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05x19 - Sins of the Past

Posted: 04/19/23 16:42
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪

Cold enough out here for you guys?

That's why they call it Canada.

I'm gonna need to take a look.

Yeah. No problem.

Business as usual?

Same old slog.

Just wanna make it home for breakfast.

Okay. Drive safe.

♪ ♪

Right on time.

There was a wreck up by Albany.

Otherwise, no traffic at all.



♪ ♪

Let's get this truck unloaded.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So we find out today if you get

the Sustained
Distinguished Service Award.

I'm flattered,
but like I said last week,

you really should have
nominated somebody else.

You've earned it this year alone,

never mind the previous...

What, quarter century?

Ouch. Is that accurate?


It is.

Well, I'll tell you what,
I'm really feeling those years

every morning,
getting out of bed. [GROANS]

Yeah, well, yoga helps.

Sincerely, you know, I appreciate it.

There's plenty more deserving agents,

and if I'm being honest,
I have made some bad choices

over the years.

Join the club.


Truck driver was shot dead
in Rockland County.

Came out of Canada last night,
so it becomes transnational.

We get the handle.
Let's get Tiffany over there.

I'll fire up the JOC.


- Hey. Thank you.
- Hey.

Local birdwatcher
was out here, found him.

Once we saw the manifest,

we knew he'd come across the border,

so we called you guys.


Looks like a single k*ll shot.

The casing's still lying with
the body where we found it.

Let's get this casing bagged

and dust the inside and outside
of the box truck.

Okay, so we have two sets of footprints

heading back and forth multiple times,

and they stop somewhere around here.

And then there's
a new set of tire tracks

that lead out this way.

Okay, so they must have been
transferring some sort of load

- to another vehicle.
- Yeah.

But why out here?

Think dr*gs?

Any luck?

Traces of cayenne pepper
and coffee grounds.


Smugglers use them to confuse the dogs.

Thank you.

Vince Duggan.

Formerly of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

I'll call it in.

Vince Duggan, blue-collar guy

with a wife and kid out in Brooklyn.

No record to speak of.

Gets involved in smuggling,
winds up dead.

Questions... how, why,
and most importantly, by whom?

Jordan, I hear DEA has something
on this guy. What do you know?

Duggan popped up
on our radar back in .

An informant pinned him
as a part-time courier

running dr*gs for the Fernandez cartel.

Yeah, I bet not too many
truck drivers get wire transfers.

Half a dozen last week
for , and change each,

totaling , .

Cash went through his
checking account at Apple Bank.

Can we track that money?

Well, it came from an account
in the Canary Islands...

established last week,
closed down yesterday.

Pop-up offshore financing,

speaks to a level of sophistication.

All right, so what
are we looking at here?

A drug deal gone bad?

Maybe the traffickers
don't wanna pay the balance,

cheaper to sh**t the courier dead?

Okay, so we are talking about dr*gs.

Any idea what kind?

Past year, we've seen a big
increase in fentanyl

- flowing south from Canada.
- I hope you're wrong.

Manifest shows there was
over , pounds of cargo

in that truck
when it crossed the border.

Two milligrams
of fentanyl is a lethal dose.

I'm no mathematician, but we
need to make sure a half a ton

of this stuff does not hit our streets.

Where are we with the widow's interview?

She's gonna come in for the interview.

She works at a thrift shop
over on Broadway

and doesn't want
the FBI coming to her job.

This past week,
he's been a little standoffish.

I thought he was... well.

Back when we first got married,

he was seeing someone else.

And I thought he was
up to his old tricks,

so I followed him.

Okay. And what did you find out?

Nothing romantic.

He just met some guy in a blue van.

What kind of van? Like a minivan?

No, like, um, a cargo type.

So I confronted him.
He said it was a side job.

He just wanted to make sure
that he could make enough money

so our son could go to college.

Did you get a good look
at the guy Vince met?

Height, build?

No. No, I didn't see.
He never got out of the van.

Okay, can you tell us anything
else about this meeting?

