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03x01 - Miracle

Posted: 10/06/09 14:26
by bunniefuu
Amy: Previously on "Heartland":

But we can be friends. I mean we are friends, right?

Just... we can be more than that.

Jack Bartlett, nice to see you again.

He's a good guy, and he's not just an oil guy.

It's gonna take me some time to get used to you dating the enemy.

Not everyone is motivated by money, mom.

Especially Caleb.

Oh, then why did it take him less than 10 seconds to accept my sponsorship money?

You paid him to go away?

What's this?

It's a little somethin' to help you out.

Should be enough to tide you over for a year or so.

Caleb: She's a great girl, right?

Ty: She sure is.

If you hurt her, I'll have to k*ll you.

You know that, right?

So what do you wanna do?

I've actually, uh, been talking to Scott.


I could hang out with him, or... you know, intern, apprentice.

Well, that's pretty awesome.

There's somethin'
I gotta tell you.

Well, I have something I wanna tell you, too.

Get the hell outta here! Leave!

(Objects clatter)

Val: More tests?

Wednesday, next week, 8 am.

I'll be there.

Just say it.

I love you.

(Water babbles gently, birds chirp)


(Alarm clock buzzes)

(Switches alarm off)

(Door creaks open, birds singing)

Amy: (Exhales) Good morning.

Oh, wow! Someone's starting the day off right.

He still hasn't called.


Who do you think?


Well, he's in Dubai.

What, they don't have phones in Dubai, now?

Don't give me that "what do you expect from an oil guy" look, okay?

It is 6 o'clock in the evening there and...

Amy: Mm-hm, and he's probably out for dinner!

Yeah, he's probably out for dinner with someone else.

Oh, a little bit insecure, are we?

Easy for you to say!

Your guy's a stone's throw away.

Mm-hm. I know, and I love it!

Okay. Bye.

(Phone rings)


Yep, he's here. Hang on.

It's Lisa!

Hey there!

Welcome back, stranger.

When did your flight get in?

(Song plays on radio)

Ty and Amy: (Laughing)



Good morning!

I wish I could just skip school.

It's only a few more weeks.

I know!

Then lots of time to spend together.

You should really, um, go...


To school.


Ty: Ow!

Amy: (Giggling)

I am gonna miss my bus!


Ty: Hey!

You're not gonna miss it.

Ty: On? Amy: Yup.

Amy: (Laughing)


Have a good day!


Soraya: You guys are unbelievable!


Oh, come on!

It took you how long to get together?

Yeah, and now you're inseparable!

Uh, yeah. It's totally vomit-inducing.

Oh, thanks. Harsh.

Well, it is!

True love. Keep it.

You're such a cynic!

Like I wouldn't be?

(Bus rumbles along)

(Engines rumble loudly)

(Car whirs by)

(Truck engine rumbles, brakes squeak)

(Engine rumbles)

(Truck engine revs, accelerating)

(Bus air horn honks)

(Tires squeal)

(Loud crash)

(School bus tires squeal loudly)

♪ And at the break of day ♪
♪ you sank into your dream. ♪
♪ You dreamer ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh... ♪
♪ You dreamer, ♪
♪ you dreamer. ♪

(radio plays theme music for a newsflash)

Newscaster: There's been a serious accident involving a school bus on Cowboy Trail at Highway 96.

Earliest reports are that it is a multi-vehicle accident, the RCMP and local police are asking you to avoid the intersection of Cowboy Trail and Highway 96.

We will keep you informed of...

Jack: Ty. Ty!

(Engine rumbles)

(Wreckage hisses, metallic clanking)

(Horse whinnies)

(Horses whinny)

(Flares hiss)

(Horses whinny)

Bus driver: Stay seated!

Everything's going to be fine.

No one gets off the bus!

(Horses whinny and snort)

(Sirens wail)

(Horse whinnies and squeals in pain)

Man: Easy...

(Horse grunts, agitated)

Man: Whoa-whoa-whoa! Whoa, whoa!

(Horse grunts and snorts)

(Straining grunts)

Man: Come on!

(Calmed grunts)

Soraya: Amy!

Bus driver: No, stay on the bus, please!

