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02x18 - Step by Step

Posted: 03/24/09 04:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

What is this?

Let's just say now you've got all the sponsorship you're gonna need.

I'm gonna miss you, cowboy.

You still haven't told them about me, have you?


I haven't.

But I will.


What's going on, Amy?

What is that supposed to mean?

Man, they are stubborn.

Honey, it's just some tests.

Whatever this is, Mom, I'm not gonna let you do it alone.

Are you breaking up with me?


I can't pretend anymore.

This friends thing is not working out for me.

Well, there was a real bad snowfall just west of here.

So I hear. Guess they're closing some roads down early.

Just about froze to death in my loft last night.

Global warming, they say. World's coming to an end.


You want coffee?


So, if it's getting too cold in that loft of yours...

Sleep on the couch in front of the fireplace?


You might want to try a few extra blankets.

Oh, thanks.

I don't want you and your dirty socks lying all around my living room.



Scott's gotten some calls about some wild horses up in the foothills.

Just about starved. There's a herd up near Fish Creek.

Up near the fishing cabin?

Yeah. There's some colts, too.


Oh, don't tell her that.

Snow's gotten so deep, they can't get to the grass underneath.


We're not going up there.

They're gonna starve!

If you start feeding them, they just get all dependent.

It's hard to be dependent when you starve to death first.


It's just not good for them in the long run.

Dying's not good for them either in the long run.

See what you started?

I'm sorry. I was just saying.

Well, quit saying and start working before we're up to our eyeballs in snow here, too.




I just came from the bakery, and I got the most amazing butter tarts.

Want one?

No, thanks, hon.

Okay. What's the matter?

I spent the last hour in the bank explaining away my cash-flow problems.

Not to mention the huge tax bill I got to pay.

I'm sorry, Dad.

Well, it'll get better.

I may not have a cattle business anymore, but at least we still have the dude ranch.

Yes. And it's doing well.

So, if you need anything, you just say the word, okay?

Thanks, honey.


There's that oil guy, that P.W. Morris.

P.W. What kind of idiot goes by his initials?

I'm surprised that guy shows his face in this town.

Yeah. You know what? I got to run, Dad, okay?

I'll see you.

Okay, honey.

Hey, boy. How you doing?


Grandpa? That whole attitude drives me crazy.

I think we should do something.

Yeah, but...

I have a plan.

Of course you do.

I was thinking maybe a road trip.

Road trip?


Just you and me.

I'm listening.

Maybe we could take your truck with a big load of hay up to Fish Creek, you know, on Saturday.

Up to Grandpa's fishing cabin.

And feed the wild horses.

Sounds okay to me.

But I don't think Jack's gonna think it's such a good idea.

Maybe Grandpa doesn't need to know.

And at the break of day
You sank into your dream
You dreamer
You dreamer
You dreamer

Are you in?


See you.



You're a man of many secrets.




Yeah. You broke up with Kit.

I can't believe you actually took my advice.

It's not like you didn't see it coming.

What made you do it?

Hand me that bucket.

Oh, my gosh, Ty. You know I know.

So, why can't you just give me the details?

You know, Mallory, there's such a thing as knowing too much.

No, there isn't.

Don't you have your own love life to worry about?

Excuse me?

Isn't Jake coming over for the weekend?

Okay. That has nothing to do with a love life.

His parents are going to a funeral, and he's not allowed to stay home alone.

So, have you told anybody about your other little thing?

You never stop, do you?

No, I haven't, okay?

It's not public knowledge, and I'd like to keep it that way.

Guess what? I have an announcement.

Mallory, don't.

Ty here got his online high school diploma.

He was, like, in the top 10 percentile.

Good for you, man.

Ty, that is great. Why didn't you tell us?

Because nobody around here can tell anybody anything because everything is a big mystery.

Yeah, no, Mallory.

Actually you just create mysteries where there are none.

Yeah, right.

[Phone rings]

I'll get it.

Good on you.


Hey, Ty, that's great.

That's awesome. Really.


Mallory's right, though. Why so secretive?

No reason. I just...

I was gonna tell you, but guess who beat me to it.

LOU: Tomorrow?

I'm already gonna be in town, so, I'll just meet you there.

What? Green Mountain Spa this weekend?

But that place is booked up, like, months in advance.

Internet guy.

I think we should stage an intervention.

Speaking of interventions.


Don't you get it? He's at a total crossroads.

What are you talking about?

Come on, Amy. He just got his high school diploma.

