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Ambush at Cimarron Pass (1958)

Posted: 04/14/23 14:31
by bunniefuu
Fire at Bikers Rock.
Do you want to find out? Blake?

If it is an ambush,
they don't make fire.

Not if it's an Apache ambush.
- No ambush.

Take cover!


Can hardly be.

Men, wait to sh**t!

Hey! I'm Sergeant Blake, seventh
cavalry, on my way to Fort Waverley!

Who are you?

Keith, Corbin,
you too stop Johnny from firing.

You not only resemble a Yankee
but also sound like a Yankee!

He doesn't seem like an Apache.

Come on, Sergeant! One by one,
and we won't sh**t!


If I'm not back in 10 minutes,
take your command! - Okay!

- What are you doing, Sergeant?
- Break out your fire.

Keith, don't!

I'm just trying one
Eradicate Yankee!

Such a hothead must be prohibited
from carrying a w*apon.

The Confederal army gave
It was him and he was good at it.

- The w*r has already been two years.
- It was four years ago,

when his mother and sister
fell victim to Grant's army.

The w*r ended on
April 9 at Appomatox.

I know, Sergeant.
I was there.

Captain Sam Prescott,
of the Confederacy army.

There were many of us
there, Captain.

Your w*r ended in Appomatox,
not ours.

You are surrounded, Sergeant.

We are all surrounded.
by Apache Indians.


Maybe it's better to stop
fighting and get out of here.

I only have a few men!
Can I call them?

Get your men, Sergeant.

Schwitzer, come here, alone!
- Okay!

He says that we are
surrounded by Apaches.

He's a liar.
All Yankees are liars.

Are you sure about those Apaches?

- This is Apache country.
- Do you think they are attacking us?

We are only six people,
what do you think happened
with the rest of my men?

The same happened to us.
We left from Texas,

when we saw Indians disguised as Yankees.
We lost our herd.

We didn't have time to negotiate.
- A man has to negotiate, Prescott.

Maybe that makes him a man.

Corporal, get the horses.

Put them behind the rock,
at ours, Corporal.

Bring the prisoner too.
Zach and Nathan take the first watch,

Archie takes the 2nd with Henry.
- Yes, sir.

You do it your way, Sergeant.
We in our way.

I will try not to
get in your way.

- Who shot and why?
- Johnny Reb's in burger.

They were att*cked by Apaches in uniform.
That happened before.

- I don't like to sh**t at me.
- Forget it.

Put the horses behind those rocks,
we spend the night here.

That coffee reminds me of
Fort waverley,

coffee cold and the fort warm.
- There is only one difference
here and Waverley.

you would sit and
watch the parade band

and the American flag
flying over the fort.

You are wrong in 2 things,

First of all,
no flag flies over Fort Waverley,

and the 2nd place the colors
are not seen after sunset.

Probably because I'm
still a corporal.

They have a lot of weapons.

Seems like the people in blue
expect a new fight
with the boys in gray.

- They get their battle.
- Maybe all of us.

Come on.

Sergeant, can I ask you something?
What is your mission?

To get this prisoner
To bring to Fort Waverley.

- That's a long way.
- Do the Yankees take prisoners?

We try that.

In the w*r I was with General
Meade and we had a lot of you.

What prisoner is he accused
of, Sergeant?

For w*apon sales to the Apaches.
He immediately shot
must become,

but we have orders
to take it with us.

The civil court will know what to do,
maybe he will stay stuck forever.

Sergeant, my name is Judge Stanfield.
Do you really think those Apaches are following us?

I know they follow us.

The Apaches wanted a deal
36 repeat my prisoner's g*ns.

And I have the g*ns.

- What are we going to do now, Captain?
- I already said that,

we join forces
with the soldiers.

I don't like this idea, Sam.
Why do we go with Yankees?

Tell the boy we
already fought a w*r.

Or would you prefer to
go with the Apaches?

Wait a second!

This is not Atlanta or Savannah.

If you want to fight with someone
then fight with the Apaches.

I'm sorry about losing your herd.

What happened?
- We didn't know they were Indians.

One in the first row
was wearing a uniform.

Probably stolen
from a dead Yankee.

probably from one of my boys.

They suddenly att*cked us
We collapsed completely.

