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02x16 - The Ties That Bind

Posted: 03/10/09 15:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

Maggie's Diner.

Oh! Oh, my God!

You are supposed to be Peter.

And you're supposed to be Sam.

Why didn't you tell me you work for Bedford Oil?

I own Bedford.

Don't tell my daughter about this.

Let's just say now you've got all the sponsorship you're gonna need.

What are you looking at?



I think it might just be a phase.

I just made a promise.

Yeah, to me.

Hey, I know you'll do great at the rodeo.

Yeah. Thanks.

Got you.

I never thought I was the jealous type.

But then, I've never dated a guy whose best friend is a girl before.

I'll get used to it.

Just for the record, I've had a few run-ins with the green monster myself.

Oh, yeah?


Well, you have nothing to worry about.

I'm sorry, I...

Didn't mean to interrupt.

I'll see you later.

See you.

Nice to see you again, Amy.

See you.

So, looks like you two really worked things out.


That's good.

Here. I'll get that for you.

Thank you.

Do you hear that?


I don't know. It's probably just the wind.

It's gonna be a nice night.

Do you want me to turn Spartan out for you?


I just...

I'd really rather he stays in, okay?

Is everything okay?


[Horse neighs]

[Horse neighs]


Hey, it's not even dawn. Where you going?

I just want to check on Spartan.



Ty, Spartan's gone.

And at the break of day
You sank into your dream
You dreamer
You dreamer
You dreamer

Okay, so we've got Highwood auction today.

We still have Innisfail next weekend.

And then Olds, Stavely, and Strathmore.

Amy, we've been to four of these things in the past week.

You know what the police said.

Whoever stole Spartan isn't gonna risk selling him at an auction house.

I'm gonna find him, Ty.

I just feel it.



It's cascading down your face like two big mudslides.

Why can't Mr. Internet send chocolate or jelly beans or something?

All this shrubbery is driving my allergies crazy.

Mallory, you don't have allergies.

I can't believe Spartan's gone.

I know.

I just saw Amy just staring at his empty stall.

I don't even know what to say to her.

There's not much we can say to her, you know?

We just have to let her know we're there for her and...

You can put these posters up at school tomorrow.

Darn allergies.


Got it.

Grandpa, you know, we have got to do something about Amy.

She doesn't eat. She barely sleeps.

It's just livestock papers, horse auctions, the Internet, "Missing" posters.

She is going to crash.

I know.

I've tried talking to her about it.

But that sister of yours, when she gets something in her head, it is at full speed.


Ty, look!

Come on!


Sure are a lot of beautiful horses here.


You ever think about buying another one?

Why would I want another horse?


I know this is hard for you.

I don't want to sound harsh, but we have to face facts.

You may not find him.

Hey, Harley.


How about 1,800?


1,800. How about 1,900?

How about 2,000?

How about 2,100?

2,100? 2,200?

And sold him.

He goes to the gentleman in the black cowboy hat.

Next block we got a rising 2-year-old bay gelding coming in here.

Name's Harley.

Good, strong, athletic body on him.

From a pleasure horse to a jumping horse.

He's a beauty, isn't he?

Number 49 is the number to buy.


Wouldn't take long for you to break him.

Ty, don't go there.

How about 500?
700 now.

Ty, what are you doing?

Buying a horse.

900 going.

1,000 now.

1,000 now. How about 1,050?


1,050. Now 1,100.

How about 1,100?

Sold him. $1,050.

Good eye there, young man.

How are you gonna pay for him?

I've been saving money.

Yeah, for a motorcycle.

He's kind of like a motorcycle. His name's Harley.

Okay, next horse coming into the ring is lot number 51.

No information on the card on this horse.

So, I guess just buy him as you see him.

Certainly acts gentle.

All righty. And a decent rate on him, too.

Have a look at him, boys.
25. Let's go.

Amy! I think it's Spartan.

Ty, that's him.

Sold the horse.
1,800. Buyer number 61.

Second time. 1,800.

That's Wes.

Hey, Spartan.

It's all right.

Hey, buddy, that one's sold.


What the hell are you doing with my horse?

It's not your horse.

Get out of here.

Mr. Carlstrom?

That's me.

Tom Wheatley. Brand inspector.

Looks like we might have a slight complication on our hands.

This young lady here seems to think you just bought her stolen horse.

I got the papers right here.

So what? She's got some registration papers.

Where's the bill of sale?

Well, we didn't get one.

You don't have a bill of sale?

Well, my mom, when she... When...

The guy we bought him from didn't give us one.

These papers are meaningless without one.

We gonna be much longer?

Sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Carlstrom.

Load-out's that way.



No, no! You can't do this! That's my horse!

I'm sorry, Miss Fleming.

