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sn*per: Rogue Mission (2022)

Posted: 04/17/23 06:22
by bunniefuu
Stop calling me
every 15 minutes.

If you gave me updates,
I wouldn't have to.

There's nothing to update.

I'm on my third bag of pork rinds,
still freezing my ass off up here,

and Cusamano still
hasn't made the arrest.

He told me five minutes,
six minutes ago.

Well, maybe he stopped
to tie his shoe.

Yeah, maybe.

Or maybe he's trying to
sabotage my entire operation.

Either way, if he doesn't show, I need
you to bring in Laura Lake tonight.

Zero, this is not my mission.

If the colonel knew I was
interfering this much...

I wouldn't ask if it
wasn't important, B.

Laura Lake needs
to go down tonight.

We deal with protocol later.

I know I'm asking a lot.

- Please.
- Let's just hope he shows, huh?

Let's hope so.

All right, keep me
posted. I gotta go.

Let's go. Gear up!

- What's up?
- No time to explain. Just follow me.

- Okay, let me go to my locker...
- There's no time. Let's go.

Simon, good. You know.

Know what?

- Her camera, it's...
- Yeah, yeah.

I got it. Thanks,
Manny. I got it.


- What is going on?
- Sorry, no time to explain.

My number's in the pocket. Call
me when you're somewhere safe.

- Just run.
- I can't...

Don't look back. Go, go.

That's the friendliest
arrest I've ever seen.

Okay, Zero's not paranoid.

That looks shady as hell.

Okay, that was an
update from the boss.

Feds are 30 minutes out.
We need to move now.

We've all been preparing
for this. Time to get ugly.

Gildie, you got the easy
job. Head to the roof.

- Want me to go with him?
- Gildie?

Need your big brother
to hold your hand?

- Think I'll manage.
- Good.

- Hey, where were you?
- I had an issue with one of the cameras.

Why are you fixing cameras?
Break everything down.

- I know...
- I don't care! Okay? Stop fixing sh*t.

Wipe the drives. Make
us disappear. You two...

We're running low on time. We
need all the hands we can get.

Don't hurt yourselves.


Tell us when.



Twenty-seven minutes.
Rescue Squad is 15 behind.

Easy job.

We're missing someone.

She snuck through a vent.
Gildie got her. I checked.

Nerds, where are we?

We're good.

Okay, let's move out.

Come on.

Come on.

Oh, now you don't answer?

Someone tipped them off.

Place is empty.

Look at them.

It's not f*cking empty.



Hey. If you tell me Cusamano still
hasn't shown up, I'm gonna lose it.

Well, he showed up, but
he didn't make the arrest.

He shook her hand, put her in a
car, and sent her on her way, so...

I arrested him.

Have you lost your g*dd*mn mind?

Harvey Cusamano is the Deputy Chief
of the United States Border Patrol.

You don't just arrest
him on a hunch.

- It was more than a hunch.
- Shut up.

And, by the way,

CIA officers don't
actually make arrests.

- Just so you know.
- It was a citizen's arrest.

Shut up.

You know how many phone
calls I made this morning

because you think you're James
Bond after two months on the job?

Three months, sir.

And everyone knows that
James Bond was MI6.

- Shut up?
- Please.

Brandon, you convinced me to
bring you into the company,

so you could settle down.

I'm trying to retire.

I'm only sticking around to
watch you get your feet wet.

Your feet wet.

Not to go swimming in sh*t.

Listen to me.

You've led an exciting life.

But this is the
land of red tape.

The name Laura Lake
mean anything to you?

In Virginia? Beautiful
this time of year.

What? No.

Laura Lake is the CEO of Sigma
Oasis Innovations here in London.

Publicly, anyway.

In her spare time, she runs a
sex-trafficking ring in the U.S.

She smuggles women
across the border

in the back of shipping
containers full of computer parts.

And they had her.

Zero was running
operations stateside.

And Cusamano was in
charge over here.

One thing they couldn't figure out
was, how was she clearing the docks?

Getting these containers past
Immigration and Coast Guard?