(Horse snorts and grunts)

Bus driver: Everybody else stays on the bus!

Man: Whoa-whoa-whoa! Agh!

Amy: Easy...

(Horse neighs loudly)

Amy: Easy... easy...

Shh-shh. Easy...

Hey. Hey, hey. You're okay, you're okay.

(Snorts and grunts begin to calm)

Good boy...

(Horse grunts, panicked)

That's it. Shhh...

Good boy. Shhh...

(Calm, snorted exhales)

(Crowd murmurs, impressed)

Amy: You're okay. Shh-shh...

(Horse grunts calmly)

Amy: Good boy.

(Horses whinny)

Stewart: Easy, boy.

Good boy. Easy...

(Snip of wire being cut)

Stewart: Easy.

Good boy.

Good boy.


Okay, clear.





That's it!


Stewart: Good boy!

Good boy, Caesar!

Thank you! You are?

Amy Fleming.

Stewart Forrest, Caesar's trainer.

He's a great horse, he's an Olympic hopeful.

So, uh...

I mean, I don't know how you did that, but...

Thank you.

You're welcome.

(Crowd murmurs excitedly, camera shutters snap)

Woman 1: Who is that? Woman 2: Amy?

(Relieved sigh)


You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Scott: Hey, Ty! I need your help here!

There's some horses still trapped in the trailer.

Sure you're okay?

Yeah! Go. Go!

That was, uh... quite somethin' what you did there.

I didn't do anything! I just...

I just got him calmed down.

(Din of chatter, horses whinny nearby)

Come on, let's give these guys a hand.

(Wreckage hisses)

Jack: Well, they finally got 'em all rounded up, but what a mess!

Must've been terrible!

Jack: Well, it could've been a lot worse.

I wish you could've seen your sister.


She got that horse to calm down I don't know how, but she did.

Reminded me so much of your mother.

She was cool, she was calm, huge crowd of people there, but you coulda heard a pin drop.

Mallory: Oh my God, Amy! I just saw it on the news, it was incredible! You were amazing.

And that poor horse! Is he gonna be okay?

I think so.
(Phone rings)

Oh. I'll get it!

Help yourself, Mallory.

Thanks. I was so ticked off, I mean, if I woulda still lived here, I would've gone to school with you and I would've seen it all. But oh no!

Ever since my parents got back from the tour, my insanely, overprotective mother has to drive me to school everyday!

This looks good.

What, they don't feed you at home?

Lou: It's dad.


No... No, she's just fine.

Oh, you heard it on the news?

Oh, yeah, it's... Somethin' else all right.

Can I talk to him, please?

Wha... What did you just say?!

I guess not.

Now, why...

Why would you do a damn fool thing like that?

Fine! Hang up, then!


He bought another herd of cows!

Okay... And what's the big deal?

Who knows?

Ty: I'm gona go do night check.


Okay. I'm comin' with you.

I'll help!

Oh, right. Night check.

(Buckets rattle)


You were pretty quiet at dinner.

What's wrong? You okay?

Yeah. Are you okay?

Yes! Why does everyone keep asking me that?

Because it's a pretty traumatic situation!

(Awkward silence)



What's wrong?

What I saw this morning, the horses, in the trailer?

You know, I gotta admit, I almost lost it.

I mean, it made me physically sick.

Two of them were so messed up they had to be euthanized right on the spot.

(Emotional exhale)

You know, I gotta wonder, I've applied to this vet program, and I don't even know if I've got what it takes to do the job.

You'll be great.

You will.

Come on!

You know, Scott has nothing but good things to say about you, and you wouldn't be... human if you weren't disturbed by what happened.

Ah, I don't know.

I'm almost hoping I won't get accepted.

(Inhales sharply)
When do you hear?

Any day.

So you can decide then, right?

(Truck rumbles)

Jack: So, how was it?

Lisa: Fabulous!

Business was great, went to a lot of auctions.

Found some really interesting breed stock.

I think Fairfield's gonna be bulging with babies this year.


Course it wasn't all work.

Ate too much, drank my fair share, danced in the streets with young French men.

You're a juvenile delinquent.