Stop it! You're hurting him!

This is my horse! You...

Wes! Wes, I'll buy him back from you!

Amy. There's nothing we can do.

Not now, anyway.

It's my horse!

You can't do this! You don't understand!

That guy tried to burn down our barn!

I'm gonna have to come back later tonight to pick the horses up, Dutch.

If I can find new tires by then.

I'll put 'em in the barn.

You little...!

Not a good idea.

Didn't want him leaving before we talked to the brand inspector.

Didn't really help, did it?

Well, thank you, Constable. Appreciate your time.

Nobody knows who Spartan's seller was.

Surprise, surprise.

Used a fake name, fake I.D.

He's probably long gone by now, Amy.

What about Wes? What's he doing out of jail?

Well, he plead guilty to a lesser charge, did some time, and he's out on good behavior.

Good behavior? He almost k*lled you.

I'll find him.

What, you want to find Wes? Why would you do that, Grandpa?

So I can make him an offer he can't refuse.

I got something for him, too, and it's not money.

Well, don't the police know where he is?

Might be in town. Might be just passing through.

There's got to be something we can do.

Not much without a bill of sale.

Remember, you didn't exactly buy Spartan from Mallen.

Okay. Well, I'll make a few calls. I'll let you know what I find out.

I bought her a colt.

You what?

Bought Amy a two-year-old bay gelding.

Thought it might take her mind off Spartan.

Well, it's a nice thought, Ty.

But when someone's dog dies, you can't just buy them a new puppy and think everything's gonna be okay.

Just give her some time.


He was all I had left of her.

Your mom?

She died trying to save him.

Now it's like he's dead, too.


It's okay.

I'll give you twice what you paid for Spartan.

You got a death wish, punk?

Your little tire-slashing stunt's costing me time and money.

You're lucky I don't kick your ass right now.

Three times what you paid.

I wouldn't sell you that horse if I was down to my last frickin' penny.

Now, get out of my face before I rearrange yours.

That's for breaking my beer.

And this is for plain bugging me with that ugly baby face of yours.

That's for buying Spartan.

And this...

This is for just being an ass.

Thanks for the beer. I'll be sure to toast you.

You're a dead man, Borden.

Hey, boy.

What's wrong? You miss your buddy, don't you?

Me too.

Could be your new look is scaring him a bit.

Well, he probably thinks you're a raccoon.

"Ballet in Calgary tonight. Pick you up at 6:30."


Hey, it's Lou. Listen.

The ballet tonight sounds wonderful. But you really...

You don't have to come pick me up all the way at the ranch.

I mean, I can just easily meet you at the theater, okay?

I hope you get this message. Okay. Bye.

Was that the Internet guy?


You're meeting him in the city? Alone?

And why haven't we met this guy?

You know what? You have nothing to worry about, okay?

Because he's a really nice guy.

Yeah. And so was Ted Bundy.

It is a beautiful day outside.

What are you doing cooped up in here?

Okay, look. Mallory, I'll tell you what.

You go tack up Copper, and me and you can go for a trail ride, okay?

I don't feel like it.

Hey, uh, how was your afternoon with Kit?

Oh, my God. When you guys fight, you don't hold back.

It's not from Kit, okay?

Had a bit of a run-in with Wes.

How did you find him?

Pulled a favor from Clint.

He knew a guy who knew a guy.

Anyway, I offered to pay him three times what he paid for Spartan.

This was his answer.

What are those for?

Um, I was just planning on fixing fences later.

Ty, no! Ty, give it back!

Binoculars? Flashlight?

You planning on fixing fences in the dark?

I'm gonna bring Spartan back.

He is my horse.

And no one's gonna take him from me.

And how you gonna get Spartan out of a locked auction house with a security guard on site?

I got it under control.

Come on, Amy.

Theft over $500 is a felony. You can go to jail.

Well, I'm not planning on getting caught.

This is a really, really bad idea, okay?

I've been to jail. It's not a fun place.

And I don't ever want to go back.

I'm not asking for your help.

Amy, come on. Please. Don't do this.

I'm gonna get Spartan back.

What time do we leave?



Hey, Lou.

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah. Great.


Hey, um...

Are you sure you're okay with me going out tonight?

Yeah. Absolutely.

'Cause I can stay.

No. Go. Have fun.


And you know you can call me on my cell phone if you need anything and...



Hey, um...

Do I look okay?

Yeah. You look great.


Go on. Go have fun.


You on your way out?


Have a good night.

You too.


Everything okay?

Yeah. I...

I just forgot my keys somewhere.

Oh, here they are. In my purse.

Silly me.



Didn't you get my message?

Yeah, I did.

What kind of guy lets his date drive herself to the ballet?

What was that all about?