Zero asked me to keep
an eye on Cusamano.

I don't know if he thought
he was dirty or negligent,

but he didn't trust him.

And he was right.

Sneaking these women
in is a lot easier

if you have a border patrol
chief in your pocket.

Come in.


Did I make it just in time to
see you hand over your badge?

I'm handling this, thank you.

We apologize for
any inconvenience.

It was a poorly timed joke.

He pulls the cuffs a bit too
tight, but, uh, other than that,

no real inconvenience.

Like I said, we apologize.

And I promise,
action will be taken.

Honestly, no action
necessary on my behalf.

Your pal Zero and
I don't get along,

but I don't believe in
guilt by association.

So let's clear the
slate. Start fresh.

You were spying on me.

Water under the bridge.

Now tell me what
you think you saw.

What led to my
ill-advised arrest?

I saw Laura Lake getting away.

Didn't look like you
were trying to stop her.

The opposite, in fact.


after having a night
to sleep on it,

I realize...

I was too far away and my
vantage point was obscured,

so I don't really
know what I saw.

She didn't get away.

Well, not for long.

Apparently, she knew her time was
up, knew I was closing in on her.

So she decided to end
things on her own terms.

We found her early this
morning in her bathtub.

Pills. Tragic.

Gabriel, I'll send you the full
report when I'm back at my desk.

It's not the way we
wanted it to go down.

I know Zero's upset.
He needed her alive.

She's the key to our case.

But, nevertheless, there are
protocols. Your involvement was...

Perhaps you'll understand
a more youthful parlance.

- Stay in your lane, Sergeant Beckett.
- Okay.

He will. Thanks for dropping by.

- I'll send that report.
- You do that.

Unfortunately, I'm
gonna need your badge.

- He's full of sh*t, sir.
- I'm sure he is.

It's the land of red tape, son.

No, you're not even
trying. Not even trying.

- I didn't even get set.
- Put your hands up. We playing here?

- You flinched.
- You moved. I didn't flinch.

- You flinched. Give me your hand.
- Hey, hey, cut it out.

Jesus. Hey, Rosie. Um...

Do me a favor, okay?
Uh, count to ten.

I'm serious. Count
to ten. Come on.

No? It's tough, I get it.

I get it. Gildie?

Wanna give it a sh*t?

No? No? Simon?

Come on, guys, anyone wanna take a s*ab
at counting from one to f*cking ten?


I mean, that explains it.

That explains why we only
k*lled nine f*cking girls!

Now Mary Jane is at
the police station.

There's a fed on the
way to pick her up.

So you two dip shits are gonna go
clean this up. And do me a favor.

Grab a calculator, get some
flashcards, a f*cking abacus.

Just learn how to
count on the way there.

And, Gildie, don't
be a p*ssy, okay?

You flinched. Give your
brother a free one. Come on.


It's the spirit of
the game, Gildie!

This is it.

What's the matter? Don't see
any tall buildings to perch on?

No, I don't.

Why don't you go in with your knives
and take care of it? That'll go well.

I can fit a Kn*fe in my pocket.

Rooftop's a little tricky
to carry around with you.

Yeah? Well, luckily, I don't need
to be 6 inches from my target.

We passed a parking garage by
city hall. Let's head there.

Zeke Rosenberg,
Homeland Security.

Hi, my friends call me Zero.

Man, I am so happy
to find you alive.

Sure hope the soccer mom in
this minivan doesn't show up.

That's why you're here. Keep a
lookout and give me a heads-up.

Yeah, or we could be in that
empty corner over there.

I already told you,

I don't have a sh*t from
there, so just watch my back.

Okay, now, it
doesn't matter how,

but if any of these guys look
familiar at all, you tell me, okay?


- Him? You've seen this guy?
- Mm-hm.

Okay, now, uh, this
guy who let you go,

this Simon character, do you
have any way of contacting him?

Uh, I have his number. Um...

It's right...

Can we get the clothes that
she came in with, please?

Weren't any.

- Did you knit that beanie?
- What?


You and Mom don't knit anymore?

