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01x03 - Dove

Posted: 04/18/23 18:53
by bunniefuu

Thank you very much.

Take care.

Next, please!

Help Knock, knock I've finally found you.

Yamori I lost the whatsit you made for me before.

I want you to make me another one.

Okay All right, I'll be back.

Dear Tell me, oh tell me, the way it works Who is that inside of me?

Here in this broken-down broken-down world, you laugh, without seeing a thing I'm just so damaged, I hold my breath and freeze Breakable, unbreakable; shakable, unshakable When I found you, it shook me In this twisted world, I'm gradually growing transparent and vanishing Don't look for me; don't look at me Don't look for me; don't look at me Don't look for me; don't look at me I don't wish to hurt you in a world of someone else's imagining Remember who I am Slowly, now.

Don't rush it; just make spirals.


How is it?

Compared to yours, sir, it's somehow different.

Coffee takes on a completely different flavor depending on the effort put into it.

Just like with people, there's no need to rush.


There is one important thing.

Anteiku is not just an ordinary coffee house.

It's also where the ghouls of the 20th Ward come together, for fellowship.

Of course, human customers come in, as well.

Just as you once did, right?

U-Um, ghouls should hide themselves from the rest of the world, right?

A-And yet, you serve human customers It's necessary to learn about people in order to live in their world.

To us ghouls, humans are living textbooks.

Besides, I like people.

Okay, I think it's time I had you go down and give Toka a hand.


He likes humans?

In what sense, exactly?

Okay, some other time-- Hey, Kaneki!


What are you doing here?

You nitwit!

I came here to thank Toka, of course!

Thank her?

She helped us out when we were caught in that accident, right?


Sounds like he hasn't completely recovered, huh?

Are you okay?

Oh, mm-hmm.

Hmm Okay.

I heard Mr.

Nishio is still in the hospital, so, you know the fact that we got off with just scratches is all because of you, Toka.


Well, Kaneki, see you later.

--Mm-hmm, later.

--Thank you very much.

Make sure he doesn't find out about you being a ghoul.

Oh, mm-hmm.

If he ever catches on about us, I'll k*ll him, on the spot.



You wouldn't!

If you don't want him to get k*lled, keep it the hell hidden.


Toka Miss Ryoko!

Kaneki, towels!

Okay I'm sorry to trouble you.

Don't be silly.

Hinami, long time no see.

Hinami Where is Mr.




Give her a new one!

Oh, here you go.

Thank you very much.

They're ghouls?

That's Mrs.

Fueguchi, who we'll be looking after starting today.

Looking after?

Yeah, it's a bit of a long story.


What is it?

You're getting on my last nerve!

You can't even do anything!

I'm well aware of that Oh, yeah.

Did the manager tell you anything?


About the box-carriers?


The guys who carry the big attaché cases!

This is the status of the 11th Ward.

They are clearly starting to demonstrate organized movement.

It may be only a matter of time before there's a w*r.

That's all that I have.

Anyone have anything else to report?

Amon Kotaro, Detective First Grade.

I'll start with this.

I believe everyone is aware that three months ago, the 13th Ward's Jason came in contact with an S-rated ghoul who was a binge eater in the 20th Ward.

This was left by him at the crime scene.

What is that?

We believe it is a ghoul medical apparatus.

When we analyzed it, we discovered that it was made of quinque steel.

Oho Jason's objective is currently unknown.

However, I would like to report that since their contact, the fact that any binge predation has yet to be identified deserves some scrutiny.

Which means that something is smoldering in the 20th Ward.

That's the head of the class at the Academy for you.

Mado, lucky you.

Having such an excellent partner allows you more time to play with your toys, huh?

Fortunately, yes.

If I could have you wrap up this meeting early, I could be using my time more productively.

As usual, you're never at a loss for words.

All right, Mado and Amon, keep on it, you're in charge of the 20th Ward.

Got it?

Yes, sir.

With even the ghouls from the up-to-now quiet ward becoming active, I can't help but feel that this is a harbinger of things to come.

But our purpose here at CCG is to drive every last ghoul out of Tokyo!

That is the one and only simple task that we should be doing!

That remains unchanged!

All right, let's focus our energies and get to it!

Yes, sir!

Our regular meeting is now adjourned!


In any case, we're now free to investigate the 20th Ward.


Be that as it may, this is our only lead.

It's enough.

We've caught the end of the thread.

We just have to rout them out, until we reach the other end.


The 20th Ward Mr.