Where and when?

Um, it was Tuesday.

It was right after noon
at a gas station in Red Hook,

across from a CVS.

Okay, I have Duggan waiting

at the gas station in a red SUV.

Okay. Yeah, yeah.

Here comes the blue cargo van.

Let's see if we can find that driver.

All right.

Okay, there he is. Who is that man?

Let's see.

Okay, Omar Hassan, s.

Eyes up, folks.

He's got a couple of arrests

for smuggling untaxed
cigarettes interstate, as*ault.

He's got a warrant out
for an old smuggling case too.

All right, looks like
he could be our k*ller.

Let's get Maggie and OA over there now.


♪ ♪

Omar Hassan, you're under arrest!


Get up!

I've got a -millimeter.

Hey, this is arak...

Middle Eastern liquor.

Maybe he was drinking
with his partner in crime.

Could be our other set of
footprints from the m*rder scene.

Let's bag the glasses.

Take a look at your handiwork.

Never saw that guy.

Well, that's you and that guy.

We matched the shell casing
from the m*rder

to your -millimeter.

I'm assuming when we
get into your phone,

we'll be able to nail you
to the crime scene.



So unless you help us ID your partner

and tell us where the dr*gs are,

it's gonna be the long goodbye for you,
do you understand?



If you have a case against me, make it.

I'm done talking.

Get my lawyer.

Okay, so we have Hassan,
we have the m*rder w*apon,

and we have proof that he met
with the victim,

which means we have
a decent m*rder case,

but it gets a lot better

if we can place him at the crime scene.

- So where are we on the phone?
- Uh, encrypted.

Standard issue for a guy
moving a half ton of dr*gs,

but I think I can beat it.

So get cracking.

We need GPS pinning Hassan in
Rockland County this morning.

Hey. I got a hit on the
prints at Hassan's apartment.

Mustafa Samir.

This guy is as hardcore as it gets.

Samir was born in Queens
and moved to Libya after / ,

where he was radicalized.

He has been named
in numerous bombing att*cks

on American personnel overseas.

His att*cks are sophisticated
and ruthless.

All right, time to shift focus.

This isn't about dr*gs.

It's about bombs.


All right, people, the threat
level just rose exponentially.

Our suspicions about
the payload were confirmed.

We ran a b*mb-sniffing canine
through Duggan's truck

and she lit up like a Christmas tree,

so let's figure out what we are
dealing with before it goes boom.

The expl*sives came from Canada.

Any leads from the Great North?

, pounds of Dynex expl*sives

was stolen from a tunnel
construction site

in Ontario last week...
-pound boxes.

Well, that matches
the , pounds of weight

missing from Duggan's truck,
so that adds up.

So we're working under the assumption

that Samir is here with bad intentions,

and that he has the material
to pull off those intentions.

We're gonna need NYPD's help on this.

Yeah, I already looped in
their counterterrorism bureau.

Mm, ADIC wants Jubal and I
down the street

at a Homeland Security briefing.

Okay, well, in our absence, pull footage

from every square inch of this
city until we find this b*mb.

I'm on my phone.


The mighty Jubal Valentine.

Jack. What's going on, man?

- Good to see you.
- Great to see you.

PC just detailed me to your office.

All right.

Special Agent in Charge Castille?

Jack Lombardo.
Great to finally meet you.

I've heard good things
sung from on high.

Well, we are glad to have you
and the NYPD on board.

- Yeah.
- Are you kidding?

The minute I heard it was Samir,

I requested the assignment.

You know Samir?

Yeah. Jubal does too.

What? What do you mean?

You remember the Libyan guy
that we chased up

onto the rooftops out in Brooklyn

four or five days
after the towers came down?

He fell trying to jump
to the next building.

Yeah. Okay, so...

Yeah, so Samir is that dead guy's son.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Well, that would certainly
give him solid motivation

to become a t*rror1st.

Yeah, well, let's hope
this dog and pony show briefing

doesn't get in the way
of catching the bad guy.

Hey, listen.