No, we don't knit anymore, not since
that one time when I was like 8.

You were really good at it.
Sick of you being so defensive.

- It was more like 13.
- Can you shut up, so I can concentrate?

Concentrate? She's
a sitting duck.

If it's so g*dd*mn easy,
why don't you do it?

Calm down. I didn't say
it'd be easy for me.

I figured it'd be
easy for you, since...

Excuse me. Can I get
your badge number again?

It's not coming
up in the system.

One second. What do you mean?

Am I good?

I'll tell you if you are not good.
Focus on your part, let me do mine.

I'm sorry, sir. I can't
let you leave with her.

Are you kidding me?

He erased me from
the f*cking system?

I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.
Not your fault.

Sorry, Mary Jane.



- What? Did you miss?
- Rosie, shut up. I need to concentrate.

They found you.

I gotta get you the
hell out of here. Now.

It's okay. It's okay.

You can trust me.
I tell you what.

Here, here, here. You drive.

You get me out of here, okay?

Whatever. But we gotta go. Now.

I'm one of the good guys.

- What happened? You missed her?
- Shut up. I think that's them.

That's them.

Get down! sh*ts fired.




That's not just coffee.

I thought we could use a little
something to take the edge off.

You headed back to the States?

No reason to stay here.

Waiting around for Cusamano
to try and take me out.

That's a little
dramatic, Brandon.

Even if he is dirty, he
ain't worried about you.

He's too damn cocky for that.

So you do believe me.

- Doesn't matter what I believe.
- Of course it does.

You can take him down.

He'll slip up.
Let me follow him.

You're suspended.

Then you do it. I'll just be
there keeping you company.

- There's not a law against that.
- Actually, there is.

Then you go alone, or send someone
else, but don't just ignore this, sir.

Why are you pretending
I didn't see what I saw?

Because I don't care.

You think this is
a first for me?

I've seen more corruption
than I care to keep track of.

Guys getting off red-handed.

Eyewitness testimonies.

And they walk. No, check that.

They get promoted.

Cusamano's probably dirty...

and responsible for
deplorable things.

But I'm too old and too
tired to care, Brandon.

I'm tired of watching assholes
get off on another technicality.

I was like you.

Not as good a sh*t.

But I wanted to put on a cape

and put that big
S on my chest too.

Come talk to me in 40 years.

Well, I guess I'll see
you when I'm reinstated.

Hell, no. I'll be long gone.

I'll be hunting or skiing.

Or I'll be at the movies, big tub
of artificially buttered popcorn.

Sounds nice.

Enjoy your retirement, sir.

Whoa, whoa.

Oh, I got a bad feeling
about those long faces.

It wasn't Gildie's fault.

- There were...
- f*ck!

Do you have any...? No.

Do you have any clue the f*cking
phone call I have to make now?

Do you?

Because of you two
f*cking ass wipes?

Watch it, Dax.

We did everything we could.

Don't tell...

Don't tell me to watch it.

Don't f*cking...


What's going on?

I'm guessing the brothers
weren't successful.




Guessing you're right.

Seem pretty happy about that.

No, it...

No, I...

Is she expecting us?

No, no. God, no.

This is an "ask for forgiveness,
not permission" situation.

Why here?

'Cause no one will find us here.

Can lay low for two seconds,
figure out what our next move is.

- Is this gonna be awkward?
- Mm-hm.

How long have you been divorced?

Three years. Ancient history.


Zero, is that you?

Get over here, you sneaky
son of a bitch. Come on.

Ha, ha!

- Hey.
- Hey, Sidney Gorfein.

- Mary Jane.
- Glad to meet you, Mary Jane.

Anybody who's friends with this crazy
SOB is welcome in our home any time.

- You son of a bitch.
- Yeah.

- Let me look at you.
- Okay.

- This guy.
- Yeah.

- Always with the coolest g*dd*mn jackets.
- Can we go inside?

Yeah, come on.


Well, I was right.

It was Zero.

And a friend.


What the hell are you
doing here, Ezekiel?

And who the hell is she?