Come here.

He's certainly got cows, all right.

All I see is my money walking around on four legs.

Now listen, you decided to lend him the money in the first place, you can't tell him how to spend it.

So, be diplomatic!

Tim: Hi, Lisa. Lisa: Hi!

Tim: Good to see you. Lisa: You, too!

So, how much did you pay for that herd?

What's that?

How much did you pay for the herd?

Oh, I got a great deal.

Yeah? How much?

Six hundred a head.

Six hundred a head?!

Okay. I'm gonna leave you gentlemen to it.

You look great, Lisa.

Lisa: Thank you!

What kind of deal is that? Six hundred a head!

Everybody knows the price of beef is sinking like a rock, Tim.

You might as well throw money into the wind.

That's my money!

Hey, hey!

You asked me not to sell to Val, so I didn't.

Getting back into the cattle business was the only way I had of moving forward.

Now, I appreciate your loan. I do.

So where's this month's cheque, then?

Lost in the mail?

I'll cut you a cheque by the end of the week.


What's Callie think of you getting back in the cattle business?

(Snorted exhale)


Callie and I have parted ways.

It's got nothin' to do with the cattle.

Well, when did that happen?

A month ago.

Mr. communication.

Well, so much for diplomacy, eh?

Hang on. Lis, um...

Now, uh, you have to promise that anything you heard here never gets repeated at the dinner table.

You didn't tell the girls you lent him money.

Mr. communication.

(Light thudding of hooves)

Ty and Amy: (Laughing)

Amy: You want that?

Ty: No, I'm stuffed. I can't eat any more.

Both: (Laughing)

Mmm, mmm. These are good!


Amy: (Relaxed sigh)

You know what?

I don't ever want things to change.

That doesn't sound like you at all!


Both: (Laughing and squealing)

Oh my God! Where have you been?

I have to show you something!

Come on, step on it!

You are not gonna believe this.

(Caesar whinnies)

Man: Come on!

Amy: Easy...

Uh... (Half laughs)
"Miracle girl"?

Mallory: It's already had almost three thousand hits.

You're famous!

Uh... (Unsure breaths)

This is crazy.

Thanks, Trevor. I'll load it out back.

Jack. Jack, Jack.

Look at this. Every newspaper.

Amy, on the front! Heh! My Amy, huh?

That's great for business!

Jack: The phone's been ringing off the hook all weekend.

Lou can't keep up with the email.

Everybody that's coming in here is talking about it.

Can I get you a coffee?

You shouldn't be throwing your money around buying people coffee.

(Scoffs) Can I have another coffee please?

Waitress: Got it!

Look, I can afford to treat you, Jack.

Oh, sure, 'cause it's my money buying it!

I can't win, can I? Hmm?

I should've made that deal with Val Stanton.

I should've sold her that acreage, and I don't care if you don't wanna be hemmed in by that woman on both sides.

You know, seriously?!

I mean, it would look good on you, having to deal with her every day.

Every day! You know what?

There's nothing I'd like more than that!

Hi, Val. How are things?

(Ty bangs on fridge, Amy gasps, startled)

Last time I checked, you moved out.

Ooh, funny.

I'm here to exercise Copper.

Ty: Oh!

Amy: Hello. Ty: Hey.

I just had the strangest, most awkward day ever.

Everybody was different, nobody was talking to me, except when they thought I couldn't hear them, then they talked about me!

Even my teachers were weird.

I'm not complaining.

I'm suddenly the most popular kid in my class just 'cause I know you!

It's pretty cool.

That's not cool!

Lisa: Hi, everybody!

Amy and Ty: Hey.

Jack: You ready to stack that hay?

I can't. I gotta go on a call with Scott.

I can do it later, though.

Well, I want it done before "later."

Well, I can do it, grandpa.

Uh, just let me change.

Thank you!

Lisa: See ya in a bit.

What are you smiling at?

You guys are cute.


Yeah, I mean, most people would find it gross, I mean, I think it's gross when my parents do it.

Do what?

Mallory: You know, kiss!

Like you're young, or something.

It's cute!

(Inhales deeply)

Oh, good.


Hi, Val.


