friends.

Go on.

Caul's Folly is... magic.

- Magic?
- Or cursed,

depending on your viewpoint, I guess.

We've been trapped here for years.

The Sheriff is the keeper.

He'll protect the Horn to the death.

He and the others, they've
been waiting for the "chosen one."

They think your friend is it.

And what will they do when
they find out that he's not?

They'll k*ll him.

Okay. If you free me, help
me find my friend and the Horn,

I promise I can get you out of this town.


If she's lyin', we're dead.

I don't care.

I'd rather be dead than
spend another day here.

Horn or no Horn,
you're gettin' us outta here.

Yeah. No. Yes, yes, I understand

that the images you just
sent me are only two hours old,

but they're not going to work.

I need a satellite in the area right now.

All right? Thank you.

Giant RVs don't just vanish.

It's like they dropped off the grid.

They can't have just disappeared!

They didn't, all right? We
just... We just need to figure out

what actually happened.

Um, Tim? Tim?


- Could I have that back?
- Sure. Just need to...

No, don't!

Both pieces, please. Thank you.

Sorry, I just thought there has to
be some sort of energy... here, right?

- Like, an energy signature. Yeah.
- Mmm-hmm.

What you want is this.

It's really easy. You just
point and press the button.

If it lights up, you found something.

Try to bring it back in one piece this time.


Oh, God.

I don't know. It doesn't
feel right to just stop looking.

Tim, there's nothing more
we can do tonight, all right?

Look, tomorrow, we'll have
the geological studies,

and we can start again.

- Good evening. Checking in?
- Yes, please.

Uh, travelling for business
or pleasure today?

Does it matter?

They make me ask you that.
Uh, one room? Two?

Two, please.

I, uh, I may have an adjoining.

That would be lovely, thank you.

Oh, shit!

♪ Whatcha gonna do What you gonna do?

I don't wanna be just friends.

Me neither.


Sheriff Carter?

Mr. Grayson!


Looks like you made yourself right at home.

Well, the door was open.

Cabinet wasn't.

Just gimme the Horn and I'll leave.

Nah. It's not gonna work that way.



There, there, now.

Take it easy, old Teddy.

Things are gonna be
a lot sunnier from now on.

Get him up.