Okay, so there are people
that are looking for her

that want her dead.

So you thought you'd just
pop over for Shabbat?

Well, we just need a place
to lay low for a bit, Shelly.

My apartment's the first
place they'll look.

And I can't trust law
enforcement at present.


Can you help us out?

You're lucky I
made extra tonight.

We can accommodate you
and your new... friend.

And one more?

Hi, I'm Brandon.

I'm a friend of Zero's.

Oh, well, hey. Come on in.

Let me guess.

Homeland too, huh?

Duking it out with this SOB,
saving lives, cracking heads?



He's CIA.

Thank you, Zero. Not at
all classified information.

And, uh...

Actually, I was... I was
let go recently, so, uh...



You'll find something.

So be honest.

Who's the better sh*t?

- Between me and Brandon?
- Uh-huh.

Sidney, you're eating with one
of the best sn*pers in the world.

I couldn't win a stuffed animal
at a carnival r*fle game.

In his defense, neither can I.
Those things are definitely rigged.

You hear that, honey?

Best sn*per in the world,
right here at our table.

Well, I'm not the best
sn*per in the world.

And you're not so good, huh?

I have other skills, Sidney.

But, no, I'm not a great sh*t.

That's, uh...

It's disappointing.

Anyway, Zero, can I talk
to you for a second?

- Privately?
- Yeah.


Hey, super cool vest.


We can't stay here much longer,
regardless of how much Sidney wants us to.

All our resources
are compromised.

I'm suspended. Cusamano
erased you from the system.

All our government
resources are compromised.

What are you suggesting?

We go see our old friend.

So you do know where she is.

I thought we were friends.

Thanks, LD.

You go that way,
we'll go this way.

Ask around, but be smart. She
is not looking to be found.

We'll call each other if we get any
info. Let's keep digging until we do.

Sounds like a plan.

Wouldn't it be more efficient
to split three ways?

Yes, but you're already being
hunted by a g*ng of thugs

and a crooked federal agent.

I'd hate to add her to the list.

I've seen her k*ll
a lot of people.

Lovely. Can't wait to meet her.

Have you ever seen
this woman around here?

Hey, sorry to interrupt. Have you
ever seen this woman around here?


Uh, have either of
you two ever seen...?

- Excuse me, man. Have you seen...?
- Follow me.

So how do you know the
woman in the photo?

Shut up.

You two friends or something?

Shut up.

- Why you in such a rush?
- Shut up.

Hey, who are you?
Where are we going?

Down there. We never met.



Nice to see you too.
Wait, I'm not here to...

Listen to me. I'm...

Just hold on.

I'm not trying to...

What is your problem?

- You done?
- Whoa, whoa! Hey, hey.

Hey, hey, we're
all friends here.

Calm down. We're all friends.

We need your help.


If you would've let me finish...

So this is Lady Death
off the grid, is it?

What do you want?
Thirty seconds.

There's a crooked federal
agent helping a sex trafficker

smuggle women into the country.

But he's watching
our every move, so...

We need you.

- No.
- What? That was like 11 seconds.

Don't make us beg you.

They told me they
found my family.

Spent my life in one
foster home after another,

thinking my parents were dead...

then one day these people find me and
say they're alive, living in the U.S.

They were nice.

Told me they'd take me to see them.
Told me they were excited to see me.

Told me I had a little brother.

Then the reality.

I spent seven days in a
pitch-black shipping container

with no food or water
and nine other girls.

I still wake up every night in a panic,
thinking I'm stuck in that metal cage.

From there, it just got worse.
Just full-blown sex sl*very.

We're not allowed to leave,
not allowed to have phones,

or friends, or, like, lives
outside the compound in any way.

We were prisoners, stripping
on camera for f*cking Bitcoin.

They k*lled everyone but me.

I only escaped because one guy
had something like a heart.

Now they want me dead because I can
identify every last one of them.

Including the guy that
double-crossed him.

They need your help, so that these animals
can't do it to another group of girls.

But me, I just...

I just wanna stay alive.


- What's the plan?
- Oh, thank you.