He just broke up with Kit.

You did know that, right?

The whole school knows that.

So, what are you gonna do about it?

I'm working on it.


It's none of your business.

Well, don't screw it up this time.

Come on, Harley.

So, I thought I'd pack us a lunch so we wouldn't starve tomorrow.


Yeah, we can just tell Grandpa that we're taking the hay to the dude ranch and going to see a movie in town or something.

Okay, here's the deal. I just talked to Scott.

He said taking hay up there is the only way those horses will survive.


What are you saying? We can go?


That's great.

I'll pack the truck tonight.

Sounds good. We'll leave first thing in the morning.


You think I want you two driving on those icy roads alone?

It wasn't exactly the weekend I was planning.

Well, has he said anything about the whole Kit thing?

No. And how weird is that?

He didn't even tell me he got his high school diploma.

I had to find out from Mallory.

Boys suck.

That's why I kind of wanted this trip to happen.

There's just so many things that we need to talk about.

Just talk?

Shut up.

Hey, girls.

Hey, have you talked to Caleb?


Yeah? How is he?


He hasn't called you?

No, actually.

Oh, my God. You're so lucky.

He's always texting me.

And then when I talk to him, I can't get him off the phone.

Anyway, what's this I hear about Ty and Kit?

Drama, drama, drama.

Bye, Grandpa.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa!

We need to talk, you and me.

Now, I'm going up to the cabin tomorrow with Amy and Ty for the day.

And I need you to stay here and take care of Mallory and Jake.

We're fine on our own.

Grandpa, I can't. I have plans.

What plans?

I'm going away for the weekend. I'm sure I told you.

We don't need a baby-sitter.

What is with you lately? You're always off gadding about.

Is this still the Internet boyfriend?

Does he have a face? Does he have a name?

Yes, he does.

Probably an alias.

Do I get to meet him?

Yeah, Lou. When do we get to meet him?

You will.

I just don't like you seeing a total stranger.

He's not, okay? He's...

He's a good person, and he's a real gentleman.

And I like him a lot.

As long as he treats you right.

He does.

Yeah, and he isn't an ax m*rder*r.

Or worse, an oilman.



Let's hit the road. I am starving.

We should discuss tomorrow. Going away.

I'm already gonna be in town.

So, I'll just transfer my luggage into your car.

We can go from there.


No? What do you mean, no?

No, I mean, I'll be picking you up at your house tomorrow at noon.

No, no, no. That's way too much trouble for you.

I'll meet you here.

No, it's no trouble at all. And that's what's gonna happen.

Me at your house. Tomorrow.

At noon. Picking you up.



One more thing I wanted to ask you about.


What was that yesterday morning?

Yesterday what?

In town. I saw you see me.

Peter, I didn't see you.

I think you did, Lou. I think you did.

And then you took off.

I have a distinct feeling it was because you were with your father.

No, no.

Yeah. Have you told them about me yet?


You haven't.

You know, it's not...

You just promised you were gonna do that, Lou.

Peter, look, I will.

I tried. I did. I tried.

Me, I haven't.

It just... It wasn't the right time.

But when it is the right time, I...


Well, change of plans.

It seems I have to baby-sit Mallory and Jake because Lou is off God knows where.

So, I can't go tomorrow.

So, I guess we can't go either?

Well, here's the thing.

Is this about helping the horses or is this about Ty?

This is about helping the horses, what else?

I know about Kit.

And I'd have to be blind not to see what's been going on between you two.

You've been circling each other for months.


The roads are gonna be in poor condition.

There's early closures all over the place.

And the weather's unpredictable.

Okay, fine, we won't go.


I'm saying you and Ty should take the big truck.

'Cause it's safer than that piece of garbage he drives.

And you'll get a bigger load of hay on, too.

Thank you.

You won't have any cell phone reception up there, so here's a battery for that old radio up in the cabin.

You still remember how to use that, right?

I do, Grandpa.

I'll dust the one off here so we can communicate.


Ty, take Highway 40 north.

No shortcuts, and stay off those mountain side roads.

Okay, okay.

Watch out for black ice.



Okay, Grandpa.


See you, Jack.

Got you! Oh, yeah!

No way! You totally blocked me! You're such a cheat!

Yeah, right!

I beat you every other time.

Well, that's 'cause I let you.

"B" capital "S"!

[Glass breaks]

Look what you did!

I'm sorry.

Hey, you guys better not have spilled Coke on the couch.