Thanks for, uh... for taking the time to talk.

No problem.

And about earlier, I...

Well, I hope you didn't take anything I said the wrong way.

It's just... You know Jack.

He knows how to push my buttons.

It's what we do.

Yeah. Forget about it.


I know all about family feuds, believe me.

So, Val, I wanted to talk to you. I've reconsidered, and I think I'd like to sell you the property.

This your way of getting back at Jack?

Having to deal with me penning him in on two sides?

No, see, that... No.

Well, but there is that.


No, I think it would make good economic sense for me at this time.

(Takes a deep breath)
Okay, I'll think about it.


I'll think about it.

May not make economic sense for me at this time.

But I will definitely think about it.

Listen, I really have to keep moving.

I've got this trainer waiting. Sorry!

Yeah, oh, no. Yeah, go.

I'll think about it!

Yeah, you said that.

(Hay rustles)

(Rumble of approaching vehicle)

Scott: So, uh... Stewart Forrest says hello.

Oh, you were at his place?

Ty: We were checking out the horses.

They're all doing pretty good, considering.

Well, how's Caesar?

His wounds are healing fine.

There's no infection.

But he's not doing that great.

Stewart wants you to come by the stables.

Well, what does he want me to do?

Work another miracle!

Stewart: The problem is, he's got a world cup qualifier in a couple of weeks, and we need all the points we can get, if he's even gonna...

Make the Olympic trials.

But who knows if anyone's gonna be able to ride him.

Since the accident, he doesn't like anyone near him.

Amy: (Clicks tongue)

You're okay...

(Horse snorts)


Good boy!

Stewart: Look at that! He remembers you.

(Half laughs)

Hey, Carson. I want you to meet Amy.

Amy Fleming.

Good to meet you.

Amy, Carson McMaster.

He's the chap who's supposed to take this horse to the Olympics.

He's a hell of a rider.

One of the best in the country.


Do you think you can help us out?

Well, I'll see what I can do.

I can't make any promises.

No, of course not.

It would be better if Caesar was at Heartland.

All right, we can try.

(Horse whinnies in fear)

Ranch hand: (Grunts) Come on!

Stewart: Easy...

(Caesar whinnies)

Stewart: Easy... easy, come on, boy.

Amy: Stop! Stop!

Easy, buddy.

This horse is not ready to be trailered.

It's just gonna set him back.

You know, Heartland's really not that far from here.

I could ride over on horseback, and then pony him back on the trails.

Okay. Good, let's do it.

Amy: You know, I totally know how he feels.

He's got such high hopes for Caesar.

The Olympics?! Can you imagine?

All you have to do is look at Carson, and you know he can see it all slipping away.

I mean, all that training, all that potential, all...

(Heavy exhale)

Oh, God. What if I fail?

You didn't fail with Spartan.

Yeah, but Spartan didn't have Olympic hopes hanging over his head.

Lou: Come on, Amy. Um...

Let's see, Gallant Prince? Venture?

People had totally given up on those horses, and you, you know, you worked your magic.

It's not ma... Lou! Look.

Please don't say that, okay? I...

That stupid video!

I'm not a miracle girl, I'm...

Hey! No pressure, huh?

None at all.

Look, if you do your best, maybe you can fix it and maybe you can't.

But you... You can't control everything, okay?

I should know, huh?
So... Still no call from Internet guy?

Not a word.

What is wrong with me, you know?

There's nothing wrong with you, Lou.

Well, there's gotta be a reason.

And I'm sure there is! A good one.

Grandpa, Lou's sad, she still hasn't heard from Peter.

Lou: Maybe grandpa took a hint from Val, paid him off.

Not a half bad idea!

Yeah! I bet.

(Phone rings)

(Gasps) Oh my God, it's Peter!

Hello, stranger!

No! Don't apologize.

I've been so busy that I haven't even, you know, noticed you were gone.


So, I'll call you once I've spent some time with him.

Yeah, please.

Keep me posted, yeah?

Okay, I will.

Good luck!

You're a damn fool. Horse is done.

You have to accept that.

You like the water, don't you, bud?

Yeah. Good boy.

Spartan likes the water.

