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04x07 - proof: Bonds

Posted: 04/21/23 08:02
by bunniefuu
[Script Info]

Title: [Erai-raws]

ScriptType: v . +




ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes

YCbCr Matrix: TV.

[V + Styles]

Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding

Style: Default,Open Sans Semibold, ,&H FFFFFF,&H FF,&H ,&H ,- , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , ,


Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Actor, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text


Investigator Amon...

What's up with all that time we've spent, anyway?

Where are you going?

That's what I'd like to know.

If I can't even feel hatred, then I'm at a dead end. I can't go anywhere.

You can go anywhere you want to.

We're alive--you and me both.

All I am is alive. I'm nothing.

If emptiness is an emotion,

then it's something that does exist.

You're telling me to feel it?


I'm scared.

I'll be...

...right here to support you.

Don't duck me this time.

According to the information the third hideout came across,

the ghoul community ahead

is being targeted by the doves.

Let's hurry.

I understand how you feel,

but you can't save every ghoul, my king.

This is ugly.

It looks like being aboveground

is no longer a safe place for us.

Are you a virgin?

"proof: Bonds"


You know. Are you a virgin?

Wh-Why would you suddenly ask that?

Oh, I just figured you were.

If it comes to it, I'll let you do me.

Wait-- Are you saying...?

Feast your eyes!

We will not allow them to remain at large!

We will dispatch all ghouls,

and strive for a perfect world!

It's the third hideout.

I need to hurry the move to the th Ward.


Ayato is headed for the th Ward.

But while I'm standing here doing nothing, the other hideouts...

Are you planning to take everything upon yourself again?

Mr. Yomo is here, too. So are Nishiki and Tsukiyama.

Even the Aogiri folks are around. Rely on your friends a little more.

I'm always thinking of ways to keep you from going anywhere.


You're the only one who thinks it would be okay if you weren't around anymore.

Is that the reason... why you asked me that earlier?

Is that the reason?

Back when you were a dove,

you sometimes came into the shop alone, remember?

You had your book open but you were looking over toward me.

I recognized the look in your eyes.

It was the same as the one when you were looking at Rize.

I feel like such an idiot.

Am I the bigger idiot, for being happy you did?



I finally found you.

Teach, please come back. If there's anything I can do, I will.


I can't do that.

This shop is awash in the smell of ghouls.

You really have turned on us, huh?

CCG... the Quinxes... myself...

What were we to you?


Teach, you're not yourself.

But I will remove the obstacles in your way.


Oh, my, it's Teach's voice!

There's inhibitor on the quinque?!


You're being a rude customer!

Die, you thieving tramp!

You... You... You... You... You...!


Aw, I hate women.

After them!

You're scaring me.

I'll k*ll you.

I'll k*ll you!

Special Investigator Suzuya,

the chief is calling for you.

I'm blowing him off.

Would you like to join me?

Don't mind if I do.

This is the same odor as before.

The battle with the Owl in the th Ward?

Yes. Lots of blood being spilled.

What is peace, anyway?

People, ghouls... If one or the other is no longer there,

would that be called peace?

I'm just happy if things stay the way they are.

What is it, Kuroiwa?

A wedding... invitation!

This... peace.


This was my mom and dad's.

It's my treasure, so I want you to have it.

Thanks. I'll always think of you whenever I look at it.

Should we go back to the th Ward? Everyone's waiting.


So have you found anything out, Miss Itori?

Give my information network a little credit. Goat is underground.

In the th Ward?


The way things are headed, I wonder if they're doomed.

Who knows? Mm, still...

...being a witness to the moment they perish would be the greatest.

Let's watch the curtain fall on them...

...from the premium seats.


Outstanding, Chief.

You give me too much credit.

The Washus have simply been slacking off all this time.

I will bring an end to this little game of skirmishes.

And what might you need to checkmate them?

The ultimate foe.

Someone merciless enough to make these peace-addled folks wet themselves.

Call them the "final boss."

You mean, to the ghouls? Or to CCG?

I mean one of my allies. I will ready the mightiest of enemies.

One strong enough to k*ll Eto Yoshimura or Kisho Arima with one punch.

A "dragon."

You called for me, Chief?

Takeomi Kuroiwa, I have something I'd like to ask you today.

Yes, sir?

But before I do, let's review, shall we?

The Anti-Ghoul Act, Article , Paragraph .

"Anyone who harbors a ghoul or enables their escape will be severely punished."

In certain circumstances, the death penalty is permissible.

Yes, sir.

All right, with that in mind, would you please come with me?

" th Ward" "Goat Hideout"


What happened?

It's come to light that Yoriko's best friend in high school was a ghoul.

And that's why...?

Yoriko says she didn't know. But she can't prove it.


What's the word over at CCG?

They're hell-bent on finding the king.

Their thinking is that crushing the head is the quickest route.

Then really, we should crush their head, as well.

You don't want to die down underground like this, right?

Not when you think about your kid.



My kid?

My bad. I didn't say anything. Forget it.

Touka! Touka!


How are you?

You wanna?

Ah! No, it's not that.

I mean, not that I don't... that is...

Are you feeling all right, and everything?

Now that you mention it, lately...

I'm getting leg cramps.

Anything else?

I'm sleepy.

Anything else?

My hair is a little dry.

Anything else?

Hey, what gives?

Oh, nothing.



I'm not sure if I'll actually deliver.

I was going to tell you, once I felt more sure.

I was trying to keep it to myself. Sorry.

When are you due?



I'm glad.




how do ghouls get married?

Huh? Why do you ask?

I'd like to know. What's it like in the ghoul world?

There's no need, at this point. It's already done, in a way.

I kind of don't want to talk about it.

Why not?

We leave a mark.

A mark?

Yes, on each other's bodies.

A bite mark, as hard as we can. One that won't fade away, even when we're dead.

I want to save her.

Yoriko is Takeomi's wife, and a friend who makes yummy bread.

We can't. Once the chief makes his decision, we must obey it.

Don't you care about it?!

At this point, there's no overturning the verdict.

You pigheaded jerk!

Have you messed up your head with all that training?!

You're all certifiable!

I don't want to see Kuroiwa like that, either.

I'm gonna quit.

I'll be a NEET. No, I'll be a t*rror1st.


CCG is an organization of murderers! I don't want to be here!


I know there's nothing we can do. Uri, I'm sorry.

CCG is perverse, to be sure. Everyone's lost sight of the reasons we fight.

We're numb. You're right; maybe we should raise our voices.

I don't relish the thought of being treated like criminals years from now.

But how?

We'll think of a way.

What if we can't?

If we can't...

...we'll become t*rrorists, or something.

Let's dance until morning, Nish!

Give that back, drunky!

Amazing, huh? I never expected them to throw a whole ceremony underground.

Mr. Tsukiyama said we should, and rushed to put this together.

He does have his head on straight in that regard.

Is this right? This is what you wanted, isn't it?

"Next time"


Just so you know, I'll k*ll you like I would anyone else.

"Awakened Child"