We didn't. It wasn't anyone's fault.

I'll clean it up.

Do you have, like, a dust pan or something?

So, when are you heading out for your weekend?


And, listen, Grandpa, he's coming to pick me up.

What are you doing?

I want you to promise that...

Don't pick up the glass with your fingers, idiot!


Before you two trash this place completely, could I interest you in lunch at Maggie's?



All right, then, let's go. Now.

Thanks, Jack.

Don't mention it.


I appreciate you coming out and meeting with me.

It's no problem.

But I'm guessing you didn't invite me out here to discuss the weather.

Well, I remember you offered to buy a piece of Jack's land when his barn burned down.

But he preferred to depend on the kindness of strangers.

Are you still interested in a few acres?

I might be. Who's selling?

Well, I got myself in a kind of a situation.

Well, I've always admired that piece of land between the river and Heartland.

It's got nice views. Good road access.

It would be easy to service.

So, you're thinking of developing.

Doesn't matter what I'm thinking, Tim.

I mean, come on.

You might have bought Ray Phillips' ranch, but you didn't buy into his poverty philosophy, did you?

Living like a pauper on millions of dollars worth of land?

Tossing and turning at night, worrying about making your mortgage, and here's a friendly neighbor with a checkbook offering to solve all your problems.

It's not that hard a decision, Tim.

No horses.

They'll come.

It's pretty cool out here.

It's freezing!


May I come in?



Good lord, Ashley.

Mother, don't start.

It's cold in here.

Well, me and this 30-year-old heater here have a love-hate relationship.

But, hey.

How are you?

Well, actually, I have some news.

The tests results came back.

And it's good.

It's all good.

So, let's go celebrate.

I'll take you to the club for lunch, all right?


I should change.

Yeah, you should.

I'm kidding.

So, Kit.

Were you ever gonna tell me?

There's nothing to tell.

Just didn't work out, that's all.

Did you heard from Caleb?

Nope. Ashley has.

Apparently he calls her all the time.

Not that I was really expecting to hear from him.

It would just be nice to know how he's doing, you know?

You're really working up a sweat.

I could use a little more muscle out of you.

I'm keeping up.

Are you?


How about now?

[Knocking on door]



Sweetie, you're late. We should get going.

Where is everybody?


Hey, I had them all here waiting.

You were late. So, don't blame me.

That's convenient.

That was fun.



You're welcome.

So, you're gonna be okay in that thing?

It really is cold in there.

I don't mind the cold.

It just gets Ionely without Caleb.

I miss him.

Who knew?

But typical guy. Doesn't call.

I was sure he was gonna call to tell me how many stupid belt buckles he was winning.

But nothing.

Well, what can I say?

He's a cowboy.

Look, Ashley, I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Move back home. Please.

I mean, come on. We can join two or three rooms together.

You can have your own little apartment.

It'll be just like living on your own.

Only it'll have heat.

Just think about it, okay?



Well, thanks for lunch.

I'm really happy about the news.

Thank you.

Well, here's to getting your diploma.



You've hardly touched your food. Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

Can I ask you something?


You know when you picked me up at Victor's and you said that our friendship wasn't working for you, that you couldn't pretend?

I can't... I can't just be your friend.

I guess I want to know where I stand.

Not just with you, but with everything.

I have to start making some choices, what I'm doing with my life.

Yeah. Mallory said you were at a crossroads.

Yeah, well...

That diploma.

Do you know what that means to me?

I mean, you're gonna take it for granted when you get yours.

Me, it's the first time in my life where I have choices.

And I know that sounds lame, but...


No, it doesn't.

So, what do you want to do?

I've actually been talking to Scott.



He said I could hang out with him or, you know, intern.


Well, that's pretty awesome.

Yeah, yeah. No, it's great.

But we'll see, you know? We'll see how it all turns out.


What do you want to do with us?

I guess that's up to you.

[Horses neigh in the distance]

Did you hear that?

[Horses neigh in the distance]

Why are we stopping here?

I'm just gonna grab a coffee. You want some?

No. You know, there's way better coffee on the way.

Why don't we just grab something on the road?

I'm here right now. It'll take me two seconds.


How are things? Any news?



Well, I mean, I'd like to help Tim out, but he has to decide.

He said he'd get back to me.

About what?

His land.

So, what about his land?

Fill that up for me?

Just coffee?


That's the oil guy that Lou totally destroyed.

Such a jerk.