Oh Oh The gourmet, the binge eater, and Jason Give it a try.

S-Sir, I'm sorry, but this is Are you all right?

The bread is like eating a bland sponge, while the cheese is like curd-smelling clay.

Well, those are quite the amusing expressions.

The trick is not to eat it; you swallow it whole.

You have to pretend to chew it about ten times.

If you make chewing sounds while you do it, it will seem more real.

Then, be sure to throw it up before you start digesting it.

Otherwise, it will ruin your health.

Kaneki, someday, once you've practiced, you can eat with your friend again.

I'll do my best.

I have a present for you.

Sugar cubes?

They're a bit different on the inside.

Dissolve them in coffee and drink it, and they will control your hunger to some degree.

What exactly do they contain?

Probably better if you don't know, isn't it?

Still, having these Listen, Kaneki, can I ask you to stay late today?

Oh, yes.

I don't mind.

I usually ask Toka to stay, but she is busy studying for a test.

I'd like you to go out food shopping in her place.

F-Food shopping?

I-I can't k*ll anyone!

No, you won't be harming anyone.

Anteiku provides food for our friends who cannot hunt people.

You understand the necessity for that, yes?


But if we're not hurting anyone I wonder, would you mind taking it up with Yomo for me?

U-Um, M-Mr.


What exactly is meant by "food shopping"?

For ghouls who can't hunt people I wonder if those ladies from this morning are that way.

Get out.

Whoa, we're so high.

What are we-- Don't lean on that.


You'll fall.

I'm alive People die here a lot.

They come here to give up their lives.

Th-The people of Anteiku choose to eat su1c1de victims Pack him in.



I'm sorry, Mr.

Mado, I was a moment too slow.

Amon, your senses-- Use your five senses.

Now then Do you know what this is?


I'll ask you one more time.

Have you ever seen anything like this?

B-Beats me.

What is it?


A mask, you say?


I think you should have one, too.

Uh-huh Toka Yes?

Would you mind taking Kaneki to have a mask made tomorrow?



But it's my one day off!

Why should I have to spend it with this guy?


Kaneki would probably get lost if he went alone, and that area isn't all that safe, either.

Okay, that may be true, but he doesn't need one yet, does he?

Toka There are two inspectors in the 20th Ward.




They are already doing damage.

I'd like him to have one right away, just in case.

All right.

Hey, eye patch, tomorrow, in front of the train station, 2:30.

If you're late, I'll k*ll you.




We've got some nice girls here!

Screw you, jerk!




Geez, could he be asleep?


What are you doing, Mr.


I thought I would surprise you.

This is Mr.

Uta, who will make you your mask.

I'm Uta.

I-I'm Kaneki.

Nice to-- You smell unusual.

Miss Toka, l understand the doves are on the prowl.


The 20th Ward is nice and quiet, and they used to leave you alone.

I'm guessing this has to be the effect of Miss Rize.

Tsukiyama seems to be pressing his luck lately, too.

Ah yes, him Um, is the 20th Ward considered more peaceful?

I wouldn't know.

You live somewhere else for a bit, and you'll find out.

If you like, you can stay over here tonight.

If you're lucky, you may see some cannibalism, and that's always fun.

N-No, thank you.

Must be great for you that there's a place like Anteiku.

Sit over there.

I'll take your measurements.

Do you have any allergies?

--No-- --What about rubber or metals?

--They're fine-- --You want this full-face?

--Um --It's your first one; maybe a half-mask, instead.

O-Oh The eye patch is cute.

Do you like them?

Oh, um When I get hungry, it turns red, regardless of whether or not I want it to.

You could always just fill up, you know.

Care for a snack?

Th-That's okay.

Kaneki, do you have a girlfriend, or anyone?


No, I don't You're one of those, you know Those guys who get more attention from older ladies than from those of your own generation.

U-Um, do these questions have to do with anything?


I feel more motivated if I get to know you better.

What about Miss Toka?


She's kind of scary.


You think so?

I find her to be a hard worker.

A hard worker, you say?

For us to blend into human society, we need to have a mask that we never take off.

If we're suspected for even a moment, we're done for, so we have to conduct ourselves seamlessly enough that we don't become too involved.

She lives her life accepting that risk.

Her work at Anteiku and even going to school What reason could she have for being so involved with people?

That's a good question.

But then, when I get the occasional human customer, right here, my pulse races.

It's hard to explain, but it's enjoyable.

A hard worker, huh?