- Those g*ns, you repeat, you said?
- New model.

Exactly what we
needed at the fort.

They now only have the normal ones.
the new weapons are much more modern.

They can sh**t 15 times
without reloading.

If the Indians attack, they can
these g*ns replace the people
who are not there?

That's true.

You said you were from Texas,
where from Texas?

Indianola. we wanted to
expand to Richard Valley.

That's a good herd of land.
- Best.

- Something wrong?
- Coyote.

It is better to take a look.

Sergeant, we saw two lights,
it looks like Indians.

- Zach?
- There is something else but I don't see well.

Take your w*apon go behind the rocks!
Be prepared, but don't sh**t!

Nathan, you stay with the prisoner.

Prescott, come with us!


but strange that they behave.

Stay in your position!
Come with me.

Zach, get a blanket!

Bring some water.

She must be one of the
girls at the Santos Ranch.

- Why are they bringing her here?
- How should I know that.

- Horses... watch out for the horses...
- Watch the horses,

Lasky, take care of the girl
and the prisoner. Come on!

You there,
come on!

Stop firing.

All gone!

Hey, Kab! Where is Kab?
- Following a horse?

Look around,
see what you can find.

- The horses?
- Gone.


- Are you from the Santos Ranch?
- Yes.

I'm Teresa Santos.

The Indians set
fire to our ranch.

My father... my brother...
They were all k*lled.

They took my sister...
and she k*lled my sister after her r*pe.

I know we saw the ranch.

Do you know why the
Indians brought you here?

- Yes.
- Then why don't you say it?

Easy, Blake,
she hasn't had it easy.

They told me you can get the
horses if you give them your g*ns.

If you are willing to trade,
fire three sh*ts.

I don't see Kab anywhere.
he was certainly taken with the horses.

Why are they taking him,
if could k*ll him?

To have something for
negotiations, I think.

That's no problem,
we give them the weapons and we leave.

The g*ns stay with us!
There is no exchange.

I don't see what we have to
do, Sergeant.

Horses is something, so is Kab.
I don't want a man to die
for a few g*ns.

You don't know the Apaches, Prescot!

Give them the weapons and you will
Never see Kab alive again!

You won't even see each other again.
- It was fine until you came here.

Where your bluebells come,
is only trouble.

I say let's give the g*ns!
- And I say we don't do that.

Did you not hear me soldier?
They have Kab, and he lives.

- The g*ns stay here.
- Well, easy!

It is not a solution
to attack each other.

Calms down and
let's talk about it.

- Your men Sergeant?
- Put them away.

Let's see how we get
Kab and our horses back.

Listen, I would also like to return
them, but giving g*ns is not a solution.

What is the solution then?

Horses are coming!

Come on.

It is Kab.
Look at his face.

- You and your cursed Yankee g*ns!
- Are you satisfied now?

I tried to convince you that you
can't make a deal with Apachen.

From now on we do what I say!

If anyone has an
objection then say so now!

- How do we get to Fort Waverley?
- We're going to walk!

They will not attack us as long
as we have these new weapons.

We will walk in the open space.

That is a 6 or 7 day walk.
there is not enough food or water.

I know!

- I do not care.
- Okay, let's get some sleep first.

I'm taking the first watch
with Henry and Williams.

Come on.

Wrap Kab in a blanket.
we put him in his grave.

Yes you.

- What do you want?
- Do you have cigarettes?

I don't smoke, and if I smoked,
I certainly wouldn't offer it to you.

Well, you can lie,
not then?

No, a man like you
deserves to be hanged.

- Hey, Sergeant, be true
the redskins?
- I do not know.

Henry went to watch.

Hey, look over there.

Schwitzer, wait a minute.
Hey you! Señorita!

If you want to be so kind,
Get the bed rolls, you have to carry them.

To wear?
What do you think I am an ass?

Well, you don't look like that, but you
do your part as long as you are with us.

Those bed rolls are there.
- I'm not going to wear them!

And take your blouse up!
I have enough problems here.

If you don't do it, I'll do it.
- Keep your hands off me!

- Come here!
- Damn!

Wild cat, huh?
- Yes, and a nice one.

Okay, stop it!


Me and my boys want to
help you with those g*ns?

Then we will go faster.

Good. Corporal,
give them g*ns before we leave.