Come on!

Join your buddy!

(With a laugh) Come on!

There ya go! Good boy.

(Spartan and Caesar snuffle)

Hurry it up!

Where are those burgers and fries?


Look where you're going!

It's hard to find good help.

Yeah, clearly.

So, um, how's it going?

It's good.

You know, he's still really tense, and super sensitive and hard to get close to, but...

We talkin' about Ty?

Funny, no.

Caesar, the horse that was stuck in the barbed wire.


The one you worked your "miracle" on.

Hello, girls.

Hi, Ashley.

Hi, Mrs. Stanton. What can I get you?

Coffee, please.

Black. To go. Thank you.

So, saw you in the paper.

Pretty amazing story.


He's an outstanding horse, lots of potential.

Are you working with him?

I am.

Well, when you're done with him, come see me.

I could use a miracle or two.


Ashley: What?!

Well, all I'm saying is, if my mom was going through what your mother's going through, I... I wouldn't be treating her like that.

Well, your mom is not my mom!

Okay, so she's sick, and that's too bad.

But what she did is unforgivable, and I'm not gonna let her manipulate my life anymore.

I know it's a taboo subject, but have you heard from you-know-who?

(Sighs) A few pathetically pleading phone calls and texts a couple of months ago, when he left for the circuit, but nothing since. But that's okay!

'Cause if I never see him again, it will be too soon!

(Dog barks)

(Hum of approaching car)

(Car door closes)

Cute! (Laughs)

I'm working at Maggie's, now.

Gotta pay my own way.

What're you doing here?

Circuit's done.

What're you doing here?

I live here.

Uh, no.

This is my place.

Not anymore, you gave it up!

Look, Ash, I know you're upset with me, I get that, I really do.

But this is my trailer.

And now that the circuit's done, I'm moving back in.

Not likely, cowboy Bob!

(Lock clicks)

(Rattles handle)



(Dog barks)

(Caesar snorts)

Amy: Good boy!

Here, here, here.

Whoa. Back up, back up.

Good boy.

(Caesar snuffles)

(Truck rumbles slowly, blasts horn)

Jack: Hey!

(Caesar nickers and whinnies)


(Caesar whinnies wildly)

(Truck rumbles off)

(Snorts softly)

(Contented nickering)

Good boy.

(Squeals) Oh! You did that on purpose!

Now, why would I do that?

I don't know, maybe 'cause you're such a boy!



Hey, hey!

Ty and Amy: (Playful squeals and hollers)




Amy: Ah, okay!


(Water splashes)

Whatcha looking for?

Pressure points.

It's like a type of massage. My mom used to do it.

Yeah, he really enjoyed the water, huh?

Yeah! It's really good for his muscles, too.

I think he's more limber.

Hey, you know, Scott mentioned an equine water therapy place opened up not far from Hudson.


They use salt water.

My mom used to believe in that.

Yeah, she said it was very therapeutic, especially for horses with muscle damage.

She probably wrote something about that in her journals.

I should check it out.

You should write your own journals.


Well, you're a genuine "horse whisperer" now.

Why are you starting now?

It says so on YouTube. Ah?


Miracle girl.


Ty and Amy: (Laughing)

Caleb: Hey!


You're back.

Yes, I am.

It's great to see you.



(Laughs nervously)

I'm gonna go check on the horses.

So, uh, you and Amy, huh?


(Scoffs) I actually heard all about it.

From Kit.

Oh! Oh!

(Groans and grunts)

What the hell was that?

That was for hurting her!

Jack: You got quite a haul!

I made a buck or two.

Well, I'm glad you made it back in one piece.

I'm a lucky man, Jack.

Some of the other boys didn't fare so well.

Remember Smokey Rolston?

I do! Hell of a cowboy, hard to beat.

Well, his grandson, JJ, he got pretty wrecked up.

His grandson?

You know, I gotta say, this whole long distance romance thing is not great.

You and grandpa are so lucky.

You can go away for months at a time, and you guys get along without each other just fine!

Meanwhile, I miss Peter so much it's ridiculous!

And it's your fault, you started it.

Guilty as charged.