While I'm nothing Toka!


W-What happened to Hinami, exactly?

What's the point of you knowing something like that?

I-I want to know!

I want to know.

If there's anything that I can do She has to live separate from her father now, so she must be anxious.

She isn't usually like that.

Is that right?

Oh, uh, I mean, Toka, by the way, what is that mask used for?


You came along not even knowing that?

Uh, mm-hmm.

Ooh, that manager The doves-- by which I mean the ghoul investigators.

If you have a run-in with them, you don't want them seeing your face.

That's why we're having Mr.

Uta make you a mask.

Tch, damn those crazy dirtbags!

You scum Scumbags, do you know anything about this?


No, I don't, you piece of-- What about you?

I-I dunno!

I mean, no, I do not know!

You're sure?

Yes, I'm sure-- We're grateful for your cooperation.

Let's go, Amon.

Maybe try somewhere else.

Yes, you're right.

All right Um I T-Take your time!

You saw her eating, then?

That's not good, Kaneki.

Girls, especially, don't like to be seen doing so.

Is that right?


Take this to her while you're apologizing.

Hinami, can I come in?


Sorry about earlier.

Um, this is by way of apology.

Go ahead, at your leisure.

U-Um Hmm?


Um, mister that is which are you?

I'm sorry.

You're not at all like the others.

If you were like us, I could tell, even far away.

A lot has happened to me, you see.

I've partially got a ghoul's body, so if I had to say now, I think I'm closer to what you are, Hinami.

My mind is human, but my body is ghoul, you could say.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.

D-Don't worry about it.

Oh, what a pretty picture.

What kind of animal is it?


Um, it's my father.

Oh, i-it's so good!

Your father, huh?

Oh, mm-mm.

I hope you can live with him again soon.


"Monochrome of Rainbows" "Monochrome of Rainbows" That's "Monochrome of Rainbows," isn't it?



Hinami, you read Takatsuki's books?

That's amazing, considering how hard they are.

Oh, but those are short stories, so they're relatively easier.

Hinami, which is your favorite story?

U-Um, "Little Night Raintime" "Little Night Raintime"?

Oh, you mean "Showers at Sunset.

" It served as the prototype for "Egg of the Black Sheep.

" Pro-type?

"Showers at Sunset"?

U-Um How do you read this?

That's "hydrangea.

" Hydrangea?

Like the flower?


Like the flower?


Th-Then, what about this one?

That is written like "thin ice," but pronounced "verglas.

" "Verglas" But at other times, it can also be read as "glazing.

" That one has a pretty ring to it, doesn't it?



--How admirable.

--"Showers at Sunset".

--You're even taking notes.

I-I don't go to school, so I write the things I learn in here.

You don't say.

I have an idea, Hinami.

Do you want me to teach you words like this every so often?

You mean it?


Big Brother, thank you!

Okay, how do you read this one?

That one is Eh?

Box-carriers in the 20th Ward?

Yeah, it's not your lucky day, huh?


You can't call the 20th Ward safe anymore.

Damn, this hurts!

That gourmet guy has been on a tear lately, so I bet he attracted them.

Did a dove do that to you?

No, this is from something else.


This hurts!

Shut up, will you?

You should have Dr.

Fueguchi have a look at you-- The best thing for catching scum is using other scum, isn't it?


I-It can't be!

Now then, I wonder what kind of scum is this scum going to set us up with?

Good morning, everyone!



--Oh, no, there's no need Morning, Big Brother!

Morning, Hinami.

What are you so gaga about, dummy?

Get to work.


Mmm What a fine aroma.

I really do feel more relaxed here.

Though the city sleeps, its buildings are always under construction Urban planning carries on Its belt lines morphing, snakes interlocking, stirring up endorphins, and off you go, go, go Souls ascend up into the night sky Their procession and their faith both resembling an aberrant riddle Our as-yet-empty tomorrows are an all but black shade of gray Without any possibilities an all but black shade of gray Ah, tonight, you're the one I want Saints Ah, I want you to signal the end Saints Saints Saints Ah!

Big Sister, there's a bird on the veranda!

It must be lost.

It looks hurt.

We have to help treat it.

Big Sister!

Why are you running away?


Wait up!

Big Sister!

Wait up!

I'm afraid of birds!

Maybe I should give it a name.

Its owner will probably show up soon.

But "Next time: 'Supper'" But "Next time: 'Supper'" Or we could deep-fry it.

"Next time: 'Supper'" Big Sister