Ian cracked Hassan's phone.

It looks like he can get us GPS.

Let me handle the security briefing.

You two continue the chase.


It's good to be back
in business with you, man.

Let's catch this son of a bitch.

All right, ladies and gentlemen,

this is Detective First Grade
Jack Lombardo,

the NYPD's expert in radical jihadism.

He will be aiding us in our
search for the t*rrorists

out to attack our city.

He's also an old friend and colleague,

so let him know
where the good coffee is kept.

Ian, let 'er rip.

Phone's GPS confirms
Hassan was at the location

where Duggan was m*rder*d.

Do you know where he went
after the m*rder?

To a restaurant/ billiards hall

in Bay Ridge called Murzuk.

Owner is Ahmed Khan.

And... looks like he stayed
there for two hours.

My father used to take
us there when we were kids.

They have an arcade
and good Middle Eastern food.

I had my th birthday there,
believe it or not.


All right, well, if Hassan and
presumably Samir went straight

to Khan's restaurant
directly after k*lling Duggan,

it had to be for a reason, right?

And it wasn't the, uh... the
nine-ball and garlicky hummus.

Yeah, well, ICE has an open case on Khan

for providing fake green cards.

That could be something we could use.

You're familiar with the place.

Why don't we, uh, send you in?

You can poke around,
see if there's a connection

between Samir and Khan.

♪ ♪

Sounds good to me.

- You scumbag m*rder*r.
- What do you want?

You're the reason for all of this.

Get this guy out of my face.

Wait, you know...
you know this guy, Hassan?

I've been chasing
these guys since before / .

We might have crossed paths.

It's hard to keep track.

/ does seem like a few lifetimes ago.

Yeah, well, not for me.

I don't like sharing this, but, uh...

Joanne has Ground Zero cancer.


Jack, I had no idea. I'm so sorry.

It is what it is.

But it's / for me every damn day.


Hey. How we doing?

He's good to go...
wired for light and sound.

All right. Here you go.

All right, OA, once we're in there,

we're looking for any sign of
Samir or the expl*sives, okay?

If you don't see either, then
look for any illegal activity.

Entrap him if you have to.
Any hook we can sink helps.

Entrap him?

Oh, relax. I didn't mean it literally.

It's just the... the clock is ticking.

Yeah, the clock is ticking,

but we're gonna go ahead
and honor the Constitution.

Oh, it's like that, is it?
He used to be a lot more fun.

Okay, well, we have
a sneak-and-peek warrant,

so go where you need to go.

And do what you need to do.

But we need leverage on Khan
to get answers from Samir.

- All right?

We can't let these, uh...

these people succeed again.

Sorry, it's my... my wife's nurse.


♪ ♪

When did you work with him again?

Uh, after / , actually.

We were assigned the same
multiagency task force.

I don't know, Jubal.
He seems a little...

He's a great cop, OA.

And a really good guy.

He's just, uh... he's going
through a lot right now.

- Ready? Okay.
- Yeah.

You know, I...
I like this OA kid. He's solid.

I love that we have young
Muslims joining the cause.

Back in the day...


It was mostly a bunch
of lapsed Catholics

trying to figure out something
that was beyond us.

Yeah, back in the day, we had
to play a lot of catch-up.

It was a tough stretch.

Didn't know what was coming next.

I remember fighter jets
screaming over Manhattan.

I remember days without sleep.

I remember a lot of funerals.

Oh man, the funerals.

I went to funerals
by Christmas that year.

And that wasn't even the worst of it.

The worst of it was, no matter what,

I was always expecting that next attack.

b*mb behind every door.

Truth is, we never found much.

Thank God.

You know what, I could never figure out

why Samir's father tried to escape.


I went back through my files.

No priors.

Really seems like this guy was just

a local merchant
looking for a better life.

You know?

Yeah. Well, it is what it is.

Yeah. Okay. Here we go.

Salaam alaikum.

Alaikum salaam.

Can I do some arak?

- Sure.
- Please.


