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02x04 - Old Wounds

Posted: 04/15/23 18:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on Yellowjackets...

We're flying.

[SHAUNA] We won't be hungry much longer.


We should gather its blessings.


[BEN] Wow, these are
getting pretty good.

So, that's...

seven miles in each direction?

- Your brother's alive.
- I know you think that he's dead.

[TEEN NATALIE] It's been two months.

Hanging on a branch.

How did you know about this?

- Answer me.
- I don't know.

- How hard are you pushing?
- Some of you guys just

love living off the grid.

- Bitch.

It is an honor to meet
you, Misty Quigley.

You too, Walter Tattersall.

[CALLIE] I'm Callie.


Shauna was having an affair.

You got bad intel.


Go into that anger.

[TAISSA] Things are tense

with Simone's family right now.

Remember what I told
you about my problem?

It's getting worse.

[VAN] Taissa...





Come back. I'm right here.


I'm right here.

You found another one. Look.


Something in you knows
that these trees are here.

I don't know anything about this.

- Oh, let me sleep.
- I know, I know, but Tai,

listen, listen to me.

If we just talked to Lottie,

- No.
- ... she... she could tap into

- No. No way.
- the part of you that...

No, I told you no!

It's none of her f*cking business.


I'm going back to bed.





[TAISSA] Yeah, busy cashing my checks.

[JESSICA] Some of you guys
just love living off the grid.




Oh, God.






♪ It was cool, nothing fire ♪

♪ Nothing broke ♪

♪ Keep simple ♪

♪ Nothing tired, nothing old ♪

♪ Same as you ♪

♪ Same as you ♪

♪ Oh, so cute, so revival ♪

♪ So alone ♪

♪ Birthday suit, just a smile ♪

♪ No one home ♪

♪ Same as you ♪

♪ Same as you ♪


♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

So, the tow company,
they just found our van

on the side of the road?

Uh, yeah.

How lucky are we, right?



Good morning, sweetie.

I'm hanging with Alana tonight. Bye.

[SHAUNA] Good to know.

I'm going to Kohl's.

They're having a sale, um...

You like the odor-resistant
crew socks, right?

They know about the affair.

- Who?
- The cops.

- The cops know about the affair.
- [SHAUNA] What?

Mm, I overheard them
talking about it at the gym.

How would they know?

You did spend a lot of time with him.

Like you said, public places.

Small town, Shauna.

You're right.

I should've just run
around in a ski mask.

Also in public.

Blackmailing people.




Where you going dressed like that?

The bank. Why are you here?

I need those keys.

I was gonna go help Lisa run
the Farmer's Market booth.

She normally does that with Todd.

You don't strike me as someone with...

enthusiastic honey-selling skills.

Actually, I thought it'd be
a good time for us to bond,

also since she forgave me for...

stabbing her in the face.

All right. Yeah.

But, uh...

Let her drive.

She never gets to and...

she needs the practice.

reached Senator Taissa Turner.

Leave a message after the beep.

I'm getting really worried
that you're not calling me back.

Either of you.

Don't make me come looking for you.


If Taissa and Shauna
have both been kidnapped,

I am going to be very, very annoyed.

I'm sure they're just busy.

They're all lucky to have you.

It's pretty rare to have a friend

who's relentlessly got your back.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.


I've got a good distraction for you

as you wait for your
friends' imminent replies.

You can choose the music
for the rest of the trip.

And I won't complain at all.


- It all makes sense now.
- What?


Why you sought me out.

Why you're helping me.

You certainly did your homework.

What are you talking about?

You can drop the whole thing now, okay?

You're one of those
Yellowjackets obsessives.

And I'm honored that I seem to
be your favorite Yellowjacket,

but I am not gonna tell you anything

about what happened out there.

So, you can just...

drop me off at the next town.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's
not what's happening.

[SCOFFS] It's like I told you:

I-I sought you out
from Citizen Detective

because I wanted to
work with the brilliant

investigative mind that
is Agent AfricanGrey.

And because you dropped
a Sweeney Todd reference

in one of your posts.

Look, I-I don't care... Uh, no offense,

because I'm sure it was a
significant trauma, but...

I don't care that you're a Yellowjacket.

That was like years ago.