Just not Stanfield
he can't wear it.

Okay, boys, give me a hand.
You too Keith!


- Thanks for the support.
- We're in the same boat.

It's easier if all your
men help in the same way.

Stanfield worries me.
What is his background?

He is a sub-district court judge.
He would pay us if we took him.

- And that's all you know about him?
- Well...

- Listen, Prescott, we are waiting
6 tough days, Stanfield is different.

- That's right. As a judge,
he traveled from city to city.

Once he was with a caravan
that was att*cked by Indians.

All were k*lled,
his wife too, except him.

He said he pretended
he was dead.

I don't think he's a coward,
Maybe I would do the same.

- Of course.
- I think a person must
do what he considers correct.

- Do you call that correct?
- It's not up to me to judge.

I'm not a judge.

In my opinion,
Stanfield either.

Okay, may I have your attention.

We go in the next order.

The Scout thinks the
Indians are going southwest.

So I think we should go
through Cimarron Pass.

It also means that we have
to be careful with water.

Schwitzer, did you tell them
packs of g*ns?
- Yes.

The Indians respect our g*ns,

so I think they will
keep their distance.

That's the Corporal.

Okay, Corbin.

Okay, let's go!

- It is warm.
- It will get hotter.

If I may say so,
without a horse I feel a bit lost.

- More would be lost without these g*ns.
- Yes.

- Do you think the Apaches are coming?
- They are coming Mr. Prescot, sooner or later.

It is good that the
Southerners help us.

The Indians also liked them.

- Soldier, release my hands.
- Ask the Sergeant.

- Are you okay, señorita?
- I will wear this.

I don't want the Sergeant
to be dissatisfied.

Mr. Williams, I looked at you
I think you are from Georgia.

- How did you know that?
- In your character, Mr. Williams.

- I'm from the northern part.
- Is that right? I was born there.

I knew there was something in you.

How come you don't carry
a g*n Mr. Stanfield?

I am a man of principles.
Do not get me wrong,

I understand that you cannot
separate one from the other.

In fact, it was a smart move.
Now there are 16 of these g*ns.

What do you mean?

The point is that we are prey.
Next step is to outsmart them.

I do not care.
I want the horses back.

Stay close, you never know
when they will attack you.

Okay, we're resting here for a while.

No thanks.

What do you think
how far we have come?

About 10-12 miles.
- It looks like 50.

- We did that quickly.
- Wait until tomorrow then
feel your muscles everywhere.

- Is your Sergeant always that hard?
- Only if you have to.

I'll tell you something

a Sergeant is not hard on
his men at their funeral.

We go!

- Where's Henry?
- Henry!


There is his hat.

They didn't get him
without a fight.

Sergeant, see there.

- Those damn devils!
- Stop!

- Henry may still be alive.
- Yes.

What do we do now?
wait until they take us one by one.

We must go further.

What happens with the scout?
won't you help him?

- We can't do anything for him.

- Sergeant, I think they
take the scout as a hostage.

I think we should give the g*ns.

I do not ask for your opinion.

Sergeant, I hold you responsible for
putting us in a dangerous situation.

If we are in Waverley,
I will sue you.

That is your right,
until then I am in command here.

- You only think about yourself, soldier.
- I'm taking us to Waverley
my way.

Well, I think my way is better.

You still have a lot to learn.
- Not from a Yankee!

We have enough problems!

Prescott, does any of
your men know this area?

I. I was a cowboy with a herd.
- Well, then you found a job.

Fine. Everything is better
than wearing these g*ns.

I'll take them. take you
g*n, you could be a rabbit
encounter with feathers?

Four years of fighting
was enough for him.

For Keith? You have to understand, Sergeant.
For him, the w*r ended 3 years late.

He's a good guy, but young.
He never saw a victory.

- I'll try to remember that.
- I would be grateful for that.

I'll take that.
You are the commander.

Thanks Prescott,
a long way before we make another camp.

- I'm going to explore
- Well watch out, John.

Johnny Willows was
born with a sharp eye.

- I like men like that.
- If you let him relax.

Johnny don't like a place,
he continues to travel until his death.

Let me help you with those g*ns.

Okay we're going!

- What did you find?
- 1 mile further a horse trail.

Some were k*lled.
- Our horses?