♪ ♪

You haven't changed a bit.

I used to come here
when I was a kid, with my dad.

I'm just, uh, happy that
you guys are still open.

Me too.

You don't remember me, do you?

My family moved to Detroit in ' .

My uncle got Baba a job
at the Ford factory.

Oh. Family looking out for family.
I like that.

Family's everything, right?

That's the truth.

No. You got rid of the arcade.

Ah, too many kids were skipping school,

causing too much trouble.

Contrary to that,
I think you're the reason

why I stayed out of trouble.

How so?

Well, whenever me and my sister

would get a good report card,

my dad would bring us here
for your basbousa.

He said it was worth
the drive from Queens.


Well, I'm glad we were
such a positive influence

on your studies.

Speaking of family, um,
maybe you can help my cousin.

I hear you have a reputation
for helping fellow immigrants,

and her, um...

her student visa's expired.

And you know, with ICE, she's
scared to leave the house,

and a green card would
be a game changer.

I know it's asking a lot.

You're kind of my only option.

♪ ♪

He has a security system...

camera behind the bar and the back wall.

It's not coming up on our scan,

so the system must be a closed circuit.

All right, well, that means
we need to find that hard drive.

If we can prove Samir was there today,

then we can leverage the hell
out of Khan.

Odds are, he's involved.

[GRUNTS] You know what, OA?

I'm gonna walk you
in a mirroring device.

You need to find the CPU
and download the footage, yeah?

♪ ♪

Write down your name, your number,

and your cousin's name.

Thank you.

You check out,
maybe there'll be some help.

Hey. Can I get a menu?

- Sure.
- Thank you.

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Uh, the bathroom?

Oh, same place it was in .

You know, I do remember you.

You look just like your father.

Let me do the shawarma plate,
extra tahini.

And uh, you should get
the, uh, kibbeh nayeh.

- Best in the city.
- Okay.

You need to find that system fast, kid.

On it.

♪ ♪

All right, got these...

Come on, kid. Get it done.

Got it.

Okay. I'm in.

And downloading now.

All right, so let me ask you this...

what's better here, the kebab or kibbeh?

Uh, for you, maybe the kebab.

- The usual damage.
- All right.

I'll go to my office
and get you a check.

All right, think it over.
I'll be right back.

I just need two minutes.

Uh, guy, I'm sorry. I know what I want.

I'm actually gonna go ahead
and get the kibbeh nayeh.

Okay, you know that's raw lamb?

I do, and I'm looking forward
to eating it.

This qualifies as exigent circumstances.

Tuck the whole computer under your arm

and go out the damn window
if you have to.

I'm almost there. %.

Come on, come on, come on.

- Oh. All right.
- Here you go.

And if I could get the rest
of the stuff to go, please.

- I need to get paid.
- I'll go get your check.

[WHISPERING] He's on his
way back to the office.

[GROANS] Done. Got it.

♪ ♪

Uh, you're out of paper towels, bub.


All right. Enlighten us.

Was Samir with Hassan at
Khan's restaurant this morning?

It looks like Samir
and Hassan arrived at : a.m.

and left the premises at : .

All right, so one of the
world's most wanted t*rrorists

just stops by for a meal?

Food wasn't that good.

Can we pick up any exterior cameras,

see how they got to and fro?

Nothing that gets a clean shot of
the front, or back of the restaurant.

We need to pick up Khan.

We don't have any probable cause,

detective, so for what?

A thousand-pound b*mb
is in the hands of a guy

who's damn good at maximizing damage.

Watching Khan sling falafel

while hundreds die cannot be an option.

If you're worried about
the legality of it,

I'll make the collar as NYPD,
save you guys the heat.

No, that won't be necessary. Thank you.

Let's bring him in.

Okay, but for what, Isobel?

Officially, for providing
material support to a t*rror1st.

And unofficially, for being our
single best option at stopping a b*mb.


♪ ♪

Ahmed Khan!

- Hey!

- Go around the other side!
- Yeah!


♪ ♪


Mr. Khan, you're under arrest.