And it's the least
interesting thing about you.

So, you just...

happen to love musicals?

And it has nothing to do with me?



I don't really care about musicals,

- or what we listen to.
- Oh.

Well, so then you won't
be bothered if I put on...


Oh, let's tell the story of Cinderella,

except every character's a train? Ugh.

Enough already.



♪ People of Europe! ♪

♪ I send you the Rainbow ♪

♪ Of Argentina ♪

♪ People of Europe! ♪

♪ I send you the Rainbow of Argentina ♪


Thank God, because I am
tired of starling soup.

So who's the thief?

Someone stole some
bear meat from the shed.

I guess they think they deserve more

than the rest of us, which...

at this point, is pretty f*cked.

If anybody, I'm the one who
should be taking some more,

except I'm not because
I'm not the f*cking worst.

So which one of you is?

Okay. Right. Whatever.

It was probably him.

He thinks he's so much better than us.

I didn't take the f*cking meat.

Okay? And in case you forgot,

not exactly nimble in the snow.

But you know what?

If it had been me, what
exactly would you do about it?

Would you eat me?


Let's all chill, you guys.

There's just no way
that Coach would ever...

This is all because of you, you know.

- Excuse me?
- Why we don't have any meat.

Lottie tries to bless you for the hunt,

but half the time you're
MIA. Or when you do show up,

it's like you're practically
holding your nose.

Are you joking?

You actually think that's
why we can't find any game?

Because of me?

I'm the only one that's even trying.

Me and Travis.

While the rest of you guys
are just f*cking sitting

- on your asses.
- If there isn't any game,

then how did Lottie get the birds?

Um, Lottie didn't get the birds.

They flew into the cabin.

[MARI] Because she told them to.

It did happen when the blood dripped on

the symbol that she made.

We're still not really sure that's why.

Yeah, you see, that's
what we call a coincidence.

Okay? Those birds were just...

like, confused, or...

they had a disease, or something.

No, if they were diseased,

then we would've gotten
sick from eating them.

[VAN] What about the bear?

I don't think anyone who saw
that could call it a coincidence.

Exactly. It all goes to show:

the only food we've had in
months is thanks to Lottie.

Then we should have a contest.

Yeah? One-on-one.

We both go out, just her and me,

and then at the end
of the day, we see who

makes it back here with more food.

Come on, Nat, that's not fair.

Lottie isn't a hunter.

According to them, she's
better than a hunter.



Surprised you wanted to do this with me.

I needed a break from the compound.

Plus, I figured I owe you for the...

It-It's fine. It's
fine. It-it feels better.

So Lottie only lets you
guys leave the compound

once a week for the
market and that's it?

No, we're allowed to
leave whenever we want,

for as many days as we want, it's just

Charlotte needs me to
lead a lot of the workshops

back at the compound,
so I'm always busy.

Don't you think it's
weird to even have a rule

that you get to leave whenever you want

for as many days as you want?

Almost like she wants to
give the illusion of freedom

so that you'll always come back?

Okay, that is a reach.

It's... It's not a
rule, it's just something

that she says in her welcome speech.

There are no rules at
the compound, really.

[SCOFFS] Are you kidding?

Only what to wear, what to say,

what meetings to attend...

We do all of that because we want to.

So, everyone's favorite
color just happens to be...

- Purple, yeah.
- Purple?

Some people at the compound

come from a lot of money, others don't.

Charlotte wanted everyone
to be equal there.

She didn't ask you to give up anything?

Only the bad parts.

The unhelpful parts.

What does that mean?

Look, you don't take
this seriously, I get it.

I didn't either at first.


what changed?


[LOTTIE] It's weird,
Dr. Graham didn't tell me

he was taking a sabbatical.

was a last-minute thing.

But I promise I'm up
to date on your file.


But I am curious, you've
been seeing Dr. Graham

at a fixed time every six
months for the past ten years

and it says here you're not
due for another five weeks.

What's up?

I was hoping he would up my meds.

Can you do that?

I certainly have the power to,

but why do you want to up your meds?

Uh, well, you read about...

what happened back when
I was a kid, I assume?

I started having...

visions again.

For the first time in...

in decades.

And it keeps happening.

And it needs to stop.