Jack, am I getting into the middle of some nasty family feud here?

Tim isn't exactly family.


Okay, then. Well, look at it on the bright side.

Once the deal goes through, you'll have a nice buffer between the two of you.

Good to see you.

Mallory. Jake. Let's go.

Oh, hey, I just lost an earring here.

Oh, found it.


Oh, my God! Oh, my God!


The oil guy is the Internet guy!


Lou's Internet boyfriend is P.W. Morris!


Jack is gonna go nuts. Everyone's gonna go nuts.

Come on, you two. Pick up the pace!

I got things to do.

They're amazing.

You okay?

I don't feel so good.

There's Ghost.



Right there.

I don't see him. He's not there.



Oh, God, Ty. You're burning up.

I'm okay.

No, just lie still. Please.


Don't know why I bother. I don't have any cattle.

Doesn't much matter if my gate works.

Yeah, well, that gate might come in handy if you want to keep angry ex-father-in-laws off your property.

What did I do now, Jack?

You know damn well what you've done.

You've offered to sell Val Stanton everything on the west side of your property, which just happens to be the part that butts up against my mine.

I don't have any options. Look, I'm on my last legs.

I either do this, or I sell the whole package.

Then, sell her something on the other side!

RADIO: All secondary roads south of Highway 40 have been closed due to the snow and risk of avalanche.

Peter, what are you doing? Why are we turning around?

It's just as well. Might as well go home.

What? Why would we do that?

We don't have to go to Green Mountain Spa.

We can go somewhere else.

Why are you doing this?

I think you know why.

No, I don't.

Because this whole thing, us...

I don't think it's really going anywhere.

What are you talking about?

Let's be honest.

What am I to you?

I'm an oilman, right? A parasite.


No, it's true.

I mean, you can't even bring yourself to tell your family we're going out.

That is not true!

It is true.

I embarrass you or something.

We've been skulking around, hiding out for weeks now.

And, honestly, I'm done.


Wait. Okay.

You're right, okay? You're right.

Let's go back.

And we'll tell my grandpa, and we'll tell everybody because you don't embarrass me, okay?



I manage to do that just fine on my own.

I wouldn't tell Jack if I were you.

Yes, but it's in my head.

And once things are in my head, they come out of my mouth.

Maybe Ty's right. Maybe you can know too much.

Oh, boy.

Okay. Things are about to get ugly.


Is Grandpa here?



Thought you were on your way...

Hey, Jack Bartlett. Nice to see you again.

Grandpa, you remember Peter Morris.

Internet guy.

We need to get out of here.

I can drive.

No, you can't.


No signal. Figures.

Where are the keys?

No, you're not driving. Forget it.

You and him?

He breaks down our fences, he chops down our trees, he trespasses on our property, and you...

Grandpa, just listen.

Of all the people in the world, you bring him over my threshold?

Hold on here, Jack. We can talk about this.

Mr. Bartlett to you!

Would you just let me explain?

At least he's not Jack the Ripper.


You. You. Out.



And I want you out, too.

You are not welcome in this house.

Grandpa! Wait!

You and him can do whatever you want, but not under this roof!

Would you stop yelling?

What the hell is that noise?

[Static from radio]

Do you see? Are you happy?

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

AMY: Grandpa?


Grandpa, are you there?

Amy, are you okay?

I'm fine, but Ty is sick.

How sick?

Grandpa, he's really sick.

He can't drive, and I'm afraid to.

Don't even think about driving.

Grandpa, it's snowing really bad here.

I'll come and get you.

I don't think you can.

Don't you tell me what I can and can't do.

Okay. I'm just saying the road through the mountains is closed.

We had to turn back ourselves, so...

JACK: Amy, listen. The highway's closed.

Grandpa, I can't hear you.

I said the highway is closed.


We'll be fine. We'll stay here.

We'll be fine.



What's wrong?

Nothing. I just...

Well, I just needed to talk to you because I was worried that you said you were pining over this...

Over Caleb.

Look, Ashley, I fought with myself all the way over here because I really didn't want to say anything.

But you need to know the truth.

What truth?

You're making a lot of really bad decisions right now because you are under the misguided perception that you know this guy.

I do.

No, honey, you don't.

He hooked up with you because he saw an opportunity.

Money, right?

You have this strange, twisted view of the world.

Not everyone is motivated by money, Mom.

Especially Caleb.

Is that right?

Then why did it take him less than 10 seconds to accept my sponsorship money?