I'm a businessman, nothing more.

Hmm, so why'd you run?

Well, some of my business
is, uh, well...

frankly, off the books.

Might get me in some trouble.

So you thought you could run from us?

And then what?
What was your plan after that?

I don't think you appreciate
the impression the FBI makes

when you roll up on someone.

Tell us about your guests this morning.

I run a restaurant. I have many guests.

So you're gonna stonewall us
while your friend Samir

is out here plotting to k*ll
as many New Yorkers as he can?

♪ ♪

He came with Hassan.

Said he was gonna move
to New York, looking for work.

He needed a green card.

I'm known to help fellow immigrants.

Well, he's a k*ller.

And you're a liar.

I don't know anything about
t*rrorists, I swear to you.

And I have nothing more to say.

I want a lawyer.

What do we know, Mr. Lim?

I was able to hack
into Khan's smartwatch,

which, lucky for us,
has excellent GPS capabilities.

And how can that lead us to Samir

and his , pounds of expl*sives?

Tracking Khan's movements
today... this morning,

he was at a commercial building
in Red Hook

just about an hour after we
saw Samir and Hassan

leave Khan's restaurant.

And that location overlays
with the data from Hassan's cell.

He turned it off but was three
blocks from that building when he did.

All right, let's assume all three

were at that location this morning.

All right, get SWAT
and b*mb techs over there now.

♪ ♪

We found the van. It's empty.

- Clear.
- Take a look.

Boxes are empty.

So the b*mb's been built.

And out in the world.

♪ ♪

Based on all this gear...

blasting caps, walkie talkies
set to specific frequencies...

this b*mb will be activated
once it gets into place,

with one walkie being attached
to the expl*sive

and the other being used
as a triggering device.

He's likely looking to get some distance

and then detonate this remotely.

Just like the !sis bombers in Iraq.

- What do you got, Scola?
- Thermal printer.

Used to make scannable IDs, credentials.

Hey, guys.

Come check this out.


Samir could have taken
these out of his car

to make room for a b*mb.

Ford, seats this big...

I'm guessing they belong
to an Expedition.

So it looks like we have
a weaponized Ford Expedition.

- What else can we say?
- Yeah, it's a to .

Factory color match means
we're looking at cobalt black,

slate gray, or charcoal beige metallic.

Any luck finding that Ford Expedition

on the traffic cams near the building?

Nothing yet, but there are
very few cameras in that area.

Yeah, well, keep digging.
We need eyes on that vehicle.

All right, so tell me about this,

- uh, thermal printer we found.
- State of the art.

Broad capabilities
in secure identifications,

the kinds that have scannable
bar codes and holograms.

- Memory was wiped clean.
- Right.

So this tells us that Samir
is not just gonna roll up

and set off a b*mb.
He's going after a hard target,

something that these IDs
will grant him access to.

Yeah, it's most likely

a private underground parking facility.

Anything public, you wouldn't
need a security pass.

Let's identify possible targets

that use those types of scannable IDs

to grant access to underground parking.

On it.

All right, and just so we're clear,

this has potential to be
the largest t*rror1st attack

on the homeland since / .


It's time to protect our city.

Let's throw everything we have
at stopping Samir.


We just got the fingerprints back

- from the building in Red Hook.
- Okay.

Khan's were on the transfer printer

and on the door of the building.

More signs of his complicity.

Let me take a swing at him.

I can try something different,

see if I can find some,
uh, common ground.

But his attorney arrived minutes ago.

So we're gonna need some
bargaining power in there.

- What did you have in mind?
- Queen for a day.

We're negotiating with t*rrorists now?

We use small fish to catch
bigger fish all the time.

Yeah, it's a strong idea.

I'll get the AUSA to sign off on it.


Just don't waste time playing nice.

You don't need to say a word.

I'm not here as an FBI agent.

I'm here as a fellow Muslim.

[CHUCKLES] Agent Zidan,
we are not fools.

I just need to paint a few
realities for your client.

I don't want...