They need to stop.

The last time, it was, um...

became something different.

Can't happen again.

I've worked really hard.

And I've built something that's...


... it's helping people.

It's helping me.

Can't go back.

Before we talk about your dosage,

I would urge you to reframe
the way you're thinking

about these visions.

The stress of constantly
pushing them away

could potentially cause
more to surface, so...

maybe ask yourself...

what do you think they're
trying to tell you?



Because they're not real.


Okay, so one-on-one means
no assistance of any kind.

If you get a k*ll, just
leave it where it is

and we will come and
help you bring it back.

You, yourself, have to
be back before sundown,

or you're automatically disqualified.

If you're not back by then,

we'll come out and we'll find you.

Oh, and for weapons...

we only have...

one g*n, so, um, maybe
you can draw cards...

Lottie doesn't need a g*n.

[MISTY] Okay.





f*ck me.





- Hi.
- Oh, hey, Michelle.

- How's everything?
- Good.

Yeah, um...

Oh, I've been meaning to thank you

for having Callie sleep over so much.

I should cut you a check
for her room and board.

Sorry, but...

Callie hasn't slept over
at our house in weeks.




Mom... ?


Come on, get in.

Thought we could go somewhere and, uh...

have some fun.


I don't know yet.

That's what's fun.

In small towns, everyone knows
who and where the weirdos are.

Wait, you can't just ask the
waitress where the cult is.

- Yes, I can.
- What if she's one of them

and gives us false information?

Oh, what if she...

Is there anything
else I can get for you?

No, thank you.



What is your... deal?


Um, well, I mean, how
can you just be here?

Do you not... have a job?

Oh, no.

I haven't had a job in years.

I'm a millionaire.

A multi-millionaire, technically.

No, you're not.

Remember that scaffolding
company that got sued

a few years back when
their beams came loose

and caused a torrent of bricks to hit

that poor guy who was walking under it?

Well, he had to have a
metal plate put in his head,

and settled in court
for six million dollars.

Yeah, the whole thing's on YouTube.

Even the experts don't
know how I survived.

Do you want to see?

Excuse me. Do you know about
the cult with the purple people?

- What did you...
- We are wasting time.

[WAITRESS] Yes, they're awful tippers.

[MISTY] Well, would you happen to know

where we might find them?

Uh, they sell their honey

at the Farmer's Market every Tuesday.

Today is Tuesday.

Yeah, I know.

- Come on with that luck.




Where you headed?


Going west?

Do you want a ride?

Uh, I... no, I-I can...

Hey. Full disclosure, I voted for you.

Oh. Thank you.

I-I don't normally hitchhike and...

look like this.

Ah, it's all right.

Kind of makes me like you more.

If state senators can have a bad day,

so can all of us, huh?

Where were you when I was
coming up with campaign slogans?

Come on in.


Uh, uh...

No, I just...

How much do you want for it?




There's that dripping again.

Did no one hear that?

I'm gonna find out
where it's coming from.

Help me look?

I'm kind of busy right now.

News flash: you don't
have to take the SAT.

I do.

Because when we get back,
I'll still be a junior.

Okay, fine.

But can you please just look with me?


Guess I'll check the pantry.




Hey, how long have you
been in here, mister?

I'm not gonna hurt you, it's okay.

Come on...

That's it.

There you go.


Hi. Hello.

You finding anything?

No. Nothing.





Holy f*cking sh*t.


This is a shitty Farmer's Market.

No, this is, uh, my mom's house.

I want to see my fish.

His name is the th
Gilly and he's so cute.

But Todd never lets me make any stops

other than the bank and the market.

So, can you just, like, not
tell Charlotte that we came here?

Oh, so there are no rules,

but you're not allowed
to see your family?

Uh, no, it's not that we're not allowed,

it's that Charlotte doesn't
think it's a good idea.

She says that our anchors
are at the compound.

Not out here.



Oh, honey...

I'm so glad that you're home.

Your room is exactly how you left it.

Uh... Well, I clean
the sheets once a week.

I'm not actually here to stay.

Just... came to see
the th Gilly and...

say hi and...

let you know that I'm
doing really great.

And that I'm happy.

Right, Natalie?

Great. And happy.

Are you still taking your medication?