You just closed the door in my face.

Oh, we just got a puppy.

I didn't want the puppy to get out.

[Door slams shut]

**** me up?

What are you doing here?

I can't believe you left without me.

Go home. Amy!

I'm not going anywhere.

It's too risky, okay? Jack would k*ll me if we got caught.

Now, please go.

Looks like someone borrowed my truck.

I expect she'll be back soon enough. Do you want to stay?

I think Ty put some beer in the fridge.

Sure. Yeah, a beer sounds good.

So, congratulations on getting your rodeo card.


When are you heading south?

I don't know.

You know, still got to work out the financial end.

So, you ever think about getting a sponsor?

Well, that's kind of what I wanted to talk to Amy about.


I was approached by a business owner.

But I'm just not sure it's gonna work out.


Well, I think she wants to sponsor me for all the wrong reasons.

To keep me away from a certain someone.

Oh, I see.

Wouldn't have something to do with your living arrangement, would it?


Well, I suppose it's none of my business.

So this potential sponsor of yours... What's your gut tell you?

Not to cash the check.

You might want to listen to that.

These things are so dull.

Let me try. Here.

No, I got it. I got it.

Amy, let me try.


Give me this.

We don't have time for this.

Told you they were dull.

They're not dull. It's a Kryptonite lock.

You couldn't bust that thing with a sledgehammer.

Use this.

Come on.

There we go.

Okay, that was pretty impressive.

I've seen every "Mission: Impossible" movie there is.

No, wait! The alarm.

Okay. Go.

There he is.

[Horse neighs]

Give me the halter.


Easy, boy. Easy.

Come on. You're all right. Look, it's just me.

Get the halter on him fast.

I'm trying.

Someone's coming.

Go, go, go, go.

Ty, hurry.

So, it's you making all the noise.

What's your problem, huh?

What's spooking you now?

What the hell are you doing sneaking up on me?

Who else you expecting?

You're late.

It took me a while to get the damn tires on the trailer.

Get that light out of my face.


Simmer down.

Let's load the other two out first.


This guy's been spooky all night.

Have a feeling he's gonna fight us at the trailer.


Just like his previous owner.

Where are the others?

By the load-out door.

We have to go fast.

It's okay, boy. Easy. Easy.



[Clanging noise in the distance]

Amy, you have to get out of here.

I'll get Spartan out on my own.


Amy, please. Wait for me in the field, okay?

Ty, turn that off. Turn it off.

[Clanging noise in the distance]

I just want to get you home.

Here you go.

[Claning noise in the distance]

Good boy.

Amy, we don't have time for this.

Come on.

Here. The door is chained.

I'll take Spartan. You go and open the door.

Don't move!

Not this time, Ty.

Well, I guess I better be going.

I'll let Amy know you dropped by.

Thanks for the advice, Jack.

In the end, it's your choice.

[Phone rings]

See you.


Oh, okay. Just slow down.

I can't understand a word you're saying.

I'll be right there.

Oh, my gosh! What happened? Is Lou okay?

I hope so. It's the other one.

I'm coming.

No, you're staying put.

But, Jack!

Girls are gonna send me to the boneyard before my time.

Um, hey.

I'm just gonna hop out here, okay?

Can I get dropped off here, please?

Just at the driveway.

Why here?

Because I had such a wonderful night that I just want to walk under the stars and take it all in.

I just don't want my night to end, okay?

Here in the freezing cold and pitch black with coyotes and God knows what else?

Yeah. I'm a country girl. I can handle it, okay?

Yeah? Crazy country girl is what you are.

At least let me walk you up.

Oh, no. It's fine. Really.

I could walk this road blindfolded, backwards, okay?

Yeah. In stilettos?

Look, I had a really, really nice time tonight.

Thank you.

Okay. Good night.


Be careful.



Could it be any colder outside?

My feet are k*lling me.

Ty's in jail.

Say something, Jack.

You don't want to hear what I've got to say.


I'm not hungry.

Amy, you have been saying that for a week.

You are gonna collapse if you keep this up.

So eat.

Thank God!



I know I've disappointed you.

And I know what I did was wrong, but...

I just got carried away. And...

This is not Ty's fault at all.

He tried to talk me out of it, and I just didn't listen.

I'm really sorry.

What the hell were you thinking?


You both could have ended up behind those steel bars.

I managed to bail him out.

But if he's convicted, he won't be going back to juvie.

He'll be looking at serious jail time with hardened criminals!

Hey, Ty.

Um, I...

I'm so sorry.

You know, I should have listened to you.

You know, you told me this was a bad idea, and that I shouldn't have done it, and...

I don't know. I'm just... I'm so stupid sometimes.

No, you're not stupid.

You're just passionate.

I'd do it again in a second.