- I followed the tracks for a while
but I came to the same place.
- What do you mean?

It looks like we're
walking in circles.

- Sergeant, the g*ns are
loaded and packaged.
- Okay, Corporal.

- Crazy night, right?
- They could have att*cked us
today, but they didn't.

- Are they afraid of the repeat g*ns?
- Yes, that's why they never attack immediately.

- When it's dark, it's different.
- We thought the Indians

never attack at night.
- Usually not.

But one thing I learned,
they attack when they are tired of it.

Yes, I understand what you mean.

- Do you think they are attacking us?
- Yes.

Maybe they'll give us another chance
before they lose warriors in the fight.

How do you know that?

I have a lot of experience
regarding these things.

But before that happens we have
to take over Blake's order,

so we can trade for the horses.
Can we still count on someone?

Sam is too soft,
and you can't count on Johnny.

- And the señorita?
- Yes, and on Corbin.
- Oh, that's just a criminal.

That's taken care of. We promise him
his freedom and he kills everyone who
gets in the way.

Leave Blake to me.
- Wait for my sign,

in the dark.
- Okay.

- I wonder how far we get.
- You ask too much, that's why you're so tired.

Stop worrying,
tomorrow we have to go for a walk again.

I went to the cavalry.
I hate to walk.

And I hate this too.
- Now you are going to complain again.

You complained on the day you came to
us and you didn't stop complaining.

do you always criticize me?

If I don't do that,
would you think i was sick.

What are you planning to do
when we're at Fort Waverley?

I do not know.

A beautiful girl like you would
be good for Yankee soldiers.

I've suffered enough
as a prisoner,

Now I don't know what's worse.

Take it from me, things are
going to be very different here.

- How else then?
- You will see.

- Are you gonna tell me?
- Perhaps.

I like you, you know?

What would you say if I asked
you to go back to Texas with me?

- Is that a proposal?
- No not really.

- You won't like Teresa.
- I didn't say that, yes.


See you later, señorita.

Take cover!

Come on!

Here, use it!

Come back here!

Release me, release me!

I love life.

Stop firing!

- Are you injured too?
- No, but a scratch.

- Blake, you think we are
have they scared away?
- Yes.

Zach, you and Johnny see
if they are all dead.

That was almost a millimeter
closer and you could bury me.

That is two less to worry about.

You said they wouldn't attack
before they gave us another chance?

Who can predict what they wanted to
do, but it is not too late.

You have to stop thinking.
- I'm thinking.

I hope you don't forget what
the Yankees have done to us.

Blake is a Yankee.

- How's your leg, Prescot?
- Good.

There is still a long journey on foot.
Do you think you can handle it?

I'm fine, Sergeant.
I'm sorry about Nathan.

Now I realize that if we
had disposed of these g*ns,

none of us would
be alive anymore.

We k*lled 5 last night.
I found this.

- Henry's old g*n.
- I found him in the field.

Yes, we are overarmed
We will not need this.

Bury him somewhere, Johnny.

- Okay, let's continue.
- Then you are wrong!

We stay here until we
have the horses back.

- You're stubborn again.
- You Yankees think because you
everyone won the w*r.

Well, I've had enough!
- Keith! - Keep out of it, Sam!

Such a miserable Yankee
doesn't tell me what to do!

If you're looking for a fight,
then you can get it.

You get another chance.
- You had your chance.

Okay, he wants it, let him go.

- You are a wild man!
- Listen very carefully now.

We only have one chance
and that is to continue.

The sooner you know that,
the better.

Break up the camp.
- You heard what he said.

And I say that twice again!

Son, these days you will
have to accept a man the way he is.

Even if he is a Yankee.
And that also applies to you, ma'am.

- Sergeant!
- What is it?

- A few words, Sergeant?
- Make it short.

Sir, I said I was
against your decision

but now I see that
you were right.

But I have an idea that
could help in this situation

and at the same time the g*ns.
- Continue.

Don't think so,
that the Indians more

being interested in
Corbin, then the g*ns?
- What do you want to go?

If we deliver Corbin,
they might let us go.

I was already expecting something like that.
Put this in your head:

You're still a problem
here, I've had enough!

You will regret this,
Blake, I promise you!

I doubt it, I doubt it!
and something else Stanfield:

From now on you also carry weapons.
Get a package!