Let him speak.

Thank you.

What I remember the most about
your place when I was a kid

was how proud my father was
of someone like you...

Of a fellow immigrant, a fellow Arab,

a fellow Muslim,
owning his own business.

A genuine American dream.


♪ ♪

That was not long after / ,

when every single person
looked at us like we did it.

You remember that?

It was a terrible time.

I went from being a Boy Scout

and a Little League first baseman

to being a likely suspect

because of how I look,
because of who I am.

♪ ♪

We have your fingerprints, okay?

Um, we can place you at the location

when the b*mb was being built.

If that b*mb goes off,

Mr. Khan, you're never gonna see

or touch your family again, ever.

Okay, and you're the only
person who can change that.

So you need to do
what is right for them,

for you, and for this city
that I know we both love.

But we are out of time,

and I know you do not
wanna be the reason

why every Muslim in this city
is a suspect again.

♪ ♪

It's because of my family
that I did anything for Samir.

So Samir threatened you?


My... my family's back in Libya,
visiting relatives.

Hassan came with a photo
of my wife and children.

One phone call,
we can get them to the embassy

and flown out here, so you can
have lunch with them tomorrow.

Agent Zidan, my client...

Queen for a day.

What's this queen?

It means that anything
you say in this interrogation,

anything you say to me, cannot
be used to charge you with a crime.

But you can still be prosecuted
based on other evidence.

Yes, but if you help us get Samir,

I will do everything in my power

to make sure you walk away.

And you have my word.

♪ ♪

I got him the building
and the printer, that's all.

I didn't know anything about
the b*mb until I saw the boxes.

Okay. Where is he gonna set it off?

I don't know.

You had to have heard something.
You were with them today.

Mr. Khan, anything helps. Anything.

All he said was that it would be

in the shadow of the World Trade Center,

that he wanted to k*ll
as many cops as possible.

Okay. What about the car?

The Ford Expedition?

Yes. Yes, I got him that too.

Okay. Year, plate, uh, color?

It's a... it's a Ford, ,
Jersey plates.

I have a picture on my phone.


Downtown, cops.

And there's a dozen
viable targets, right?

Khan said he hates cops.

Center Street.
It's gotta be One Police Plaza.

There's a community
service ceremony there today.

There will be a lot of civilians.

All right. I'll call the commissioner.

We've gotta evacuate the building.

You heard her.
One Police Plaza is yards from here.



Okay, Samir entered
the garage seven minutes ago.

b*mb tech says he has
to activate the b*mb

and then needs time to get clear.

Oh, we don't have time for this.

Hey, Jack. Jack!


Samir is in the garage with the b*mb.

We need to evacuate this building now.

I'm going in.

♪ ♪

All right, let's go.
Come on, keep moving.

- Thank you. Hurry. Hurry!
- Come on, let's go.

Let's go. Hurry up, please. Get out.

Go. Right this way.


Hey! Hey! Hey!

Get the walkie, Jubal!

Get the walkie!


Get up! Get back!


Easy, easy, easy.
We think this is the trigger.

Secure this.

Samir's loose in the building and armed.

Let's go.



♪ ♪

Right there. Out of the way!

Clear the exit!

I got Samir, northwest corner.

Get down! Samir! Drop the g*n!

On the ground, right now.
Please, right now.

No, no, no. Put the g*n down.

Put it...

Back off, or I'll k*ll her!

Watch out. Move, move, move!

♪ ♪

It's over, Samir. Drop the g*n.

Everyone back or she dies!

Drop the g*n, now!

Everyone back!


♪ ♪

We can't change what happened
to your father that night.

But you get to choose how this ends.

Don't you dare mention his name.

But he wouldn't want this, Samir.
You know that.

He wasn't a violent man.

Please, put the g*n down and let her go.

♪ ♪

My father was a shopkeeper.

He loved your country.

And you...

You dropped him off a roof.

You k*lled him, and you
destroyed my family.

Your father fell.



Me and Hassan were on the rooftop.