Don't get me wrong, I am not keen on this... being apart thing.

I miss Jack when I'm away; I certainly hope he misses me.

Well, yeah! Obviously!

I mean, he just doesn't show it, you know.

And you guys are much more...

Mature about these things at your age.

So, what are your plans?

Well, first off, I gotta find work.

I guess I could take you back as a hand.

Looks like we might be gettin' pretty busy around the place, what with Ty pulling out to go to school...

Well, that's not a for sure thing yet, Jack.

Caleb: Thanks! But I got a bigger problem right now.

Ashley's still living in my trailer, and...

Well, she doesn't exactly seem to wanna, you know...

(Half laughs)

So I got nowhere to stay but in my truck.


Well, you can bunk in the loft.



Caleb: Thanks. Thanks a lot!

And it'll just be temporary, until I straighten out the whole trailer thing.

Sure, sure.

Cool! I'll grab my stuff!

Thanks for a great dinner, Jack.

The loft?

The loft, sure. Why?

Fine! I'll just sleep in Mallory's old room then.

Amy: Yeah! I think that's a great idea!

Yeah, well, it's not!

Ty: I can't believe this guy.

He waltzes in here with his stupid belt buckles...

It's gonna be okay.

You don't have to bunk with him!

Ah... okay, but it's just for a little while!

Huh? Good night.

Caleb: Sorry. Excuse me. Just...

Turning in for the night!


You drive carefully.

Oh, I will.

I... have a question for you.

Well, sh**t.

When I'm away, do you miss me?

Do I miss you?!

Yes! Do you miss me?

Well, sure I do.

But I know you have to go, you've got a business to run, and there's plenty to keep me busy here.

And the time goes by real fast.


(Screen door creaks open)

Caleb: Look, man. I really appreciate this.

You won't even know I'm here.

Besides, it won't be for long.

I promise.

I hope I didn't hurt you too much, but...

I gave you fair warning about messing with Kit.

Okay, for the record, man, I liked Kit, and I never meant to hurt her!

At least I didn't k*ll you, right?

(Caleb snores noisily)


How'd you sleep?

Oh, barely.

Caleb is definitely not the first face I wanna see in the morning!

How's this guy doing?

He's good.


Yeah, we're just gettin' used to the trailer.

He doesn't spook at the sight of it now, which is good.

You ready for the next step? Huh?

Good boy. Let's go.

It's not gonna hurt you.

(Rumble of approaching vehicle)

(Panicked whinny)

Ty: Easy! Easy!
(Amy grunts, struggling)

You got it? You got him? You got it!

Hmph! It's going well, I see.

Well, um...

He's still a little shy of the trailer, as you saw, but everything else is coming really well.

Uh, I mean, he's great with people now.

Not just with me, but with Ty.


And uh, we can lead him anywhere; We've had him in the river, working on his muscles, and he's really relaxed, now.

I think... I think actually, he's gonna be able to be saddled soon.

Hey, boy.


Whoa! Hey, buddy, come on!

It's just...

It's gonna take a little bit of time.

It's gonna take more than time.

Look, I've seen your video, I know what you claim to be able to do.

I don't claim to be able to do anything, I'm just trying to...

Carson: Trying to what? What?

Make me think it's gonna be okay?

He's gonna be the same as he was?

I don't need that.

I don't need false hope.

I'm, ah, sorry.

We shouldn't have come without calling.

So, uh, just carry on.

(Caesar snuffles)

Jack: Lou tells me she's got lineups of people waiting for your services.

(Sighing heavily)

How's it going with that horse Caesar?

Not great.

I don't know, grandpa, it's just so frustrating!

Just because I can calm him down after an accident, doesn't make me a...

A miracle worker?


I didn't ask for this to happen.

You don't have to ask for things to happen, Amy.

They just do.

And when they do? We deal.

And of all the people I know, you're more than capable of dealing.

So once that horse gets familiar with the trailer, Well... The rest of his fears?

Well... They'll quiet down too.

And then, he'll be off to the Olympics.


(Tarps rustle)

(Caesar nickers uneasily)

Amy: Come on, Caesar.

You'll get a carrot!

Good boy!