Okay, you lead, Willows.

Sergeant, shall I also
carry some extra weapons?

- They were from Nathan.
- I know.

It is regulated by law, Prescot,
of the United States Army.

I am aware of that,

Thank you, Captain.

Okay, wait a minute! Take a break.
Put down your suit.

- How long has he been following us?
- Our mascot? 3 or 4 hours.

I think he waits
for us to surrender.

Then it can wait a long time.
How are you, Lasky?

With me? I'm alright.
Corbin is just a good guy.

Make sure it stays that way.

Sergeant, I think I can hit
that red skin from here.

Don't try it! That's what he
wants, wasting our amm*nit*on.

As long as he is calm,
let's put it that way.

They must have a plan.
let them take the first step.

are you still angry?

No, forget it.

I don't blame you
the way you see it.

Why do those Indians
keep following us?

Why don't you shut up!

- I don't have a drop anymore.
- Me neither.

Here, take mine.

Go ahead, over
3-4 hours, we reach the source.

Fresh water will taste good.

- What do you think that Indian
actually does?
- Just pay attention to us.

Hold it, share it.

One thing is certain,
he is not resentful.

The rebels do?

Okay, men get up!

- Let me k*ll that Apache.
- Don't panic, that's what they want.

- Only a Sergeant, for Nathan!
- Pick up your g*ns!

- I'm sorry, Matt!
- Schwitzer!

Zach, Laski, get that g*n!
we cover you!

Don't get too close,
they want that!

Let's take him away, Johnny.

If they have done something with it,
I k*ll them! Until the last! I k*ll them!

- What do they want to achieve with this?
- Scare us so we
give the g*ns,

Let's get out of here!

- Fill the field bottles.
- Do you want to drink that water?

If you are thirsty you will drink it!

We have to go far before
we find another source.

Fill now.

Zach, give me my water bottle!

Now, fill them!

Stanfield, fill your field bottle.

- No!
- No? Then I'll do it for you.

Blake, come here!

Here, you thank me later.

- What do you think of this?
- A horse for a g*n.

They give us one last
chance to decide.

- I think it's okay.
- Sergeant, look!

I think they are waiting
for our answer for a g*n.

If they wait for an answer
then I will give it to them!

Blake, let me answer them!

Stop now, save the amm*nit*on.
They understood the message.

Now we know what to
expect from the Apaches.

Five days are waiting for us,
we must go further.

Sergeant, we don't have
any food for five days.

Then we have to hunt!
on everything!

I hope that hunting
does not fail.

Me neither.
Pack the things, let's go!

We take five minutes of rest.

- Are the Indians gone. Where are they?
- Easy, it takes a long time
Cimarron Pass.

Hey, Stanfield, come here.

- What do you want?
- You know why the Apaches
will spare me?

I'm their friend. They expect
me to provide them with weapons.

If you want to save
yourself, help me.

If I deliver those g*ns,
those redskins go away

and we get our horses back.

This is your last
chance to escape.

Okay, wait here!

This is the Cimarron Pass,

Here we make camp.
We have to rest.

She must rest. Johnny
Willows can sleep for weeks.

This is a good place.
We are well protected.

We haven't seen an Apache for
days, what do you think about that?

I feel that we are still
getting enough resistance.

We're closer to the Waverley,
2 more days walk from here.

- You don't want to give up?
- No.

Okay, make a camp,
We rest here.

- I do not care.
- Make a fire, we'll eat something.

With a fire?

Prescot, they follow us
with or without fire.

We're going to catch a
rabbit, Johnny.

Sergeant, can I come?
- Go ahead.

- Laski and Zach, put the g*ns,
next to those rocks.
- Yes, sir.

- Not bad.
- Can I have another piece, please?
- Of course.

I'm happy to see you are
hungry, señorita.

I'm done, it's for the Sergeant,
he hasn't eaten yet. Thank you.

Well, what do you tell me about that?

- Sergeant.
- No, thank you, I'm not hungry.

Teresa does not like a refusal.

Well, that's not bad.

What is it?

I'm waiting to see what you look like...
when you smile.

- Oh, and what do I look like?
- Very nice.

- Sorry to bite your hand.
- You have a strong bite.