My father told us to hide.

We saw you hang him from the roof,

and you let go.

You let him go!

It's a hell of a story.

If only it were true.

True or not, you need
to drop the g*n, now.

Put the g*n down
and you can still walk away.

Target acquired.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Wait, wait.

- Take the shot.
- No, wait. Wait!

- sh**t this prick!
- No, no, no, not...

He k*lled my father!

♪ ♪

Your partner is crooked.

He k*lled my father.

He k*lled my father!

He k*lled my father!

Is the b*mb secure?

Affirmative. b*mb deactivated.

That was close.

Yeah, too close.

The sn*per should have taken him out.

What was Samir talking about?

Samir was there when his father
fell off the roof?

Oh, he's making stuff up
to justify the fact

he's a mass k*ller.

- Good.
- Hey.

Why don't we, uh,
go have a cocktail, catch up?

Like the old days.

Yeah, that sounds good.

Why don't we go to the Old Town?

- Good. See you there.
- Yeah.


♪ ♪


What's going on?

Um, I went back in with Hassan,

and his story matches
Samir's about what happened

on the rooftop in ,
detail for detail.

Okay, um,

I... I mean, look, we got two t*rrorists

besmirching one of
the most decorated cops

in NYPD history. [STAMMERS]

This is the medical examiner's report.

It's pretty cut and dry,
consistent with a five-story fall,

except for the pressure bruises
around his ankles.

His ankles?

It's consistent with what
Hassan and Samir described...

Samir Sr. being dangled
over that courtyard.

The NYPD report, the DD s...

they were signed by a detective
from the th.

So Jubal, did you guys
even file a report?

No. We were a snatch team.

We didn't dot Is and cross Ts.

Anything went sideways,
the local precinct cops

would pick up the pieces,
and we'd move on to the next grab.

So dead immigrants
were just bagged and tagged?

♪ ♪


It was .

♪ ♪

Hey. You want a shot?

Uh, soda water with lime, please.

Club soda with lime?

What happened to six sh*ts of tequila

and let's ride Valentine?

[CHUCKLES] There's a lot
of things I don't do anymore.

Thank you.

Well, here's to taking down
a real bad guy.


And... and we owe you
for running into that garage,

as dumb as it was.

Oh, look who's talking.
You were right behind me.

So listen.

- Mm?
- Just a heads up.

OA talked to Samir and Hassan, and, uh,

and they're sticking to their claim

about how Samir's father died.

So what, are we taking
the word of t*rrorists now?

How things change.

OA is kind of convinced.


Agent Zidan changes teams now, huh?

- Back to his roots.
- That's not fair.

OA's a great agent.

But are you sure
where his loyalties lie?

I took a look at the M.E.'s report.

Come on.

The guy jumped off a roof.

He thought he was Superman.

How am I to blame for that?

The thing that stuck out
in the report...


Uh, was... was the pressure
bruises on his ankles.

His ankles?

Because that's what
both those guys said...

that you dangled Samir's dad
off the roof by his legs.


♪ ♪

Yeah, well, it's not like
they could prove anything,

even if it was true.


So I got a little aggressive.

We were at w*r.

Our city was under attack.

That's right.

We did what we had to do.

So maybe I dangled
the scumbag off the roof.


You k*lled him.

That was just part of the job.

To the old days.

- Right back at you.

You know what, Jubal?

I don't regret a thing.

You blow up my city, and that results

in me dropping you off a roof.

Payback's a bitch.

And so is gravity.

♪ ♪

Are you wearing a wire on me, Jubal?

Jack Lombardo, you are under arrest

for the m*rder of Ali Samir.

You son of a bitch.

And what now, hmm?

You're gonna make it
so my wife dies alone,

so you can feel better about yourself,

you sanctimonious Fed prick?


♪ ♪

You okay?


♪ ♪

Okay. Let's go.

You did the right thing.

And for what it's worth,
I got an email this afternoon.

You are getting the
Distinguished Service Award,

and you should be proud.

Yeah. I'm not.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