No, but I got help to
ween myself off of it.

And I feel a lot better.

It's not cloudy in here anymore.

It wasn't cloudy before.

Well, I don't know,
maybe it was because...


I know that you're depressed, Lisa.

I know that you can't see it,

but I can always tell.

Yes, I am still depressed

because it's kind of a forever thing,

but I'm doing real work.

I'm confronting the
feeling and not numbing it.

That's the routine.

Confront, acknowledge,

let it go.

That's not a real routine.

If it works for her,
what does it matter?

Do you know what? Do you
mind stepping out for a minute

so that I can talk to my daughter alone?

Mom, why are we all the way out here?

And where even is here?

- No bars?

Seriously, where are we?


What... ?



I know that you've been lying about...

sleeping at Alana's.

Is there anything else you've
lied about that I need to know?


First of all, Mom, this is like...

so much.

And second, is there
anything you've lied about

that I need to know?

Like maybe why you wanted
to burn that guy Adam's

driver's license out of existence?


And I swear to God, Mom,
if you lie to me again,

I am so...

f*cking over secrets. Like, I can't.

Did you...

k*ll that guy?

Did Dad?

Okay, okay, you know what? You're right.

No more secrets.

Yes. I-I k*lled Adam.

But he was blackmailing my friends.

My-my teammates.

Oh, f*ck, no, actually...

That's a lie. Adam, uh,
was not the blackmailer.

But at first I thought
that he was, so...

Oh, my f*cking God.

So, you...

you k*lled a person?

Like an innocent person
who did not deserve to die.


Yeah. [SIGHS]

I knew that Dad didn't have
anything to do with any of this.

I knew that it was all you.

Actually, you know, your dad is not

so squeaky clean in all this, Callie.


He was the blackmailer.

Okay. Everything about this sucks.

- I know.
- So you're saying that...

he's the reason that
this entire thing happened

and that you're now a m*rder*r?

No. No, no, no. You...

I mean...

Yes, kind of.

But he's not a bad person, okay?

He's just a bad criminal.

But why did he think that he could

blackmail the Yellowjackets for money?

Because they did, they...


We did things out there that...

... we're really ashamed of.


Sorry, I know...

Maybe one day I can
talk to you about it,

but for now, um...

can that just be enough?





Cal, you...

You cannot tell anyone about this.

Do you promise you won't tell anybody?

I won't.

I promise.


So, I've been making a map

of the trees that you've
been leading me to and, um,

this is a map that Coach Scott made,

not with me, but it's
pretty accurate, I think.

So I just transferred my
map onto it and then I marked

all of the symbol trees.

Like this is the one right by the gorge,

and this is the one that
you found last night.

You see it, don't you?

See what?


Van, this is just, like,
a bunch of random points.

You can make any kind
of shape from these.

Are you... ?

I don't understand.

I don't understand why you won't see

what's right in front of you.

Look, I understand
you're trying to help me.

And I'm grateful, but...

it's possible that this
is all just meaningless.

Yeah, it's possible. It's
also possible that I am right.

And if I am...

then there should be a tree

with a symbol on it,

right here.

Will you come and look for it with me?


[PAUL] Oh, look what you found.


Oh, this one.

Took me to a bakery for breakfast

and selected me a bagel
from the day-old bin.

You'll be shocked to
hear we didn't last.


That guy. Eh...

- Ben.
- Yeah.

Do you not have a box like this?

Of sentimental, mostly...

- meaningless things that...
- No.


No, that's the thing, I-I don't.

I-I mean, I have boxes of...

trophies and old soccer cleats, but...

No, I don't have that kind of...


That's exactly what this is.

It's history.

This is my past.

And you, Ben...

mm, you are my future.



[SYBILL] I know how to handle you.

I know what you need.

I know what to do when
you make another attempt.

I haven't ideated su1c1de
in three months, Mom.

That's huge for me. If
you can't see that...

maybe we don't need
to have a relationship.

I'll just take Gilly and go.

[SYBILL] Just because you're
a cult's responsibility now,

doesn't mean that part of you is gone.

You can't take care of yourself, honey.

Let alone a fish.

- He's a fish.
- That you will k*ll.