(Tarp rustles)

Amy: Good boy!

(Trailer door clunks and squeals open)

(Caesar whinnies uneasily)


Amy: Come on, Caesar. Follow your buddy!

Mallory: Yeah, Amy!

All: (Excited chatter)

Look, you don't have to sell.

I never wanted you to sell; I told you that!

That's why I loaned you the money in the first place; So you wouldn't have to!

And I'll stand by that.


I already put it out there to Val.

Might be too late.

Look at that.

(Caesar nickers, content)

She's something.

She sure is.

Jack: I'm sorry you had to get involved in my... disagreement with Tim, but...

I understand you made a deal with him?

No, no, I haven't made a deal yet, but I'm still thinking about it.

Fair enough.

You'll be the first to know though, Jack.

So... How're you doing?

Oh, well, they say I'm in remission, but...

This blood thing is kind of a tricky customer, so.

And Ashley?

(Sighs heavily)

Well, the less she knows, the better, I think.

I'm not on very good terms with her yet.

I hear that, uh, Caleb's back, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, he's living with us.

I guess I should never have done what I did.

Oh yeah, yep, I bought him off.

No doubt about it!

It seemed like the right thing at the time, huh?

I know how you feel.

There's someone I wouldn't mind buying off!

I wanna thank you again for all the appointments, and driving, and everything.

You know, I couldn't have gone through it without you, Jack. No.

You're a true friend. You really are.

(Caesar grunts)

Good boy!

Good boy, Caesar.

Look at that! That's amazing.

You are amazing!

Good boy. Good boy.

I still have some work to do with him on his trust issues.

But, maybe we could work together, if you want?

Yeah, absolutely!

Stewart: Well, I'm thrilled!

You got this horse back on track.

I'm gonna tell everybody about you!

Uh... please don't!


Hey. What's wrong?


Just I have a zillion new emails from everywhere.

(Sighs) I don't know how I'm gonna do this!

Ty: Hey, you'll do it!

Amy: I don't know, I mean, what if... (Stammers)

Hey! You'll be fine. I'll help you, okay?

Except you're leaving.

Hey. Come here.

Amy: (Emotional breaths)

I'm scared!

I know.

Hey, I got something for you.

A journal?

Yeah! So you'd add your own expertise.

(Half laughs)

Just like my mommy!

Thank you.

Caleb: Uh...

Just turning in for the night.



Well, all right.

I am gonna do whatever it takes to get him outf of my loft!

I don't care!

We could set him up with Ashley.

With or without Ashley, he is going back to that trailer!

No matter what.



When I was in France...

(Deep breath)

I missed you!

A lot.

And next time I go, I am dragging you there!

(Stifled laugh)

I don't think so!

I am!

No way!

Yes, I am!

No, I will not get on a plane.

You have been on a plane?!

Yes, I've been on a plane, but not for 30 years!




Well, 'cause there's nowhere I could go that's nicer than right here.


Especially right now.

And yeah...

I do miss you.


See, that isn't gross, is it?



What do you mean, gross?

You sound like Mallory.

We're not too old to be...

Foolin' around?!

What do you think?

♪ ...when you can climb? ♪
♪ even if you're gonna hurt ♪
♪ even if you're gonna cry ♪
♪ why walk ♪
♪ when you can fly? ♪

Peter. Hi.

I hope I didn't wake you.

No, no. I'm fine!

I just...

I just miss you.

♪ I'm a believer, I'm a survivor ♪
♪ livin' on dreams and dancin' with fire ♪
♪ gonna fight harder ♪
♪ gonna reach higher ♪
♪ keep on flyin', keep on flyin' ♪

Amy: That was amazing!

You're awesome!

You wanna ride him?

What? Really?

Can I?

Yeah, go on.

Amy: (Elated laugh)

(Hooves thudding)

♪ so why walk when you can fly? ♪
♪ oh, I'd rather jump, I'd rather fall ♪
♪ I'd rather trust, I'd rather try ♪
♪ why crawl when you can climb? ♪
♪ even if you're gonna hurt ♪
♪ even if you're gonna cry ♪
♪ why walk ♪
♪ when you can fly? ♪