Okay, okay. Um...

This guy who let you go...

- Simon.
- Simon.

How sweet on you is he?

He's a good guy.
Do whatever I ask.

Beautiful. We need
to bring him in.

He's getting ready to turn.
We need you to finish the job.

Get him to tell us everything: when
the next shipment of girls comes in,

where the new base of
operations is located,

the whole nine yards.

You still got that number?


We can't trust our phones,
even with encryption.

sh*t, you're right.

I know a guy.

Oh, this assh*le?

- You know this guy?
- He set the trap for me earlier today.

Sorry about that.

Come on in.

We need your help.

Zeke Rosenberg. Call me Zero.

Intelligence Pete. Call me that.

Intelligence Pete.

Zero. Lady Death. Am I the only one
that uses their real g*dd*mn name?

I was a cam-girl.

Mary Jane is not my real name.

Brandon. Just
plain, old Brandon.

Nice to meet you.
What do you guys need?

Good work, Manny.

You can access all the
feeds right from a phone?

This is great.

- Dax will be pleased.
- Really?

I don't want to overstep anything.
I know you do things differently.

Well, this is better
than how I do it.

- Besides, you'll be running the show soon.
- Yeah.

Should do it your way.

Except for this
rat's nest of cables.

How do you live like this?

- I do not know.
- Yeah.

That's it. I'm going
to get zip ties.

Simon? Hello?

- Hello?
- Okay! I found them.

We got some organizing to do.


- Here.
- Hello?

- Lost him.
- All right, keep trying.

How we doing over here?

Boom, got it.

All right, Intelligence
Pete, earning that nickname.

You are good.

It's at a pretty low clearance level
but, hey, higher than you currently have.

Can you enhance?


That's not really a thing.

Why would he show you a
lower resolution on purpose?

Looks dead to me.

I assure you, she is not.

That's her?

That's the mousy, little nobody
that stuffed me in a metal box?

If she's not really dead, can
you please make that happen?


Oh, don't mind me.

Go ahead, get it.

Oh, it's a blocked number.
Probably just a solicitor.

Hate those.

Oh, don't run it yet. I'm gonna
make myself something to eat.

Sure. I'm just gonna
get back to work.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Oh, man.

- Hey hand me that broom, would you?
- Yeah, you got it.

- I could get it...
- No, it's my mess. I'll clean it up.

- You sure? I can grab a dustpan.
- I got it. I got it.

- I'm just gonna get back to work here.
- Yeah.

Actually, Simon...

I think some glass got
under the stove here.

Can I see the flashlight
on your phone?

I left mine outside.
It'll just take a second.


Where is the, uh...?

- It's just...
- No, no. I got it.

Those are your text messages.

Did you do an update on this
recently? I can't seem to...

I see your missed calls. That
blocked number is blowing you up.

But I can't...


There it is.

Oh, yeah, that is...

That is a lot of glass.

That's gonna take a while.

Oh, hey, Simon.

Guess who.

That blocked number
again. You wanna get it?


- It's just a solicitor.
- Solicitor, right, yeah.

Relentless assholes.

But what if it's not? I mean,
what if that's an emergency?

They keep calling and you don't answer.
I mean, wouldn't you feel awful?

I really think you
should answer it.

On speaker.


Simon? Oh, my God. You
answered. It's me, MJ.

Hey, are you safe?

Not until you get
here. Come to me.

I will.

I can't talk right now. Um...

Text me the address where
you are. I'll leave tonight.

Yes, please. I can't
wait to see you.

Me too. I gotta go.

You can be there before breakfast
if you leave right away.

Well, congratulations, Simon.

You've managed to keep yourself
alive just a little longer.

Okay, we are going
on a field trip.

I don't want this to be an ambush, so
we're gonna do this from a distance.

Rosie, you stay here,
hold down the fort.

Raleigh, Gildie,
you're coming with me.

I am giving you a chance to
redeem yourself on this, okay?

You f*ck this up again, your brother
will be Googling "funeral home."

- Easy on the threats there, Dax.
- You think I mean me?