Oh, he didn't tell you?

Well, of course he didn't.

I gave him a check so he could go on his little rodeo circuit.

You paid him to go away?

No. Uh-uh.

He wanted to go away. I just made it possible.

Get out.

Ashley, why are you angry with me?

He took the money.

You only paid him for one reason.

To get rid of him! To buy him off!

Yes, sweetheart. And he was bought.

I want you to leave. Now.

Well. Okay.

I don't care what it takes. How many plows have we got?

So, use one of them.

Look, I want the road cleared by sunrise.

He'll get it done, Grandpa.

You'll be able to drive out there first thing.

He's a good guy. Please try to understand.

Lou, you need to realize that it's pretty much in my blood to hate these oil guys.

That's how I felt before, too.

But I've gotten to know him, and he's not just an oil guy.

Well, I haven't gotten to know him.

And it's gonna take me some time to get used to you dating the enemy.

So, I got one of my guys to take a plow to your road at dawn.

Great. Okay.

Yeah, we'll get you there.


I'd do anything for you.



How you feeling?


Well, your fever's gone.

No wonder. It's freezing in here.

You're beautiful.

You are.

[Horses neigh]


You got to come and see this.

Well, you did see him.

Looks like he has a family.

Hey, Ghost.

Hey, boy.

How you been?

Hey, boy.



I know you don't think so, but we can be friends.

I mean, we are friends, right?


We can be more than that.

We need to be more than that 'cause...

'Cause I love you.

I always have, and...

Look, I know I've screwed up.

More than a few times. I know.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

That damn radio.

I'm trying to get Amy. There's nothing but static.

Okay. Great. No, that's fine. Thanks.

Thank you.

Okay, so, my guy's out there now.

He plowed the road to your cabin.

He says the other ones will be open soon.

So, I guess we should head out.


Yeah, I'll come with you.


Oh, here.

Take this with you.

Thank you.

And drive carefully, okay?

I will.

See you in a little bit.


Amy! How the heck did you get here?

We followed this big plow.

It was from Bedford Oil. I don't know how they got there.

Ty. Oh, my God. Are you okay?

I'm okay.

You look like hell.

I'm a little sick.


Internet guy.

Hey. You okay?


Are you?


I think so.

Come on. I'll tell you all about it, okay?

You better.



Hey. There you are.


Yeah, you bet.

Well, it's great to be back and...

I missed you a lot.

There's something I got to tell you.

Well, I have something I want to tell you, too.

Get the hell out of here!


And take these, too!


Thanks for what you did.

Oh, hey. Anytime.

Got to rally around when there's an emergency, right?

You never know when you're gonna be in a jam yourself, so...

My pleasure.

Don't worry too much about him. Just give him 20 years or so.

Yeah, right.

Hey, look. I'm sorry.

Right from the start, I should have told them about us.

If there even is an us anymore.

Well, I guess that road's open about now.

I mean, we could probably make a late lunch in the hotel if you want.

I'll get my bag.

It's still in the truck.

Okay, go.

Come on!

Well, look at you.

Next thing, I suppose there'll be dirty socks lying all over the place.

This is just temporary, Jack.

Well, it better not be.

Remember a long time ago I warned you about getting anywhere close to my granddaughters?

Nothing happened, Jack. Obviously.

Okay. Maybe not.

But no kissing and running this time.

You get my drift?

Yeah, Jack.

I get it.



What's this?

It's a little something to help you out.

Should be enough to tide you over for a year or so.

No. Jack, I appreciate it, but no.

Don't be an ass.

The thought of being boxed in by Val Stanton on two sides is more than I can bear.

Beautiful country.

Yeah, it is.

You don't want to sell that.

I'll pay you back, Jack.

Well, don't be in too big a hurry.

I'm planning on gouging you on the interest.

More tests?

Well, we just got the results back from the last ones.

Everything was fine.

I see.


Wednesday, next week, 8:00 a.m.

I'll be there.

Here you go.


Promise you won't let me win, okay?

Then, there's no game.

You wish.

Oh, excuse me. Are we intruding?



Don't catch what he's got, Amy.


So, how are you feeling?

Better. Much better.


You weren't delirious, were you?

You know, when you told me...



Were you?


Were you?


Say it.

Come on.

Say it.

I love you.

Is it you or me?
My love
What are you thinking of?
Is it you or me?
My love
My love
Oh, my love
Oh, my love
Oh, my love
Like the river and the sea
Like the flower and the tree