Not by forgetting to feed it, but by

opening your arteries and
leaving it alone to starve.

[NATALIE] What the
f*ck is wrong with you

that you can't let
your daughter be happy?

You say you're her mom,

but you only care about you.

You don't even see what
you're saying and doing,

how it's affecting her...

You're not helping!

I'm sorry I disappointed you.

I love you even when
you try to control me.

But I'm okay now!


Bye, Mom.


[SIGHS] I'm sorry I snapped at you.

I know you were just trying to help

and I didn't mean to make it into...

whatever that was, but...

Here's your f*cking fish.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Is this where the purple people are?

Sunshine Honey?

It's supposed to be, yeah.

Do you know where their place is?

Not super sure, but they're
up in some rural area.

Like next town over.

Off Route , somewhere.

Okay, I don't like this at all.

We need to get to Route , right now.

Whoa, whoa, it's getting dark.

We don't know what we'd be up against.

We'd be at a disadvantage.

We'd have the element of surprise.

If I'm a cult leader,

I'd like you to think you
had the element of surprise.

I had a feeling this could happen.

There's a local B nearby.

I say we surprise them in the morning.


Guys, I found a f*cking moose.

Wait... found but didn't k*ll?

No, it's dead, it's frozen
in the surface of the lake.

I'm gonna need a lot of
help to get it out of there.


Take this.

And everyone dress as warmly as you can.

Hey, I thought the
rule was no assistance.

Oh, my God, Mari, this is food.

If we can get this out,

this moose will probably
feed us till spring.


You literally set the f*cking rules.

- I'll tell Lottie.
- Go for it.

Tell her I didn't want
us to f*cking starve.


I hope Lottie's okay.

Of course she is.



Hey, Leonard.




♪ It was cool, nothing fire ♪

♪ Nothing broke ♪

That would look beautiful on you.

Would you like to try it on?

Uh... No, thank you.
I'm-I'm just looking.

Here if you need me.


♪ Same as you ♪


♪ Oh, so cute, so revival ♪

♪ So alone ♪


♪ Birthday suit... ♪

I got that for you.

You look hungry.

♪ No one home ♪

♪ Same as you ♪


Don't you think you
should say something first?

Uh, I-I didn't think that I'd have to.

Oh, you're shivering.

I think I saw a coat
for sale at Abercrombie.

I don't... I don't think
I have a credit card.


When did that ever stop you?

♪ No return, no return ♪

♪ No reason ♪

I think we need to get you out of here.

♪ No return, no return... ♪

But I just got here.

I don't, I don't want to...

I don't want to leave you.

[LAURA LEE] Lottie.

If you don't get warm, you're gonna die.

You have to go.

- But I...





[TRAVIS] Yeah. We're through.




The rope. Come on.

Hold on, hold on.


Pull! Pull harder!

- Pull!





- No!
- Hey, hey, no, no.

- No, we need it! We need it!

It's gone.

- It is gone.
- We need it. We need it.


[NATALIE] Are you gonna
k*ll that fish or what?

I am so afraid I'm gonna k*ll this fish.

Do you really think
I can keep him alive?

I have no idea.

But f*ck what your mom says.

If you want to k*ll
yourself, then k*ll yourself.

But it doesn't look like you do, today.

So, I think that fish is
gonna survive the night.

And the rest...

worry about it tomorrow.


You know, I was there when
you had a g*n to your head.

Do you still want to k*ll yourself?

Not today.

May I take a name for
the reservation, please?

Book it under John Lange, please.

- You never want to...
- I wasn't going to use my real name.

And it's just for one room, right?

- Probably.
- No.

No, yeah, no.

- No.
- No.

Two rooms, please.

And, um, you can put mine
under the name Lady Mallowan.


Seventeen and eighteen.

- Thank you.
- Up the stairs to the right.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Want help with your bag?
- No, thank you.