Do I look like I'm in
charge? I answer to somebody.

That somebody just ordered the
execution of ten innocent women.

So, believe me, she will not think
twice about filleting you two dip shits.

Don't f*ck up.

Now what?

We wait.

Don't suppose you have
any beer in that fridge?

Mm, no.

Orange pop.

Both Sunkist and Fanta.

I only drink Sunkist, but I
keep Fanta on hand for guests.

Not everyone likes Sunkist.

I'll have a Fanta.




That's really
gonna clean me out.

Okay, I'll be back.

I can help.


the elephant in the room.

You were supposed to be
shipped back to Japan.

- How'd you escape?
- Dude.


It's okay.

I'll tell.

Like puzzles, I take it?

- What?
- Puzzles.

Oh, yeah.

I actually have a podcast,

and I'm developing an app
derived from the podcast.

PEP Talk, it's called.

PEP Talk.

Thanks. Yeah, PEP. Puzzle
Exchange Program me.

The podcast is
devoted to puzzling.

That is, jigsaw puzzling.

It's for jigsaw enthusiasts to
discuss all matters of puzzling.

Strategies, statistics,
and all the rest.

The app would be a way for
puzzlers to connect, chat,

and ultimately exchange
puzzles, per the name.

You log times, pictures.
Just all good fun, really.


That is literally the greatest
story I've ever heard.

Evening, sir. I was told
to bring this to you.

- Who's it from?
- The office of Harvey Cusamano.

Thank you.

g*dd*mn it.


What's in Utica, New York?

Laura Lake was found dead
in her home this morning.

Was the activist and philanthropist
secretly a sex-trafficking kingpin?

More on this bizarre
turn after this.

Thank you.

For your help, and
your hospitality.

We're in your debt.

When I was a little girl,

my parents d*ed
in a car accident.

After spending two
years in an orphanage,

I was finally adopted...

only to discover that my new parents
weren't interested in raising a child.

They were grooming an assassin.

I was only ten years old.

They broke me and made
me their lethal servant.

I may be in your debt,

but I'm not doing this for you.

Hello, Harvey.

- You're probably wondering why...
- Ah.


a toast.

To what?

Bad weather.

You must be used
to the rain by now.

You've been stationed in London
for quite some time, yes?

Hm, it's been a minute.

Been a few weeks for you though.

Now that you put yourself
on the Laura Lake case.

Almost three.

But I've spent a lot of
time in this city otherwise.

- You have? Why?
- Work, pleasure.

Truth is, I love it here.

I don't think I'm
going back this time.

Is that right?

You should see the
adorable house I'm in.

Countryside, quiet.

I don't lock my doors. I don't
even keep a g*n in the house.

Okay, I keep a baseball
bat by the bed.

Guess I haven't completely shed
my American paranoia just yet.

You have something
to be paranoid about?

- It was a joke, colonel.
- Oh.

Maybe you're the one
causing the paranoia.

- This wine is fantastic.
- That's nice.

What can you tell me
about Utica, New York?

Home of the Utica
Comets. You a hockey fan?

- I am not.
- So that's not why you're asking.

No. Care to guess again?

Is it the two envelopes in
Laura Lake's evidence photos?

- Precisely.
- Yeah, that makes more sense.

- What can you tell me?
- She was sending someone in Utica mail.

- You know those photos pretty well.
- It's my case.

Better question is, why do
you know those photos so well?

- You have an answer?
- You question their validity.

- Bingo.
- You think Laura Lake faked her death?

- I think someone faked her death.
- Who would that be?

I'm retiring soon.

That'll get you
thinking about things.

You're not exactly a green banana
either. You ever think about your legacy?

Can't say that I have.

I'm not surprised.

Rosenberg. Zero.

Asked Brandon to spy on you.

That's the kind of respect and
loyalty you inspire in subordinates.

Zero had Beckett spy on me because he
stuck his nose where it didn't belong

and asked too many questions.

I'll tell you the
same thing [ told him.

Look the other way.

We all know how this ends.