I'd do anything for you.

Are you going to jail?

I don't know. Maybe.

That would totally suck if they put you in the slammer for trying to bring Spartan home.

But I thought it was pretty cool what you did.

No, it wasn't cool, Mallory. There was nothing cool about it.

I know everyone's been ragging on you about your new look.

I don't care what you do. But maybe Copper does.

Hey, um, I've been thinking.


I'm serious.

Something's been bugging me.

Do you remember what that security-guard guy, Dutch, he said to Wes when he showed up?

Yeah. He said, "You're late."

Yeah, like he was expecting him or something.

And when Wes was looking at his slashed tires, Dutch was right there with him.

You think they're working together?

Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that Wes gets out of jail and then Spartan just happens to get stolen?

And then Wes just happens to buy him.

But the thing I don't get is, why would Wes buy him back?

To make it legal.

It's like a money-laundering thing.

One guy steals the horse.

The other guy takes it to the auction house.

Then the thief buys it back, gets a legitimate bill of sale, then turns around and sells the horse for more money.

Okay. Let's go tell Grandpa.

What you've got is a theory.

But it makes perfect sense, Grandpa.

So did your little horse caper.

He's in it for the money, Jack.


Let's just say you're right.

I know we are.

I know what to do. All we have to...

You're not doing anything.

Look, Jack.

And neither are you.

Just leave it up to the grown-ups this time.

Where's Spartan?

Spartan who?

Try it again, Jack. I adjusted his hearing.


Shake the man's hand.

I should have burned that barn down with you in it.

Well, that's kind of what happened, Wes.

We know about your little deal with the auction house.

I talked to your buddy, Dutch.

It's amazing how a guy will spill his guts when you offer him a whack of cash.

You're bluffing.

I think the cops would have this wrapped up in an hour or two.

What do you think, Jack?

Why don't you just tell us where we can get our horse, and we'll be on our way?

Okay. Okay, okay.

Baker's Field.

A mile down River Road.

My hand. You're gonna break it.

Come on, Wes.

Just a good old-fashioned cowboy handshake.

Sign it. Right here.

Bill of sale.


Pleasure doing business with you, Wes.

Nice bluff.

Wasn't sure it was gonna work.

I think I dislocated a knuckle.

I pulled a muscle in my good shoulder.


What's with the SOS call?

You got your rodeo sponsor! That's great!

What's wrong?

Look who wrote the check.

Val Stanton. So?

I can't do it.

Why not?

I just can't.

She's trying to buy me off to keep me away from Ashley.


Ashley's your friend, right?

So, she'll understand.

She'd want you to follow your dream. Come on.

Just think about it, okay?


Jack, how did you...?

Long story.

Hey, Spartan.

I did have a little chat with Constable Rodriguez, though.

I don't know if he still has a thing for Lou or what, but he's agreed to forget this little indiscretion of yours ever happened.

Your file will disappear right after you've done two months of community-service work.

You mean, I'm not going...?


Thank you, Jack.


Don't ask.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Don't start celebrating too fast, you two.

You, young lady, you are grounded until further notice.

And you...

You think you're working long hours now, you just wait.

This community-service idea. That doesn't come from the police.

That comes from me.

And you can start by cleaning out the septic t*nk right about now.

Yes, sir.



I heard the good news.

Yes. My boy's back. Aren't you, boy?

So, I got myself a pro rodeo sponsorship.

When do you leave?

Well, that all depends.

I mean, I could stay for a couple more weeks.

Then again, weather's turning, so, I'll probably head out today.

We're gonna be a little shorthanded over here, aren't we?

Ah, you'll find someone.

Yeah, I guess.



Good luck.


Hey, I'll see you.

Yes, you will.

Try not to make my mansion too girly while I'm gone.

I'll try.

And don't forget to kick the heater when it conks out.

I will.

I'm gonna miss you, cowboy.

I'm gonna miss you, too.


What's this?

It's to put your belt buckles in.


I guess I'd better get going.


Now, go break a bronc, will you?

Quiet eyes and quiet thoughts
Creeping up on you
Push them out and move along
And I would if I were you
Let your guard down with the night
Lay regrets down
And your whys
It's more than life
It's more than this
It's more than I have
It's not that hard
It's not as easy as it seems
Pick up the pieces


What's wrong, honey?

Caleb's gone.

Pull the stars down from the sky
Lay your head down next to mine
It's more than this

So, how'd you know?

Know what?

That Spartan wasn't gone forever.

There's some things that you just sort of know.

It's more than life
It's more than this
It's more than I have
It's not that hard
It's not as easy as it seems
Pick up the pieces of your dreams
It's more than life
It's more than this
It's more than I have
It's not that hard

Come on.

Pick up the pieces