♪ I hope it doesn't show ♪

♪ It'll go away ♪

♪ It's just a passing phase ♪

♪ It'll go away ♪

♪ You can dress nautical ♪

♪ Learn to tie knots ♪

♪ Take lots of Dramamine ♪

♪ Out on your yacht ♪

♪ But when you're all alone ♪

♪ And nothing bites ♪

♪ You'd wish you'd stayed at home ♪

♪ With someone nice ♪

♪ But when you think
you made it disappear ♪

♪ It comes again, hello, I'm here ♪

♪ And I've got angst in my pants ♪

♪ You can be smart as hell ♪

♪ Know how to add ♪

♪ Know how to figure things ♪

♪ On yellow pads ♪

♪ Answer so no one knows ♪

♪ What you just said ♪

♪ But when you're all alone ♪

♪ You and your head ♪

♪ What's the computer say? ♪
♪ It's mumbling now ♪

♪ It says "Hey Joe,"
it's spelled it out ♪

♪ And you've got angst in your pants ♪

♪ I've got angst in my pants ♪

♪ I've got angst in my pants ♪

- I was judgy...
- I think we're...

- Sorry.
- Sorry.

You go.

I was judgy today.

I'm sorry.

You know, I mean, I'm
really trying, Shauna.

I'm trying to, like...

get over this... affair

and take the high road, it's just...

I'm not, I don't, maybe I'm not fully...

over it.

And I'm sorry.

No. It's okay.

I'm sorry too, I mean...


- You go now.
- Okay. [LAUGHS]

I know everything is...

a lot right now and there's
stuff we don't know and...

there's stuff to be scared
of, but I really think

we're gonna be okay.

Our family, I mean.

The-the three of us.

Yeah. I agree.



what do you mean?

I told Callie everything.

You know, she'd already kind
of been thinking it, but...

I just...

confirmed it and, um, she's okay.

I'm sorry?

You what?

Yeah, Jeff, I know but,
you know, she-she was okay.

I think she was worried and
obviously a little scared,

but she understood.


It's like we only get
one sh*t at this thing.

You know, like we only have one kid.

And as parents, it's part of our job.

We have to protect her,
we have to shield her

from making the same shitty
mistakes we made, Shauna.

To throw our f*cking
bodies in front of her

if that's what we have to do.

And, what, you're telling me you...

you've made her an accomplice.

We are lying to everyone,
okay? Everyone we know.

I don't want to do that
to our own daughter.

Can I, uh... help cook or something?

Aren't you gonna go to Alana's tonight?


I haven't been going to Alana's, I've...

been going to the park
with a friend and...


But, um...

I'm not gonna do that anymore.

- Sorry.
- [JEFF] Well...


[CALLIE] So... ?

Can I chop a thing?


- Cucumbers.
- Cu...

- Cucumbers.
- Yeah.




I'll be right back, okay?

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, sh*t.

Is she okay?

Not really, no.

We followed a trail of blood
and found her passed out.

She was right where the
hunter's plane used to be.

Are you hurt?

- Let's get her jacket off.
- It's okay.

- We got you, we got you.

Get her back here.

We can get her to the tub.

Okay, yeah, let's get her up.

Okay, come on, let's go.

One, two, three.

Up. Up. Come on.


Okay, I got you.

- Okay.

[NATALIE] It's gonna
get better. Come on.

- [NATALIE] Come on.


Come on. Come on.



Just... let them have a minute.


This is all my fault.

I'm really sorry.

Good game.

You f*cking loser.


You're talking sh*t?

You little bitch.

You ended up with nil, the same as me.

I'm fine.

Good game.





Can this...

just be enough...

... please?

Well, I think we've looked at every tree

within a mile of here.

So we should go back. It's getting dark.

No, it's fine. Let's just...

make sure we didn't miss anything.


[VAN] Huh.

That's weird.

Why is it melted?





Where the f*ck did he come from?

Hey, hey. Stop!

We're not trying to hurt you!

Ow! Hey! Stop fighting. It's us.







No, that's impossible.


Oh, my gosh.



- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Oh, my gosh.

How... How the hell are you alive?


Javi. Hey.

It's me.

It's your brother.

This means Lottie was right.

She's the one who said Javi was alive.

Three cheers for Lottie! Hip-hip...

Lottie knew he was alive,
but Taissa knew where he was.

No, but I...

No, you can't deny this
anymore. There is something

deep inside of you that is
connected to all of this.



You got to let me know
what you think about those.

If you can get the machine working.

Okay, will do.

- Report back.
- [CUSTOMER] Yeah.




Tai... ?

Hey, Van.