So let's save everyone a lot of time
and energy, and just look the other way.

The first year I
was in the Corps,

I saw something I
wasn't supposed to see.

I was red-hot,
angry, idealistic.

And when I reported it, my CO...

said just that:

"Look the other way."

I like him.

For the last 38 years,

I have.

More times than
I'm proud to admit.

But these kids,

Brandon, Zero,

they give me hope.

They're not gonna
look the other way.

They're not gonna stop until
they nail your ass to the floor.

I'll be interested
to see how that goes.

Better yet, I might stick around
long enough to do it myself.

The nice thing about retirement, Harvey,
is I don't have to look the other way.

I've got nothing to lose.





Sorry I got you suspended.

Zero, there's no place I'd
rather be than right here.

Now, will you shut the f*ck
up, so I can get some sleep?

You asked me to go
there and do it.

To watch him. I didn't
expect you to arrest the guy.

But I appreciate that, you know.

What would you have done?


LD just dropped a
bombshell on us.

She doesn't have any coffee.

It's tea.

You're in luck. Simon wants to meet
at the coffee shop down the street.

No. We can't risk having
you out in the open.

He's probably not alone.

Even if he stopped
working for those guys,

there's a good chance
they followed him here.

He's probably expecting
the same thing from me.

They know I took off with
you at the police station.

He'll assume I'm
walking him into a trap.

I need him to trust me.

She's right.

Okay, when does he want to meet?

Twenty minutes. Well, 19 now.


How's the sight line?

Looking good.

Simon, we're waiting on you.


I just got it.

She confirmed, 9 sharp.

I told her to get
a table outside.


Your job's done here,
Simon. Nice work.

Okay, here's the plan.

Raleigh will be our
man on the ground.

The fed she's running with won't
recognize him, but Mary Jane will,

so, Raleigh, stay hidden.

The fed will be with her. We
can pretty much guarantee it.

So, Gildie, find him.
Take him out first.

Raleigh is there in case she tries to
run, but if Gildie does his job right...

Raleigh leaves without
ever being there.

- Sound good?
- Yup.


Raleigh, go get some coffee.


Here's the plan.

LD will be our
woman on the ground.

No one knows who she is, so
she can watch you up close.

Let's hope Simon comes
alone and without a fight.

Brandon will be up
here with a r*fle

and a perfect vantage
point of the coffee shop.

So if things go sideways,
you've got an ex-yakuza assassin

and the world's best
sn*per watching your back.

- All good?
- Where will you be?

Up here spotting Brandon.

If Simon shows up with company, Cusamano
will have his men looking for me.

That's why it's your job to
make sure Simon comes up here.

We'll take it from there.

Yuki, we're hoping
she won't need that.

Never mind.


Raleigh's in position.
Still no Mary Jane.

Simon's late.

You recognize that Terminator
reading w*r and Peace down there?

No. Let's keep an eye on him.

He doesn't look like
your average Tolstoy fan.

That's not very
open-minded of you.

Come on. Where is
this little prick?

Still no fed?

- Not yet.
- Give it another minute.

I want to take him out first. If
she does anything fishy, you sh**t.

I think LD has the same bad
feeling about this guy as we do.

She is not hiding it well.

He hasn't turned a
single page of that book.

Either he's a really
slow reader...

Or your politically
incorrect generalization

about Tolstoy fans is accurate.

sh**t her!

- They have a sh**t on-site.
- Yeah, I see that. Where is he?

Right f*cking above us.

Get her!

You f*cking moron! I thought
you were our ace sn*per.

Un-f*cking-believable. I'll
take care of it myself.

You might as well throw
yourself off this roof.

You're toast, my friend! Toast!

Come on.


Son of a bitch.

What the hell?



Simon didn't show.


We need to get the hell out of
here. You two better clean up.

I got a phone, but
there's a password.

Intelligence Pete?

It's encrypted.


I didn't say that was a problem.
Just giving you an update.

- Great.
- Okay, I'm in.

We need anything on location, date,
time. Where and when they're bringing...

I have a text thread with an
address to a shipping yard.