I was angry. Not anymore.
I think I like you.

What do you see?

- It is. still... 2 or 3 days,
to Fort Waverley.

It seems so far away.

- What is your first name, Sergeant Blake?
- Matt.

I know that Matt,
I mean your whole name.

Matthew but my
friends call me Matt.

Matt, do you like Teresa?

I am not in the position
to like someone.

If you are,
Will you tell me then?

It was her idea.

It is my wife how she
endures this march.

The man who gets her
would not be bad off.


Over there!

They come, seek cover!
You come with me!

Keep in cover.

- What do you think?
- Keep them at gunpoint.

They are probably
trying to hold us here

until they get reinforcement.

- How far do these g*ns reach,
- Certainly where they are.

Wait with sh**ting!

They will not come too close,
they are afraid of our g*ns.

They want us to waste amm*nit*on.
stay in coverage.

What do you think of the g*ns?
Do you want to buy one?

This is our last chance
to escape and get horses.

Then we have to give the g*ns.
- That's right.

- How well do you know the Indians?
- It's my friends, I trade with them.

- Do you want to help me?
- How?

Contact the Indians
give 2 g*ns for two horses
and we're leaving.

- Okay.
- Oh.

I'll get the g*ns!

- The dirty...
- Keith, don't sh**t!

- He took our g*ns!
- Corbin, I will k*ll you!

I'm your friend.
I'm bringing the g*ns!

- Lasky, go get those g*ns!
- Yes!

Stanfield is dead.
Stabbed with a knife in the back.

That is not a big loss.
Do you think they're coming back?

They set a guard,
but I think they had enough for today.

Like us.

It is better to accept
that they attack us again.

If they do,
some of them will die.

And more of us.

- Maybe not.
- What do you have in mind, Sergeant?

The Apaches do not
expect one thing.

They stole our horses,
let's steal them back.

I'm going to their camp.
Laski, give me that blanket.

What are you going to do with that blanket?

Apaches hear someone
coming a mile away.

I try to mute the
sound of my boots.

- Are you going alone?
- Only.

Be careful, Matt.

Make sure to be ready
to go when I get back.

Where did you stay for so long?
I was worried.

Give me some water.

Thank you, Zach.

Are you all ready?
- Yes.

Good. Zach, wrap your feet up.
- You certainly found the camp.

- I found it.
- How far is it?
- Approximately 1 mile.

- That's enough.
- Here's how we do it.

Say the camp is here. All sleep,
there are only 2 guards.

One stands on the rocks here,
the other with the horses, here.

Zach, you grab those by the horses.
- Okay.

- Johnny, you grab it on the rocks.
- Okay.

We take our positions
when we get there.

Prescot and Keith,
come to the camp,

there are a number of rocks
between the horses and the camp.
- Okay.

There is a big rock here,
about 100 meters from the horses.

I want to do it this way,
leave the horses behind the rocks, ascend,

drive away the other horses,
then drive over here and grab the g*ns
and drive to Fort Waverley.

The Indians cannot
find the horse tracks.

That's right. I want the horses to be
away from the camp before you ascend.

Everyone takes a g*n.
The rest stays here.

- Don't you want me to wait here?
- No, you better come with us.

You better wait behind that
big rock until we ascend.

Laski, stay with me.
Are there any questions?

Well, good luck.

Give them it!

Sergeant! Johnny is injured!

Here, Sergeant.

We're taking you back to the
camp, Johnny.

- There is no more time.
- Do not say that!

From now on...
am I going alone...


Let's stop here for a while.
The others fall behind.

Maybe we will see those
horses that went crazy.

Those horses are long gone.

We have to get rid of those g*ns.
otherwise we will never make it.

It will take a long time, Laski,
but we'll make it.

- Another step and I fall over, Sergeant.
- I haven't made it a mile!



I should never have let
her wear those g*ns.

It makes no sense, Matt.

If we can't wear them,
what should we do then?

- Maybe buried and pick it up later?
- No, I can't risk that.

We can't wear them,
but also not leave behind.

- What are we going to do Matt?
- I did not expect this.

- A man has to do many things
that he did not expect. - Yes.

We make a pile and burn them.

We carried those g*ns 100 miles.

100 miles for nothing!
- No, not for nothing,

sometimes you have to lose,
before you win.