Shipping container ID,
et cetera. Will that do?

That's a good start.


How about a database with 12 female,
mostly Russian-sounding names?

Kind of a show-off, aren't you?

Okay, let's get to work.

Stay here. We've put you through enough.
You'll be safe with Intel Pete, right?

- Hm? What? Yeah, of course.
- Great.

We could do a puzzle.

- Where's everybody else?
- Dead.

What happened?

- How did you get out?
- Not now.



There she is.

Okay, gentlemen.

Got the docks to ourselves for
27 minutes. That's our window.

We got a dozen girls
waiting in there.

They'll be in rough shape.
Let's be fast, but be careful.

All right? You know your
positions. Let's move.

Ooh, that was close.

- What are you waiting for? Take him out.
- Just let her do her thing.


- I should be down there with her.
- Stealth isn't your specialty.

For now, let's stick to the plan.
She moves in, we have her covered.

I hate this plan.


Tampering with the mail
is a federal offense.

sh**t's back.

You find him. I'll find her.


I can hear you, Gabriel.

It's an old house.

When you're over six feet
tall, where are you gonna hide?

This is childish!


I apologize.

Here I am, trying to intimidate you
when I should be leveling with you.

It's disrespectful.

Let's go to the kitchen.

I have a 25-year Macallan.

We'll handle this like adults.



Okay, you have tested my patience
and my patience has lost.

If that's the game
you want to play,

ready or not,

here I come.

That's it. I'm going down.

We're better off covering
her from up here.

Maybe you are, but I'm useless.



There's a sn*per. Find
him. I've got company.

I can't win at the
r*fle game, remember?


f*ck it.

Come on, Rosie. Get out of
the way. Let me handle this.

I see you.

Not giving up my position till
my brother's safe, assh*le.

Come on.

Come on.

Where are you?

There you are.

Calm down.

Just breathe.

Just breathe.


Look the other way, my ass.


- Colonel.
- Beckett.

I just put cuffs on Cusamano.

I got proof Laura
Lake faked her death.

I'm looking at her forged
documents as we speak.

With Cusamano's help, she could
already be in the States by now.

It's all taken care of?

The death certificate?

Autopsy report?


On paper, you're already
dead, cremated, and buried.

It's the only choice we have.

My team is en route to
the warehouse as we speak.

It's gonna be
seven days of hell.

Sleeping on the floor,
sh1tting in a bucket.

But you'll be a new person with a
clean identity when you hit U.S. soil.

Stop the ambulances!
Don't let them leave.


What the hell is going on?


She won't get far
on foot. Let's go.

Hey, hey.

Stop, stop.

Please, help me!

Please, stop.

Oh, thank God.

Thank you so much
for stopping. I...

God, where do I start? I...

I was kidnapped.

I escaped and...

Oh, God.

Sorry, it's been
a long day. I...


Okay, I...

I suppose I should explain. I...

I had to resort to some
very desperate measures

to escape my attackers, you see.

They were animals, and
it was my only way out.

What kind of person would do
that to another human being?

I know, I know, I know.

It's horrible.

But I'm free now,

thanks to you.

Don't recognize me, do you?

Have we met?

Not personally, no.

Didn't think I'd find you here.

Must be my lucky day.


I meant to tell you,
Intel Pete called.

Mary Jane went to the
bathroom and didn't come back.

And his car was gone.

Good for her.

Zero, we gotta go back to your
ex-wife's house, chat with Sidney.

What? Why?

I wanna tell him how
good of a sh*t you are.

This time tomorrow,

I'm officially
retired from the CIA.


The Global Response
and Intelligence Team.

I do it my way,

with my people.

I'm in.

Welcome to another exciting
edition of PEP Talk.

Today, I'll be doing a
Ravensburger classic.

Actually, it appears we have a
very special guest with us today.

Please, join me in
welcoming Mary Jane.

Actually, it's Isabella.

Nice to meet you, Isabella.

And just like that, Isabella has locked
in a double-pronged, back-door kick oblong

into the upper
left-hand quadrant.

And we're on our way.